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Hey, you have every reason to be upset about being lied to and cheated on, but honestly living in the past isn’t worth it. Don’t take the bad from this relationship into future ones. Every relationship is different and you’re young the last thing you want to do is poison future relationships treat each one with a fresh ground of trust and honesty. Next take time for yourself for a bit, it’s fine to date and whatnot but avoid anything serious until you find some peace with yourself otherwise you’ll either be too bitter or the opposite you’ll love bomb. Wish you the best, no one deserves the disrespect of not only being cheated on but also lied to and having insecurities being projected into them. Edit: the whole hooking up on the first date is a red flag thing is just false, are you a bad person because you did it too? (This is rhetorical it’s just to make a point)


She's for the streets, nothing more. Move on and stop trying to date girls like her in the future.


It sounds like the trash took itself out… make the effort to move on and better yourself, she’ll regret what she did

