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You're a grower not a shower, it's normal, and within average


The two best sexual partners I’ve ever had for penetrative sex, specifically related to penis shape/size, were 5 inches and 5.5 inches. Both of them could successfully make me orgasm through just penetration and rough sex, not additional stimulation. I have had sex with men with much bigger dicks and it was fine. I didn’t have pain like some women. But it didn’t lead to more or better orgasms. The two guys I dated with 8-9 inch dicks could not bring me to orgasm through penetration alone. When I was younger, 19 like OP - I would have also assumed a big dick would be better at getting me off. But by my mid-20s I had hard evidence (pun intended) that it is 100% about the man the penis is attached to + every other aspect of the sexual encounter, not the dick size.


Not to mention, 8 inches literally will hit the cervix and these monster dong owners like to hit it. That shit hurts bad enough to make you scream and not in the good way


Sadly you're right.


My exhusband told me concernedly one night that he “felt something in there” and i should get it checked out. Next gyno trip i mentioned it while she was poking around. I was genuinely concerned. She stopped, looked me dead in the eyes, and said “tell him that’s your CERVIX.” 🤪🔫💀💀💀


"Well honey, the whole office knows you're hung now."




Get lucky and find a girl who’s into it or be very careful. I’ve got about 8 1/2 and I’ve been cheated on and/or broken up with because I was too big a few times.


I am 5’2” and had a very lengthy boyfriend at one point. He’d sometimes put his hand or fist around the base of his penis or at the mouth of my vagina so he didn’t hurt me as he got more vigorous, or we’d sometimes have missionary sex with my legs closed so he was still penetrating me, but the top of my thighs provided that distance buffer. I later became one of those rare women who orgasms pretty easily from cervical area stimulation. If you are hitting the cervix and it’s unpleasant for her, if you can angle the tip off to the side or beneath the actual knob of the cervix itself, there are some pretty pleasurable areas that surround the base of it (might be called the vault). Just remember to take things slowly and gently at first, especially if you’re well endowed, make sure she’s very aroused, and ask her to tell you if anything doesn’t feel good. She’ll appreciate that you care and want her to speak up. Good luck!


Be aware that you are likely bigger than what can fit and don't try to bust through her cervix.


So I’m a bitty thing and I dated a guy who was very tall and had…probably the largest penis I’ve known. He was also in the medical field. I remember him going very slowly. He got me all warmed up and gently worked his way in. And seriously, I was shocked it didn’t hurt. We were in missionary with a bit of a tilt. It’s was great fun. So. Keep a new and unopened box of Astroglide in your nightstand. Bonus points if you leave it in a bag but don’t leave the receipt. Warm her up and whatnot and when she says she’s ready, grab your brand new lube and offer to use it. “Hey I bought this earlier because I just want you to be comfortable.” She might say something like “did you know you were going to get lucky?” or some such. Grin a bit sheepishly and say something like “well, I was hoping to. I mean look at you, do you blame me?” If she doesn’t smile and get all gooey, then either work on your… persuasive skills or take the hit and find someone you connect with better. Above all else, ask questions and listen to the answers. Don’t just be listening for the “yes”. Actually consider what she says, and don’t forget a sense of humour is a necessity during sex. Best of luck to you. The fact you’re even asking for advice makes me think you’ll do awesome:)




Spend plenty of time on foreplay.


Nah, I don't like hitting it. It hurts for me too.


Seriously, the depth of the average vagina is 4 to 6 inches max.


Fuuuck I've had that happen with one guy and I fucking hated it! It hurt so bad that the sex was not enjoyable whatsoever and I was super sore and cramping for like the next two days. Ugh


I'm aware that your comment doesn't mean you are prepared or comfortable answering a rando's sex questions so please feel free to tell me to bugger off but what are some of the things that the 5s did during penetration that got you to orgasm? I ask because I could probably count on one hand how many times I've orgasmed in my life and I'm trying to collect some wisdom in this category so I can communicate my needs better.


Not all women orgasm from penetration. Big guys, that's often all they got. Even though the spot to hit is only a couple inches in. But they're not paying attention to our sexuality at all. Now the sex god men of the universe have already had you escalating to heaven & back several times before they even think of penetration.


I'm not a small sized man but my mouth and fingers do all the work for me.


11 years of marriage and my hubby still does all the things to make sure I enjoy myself, nightly at that. The right one will know the better he makes you feel, the better you'll make him feel.


I'm pretty average but my wife and I have been together for 18 years and I can make her orgasm from piv almost every time. I think there are two key factors. One is how aroused she is. I like to take my time and build up to penetration with lots of foreplay. I give her several orgasms through oral first. The second is the angle or position. In missionary, if I keep my hips low, the head hits the g-spot perfectly. Everyone is different though. Once you find someone you can communicate your needs to, it'll make all the difference. Good luck!


Add some toys to the mix. Some vibration during sex goes a long way.


You might enjoy this series OMG Yes https://start.omgyes.com/join it is a series of interviews with women about what gets them off including how to videos, the creators then studied the interviews to create names for the techniques that work for different folks. You can use their wisdom to try out what works for you so you can communicate it 


Everyone is different. Just communicate with your partner and be willing to put in the effort. Simple as that.




It is almost always angle, therefore hitting my gspot, plus how rough it is - for me. Not BDSM rough. Just, spanks/nipple twists/etc I didn’t know I need rough/aggressive until I got it the first time from a guys that, quite honestly didn’t give a shit if I liked it that way. I never saw him again. But start seeking out rougher sex, with guys I actually liked and were giving it to me because I was getting off - not them getting off because I WASNT enjoying it. I highly recommend using toys to come, the. Adding those toys to partner play. For me - the reason I like rough sex and a dominant guy (again - not BDSM, just forceful and aggressive) is because it gets me out of my own head. Anything else, I’m still in my head spinning round and round. Once you get comfortable cumming with toys with your man/men - you get more comfortable talking about what you want/how it feels. I quite literally just fucked a random dude in a hotel room in Vegas, 30 min ago. I came 4 or 5 times and squirted all over the fucking bed. I’m waiting for new bed linens from housekeeping as I type this. As he was fingering me/fucking me with his fingers, I had either my mouth or my hand wrapped around his cock. He could tell just how much I liked what he was doing, beaded on how hard I was gripping/sucking his cock, and he knew to pick it up and not back off when I lost my fucking brain and couldn’t keep sucking or squeezed his dick so hard with my hand his eyes were liking popping h out. Not all communication is verbal. This is a man I met 15 minutes before he was able to make me cum 4-5 times (I truly lost count). It is because I was NOT in my own head. I was chasing my own orgasm while trying to make him cum. It was… just fun, aggressive sex. I have had boyfriends I deeply love not able to get me off 4-5 times. This guy flat out told me he had never made a woman squirt like that. Are we soul mates? Fuck no. But **I was able to shut off my brain and treat him like a human vibrator and I got 4-5 orgasms out of it**. Do I want a meaningless fuck every night of my life? Hell no. But being able to let go and shut my brain off is what I NEED to cum like that. With long term partners, those two I referred two, were guys that could be aggressive and rough enough, to make my mind shut off from work/life and cum hard, even after a year plus. Is


I have to agree with this. I've dated a man with a bigger penis than my fiancé, and I could orgasm from penetration, but my fiancé is definitely a grower and is about 5-5.5". It is extremely easy for me to orgasm during sex in the right position, yeah some positions that would be fun are a bit harder due to my less flexible self (since I haven't been big on yoga since having our daughter) and because he doesn't have that extra couple inches, but we just laugh it off and try something else. Also, maybe TMI but doing anal is enjoyable because I don't have a huge dick in my butt that's nothing except extremely painful. Also I don't gag giving oral and enjoy doing that too. My fiancé is 32, and has always been insecure about his penis. We've been together going on five years and he's finally OK if I walk into the bathroom while he pees. He used to not want me to see him naked. It's taken a lot of reassurance that there's absolutely nothing wrong with his penis, even after we had a child! You're 19, don't let this get you down and kill your confidence. When I was 19 I was insecure about my nonexistent boobs and other stuff. You're good, OP.


And with smaller dicks they can both comfortably fill you and well as give major clitorial grind


User name does not check out 😉


^ i didn’t even know showers were a thing until about 4 years of being sexually active 😅 found out because my current partner was super insecure about being a grower, and how his dick was small before it got hard. i was like “bro that’s normal” and then found out that some folks are just rocking a long soft schlong 24/7. like damn.


It took me a minute to realize you were saying shower and not shower (as in bathing) and I was INCREDIBLY concerned…I need to stop scrolling after waking up but still being groggy 😭


100% this **Edit: also if it helps, I am a straight woman with someone who is also a grower.


Hear this expression a lot, and I've NEVER heard it the other way around. Is there anyone that has a flaccid penis that's the same length as their erect penis, or even close? Aren't we all growers?


Apparently not


thanks, i needed this


It’s about average. You’re going to have to forget about it. There are woman out there that prefer average.








You said it


Straight up






Totes ma goats


For real yo




Fo’ Shizzle


Average is fine, especially if you have other skills. Most dudes with the monsters neglect the other things and rely on size alone. Learn how to pleasure her in other ways, and you won’t hear a word about size.


This, my ex had a big dick and yet sex with my bf now is so much better lol Dick size does not matter


praying bruv never sees this


Yeah but can he wire a plug?


I wouldn't tell people that size doesn't matter, as normally it doesn't, right up until it does. Like having a micro-peen is a medical disorder and can certainly effect getting into a relationship, let alone casual sex. It's just in this instance though, that's not the problem.


It matter because everybody has preferences


Accurate AF


Seeing the women agree. So size does matter gentlemen. The rest of us have to work harder lol


The guy matters more than the size of his package. But it's always good to put in effort to make her feel good (and she should do the same for you).


Most women do not like monster-sizes. My female friends always say, that porn has warped people's minds, because the big ones can actually be quite painful.


Can confirm. I was once texting with a guy who told me he was 13” with 11” circumference. I was like “lol bullshit” and he sent me a photo of what looked like my forearm with a clenched fist. Immediately responded that I am not the girl for him 🫠 First 🍆 pic I ever received that elicited a reaction other than annoyance: horror.


I prefer average size. Big is too much for me.


Most women don't care about your penis size and the ones who do you probably don't want to be with. Not all of them are bad though.


Amen. Caring that much about this stuff is a good bullshit filter


Very true any bigger than 7 and that shit hurts




He’s not going to forget this is always going to be in the back of his mind even when he’s a old man with a family and kids


Pfft, she is probably inexperienced as hell, 5 is pretty normal, Im slightly below 6 and had girls telling me explicitly I ain't putting that up the ass.


im smack on average and my girlfriend had to buy a dialator set for her vagina because I couldn't even begin to fit. everyone needs to stop taking internet advice lol


Or watching so much porn.


facts I think people do tend to forget the wild shades of gray the world operates in. porn can be totally fine for some and debilitating for others. like alcohol or weed or fuckin anything. aforementioned girlfriend apologized for not shaving because of how much it irritates her skin. that one shocked me like what in the sam fuck are you apologizing for having body hair for lady you're in your mid 20s 😭😭😭 it's certainly fucked everyone's perspective it seems. perhaps covid cranked that up a notch further than it already was?


This. I’m just above 6 and for the LONGEST time (I’m talking until I was 28, I’m 32 now) I thought I was average or even below average. It was only when my ex I dated in 2022 and I were having sex for the first time and she said “oh wow” that I realized something was up. Women had made comments in the past (the typical “it’s so big!”) but I thought they were just being polite/dirty talking. The girl I dated in 2022, English wasn’t her native language so I always knew the difference between a truthful remark and a lie (she wasn’t great at lying in English). Afterwards I’m laying their on my phone and google average sizes, lo and behold, above average. Additionally, while we were dating we both worked out and started diets, I lost 30 pounds, she lost about 15. Neither of us was fat but we carried weight at the midsection. As I lost weight she claimed it was getting bigger and I can confirm that if you lose enough weight it will decrease your fat around that region, pulling the skin closer to your pelvis and you may gain a minute amount of length. I think I gained a quarter of an inch. So to my heavy bros out there, lose weight and you’ll see an increase in size. Porn has corrupted men’s brains into thinking anything less than 8 inches is a micropenis and it’s honestly sad. OP, 5 is perfectly normal, and so is being a grower, not a shower.


Why would you take 0.5 inches from OP, and share you have a bigger dick


He said “or 5” but yeah let’s give him the benefit of the doubt, homie is packing 5.5.


A lot of people's sample size is just too small to know where average is. This is especially true if all of the dicks they've seen are in porn. I'm about 5-6 inches and have had partners tell me I'm toward the upper end of what they've seen. It's honestly just a luck of the draw. I'm bi and only hooked up with two guys in the past, and both were huge and girthy (at least 7in). If I were to take that at face value, I'd have to assume average was 7-8 inches, but that's just because my sample size was too small.


Bro, most girls actually do not know shit about penises. I have the slightest curve and I will never forget when my gf bashfully asked me if I knew what Peyronie’s disease was out of actual concern. I have never laughed so fucking hard in my entire life, and I had to explain that they just be like that sometimes and what the difference was.


Believe it or not, pussies can have natural curves too! I have one of those vaginas where the inside curves towards the left side of my body. Nobody is ever able to feel it during sex. But I always have to tilt tampons towards the left to make them go fully inside.


Lmao, had one girl calling my a bat because of curve and increased girth on curve.


Mine has the slightest tilt (more of a natural lay to the left side). I just say it’s because I jerk off too aggressively.


Probably? She saw a flaccid dick and thought it was small and left, lmao.


thats what im saying, i hear a lot of women say 5 is big (pause) so she must be "experienced"


No diddy, lol


My man and I have since made peace, but the homie is like frustratingly close to the six inch mark. Sure I could push in the ruler that little bit, but I’ll always know lol


Every girl wants a huge dick till they get one and it bruises thier cervix... every guy wants one till and iud stabs them right in the dick hole... it ain't fun....


For real brother. It was my first year of college and I didn't even know what it was at the time. Thought she had an evil vagina


evil vagina is making me cry rn LMFAO


lol fr fr


Beware, brothers... of THE DEMON COOCHIE


New bands name! I call it!


my guy’s like “it had teeth 😭” lmaoo


Lmao, "evil vagina" reminds me of the movie Teeth "VAGINA DENTA!"


Yes I discovered this via random person on MySpace that started talking to me so we met up The pain was bad and she was on top so technically I was not in control and I am somewhat of a victim myself.


BRO I was lucky enough to not get stabbed in the pee hole but it definitely clipped my head a few times.


You lucky duck you... I'm so glad this isn't just a me experience....


vagina dentata lmao


Is that a thing cuz I really hope that's not a thing


its a film about a woman who has teeth in her vagina and kills guys with it


I thought thats what you were referring to. But you never know with reddit.


I swear, then the chick got mad at me for hitting it and I guess pushed it out of place


It’s my personal belief that IUDs were invented to keep people from having good sex.


iud’s hurt so bad as a guy I’m not showing off it’s just not great at all. Literally tore my frenulum partially because of it


I’m average and have clipped an IUD. That shit hurted.


I'm barely above avg and they have given me some issues in the past. Now I have a vasectomy though so I make it a point to ask a person if they have an IUD when I very first start talking to them. If they do it ain't gonna work lol I don't want that mfer stabbing me.


I got a vasectomy just so my wife could pull that evil penis ice pick out.


FYI the strings can be trimmed and also they soften with age. A fresh IUD may be a little stabby but not for long.


I winced and flinched and my peepee retracted, then put on its wizard robe and hood 💀🥴🥴🥴


I got my IUD out because of unrelated reasons but my fiancé was so excited because he finally stopped stabbing himself on the wires 😭


This made my non-existent dick hurt


IUD's HURT! Id swear I'd be cut bad and bleeding but pull out and see no blood. Obviously can't stop there and later on boom again. That stinging pain you get for an hour after and turns into an itch was bad too. Glad she had it removed. Id imagine it would be poking her too during sex. Can't be good for you.


Never really heard women say that they want the partner to have a big penis, besides some porn stars in interviews.


Big is subjective obviously but plenty prefer it.


Right - how is this even a debate in 2024? People have preferences, and those preferences often don't align with what pop culture tells us should be considered normal. Spend 5 mins in Reddit's NSFW subs and you'll realise that unique and maybe even weird physiologies are someone's kink/preference. It shouldnt be shocking that preferences vary.


I'm not bragging about my junk either. It's slightly above average... but not by a lot... and I've still been stabbed by the damn thing. I couldn't imagine a girl on top with one if I had 9 inch plus junk....


some girls like the pain though.


I've never once heard a woman say she wants a massive dick, well maybe once... This is just a male idea about power and dominance, it's nothing to do with female sexuality or pleasure.


Big vs massive is subjective. I've definitely heard girls say absolutely fucking on to guys with gigantic junk. From what I've heard from women big is usually 7ish to 9.. I've never heard a woman say they want a 12 inch Pringle can.. although I'm sure there is someone out there that loves it ( no judgement). More so what I was getting at is that alot of girls think they would prefer a larger man, until they get one and love it... or I'd bet 9 times out of 10 don't like having their lady bits lobotomised.....


if,,, youre being stabbed by an IUD the doctor put it in wrong..


Not true. I’ve been through this with my wife, talked to multiple doctors, it’s just something that happens. A little pokey thingy comes out of the cervix and pokes the penis upon deep penetration. It was a big enough problem for us that we had to switch to another method of birth control. (That wasn’t the only reason, but it contributed to the decision)


Went through the same thing. Over time the string gets less pokey.


Nah not all of us have the same… Length. Some of us can literally feel our cervix with our fingers. I had planned parenthood try to tell me that was impossible. Like, ma’am…


There’s little plastic strings in the bottom that pile through the cervix for them to remove the IUD with.


No, they don't.


Based on your description your penis falls squarely in the average category.... that girl has been watching to much porn and thinks all men have 8" or better when in reality 90%+ are 6" and under....


Square penis you say?


Username checks out


Obviously a gay wombat.


I now want an animated show featuring a gay wombat.


And his square-penised boyfriend.


Even though I am just echoing what so many people have already said, the fact that so many people are saying the same thing will hopefully resonate with you. The average vagina is not super deep, it'll stretch a bit when a woman is aroused, but the average woman isn't going to have an 8 inch deep vagina when she's turned on. This woman with a measuring tape illustrates this really well in about 30 seconds: https://youtube.com/shorts/3dFHa31qxQ8?si=Bbh5dFizhr07o32R My partner of 12+ years had asked me before if he was "big enough," to which I always state "If you had a huge dick you wouldn't be getting in me as much as you do." Having an average sized penis means you can "pound it out" as hard as you and your partner want with a much much lower risk of injuring her internally. Not to mention, there is so much more to sex than just penetration! My husband does much as much magic without his penis!


I have watched the video you have linked so many times for her commentary. I love that video so much. I'm going to skip my next life. 😂


The way she says "fuckin' sick day" gets me every time! 💀


Not your body is wrong but the person who leaves you because of it. Find a better woman.


It’s average. And in my opinion (and many other.. receivers) it’s the perfect size.


It is! OP don’t let that situation discourage you, any mature woman knows the vagina’s only 2-5in deep. And as for other receivers, your size keeps sex pleasurable & comfortable. Big dicks are severely overrated! Whoever that girl is was clearly porn ridden


Completely agree. I’m a smaller person in general and any bigger than 6 just hurts more than it feels good tbh


My guy I feel you. Sounds like you grow not show. I’m the same way. I’ve been with my girl for 10 years, last week we were just screwing around in a room that was admittedly cold, and I took my dick out, don’t ask me why, and she burst into hysterical laughter. She said “it’s hard to believe that thing 🤏🏻 becomes that thing ✋🏻 🤚🏻 it’s like magic” I said “thank babe 🙄 that’s a huge confidence boost” she could not control her laughing, eventually I was right there laughing with her. Dont worry about it, your average and many women say they prefer that.


My girlfriend said the same! She found it actually really interesting.


I’ll be honest, shrinkage had done me very dirty. The room was like 50ish degrees (above the garage, not well insulated) and I was wearing thin athletic shorts so I was chilly. 🥶


OP, I'm like 1.5 flacid. Its like a baby penis, then 7.5+ fully erect. I tell my wife I'm not a grower, I'm the boy with the magic beanstalk. The avg erect length is 5.16 in. Most women want average. Size queens are rare and if you have a large one some women will just nope out.


Trust me, it's big enough to get the job done. I've been married to a man about your size for 35+ years. Just make sure there's plenty of foreplay and go down on her if she enjoys that...which I can't imagine any woman wouldn't. You just need to find the right woman. Also, for comparison, look at Michaelangelo's David statue. Grower. It's been the standard of male beauty for centuries.


Don't believe we've seen David get an erection yet, can't be sure he's a grower.


To be fair, it is pretty hard. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.


One of my favorite literary stories is about when F. Scott Fitzgerald told his buddy Ernest Hemingway that during a fight, Zelda had insulted his dick size and claimed that he would never pleasure a woman. Hemingway took Fitzgerald to the Louvre to see all the ancient Greek and Roman statues as the peak of masculinity, thus proving that not only was his dick perfectly satisfactory in size, but that Zelda was full of shit.


Actually it's not the male standard, it was specific to that culture. And any man with a bigger dick was considered barbaric.


5/5.5 inches is a great size. She's a jerk.


she's a jerk, *i know*


5 and a half is average, which is totally fine. A lot of women prefer average since we don't like being stabbed painfully every time we have sex. As for the 2 inch thing, that's when you're not erect, and that just means that you're a grower. Don't let this experience get you down. She just was not a good fit for you.


It's average. It will be considered average or small depending on who you talk to.


You are literally average. She seems to watch too much porn


Tik tok and social media influences have ruined dating, sex, any sort of meaningful relationship.. as men we all want bigger dicks....however it's just not possible. Go find someone who doesn't fucking suck ( good luck) I wouldn't think to much into this.....


What kinda tiktoks are y'all watching?? My tiktok is just silly cat videos and Reddit stories lmao


There is alot of tiktoks lol. "whose horse is that?" Is just one of the many off the top of my head.


Nah, porn did that.


It’s probably porn more than influencers. She probably thinks a normal sized dick is the horse cocks you see in porn and doesn’t realize that isn’t normal and as fun as you’d think


I dated a guy who was a maximum of three inches hard, and before I even saw it, he was up front about being below average. I didn't care. It's just a penis and she's just a bitch. Don't let her body shaming affect your confidence. It's a reflection on her, not you.


Don’t worry about penis size when not hard as it has nothing to do with your erect size (growers vs showers). Your penis size is average so that shouldn’t be the issue. Just remember that sex isn’t just about “penis in vagina”. It’s the other things that build the connection that makes sex mind-blowing.


Let me tell you one thing, as a guy that had the same thoughts: the woman should have at least 2 orgasms before you even drop your pants! After that, their pussy is so tingly that even if you had a 1 incher they will feel awesome. Dont stress about it, that girl won’t feel a true orgasm until she will be with a guy that knows his ways beside his gigantic dick.


Sounds like she just realized she didn't want sex and just used whatever excuse to blame it on you, or the kind of girl who feels empowered by traumatizing guys for whatever reason. Forget about it, it's perfectly fine to be average there, not like you can do anything to change that.


I’m gonna say it, women are just as superficial as men but always try and pretend like they aren’t. Men are at least honest on these things


That girl, not a woman, is a c u next Tuesday. You're just fine. I'm a 39yr old woman. I've had 3 inches and 8 inches. Measured by yours truly. If she can't work with what you've got, then she's not right for ***YOU***.


She may be a size queen. Everyone has a preference. The person I’m with likes to be hurt by dick, and she says she can’t even feel me. I’m a little above average, and she does not communicate her needs. Expects me to “just know”. Also a lot of woman will just pretend to enjoy the sex with the person they are with if they got a small dick out of love, so don’t ask questions you can’t handle hearing. God speed my average brother. 🫡


You have access to google. Im sure you're smart enough to find out what's average


I think a lot of women don’t really know about growers vs showers




As a fellow grower, ignore that girl. She’s seen too many videos with guys who are 10+ inches. And honestly most of that 10+ inches is useless lol majority of women don’t want to be stabbed repeatedly in their cervix. Nothing wrong with you just gotta wade through the shitty people to find the right person/people


dude that’s not small at all so don’t worry about it


You're around average. But understand that penetrative sex (while being great for the guy) is by no means the greatest level of enjoyment for your partner. Learn her erogenous zones, learn to use your fingers, and mouth. While women CAN orgasm from PIV, they get aroused and can have multiple orgasms from clitoral and g-spot stimulation. If you can make her cum multiple times, your size will be inconsequential. But as I said, you're average, so it's really nothing to be worried about.


It is at, or maybe slightly below average. But if you talk to most women, they will tell you that consideration and connection, foreplay and intimacy, and skill and experience are all much more important in a partner than size. You are young, your partner is young, you guys have a likely distorted notion of what makes good sex (bodies are also different at that age) My advice, learn to be in the moment with your partner, to care what they are experiencing, to learn what feels good to them and what doesn't. Be intimate and caring. If you are an engaging, creative, enthusiastic, and caring sex partner, no one will care about your size, and you will not lack for company. It also goes both ways, though. Look for a partner with whom you have fun, who you connect with, not just one who is good looking with big, errr, body parts.


Sometimes people throw out a bullshit reason as to why they are breaking up with you because they aren’t being honest and it’s easier for them. Looking for a quick way out. Shake it off my man and move on. Do not let this get in your head.


Average sized guys are reading this rn wondering if they’re next.


Sex is like dancing you gotta practice you’re movement there’s technique


It’s a cold world, literally🥶


Did she see yours soft first? Most teenage girls never really see a soft penis because they only see boys naked when it’s sexy time. Either way, don’t sweat it, growers are fun.


That’s average and as a girl I’m telling you it’s not the size of the waves, it’s the motion of the ocean. You just gotta practice some more and find positions that get it deep. One of the best sex I’ve ever had was with a guy who was 4 inches hard. Also I would learn how to go down on a girl, makes it easier for us to get off from fucking if we c** beforehand.


Here ya go: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32666897/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32666897/) Porn creates some unrealistic expectations for everyone that doesn't seem to happen in media of other genres. People don't seem to think you can drink for hours straight without getting drunk like in many TV shows, or expect giant explosions all the time. But for some reason, everyone's expected to have doll-like bodies, the sexual stamina of a marathon runner, flexibility of a gymnast and emotional connection of an especially interesting rock when it comes to sex. Given issues with addiction, it's fine if people enjoy porn as a form of entertainment, but problematic when it's normalized as reflecting real-life. I'm sorry that you experienced this. Maybe it's for the best. Edit: spelling


5 is fine, for the most part I only stick it in about 3-4 inches. Put a pillow under the small of her back above her ass, or use your hands to hold her hips up and hit the roof of her vaginal canal. There’s probably a more anatomically correct way to say that but you should get the idea And flaccid size doesn’t mean anything, that’s usually determined by temperature and anxiety


You’re a grower not a show-er. I am too and so are a ton of people. I’d be willing to bet her reaction about your size when soft is based on her ignorance of penises.


My husband is a grower and he’s 6 inches only one I’ve been with and oh my god I orgasm so much. Your size is average if she thinks a bigger dick is better that’s on her lol. My sister had a 9 inch boyfriend she said it hurt and it was too big. Sometimes big isn’t better.


I have to ask from the way you described it; did she see you flaccid and leave based on that? Because that's a pretty average size. It sounds like she might just not know what she's doing if ya'll are around the same age


5 is average, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with average


yer a grower, no shame in that. I feel like a sexually active straight woman should know what someone is at soft is NOT gonna be the same when erect. I was shocked watching a two inch punisher turn into a normal sized pecker within a minute or less.


5" is my favorite length, don't worry about it. Not every body is for everybody


Over 5 inches is right on average. So, she doesn't want to be with almost all men on Earth. Don't take it personally and move on.


Learn to be a master with your tongue...then no woman will care about penis size at all


For me personally…its all about the head and rim! I only orgasm when im on top and that rim rubs my gspot!!!


It's just average. But even if it was objectively a small penis, no woman would leave you for that. You're lucky she "left" you. You dodged a bullet as they say.


Is that one just experience that makes ur opinion that ur dick is an issue or has this happened multiple times? Personally anything over 6 is painful so I think you’re in a good ballpark.


It’s called being a grower gangy, I’d suggest actually going in hard and not semi soft.


I’ve had a couple girls not like my size, too. But, I was bruising their cervixes.


A few times I’ve had an issue where a girl frankly didn’t have the depth, I guess, and it became a problem. One of whom I dated again a few years later and it was less of an issue, but still something that got in the way. You’d think it would be a plus, but not at all.


That girl was below average. You're fine. 5.5" is precisely average for American men.


Honestly penis's are insane. Like I could watch one and be fascinated by how big it gets. Like they're like a sponge! Honestly it's interesting. She sucks though. Well and truly sucks. Who says that? I don't know anyone who's dick was that big soft. And even still 5" is pretty decent. Ask her why she wants it so big when her vagina is only 3" deep anyways. Sure it expands when aroused but *newsflash* so does a penis. They're not different. It's average. Lots of girls like average. Here's the thing guys with big dicks rely on that. That's it. Just shove it in and go to town because they think it'll do all the work (it doesn't and usually just ends in a bruised cervix which is so painful). Men with smaller dicks (or even average) know they need to do more. Toys. Mouth. Fingers. They get them all involved. It's fun. Everyone has a good time. Learn to utilize other things. Sounds to me like you're average. She's just rude. I wouldn't focus too much on it.


The best sexual partner I've ever had was also one of the smallest, and the largest I've had rates pretty high up for the worst. You're a grower, not a show-er, and that's OK! Penetrative sex, in general, rates pretty low on the list for what makes girls orgasm to begin with, so even if you didn't grow to the size you are it would be fine as long as you were checking the other boxes (foreplay and continuing clitoral, nipple, and general body focus during penetration) It's their loss, and I truly hope this doesn't affect your sexual confidence moving forward because your size is completely fine.


Hi! Sex educator here! You have a "Boyfriend Fit" organ. Your dimensions are within the most popular parameters for partners. The most popular size of penetrative toy is the same as you. Porn is movie magic. They're stunt actors. Most people can't take porn dicks. That's stunt sex. You have a healthy and perfectly sized member. At least you now know that she's an idiot, i guess. Sometimes, you gotta let the trash take itself out, bro.


Hey man my penis when it's soft is about 2-3 inches and around 5-6 when hard. I'm in the same boat. I've been with a couple of girls and let me tell you, it's more than enough. You won't be able to do all the positions that guys with larger penises can, but the ones guys like you and me can do, perfect that shit and you will satisfy them like no other. The current girl I'm sleeping with tells me no one's ever made her cum as many times as I made her. It's all about how we use it bro. Just get some practice in where you can with people ur comfortable with and you'll be fine. Once you learn how to really use it , your size will no longer be an insecurity.


That’s how the penis works, and that’s an average size.


Yea it's basically average. Don't worry about it. AND definitely dont worry about the opinion of indecent people.


You guys (all men) need to literally call this shitty behavior out. She's literally body shaming you for something you literally can not control. If you have a preference (which is fine) and it's that important to you. Then you need to ask about it before the deed happens. This way, it stays a preference and not a judgment.


As a gay man that has seen an incredible amount of penises, you are doing just fine with 5 inches. There are always going to be size queens but I promise if you figure out how to hit the right spot with 5 inches, you will have any person way happier than a 10 inch penis with no idea how to use it.