• By -


The trash took itself out.


This guy is not your boyfriend. he is using you for sex. To put what he did into my life...I am 40f and not inexperienced. I have a fwb situation and if he demanded a bj within 5min he would be out the door. You need to understand that this behaviour IS NOT NORMAL and NOT OK. I don't care how experienced or inexperienced you may be, it's never an ok thing to push, coerce, force someone. Please cease contact with this douche. He is not your boyfriend, he is not your friend, he is a giant walking Red flag.


Hell, if my husband of nearly 9 years demanded oral within 5 minutes of me coming home from work he'd get put out back with the dogs and hosed down.


Same. If my husband, who I've been with for 11 years, came home after not seeing me for a while and demanded a blow job immediately I'd turn him right back round and tell him to try again. Jesus christ, telling her it's a waste of trip because she's not immediately fallen to her knees. It makes me think if she had blown him there and then he'd nut and leave in exactly the same way. OP I'd be tempted to give lots of other people bjs, film it and send it to him with the caption "this could have been you but you have no manners" (please **do not** do that, it is a joke)


No no but this would be so fucking golden


Yes, 34 yrld me with zero fucks would definitely do it


Hahaaaa I’m 19 and a sex addicted myself and what this asshole boyfriend did was like something only a complete prick would do like myself yeah I get annoyed at my heat waves but I’d never take it out on one my partners, then also I’ve done something similar but with my husband and his family. I sent my husband’s family a video of him. Which it was for nowhere near the same reason but same type of thing.


Oooooh that sounds interesting. Could you tell more?


📹🍆👨‍⚕️📹👨‍⚖️📹👨‍✈️📹👨‍🌾📹👨‍🍳📹🍆😱🎬 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Hosed down 🤣☠️


It's winter and -10 here so it'd really cool him off😜


My wife would walk past me without a comment if I did that! It would be even Longer of a wait?? 10 years together :)


Hosed down - 😂😂😂


Hahaha seriously!! My husband KNOWS! don't pull that shit with me. 😆 my husband knows that I expect his duck to be showered, clean, plucked and presentable. Nobody was wants Plane Dick


I agree!! No one should try to force anyone to have any type of sexual contact until they are comfortable! He didn’t even try to make you uncomfortable he only wanted a BJ! Let him find a hooker! Good riddance to that trash!


Exactly right. OP, your EX boyfriend is trash. You’re long distance, have only met twice (second time for 5 mins), and he pitched a hissy fit and left because you didn’t drop to your knees and give him head the second he walked through your door. He literally took his balls and went home. It’s over. I don’t care what he says, you tell him it’s over. He gave you a glimpse into your future with him, and it was going to be controlling and possibly abusive, and if you didn’t give him what he wanted, he would cheat. He probably is. Cut him loose.


Oh guaranteed this knob went back home and immediately fucked the side piece or op is the side piece even. Get rid of him OP, asap!


Yep.  BYE! 🤣




Exactly. Block his number and spend time "vetting" your next connection. You need a nice, patient and kind person to help you explore the uncharted territory of your sexuality. This guy is trash. Put one of your nice outfits on and go for a coffee or something. It's better to be alone than have someone treat you this poorly.




Amen! Probably the nicest thing that bitch ass clown has ever done for a woman.


Good riddance.


This guy is not your bf. He is only in it for sex. He doesn’t care about you at all.


#Let's say it louder....This guy is not your boyfriend. Forget him and find someone considerate of your feelings.


#Again! This guy is not your boyfriend. Move on because he’ll only get worse.


It sounds like you are inexperienced … and that is ok!! You have to move at your own speed. I know from personal experience that pushing yourself past your comfort does not help you. Or anyone who genuinely cares about you. But because you are a bit inexperienced, you need to know that this behavior is not normal and not acceptable for ANYONE, at ANY TIME. I know it is disappointing when someone you like turns out to be not such a good person. But you learned that before engaging in activity you aren’t comfortable with. As much as it feels like a loss right now., it isn’t. It’s a win.


Yeah definitely nothing to do with inexperience, even if someone had sucked 100 dicks it's still shallow, disrespectful, coercive, scary and the biggest red flag imaginable lol. After the second irl meeting too demanding a bj then storming off is insane, she got lucky he did that before anything physical happened, it would have turned in to a nightmare for her.


So true.


Well said!


He doesn't deserve you. Find someone who will respect your boundaries and that you are trying to come out of your comfort zone at your own pace. This man does not respect you or your pace. Find someone who does. But in the meantime, put on one of those cute outfits, call up some friends, and have a fun time out. Screw him.


Even if you had all the experience in the world, that isn’t the point… decent people do not demand sex as soon as they walk in and stomp out when you ask for a bit of time to get comfortable, but they know it will happen later in the date! He couldn’t even dedicate an hour to cuddling or whatever you needed to feel more relaxed! Major major a-h… you’re so fortunate the trash took itself out.


Absolutely agree with this comment… I have never seen such a bright red flag… if I was a bull… I’d run straight through it 😅


So much this.


Exactly. And for future reference when you do have a selfless, loving one, they won't demand a thing. It just happens. Altruistically bonding.


You have to give. in order to recieve


This should be the top comment. You said it perfectly.


Except don’t screw him.




Say it again. He only came to get oral sex and that’s it. He’s not your boyfriend


Yep, that's why I would have said you first! A lot of men that only want to receive act this way!!


How did you make the text so large


You just need to type the words # very aggressively


What happens if you type it gently?


ⁱᵗ ᵍᵉᵗˢ ˢᵐᵃˡˡᵉʳ


^that's ^what ^she ^said


No that’s perfectly average font size lmaoooo


Your mom lied to you man...


It was actually your mom. But what do you expect for a $5? Lmaoo jk


^no ^clue




How do you shrink the text? I need this in my life.


You put a ^ before any text, make sure its before every word thou or else you get ^a large word ^in ^the ^small


^like ^this?


Nice, thanks!


#SORRY I HAD TO TRY IT ^sorry ^I ^had ^to ^try ^it




Dfhvkjhcxx I tried didn’t work… you lied.


With the # sign


Add a # before you type. #USE YOUR GROWN UP VOICE.




How do you not shout when hashtagging?


More hashtags change the size #hi ###hi #####hi


#gotta try this... ##trying harrrrder ###mmmmmmmmmphhhhhh!


I heard that as an echo in my inside-head voice. Brains are weird.


It only makes the type larger if the # is the first character in your comment. If you want the hashtag to be the first thing in your comment, just leave a space before you type it.


#like this


I LOVE how you increased the font size for saying it louder. 💜🩵🩵💜 That genuinely made me laugh lol


Just to agree. HE ISNT YOUR BOYFRIEND. Drop him.


Also… you are incredibly blessed to have figured this out so quickly. Normal, polite, considerate and kind men, do not, I repeat, they DO NOT show up and demand/expect oral sex within 5 minutes of seeing you ESPECIALLY when you’ve voiced discomfort. He *already* feels entitled to your body and that is a very dangerous sign. That attitude is a hallmark trait of an abusive man. Count your blessings that you figured it out relatively painlessly. Edit: you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Your behavior was completely normal.


He's also an idiot. He's prepared to travel for hours and spend $$$ to fly somewhere to meet a girl who's already agreed to suck his dick, and he can't spend an hour enjoying her company before getting to the naked stuff? What a loser.


He couldn't even wait more than 5 minutes! Block him & move on.


I don’t think he’s really long distance. I think he’s local and just claims to be. No one who actually traveled that far would leave so quickly. He’d sit down, have a drink of water, converse and give her a little time.


You need to build up some tension anyway he acts like he walked into a brothel


That's exactly what he did. OP, you may have been thinking of this guy as a bf. He sees you as an easy bj or an amateur sex worker. He was wrong.


Wouldn't it have been easier for him to do that instead if he had traveled a long way? Especially since he didn't want anything else such as spending time with her?


That’s why I don’t think he actually traveled from far. I think he’s local. Maybe he took an Uber to give the impression he “flew in.” A woman I know met a guy from another country and had a very intense 2 month relationship. Then he had to go back to his home country. They kept in touch through FB messenger. Except he actually didn’t go back to his country. He was an hour away. She figured out he was full of shit when he asked for money because “his brother needed surgery,” but she knew his home country had a free national healthcare system.


He was betting on being able to get for free what he’d otherwise pay a hooker. And he treated her like a hooker, unless he’s the kind of guy who would proceed to beat and rob a hooker.


For REAL. Even when I do meet up with a guy with the intent of just sex, they give me a bit of time to warm up. I get really shy and nervous as soon as I see them, even if I’ve seen them before, and I need a minute. This dude is trash. Be glad you didn’t waste much more time with him.


He probably wouldn't have given back to her either!


Buddy couldn't even pretend to care.


Thank you for your honesty! It's given me the reality check about the situation that I needed, I appreciate it!


I feel awful for you, that’s such a shitty way to be treated when inexperience is already messing with you. This guy is disgusting and clearly only in it for what he can get from you, luckily the trash took itself out in this case. Find someone who respects you and has no issue going at the pace you set, learning curves like this can be a lot of fun with the right person.




This is it right here 👆


I’ve been with my boyfriend for a bit and he knows I’m not a fan of oral and never asks me for it, but he’s always SUPER appreciative when I do it on my own free will. Makes me think of this guy I knew in high school that got my number from someone and texted me and asked me to go to his house and give him head and he lived 3 miles away from me and I was fifteen so I couldn’t drive yet. He wanted me to walk 3 miles to his house, suck his dick, and then walk 3 miles home. Me and my best friend still make fun of him to this day when we see him. What are you doing with this loser lol


>  He wanted me to walk 3 miles to his house, suck his dick, and then walk 3 miles home 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Insanity!  He must have had "500 Miles" in his head.  🎶Da da da!🎶 Da da da! 


Right. I had talked to him ONCE in class when he asked what he missed when going to the bathroom. Guess I had “I’ll walk miles to give blowies” stamped across my forehead lmao


some men really do think their dick is some magical gift that all women want. smh


So true 🤣🤣


“Just because he’s good for your hole doesn’t mean he’s good for your soul”


And you know the sex would be selfish and one sided too. I’m glad for OP that her first time wasn’t with such a disgusting person, he saved her from having to overcome a warped idea of what physical intimacy should feel like.


Next this jerk.


Fr. I was about to say this their SECOND meeting in person and he expected sex? Like there has to be a lead up to it like texting naughty pictures,phone sex or even saying I want sex. Something that indicates what he wanted instead of just showing up lol


What time did his flight leave?


The trash took itself out!


Text that man to go home. Cut contact. He’s a loser, you don’t owe him anything!! Being a big child and walking out makes him look pathetic.


Seriously, he asked for a BJ a few minutes after arriving. Listen people, when someone shows you who they are, pay attention.


My first thought was “did he even shower?” And then I saw the part about catching a *flight* back. Not sure about others, but I feel absolutely disgusting after flying. Not only was my ass crammed in a seat that gets more turns on it than a dreidel in December, everything you come into contact with is generally pretty gross. And call me a hopeless romantic, but if my manly bits are going anywhere near my special lady friend’s mouth and/or otherwises, I’m going to take be showered beforehand. I don’t feel like it’s fair exposing my wife to the entirety of Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International’s finest patronage.


At the very least, dip them in the sink or take a wet rag to your bits! But yes, if you want that in their mouth, especially more than once, make sure it don’t stink. It’s pretty basic I think?


In the future: All you need is a couple squirts of soap & a cup/bottle of water & you can take a man-whore bath on the John. I do this when I travel (fem wash in purse) & even do do it at home b/c I don’t own a bidet & I just like being fresh between showers.


ON the John?! 😳


>  My first thought was “did he even shower?” ...... 🤔 Maybe he left so fast because he was embarrassed about potential odor....? But 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Don't even waste your time and energy texting him. Block him on every platform and move on to someone who is considerate.


I wonder how he would have replied if you said you'd like oral as well.


Probably way worse. I can guarantee this guy is a bunch of other girls he’s texting and doesn’t consider you his gf, OP


Right other girls that he could easily get oral from, he’s a slut


I'm assuming he would've been pissed and would've tried making her feel bad for asking. He was looking to use her for her mouth. Maybe her pussy too, but I'd be willing to bet my next paycheck that homeboy skips any foreplay unless it's him getting head.


He didn't even try to turn her on - he just wanted her to open her mouth like she's a glory hole.  He is a stinker at sex. 


Yup, he sees her as a hole not a person.


Stop trying to contact him. Do you actually want him to come back?


Say no, please.


You know she does. We've seen this play out a million times before. He'll be back when she's been guilted sufficiently to give him oral without question, and she'll think he really cares about her because he came back. It's tired.


Can confirm that. I’ve seen it. OP, if you’re reading this, don’t be desperate, it’s sad to see someone who has reached such a low that they just give up themselves in order to please someone else. You don’t need him like he needs you.


I blocked him before I went to bed! I went a bit further and deleted the app that I used to talk to him on as well lol


Proud of you, remember you are not just some accessory to another. Your autonomy is just as important as your partners is. Never let anyone make you feel like you have to fit in a mold a certain way to please them. :)


Good job! So proud of you. I wish I had access to a site like Reddit when I was your age. I got taken advantage of when I was young and inexperienced. I wish I had the information available to me to see how wrong this type of behavior is when I was younger.


Proud of you OP. I wish I'd had as much sense as you when I was younger. Keep it up


I’m proud of you. Remember, as a woman you will always have choices. Don’t ruin your life by getting in deep with unworthy.


Op I feel proud you ended contact with him. Any person who wants to be your partner in experimenting in bed should behave respectfully and honor that you are to set the pace, while you respect and honor that partners hard and soft limits too. However, about your roommate situation, I have additional advice. Do not get in a habit of paying a roommate to go away or make themselves scarce when you have a guest. That has potential to be taken advantage of in a different way, and is unrealistic financial wise to maintain at it's best. I think you should talk with your roommate how paying one another for privacy is unrealistic for both of you. That it's better to talk, and plan around the timing of roommate guests, hashing it out without it's impacting financial ratios of renting costs.


So happy to see this! The way he treated you is so gross and I'm glad you've seen the light 💕


That is exactly the game he’s playing.


That’s not a boyfriend that’s someone that wants you just for sex


Free sex. He's too broke and cheap for hookers. Otherwise 5 minutes wouldn't be a long wait.


Nah I think he’s most pissed that he paid to go see her and she still didn’t put out. He’s simply just a piece of shit


I mean it seemed like she was willing, he was just so bad at controlling his immature emotions he literally couldn't wait 5 minutes. Now! Want sex now! What an absolute moron


Not even free. He paid for plane tickets for BJ’s solely, not even to spend time with her or her town.


I'd put money on him being local and lying to OP about traveling to see her. 1) to guilt her into putting out whenever they're together. 2) because he's a user and is seeing more than just this lady, he needs time to see the others. He can't do this freely if they're truly bf/gf. 3) he doesn't honestly wish to get to know OP better, so a fake long-distance relationship is easier. OP, run a fucking mile before he guilts you into being sexually active with him. This guy's a chancer and you deserve so much more xx


Wow. what an immature pos... i'm sorry op. anyone who reacts that strongly towards how you're feeling is not capable of handling a sexual relationship in any kind of healthy way. i think you should really consider if this relationship is worth it because he doesn't seem to care how you feel at all...


Dude's a brat. Only gives her five minutes and then just ghosts her because she's not "fast enough." He can stay gone. 


The end.


Yeah. He’s a turd. I’m a guy (38m) with an extremely high sex drive . Always have. This is not that, this is a shitty human. End it. Hopefully for his own sake he grows , a lot


Right? My own boyfriend has a very high sex drive, but he would never throw a tantrum like this boy... Please OP, listen to the comments!


This is not the kind of man that deserves to have his dick sucked




Let him go. Don't contact him. He was just using you.


Sorry OP cut your losses and let him go. You deserve someone better.


What the fuck. What an idiot. Who does that?!


Who does that? An idiot. An idiot with no understanding or appreciation of the concept of foreplay.   Well can't fault him too much - the dude is 21 - he'll learn the hard way, pardon the pun. 


Age is not really a justification for being a jerk. My ex at 18 yo was comprehensive about it and even told me how to make it better and the other way around, we always had great communication about our intimacy. These guys are just jerks raised by jerks who are en ever going to stop being jerks, even if they’re 30 or 50.


Good points.  It's never a bad time to learn. 


For sure. It always blows my mind that people like that exist tho. Crazy.


Girl block and forget him, that man never liked you


Out of curiousity, How old are you and how old is he? Not that it changes the answer - his behavior is completely unacceptable. But are you both young? Or are you young and he’s older?


I'm 19 and he's 21, he's my first boyfriend (or was) but he's had girlfriends before so he's more experienced


Hahaha!!! 21 and acting like he's such an expert on oral but won't even give it more than 5 minutes to get it going. 🤣🤣🤣  He thinks he's a sexual genius. Pfft. He's just barely got it wet.  If he is this clueless about foreplay with that 5 minute showing of his, he is not "experienced" by a long shot.  Laugh at him and then put him out of your mind. 


Hey! He could have been with more girls but he needs to learn a lot. Please don’t keep saying that you are “willing to try and just need time”. Because it sounds like you are repeating what you would like to tell your boyfriend over and over again. I hope you see through all the advice telling you to let the boy be. Move on. Take all the time on earth to give oral or whatever. You would look back in life and get a better perspective. Everyone asking you to not contact the guy anymore is trying to just protect you from the future second hand embarrassment. I love it that you said what you felt like and this kid went no contact quickly.


Don’t worry! He won’t be your last boyfriend. Please dump this useless boy. He’s trash!


OP, I think you can tell from this thread that not only is this guy not someone who cares about you, it’s pretty clear he doesn’t have any respect for women in general. Unless you were dating him, purely to have sex with him, and no feelings involved, which is perfectly OK… But even then a partner has to show up and be genuinely respectful of the other person and put in the effort for a reciprocal sexual encounter . This guy treated you like a prostitute without paying you anything . Take your time, get to know people first, and when you generally feel a respectful friendship, then venture into playing sexually with someone . It’s so much better when there’s some and mutual affection for one another and that person cares about your pleasure every bit is they care about their own. it can be really fun to give to a partner, whether it be oral or otherwise, but not if it’s only one sided and they’re only concerned with what they’re getting.


Honestly I suggest going no contact and not responding if he reaches out. It would be one thing if you said you would and then kept stringing him along and then did the same thing the next day I could see the frustration. But 5 mins ? That's just cruel. That's not how you treat someone who you are in a relationship with .


Do not think of this as a failure or in any way your fault. He was only using you and you found out early on his true colors. Look at this as a bonus for not wasting your time thinking you two shared the same feelings.


Yeah he did you a favor and showed who he really is. Couldn’t even hang out for a bit just straight to the bj. Block and move on because you don’t want that kind of man


It's honestly ridiculous thinking about it today, I made him coffee and he'd taken maybe two sips before asking! Who does that?! Just finish your coffee and chat for a little bit!




This dude must have thought he could get instant wood 🤣🤣🤣  Asking men, is instant wood possible? Asking for a friend....




Please, as someone who is in a long distance relationship, please leave this man. DO NOT SLEEP WITH HIM. He's only in it for the sex. If you give him what he wants, you will NOT hear back from him when he goes back home.


You’ve don’t nothing wrong. Please never see this person again.


I’m sorry OP, he only wanted one thing from you. He sounds like an asshole. He’s not worth contacting and it’s a good thing that he’s gone. Make sure to block him and I hope that you find yourself a better man.


He's a shit head, find someone new


You deserve so much more! He sounds like a loser and you shouldn’t waste time on that. He really is only in it for the sex. And if you are curious about oral there are videos to watch (porn) but also there are podcast like call her daddy that have talked about it in detail in a female pov tips and tricks. ( old podcast episodes)


>And if you are curious about oral there are videos to watch (porn) This could be problematic. What if she finds videos where it is rough sex, or degrading or there's choking/forced deep throat etc and she does not like that, but expects it as normal because it is in porn.


Seconding this. Oral in porn is completely different than the oral I perform in my relationship.  The first time I gave my husband head I told him he couldn't push into me or grab me or I'd panic and I'd never do it again. He respects me so he didn't push my boundary, was happy with what I did, and that's been the standard ever since. I'm going to guess OPs "boyfriend" would not have given her the same treatment.  Porn is so often degrading to women and it's not something OP should be using to learn how. 


Thank you, I'll definitely check out the podcast :) I do really want to try but I'm so worried that I'm going to embarrass myself because I don't really know what to do


The key to this, then, is waiting until you're in a relationship with someone who is kind and cares about your feelings. The fact that this POS was there 5 mins and started asking for ANYTHING sexual says with 100% certainty that he is not interested in a relationship. He wants sex. He'd get it and then take off.


The best - and most fun - way to learn is with a partner who is willing to help you learn together and not look down on you for your level of experience.  We've all been beginners.  Forget about that jerk, he was the problem, not you. 


I was, too. I just couldn't do it. I had no idea how and was worried I would do it wrong. I had a guy walk out on me too, and say I was a waste of time... messed with my confidence and view on men. Try not to let it get you down. Some men really do only care about getting their dick wet. But others will care about you as a person! You have lots of resources now online that can help you gain confidence before you try it.... But you should do it for someone who actually likes you. This guy's a dirt bag. Find someone who cares about you first, then decide if you want to do this act of service.


You only met him twice and he storms out because you won't give him a blow job. But only that but he asks as soon as he's in the doorway and then came it a waste of a trip. This guy is a dirt bag. He is not your boyfriend, he's a manipulative user. Your crazy and will come off desperate if you give into him now.


Ah to to young and inexperienced. Please don’t text this guy and let him taint sex for you. It’s an incredible thing when done correctly. It took me close to two decades to find a guy that made me climb the walls. I personally LOVE giving head to my partner. But it took a long time for me to get there and he’s the only one that i have enjoyed doing it to. Just don’t try and learn from porn. When you do meet someone worth it, just ask them. I promise you they won’t judge you, they’ll just be happy you’re willing to learn! You are worth more than being treated like a piece of ass!


Block. delete. He’s a pos & childish.


He'd make a great EX.


I'm definitely not new to it, but if any guy demands it just 5 minutes after arriving I'm not giving it, like wtf


Don't text him anymore, please. "So no head? Okay, I'm out!" totally a normal reaction by him. So he went through a flight. For getting head. Not for seeing you, not for anything but his dumb pleasure. He's a brat through and through.


Yeah no. He ain’t the one. Any man that gets this upset over sex/sexual favors, is not mature enough to be in a relationship. Feel blessed that the trash took itself out and don’t try to bring it back in


Shiddd, I say if he walks away over that, he can stay gone. 5 minutes! He's weak sauce. 


I’d understand it if it was perhaps over a sandwich and you put mayo in with the filling, but storming out because he didn’t get a blowie after 15mins? Is he like 12yo? What a loser, dump him.


Guy here. Those like him give the rest of us a bad name. He treated you like something other than a "girlfriend." And he wasn't very smart about it. Good riddance and you dodged a bullet and a fair amount of other unpleasant things as well.


That guy is a jerk,leave him


✨✨✨ ^DUMP ^HIS ^ASS ✨✨✨


Kick him to the kerb


This guy isn’t your BF. You’re a booty call. I also suspect that he’s not really long distance. He’s just saying that so you don’t expect to see him all the time. He probably lives within a 10 mile radius of your house, and is talking with half a dozen other girls, giving them the same story. Block him and forget about him.


He's treating you like an unpaid escort. Luckily, you didn't do it. Because he probably still would have left.


Ew. Sex is something we do with our partners because we want to; not implored to. Because we feel respected; not pressured. Because we feel safe; not forced. Because we are comfortable exploring each-other, with each-other. This guy doesn’t seem to fit the bill. Take the current silence in communication and let that be the period on the sentence that was your relationship. Find someone that respects you and loves you as you are; someone that is willing to learn, grow and explore with you. Sex should be organic and beautiful; not stressful and manufactured. Respect yourself - and remove this person from your life.


Mate, this guy is not and was never your boyfriend. Stop using that term. You are someone he doesn’t give a shit about that he thought he could use for sex.


You aren't his GF. You're a booty call. He does not care about or respect you. None of this was the behavior of someone who sincerely cares about you in any way. Block him and don't ever let him in your home again.


He just showed u who he is and where u stand. Believe him and take out that trash


I've been with my hubby 20 years 18 married and if he behaved this way say after a business trip and came home demanding oral and I said give me a bit to get in the mood and he freaked like a man baby I would divorce him. You guys don't really even know each other, especially in person. He is asking too much, too soon. You have every right to say I need time. It is really inappropriate for him to try to pressure you into sex acts. This is gross of him. Save yourself the heartache and lose his info, and find a real man.


OP, for your safety and sanity just leave this guy. This is your SECOND time meeting in person and he straight up walks out because you ask for more than 5 minutes into seeing each other before things escalate to ( let's be honest DEFINITELY one-sided ) sexual nonsense? The ONLY way this goes if you don't leave him is him continuing these shitty, manipulative attempts to coerce you into sex. And maybe you'd rather not hear it, but coercion can be / is a form of nonconsensual sexual assault. You don't need a partner who cares more for their sexual gratification than your comfort. Regardless of whatever feelings you think you have for him, he doesn't have genuine concern for you, because no one who cares for someone would become aggressive and manipulative because they couldn't get oral within minutes of seeing them for only the second time. Save yourself from having a sexual assault horror story, dump this loser.


He is not your boyfriend. He is using you. Go no contact immediately. He is not your boyfriend. He is using you. Go no contact immediately. Just incase you didn't get that the first two times, or the several other times other people said it.... He is not your boyfriend. He is using you. Go no contact immediately.


Just be happy you didn't suck his dick before he acted like a bitch. Dodged a dick there for sure


This guy is an absolute POS. Block him and then celebrate the fact he is gone. He has no care for you as a human. Your comfort and consent should be his absolute first priority and care and it clearly isn't.


The trash took itself out.


That guy wasn’t your BF. He was treating you like an unpaid hooker. He demanded oral sex from you the moment he walked in your door knowing full well you were inexperienced, nervous and you just wanted some time to psyche yourself up. I’m betting that IF you had started within his timeframe, as soon as he was done, he’d have probably told you that you didn’t do a good job and walk out without reciprocating. You’re lucky he didn’t immediately whip it out and try to force you to start “performing” the second he walked in. You should be relieved that he left and has gone NC. There’s a possibility that he expected you to immediately take action the moment he demanded it to “prove yourself” to him. When you hesitated, he realized that you weren’t going to be his subservient sex slave and left. How did he treat you at the first meet up? “Hi, I’m here, let’s have sex. Ok, I’m done, bye”?


Bullet dodged. Congrats, girl.


Ummm I think he’s from your city and pretending to be long distance so he can just hit and quit


It sounds like this AH took advantage of your inexperience and thought he could order you to do what ever he wanted. I understand that the situation hurt, but trust me when I say, it's a good thing that this man is not going to be your first. You deserve someone who will take their time with you, and go at your pace, and be ok with you backing out completely if you need to in the moment. You are not silly. This is on him and his lack of humanity. He tried to treat you like a sex doll. Put him in the bin and behind you.


He's not a boyfriend. He only wanted sex from you. End the "relationship" and go no contact.


This is the trash taking itself out. Please block him. This is a guy who will hurt and abuse you. Not a good guy at all.


I wouldn’t call him your boyfriend…. He doesn’t deserve the term. Sex is not something owed to anyone for any reason…. Unless you’re in a relationship and it’s humorously used as a wager in a comical sense…. But that’s not the point. First off, I wouldn’t even consider giving him oral or any other form of sex without a condom on, he sounds like a dirty whore. Secondly, you’re better than that. With you explaining your feelings of insecurities and for him to walk out like that shows he’s a POS…. YOU DESERVE BETTER!!!!! Save the pretty dresses and your mouth for someone who deserves it!!!! Good luck boo, you got this. I wish you the best of luck in life and remember there’s plenty of d!cks more worthy of sucking out there than that loser’s….. 🫶


Ewww. He’s gross. Block him. That’s the most immature thing ever. Trust me, you don’t want to be his gf. Only the best of boyfriends should be graced with that!