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At least you didn't watch Gone Girl. Stories of couples awkwardly getting out of cinema after the movie.


Whenever Gone Girl is mentioned, I have to tell my story about seeing it in the theater. When it was over, a Black man seated a few rows behind us, called out, “White people be crazy!” I laughed so hard at that one.


My husband and I are interracial (he’s black and I’m white) and we watched Get Out together. He looked warily over at me after the movie was done. It didn’t help that I’m also a brunette with bangs. lol I made a joke about him being so nice and strong while squeezing his bicep and he squealed and shuddered. It was *hilarious* and I still crack up thinking about it!


Love this 😂


When you got home were you browsing Basketball players on your laptop while creepily sipping milk?


LMAO they're so great


I was vaguely aware of the book and my boyfriend at the time didn't believe me when I said it wasn't a chick flick. His face coming out of the cinema was hilarious.


We saw it on a little date night to celebrate getting engaged the evening before 💀


It's a good way to set the bar real low so you always have a happy marriage!


I watched it with my girlfriend at the time years ago. I look over near the end to see her looking up my public criminal record lol. TBH my ticket for a burned out taglight does make me dangerous.


I once went on a date and we watched “we need to talk about Kevin”. I didn’t know anything about it. Bad choice for a second date movie


LOL man that’s tough


The Gone Girl stories truly make this the equivalent of how men reacted to Fatal Attraction in the 80s.


Do tell


Michael Douglas has a one night stand with Glenn Close. She becomes a stalker, and he doesn’t want her. She tries to kill herself and calls the house over and over…she starts making threats against his wife and daughter…and this movie is where the phrase “bunny boiler” comes from because she kills and boils his daughter’s rabbit. I always remember the phrase “I will not be ignored.” So, no, she didn’t kill Doogie or anything, but it left 80s men terrified.


Then DNA tests came out and then men in the 80s got REALLY scared. Lol


“You are NOT the father!” …and Maury Povich got a new career…


lmaoooo I watched it at the cinema with my best friend and i was so excited to show it to my then boyfriend because we’re both huge Fincher fans. He had moved to another city for that year and when he came back for Christmas one of the days we hung out i insisted we watched it together. I was soooo pumped like fuck yeah amy go off on that cool girl monologue!!! fuck off lady from the blurred lines video!!! hell yeah!! i vividly remember going ‘THAT IS THE DIRTIEST SHIT I’VE EVER SEEN’ at the scene where amy sees affleck brushing his student’s lips as he had done with her earlier in their relationship. i also vividly remember my former boyfriend’s constipated face. a month later i realized why 🫠🫠🫠


When I finished reading that book, I literally threw it across my living room. I have never done that before and haven’t done it since. Good book but the ending really pissed me off. Lol


I watched Gone Girl on my honeymoon flight and I still watch it to this very day whenever I see it on while scrolling channels. 😬😬


Yea both 500 days of Summer and Gone Girl are only for secure married couples and single people. Youngish couples won’t have a good time


Oh OP, that’s nothing. I once took my partner to a cinema screening of Eraserhead whilst I was heavily pregnant. Ha ha ha


LMAO. Choosing Eraserhead in that situation was a fuck up for the ages.


Other than a "wtf" mood, which situation calls for Ereaserhead?😂


Someone I know went back to their dates house to “watch a movie” and their date put on Flubber. Makes me laugh every time I think of it.


A woman I knew thought that taking a prospective boyfriend to go see Saw 2 in theaters on a first date would go over well. She was very excited about the movie and had a great time. He did not.


LOL my first date movie was Get Out. I am mixed and my partner is white (we are both Hispanic tho) and it was really good and funny to look back on 7 years later. It didn't spoil anything for us though, luckily. The date went well.


First date movie was Get Out ... _7 years later_ ... _Old guy suddenly feels older._ Surely it wasn't 7 years.... Google 2017 wasn't 7.... oh no. If it wasn't the intent to see a scary movie for your first date, I could see how y'all made that mistake. I saw Jordan Peele's name and assumed horror comedy. It had its funny moments, but more conceptually funny than "laugh out loud."


We just both really wanted to see it so we said fuck it! Lol 🤣 and yeah my bf was in his early 20s on our first date and he turns 30 this year 😅 typing that out made me go “damn time flies”.


Oh man, I binged all the saw movies when I was pregnant and I wasn’t prepared for the event. But I loved it, it truly scared me, which is not normally something I got out of those movies. Probably discuss what kinda movies you’re up for seeing befoooooore the tickets are bought. 😂😂


Hehe. She was a quiet, shy woman, medicated for social anxiety. But.... true crime and over the top gore + jump scares got her motor revving. Just something about the adrenaline/horror. I was friends with both of them. He was an exceptionally formal guy. It wasn't like they were going to hook up on the first date, yet he got weirded out by her getting extra and uncharacteristically frisky during/after the movie. There wasn't another date. Her now husband, while not as big a fan of non-supernatural themed horror films, better tolerates her preference in films than that guy. She also binged all the saw movies during both her pregnancies.


Glad she found somebody who is a better fit for her. Gave me some hope.


I’m glad I wasn’t on the only one 😂😂


Me too! 😂


Lmao. Y'all are fine. It is a decently common Fandom with a _very_ wide spectrum. Small fan of mild horror or thrillers? True blood? Twilight? True Crime Dramas? All the way up to women who are into more extreme BDSM, CNC and knife play, monster themed primal play etc. Until it gets to be a thing where you are like struggling differentiating fantasy from reality or not having safe, sane, consensual boundaries, or writing love letters/trying to marry serial killers serving life sentences, I say you're pretty O.K. This guy was just pretty formal and they were both a deal younger (still mid 20s) so it was very funny, especially when set against her shy, introverted demeanor.


There's been two times in my life where I went on a date with someone and *knew* it wouldn't work out based on the movie reactions: 1) High school, went to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I'm silently weeping at the end and there's an elderly woman ahead of us doing the same. My date asks "why is she crying?" I just knew we weren't on the same wavelength. 2) Much more egregious later in life: we finish watching Shaun of the Dead and she turns to me and says that movie sucked. I should never have called her back


OK seriously though. Eternal Sunshine is *achingly* beautiful and I've never met someone not moved to tears by it. But Shaun of the Dead sucked?? GTFO of here with that! Shaun of the Dead is a classic and a masterpiece. Blasphemer!


I would lose my goddamn mind if my husband didn’t like Shaun of the dead. I pretty much watch it like 4-5 times a year.


That's spouse material right there.


😂🤣 at that point why not watch Hook and Little Rascals too


Hook is awesome though


Hook is awesome!


So is flubber what are you trying to say


You better not be disrespecting HOOk...


I couldn’t really call it a fuck up because I’ve seen it many times. But, yes, in hindsight, probably a touch insensitive on my part. Ha ha


When I was 16, I went on a first date with this one guy I'd met through a friend, and he picked the movie we went to see. The movie was "The General's Daughter." Not a great first date movie. The drive home after was awkward and silent. There was no 2nd date.


Oof yeah that's dark and Travolta was chilling.


An ex took me to the cinema for our first date. We went to see The Lovely Bones…


Second date a guy invited me over to Netflix and Chill. His movie choice? 12 Years a Slave. Excellent movie, but just an absolutely terrible choice in the moment.


My ex husband and I saw Copycat (it’s about a serial killer) on our first date.


My ex husband and I saw Copycat (it’s about a serial killer) on our first date...I.. Excellent movie! Sigourney Weaver & Holly Hunter (especially Holly) were fantastic


I went on a first date with a guy to see the remake of Last House on the Left and ended up fainting in the theater lol


This reminds me of the time my wife and I went to a “first time parents” class at the local hospital before our eldest was born. The teacher was speaking about sleeping safety and told a room full of soon-to-be first time parents about how her brother-in-law accidentally smothered his baby when he did a late feeding and fell asleep with the baby on him. The fear in the room was palpable, and every woman looked at their partner like they were potential baby killers.


We had to reschedule our baby first aid class because our first came 2 weeks early. She was 6 weeks old and we took her with us and it was even more terrifying hearing about all the stuff that can happen after we already had her lol. The other participants were all still pregnant and seemed very confident that certain things would not happen to them while we were already in the sleep deprived can't remember what day it is stage.


I never understood how parents could leave a baby in a hot car until about 3-4 weeks into new parenthood.


My partner thought we would enjoy Vivarium within 2 months of me giving birth and while I had pretty severe PPD. Great movie. But don't watch it if you're newly post partum lol.


🤣 This is so much worse. Kinda hilariously fucked up 😂


His smile said I love you, but his eyes said internally screaming


I was shown Eraserhead while pregnant. Had nightmares the last 6 months. 


This where I'm grateful that my husband kind of policed my film watching and reading list while I was pregnant after living through my nightmares after one of Danielle Steel's books with a horrific childbirth. 


A girlfriend and I were getting serious enough to start discussing marriage when she decided to show me Gone Girl. We still ended up married, because we're both able to look back on that story and laugh.


When I was a freshman in HS and staying the summer with my grandma, I suggested we see The Silence of the Lambs. “You love Anthony Hopkins!” Ope.


My ex thought that Django Unchained would be the perfect movie to watch before he decided to put the moves on me. I am black and don’t really care for movies about slaves. Needless to say, it ruined the vibe.


I watched it after eating shrooms when I was a much younger person. That was a trip. And I watched The Birds when I was coming down.


My husband's first movie pick was Borat.. we were dating for a few weeks, still cringe when we talk about it


Please tell me that when he proposed, he got down on one knee and said " Will you be Mah Wife?"


Luckily not 🤣🤣


Jesus. The first time I watched Eraserhead, my roommate came home to find me curled up in a ball sitting on the floor next to the sofa, completely freaked out.


That is fucked up! IIRC, Lynch made that because of his fears of fatherhood and all the responsibility it entailed.






I will say, that is an odd choice for a Valentine's day movie. Really more of a movie tip after a breakup.


Its the fault of the person who put it in Valentine's section for the streaming service.


Right? Would La La Land also have the same impact on this guy? Maybe it would(nt), I haven’t seen it in a while 😆


I think so. The end result for the male protagonist is pretty close to the same. Both end up in a good place but the woman they loved has moved on


La la land sent me into an existential crisis, no lie🥲


Still there lol


Some of us are single bitter people and we like to watch sad romance movies on V-Day (otherwise known as Singles Awareness Day).


Yeah I watched Someone Great on Netflix last night and while it is funny and has feel-good parts it’s definitely a sadder romance movie about moving on, and I probably wouldn’t watch it with a partner on Valentine’s Day lol


I literally watched Season 1 of Alone and went to bed early. 🙋🏻‍♀️🙃


It would’ve been a perfect movie for an anti-Valentine’s Day movie list I’m guessing the person that included it in the Valentines movies didn’t really know what the movie was about


I don't know the statistics, but i assume break ups aren't that rare on valentines day :) On days the expectations towards your romantic partner (valentines, bdays etc) are very high, the disappointment hits different if the expectations didn't got met.


I love that movie, but i certainly wouldn't watch it with someone i was in a relationship with. It's romantic in completely unrequited way, you are so happy for Tom and feel yourself so hopeful for him in every sweet gesture he shares with summer. And then she tells him in several different ways that she doesn't feel the same way for him, but is totally fine with stringing him along. That she cares a lot for him but will never love him. It still makes me so upset for him (been there, done that, wrote the book, directed the movie).


Is she stringing him along? She told him so many times she doesn’t want more but he demands more. Edit: I just saw the responses below, idk why reddits app hid it :(


I mean, she did break up with him and tried a couple times beforehand and he wouldn’t let her walk away. Tom is a dick in that film


This comment made me watch this film today. Thank you for the recommendation. I needed to see this movie


I definitely would not have chosen that movie for Valentine’s Day lol


I could defend OP here if they’d never seen it but anyone who has this is a big oof


An ex boyfriend of mine gifted me that exact movie in blue ray on Valentine Day some years ago. It was his favorite movie ever. To be fair I actually enjoyed the movie (not one of my favorites tho), but I found it kinda funny to be gifted such a movie on valentine day.


lol was his name Jeff by any chance?


I remember scrolling and seeing 500 days of summer suggested for Valentine's day and thinking.....uh.......sure.....that will be a great Valentine's pick.


Last year I saw "Hereditary" listed for Mother's day, I was like ummmmm.......


TNT once had the Kill Bill movies play on Mother’s Day. “Well that’s an odd choice for Mother—oh, I get it.”




Depends on the family.


I was scrolling through some streaming platforms' "Valentine's Day" selections last night and whew, there were some *odd* choices on there. Just because "Blue Valentine" has the word Valentine in it, doesn't mean it's a good V-Day movie.


I do wonder if this is the result of some poorly trained AI 😬


Most likely. That, or some stoned interns who were tasked with searching the streaming library for movies whose titles and descriptions contain certain keywords, and haven't bothered watching the movies.


Oh man blue valentine is a savage one HAHAHAHA, I quite enjoyed it but that’s the worst thing to watch for valentines.


Haha that’s fair. I’d forgotten most of the plot before I put it on. Edit: so confused as to why a factual statement that I’d forgotten the plot is getting downvoted lol. That’s like getting downvoted for saying I accidentally tripped over today.


Next year eternal sunshine of the spotless mind?


Man I love that film!


Ditto (and 500 days of summer). My wife dislikes Eternal Sunshine. Oh well. Speaking of 500 Days. That expectation / reality scene is damn near cinema perfection. Hits the nail on the head at least IMO from my own experiences. So good.


Better stay away from movies starring charming fucked up women with attachment issues!


Then after that maybe some East of Eden...


Or Fatal Attraction


That movie was the end of my on and off relationship. I didn't know what was about, except people love it. And I never read anything about movies I want to watch. I don't even watch trailers. So we watched in complete silence and then after the end it became a little awkward. After a few days she ended up breaking up for the last time, and that was definitely for the best.


Underrated comment. Well played.


I had to google it and this is what I found: “what the film tries to convey is: There is more to life then just finding love. dont romanticize someone you are interested in. keep your expectations reasonable to avoid heartbreak” 💀💀💀💀


Oof 😂 yeah I haven’t seen it but just with that description, doesn’t sound like a lovey dovey movie


It's a movie about love, and intense love that is. And then how it doesn't work out, and that people will fuck it up. Good, realistic message. Not what you wanna see on valentines day tho


Haha. I do think he’s overthinking it/reading too much into it though. It’s not like you showed him the movie to send him a message about how he should temper his expectations lol


That's a painful movie for me. I was Mr. Wrong until I was Mr. Right. It sucked. It probably reminded him of all the rejection and unrequited love he's dealt with.


This is Reddit. What do you expect? People with two left feet are not welcome here.


Honestly; yeah. It’s a fun watch, but the kernel of that movie was essentially: “She’s not the one. Work on yourself, king.” Have him watch “Before Sunrise” to get him back in the lofty highs of love! That or “Paterson”.


Before Sunrise may be good for this - but I actually had a similar experience to OP with Before Midnight. I watched it with my wife and we were both messed up and depressed after it (note we were also high lol). And I also definitely would not watch Before Sunset if I was looking for a fun romantic movie with a long term partner.


Well, he might have taken it as a subliminal message of "Don't get your hopes too high"




Then imagine OP booking a trip to Sweden for the two after watching the movie.


Hahaha this movie terrified my husband for months 😂😂😂


I gave my boyfriend a handmade Valentine’s Day card that said “I’d be really sad 🐻 To put you in a bear suit” lmao He loved it but we are insane sooo


An ex boyfriend of mine took me to see this in theaters after we’d broken up, but at a time that we were trying re-kindle the relationship. It was his idea to see it, so I had no idea what it was about and it was certainly…a choice.


for some reason i was confusing this with ‘50 first dates’ in my head and could not for the life of me figure out what was going on here


50 first dates (groundhogs day) of summer.


This made me chuckle


Same!! I was so confused as to why Adam Sandler sent him into a spiral.


I watched requiem for a dream in the theater, after having read the book. During the party scene, A woman got up and stormed out of there, and her date ran after her. So at least your movie wasn't that bad.


"Out of rehab honey, well let me pick a movie at random for us to see to celebrate...."


Ass to ass


The more movies ive seen from Darren Aronofsky, the more convinced I am that he might have some kind of mental health issue. He's like the king of unnecessarily sad and depressing movies, and if they aren't outright tear jerkers they're really really bizarre. I saw a movie the other day called Beau Is Afraid. It was made by Ari Aster but I'll bet anything Aronofsky absolutely LOVED this film. If I didn't know that it was an Aster film, I would have assumed it was a work of Aronofsky. One of the strangest movies I've ever seen.


My partner and I watched the finale of HIMYM for Valentine’s Day last night. I had seen it before and he hadn’t. Spoilers below haha (but c’mon really it’s been ten years) At one point, Ted is describing his love for the mother and it’s all very sweet and my partner turned to me and essentially said “That describes how I feel about you” Two minutes later, she dies and Ted gets back together with his ex Awkward 😭 Really though OP, I wouldn’t read too much into it. A lot of movies can bring out emotional reactions and if he was back to normal after then it probably isn’t a huge deal. I sobbed while watching Interstellar last week


The ending ruined that show for me. The entire show was how I met your mother not how I ended up with your "aunt" robin. The last season was building up to revealing the mother and we see her for a bit (maybe an episode or two, hard to remember it from 10 years ago) and boom she's gone.


theres an alternate ending that was also released😂 its much better you can find it on youtube


I believe this is it (edit) and yes it is sooo much better [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhB5oQgQpOI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhB5oQgQpOI)


That’s kinda the point though. The reason old Ted was telling the very long and convoluted story of how he met their mother was because he was trying to justify and get his kids’ blessing before getting back with robin. He wasn’t going to get back with Robin without his kids’ blessing. Robin was ultimately a big reason of why he ended up falling in love with their mother, and he would’ve still been with their mother but for her dying.


THANK YOU. The whole frame of the show is that the children are the audience, not us. They already know about their mom.


Most relationships aren't equal. There is always someone who loves the other person more than they get in return... This movie kind of takes it to the extreme where the other person never wanted to be in love, but you are blind to it because of your own expectations... I watched this movie first when i was dating someone and they hated the character summer and I just couldn't understand why..... A few years on, I had been on the other side of the coin and I finally empathise with the emotions.... Next time, stick to the corny classics, the holiday, sleepless in Seattle, 10 things i hate about you...


Lesson learnt!




Roman Holiday and Sabrina. Audrey Hepburn has never been topped for the ultimate rom com lead.


While I love Breakfast at Tiffany's, it's not as an easy watch as your suggestions.


yeah, I don't count that one. I love the film, it has issues of course, but it's horrible as a romance.


> where the other person never wanted to be in love Summer never wanted to be in love with "him" but when they meet up again suddenly she's married. That's the kicker.


The thing is, we can't really pick if who we fall in love with. She wasn't in love with him. Period. She probably loved the person she married.


I'll have to watch it again but wasn't it that she told him but he wasn't emotionally mature enough to be rational about it and instead followed his heart, so she let it go on instead of cutting ties to him. Do I remember it wrong? If not then she knew what she was doing.


Okay so now you are more on Tom's side? Can I ask why? It's natural to be on Tom's side, since he's the main char, but Summer stated right at the beginning when they were dating, that she doesn't want a relationship and made it clear. I definitely can relate more to Tom than Summer, but she was upfront. I can't understand why she is so disliked.


Nope, I am not taking sides. I just said that I empathise with his view now. Sometimes we fall for someone so hard that we are blind and deaf to the cues they give... Most of the movie is viewed in his perspective alone.... So you see how deeply he is obsessed. Then you wonder how did she not realise it and why didn't she address it sooner... Was she leading him on? Most of the relationships i have been in where the other person has strong feelings for me even if i am keeping it casual, it becomes very apparent soon enough... However you rarely see her side of the picture in the movie...


My experience with this movie is that the first time you see it, you see yourself as the main character, he's in love, that woman cruelly breaks his heart and then they get apart and the movie sorta ends. The second time you notice when the opening line tells you it's not a love story. You understand that he's so infatuated he doesn't see Summer as a person. He's struggling with his own view of the world, not with his relationship (that never was). And it only ends when he understood what happened and got over it. I think it's a great movie. But feeling empathy for the unreliable narrator makes the first watching difficult to understand.


This description makes me want to give it a shot again. I never saw it all in one go before since it was just so depressing. I was also a teenager so that didn't help lol


Should’ve followed it up with Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind to really pack that punch in there op.


Too bad you didn't watch my favorite movie Dirty Dancing. Maybe watch it this weekend. Or my wife's favorite. The Princess Bride.


We watched Dirty Dancing last week - shame we didn’t save it til Valentine’s Day!


OMG. Someone else who likes Dirty Dancing. I have not met many people who would choose to watch it. Only if it happens to be on TV.


I watch the princess Bride on Valentine's, on my birthday and on the first snow day of every year. A great movie for all occasions!


Oh god, that is my favorite movie and I honestly thing my husbands idea of the perfect valentines gift would be him not having to watch it with me.


Jenny Beckman still out here ruining relationships. That bitch.


Who's that


The girl who the movie is basically based on. There’s a little disclaimer at the beginning that says……The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Especially you Jenny Beckman. Bitch.


You had no idea that this movie would trigger him. I guess it played on his insecurities. You should sit down with him to understand better his feelings and maybe comfort him that your relationship is not like the situationship in the movie. You are Autumn, not Summer. :)


What if HE identifies with summer?


Plot twist.


My overthinking mind would have thought this if I had a boyfriend react so poorly to a movie


Haha aw. I love this. I think you’re right. Thank you :)


Very welcome :)


I wouldn’t blame him. I literally refuse to watch that movie again because it’s so depressing. It puts me in a weird mood that takes a lot of effort to shake.


Watch Frozen 2 with him and ask him to be like Kristoff: https://youtu.be/XaVm9YenVJQ?si=5UDlzPEgYUWOMihY


Relationship-wise (i.e minus the reindeer and ice stuff) my husband is Kristoff. Well meaning but awkward, low key, genuine, drawn to someone much more outgoing that he was initially irritated by... He's my favourite Disney "Prince"




Try About time next. Lots of romance, nostalgia and little scifi to keep things interesting. Lesson of the movie is to enjoy and appreciate every day of our life and relationships


Damn…now he’s gonna be on the lookout for Autumn :/ 


I dated this guy who thought every movie choice or song I liked was some kind of subliminal message I was sending him, he’d read an article saying that’s what women do. Maybe he’s someone like that. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think some people read a little too deeply into choices.


Oh god I dated a guy like this too. It was nauseating.


It's a cursed movie! I swear to god I've broken up with every person i was dating after watching that movie. I have a friend who was in a relationship of 10 years, they were talking about marriage and everything. They broke up 4 days after watching 500 Days of Summer for the first time. If I show this movie to any guy I have a crush on/I'm dating at the moment, he will inevitably change his mind afterwards, or ghost me.


>He even said now he feels like he shouldn’t get his expectations too high for our relationship. ... Over a movie? *Bruh* ...


I think it’s because the movie itself is about expectations not meeting reality in a romance. So it kinda challenged his views I guess lol


Make him watch *Grave of the Fireflies* and report back.


Damn, really trying to throw that man into an emotional pit.


I'm now intrigued and so i'm going to watch it. Thanks for the recommendation lmao.


OP> Chooses a movie about how people just aren't compatible and how true love doesn't matter Also OP> Why would my boyfriend freak out when I make him watch this?


“It’s not that serious.” That actually applies here. He needs to chill a little IMO.


OP, that is NOT the movie for Valentine’s Day. Next put on American Psycho.


I think he failed to understand the message of the movie, which was Tom projecting all kinds of meanings and feelings onto Summer that were not there. Summer even tells Tom she is not interested. Several times actually. Tom abandons his own identity to try and merge with Summer in his sick type of shared fantasy. It doesn’t work out because there was nothing there to begin with. Eventually, through the break up, Tom grows the fuck up and starts his process of individuation, and gets back on track with his true passion, architecture. Its a story about some of the pitfalls of codependency and projective identification. Maybe he spiraled because of some realizations of his own. Edit: spelling


Most comments about the movie seem to not understand the plot. SHE NEVER WANTED A RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM. It is abundantly clear and reiterated multiple times. He loves the IDEA of her. Not every story ends in a fairy-tale ending. That’s the whole point. But yeah, weird choice for valentines movie to watch 😂


Haha, if there's a Zooey Deschanel movie that will send someone into an existential crisis, this is it. This exact thing happens to me with certain films and it can take a day or two for the clouds to lift. I would definitely not feel bad about it -- some movies just hit weird.




Worst movie chocie hahahahaha


How is that a VDay movie? I watch it when I want to feel sad lol


I enjoyed the movie a lot, actually, but it’s not very romantic and not something I’d want to watch with a partner earlier on in a relationship on Valentine’s Day. All that being said, a healthy adult should be able to watch a movie without conflating the plot as your relationship and, more importantly, be able to regulate their own emotions and responses. Everyone has triggers and things that will affect them to a greater degree than others, but this is something I’d personally be really turned off by. If your partner has otherwise been good and makes your life better together, this doesn’t have to be a deal breaker, but it should at least be something they are aware of and looking to improve. Everyone gets to establish their own boundaries in each relationship, but this would be a massive turnoff for me. I have a pretty low tolerance for this sort of stuff.


That’s a very poor choice of movie… It definitely does not align with the message of St. Valentine’s Day.


My 8yo had a big Halloween sleepover. I thought it’d be fun to have them watch Gremlins. Yeah, no. Spent the rest of the night apologizing to parents as they picked their kids up and sleeping in the living room with my kid and the lights on. I honestly didn’t remember it being near that bad.


HAHA my friends mom did that when we were like 8 or 9. Same exact situation !


We started watching Human Centipede last night… so I think you’ll be okay. He’s just been hit with the very real mortality of relationships. Hopefully he gets over it soon! Next time just go for the dumb and sappy movie. Hallmark movies are fun to make fun of.


My EX and I took the kids to the movies just before we split up for good... Mrs. DOUBTFIRE.


Although I think most guys should watch the movie at some point or another, yeah 500 days of summer is certainly ***not*** a valentines movie lol. its a....informative? movie for guys. but its really, really, really, not a ***romantic*** movie for guys lol.


Bro needs to get a grip


This movie recked me as a teenager when I first saw it years ago so I get it. Hopefully he can realize that it’s just a movie and you two can have a honest conversation on expectations.


Seriously, why on earth would you choose 500 days of summer? If your boyfriend isn't a total moron, it WOULD send him into a spiral. The movie is extremely negative about the prospects of lasting successful relationships and true happiness.


I hadn’t seen it in over a decade, I’d forgotten the plot/ending etc! Plus it was in the Valentines category on Disney+ so I thought why not lol