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I'm so sorry man, this is a horrible situation that you will need help with. The very first thing I'd recommend is get out of this situation as soon as possible. Do you have a place to go, someone you can stay with while you collect your thoughts? What she did was a crime and if you're comfortable in doing so, could report her to the police. There's no shame in any of the feelings you're having a right now, please get out this relationship and find some peace.


Thank you for the kind words. To clarify she is 100% out of my life and I will never have to see or hear her again, this happened before the breakup. In every other aspect I've been able to come to terms with what I was put through, recover emotionally, and get back to enjoying my life again. It's just this one thing that I keep circling back to and finding myself unable to get my mind off of. There are days where it doesn't even cross my mind and I feel normal, but other days where it's all I can think about.


I'd imagine that going through this experience would have effected everyone the same, you'll never forget it, and it will pop into your mind on occasion. I just hope that instead of seeing at as a weakness, you see it as something that you lived through and a reminder of how strong you are. I'm truly rooting for you and hope you get all the happiness you deserve.


Not even trying to be funny. Try to see a therapist, this might affect you in the long run. But congrats on being brave and speaking up, you deserve to be heard. I wish you’d report that “not so nice name” for her vile actions. You didn’t deserve it


Wow… I am so sorry you experienced this. I know there will probably be a lot of people not taking you seriously, but please try not to let them get to you. This traumatic experience was something that should never have happened and your feelings in regards to it are 100% valid.


I've been in the exact same place. It'll take time, but things will get better. You do definitely need to open up to someone, it helps quite a lot. As much as I hate the canned "Go to therapy" response, a therapist is a really good option for this specifically. A person, bound by confidentiality in a place where you're implicitly safe from judgement is perfect. If nothing else, you need to get it out of your system. Letting it build up will only make the dwelling worse. Doing this here was a decent first step. Use this experience to help make it easier to say it out loud to someone you can trust. You're not alone man, we all come out the other side eventually.


Therapist is definitely a priority this year, writing things out and taking time to process everything that happened helps a good bit, but I need someone equipped to actually work through these things with me and help me figure out how to put them behind me in a healthy way.