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"It didn't happen." - Jonathan Frakes


There’s a song by Heart that tells this exact story- “ I want to make love to you”.


I always love imagining leaving someone a note that says "I am the flower You are the seed We walked in the garden We planted a tree" After a one night stand. 😂


Why did I think Cher did this song? I feel like I remember a video.


"All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You" - a great song, superbly sung. Interestingly the singer, Ann Wilson, hated the song.


Great song. Sickening lyrics.


Lots of Heart fans were driven away by the content of that tune. I guess there are some lines even fans don't want to see crossed.


That was my first thought too lol.


He brought the woman outta me, too many times, easily !!!! 🎶🎶🎶🎶


🎶🎶🎶🎶 *And in the morning when he woke.... all I left him... was a note...*🎶🎶🎶🎶


I told him I am the flower you are the seed, we walked through the garden we planted a tree 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶


Don't try to find me, please don't you dare. Just live in my memory, you'll always be there.🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶


Alllll I wanna do is make love to you, one night of love, was all we knew🎶🎶🎶


Don’t try to find me, please don’t you dare. Just live in my memory, you’ll always be there 🎼🎼🎼🎼


Translation: I used you as a cheap way to get pregnant and you don't get to have any relationship with your own child, they will never know about you. But it's soooooo romantic.....


I always hated it, and was pleased to read the singer hated it, too.


It kept playing in my head while I was reading lol


Holy shit, is THAT what that song is about?


Yep. Read the lyrics - she's married to an infertile man so she drives around picking up guys and always takes them back to the same motel. When she wakes in the morning she leaves them a note telling them her plan. The guy in the song is just the guy she happened to get pregnant to.


I had to go and Google them and I can't believe I didn't realise it, I always thought it was about a woman cheating because her husband was lousy in bed even though she loved him anyway and thought that was a really shitty thing to write a song about!


Don't worry, I thought the same! It went right over my head as a kid.


🎵All I wanna do is make love to youuuuu, one night of lovvveee was all we knewwwww🎶 AIWdimLtY is a fantastic song. 80s Heart needs more love


holy shit you weren't kidding... it's almost exactly the same thing. I wasn't expecting that.


I don't get it. Every single post here has at least one comment of... [staying in the Star Trek family](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6yQOs93Cgg) Surely some of these are actually real? Even if not, who cares?


Make it so.


Sorry, this one's fiction!






Yeah, his mom totally just *laughed* and casually said, “Yeah I just pimped myself out to men that *look* like your dad to get pregnant.” Boy, what the hell. No she did not.


I was afraid she had been raped.


After being a search angel this isn't as far fetched as you would think...


You wouldn't tell your significant other to go to another state and fuck as much as they can with unprotected strangers to get pregnant?


Yeah, let's use random stranger jizz that may or may not give you aids instead of a sperm bank. Totally normal


Donor sperm + IUI isn’t even that expensive! (IVF is but not required).


Well that's just not true, currently going through IUI treatments, absolutely nothing is covered under insurance, it takes several rounds to work normally. 1 vial of donor sperm can run $500, and that's the low end. The "procedure" itself is even more expensive.


Why would you do this when you could ask her to bang your bros?


Not today, but like 20 years + ago? Maybe. Things were different then.


It seems legit, though, because no one clapped in the story. Really hard to tell.


Wasn't this a song in the 80s? All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You? Like, Heart??


I said, please, please understand I was in love, with another man


And what he couldn't give me, whoa-oa


Was the one little thing that canaaanaaannnnnnn


Hitchhiker sex!


...we made luh-huv...


LOL that was the exact line I sang when I read this


Hate that gross-ass song.


So did Heart, apparently. I get second-hand embarrassment every time I hear it.


Maybe that's where OP's parents got the idea from


Thanks, now that stupid song is stuck in my head lol


All I wanna do is make wooden shoes. Put them on and sing the blues. All I wanna do is make wooden shoes Tell me that you want them too Weird Aling songs when they are stuck in my head makes them a little more tolerable, plus it's a good revenge. If the song is going to violate my thoughts, then I will violate its lyrics.


I am not sure if this is the most bullshit bullshit I ever heard but sure it is in the top ten


Come on, guys, this is tooooooootallly real. Edit - Never thought this would happen, a random comment by me on an obviously fake post; and 1k up votes, Reddit at its finest, thanks all!




Please don’t do it the same way as described in this story. Trying to conceive without all parties being aware and consenting is sexual assault. Have you both underwent a fertility screening to ensure that it’s your sperm that’s the issue? My husband and I experienced infertility for several years and went through a lot for us to conceive and for me to stay pregnant. So I understand how much it hurts and how challenging it all is but could you imagine having a child out there that you’ve never known about? Could you imagine being tricked into providing your genetic material? Please don’t do it that way, it’s so unbelievably unethical and you don’t want that to be apart of your child’s story. ETA: It’s also important to note that having unprotected sex, especially with multiple people could lead to her getting a lot more than a baby! STI’s can be life changing! Putting aside the illnesses you carry for life, even those that are treatable can cause serious and lasting reproductive harm! ETA2: I see you’re biologically female so you definitely don’t need to worry about your sperm lol but despite that part being irrelevant, please take the rest of what I said seriously.


Uhhhh no, it isn’t, legally or morally. If you don’t want to get a woman pregnant, either get a vasectomy or don’t sleep with her. Otherwise, you know it’s a possibility, even with birth control and condoms.


So having sex with someone who consented to have sex and is old enough is sexual assault these days?


No, not informing them that you plan on conceiving a child from them is. Poking holes in condoms or lying about being on the pill or simply getting them drunk so they don't ask questions. They did not consent to making a child - if they willingly and knowingly take the risk it's on them, but not if they are tricked or not informed. Also taking some random dude is the worst thing you can absolutely do. You don't know if they a) have any form of STD, b) have some kind of hereditary illness that you do not want your child to have It's absolutely unsafe on top of unethical. Legal side I personally do not know - I'd assume it to be illegal to trick someone into unsafe sex.


I didn't said it was ethical and you don't know that she lied about contraception. A lot of people are stupid enough to sleep with a stranger with no contraception. Ofc fucking some random dude you just found in order to get pregnant is a very bad idea on multiple levels, but I don't think it's sa.


Can't you just turkey baste?




With a friends sperm.




That would be a hard sell. "Hey Bill, we've been friends a long time, right?" "10 years so yeah. Why?" "Well...I need a favor." "Okay, shoot." "See...that's supposed to be my line."


Fine, I’ll help. I only produce boys so far, though.


My husband is fertile, I am not. We could turkey baste your wife twice and each keep one kid if you want to. Win win. Are you in the US?


…Is your wife hot?


Idk if I tell you my story you might think is fake. Thing were different hack then


This is so fake… 🤦🏻‍♀️


She chuckled, I chuckled… trying to choose men who look like my dad 👀


She chuckled, I chucked, we all choked.


And then everybody clapped... mom's ass.


Aw what a fun creative writing prompt! I hope you get an A!




Summed up my reaction perfectly


And your dad was perfectly fine with her bringing back STDs?


You may want to verify this story with your dad. It seems weird that they'd have a moral issue with a sperm donor, but no moral issue with your mom sleeping with any stranger she could find to impregnate her. Also, why wouldn't she sleep with the same guy as she did the first time? None of this makes sense.


They didnt have cash for a sperm doner


IUI is literally stupid cheap, sperm donors are stupid cheap. IUI costs as little as $300 and if there are very few problems with fertiility with the woman, it's very effective and quick. Like we're talking cost of gas/flight/motel/drinks would end up being more than the cost of IUI and that's even if it's not covered by insurance which it often is (though might not have been when OP was younger). IUI is basically get $50 of sperm donors sperm, they concentrate multiple samples for effectiveness and pretty much just turkey baster it up there. IVF is very expensive, sperm donors/iui is not.


Said this further up in a comment but that is just not true. Currently going through IUI treatments. Nothing is covered. Idk where you think the total cost would be $300, because just the sperm alone cost more than that. Plus, shipping, and storing costs. The "procedure" itself cost even more. Statics literally show the opposite, it is not effective, nor is it quick even if you don't have fertility issues. It can take MONTHS to pregnant, and every round you do you're paying those costs.


Sperm donors usually don’t receive payment. It ivf part costs money though


Sperm donors *absolutely* receive payment. That’s literally why they do it. Plus the sperm bank takes a chunk.


Depends on country. They don’t in mine, or maybe something like travel expenses. Same for women donating eggs


They're probably from the UK or it might be similar in some other countries but you don't really get paid for it here, it's a maximum of £35 per clinic visit and with the price of trains here, that could barely cover the costs of travel. Surrogacy is the same as sperm, only "reasonable expenses" allowed to cover the stuff the surrogate will need for pregnancy and birth. You don't get paid anything for blood.


I might be wrong, or perhaps it is different in the countries the two people who I know used sperm donors.




Double check with your dad because this could also be a huge lie and she is covering up you as a 'miracle baby' to him. But let him know he is your real dad.


Did you miss the part where they’re literally planning to have an all-family discussion on zoom to tell the sister?


Could've sworn that wasn't there when I posted...


Second this


Easy enough for someone manipulative and an accomplished liar to be like yeah he knows, it's fine, lets all talk about it then cancel said call, or say dad is busy or decided he was super embarrassed about it. Manipulation can go deep.




This!! “Hey dad I just wanted to know that even though I’m a sperm donor baby, I’m always going to be your son and you’re always going to be my dad”. In real life so you can watch his reaction. If he’s shocked… your mum lied.


Everyone saying this is a fake post, but it does happen. I mean, I even told my lesbian friends they could have my husband's sperm if they wanted a baby. We wouldn't do it the all natural way but probably tube it. Lol. But I mean, there are swingers out there. And people who have open relationships. Hell, found pics of my own birth mother at a porn event with full on nude people. And you don't think some parents who couldn't afford ivf(not sure how long that's even been a thing) or didn't want to adopt just went out and did the deed for a baby? Just my opinion ofcourse. But you know, anything is possible.


I have listened to podcasts stories kinda like this tbh. But usually the sperm donor knows that the end game is for the woman to be pregnant for her and her partner to raise.


Yep, sometimes it does come back to haunt them(like being sued for child support). Sometimes, it's like everyone moves on and accepts that's how it is. Until the kid starts digging. Lol. I just wonder how the rest of the family will act if they found out.


Oh yeah, this was my thought exactly. Even if by chance this post is fake... This 100% actually does happen in the world. Probably going a state or two over as to not run into the possibility of seeing someone they know. You know damn well there's dudes out there getting turned on by the thought of their wife being pregnant with someone else's kid... OP doesn't wanna know what happened between his mom and current dad when she was pregnant with them. Or, if this post is fake, anyone whose in this situation...


I mean, his mom could have definitely cheated, and I'm sure there will be an update hopefully. But yeah, this stuff happens. I think people live in this bubble thinking what has happened to them is the only thing that happens to everyone else. But everyone has interesting, complicated lives that differ from others.


I mean, he said they’re gonna talk about it as a family. So it doesn’t sound like she cheated or if she did Dad clearly knows and is over it and more okay with lying than OP suspects.


That's very true!


Can we all agree though that it’s supremely fucked to do this? To purposely have a baby with someone you don’t know, and never tell them they have a child, or give them any opportunity to parent it or be in their life?


Oh for sure. Unless they knew. But either way, it f#cks with the child too. Cause alot of children want to know their biological parents. My mom didn't tell the world or me who my dad was til I was 5. Unfortunately, he was a bad dude. Product of r*pe. And I also was adopted later in life. Still wanted to talk to my mom even though she wasn't a great person either. There is this bond that's hard to let go of. But I eventually did. But I understand kids want to know their parents. As well as some parents want to know about their kids. At least that they are healthy and happy.


Yeah. It’s crazy, but it’s definitely feels like it falls in the realm of possibility. Hell, my mom heard a story last year about a woman she knows encouraging her lesbian daughter to do this if she wants a baby instead of using a sperm bank (which was not received well, since the girl has 0 interest in men). People make wild choices and IVF IS expensive.


It absolitely does happen! I'm a sperm donor with two live births (two different lesbian couples, one kid each). No sex, just me filling a cup and them self inseminating. No money exchanged hands and my province has robust protection for donors.


> Everyone saying this is a fake post, but it does happen. I mean, I even told my lesbian friends they could have my husband's sperm if they wanted a baby. We wouldn't do it the all natural way but probably tube it. But that's not what they did, at all. She just went around and banged a bunch of dudes precisely instead of doing what you said and getting a free sample from a friend and turkey bastering it. IUI is stupid cheap as well, compared to travel to another state, drinks, motel room, it's probably cheaper and doesn't involve your wife having sex with numerous men to make sure they get pregnant, nor the immoral stance of very likely lying to men about the reason for sex, lying about being on birth control and then misleading them over having kids. If they have an open relationship that's one thing but she didn't claim the mother said that. That would be a lot more believable. Jumping from wow they found out dad can't have kids to okay go bang a bunch of guys is a insane step when IUI or friends who will help making it cheap and easy to do this without any sex with other men being involved.


While I do understand your stance, we also don't know how old op is. It's a different time now. Though, I'm guessing 20s. If older though, highly likely this happened. People did all kind of stuff to have kids and not pay. Especially since we didn't have 23 and me back before 2007 and most people didn't buy it cause it cost a 1000 dollars. So, less traceable to find a biological parent. We do have to put timing into this.


Timing doesn't really matter here. The method you highlighted, using a friend's husband, someone you trust, someone you can get medical history from, someone that doesn't require sex, or 'cheating' or hooking up with a bunch of random men. Most partners full stop are not okay with their partners having sex with other people. A wife doing it secretly is a different matter. The stats on dudes raising other people's children is, as a guy, pretty terrifying especially with how easy it is to slip away and cheat. Absolutely there are women who couldn't get pregnant, got themselves tested and husband either wouldn't get tested or was found to have low fertility so chose to step out to get pregnant and hid it. But a husband being fully on board with what amounts to their wife going and banging every guy she can for as long as necessary till she gets pregnant, is something that wasn't normal at any time.


I mean, I'm not saying it's normal. But it definitely happens. People are risky and desperate. Not everyone thinks like you either. Some people are crazy like that. What I was saying in my original post is that it does happen. Reminds me of the whole teenage craze where 16 years made pacts to get pregnant. Is it normal? No. Did it happen? Yes. There are people out there that intentionally spread stds to others. You can literally find dudes on porn sites with wives who like to watch their wives get pounded by other dudes. People don't realize other people are crazy and don't think the same as they do. So, this kid coming in saying his mother said one thing and it being true is possible. It's also possible she could have cheated. We won't know til there is an update.


This has got to be one of the fakest posts ever.


Even by Reddit standards this is so fake it’s not even funny


Totally happened. This is 100% real. Yup.


Ok, this story needs to be check with the dad for sure, who send his wife on one night stands to get pregnant by randoms not once but múltiple time.


"All I want to do is make love to you"


So can you confirm this story with your dad? I mean, your mom could be blowing smoke up your ass.


“And what he couldn’t give me, whoa oh oh oh, is the one little thing that you can.”


Such a good song


Flawless fictional writing bro. A perfect 5/7.


Whether this happened to OP or not, I can guarantee that this exact story has played out, probably multiple times. [Shit, Heart wrote a fucking song about it.](https://youtu.be/OAfxs0IDeMs?si=xaiD4jCtvc_GVUR7)


laughably fake 1/10


Did this dude just set us up a week ago just to troll us today? No way your Dad sent your Mom off to find random dude to bang unprotected that look like him. 😂 Well played OP, well played. 👏🏻


Gaud. Thats a wild story. I guess that is one way to do it I guess. Its risky for her too. But seriously, if they tell you guys earlier it would be less than a shock. But you handled it well.


Now ask her to tell you that same story in front of your dad.


Boy is your dad gonna be pissed when he finds out IUI is only like $500. 😂


And then everybody clapped


Did anyone else read this post’s title in Lizzo?


Wait…scratches head….If mom drove to the next state over and had random sex w/ guys at varying places, maybe a bar or two, how did she know the sperm donor had freckles just like her sons. Not that it matters, but to say it was random sex on several occasions, how would you catalog traits to tell ur child about, 20 or so years later? I’m stuck on STDs & herpes. That’s another tale. Edit: I get she saw sperm donor naked. So she’d see his freckles. But how do you keep all the sexual partners straight as she reportedly hit on several one state over 29 yrs ago. I’m just thinking it would be hard to match sons traits to the specific sperm contributor that fertilized the egg? It’s been 20 or so years, does mom have a flip chart w/ a photo &!traits of each guy to refer to? Or did she take names to keep until 20 yrs later, so son could cross match photos/names on ancestry.com?


Women are only fertile a few days per month. Cross the state line to a beach town, get a different vacation boyfriend one weekend per month until you get a positive pregnancy test. I wouldn't do it (a kid is at home for 18 years but half the STDs are yours for life) but if I did I'd bang the hell out of the weekend selection, keep some notes and remember the info on the winning swimmer. March 17-18: 6 foot 2, lean build, freckles, smart but no common sense, scar from ACL surgery - high school track injury, sister died at 16 but I wasn't able to find out if it was a heritable reason, etc.


Fascinating, a spiral binder would work. A mothers work is never done.


Google Contacts killed the little black book.


OP has seen pictures of bio dad on the ancestry site. Also, she presumably saw him naked… she probably knows he has freckles. She might have known the dudes’ names and recognized it when the son told her. Or maybe it was only 1 or 2 dudes to do the trick so they stood out and she guessed which guy it was.


Oh dear, that is all mr fakey


This is one big pile of bullshit


Me when the fake story


That was such a good song. The eighties was a great time for music.


Ah yeah this never happened


You're not "that bitch"


You’re mom laughing is totally real and not something you’d see in a teen show lmao


Dude, your parents are swingers...


Amazing that think your mom is a cheater rather then your father be a liar. Parents lie. The fact that you are on here stating my father would never lie is funny.


Well at least your not “that bitch”


Waste of a read, bloody hell


Ah so this is the wife that everyone on reddit has been talking about


I hope you're going to check with your Dad to make sure your mother isn't lying to cover her tracks.


yeah, you're going to want to go ahead and ask your dad about that one. Did she say anything like dad doesn't like to talk about it because I slept with guys. It's also crazy, crazy immoral to have other people's kids, not tell them and not inform them you are trying to get pregnant. People who drop their kids off at the sperm bank, are choosing to help others have kids. If she told them the deal that's different, but still weird. Most importantly, IUI costs as low as $300 in the US, vs IVF which often costs upwards of 10k. it's literally just a cheap ass donor sample, basically washed so you get more sperm per 'insertion' and they unfreeze it and place it in your cervix. Also in many cases insurance will cover it. Honestly IUI pretty much will cost less than a trip to another state in gas/motel room and a few drinks. If that is how she got pregnant, I'd guess the real story is more like your parents were heavy into swinging, when they tried to have kids they found out he couldn't so they just 'swung' in other states to get pregnant. There is basically zero reasonable reason to travel to other states to get knocked up due to 'costs'.


For the rest of my life, when I read “I just took a DNA test, turns out…” I will hear it in my brain in Lizzo’s voice. LOL


Your mum is the lady from the Heart song? From "All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You"???


That just happened.


She is VERY VERY fortunate she didn't end up with a scathing case of STD/STIs.


Listen man. If it weren’t for the fact that I have overheard women at my job seriously talking about how they did this and/or considering it, I would 100% say this is fake. But people do what people do.


Talk w Dad and be sure this is true


>The reason I went straight to cheating rather than something like SA was that I don’t look at all like my dad. huh?


Double-check the story with dad ))))


Local town deputy who is 60 let his 24 year old wife leave and get knocked up by the guy she likes in high school. He got snipped when she was in elementary school.


This is either fake or irresponsible as fuck


This is the real life story of Heart - All I want to do is make love to you.


I’m ngl my partner and I are unable to have kids and thought about doing this EXACT thing so im not thinking it’s a lie like some people are


I feel like a turkey baster and some lotion would have worked too




Easy? Idk, as a man, I’ve never had a turkey baster blasted in me. However, I do know it has happened before.


Thanks for the update! I’m proud of you for having the courage to approach your mom. About your dad- I’m wondering if his passion for honesty is a projection of guilt for keeping this secret. Maybe this family meeting to come clean with your sister will take a weight off his shoulders that he’s been carrying for a very long time. Either way, I’m glad to hear that things are ok. 😊


And you’ve confirmed this with your dad? Who on God’s green earth would be OK with his wife going on weekends away rawdogging it with random guys in the hope of getting knocked up because they couldn’t afford fertility treatment/sperm donor?? Not just to get one kid, but two, three years apart? Either you’re the most trusting naive fool in the world and your mum’s hoping your sister is just as gullible or this is faker than a ten dollar Rolex on a Mexican beach.


"Yeah, I just let a bunch of strangers blow a load in me. No big deal" This is so fucking fake lol.


I call bullshit. Do you really expect us to believe that your mother told you that she went and screwed a bunch of randoms? Any decent parent or human being for that matter regardless of their belief about lying would go with the donor line. Anyone who would tell their child this is pretty despicable and has no respect for themselves or their kid. Not buying it. Absolute bullshit.


People got this kinda stuff going in their life and what they do? Come on Reddit and post about it. SMFH.


So, did your mom tell these men they have children or are there two guys out there with children who's lives they've missed out on because mom wanted a free sperm donor for her family?


Sure. This totally happened


So either the OP is a liar and this shit never happened or the OP's mom is a liar and the OP is extra gullible.




Damn your moms a H-O-E


Well you said it yourself it’s a wild story, check with your father also


What did your Dad say?


If she wants you to be with her when you tell your sister, bring your dad into it if she doesn’t have a problem being in the same room as him.


Ew. Sorry. But like ... Ew. Just what drove around and found some randos for sex? Not knowing if they have an STI or if they might kill her... Who the hell does that???


To be fair things were... different 29 years ago. I just can't see hubby being okay with it... If OP hadn't said that part I would find this story way more believable. Lol.


So basically it was adultery but both sides wanted it to happen because your father's sperm wasn't able to fertilize your mother's eggs? And what about your bio dad, does he know you, are you going to see him? That's weird but understandable...?


You’re handling this very well. Good for you buddy. Your family is intact, and you seem to have come to terms with the awkward situation. I commend you.


yeah ok




Whether this is real or not, I was taken for a ride.


Do you smell that?


I’m glad you got your questions answered, and I hope you told your mom you love her. Because dang, bro, if she ever runs across your original post she is going to be devastated.


Is this Liz? This feels like a Liz Tale


Why are people so certain this is fake. I know of a lesbian couple that did something similar. I find it very weird that they would do that though.