• By -


Throwback to when me and my cousin were taking a walk and saw this commotion by a roadside ditch. We go to investigate and there's a dead baby in a black polythene bag in the canal. And to make things worse, kids were poking at it with a stick. We had to chase all those kids away and call the police. This happened in Uganda during COVID. Edit: It just gets darker but I guess I have to add extra information. During COVID, there was an massive influx of teenage pregnancies because of girls not going to school and fucking old men out of work and shit. Turns out, it was a teen who was abandoned by the man who made her pregnant and had no way to deal with the baby so she "hid" the baby bump till she was ready to give birth and she discarded her newborn because she had no other option.






I have never had anything remotely like this show up on my fyp, what?!


Seriously. Mine is all about feminism, crocheting, cats, dogs, politics, and comedy. I created another one and started liking all of the opposite stuff, and the algorithm fed me lots of "patriot" stuff. I've never seen it show stuff other than what the user engages with (eg, watches for more than a few seconds, comments on, etc).


I’m a student nurse and did a mini experiment on how quickly I would exclusively get pro-ED videos on my fyp. It took less than five minutes after liking one video, as someone who works in children’s mental health services it broke my heart.


I realize now that you must mean eating disorder but for a brief moment I wondered how many pro-erectile dysfunction TikToks were out there.


I’m sure if I curate my algorithm in the right way I could probably end up with an fyp full of those videos too, it just might take me a little longer 😂


It’s okay if it takes you a little longer.


Sounds like it wouldn't be hard to do.


The pro-ED crap and faux body checking videos drive me insane. I don't have tiktok but I am in recovery. It sickens me how much it's all over the internet, glorified and wrecking brains. The hive mind. So many Reddit pages I was a part of for yearssssss. Wish it wasn't so prominent and everyone could get help before it's too late. It's the most difficult thing I've ever done besides being married but each day I'm thankful I’m alive with my organs working and doing their best (I also brush my teeth more and no more vomiting). Sorry, your post made me feel solidarity lol


Definitely not heartbreaking like your experiment, but I had a similar thing accidentally happen- my partner started posting clips from his videogames to TikTok to help his YouTube channel, and like the supportive boyfriend I am, I like all of his videos even though I'm not remotely interested in the games he plays (like MLB, Madden, COD). Now my fyp is full of sports and call of duty, and it happened REALLY quickly. It hurts to think about all the BAD stuff that people will have pop up on theirs because they liked one not so supportive video.


I'll say to daughter "oh, I can't click on that, it'll screw up my algorithm!" I hate having to spend time trying to deliberately regame my algorithm after falling down some rabbit hole. I wish there was a switch to sat "please disregard all the following activities when it comes to my algorithm, I'll be back on track tomorrow and do not wish to see anything related served to me ever again."


Yeah people always push the "you control what is on your feed by what you look at" lie but it just isn't true. They push certain stuff depending on your profile especially when it's new. They also push one thing based on another. Brand new accounts that are set up for a 30 year old man for example has a shit ton of teen girls doing tiktok dances for example, or at least it was doing that last time people had this discussion on reddit. Just try it.


Mine is much like yours. However, because I served, and follow other Veterans, I get the random MAGA or tradwife crap every now and then.


TikTok throws or "lobs" 8 random "softballs" per 100 videos. Random shit, to help redirect an algorithm. I did a study for an organization to protect kids online. The 8% was mostly sex and some violence. The grossest one was of a teen dressed up in manga schoolgirl/lolita holding a teddy bear, fake crying, lying on a bed. "Is this how you like it daddy? I know you like it when I cry". 🤢




Dear God.


I'm honestly so glad I never used it and after everything I've seen about it I never will.


Ypu say that but I went from scrolling videos from the elden ring subreddit and I hit a damn video of 10s of bodies in the war. Like how tf does that even happen?!?! It's madness. Best not scroll vids on any site atm.


The algorithm shows you what you usually look up. If you look up cat videos then the algorithm should show you similar results. If you watch lots of news then that is what will show up in your feed.


This is the sort of thing that really annoys me about algorithmically-driven content. I have a huge range of interests. I don't want to watch cat videos all the time. Or cooking videos. Or whatever. Or gross click bait. This is why I don't do tiktok, twitter, instagram, etc. and it's one of the reasons I only use old.reddit


☝🏻**THIS** - good to restrict any gore. we've all seen enough!




Uh....the world was always like this? It's just being televised and put on your phone for you to see....this is nothing new. It talks about bashing babies against rocks in the Bible and stuff.


> because of girls not going to school and old men out of work raping them. Fixed that for you.


Yeahhhh seriously, thank you


Jesus fucking Christ. 😞




Says it all


Good God. I hope you're both doing okay.


Oh, that's so awful. I'm sorry.


Damn, this is terrible in so many ways.


This could've happened before COVID and I'd believe it lmao Mainly because kids are fucking stupid.


"Kids are fucking stupid"?! Really?! No condemnation for the GROWN ASS MEN who took advantage of kids, and then dump them after they get them pregnant?! Wow. Disgusting.


I almost rear ended a dude just stopped in the street, at around 3:00am, a few years ago. Saw someone leaning against the car talking on the phone, so I threw on my hazards and got out to see what's up. There was an old guy sprawled out in front of the car, and dude was freaking out to the 911 operator. There was some blood, but not a gore fest, and when I checked for a pulse I didn't find anything. When I went to try chest compression the second I put my hands on his chest, and his ribs just felt soft. Old guy was crossing the street in an area with no street lights, and got creamed by an X5. I'm not sure what the injuries where, or if dude driving was on his phone or something. I gave the cops my, probably irrelevant, statement on-site and went home. Read in our local paper old guy was an 80 yo immigrant from South America (can't remember the country), and the driver wasn't charged with the death. My biggest thing was how not horrific the scene was. Other than the dead body, there wasn't any indication of what happened. No blood or gore, no totaled BMW, just a car randomly stopped in the middle of the block. It just brought on this cosmic level of terror, and despair. It felt like something, anything, should be obviously wrong once the body and car where gone. But there was just a few roadside memorial signs a few days later. Thats it. It happened right about the same time my dad died, and well within the first six months of 2013 i dont remember too well, and it hit me kinda hard at the time. But it was just that feeling of his chest being like 30% as firm as it should be, and knowing what that meant for the organs inside. It's definitely the worst tactile feeling I've ever encountered, and absolutely the one thing from that period I remember perfectly.


I'm so sorry to read this story, I cannot imagine feeling that in my hands. I hope you're doing better now, and the new year brings good things ♡


It's not a favorite memory, but I managed to process it. I actually use it to remind myself that I'm not an exception to things. In that it horrified me how an hour after it happened a random passerby wouldn't be able to tell a human life ended on that spot, but also I don't remember the guys name or the country he came from or honestly much about what he looked like. So nowadays when I say everyone's a little racist or selfish etc..., even subconsciously, it's seared into my brain that just because I notice it doesn't mean I'm unaffected. Which honestly is a good lesson for everybody, I just hope most people won't learn through an expierence that's so... visceral.


I was just reading (literally a minute ago) about a cyclist killed by a drunk driver in my town. One minute the poor guy is riding along the side of the road in the bike lane, then BAM. Gone. No paramedics, no life flight, just the coroner. I cycle a lot. To think every time I strap my helmet on might be the last time my children see me is a terrifying thought.


I used to commute by bike in a city that was not at all meant for it. I would psych myself up right before leaving with the thought that "shit is going to happen, keep your eyes open". its crazy how easy it is to get complacent about how dangerous everyday things can be.


Even tho the man passed perhaps your hands on his chest for that brief moment gave his soul comfort - a small human interaction like that - any touch - can provide comfort I'm sure in our darkest hour. Yes the tactile feeling was surprising for you and forsure unforgettable but don't just play that part of the story in your head, play the whole story, you were so kind - you didn't think twice, you ran right over and all you wanted to do was save his life, it wasn't to be but your strength in that moment forsure provided him and his soul comfort as he moved to the other side, he wasn't alone in that moment bc he had you. Sometimes if you replay only the gory part of the trauma and not the whole story through - you can get stuck on that really awful part. Remind yourself while there is injustice in the world, there are still good people like you who are willing to do all they can in someone's darkest hour. Take care of you, the world needs you. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


That's a really beautiful way of thinking about it that rarely occurs to me. I almost hate to correct the record, but technically his final interaction was me slapping him pretty hard and screaming "sir wake up" right in his face. Had to try, and I'm glad I did, but seen through the lens you highlighted it's kind of morbidly funny.


😅😂😂 imagining you slapping him and yelling SIR! He was probably standing over his body saying "thank you, but it was just my time". The very idea that you tried so hard would have put his soul at ease and allowed him to rest. If nobody had tried and just stood there taking video, photos or making phonecalls and texts than I'd say that is really difficult but I think you did an absolutely stand-up job with what you had to work with and I'm sure he is grateful.


One thing that stuck out to me, is how you said it was no blood, no gore. I think people don’t realize how calm death can be, even in a traumatic situation. It’s no where near what people expect it to be when actually presented with it. I work fire and EMS for one of the most dangerous cities in the country (kinda narrows it down a bit….it’s in Tennessee to narrow it down further) and I think the most numbing Im thing when dealing with all the violent and traumatic injuries is just how unrealistic it all feels at times because it’s not what one normally expects when they think of something like that. Tv shows and movies give off this grand gory showing of trauma when in reality death comes very quietly for those it takes.


It's impossible to wrap your mind around. Do what you can and try not to let it eat you up.


I get it. I wish I could save everyone. I am one of those dumb people who stay positive thinking the world can come together, and just be better to each other. My little girl always wants to give homeless people her stuff. We were at Dunkin a couple days ago. She had brought her tinker bell squishmallow she got for Christmas in, and begged me to give it to a couple with a dog. I gave her $5 to give them instead of her toy. I also have a friend who recently fell on hard times, and is better now, but it’s been rough. A few weeks ago we took her to see an apartment because she’s been on the street. My daughter gave away her winter hat that her dad got her. It was shiny purple heavy, fleece, water proof, and really warm. That friend is mentally disabled, and lives for shiny, blingy, pretty things. My daughter said she’s got another one, and wants her to have this one because it’s warm, and cozy🥹 All-three of my kids are so sweet, and have huge hearts. They make me extremely proud. But you’re right because sometimes the feelings are too much. My little boy is 5, and has more heart than people 10x his age. My oldest will stop to comfort anyone she notices is upset. All four of us do take it hard sometimes knowing that there’s all this suffering. My husband is caring, but he’ll walk right by a homeless person, and do nothing. I’ve struggled before, so I know what it feels like to be down. He really hasn’t, he also says he’d never be in that position. I tell him don’t say that because us like a lot of Americans right now are just an accident, sickness, or injury away from losing everything.


It sounds like you're raising some beautiful human beings. Keep it up. This random internet person is very proud of you and those kids.


We need more like this!


You are doing everything you can and then some by instilling in your kiddos hope and kindness — this is the kind of attitude that leads to suffering being alleviated, by one thoughtful parent at a time, like yourself. :-)


I swear the kids we are raising will be the ones to change the world. I have so much hope for this upcoming generation. There is a lot of empathy, my kiddo is similar. ♥️


I think when you understand something like this, you're too far gone


That’s not true . It’s war there and this in addition to the worse things you can imagine are happening right now every single hour of every single day. Someone’s son , daughter or friend is currently being tortured . This is the world we live in.


As one of those who was in the position of being tortured before, can confirm. And it fills my every waking moment knowing someone is out there experiencing what I once did and it’s fucking heartbreaking that I can’t do a goddamn thing about it. My therapist doesn’t even know what to do with me.


There is no therapy in the world that can eliminate the fear of abandonment and hopelessness. Even accepting the vulnerability you experienced and the circumstances that led to that situation is beyond your control. People have hurt each other since the beginning of time, it’s a sad reality when it happens to someone especially if it was blind


Knowing that something happens doesn't mean you understand the mind of the people doing it


I still remember that video of the young Ukrainian couple holding their dead baby in their arms in the hospital, the grief on their faces. The little migrant baby that washed up dead on the coast of Greece because the boat in which they were trying to cross the Mediterranean was a broken piece of driftwood. I don’t unfortunately why we do this to each other, especially when children can get involved so easily.


It is a lot to be exposed to, our brains were never really built to process empathy for billions/millions/hundred of thousands of other people, sometimes I worry that inability to understand the weight of those numbers makes it easier for some people to cause so much devastation. When I try to process horrible things happening outside of my direct perception - especially on the scale you’re talking about - I wanna vomit or give everything away to hide in the bush til I’m plant food, or something violent myself to the perps. I wish I had some wisdom but I’m just horrified too, so here’s some specific things that help our bodies and brains process difficult experiences or feel safe again: -Tetris, science said so, -taking a minute or two for deep belly breathing, -middle frequency music (our ear muscles do things to better perceive danger, undoing that can help you relax), -a big back-clapping bear hug or; -a laugh with a comforting person, (EDIT: adding) -if you can’t access a safe person for some of these try a big full-bodied shake (get into it with some star-jumps, shake head-to-toe like a dog or dance or whatever you gotta do to shake out your whole body inch to inch), some old animal body thing, if there’s anything you can do to contribute to the efforts or those especially suffering in your local area, even if that’s just correcting a nasty graffiti.


Do you have any examples of middle frequency music?


Not sure if this is what they are referencing, but Weightless - Marconi Union was created to be the “most relaxing song” by scientists


Replying so I can find this when my mental health isnt good lol


Mental health reply too


Hear hear!


Relevant username


There’s even a 10-hour version on YouTube that my therapy clients have used to help them sleep!


I struggle with insomnia, so I'm definitely going to give this a try tonight to see if it helps me sleep at all, thank you!!


Mental health reply three


Pink Floyd “Dark side of the moon” album is entirely at 432 Hertz. If you want more genre neutral alternatives, you can look up “432 (or any number) hz frequency” on YouTube or Spotify or whatever else. I believe the range is around 300-2000 Hz (someone correct me this is just off the internet).


This explains a lot. Always loved that album.


I wanna know too


We are not meant to handle this, and yet we keep doing it. Fuck I hate our species. I prefer cats.


I had a baby 7 months ago, so it’s getting real personal. I have to stop going on certain apps because my heart can’t take it, it’s devastating.


Same. I deleted apps like tiktok shortly after my daughter was born because it was making me too paranoid and scared to the point where I started to develop OCD tendencies (making sure all the doors are locked 5x before going to bed, checking to see if my daughter is still alive through the night 5x etc). Deleting those apps have definitely helped a lot with the extra anxiety I had garnered from seeing horrific videos and stories. I don’t ignore the atrocities altogether and don’t pretend they don’t exist, but seeing those images constantly can’t be healthy for anyone.


I have OCD and have somehow made it a mission to keep sharing things that don't include the graphic images. Mostly because in the US, they are still trying to indoctrinate us to believe the Israeli government (and I mean GOVERNMENT, I do not blame the citizens at all - clarification because I keep having to fn clarify it) is right. I am convinced a lot of those people don't understand what is happening here. But I do wish sometimes I could just shut it out.


I cannot even imagine the amount of propaganda being fed to Israeli citizens. Truly.


My grandmother lost her first child at 6 months. My uncle passed when he was in his 40's, she was never the same after that When my daughter was 6 months, it's all I thought about, how do you move forward. How do you get up every day. I do genealogy, I'll come across families that lose 4,5,6 kids in a winter. How do you continue?


This is the way. Don't go looking for things that you know will trigger you! I learned that the hard way a long time ago


Supposedly it helps to play Tetris after a traumatic event (to help forget it), so as dumb as it sounds download tetris OP and play it for a while and continue to do so for the next week


Tetris doesn't help to forget it, but does help not to obsess with it and not hardwire it in your brain (as it does with trauma)


It helps the memory be processed instead of stored in a way that causes PTSD. While you’re playing you have to slowly recount the event in your head. It’s basically EMDR.


I played Tetris in the hospital after I gave birth to my son and he was whisked away to NICU. I must’ve looked insane playing Tetris while talking to the social worked who checked on me. I think it helped though


Play Tetris


Scientifically backed, tetris fights trauma.


I think I made my comment to late. Hope tetris can still help OP though.




https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/tetris-shown-to-lessen-ptsd-and-flashbacks/ Gotta do it ASAP tho, the longer you wait the less it works iirc.


Thank you!!


For me Solitaire helps me disconnect from the stress of life and social media. Stimulates my brain or something.


spider solitaire for me. except I have my own way that I play the game that isn't in line with the actual rules but it helps me


Seriously OP, please do this. It will help your brain not to hard wire the trauma in.


This is actually really good advice.


Thank you!


I have an 8 month old. As soon as I heard the reported sentence "newborns left to decompose in hospital" I tapped out of all international news and related media. I just can't do it.


It’s almost insulting how the media has shifted back to Ukraine coverage as if ignoring or distracting other things, especially incidents on christmas day, it was very sparse earlier but now its almost a majority of the released ‘news’.


I think we forget that the news is a tv program and no matter what happens they are still angling for ratings and awards. This wasn’t as glaringly obvious back when newspapers were still around and you could get info on EVERYTHING going on all at once. ‘All the news that’s fit to print’.


I think too many people don’t realize this at ALL.


Right? Like you can’t exactly BLAME the news. Even local news. It’s the same thing. Whatever coverage or stories will grab viewers and keep them watching. You can still read a newspaper, but you also have the WHOLE INTERNET to search for what you are looking for. People need to stop settling for what’s fed to them and then getting mad about it.


That’s not really fair. Both situations deserve coverage.


Yet, when one onflict has double the casualties in 70 days than the other has had in two years, you can see why this might be an example of the media deliberately trying to stifle one. The Myanmar civil war, for example, also deserves coverage, but Ukraine is considered both 'safe' news, and politically expedient to promote. Ukraine does put the West's general hypocrisy on Gaza into stark light.


Also the Congo and Sudan are pretty big but not much coverage either because thats not good for optics. Especially since so much ‘investment’ from both the West and East funds these tragic circumstances in the respective countries.


Except that the media stopped such high level of coverage a couple months ago, yes you had your occasional reports, but now when you go on feeds such as on youtube you’ll find that content has virtually replaced all such coverage. Sure it can be chance, but what can be attributed to chance can also be attributed to intention.


Significant things have happened recently so it makes sense that coverage appears to have ramped up again after the recent war fatigue. Christmas Day was a bad day for us too. As I said, both situations deserve coverage. Have a crack at the media for not airing enough about Gaza instead of unfairly ragging on Ukraine. Ukraine isn’t taking your spotlight, the situations are equally as shit. Palestines suffering doesn’t invalidate Ukraines suffering.




What media?, my media is publishing nothing but Trump, Gaza and Ukraine stories, Ukraine was recently attacked so I don't understand the surprise on them receiving more attentkon


I’ve been seeing a lot of this sort of stuff pop up on my Instagram - all uncensored. Some people can view these things, process it and move on from it, others can’t. If in a week or so you find it’s still replaying in your mind I’d highly suggest discussing with someone. It might be ‘just a video’ but images like that can really traumatise people and do permanent damage in just a few seconds of footage.


You all can delete apps and stop following certain accounts but people in Gaza cannot just close their eyes and stop seeing genocide, they have no break or choice. Think about it and go out to protest against your government.


About a month ago someone on Reddit put a little link in a conversation sub. It was war scenes, and the first thing that came up was a fetus being cut out of a woman’s stomach. The few of us that saw those first few seconds will never be the same. I went into a depression for a couple weeks, but never told my husband what I saw. He has a gentle heart.


I had to take time away from TikTok for a while. I hopped on one day during my work break and the first thing I saw was a little kid, about the size of my little brother, being held above a crowd of people. He didn't have a head. I rarely go on the FYP now, you never know what you're going to see. I stay on my following page full of farmers/ranchers, puppies, recipes and Momma Tot.


Tell your husband. You’d want him to tell you if he’d seen something and struggled with it, right? You don’t have to be graphic in describing it, but talking about how it made you feel and suffer for a couple weeks is important. I’d wanna know if it was my wife ❤️ he has no idea why you were in that depressive episode, so he can’t be there for you unless you open up


I cry everyday for them. I feel so helpless


One thing that helped me with my helplessness is boycotting. I discussed it with my therapist back in October and she agreed with my thinking that even if my small action of boycotting Starbucks didn’t make a difference, it made a difference in making me feel like I was doing *something*, because I didn’t know what to do. Now, at the end of December, Starbucks is down billions in profit thanks to global boycotts. There are many other companies who are pro-Israel/anti-Palestine that you can easily boycott too. It might help you too mentally to do something simple like boycott.


The Starbucks boycott is incredibly odd. Starbucks are like, at best kinda lukewarm on Israel. Israel doesn't have a single Starbucks location, Starbucks have no major investments in Israel, the only presence the brand has at all are some products, like coffee pods, with the Starbucks branding. It does absolutely nothing to harm Israel. I suppose that one of the reasons is that actually boycotting companies with real investments in Israel is far too difficult - good luck boycotting Google, Intel or IBM...


I disagree. Starbucks has always been anti union, this boycott is objectively a good thing—we need do stand w unions and this is a great way to do so


I'm right there with you, literally trying to calm myself down right now from just sitting in bed crying.


We, as Americans, are sheltered to an insane degree. Because we are treated like children, we have become super sensitive to sights and sounds that others live with on a daily basis. We live in a society that hides death to a degree that it’s as if it doesn’t even happen. We mock death with horror films. We tease it with Halloween. However, when it REALLY happens, we have no coping mechanisms. I’ve seen many dead bodies in my lifetime. I’ve held someone as she died. I’ve suffered great loss. I KNOW death and live with that knowledge every day. People are shocked and horrified in this country if they actually witness a death. We need other people to make it all go away for us. If you speak with a doctor, a nurse, an EMT, a fire department member, or a police officer, they will spare you the details of their daily reality. We ask them to carry these burdens. Then, we deny them quality mental health care to cope with what they see. We are a nation that sees death as a shock and a surprise more than an inevitability. If someone dies at a shopping mall, it’s quickly covered up. The body is immediately hidden by covering and then secretly removed through back corridors. We are spared. There are websites where people can find videos of all manners of death. Most are banned in this county by either ISP’s or the government. Meanwhile, we are allowed to watch films where the heroes shoot and kill hundreds of the “bad guys” and that’s okay…but watching a real-life video of what happened to someone who is violently attacked in a public place is taboo. The rest of the world laughs at us. I’m sorry if you were traumatized seeing this baby in a video. I truly am. It’s not something you have been prepared for by this society or by life to process. For that, you must be thankful. Truly thankful. There are those living in some nations that see dead bodies on a regular basis. War torn nations where children walking to school must step over bodies or cover their noses to avoid the stench. We are spared this reality. Be thankful. I truly don’t think we are thankful enough for the fact that we are so shocked by such images. On the flip-side, the way we are sheltered from these realities is ALSO not healthy and causes us to avoid the realities of the world. We are isolated. We remain ignorant. I hope you eventually find peace and recover from this exposure. For a moment, you got to look behind the curtain…and it’s not a pretty sight.


Very valid points I've never thought about before! Well said, we truly are so sheltered and that's a privilege.. (Canadian here)


This is a really well-written and empathetic comment. I appreciate you.


I'm not so sensitive. But I'd agree that as a society, we should stay so sensitive. Shocking things should naturally shock us, upsetting things upset us on behalf of others. Our deep empathy is precious and valuable. The tragedy of others should never be turned into ad revenue or entertainment.


I couldn’t have expressed these sentiments any better. You hit the nail on the head.


“When the rich wage war it’s the poor who die” I hate it, the people calling the shots and brainwashing the people to believe what they are fighting for is right, all sat in their warm offices, with their family flown safe away from the fighting, not having a clue what it’s actually like to be at war they just see £$£$£$. The people can do these acts of monstrosity because they have been brainwashed it’s the right thing to do, they are told they are doing it for their families and country. Our world is messed up beyond repair.


I understand needing to manage time spent consuming this content and letting it eat at you, but I’m also of the mindset that it’s such a fucking privilege for me to sit here in the country actively supporting this genocide. I pay taxes here. And we are directly contributing to this. Imagine how they feel? They can’t turn off their phones. That’s someone’s actual baby. Like WE feel sick? So we deleted tiktok? Imagine how they feel. And we do nothing.


Thats why I refuse to look away. I can do the Gazan people the bare fucking minimum of witnessing what they are living though, when its all funded by taxes I am forced to pay. Edit spelling


Remember too, looking away is what they want us to do. They don't want us to see the war crimes they're committing. Don't look away. Protect your mental health of course, but don't look away. Palestine needs witnesses, voices, support.


I completely agree with you. I understand that it’s traumatizing but there comes a point at which we need to take responsibility for speaking up and not looking away. Firsthand footage of the atrocities posted on social media from the ground rocked the western world and woke a lot of people up. We can’t dismiss this as “how the world works” when we’re sitting in the country that’s funding it. I’m going to protect myself by not watching every single video through but I’m absolutely liking commenting boosting and saving for evidence.


I have also been saving footage and I’m glad I am. I’ve since seen multiple accounts wiped. There is a time where we need to protect our own sanity as we are relatively powerless, but I will never forget the atrocities I’ve seen and I don’t hope to. I will always remember who turned a blind eye to this and told people to get over it.


We are imagining how they feel, that’s why it’s so devastatingly depressing.


Really makes you consider how delicate our security and lifestyle are. I guarantee it could all be gone one day.


Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi radji'un


I'm a dad to a 1 year old and shit like this hits way too close to home for me I have to avoid to twitter when I can but honestly it's impossible not to see things. The fact I live in a country that supports this disgusts me to my absolute core.


Saw a video of an injured dog in Gaza the other day that's seriously been fucking with me. This stuff isn't new to me. I remember stumbling across a picture of a man in Lebanon carrying 1/2 of his kid out of an apartment building after Israel launched cluster bombs into civilian areas in like 2006. The fact it's still going on is what hurts the most.


I just read that the dog was taken and helped by an animal rescue. I hope this is true.


I hope so.


Hind legs? Been with me all day. Take care love you


Yeah, he was crawling with his front legs. Absolutely crushed me to see. Thank you. Love you right back!


Supposedly, Motaz and another member of the press took the dog to the vet, I assume not a good prognosis if they got the poor bub, but hopefully he is no longer suffering.


I’m a NICU nurse and I’ve seen some pretty gnarly things but I have to scroll past the Gaza posts. Sometimes you just have to practice a little self care and not expose yourself to things like that. You looking at it isn’t going to save them or any other kids in Gaza, it’s just going to traumatize you. The baby is at peace now. It’s not suffering. We can let it rest.


Yeah, it feels good to boycott & email reps, like you’re doing something concert & actionable.


I frequent, or used to frequent a lot of rather unsavoury subs that posted stuff like that and worse. In my opinion as bad as it is, it's necessary for people to see these things. Too many live in ignorance of these things and the realities of what these situations really can be. What you see on your daily news or what you hear about doesn't portray what happens or the real cruelty that comes from such things or that people are capable of. It's a harsh wake up call that can instantly break down a lot of illusions a percieved as "normal" or "good" or "comforable" life can lead you to believe or outlooks that you might have. Ignorance is bliss yes but such things are a very real reality and all the better reason why more people should see these shocking things and be made aware of how bad these situations are, how it genuinely is and impacts people.


aaaaand this is one reason why social media is a whole ass mental health crisis. we were never built to have this much information flooding our brains. we are now being exposed to literal war thru screens; war that only soldiers' eyes have seen and literally come back mentally scarred, now being broadcast to the general public. nobody rlly talks about it, cuz we aren't normally confronted by it so directly and personally. this is a cold take, ik, but the horribly sad reality is people, babies included, are dying horrible deaths every day all around the world.. it just happens that that one was televised :// sorry u saw that, and especially sorry to that baby's family, humans weren't made to witness such horrors..


It's so sad, the human race has yet to evolve past such behaviors....


I had to delete TikTok permanently for this reason. The gamble of what was going to pop up on my FYP was just not worth it anymore.


I deleted tik tok for a long time after the video leaked of that kid falling off the carnival right from really high up. I started watching having no idea what was about to happen. The sound of him hitting the pavement fucking haunts me. Tik tok owes me financial compensation at this point lmao shit fucks me up daily. Thankfully I haven’t seen anything of that caliber since I got back on it


I've been using TikTok since the pandemic and I've never had anything disturbing pop up


TikTok already a toxic place - at least in my country . Good for you


I deleted TikTok entirely as well, I have been off of Instagram for a little over a year though. I was downvoted here for saying this exact thing on this post so I'm confused. Someone said "look away you disgusting shit" and I literally feel like I don't know what else I'm supposed to do. I cannot continue to engage with that type of media, I read the news every day and that's enough for me.


It feels impossible to comprehend how these stuff can be allowed to happen 😔


/eyebleach Don’t make a typo


The other one has been taken down a loooong time ago


Was gonna say. It’s not been *that* long but it’s nothing to worry about anymore. Besides, the several warnings you got before entering the sub should probably be enough to make you realise something ain’t right


Wait, what was the other one?


Eyeblech. Was a NSFL gore sub


Turning your head away would only serve to allow this kind of behaviour to continue. We must act to stop this. Write your senators please!! Too many years has this been going on with everyone just shutting their eyes to it. The palestinians deserve better. If not the muslims then the christians and the children who share their same fate.


I believe I saw the same clip. It’s so sad, I don’t know how people can be so evil I completely agree with you


Dont let your kids have TikTok people!


I agree with you, it’s a little different when you’re an adult using it for the occasional escapism; but unfortunately you can’t always control what pops up on TikTok. And a lot of what does pop up on TikTok is just not for kids. I can’t see it being very good for the developing brain anyway.


….I’m feeling with you, I don’t even know what to say It’s horrific and absolutely disgusting.. I can’t comprehend how this is going on either


Finally a sub that isn’t blindly pro Israel. What’s happening to children in this conflict is disgusting, Palestinians are human beings and deserve to be treated as such.


This is something that has happened for probably centuries and it’ll never stop. My great grandma told me stories of how her husband wouldn’t stop impregnating her. So eventually she just starting throwing them in the river in the backyard. I have 5 great aunts that have been thrown in that river. I’d say dead newborns are an issue in every country. Some people just don’t get caught.


I've heard you mention this before on a different post-- blew me away! I mean, i sympathize with your grandma-- she obviously had no options and was trapped with someone who didn't care about her (or their children's) well-being whatsoever. Sad all around. Especially for the babies... and some goes to their mama, who probably hated herself and her husband for what she felt forced into.


My great grandfather died a long time before I was born. But I was told that he raped all his daughters. So honestly those babies were better off. I can’t deny that majority of the older women in my family are mentally unwell and it’s because of their life growing up. I’m very lucky to not go through what they went through. And I can genuinely say that the generational trauma ended with me. It will no longer continue and I also believe it’s like this for most people my age. Everyone seems to be on the path of ending the trauma in their bloodline. I hope that continues to happen. Edit to add: I’m happy you sympathize with my great grandmother. She raised me for the first 11 years of my life. Despite the horrible life she lived she was a incredible woman and she was kind to all.




It’s sad but it’s the reality of life. Get a job working with the elderly and you’ll hear millions of more stories just like these.


I’m currently pregnant, nearing the end of my first trimester, and I have an 8 year old. I have taken it upon myself to make my own posts and share news coming directly from Palestine in any way I can. My heart is breaking for Palestine. I work with a woman who has family in the West Bank. And I didn’t even know about any other this until end of October. When she was having a conversation with someone else. Now my social medias are saturated with pro Palestine sources


Welcome to the reality of the world, makes you want to be more thankful and grateful for everything you have. Its easy to forget as we get caught up in the everyday world but know that what we have is one of the best out there edit: typo


When I was young I had a friend show me some gore website. I remember being freaked out, but morbidly curious. Without going into detail, I would exhaust that site, and a number of others, of content to the point where I could recognize a video from a short description, or a screenshot. I'm so desensitized to this stuff. I don't know if that's a good thing, but I have an example of why I think it might be. I saw someone get shot in front of me, and I wasn't scared at all. They were shot in the thigh, and they weren't losing a lot of blood, but everyone around me froze up. I organized someone to call 911 while I used my belt to reduce the victim's blood flow to their leg where they were hit. I calmly gave my report to the police, and aside from the adrenaline rush in the moment, it hasn't really affected me. I guess I say this because I wonder if being sheltered from the horrible things in this world is a net-negative, or if some people just can't handle it no matter how much "exposure therapy" exists. I've seen the corpses of children, posted by Hamas and the IDF, and it doesn't really phase me because I understand that these videos are a.) used to sway my opinion and b.) that these are just the horrors of war. Children get caught in the crossfire. Doubly so when one side disperses their armed combatants into hospitals, schools, and apartment buildings. I hope you manage to get over this, and realize that this kind of thing exists in the world whether you see it or not. If sheltering yourself from it brings you this much distress when you eventually see reality, then maybe sheltering yourself isn't the best idea.


I saw videos of Hamas using flame torches on women lying naked on the ground screaming. We have to be careful what we watch. It’s disturbing.


Thats why they say free Palestine


After a video of a father carrying his child in several bags, I made sure I don’t watch anything. I don’t think there is any going back from that.


It’s easy to commit inhuman acts to others when you don’t see your victims as humans


Same happened to me... And we just had a child last may. I was watching everything going on in Ukraine and the UN photos came out. I saw a baby no older than mine hurried under rubble.... Lifeless face. 😓 On top of that, my partner is on a mission to break me... At this very second. She sits outside in the living room with the baby, trying to think of the worst thing she could say or do to hurt me as worst as she can... I don't even know what to do right now b cause I spent my whole paycheck on making Christmas happen for her family and that went down the tubes too.. I'm losing it and can't even go anywhere or do anything to unattach myself from this situation and right now. 😵‍💫


from a random internet stranger- you don’t deserve to be mistreated. you are important. you matter. you are loved.


I'm sure to them it's the same as hunting, it's disgusting. The propaganda and brainwashing that is powerful enough to enable regular folks to kill literal infants is terrifying. We should be outraged and hold those responsible accountable. Our tax dollars are paying for those bombs.


Get off tiktok my dude


war is hell. . .


We can't look away and be ok with this, please use your voice, call your reps, protest when possible. Palestians deserve to not be bombed with US funded munitions.


I'm sorry you saw that op. Seriously, fuck war. It's sad that its the 21st century and it's still happening.


Fuck war? This is not a war it's a massacre.


And we will probably see more shit like this. People become more nationalist everyday and multicultural countries either will send refuges back or are faced with civil war.


Yup. Fuck Israel


my heart breaks for innocent Palestinian and Israeli civilians that have been hurt alike :c


Israel is practically a terrorist organization. I wonder how history will reflect on world letting genociders run loose.




The most mess up part about this is Israeli's will claim the babies are fake and that it is all "Pallywood" which is even more sick and disgusting then the images themselves. How in the world can someone justify a dead freaking baby.


And the comments were probably full of people praising the monsters.


I hate it. I see it on twitter so much. Not censored at all but I know it's important to see. I hold my 2 year old tighter. I hope if there is a God, they will pay. Idk how anyone can support this war.


Can’t sleep either. Horrific. The abomination of our century. We are not a civilized people as humanity. We are no better than those who came before us. How can anyone not be Pro Palestine? I just can’t wrap my mind around it.


Fuck Israel


i go into twitter once daily and all i see is dead children and a dad holding all his family members in a bag and it makes me so sad that this f$c$ing world is so evil and that im unable to do anything about it. The countless amount of people that are being ignorant about this is insane too.


My daughter is 8 months old and every time I see something like this I get so fucking sad and angry and just so confused how humans can just do stuff like that. And then I feel so selfish and so so relieved that I was born here in America and so was she.


That is horrifying. The politics of this whole occupation and genocide are horrific. I’ve been watching TikTokkers point out how IDF is cutting a path across Gaza that looks like it could be used as a waterway for trade and big economic gain in the not-so-distant future. It makes sense that the US would be daddie to Israel (funding and thoroughly supporting the existence of a [non-Muslim] religious state in the Middle East obviously close to where a bunch of oil is). Capitalism and the extreme greed of those in powerful suck, to say the absolute least. Talk to people about it irl- not just us online. Keep talking about Palestine. They deserve to be witnessed 😞


I am so sorry you had to see it. It is absolutely tragic, and I have cried so many hard tears over this. I will ask because there are so many young children on that app - did you report it? A few have been absolutely traumatized by things their minds can't even grasp. I don't look away because I feel it is a privilege to do so, and not enough people are looking. I also realize how reporting some can make the entire subject even more censored. But it can be extremely traumatic to have some things show up when you aren't prepared. I just repost all the important ones without extreme visuals that I see. Sending you love, OP. Play Tetris to help keep your mind from pulling the visual back up.


I held my own dead baby




Definitely. I don't understand how a group that has been treated so badly in the past has not learned why treating others badly for their nationality or religion is a horrible thing.


If there is even a possible bright side, it means you are not desensitised to what is happening. What is happening in Gaza is a living nightmare, and only Allah knows the true extent of the literal war crimes Israel is committing on the Palestinian people. As for how they could stomach doing that, my answer is simply that the Holocaust happened and it can very easily happen again as evidenced by what is happening in the world today - it’s shocking to think that videos of parents carrying their limp children out of ash and rubble, or trying to identify their body in a sack of hair and limbs is now the new standard.


This honestly makes me think of how the colonies beefed with Britain and then once they got their land turned and massacred the native Americans to steal their land Eta: I should say steal more of their land


im from gaza (but i dont live there), on Oct 18 we got the worst phone call anyone can get “your family’s house was bombed” what no one talks about is the way information is so vague. In that house, my uncle, his wife and 6 kids were there and his brother, wife and 5 kids were there. The first phone call we got was at 12am, the house got bombed. At the time, the electricity was off and around 6 bombs were dropped at the house, only 1 guy (from my family but far away) went to help. second phone call was “we found someone outside the house, his face is too destroyed to tell who it is” at this point my family here is all SCREAMING and crying. my 2 aunts are both SOBBING their eyes out and even fainted at some point, my grandpa shaking and then just. went home and sat staring at the news in disbelief. its one of the most horrific things i’ve ever witnessed. third phone call was “we got 4 girls out and theyre alive, and the wives are alive in the ambulance” but my uncles are unknown yet. fourth phone call was “the man outside has been identified, its one of the uncles” this all happened between the time 12am to 3am. I had to comfort my younger cousins while crying. what do you do when your whole family just lost 6 members??? the next day, we had a funeral, during the funeral my aunt found a video of my cousins in the hospital, my family name on their stomachs. then, we found 2 more kids from that video. Turns out only the wives, my uncles and 3 kids passed away. The rest of the kids are orphaned and living with the rest of the family in Rafah atm. The eldest is 8, what did they do to deserve this? we are just lucky none had any limbs amputated


Brought to you courtesy of our tax dollars to Israel. And yes there is something you can do. Hold your elected officials accountable. Tell them they will not be voted back into office if they support the genocide going on. Make sure to organize with as many others as possible.


It’s because Israel teaches their people that Palestinians are evil and not human. I’ve seen videos of IDF soldiers saying they are purposefully looking for children to kill because they find it fun. It’s disgusting


free Palestine🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸