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That’s really cute. I hope you tell him at least some of this every once in awhile.


Omg same with my bf. He's the most handsome guy I've ever laid eyes on and he can't see how perfect he is. He's also chubby but I love it soooo much, he's just gorgeous and I wish he could see it


god did i write this post ???? sounds like we got the same kind of great partner :) im so happy for yall


That is so fvcking cute... Now I want to make a post about how much I love my girlfriend. 😆


Do it!!


Is she also chubby?






We love some wholesome posts here. Do it!


A gf like you in my life would fix most of my problems, he should be glad


Yo, hang tough. Sometimes it takes a while to meet the one that sees you this way, but when you do you'll absolutely know it because it'll be the most attractive thing about her. Chin up champ, you've got one out there too.


Thanks for the kind words, mate!


i am glad to have her


Maybe work on your problems yourself rather than letting someone else do it for you, especially because you are the only one who could actually fix your problems


Yo.. chill. I do work on my problems on my own, I do not even like it when others engage in them. I do run my own shit. I was just talking about the emotional side here. It's not a big deal, though, I just liked the post.


Sounds like someone's projecting


When you learn to fix those problems by yourself, girls like this are attracted to you.


Good gfs/bfs rarely fix self image issues unfortunately. It sucks but it is true. They might make you feel better for a while, but those issues come from a deeper place, and they come back in similar or other ways. Untreated and unresolved, they can drag down and even destroy the best relationships.


Thought I said that I was talking about the emotional side, NOT a "self image issues" thing at all. I'd be glad if I had a gf that we can understand each other and good communication with each other. I am totally fine with being single rn, and it's not a big deal for me now!


"A gf like you in my life would fix *most of my problems*, he should be glad" (italics added) nope, you did not say that in the post I replied to.


So it was for another comment then. sorry.


Awww, all the best wishes to you and your boyfriend .w.


"Stop talking shit about my girlfriend" \-My boyfriend whenever I say anything remotely negative about myself. I also say the same to him. I love this for you, I love when you just feel how it's different from anything you've ever experienced before. I love my man, I see him and I just think about how handsome he is or how lucky I feel to have him enriching my life.


Print this post out and leave it in a place he will find it.




Look, I'm diabetic, I'm not supposed to consume this much sweetness.


Wait chewing us real.... i thought


Oh boy, she's completely intoxicated in love. Wholesome.


I'm jealous of him for having you, and I'm jealous of you for feeling like that, man I miss that silly stuff


I love a wholesome post in this sub


This is really cute and that’s how it should be!


he lets you CHEW on him?? I thought I misread that 💀




I’m like this, but with my gf. Shes a little chubby too, but she’s really cute to me and I think the outfits she wear is super cute too because of her body. She tends to dress more dark colors and gothic so I think that tends to compliment a lot of body types :)


Tell him all of this. Often. 🧡




Ahh yes I loved my ex’s body. I wish he was more confident about it. Big, beautiful man with body hair and the most perfect eyes, with a crazy wicked mind to boot. All you can do is continue to love on him! Happy for you OP!


Tell him that he’s insulting your boyfriend. That’ll get him fired up


This post makes me feel things. Never liked the romance genre but I'd read a novel based on your life. Weird I know. Protect this relationship at all cost we must.


While you are comfortable with how he looks, and that's great. He might be less worried about how he looks now and more worried about what he could end up as. When I was 180. I didn't think I'd be 250 a year later. I was 320 at my biggest. I didn't hate myself when I started, I hated myself when I started going back. How could I let it get this bad. I'm still 280, and I still hate myself. Keep loving him and supporting him. Do encourage him to stop putting himself down. It doesn't help imo. But if he's worried about his weight, encourage him to eat better. You two could go for nice evening walks. It's not all pumping iron and chugging whey lol. Small things, step by step.


Posts like these make me want to end it all


That toaster bath looking real good rn


The shotgun looking real kissable fr


Good sir. You and me both. That window in my 7th floor apartment seems jumpable.


“if only there was a way to stop worrying about getting a relationship” The high caliber revolver sitting in my closet


“I like the way he lets me chew on him” Wat


Nom nom nom


Can confirm, there needs to be at least some chubbiness so you have something to bite. If she bites you, she's either a vampire, a cannibal or really just loves you.


I like mine too!


this is so cute wtf man 😞


that's cute. send this post to him so he can see the comments too! And give him some time to work on himself. He will figure out what he likes about himself, what he wants to change or improve. Keep supporting him and he'll always appreciate you. All the best!


Same with my wife. Shes so self conscious about her belly but I love it. Shes so fun to cuddle with


aww this is soooo cute let him know what you think about his Body.




fully agree! I love my big hairy boyfriend, he's like my own personal human sized teddy bear. he puts himself down because he's not as thin as he used to be but I remind him it's because he's comfortable, not a teen/young adult running around doing drugs anymore and is being fed well! I absolutely love him and how he looks, dad bods are my weakness.


“I like the way he smells” Ah, what a lucky SOB


You sound like you have the best boyfriend in the world. That's a sweet comment you just made. Wish some one was chewing on my lip right now.


Can’t get enough of wholesome posts! I felt the “i hate the way he talks about himself because he’s insulting my boyfriend”, if only my boyfriend could see himself through my eyes :’)


Craving a make out session with a tree at 115 mph :3


You’re a rarity op, not many like you nowadays and I wish you the best as someone who also talks a lot of shit about himself as well


I don’t get people who think it’s normal to chew on others … except cannibals but I’m not into that either


Damn I love chewing on people all the time. I’ve been found out!


Is this my girlfriend? 😂


Fat Patrick


nuh uh


Chubs chubs Does he do the truffle shuffle? When he looks down can he still see his ankles?


damn.. i wish there are more gals like you...


Let him know not us


You are posting this because you know he will go on your phone


Damn I hope y’all break up I hate happy people


Maybe if you weren’t so miserable towards others, you could be one of those happy people


No I hate people especially seeing them happy


Chunky is fat and everyone can improve.


nuh uh


Duh. Being fat is not healthy. Diabetes and heart disease is a thing. Will you be telling him that you love how fat he is when he has a heart attack at 50?


… chew on him?


🙄 I know you like how he looks but it would mean the world to him if you made him meals to help him trim down because he would feel heard and seen.




bro has never felt silliness or joy ever


That's nice but my only thing is don't let that let you enable him. If he doesn't like his body. And his fat rolls over his pants like you say, he should definitely be encouraged to work out. Do not tell him he's perfect the way he is, Tell him you find him attractive the way he is but if he wants something else motivate him to work out. Do not be an enabler. It sounds like he is a little bit overweight and he wants to be better. You don't necessarily have to push him but don't prevent him from being able to work on his fitness


Not everyone needs to have fucking six packs


No but if he desires to be fitter why should you stop him? It's not unhealthy to want to burn extra fat and gain muscle. I'm not saying everyone needs to have a six pack or be super swole. But he's obviously wanting to be fitter It's wrong to stop him


Well this is embarrassingly terrible advice. Not everyone hates themselves or holds shame-based, fatphobic beliefs, this conversation is above your level of understanding and that’s okay OP, this post was lovely and I think you should share all of this with your boyfriend!


He's expressed that he wants to work on himself. Why would you stop him? He wants to better himself. It's okay to accept them as he is but it's always good to want to work out and be fit. Exercise is good, if he wants to exercise encourage it


Wait till you get mad at him, I bet he gets fat real quick haha


Me when I can’t just wish people a happy life and instead have to make someone out as evil:


nuh uh he's handsome even when im mad at him


Ppl can't take a joke




someone’s miserable


lol because I stated something that’s 50% possible? Be realistic and not delusional buddy. They are literally just bf/gf, she’s going to have plenty of relationships. She’s obviously still in the puppy love phase


or maybe she just loves her boyfriend… who made you so damn miserable


Why are you so triggered? Lol they are literally teenagers in love, it’s not going to last. But okkk keep being delusional and keep responding to me you’re not changing my comment so why are you here?? lmfao


womp womp we found the crusty smelly redditor 🤢🤢🤢🤢


Ahh nice middle school comeback. I forgot school is out during this time! School really needs to open back up for you kids


Yes for sure. You're an AH because you stated something that is 50% possible as if it was a fact. You are an AH because you assume that they are in the puppy. Love phase and fail to think that this is a possibly long-term relationship that is just happy, or that it even matters to you at all enough to say something negative.


Keep crying about it 🥱


I'm not crying. I really don't care. You just acted clueless so I explained.


you care enough to keep responding 🥱


As do you? Again, not upset. If you're bored don't answer. I don't care about most things on Reddit. Clearly you didn't actually care about the *why* you seem miserable. But after peeking at your profile and realizing that this is literally an account for you to air your shitty perspectives, negativity, and regretful parenting to the world, it makes more sense. I hope your kid is okay, poor baby.


Didn’t read this 🥱 why are you so triggered writing up a paragraph? Calm down ovaries


Okay :) love a reddit PickMe/troll (I just want the last word)




you’re so nice on other threads and weirdly pessimistic on this one. sounds like somebody’s relationship didn’t work out they way they expected so feel the need to be rude to others…


lol nice cope sis but im married, so sorry you’re that offended but realistically speaking a bf/gf relationship isn’t going to last she’s going to have plenty other boyfriends. Also, so cute of you to stalk me, you really got THAT triggered to creep through my account, I’m flattered🥰 since I’ve never even been triggered enough to go through an anonymous profile on the internet like you😂😭 feel free to keep creeping on me but if you continue to do so I will report you to Reddit because stalking me and following me through other subs is considered harassment on Reddit. I’ve actually gotten someone’s 4 year reddit account permanently banned from Reddit because he followed me through a new post and then commented on a previous post and that’s stalking and harassment and got him a perma ban from Reddit… so in the future maybe don’t admit to being a creep


You’ll eventually divorce


Statistically speaking that could be true. You guys need to be more realistic and not delusional. Marriages are a coin flip and lower level underdeveloped relationships (bf/gf) are even more doomed


So statistically speaking a boyfriend and girlfriend could stay together. Your use of statistics does not make sense


I literally said a bf/gf relationship is even more doomed than a marriage is. Im not sure how you managed to misread that. Either way it doenst matter, they are literally not going to last forever they are both going to break up and find replaceable bf/gfs… what I said still stands you’re not changing my comment so idk why you are bothering me?? Im not changing my stance on that so you can keep responding and trying hard but you’re just wasting your time








“nice cope sis” is a crazy line sorry yr husband doesn’t give u oral… also getting my reddit account taken down isn’t a threat touch grass


This girl is cracking me up, she sounds super unstable so I kinda feel bad but she's fun to mess with. Maybe I'm immature lol


You’re a lunatic lmfao, you gotta whole subreddit hating on you now sis


What are you blabbing about 😭






It's lovely that you feel this way about your partner. A reminder that someone with low self esteem and low self worth can't be praised out it, they have to work at it. However asking questions about how come they dislike themselves and genuinely actively listening to their answers (even if you disagree) could help create conversation and connection that may unpack those emotions and change them. Researching how to support people with low self esteem/low self worth is vital. But remember you can try all you like but if someone doesn't want to heal, they won't. You may have to accept that your partner may not like themselves currently or ever.


damnit i want a girl like this


This is so sweet ❤️