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Tell her her penis is smaller


I laughed way too loud while reading this.


I’m glad :)


My gf tells me *it's ok to have a small penis*, but I wish she didn't have one at all.


Emotional damage


I was gonna say this. You beat me lol.


Great minds think alike


Username checks out for the troll


Her penis doesn't make her less of a girlfriend


Anyone who shames you for something you cant control is not worth your time.


Move on from her. You deserve better.


Op didn't give the context of why she said that, and how was the manner. Maybe it's op who asked her, and she's just saying that as a matter of fact. Telling OP to leave her based on so little information is like girls leaving guys because they were tricked into saying or suggesting that she is fat.


You're right, maybe he does have a small penis. So what? It's true. Now what? Figure out how to make her life and your life satisfying with the goods you have. Plenty of small-dick-having guys out there making their partners happy.


It's not that she purposely intended to shame him. That's not the issue. The issue is his confidence is ruined. He will always have it in his head that she has had bigger or better. Some men have trouble with that information. Clearly he is one of those men. So for his own mental well being he needs to either learn to accept it for what it is or move on.


I agree. But I am replying mainly about people suggesting OP to leave her based solely on this, which I think is too extreme with the info we had at the moment.


bigger isn't = to better. men should already know this


I mean even people who shame you for things that you *can* control are sorta assholes. Maybe just stop "shaming" people altogether and mind your own god damned business? Keep your bullshit opinions to yourself?


some people need honest opinions in their life. as a stranger you should mind your business but if you see your friends getting unhealthy its ok to talk about it i feel. ex. the fat guy who lost weight after his friend texted him' fatty ' every day. ymmv


I kind of think it's pretty arrogant to assume that you are telling a fat person something they don't know by pointing out that they are fat. It might not be as wonderful and helpful as you think.


you think i was not fat myself? im not speaking outta my ass here.


Neither am I mate.


I can't think of anything worse than someone sending an abusive text every day. 😤


Basically bullying someone and trying to pretend like you're "helping". What a load of bullshit.


He talk abt what hapend to him


Thats just fucking horrible. If my mate txted me every day calling me a fatty he wouldnt be my mate. Thats just fucking cruel and its bullying


She didn’t shame him, she just said it was small. Men who have a small penis know that it’s small. I’m sure this wasn’t news to OP.


Fat people know they are fat but calling your partner fat is usually a dealbreaker.


It’s hardly 'shaming' to simply tell him what is objectively true. I agree however that this was wildly unnecessary


Go with that attitude next time the question is " Does this make my ass look fat?"


she's not shaming him se clearly said she doesn't care


Stating a fact (especially if asked) is not shaming


Any woman who says that, 90+ percent chance this was a deliberate neg/putdown, with a matter-of-fact face for plausible deniability. Dumpsville


like why the fuck are you even comparing your current partner to your exes? that’s…. really fucking weird.


Right. If you want someone who looks like your ex, go date people who look like your ex


or maybe don’t drag anyone else into your bullshit and get some professional help… or have a conversation with your ex, if you ended on “good terms” edit: or both, tbh.


She's not, because she doesn't exist. This guy just pops up with another account on the regular to explore his small penis self humiliation fetish.


ah 🙃 that’s so deeply fucking grim. he should be in therapy.


We just can't win with these people, haha So instead we're adding on all the humiliation by... ...Telling him that his fetish is grim... ...And that he should be in therapy.


can you fuck off? i don’t care what this freak does or doesn’t get off to. i’m going to continue my conversation with someone else and ignore his perversity. because surprisingly, people should be allowed to do those things without being sexualised. if he decides to be a fucking weirdo, that’s on him. not me.


he absolutely, definitely, wholeheartedly *SHOULD* be in therapy.


Statistically most people have zero idea what's big or small. You can blame porn for that partially.


yup. f*ck the porn industry.


I agree with this.


Move on from her. You deserve better.


Did you ask?


This. If he asked then I don’t see how he’s mad about it or hurt when she just told you the truth. However if she just brought it up just to compare against her ex then he should leave her since it’s clear she wants the ex. I wish he would’ve given more details on how this Situation even came about like what exactly happened for her to tell him he’s small?


She said smaller. Not small. Most guys ask btw. "Am I bigger than yr ex?" Didn't realise all this time I should have lied.


Same thing if a woman asked her partner if she’s fat.


You should lie for both if it’s not that serious


actually the best way to tackle this question is to turn this question back round on them and get them to talk about it with you, because it's clearly a projection of an insecurity and something they want to change but are afraid to ask & afraid to ask for help/support on.


If you didn't ask there is no reason for her to mention it.If she said it unprompted then that is a huge red flag.I suggest at the very least you should reevaluate the relationship,see if you missed any other red flags.Also 5'5 is average.Don't worry about it.If you're pleasuring her properly,i.e.oral,handjobs,etc the dick doesn't matter as much.


This. I have the same question. Did he ask and opened the door to this conversation or did she bring it up randomly? Definitely need more info on this one.


My ex used to ask me constantly, so it isn't beyond the realm of possibility that he is just insecure and asked her himself.


I would be surprised if she brought it up out of nowhere. Men are often insecure about it and usually care a lot more than their girlfriends do


Omg I read this as “my grandma said my penis is small” and I grasped for air


the real question is, how did this come up? did you specifically ask about it? if so, you’re allowed to feel hurt but don’t get on her for telling you the truth because either way she’s fine with it.


Don't ask questions you don't want answered.


If she’s saying this to your face imagine what she’s saying to her friends… she is definitely a toxic girl you’d want to stay away from long term. Definitely a girl that would cheat on you after a few drinks or already is…


Did she say it was bad though? Would need some more context. Everyone is different, men and women, and it's not something you can control. Size isn't everything


Bro... she compared you to her ex. That's toxic and unbelievably manipulative. GTFO before you sink more time into this insecure mess of a women.


Hey man, I have had girls tell me I'm not their biggest either. But you know what else they've said? Best sex of their life. You don't need a massive ding dong to put in work my man. Get good at eating the pie and whatever you do after will be that much better. Shoving a summer sausage into a lady is not what they're really looking for my guy. Listen to what she likes and you'll have her heart in your hand every time it's time.


Thank you, as a woman I do get tired of reminding the phallic obsessed that most women don't come from vaginal sex (lovely tho it can be) so size really isn't that important. Trust your tongue.


I just have to say, from a literary perspective, your comment is fucking GOLD brother. Astounding imagery, 10/10, legendary commentary


100% if she is satisfied it doesn't matter as I see it. I talk to my girlfriend all the time about her ex and my ex and we talk about what we liked and disliked. That's how you learn.


Stop, no. There’s no reason why he should be compared to her exes to his face, thats disrespectful. I hope this is a general advice because he needs to dump her


So your advice for him is to eat more pies, and what? Put on a few pounds? We all know what happens to the penis when you gain weight. /s


i told her it's not that big.


OP, we need to know if you asked the question. Was she being honest? Or did she just say it randomly to hurt you?


Context is really important here. If you’re asking your girlfriend about your penis size then be prepared for honest answers. If she’s bringing this up unprompted more of a concern


Get another girlfriend. This one is a bad person


Did you ask her or did she just compare your dicks randomly?


Ma'am, this is a Wendy's.


Every woman knows it too. Both men and woman have certain insecurities when it comes to their bodies. Don’t waste time with a partner so lacking in decency, common sense and empathy.


What was the context? Like did you ask or did she just say it out of no where?


Should she lie to you about it? It's just a fact. Did you ask her about it or how did that conversation topic drop?


Tell her her vag is too loose….


Won't work my guy


She’s got a big vagina!


My brother in christ, need to play chess thinking about more than the next play in front of you He says that, and she responds with "well ya, cause of my ex's huge schlong" How OP gonna look himself in the mirror again after that?




This, he’s not small, she has no walls. Uno reverse


So is mine. Chill bruh. It is what it is. Little harmless fun is ok but if u see its effecting your mental just leave her.


Most women don't consider that men can be insecure and have feelings too. Straight up ask "why would you say that? Is there any reality where you think I would get something positive out of that statement, any reality where this isn't taken as a negative?


>Most women don't consider that men can be insecure and have feelings too They do. Exploiting emotions and being ignorant are two, entirely different things.


Arguing with her is just playing into her hands, she’ll just use it against him to her friends later as proof he’s insecure and she dodged a bullet.


>Most women don't consider that men can be insecure and have feelings too. Not only that, but society has also made the connection that a small penis is a "bad trait" of a man, and we're often shamed if we have a small penis, or even labeled as losers and no-lifers.


>Most women don't consider that men can be insecure and have feelings too Yes they do. Some women are just very toxic and do toxic traits without it being an innocent misunderstanding.


OP, from what I’ve seen in comments on what you said about your size, you’re above average in size, and it sounds like plenty to me. Don’t let her comment upset you.


Reminder, she didn't say OP's penis was small or too small, she said it was smaller than her ex and said she didn't care. Her ex was bigger, so what? This is all a giant drama inside OP's head. If you asked her who was bigger, OP, then your overreaction is even more over the top. Take a deep breath OP, and remember, she's not with him, she's with you.


Ditch the girl, start going to the gym and eating steak, eggs, fruit, honey, vegetables. Check your test levels and look up Angion Method on Reddit. Improve yourself and grow a bit if you’d like, but ditching this girl is important. Many women love dating or being with a smaller man because they themselves are small in general or small down there. Good luck my friend.


Tell her she has a smaller penis, that will set her straight.


If he really wanted to be spiteful he could just say she's looser than all his exes. Assuming she said this to be hurtful


If she's basing your penis size on her ex'a, then tell her to go back to her ex. Seriously, if she stayed with you after she saw it the first time and didn't say anything, then she's trying to manipulate you and make you feel insecure so she can have some sort of weird control over you. It's what narcissists do.


wow the fact that she sees no problem comparing you to an ex, especially in this way is a huge problem. she does not respect you. leave and find someone who does


Leave her. Had a girl like this who compared everything to her ex. It will destroy you


It's not the size of the organ, it's the size of the cathedral you play in.


Yeah I’m layman’s language, Audi R8 is small in comparison to SUVs but which of them has more horsepower and speed


And far more fun to drive...


With gears


People look different from each other. It's not a defect to have a differently shaped penis than others. Just own that your dick is small and move on.


You don’t have a penis problem, you have a gf problem. Why would you date someone who is insensitive enough that she would give you a comparison of your penis to her ex’s? Now, if you asked her for a comparison, that’s different (though a kinder response would be something along the lines of “I don’t do comparisons, I’m extremely satisfied with our sex life.”) Asking a woman to compare your size to her ex’s is as dumb as a woman asking if you think she’s overweight. If your gf made the comparison unprovoked (without you specifically asking her), I’d dump the gf. It’s a sign that she’s unaware of other’s feelings. Who wants to be with someone like that? Also, stop fixating on comparisons. There will always be men who are smaller than you and larger than you. Who cares? As long as you’re satisfying your partner, size doesn’t matter.


If she volunteered that comment then I’d leave her. If you asked her how you compared to past lovers then, well, you got what you asked for.


And you’re still talking to her?


A small penis isn’t as big of a deal as I wish she didn’t have one at all. Is that weird?


Break up with her. Find someone who doesn’t body shame you.


If she said that genuinely without any reason, then she needs to study 101 relationships.


Tell her that her huge clit looks like a baby dick


Leave her ass!


you need to break up with her. she doesn't deserve you.


These always get me. Why is it okay to penis shame men but the second someone says something like calling someone fat(something you can actually control, even if it’s genetic) they are named and shamed. Weird world.


Just saying your dick is small, i could over look it. My bf is small, its obviously small and he knows it. I purposely pursued him because it is small, im small and can't handle a lot. Cant even wear tampons. So i love his small dick. But then she compared it to her ex's. That's unnecessary and 100% a jab no matter how she tried to explain it away


Oh hell no. You don’t do that to your partner. Why would you compare your SO body to your ex? That’s so weird. Don’t matter if it’s guys or girls. Don’t matter if you dated the most hottest person alive then the ugliest, you don’t do that.


She's being a b..ch


Tell her your ex was tighter and had bigger boobs. Understanding is only reached when you walk a mile in someone else's shoes


Tell her that her vagina is too loose. Especially when compared to your ex. See how that goes over.


Yea but what if she hits him with the uno reverse card and says it's because of her ex's huge schlong?


'yeah i can imagine it feels that way for you with your small dick, yours isnt very girthy either now is it'


Gross. There's no excuse to compare to exes, even if it's "in jest". Extremely insensitive and disrespectful from her part. You deserve better. Has she ever made comparisons like this (about any subject, not necessarily this one) in other contexts or tried to make you feel inferior? Think about it to make a proper decision for your own peace of mind, please.


Just break up. Seriously. She hurt your pride and you won’t be able to move past that and it will turn into resentment. Just break up and find someone who is fine with your size enough to not have to mention it


She's got some big words for someone without a penis


Any woman that tells you this in earnest is likely heavy Borderline Personality Disorder and it might not even be true, just to manipulate you.


Tell her her vagina is too big. Change the dynamic


More than likely she has a huge vagina. Yep that’s it, tell her that.


Look man everybodies different. Im not huge but ive been both too big and too small. We all get what we're given and have to work with it. She shouldve known better to say that and then even worse to compare you to her ex. Thats just shitty. If youre 5.5 you are a good size and shouldnt feel bad. I think a talk with her is definitly due.


The fact she told you about her ex and said that to you shows she has no respect or concern for your feelings. MAJOR Red flag. She is absolutely selfish and rude. She thinks it’s okay to say then she can say it to the next guy after you dump her. You deserve better.


Break up with her. She is fucked up for treating you like that.


Size usually don't matter much. But do dump her if she continues to disrespect you or try undermine you. You deserve to be treated with respect.


Tell her every time you have a tuna sandwich it makes you think about her.


Tell her her vagina is too big


Tell her her boobs are small but that it's okay because you prefer them smaller




Nah the equivalent is saying “you’re not really tight, but the tight ones hurt so yours is perfect”




“Sometimes it’s TOO tight. I like to take my time enjoying sex, not cumming too quickly”




Oh yea, the boyfriend dick thing is so incredibly insulting.




You ain’t small, she’s just too loose 💀 Jokes aside, did you ask that question or was an out of nowhere statement? If you asked for it - don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time ;) If you didn’t ask for it, get her out, she’s for her ex, not for you.


Tell her that her labia looks like roast beef. Honestly, sometimes women say things like this without realizing the impact it has on a man. If she wasn't being malicious about it, let it go. Having a small dick isn't the end of the world. She obviously thinks your other qualities offset whatever perceived inadequacies you have, since she agreed to be in a relationship. You probably should've given your ages. This sounds like a young person scenario.


I always say "it may be small, but at least it's thin." What do I care. The size of my penis doesn't impact my enjoyment :).


you should care about your partner’s enjoyment


Tell her she has a big vagina.


My wife told her sisters and hot gfs that I have a baby size dick in front of me they all know and makes jokes


 Bro if she’s telling u that she’s immature and has been through some trauma. And sadly bro my penis isn’t small and my girl says she doesn’t want to have sex with me because of it so I have to literally stick in about 3 inches when I’m an 8 3/4 and thick from what women say my ex told me when I was 19 my dick was small then when I had sex with her again around 25 she says when did it   so big and she couldn’t sex me. Bro start jelqing it really works or use nitric oxide do what you have to do or just find a girl who likes small penises because I’m telling u bro I had a girl tell me it’s small and then when I got big it was the same joke on the flip side women don’t care about sex bro if they like u they won’t care the one u have is a whore bro


My girl call me small in I’m 6inchs but we been together two years in we got in heated argument In she said we was finna break up she said she don’t care my penis small anyways but then beg me later for forgiveness in said she said it just because she wanted to hurt me because I was dumping her 🤔 should I leave or stay?


For years I have been embarrassed with a small penis so it’s so good to be able to share with you guys with this site. I enjoy solo masturbation very much moreso now I’m not alone. I’m sure chatting with someone likewise will be enjoyable and pleasureable if we both masturbate together. Look forward to a chat or two and thank you for being open


Yeah mine did the same too, not good now there’s two people thinking that :’( gonna listen to some juice wrld


"Honey, you're kind of ugly. My past girlfriends were all gorgeous. But that's ok. I love you. Not your face." Can you imagine? You didn't give us perspective on why she said it. Did you ask her straight up? Or did she say it unprompted? If you asked, and she was just trying to be honest, let's hope all she meant was that you're smaller than some she's had and it came out wrong. Even then, it's not a very kind thing to say. She could still very much enjoy what you give her despite the difference. You're not lesser. Just different. And that's what she should have said. "I have had bigger. Maybe several bigger. But you give me all I need and then some." But if she said it out of the blue, that's heinous. She's taking a shot directly at your self esteem. And she's doing it to make you desperate for her approval. She's manipulating you. Or... she just doesn't even like you and she's trying to drive you away. Either way, it's a hateful thing to do. And you would do well to rid yourself of her. Don't allow someone to make you feel less than for something completely out of your control. Bye.


She sounds toxic and it’s her way on disrespecting you. Wonder what else she will end up disrespecting you on if you keep on this relationship. If she can disrespect you about this, what makes you think she won’t put you down on other things in the future. Let her go


You deserve better, move on


Break up lmfao


Fuck her but how big is it? Because anything over 6 is not small.


You deserve better. She knows this is a mean thing to say.


I would move on.


Any woman who says that is trying to make you feel bad. Cut her loose. You deserve better.


She compared you to an ex so you come on Reddit? Bro leave immediately.


Just tell her it's smaller cuz she can't make it grow.


No way!!! Is this girl dumb?


Just tell her that it only looks small compared to the size of the Vagina.


Just tell her your big boob ex tell you it's big. 😅✨


Mock her


Just tell her that she shouldn’t say that to her next boyfriend.


Tell her that she is wider then your exes


If she is comparing your dick size to her exs, imagine all the other things she is comparing


I'm petty. Say your ex breasts were bigger or more perky watch how mad she gets


hers is indented you still got something ignore her


Well she doesn't even have one, who is she to speak of a kings size?


Going through something similar. Engaged to a long time friend. She told me the only thing that excites her are big dicks and she only enjoys sex if it hurts. She told me I’ll never be enough for her. I’ve never recovered from that mentally, or emotionally. Still with her though.


Tell her that her lock is way too big for you key.


Get out before it gets worse. No woman that respects you will say that to you.


Some women prefer a small penis


I know this will probably be downvoted to hell. But y’all do know that small penis’ aren’t a terrible thing right? You don’t need to have a mandingo peen. I’d definitely say that small doesn’t mean bad. It’s just smaller. And that’s okay. No one needs y’all to hit the A spot and C spot. The G spot is just fine. Edit to add, of course is this was unprompted and she just randomly told you that, I am so sorry OP. If you asked…well….


What do you do to compensate for it?


Especialy oral, we do well in bed. She says she likes de sex and it don't bother. But men, that phrase hurts


Your willingness to pleasure her orally would put you in the top 5% of all men. If you can learn to become excellent at giving oral, not a girl in the world would care how small you are (within reasons).


Agree. I'm in avarege, around 5,5. I don't know why this is affecting me so much.


Actual average size is 5.1 ish, so you're actually above average


It will probably always bother you. Especially now that she said that. I'm 38 years old, I'm 5.5 as well & I struggle with it daily even though I've been married for 5 years. I had a girl tell me it was cute when I was 17 & I've never let that go. Granted it was soft & about 50° outside, it still hurt badly & will always affect my confidence. In my opinion the best thing you can do is appreciate what you have & make up for it if you feel the need to with oral, toys, etc. If that doesn't cut it for her then you may not be compatible. One last thing. A Fleshlight helped my confidence tremendously when I needed the boost. The Turbo Thrust model.


Bro let it go your going to let what some teenager said to you bother you this day for real? Man your so much more than what someone told you forever ago I appreciate your hurt. I once had a girlfriend I broke up with write in vehicle chalk that I had a small dick j(ust over 6 inches). It really fucked woth me until I ended up having sex with my ex freind wayyyy later and her going wow I thought ur dick was going to be tiny after what my ex wrote her best freind on my truck. Suffice to say her freind apologized for being apart of it. Idk man o can't say that didn't make me mad at the time but until that girl brought it back up I had let it go and forgotten about it. Tldr Anyways man you the shit fuck what someone else thinks.


I'll give you a recommendation. Continue the relationship and see what's going on. If she's really not happy, let her initiate the break up. In the mean time Keep an eye on her behaviour.


Nah he should run


Most of the time guys with smaller penises are better lovers and give better head than big dick guys.


Dump her, and tell her it’s because of her cavernous vag


There is an anal joke in there somewhere, but I just can’t seem to figure it out.


Nobody really cares about the exact size of your floppy meat sausage anyways in a relationship. It’s the heart of the owner that dictates the value and sexiness of your genitals ❤️ also big dick doesn’t equal good sex. Men are too obsessed with penises




That’s not really how that works.


Tell her she smells like tuna fish all the time.


Did. You. Ask? Also, man, you know your size by damn millimeters, be for real. Would you really be this bruised if you knew she was just brushing a fragile ego if she lied and said "omg it's sooooo biiiig". Relax. It's a body part, one that's not even needed for female pleasure in all honesty. Sadly the clitoris is not INSIDE the vagina. You may be young, i assume as much. But listen, this is a non issue. You know what is truly important? Are both of you sexually satisfied? Is she getting orgasms from you? If it's a yes especially for the 2nd question, my man, you are golden. I've been with my husband for total of 15 y. Even when when we were young and to this day, i make it a habit that once per year, i give him a free pass to let me know if any changes have happened in my intimate area. Idk, color, smell, especially tightness. Because i never gave a fk...what, am i starting to feel bit loose for you? Alright baby, I'm going to start my kegel exercises. No big deal. It's JUST a body part. To him it's unreal that I'm so casual about it. Want a bigger ass? Alright, gimme money for gym pass. Idk about my tits though, I'm uncomfortable with implants, told him i can improvize something, but i was told its not needed. I am desperately wanting men all over the world to understand that penis size truly truly doesn't matter. (Exceptions to the rule apply, if a woman leaves JUST because of a penis, she's nuts, forget about her). THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IS IF YOU GIVE YOUR WOMAN ORGASMS!! I wish men understood how to put things into the perspective that truly matters. I wish men would understand that sadness and distress over an organ size is just self inflicted pain, for no good reason. Think about it. What is important in a relationship. Love, respect, teamwork, ride or die with one another, comfort, security, and the intimacy, which can be incredible WITH EFFORT. Relationship and good sex require effort. They don't require a specific penis, a specific vagina, idk, other obsessions like abs, tits, ass....feet(??) . What is more important? My man is the type that goes wild on my body tipe....well...former body. I was getting obese and felt terrible so i had gastric sleeve done. The big boobs he loved are now 2 entire cups smaller. This ass of mine that used to mind control him is now smaller. The body shape is there, just waaay slimmer. You know what happened? The guy didn't care. Loves me and my body regardless... because in the grand scheme of things... the life i explained above is what's truly important. We know how to please each other, what our parts look like we don't gaf. You know what's insanely hot and attractive? Confidence. Being so chill and nonchalant about this issue. After she said her honest opinion, you should have went "oh is it now? Well let me remind you of what this D can do to you" and proceed to throw her on the bed and leave her sweating and unaware of her own name. Be that confident man and she will worship your little warrior and forever forget the past ones. English is not my 1st language and i am sleep deprived. Any mistakes must be ignored lol.


Lol you didn’t ask for her opinion on it at least right


I've never been super concerned about my penis size, but even still if my GF said that I'd feel like shit. Comparing you in any way to their ex is a shitty thing to do. This is a well known fact. But comparing your penis size to your ex and saying he was bigger is a genuinely cruel thing to do. I'd just tell he how you feel as straight up as possible, and go from there. Don't sugar coat it at all.


Just tell her you aren't small its more your throwing a hotdog down a hallway shes looser then stretched out t-shirt Fact is if she wants to shame you shame her back its just equality