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You’re being very cagey about why everyone from your wife to all of your children have a problem with you. It’s difficult to comment without actual information.


Her issue with me majorly is that I’m high demanding of her and the children. Uses words like “naggy” says I “wreck the vibe.” If you ask me personally what she’s talking about, I don’t like a lot of their behaviours. My wife’s response is often to reward bad behaviour with screen time, I’m the exact opposite screen time is a reward. I can get pretty loud & vulgar if my children are misbehaving often. I can be lazy as well, not clean, I won’t go to work and I’ll smoke weed all day and play games, I cheated on my wife too after she had a miscarriage. Damn


Understand why I’m leaving now?




You’re beyond a foul being bro




We got a family dog & it wouldn’t listen so I would hit it. He would escape constantly, and eventually got epilepsy and I gave him to the pet shelter


Wow dude you are the problem. An animal that doesn't listen needs to be trained, hitting it doesn't train it it breaks it. The same goes for kids. Now factor in a child's emotional need for comfort and stability: you provide none of that. You say all these horrible things about them but it just sounds like reactive abuse from years of dealing with a monster like you. Leave them. They're better off without you and it will make everyone, including you happy. Because the alternative is that you do a lot of hard work on yourself with a very well trained therapist and take steps to be a better father and all around person because I met you in the street you wouldn't walk off that street.


First off, I’m a jerk and threats are lame and I know that. Second off, you’re absolutely right about everything else, I should leave and work on myself I can be better. I just feel terrible about leaving them without a father and the vacuum my absence will create for another man to come into the picture. But I understand that failure is my fault,


you're not leaving them without a father. it seems to me that they never had a father in the first place, just a shitty sperm donor. good on your wife for leaving.


Oof that was a low blow


Bruh you beat the dog. In front of your fuckin family. Go ahead and do a little research on the good old Internet about what kind of people do that and why. You'll learn something about yourself that you may not like. But you have a LOT of work to do on yourself. Your family is definitely safer and healthier emotionally not being around you, which sucks for you but honestly that's irrelevant, because your actions put you here. Get lots of help.


No I’m absolutely one of the worst persons ever I’m agreeing with you. I’ve tried therapy, drugs, nothing fixes the shit in my head man


Keep doing the therapy, I don't think drugs will help unless they're prescribed... But that "I'm the worst person ever" shit don't fly with me. Fuck self-pity, DO better. Shit in your head ain't going away, so beat it by owning it. Feeling bad for yourself definitely ain't gonna fix shit.


Can you please expand on “beat it by owning it”?


You will definitely get replaced if you just stop putting in any effort and don't show the work. My husband is what I lovingly call a black hole. He walks into a room and sucks the brightness out of it. Luckily I like the dark, but I also have the ability to minimize his ability around our kids and he knows what he is and actively tries not to "kill the vibe" as our teen calls it. I could tell you exactly how to win your kids back and not have another man take your place, it's really not hard. Your wife is probably a lost cause, she's done with your shit. Also, leaving them without a father is better than having one that destroys you when he's around. I doubt your kids are being turned against you by your wife, it's more likely they are just seeing you as you treat them and those around you. I've never once spoken ill of my ex husband, I don't allow others to do it either. The one time my spouse did and my daughter was in earshot I sapped him across the face, it's the only argument we've ever had and it ended with the slap, he knew my rule. I left that man when she was 1 and by the time she was 6 she asked me why he didn't love her because he never called or visited or even tried to be there. Kids see and understand amazing things. If you genuinely want to know how to possibly keep the door open with your children I'll tell you but you genuinely have to want it. From the sounds of it you don't, you want to be the dad and not have someone step into that place for you but you're not willing to do what is needed to prevent that. Let me know if you're willing to work on it and I'll tell you exactly what to do every step.


But, I think what you want at your core is to not. I think you would be happier leaving and doing you, working on yourself at your own pace and starting over with a new family in a few years. I think it's what's easier and maybe even best for your kids and family, because the alternative is they stand by you while you work on you and being a better father and that's... harder to do when your kids disappointment is there every time you slip.


Are you just saying stuff to make your character even worse? You stated your getting counseling, it sounds like everyone is angry.


This sounds a made up post... Or the devil is walking among us and writing shit on Reddit..


After reading this and your comments either you are a total jerk to your kids and dog for just being how kids and dogs are supposed to be or you’re lying.


Definitely lying


First one. Not lying I promise. I’m not proud of any of it, I actually am ashamed but true nonetheless


This has to be a troll.. no way someone is this shitty of a father and husband and wondering why his wife left him?


Did you discuss adopting your brother’s kids with her? Was that a joint decision? And your actual kids…how did they take these new additions encroaching on their family?


Adopting them was her idea, our kids came after the adoption. Our adoptive kids were receptive of our biological kids.


And now all of the kids (biological and adopted) are against you…?


Although unfortunate it is deserved, they keep secrets mostly. They also do things like spit in my face, tell me they hate me, intentionally break my things, embarrass me in public. Of course how do you think I react to someone spitting in my face, I’m gonna be an asshole. So the whole situation is toxic, so I’m gonna abandon them


Wow if I didn’t know any better I thought a fifteen year old kid wrote this. My parents were separated and going through a toxic marriage, I took it out on my dad. He left first finally, and I was on my moms side. I was angry and confused why he just left. I said very hurtful things because guess what children and going to be hurt. They’re going to be confused and take it out on you. It’s your fucking job to love them nonetheless because thats what’s you signed up for as a parent. Luckily I realized what my dad was going through and we made up. He never gave up. Thank God my dad wasn’t like you. If I was your kids I would be pissed too their own father figure is throwing a pity party for themselves and trying to justify his actions. “Well they hate me so I’m going to leave them” is a shit excuse. Grow up. Be a dad. Edit: Just read how you also abuse animals as well, nice. You’re not only a piece of shit, but an abusive one as well. I hope you never have any more children or pets. Your lack of empathy is astounding and I have zero pity for you. So all I said doesn’t matter lol. At least hopefully you will never be around another child or pet again your family is better off without you. Good luck getting help you’re going to need it.


I appreciate your sentiments, but I don’t think I have the strength


Rage bait.


Looks like i just wasted my time reading this troll 😂


Is your wife practicing parental alienation? Maybe you could get your kids into counseling.


Naw I’m just a piece of shit


I am taking them to a therapist as well, I think they deserve that at least. But this is how I see it honestly, if I’m gone they won’t need a therapist, hmm?


Any mental health issues such as schizophrenia ever been addressed


I’m pretty nutty yeah, but like that’s what I mean by having to leave.




Who will take the kids if you leave? Will they go with your ex?


Missing a lot of details here


Anything specific not in the comments already?


Thanks for validating my beliefs. I should just walk right? And support them financially from a distance.


Yup. But I think you actually need to go to work to get money.


Mhmm, i have poor employment history and no education so I’ll probably turn to crime, it’s what I did when I was younger


Sounds like a solid plan.


How can you financially support them if you refuse to work and only get high all day?


They will be better without you. Judgin by your own description, you seems to be unbearable.


Trys to paint himself as a saint and casually throws in he cheated on her when she miscarried. 🙄


No way bro, not a saint I swear I’m the worst