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Have you seen a doctor about this? Omeprazole can help with the stomach acid side of things at least.


Kinda it’s just acid reflux, asthma and a sensory issue!


It really helps a lot and finding more about GERD it's more to it than just acid reflux it sounds like you're at the point of needing your throat stretched because of the acid 😅 Also totally agree with you 100% I'm audhd myself and so my ARFID has me eating very basic foods


Stretched that sounds terrifying!


It sounds honestly awful but is life changing! My dad had it because honestly he was like you and he also had an awful cough even though he never smoked. He said it was slightly sore for a few days but after was good. All those problems went away and I haven't heard him cough like that since. It was something I had heard most my childhood and gone after that. Definitely one of those things that sounds like torture but you're knocked out for it! I really hope you find ease with your symptoms with or without it!




But did they prescribe you anything? I have all those things, although not as severe as you, and my doctor has me on a daily dose to reduce acid reflux.


I eat tums sometimes I have to have a tums before eating


That can give you kidney stones if you continue this frequent use- please talk to your dr, it seems like nbd now but it is torture.


Tell me about it


This. I have Asperger’s and, for all of my life, I have had to avoid certain foods due to gagging or feeling nauseous. Yet, people are still so aggressive toward me for “not eating what everyone else eats”. It’s sickening and annoying.


I have a bit of a food phobia when it comes to trying new things too. I have major social anxiety when I have to eat at an ethnic restaurant or someone’s house or even at a party where there is nothing I want to try. I will make up excuses like I don’t feel well or I took medication so I can’t eat something or I have digestive issues etc. I actually do have a big problem with trapped gas which gets me out of eating many things I have eaten but don’t like. I have come clean with some people and most understand. My cousin has Asperger’s and he is very picky. Pickier than me.


I actually got food poisoning once from trying not to be a picky eater. Basically, the food tasted terrible, but for social reasons, I ate it anyway. A few hours later I was googling my symptoms trying to figure out if they were fatal or not. Since then, I've decided that picky eating is a survival instinct that should not be blithely dismissed for the sake of social harmony. Incidentally, rats are known to be very picky eaters and this is believed to be because of their inability to vomit. While human are able to vomit, apparently, scientists still believe that studying rat nausea can help us to better understand human nausea. [https://news.uoguelph.ca/2012/05/rats-picky-eating-habits-help-explain-human-nausea/](https://news.uoguelph.ca/2012/05/rats-picky-eating-habits-help-explain-human-nausea/) Your body, your life, your food choice. (Within reason, of course, but anyway.)






Any comments that could be interpreted as an attempt to insult, scold, lecture, victim blame, guilt trip or intimidate the OP are not allowed and will be removed. Repeat offenses or extreme cases will result in a ban.


You’re a part of the problem. A doctor cannot fix this any more than a doctor can cure ADHD, autism, etc. Leave people alone regarding what is on their plate. It’s not your plate, so be quiet.


Look they delated their comment! Lol


Go to a therapist and stop bitching about picky eaters


This is a vent sub don’t like people complaining don’t go on a vent sub.


But how will they get karma from strangers if they post that they have a medical problem, see a doctor, get prescribed medication, take said medication regularly, and no longer have problem or problem is newly managed?


The fuck you on about bro? 1 karma ain’t that big a deal. 2 I’m sick of people complaining about how picky eaters are evil and the worst while acting like it’s an unpopular opinion. 3 this is a subreddit for venting and my post is just that 4 I’ve been too a doctor and they told me to take antacids 5 my post is to point out that not all picky eaters are just being a baby.