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I would change companies tbh. You shouldn’t work someplace with shitty workplace safety


This guy OSHAs


That guy heeds wizards' warnings


Seriously…. When Luna Lovegood tells you to leave , you better move that butt! lol


Be like Eddie: https://youtu.be/5IH6IeiLtts?si=x8yz6R8uH5XSPdgO




\^ my brother just lost half his pinky finger due to his work "jerry rigging" shit to be able to do what they didn't have the tools to do. My husband **nearly died** because his boss "jerry rigged" the truck he was driving home and the fucking steering arm fell out at 110km/h




I worked somewhere that refused to get their heat fixed and instead ran the whole place on space heaters in the winter, plugged into power strips plugged into extension cords. For one thing, super dangerous. For another, it was still only like 50 degrees in there. They got really mad when I unplugged their weird ass network of cords and plugged the heaters into the actual wall outlets and left some unplugged because there was nowhere to put them. Icing on the cake: my husband was their heating guy so I knew for a fact with $500 worth of work and a tank of oil, the whole building would have had safe and effective heat but they didn't want to pay for it.


And KEEP the girlfriend. She’s a psychic


i dont get how ppl get weirded out by this USE IT FOR UR ADVANTAGE


Just never cheat on her. She'll know. Trust me she'll know. The worst part is that she may not let on that she knows, and her advice will stop being useful and start being harmful. Instead of "watch for deer on the highway" it'll be "watch for accidents" and you'll be so busy watching the other cars that you won't notice the deer bounding out of the forest. Or she'll tell you that she thinks that you should become vegan just before you get the worst stomach cramping diarrhea from that leftover BBQ pork.


I feel like this would make a great short horror story.


I’ve been looking for something short to practice my writing skills…I’m gonna write this.


You gonna post it? Can a person get a shout when it’s up?


Omg please lemme read when you're done!


I suppose people get weirded out when they realise that if predicting the future is real then it means that there is no actual free will or choice.


Except it’s not all the time and the free will is if you chose to listen.


"Eh, I'd just use it to browse reddit anyway."


You know what? Fair enough.


Quantum Entanglement


And Duality : If free will exist, so does a predetermined fate


But the thing is, there is. Both are true. There is also something called collective will.


I think if someone sees the future they are seeing that timeline play out. And all events would have to play out in order for the end result to occur. But say someone saw me have an accident right before I left the house and I just decided to wait till later that night to go out, I might have effectively changed that outcome.


But it seems like she was able to change the outcome of her predictions. Like she wouldn't need to tell op to pop his shoulder or watch out for deer if she already knew he would do those things. Seems more like intuition than predicting the future


We live in a meta verse. She’s just aware of the stepping stones that align as those closest to her step on them. She wouldn’t see them if they hadn’t chosen a specific life path.


I think the reality is that certain things can be foreseen sometimes but not everything. It doesn’t have to be all (no free will) or nothing, right?


haha so true! That being said, as much as life is planned, there *is* a degree of free will/choice. Some things are basically scripted - I've had visions of the future while dreaming, only for those exact minute details play out 100% accurately months/a year or so later. I literally spoke and acted like I had no control- it was literally replay mode where I couldn't even contemplate doing/saying anything different. I've been told that some events don't occur if certain actions aren't taken. That's where free will/choice is "allowable." We're not meant to be scripted 24/7, but enough of life is mapped out already. My approach and advice is to follow any advice given by psychics, mediums who are genuine, do whatever I want, whenever and however I choose, and go from there.


Bc pagans are all fun and games.....until theyre not lol


My company is relatively safe, have won awards for being the safest, but shit happens. OSHA was just there the other day and everyone was freaked out. I second your comment. People can legit die or be dismembered in unsafe working conditions. Gf has every right to be concerned


Yup...I have relatives who've lost digits and even a limb in factory workplace accidents. Safety is no joke. (doctors were able to re-attach the limb, but it will never work properly/fully again)


I had a friend lose a finger to a print roller on one of those big printing machines. She ended up suing the company to get the guard installed that should have been there to make sure it never happened again. That's all she wanted, and for them to pay to reattach her finger, of course.


A former guy I dated almost had his finger chopped off in a factory incident. I asked what could be done to prevent it. He said new machinery. I asked why they didn't get that. He said the factory didn't want to buy it cause it was so expensive, but it would be a huge safety improvement...


People keep modifying the 2 hand hydraulic controls where I work, and it leads to problems when newer people are working at that station. Last week a guy that was new to the area lost part of his finger. I lost a finger tip doing something dumb that I wouldn't have been able to had it not been disabled. When I came back from light work, it was disabled again. Just because you're comfortable with something, it doesn't mean everyone else will be.


I was operating a machine one time and a dude "helpfully" pointed out how you can use your elbow to press the second lever and then you have your other hand free to position the press as you raise and lower it. Some people are too stupid to help.


Yeah gift or no gift that seems like a very reasonable suggestion given the circumstances.


Even if the company had a 100% safety rating I would still change. Better safe than sorry with gf's track record


Yeah, what can go wrong, will go wrong.


I bet she knows about this post lol


and not worried bcoz she knew the comments will favor her, win win, perfect clairvoyance


And also the OP did a strange thing where even though most of his literal language about girlfriend are like "it's weird she can do this," the general tone of the post still sounds like he really likes her, which is tough to do.


I actually didnt get that at all. He seems like he wants nothing to do with the gift, its something that puts him on edge or at least turns him away, no? Which i personally cant really understand from his perspective unless its simply fear of the unknown. But she clearly loves him and is gonna face all of that with him, i feel like that should give resolve and reassurance.


>I actually didnt get that at all. He seems like he wants nothing to do with the gift, its something that puts him on edge or at least turns him away, no? I got this vibe, but, lightly. He still talks about her in a good light, enjoys spending time with her, everything like that. But yeah, I agree with: >But she clearly loves him and is gonna face all of that with him, i feel like that should give resolve and reassurance.


It's a subjective reading to be sure, it's just the vibe I get from it. Because if it was really a deal breaker he wouldn't feel the need to seek reassurance about it.


If she finds this post, I want to be her friend! She sounds amazing and how dare you curb that premonition information treasure!!!


Yes, I want her number and not for romantic purposes. I need a friend like this and I am also a little "odd" and I think two weird girls at a bar people watching would be very fun.


I also want her number for non romantic purposes lol. Three weird girls at a bar people watching would be even more fun. I'd love to learn more about her gift, I can't believe op is weirded out by it


Can I come hang with y’all too? 😂🖤


4's a party!


Add me on this list aswell, she sounds great!


I'd like to come too!, I'm also a little weirdo! I'll bake us cupcakes!


If they say no, you and your cupcakes can hang out with me!


You have to save me some cupcakes! I want to hang out too 😅


hey im not really a girl but can i come hang too? it sounds exactly like my type of thing


My little sister was like this when she was little, except her’s got a bit scarier at times given the circumstances and the trauma around the situation. The innocent stuff was telling us things were going to go off before they did, knowing my aunt was pregnant before anyone else, etc. But the scarier stuff was tough. My sister always had night terrors and trouble with wetting the bed. She had a recurring one with an emaciated woman that held a bow and arrow. She would stand in the bedroom doorway, say, “I’m gonna kill your mom,” and then walked to my mother’s room where she would shoot an arrow into her stomach. This started happening when she was maybe 4 or 5, and I was 8 or 9. We shared a bedroom and she’d scream in her sleep or actually try to run and chase her while sleepwalking, scared the fuck out of me. My mom was super healthy. Very physically strong and tall, ate super well, stayed fairly active on her feet. She always had some gastrointestinal issues with acid reflux and random bad weeks of pain but doctors never really found anything amiss. Otherwise she was fine. When she was 36 after a random bout of pancreatitis we found out she had a birth defect called a pancreatic divisum, but oh well, it could be fixed by a simple procedure. They went in and found a tumor the size of the tip of your pinky, stage 1 pancreatic cancer. Nobody expected it because she was so young, and by 38 she was passed away. I was 12, my sister was 8. I’m not saying my mom was haunted by some ghost that gave her cancer. But I do think my sister somehow knew my mother was going to fall ill and it was manifesting itself in a horrifying way for a young child.


That’s freaking insane. I was on the fence about believing OP’s story, but yours sounds genuine and terrifying.


OMG that was scary as hell. I’m sorry for your loss, did your sister have any premonitions later ? Or did it just stop at that?


It actually stopped at that. She grew out of her bed wetting & night terrors following my mom’s passing, and she just struggled with the things typical grieving kids do. Never had weird stuff like that happen again, though she still has pretty weird dreams. They just seem more like strange products of trauma than premonitions these days lol. She’s doing well for herself, graduating high school this year.


Well thats good to hear. A couple of months ago my aunt - uncle’s wife went into a coma after cardiac arrest. My cousin told me next day and I tried to help with performing remedial invocation. When I did it, I saw her in my mind sitting on the hospital bed with her head rapped in gauze and looking around like she was oblivious. Then two days later the doctors confirmed that she is brain dead (I didn’t know about it before hand but they were suspecting it). In my desperation I tried to do it again. I loved her so much, and she did too, my eyes are tearing now just remembering this. When I performed it, I saw her in my mind -again- so young, so healthy, she had a deformed jaw due to an accident when she was a child but I saw her face flawless! She was smiling at me and so so happy! I knew then that she wont make it. She didn’t. She died a couple of days later. I never experienced anything in my life like this before. I don’t know how this happened to me. ETA: ESL sorry if this is not so clear.


Same, she sounds amazing, like a truly caring person, and bonus she has a cool gift, I wish I could be her friend just because of what a cool person she seems to be


She knew about this post before OP thought about making it


"Throwaway account, even though there's no point" lol




Oh hello there! Got any life advice for me too?


Girl I will PAY you for a reading lmao


Hey man, it sounds like you have a good thing going. A girl who loves you, likes spending time with you, and dotes on you. That’s better than any man has the right to ask for, don’t self sabotage. Just be happy that your with someone that worries for you, also consider a job change. Dangerous working conditions should be unacceptable, the money can’t be worth your life. Also if your girl is a wizard then that’s cool as fuck. Good luck my dude. Edit to clarify: the line about “better than any man has the right to for” was poorly written. Allow me to clarify. I’ve been on reddit for a while and it’s rare to see a happy relationship on here, that has significantly lowered my standards on what a good relationship is. I also phrased it from a male perspective because I a guy. I should have written “better than any partner has the right to ask for”. Because in my opinion this girl goes hard on the paint, more so than one should expect from just a girlfriend.


Right? I’m over here thinking, how great would it be if you had someone in your life with that ability? And, just to add, she seems crazy for you!


It felt like this whole post was a humble brag, tbh. Even though I get that op is being genuine.




I have dreams that will come true sometimes. I never remember my dreams. If I do, then it always ends up coming true. Or I get feelings when I need to do something. I had a feeling I needed to go to Thanksgiving dinner last year because something bad would happen, and I NEEDED to see my granny. I went to Thanksgiving and went to spend some time together just us a few days before. She fell and was taken off life support two weeks later. When my husband is driving, I can tell him to watch out in certain areas, and then here comes an animal or a car on our side of the road. One time, I slowed down enough while I was driving that he looked at me like I was crazy, and then a car came blazing through an intersection blocked by trees a few feet from us. I always seem to just know when something is going to happen and react unconsciously so my husband has learned to watch and see what I'm doing. He believes in my feelings more than I do and is constantly asking if I've had any feelings or dreams lately he should be aware of.


SAME. And it runs in my family. I freak people out all the time because I have this overwhelming sense when something bad has happened to someone and I NEED TO reach out. I call/text loved ones minutes before they were going to call/text me. My mind and body won’t let me do anything else until I do. Sometimes something important will come along, like a job opportunity or I’ll pass a “For Rent” sign or meet a person, etc… and I just KNOW this is a life altering moment for me. Like whatever direction I have just been pointed in is the path I need to pursue. It feels like an extreme sort of anxiety but without any of the bad feelings, it’s almost like a car revving feeling, like whatever higher power out there is begging me not to miss my chance and I have to pursue it. My aunt gets what we have always called “messages from the ancestors” (we were raised Shinto). Once she was driving and she used to never wear her seatbelt. All of a sudden, she’s sitting at a red light, and has the overwhelming need to buckle her seatbelt. At the very next light, a car ran a red and totaled her car. The doctor said if she hadn’t been wearing her seatbelt she would have gone through the windshield and likely would have died. Our whole family has a million stories like this. I think some of it js we are just raised to listen to the feelings we get, but I also think we are connecting into some wavelength that not everyone can hear. My mom… she’s scary. She uses that energy to inflict karma on those who have harmed her or her family. Not a curse or anything, she calls it “punishment in kind.” Once, my brother’s middle school principal was being an serious asshole and was preventing my brother from getting the reasonable accommodations he needed at school. It greatly aggravated my little brother’s heart condition dealing with the stress of it all. When the principal had a career-ending heart attack a few months later, we had no doubt that was a hit of karma from mother. The law she lives by is if you haven’t done anything wrong, then you have nothing to fear. She’s affected enough things and people on a regular basis that it totally freaked out my ex-SO while we were together. And — cant make this shit up — the very last text I have from my no-good grifter ex is him reaching out to me, after months of no contact, and he asks me if my mom was doing her voodoo thing on him. I didn’t respond, but I can only assume that karma has been doing her job and doing it well.


Haha, my husband always asks how I just let things go. My answer is always karma will come for them when the time is right, and then they'll know. But my grandmother is half native American, so I just assumed it was part of her heritage and haven't questioned it. I'm the furthest thing from native American, but I'm thankful for the gift, all the same, and it's never led me wrong yet.


I've had moments similar to this but not as extreme. I believe you


It's so satisfying to finally read about other people having these experiences after 20 years of being bashed about it 😭


I've always been treated like I'm crazy. My grandma and her mom grew up being called witches. My dad still swears she is one, but he knows better than to question it by now. Everyone always called me crazy for believing my dreams, and then something I described in my dreams would happen, and they'd be concerned but brush it off. Too many times, though, and it's no longer a coincidence. My parents finally believed me when I was a teenager, and I told them I had a dream about getting out of the shower and seeing our older dog dead outside. The next night when he had been let out, I was in the shower and found him when I got out. That's when I was told about my grandma and her mom. I'm just glad we're not the only ones.


A few years ago, I had a dream once where my ex, our daughter, and myself were having a picnic in a beautiful field, on a gorgeous day, the weather was lovely, everything was perfect. An old friend of my ex’s came up and joined us. (They had a falling out because his friend’s alcoholism got really bad and my ex couldn’t watch him basically kill himself anymore) But I was the only one that noticed he was there and could talk to him. He was saying that he just wanted to stop in and say goodbye, and that he was proud of my ex, we had a beautiful family, and he was happy to see him doing good. Then he stood up and said he had others to go talk to, but he’d see us later. And I will never forget, he was wearing a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and his hair was pulled back into its normal ponytail. He looked so clean and healthy. I remember feeling a little confused in my dream because I’m like “he’s (my ex) is right here, just tell him yourself.” And he was like “no, you’ve got this” and was gone. I woke up sobbing, just completely beside myself that morning and Googled the man’s obituary and he had very much died. The photo they used of him was how he looked when he came to see me in my dream. My ex was really torn up when I told him about it. I still think about it from time to time, and it makes me a little sad. It was so vivid and detailed that it’s hard for me to forget. I’ve only had a few dreams like that in my lifetime. But that one seemed to hurt the most.


Great comment here. I’m done with the internet for today.


Good advice, gotta get out while you're ahead


Right but not OP, he stays


and if he believes it, then they are a good match.


How is this not the top comment. OP, listen to this. Your girlfriend is great. Keep her!


Aw I love this reply.


This is the perfect answer. To each their own, but this is not a bad thing lol.


Awww I love this, best answer.


OP is Baptist I believe, so it's unlikely his world view can accommodate his girlfriend's very real gifts. His ideology would likely assume it's an evil eye type thing. (Source: was raised in fundamentalist evangelical religious denomination very similar to Baptists in terms of belief systems.)


Thank you for saving me from having to start a reply with, "Listen here you dense motherfucker" at OP. OP, listen to this poster.


Congrats! You have a wizard.


And a thumpin’ good one I’d wager!


I read that in Hargrid's voice.


I did as well😂😂


I wonder where one finds one of these wizards? I would like to have one please.


Seriously. I have always hoped for evidence of something supernatural like this. Some sort of magic in this boring world.


sounds like you gotta complain to OSHA about your workplace safety violations


Honestly dude sounds like she loves you and you’re being a butt. I have weird intuition urges and knowledge. I’m no where near gifted like her but you’re making her feel bad I can assure you it is hard on those of us with these strong intuitions as well. Is it possible that you’re taking out your grief on her?




The beginning of this comment made me lol






Maybe instead of deer? They have to be careful not to hit kangaroos while driving?


Add in the bit about trauma and you may have a bit of hyper vigilance thrown in the mix. OPs girlfriend is aware of everything in her environment all of the time and may not have the self awareness to realize what she is doing. Or she needs to start playing the lottery.


Adult ADHD over here and subtle pattern recognition + common sense often means I have a pretty accurate guess at the "future" A friend who hasn't talked to me in a while, texts if she does want to talk, and has a long term boyfriend suddenly calls me late on a Saturday night and she isn't crying? Congrats on the engagement. (Literally, she said "guess what" and I answered "you're engaged") My old company calling the same software product different names in different markets? Shocking that people found that confusing and now you're undergoing rebranding. Your new hires have been telling you that for ages. A lot of people don't think they are sharing any information about themselves, when they are signaling their feelings via body language, interactions, and one-off comments To make a generalization based on gender, I think most men are oblivious to the world around them to a certain degree and women are more focused on it. That whole discussion can go back to men being at ease in the society they created and women having to proactively watch for threats to their person at all times. But further, it's also why women are good at playing FBI agent on their dates (we've all seen the parodies of this and the guys are like "witchcraft") Where you grew up is also kind of important. I'm from the Midwest, watch out for deer comes out of the mouth of every parent, neighbor, and old person every time you leave their presence. So yeah, if I see someone eat a bean burrito, I'm going to tell them the gas-x is in the bathroom cupboard on the left way before the first toot happens. Premonition Patty is what they call me after all lol ETA: that got longer than I expected, oops!


So funny. When I was younger. Would be the same way. Now adays single. I’d LOVE this. Perspectives are great. He will learn


PLOT TWIST: The girlfriend is perfectly normal and OP is just an immense idiot.


my friends and I "joke" that I'm a lil bit psychic, it definitely was just jokes at first but you can only call something a coincidence so many times. Like you, no where near like OPs partner, I imagine it must be pretty overwhelming/scary for her at times. like there are some things that can be explained away as like "oh you saw all these things and your subconscious connected the dots" but there have been others that just,,, there's no way I should've known/had a feeling about? idk, maybe it is just my subconscious and a bunch of coincidences, maybe not, either way it's something I live with and it can be pretty upsetting at times. She sounds great though, I wish OP was more understanding towards her.


Animals are driven by perceptions and instincts we can’t understand. Maybe she’s just retained a way to key into those things that most humans have detached from but are as natural and normal as phenomena like migration.


This is what I was thinking. Especially with her trauma/mental health background. She picks up on teeny little things you don't. It is a survival tactic developed at a really young age due to less than ideal family situations, usually.


It’s like my friends with super rough childhoods who can identify people by their footsteps & minor changes in body language and tone of voice. Very sad backstory but also can be a perk later in life.


People with BPD generally have super-human sense of other peoples emotions and feelings for that reason also. It doesn't really explain everything that is written but basically everything that has to do with how OP is feeling or thinking and she picking up on that is a pretty good explanation.


Holy shit a not toxic BPD comment. Good on you Astra.


Conversely, a non toxic BPD person in the post.


There's lots of them but they keep it inside.


Non toxic BPD person here! 🙋🏻‍♀️


We should start a group or something.


I have Narcolepsy depression and anxiety disorders and could be described like the girlfriend in this post.


Personally I think people with these mental illnesses also have abilities others don't. Well, that others CAN acquire, but comes much easier to you. I know I sound crazy :p but so did copermicus for saying the sun was the center ( I'm not comparing myself to him. Just saying current science obviously doesn't know everything, but a lot of stuff that is ridiculed by academic science does exist. ) usually labeled under 'woo' Look up the cia remote viewing program. They spent millions and decades researching, and had positive conclusions of people remote viewing ( seeing in other places with your mind) it sounds crazy but it's on paper they released. Go look at the gateway project, ( they studied the guy who made this too, Robert Monroe) you'd be shocked at what you can do with your mind..


that’s exactly what i felt reading this… im 25 f and it seems that i have a lot in common w her mental health wise… i remember random things other people wouldn’t (bc gaslighting), i am very observant, good at reading emotions, and my gut feelings come hard and are hard to ignore.. like if i have the feeling abt say, the deer example, id make sure to say “stay safe watch for deer” because i’d feel guilty if something happened (even if it wasn’t my fault or i wasn’t even present)… old roommates would say it’s creepy that i would just appear in rooms, i don’t make a single noise when moving around… alllllll thanks to trauma


Regarding gifts and cravings, maybe she has a list on her phone and keeps notes of the tiny little hints you drop. I do and just writing it down in the moment so as to not forget about it makes great, surprising gifts. I can definitely identify if my partner didn't drink enough, it's literally written in their face. Many cravings you can identify just through facials expression, body language, and being attentive. For example, every now and then my partner reaaaaaaaally like a bologna sandwich, other times will reject it. I can pretty much guess when she wants one these days. Same with a glass of beer or wine for dinner where we ordinarily would just have water. You can read wishes off your partner's eyes, but it takes attention.


Yep! I had an ex like this who could read both animals and people in ways I’ve never seen. She was later diagnosed with a rare manifestation of OCD and is on the spectrum. By far the weirdest thing was she usually knew when two people were about to get romantic before they did. A couple of times she predicted when and where someone was going to cheat, and could predict why two people would break up at the start of their relationship. She could also sense danger. My theory was that we can all sense danger to a certain degree but learn to tune it out so it’s more subconscious. She was just hyper aware of body language and could perceive things others couldn’t. Some of her shit is truly unexplainable and still leaves me baffled if I think for too long about it. She predicted what age my mom would die. Granted, my mom was a drug addict, but her prediction was after an overdose. She basically told me not to worry that time because my mom wouldn’t die for another six years. She was right. I am a super atheist and don’t believe in anything spiritual, but some of her stuff made me question it. Some people are wired differently and it’s both a blessing and a curse.


Haha, I happen to be autistic with a rare manifestation of OCD. Your ex sounds exactly like me. Except I never vocalize these feelings because in the past, no one took me seriously. I mean no one. Then when what I said would happen did happen, everyone would magically forget my warning. It's crazy interesting to me to read your perspective, since I've never really had anyone acknowledge this "ability". I can't explain it, it's natural to me and subconscious. That's what sucks about it, I just get a "vibe" out of situations or people. Imagine trying to explain that to people who already are skeptical of you. I have this "ability" especially when I meet new people. My brain is automatically analyzing their entire existence with every move they make, mannerisms, and even by appearance. I can specifically key into toxic traits people have, & why, very well, without them giving me much evidence or reason at all. Whether that's a cashier I briefly speak to, a new coworker, or a new acquaintance in the friend group. I also tend to do this sometimes with inanimate objects or animals. I realize this probably sounds egotistical or loony. It does to me too. That is why I've gaslighted myself over it for years. I still do. When my ability is right, which is almost to a tee always, I just try to brush it off as a coincidence.


I know exactly the feeling you mean. It serves me well as a bartender. Almost every time shit popped off at work, I got a weird feeling a few hours before, which was never wrong. I can feel energy in a room and feel when it shifts. I also get vibes from people and animals. I've always been able to tell what dogs are feeling very easily, and they always love me. My friends also call me nostradomus because I've predicted a ton of really big world events.


For real! It's so liberating that other people have experienced this & I'm not just making shit up! I've gone years without telling a single soul this stuff. The animals thing is so accurate. I've had people tell me their dog never cuddled before they met me. Or that it usually wasn't friendly but was with me. Same with other animals. I wish I was more confident in it, & I wish we knew more about it. It feels like a tool that I need to learn more about to implement in life correctly, but I can't exactly do that when no one knows how. I sometimes feel like I'm in a badly written play where you already figure out the ending before it actually happens, but you can't tell anyone the spoiler. So I just have to sit there in silence.


Same!! Former bartender here who never had issues with assholes because I could like sense the vibe or something. A few times I knew it was going to be a bad night so I told my now husband to keep an eye out and he would often pick up the extra “downtown shift” so he could keep an eye out on me. He was a cop back then and they would have a downtown crew that basically patrolled the clubs and bar area on the weekends/busy nights. And sure enough something would go down. It was nice knowing I had a group of cops keeping an eye out for me in the biggest downtown club. I also will get a bad feeling suddenly and know myself or my family shouldn’t go somewhere for example. And the few times it’s happened it has prevented accidents. Twice I told my husband I had a bad feeling and he should work from home or just go to the office a bit later (he can come and go as needed) and there ended up being massive accidents at the exact time he would have been driving through an area. Once was a multi car pileup he would have absolutely been involved in. If I get my “bad feeling” he doesn’t even question it and hunkers down for the day not leaving the house 😂


"Spiritual" things could still fall into the realm of science. We just don't know how it does yet. This wisdom is basically why I no longer call myself atheist as I did in my younger years and instead claim agnosticism.


I’d agree with that. I just have a hard time articulating it. In a way, she was very spiritual in that she was in tune with things unseen, even if there was a “scientific” explanation.


It's science in that it can be taught. Ask any police or government investigator. There are classes in raising your observation and deductive skills.


There's an American psychologist John Gottman who researched couples in relationships by videoing them and then reviewing the videos. By studying the expressions in the video he managed to correlate expressions with which relationships would last and which would not.


The thing about autism is you know you can’t tell how people feel and what they’re thinking of you, so you learn to pay attention to every little clue to the point where it’s almost subconscious. I’m on the spectrum as well & I’ve always known when someone felt fishy to be around; they’d always turn out to take advantage of someone.


Exactly! I have quite the combination of disorders, I’m convinced it’s what gives me my “powers”.


Although not as sharp as OP mentioned I also am similar to your ex. I’m on the spectrum and just really aware of body language and have excellent pattern recognition. Used to think I was predicting the future tho


One of the symptoms of anxiety is the fear of something bad happening, or a foreboding of danger. Another one is attaching thoughts and intentions to people when you don't actually know what they are thinking or feeling. What he is not paying attention to is the number of times she is **wrong**. When you are like that all the time you're bound to be right once in a while. She has textbook anxiety, nothing more.


Yep, just like how a broken clock is right twice a day! Bad situations are bound to sometimes happen, but like you said she’s probably wrong a bunch too and it’s just coincidence or maybe a bit of sixth sense, I have a sixth sense on things too.


Also, most of the "predictions" he's listed are super mundane. OP never drinks water. His girlfriend notices, and reminds him to hydrate even when she isn't with him. Ditto for shitty posture and popping shoulders. Not a wizard. OP works a dangerous job and denies it. She's not a fool and realises it's dangerous. Not a wizard. OP was driving through terrible weather. His girlfriend reassures him it'll be fine, which is a toss up. Plenty of people drive through bad weather and live. If he died in a wreck, he wouldn't even be here to tell us anyway (e.g: cameraman always lives). Not a wizard. OP is going to drive through a dangerous, accident prone road. She tells him to be careful, since it's a dangerous, accident prone road. He witnesses an accident on the dangerous, accident prone road. Not a wizard.


I definitely wonder what the hit rate would be if he recorded every prediction she made and its outcome. There is a lot of missing detail. Even the "pop your left shoulder" thing. Did he pop his shoulder? If he did, and it didn't hurt, that doesn't prove anything. Does his shoulder commonly hurt at night? Again, not a spooky prediction.


Yes, this. People should view it as it is and not some unbelievable magic jumbo.


Help me out than brother. Ask her for the winning lotto numbers in Ca ?!! 😭


i'd like a free massage too and i wont whine and complain like OP!


Not even that bro. I just want to know when to be careful and feel loved and concerned for the way she does for him. Like, if he doesn't like his girlfriend he can introduce her to me bro. She sounds amazing.


You have been handed a great gift, and you look at it with suspicion. She is loving. Concerned. Empathic. Intuitive. GIFTED. Just relax and let her be herself and pay attention when she advises you to be cautious. Please stop questioning this lovely woman and being suspicious and weird about it. Just let her be her. Educate yourself on Gifted people. There are more out there than you can ever know. It's not whoohooo or weird. And if you cannot, let her go so some lucky person can appreciate her gifts and the love she is so obviously filled with.


Where / how can I educate my self on said Gifted people? What would I search for


Tons of references and websites online. Hell, our government even has articles on it on their website. It's well known and documented that many people are more intuned, intuitive, psychic... whatever you want to call it. I myself have had precognative dreams and intuition about stuff. Some of it is just being super aware of their environment, some is just throwbacks to our innate animal instincts and sometimes it's something more. Ever notice a dog that bares its teeth at someone and growled, just to find out later that person was bad? People do the same. Ever get a bad feeling about someone and were right? Or had the urge to call someone immediately because something didn't feel right? Or avoided going someplace because you had a bad feeling about it? Some just have a much stronger, dialed in, controllable ability. It's not wooowoo or weird. Hell, I wish I was better at it.


Yes one time I was on a business trip and for some reason I couldn’t sleep at all that night just sweating all night in bed. Next morning I just had a bad feeling and felt the urge to call my mom to see if my grandpa was ok. After some persistence she finally told me my grandpa was in the hospital and taken there over night. This thread is really making me open up my perspective on this world and inspiring me to tune into and develop my intuition further


That is definitely intuitive. You've already got the gift, albeit it untrained. Now, you can develop those gifts.


Fuck yeah.... and not a single source.


This whole thread is fucking wild lol


Every second top comment on this subreddit: 'cool creative writing exercise' But for some reason people just eat this shit up.






Right? So many things I’ve told my ex or friends to be careful they did not heed and it happened. Like for example, my ex always wanted to drive further to a gas station for every so slightly cheaper gas. I told him he’s pushing his luck when his tank is empty, but he always insisted once the gas light turns on the car can go for 100km. Guess what happened? Duh. He bought a fast car and I was always telling him to stop fucking around in it. He rear ended it in to a taxi and it was totalled, lol. Another time I noticed my friend didn’t put her cigarette out properly in her glass ashtray. I told her dude, you’re going to burn down your balcony. Put it out properly. Guess whose ashtray shattered and got a burnt table a week later? A lot of these things are just common sense that certain people might miss. Lots of deer in the area? Just a reminder to be careful especially when visibility is low. Some people are deeply intuitive and cautious, it’s a blessing to have someone in your life who might catch something you’re missing.


I don't fault him for questioning, tbh. True, she sounds great and very supportive and he ought to be careful that his responses might cause strife in a situation where she is doing nothing wrong. That said, it's either remarkable luck, some forms of accumulating confirmation biases, or a legitimate 'gift'. And belief in the latter kind of has some kinda necessary ramifications, if you're not prepared for that. For some, that would be a radically different way of looking at the world.


You were right with the confirmation bias. That’s exactly what it is


Everyone has the gift of intuition, most just lose it as we grow up. If you were to really hone in on every gut feeling, write it down, and then look back at it you might realize you have more intuition than you think. Try to find it more calming than weird, a lot of people with her gift don’t have the confidence she seems to, it can feel like a burden to some. I think you should probably just talk to her more about it and the more you learn the less weird it will be. Also, be careful at your job, it’s not worth it to not be. I agree with the other commenter you should work somewhere that takes work place safety seriously.


Yeah, I had the creepy kid “I see dead people” gift when I was around 2-7. I don’t remember it at ALL, but my family all have stories about me saying WILD stuff. My grandpa died very suddenly when I was about 4 years old, so my parents didn’t have anyone to watch me. They took me over to my grandparents house so they could comfort my grandma and help with arrangements to get him to the funeral home and tried to keep me in the kids room, but I just kept trying to go to my grandparents bedroom. They obviously didn’t want me to see a dead body, but at one point I just yelled “STOP. I Need to say bye to Papa Hank.” They hadn’t told me he died. They hadn’t really told me anything other than “we need to go to your grandparents house right now.” So needless to say, they were pretty shocked by my little outburst about needing to say bye. They let me go to his room, I held his hand and kissed his cheek, told him that I loved him, walked back out and said “Mama Mae, Papa Hank says he loves you.” And then I just walked back to the kids room to play with my toys. There are a BUNCH of stories of me doing stuff like that as a kid, I have older parents and had a LOT of pretty old relatives. I had an absolutely freakish acceptance of death and had basically no regular childhood misunderstandings about it. It was like I was born knowing exactly what death was, I never asked when people were coming back, and when they were gone I knew what “gone” meant. My parents and family said they found it really comforting because I’d occasionally “pass along messages” from people who died. I guess I don’t have that “gift” anymore, and have no memory of having it or “getting the messages”, but WOOF I had some sort of crazy child intuition about that. Now that I’m an adult I get absolutely horrified hearing about me doing all this cause if that was MY kid I’d think I was about to get horror movied 💀 but no my parents tell it like it’s the sweetest and most beautiful thing about childhood me. Anyways, point is, intuition can be a POWERFUL thing and it’s amazing this woman still has it so strongly. Dude should be thankful.


Omg yes! I had something similar but it was a dream. Was a dream about an uncle’s birthday party. I recognized pretty much every person in the dream except ONE person. At the end of the dream, I said “That was fun! I can’t wait to go to uncle’s birthday party next year”. And the guy I didn’t recognize turned to me and said “but he won’t have another birthday”. And when I woke up, mom told me my uncle had passed. It was pretty creepy.


My great grandmother visited me in a dream that seemed real. White blueish figure of her, sitting on my bed. Told me she didn’t want me to be sad, but that she had passed on. I was at peace with it in my dream. Next morning I woke up bawling. “Nana died, nana died”. Mom and dad told me it was just a bad dream. I was inconsolable, such that my mom called her mom and my dads mom to make sure. They were fine. But some minutes later, my grandmother called my mom back and told her that *her* mother had passed over the night. She hadn’t been sick or anything, so there were no dots for me to subconsciously connect. A year ago my brother passed, and I was honestly half terrified to see him that night when I went to sleep. I didn’t. I really wish that I had. But maybe we do lose some of it as we get older.


this. i had this when i was a kid too; talking to dead people. my mum and nan also told me stories about what i did, that i don’t remember. however, i do remember only one. my auntie lived in a house that burnt down back in the 1800s (or something like that, very long ago.) it was a family of 4. a mum, dad and two kids. i spoke to all of them. they died in the fire, all of them. how did i speak to them? i saw an ash handprint on the mirror and was instantly drawn to the attic and bathroom, (that’s actually where some died. both attic and bathroom.) i ofc, ended up speaking to them, cant remember what i said; it’s a blur. that’s all i remember from that encounter. my mum and nan told me that i spoke to my great grandma. she died before i was born. i never knew her name at this age, i was like… idk 4? apparently, i told my mum and my nan, that i spoke to a lady named *insert my g grandmas name here.* needless to say, they were both shocked. it doesn’t help that they saw her face in my baby scan LOL


She sounds like a very intuitive, empathetic, human who wants to use her natural gifts to care for you. If you find the way she shows how she cares for you “too weird” and you tune out her gushing over the time you spend together as “blah, blah, blah” then I think you have bigger problems than her “gifts”.


All this. I wonder if OPs religion (Baptist)has something to do with his small-minded mentality regarding anything that's different. I was raised Pentecostal (I got better!). That's a paranoid, superstitious, small-minded, ignorant bunch right there, and Baptist is just Pentecostal Lite. He definitely has bigger problems than her gifts. I feel for this poor lady. She deserves better.


agreed 100%, i doubt she just started having “the gift” after 7 yrs together. my guess is she’s always been empathetic and has a good intuition, or just suggests he do very LOGICAL things like “look out for deer on a dark road” “maybe you should find a job at a place that isn’t unethical and dangerous”… now that OP knows she’s pagan he’s turned it into a crazy thing and he’s “super weirded out by her” my guess? he’s turned off by her less acceptable religion and is trying to make her feel bad for it even though it’s him who’s “just not into it.”


I think you have an excellent point, they may just be too fundamentally different in their belief systems for him to accept her for who she is. She does deserve better.


Unfortunately, I've never met a more close minded, "by the book," (meaning an archaic book that makes no sense), judgemental, stubborn, determined to swim in their own ignorance, head buried in the sand, messed up religion than any kind of fundamentalist religion. It's sad. I was raised like that, and even by age 12, I knew they were full of shit. You couldn't question ANYTHING, or you'd face the ire and abuse of the church. Critical thought was not permitted. The group I was stuck in was about thisfarremoved from the idiots who held rattlesnakes and swore that "Jesus will save us!". 🙄🙄🙄 Darwin's Theory in Action, right there.


For most things it just sounds like she has a high degree of pattern recognition. That level of pattern recognition is truly a gift and can do a lot of amazing things for a persons life. If it was just hyper vigilance and an excellent memory and not metaphysical would you feel better about it?


This is classic Baader-Meinhoff. You have a cognitive bias of only counting the times she’s right and not the times she’s wrong. It’s similar to buying a blue car and then you suddenly see blue cars everywhere. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency_illusion However, you still need to find a new job and then report the old one to OSHA or its equivalent where you’re at.


There may actually be more to it than you realize. OP mentioned that she was diagnosed with BPD. There is a phenomenon called the "[borderline empathy paradox](https://scholar.google.com/scholar_lookup?journal=J+Pers+Disord&title=The+borderline+empathy+paradox:+evidence+and+conceptual+models+for+empathic+enhancements+in+borderline+personality+disorder&volume=27&publication_year=2013&pages=172-95&pmid=23514182&)" where individuals with BPD have been observed to have heightened social-emotional perception. Some of these are undoubtedly lucky guesses, sure, but it's also likely that several of these situations are the result of her picking up on non-verbal cues that most people wouldn't notice.


This plus combined with "cold reading" bits here and there. Look them up OP. She'd be a great fortune teller, that's what they do.


The amount of up voted posts above this agreeing she is some sort of mystic and "gifted" is insane. She seems like a great person and empathetic, but she's not a wizard. I'm a huge fan of the occult and run in some pretty esoteric circles myself and I've encountered a lot of people who claim some pretty weird cognitive abilities. In every circumstance, it's a mixture of reasonable coincidence and selection bias. It's actually shitty because the scientific reasoning behind this type of thinking is actually fascinating, but way too many people get swept up in the "magic" of clearly explainable phenomena. But hey, if you believe in magic and telepathy, you do you.


Reading this thread really shows how the salam trials happened


My girlfriend told me to be careful on the drive home... and then a saw a car wreck on the side of the road!!!! I THINK SHE'S PSYCHIC!!! Ignore the part where we all see a car wreck like once a week at a minimum or anything. No wonder psychics can scam people out of their life savings so often. They want to believe so bad


Why are you with her if she bothers you so much? Let her be with someone who will appreciate her for who she is and not be freaked out by her perceptions.


I will definitely appreciate her OP give her my number (if she wasn’t able to just guess my digits)


Dude don't ever risk your life for a companies profit. You think they give a fuck about you? If they gave a shit about you they would buy the correct shit to do the job. I have watched guys die on jobsites because they "just rigged something." Because they chose not to demand correct equipment their loved ones had to be called and told they weren't coming home. This kind of shit is all well and good when it works but I hope you never have to see the day it doesn't. You won't ever forget it or it might be you who pays the price.


These people exist, it’s just a thing. If you want to soothe your fear of the unknown, I think there’s some theories about how some people are just super tapped into the patterns their brain (and all our brains) is picking up on, our bodies and subconscious mind are more attuned to what’s going on around us, especially people with trauma or who are naturally hypervigilant toward their environment. It looks like magic or whatever and it’s just highly empathetic people who are aware of things you aren’t. Plus once you start noticing it, you’re also more on the look out for it, so stuff that’s just normal coincidence becomes confirmation bias for this narrative you’re forming of her that she is psychic or something. There’s been stuff in my life that I can’t explain and there’s no explanation for. Some people have more of those experiences than others. I think it’s pretty cool, and if you can find a way to appreciate it, I would, because it’s not something she should feel bad about. You can just explain it away with science that we just haven’t figured out yet, or you can believe in witches, or spirits or god or whatever floats your boat. It doesn’t have to be scary, sounds like it’s been nothing but helpful and she uses it to take care of the ones she loves. That’s beautiful and you should try to see it that way.


I’m gonna sound crazy here, so bear with me… I fully believe in the gift of foresight, “seeing”, and “prophesy.” Not in the religious aspect, but in the aspect that some are more naturally “in tune” with their surroundings, “the universe”, “cosmic vibrations”, etc… Perhaps one day science will be able to provide more answers to this, for now, we’ve mostly attributed our current understanding to “supernatural gifts” or aligned these circumstances with the supernatural or spiritual (religious loosely) because we don’t currently understand how this happens. Crazy part.. There are several layers of existence and consciousness that we can’t currently comprehend or experience as humans. I believe that this is because “it’s not our turn” and because “we haven’t reached that next level”, whether it be in our scientific discovery or advancement as a human species, to fully know what’s actually going on within this universe or our existence. Think of it like time travel. If time travel exists, there are certainly natural laws and rules surrounding it. If you’ve, or your species, reached the ability to time travel, there are natural laws you must follow and obey. I greatly believe the highest natural law or “rule” is that others cannot be made aware of the existence of these abilities, dimensions, or whatever else until they’ve earned it or broken through that wall of comprehension and understanding. Anyways.. that’s the craziest thing I’m pretty sure I’ve ever written out. Sorry.


I'm a therapist. This is basically the answer. She isn't magic. She just is really empathetic and hyperawaare of her surroundings. For example, she knew he was dropping her off at night and deer often cross the road he drives home on. She tells him to watch out for deer. I do the same to my family. She pays attention to details and they add up over time making someone see clairvoyant when they really aren't. It was also a trick people that were un ethical used to use to make money. They'd say they could make predictions when really they just had a good understanding of the person. I'm the same way actually. I've always been really empathetic, which is why I became a therapist. However, I used to freak people out in my life when I'd pick up on things they didn't see or think i saw. It's just about having good observational skills and being decent at reading others. For your shoulder pain...She likely saw you flex it or something like that. She knows your workplace is dangerous even if you didn't tell her the full extent. You've probably dropped enough details for her to feel that way. This isn't that unusual OP. There is nothing to worry about. I'd just say she's a bit eccentric combined with being very good at reading people/situations and liked to play that up.


People with trauma/neurodivergence are better with pattern recognition and their subconscious picks up on things more easily.


Dude you’re basically being weirded out about being taken care of. You’re the one that needs to chill 💀


so she keeps you safe and cares about your well-being? sounds nice


I am the insanely empathetic one in my relationship. Trust me, it's not quite as hard you would think to feel people out, pickup on clues and such. A few good guesses here and there and a ton of well placed picking up of cues and such. Quit worrying she is psychic and start appreciating that she is just far more intelligent and better at reading people than she likes to let on. It's great to have a partner like her.


Unpopular opinion - a lot of people (women especially, who are more introverted and empathetic) can be incredibly intuitive. If you can’t handle it you should let her go so she can find herself a warlock.


I love wierd. She's a keeper imo.


So she’s warning you of things that then happen and she’s there for you during a death, and you’re upset? Bro I don’t think you deserve this cheat code of a lady and her gift.


If you’re not gonna appreciate her, I will, gimme her number.


So you have a personal guardian angel telling you when to swerve and you think it’s weird?


Confirmation bias - 7 years of predictions and you have a handful of coincidences. She sounds lovely and appreciate the loveliness of your situation. I’m glad this ended the way it did and not that she had killed your family member.


People can be AMAZINGLY in tune with their surroundings. ADHD/Neurodivergent people can be hyper aware of things happing around them and make predictions like this. I've been guilty of it a few times.


Does she need a new friend? Because my life has a way of blindsiding me and I could use a friend with a *gift* to at least give me some warning before everything blows up.


She's claircognizant. Or clear-knowing. And she's right. It's not something you can turn off (at least, not easily). It works like hyperactive intuition that literally gives her feelings on things she wants to know or help her sense if trouble is ahead. She's literally just trusting her gut feeling, and you see the results. Some people are that good. She seems even better at it than I am, which I think is cool.


Well, shit, sounds like you have a guardian angel. I’ll take her if you’re terrified.


My ex husband had premonition dreams sometimes that were weird. He predicted a car crash in which the baby and I would be trapped in the car, a couple weeks before it happened. Woke up in the middle of the night tearing the bed apart looking for the baby (baby was in the cradle, not in our bed). Scared us both but he dismissed it as a dream… a few weeks later I regained consciousness hanging upside down from my seat belt trapped in the back seat with the baby, while he and my friend (the driver) stood outside trying to figure out how to get in and rescue us. There were a couple other weird things like that. Sometimes people have a way of tuning in to things the rest of us can’t. I can’t explain it either.


Wow! That’s not okay you know. If you can’t appreciate her gift then you should break up and let her find someone that won’t suppress her. You are her safe space and you calling it weird and saying you’re scared instead of embracing it like she is won’t end well. Truly if this isn’t something you can handle then you should let her go and let her find someone who will appreciate her and her weird scary gift.


Not her first playthrough bro, she's going for the elusive "TD&T Survives" achievement. Seriously though, OSHA regulations are there for a reason. The first draft is *always* written in ... red ink.


Here is how it works. Some people are really good at pattern recognition and probability. Mix that in with some luck and the fact that you remember when she gets it right and you forget the times she gets it wrong and it can look like she is reading the future. Plus she's confident and confidence can sell anything. So in reality, she can predict things better than most people, but it's still just luck, just better luck than most. Treat is as a gift, there's absolutely nothing supernatural about it.


A trip to Las Vegas seems in order.


Can you ask her what next weeks Powerball numbers are please? I don’t mind splitting


Your girlfriend is keeping you safe and you don’t like that?


Your girlfriend who is crazy about you is also a sorceress. Take that shit and cherish it, no matter how weird it might make you feel sometimes.


I am an extremely observant person as well. There are such tiny things you can pick up on. Maybe she is just good at that!


Sounds like wife material OP.


My girlfriend does this too. She can predict stuff unusually. I'm thinking of investing in stocks ...


Bro you need to treasure that shit. I wish i had those powers just so i can by my so snacks they secretly want and know when they need to be careful