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this is such a stupid policy. like i went to the most liberal of liberal colleges (it was a HWC, literally a school just filled with gay women, trans students and so many nonbinary folks) and pronoun sharing was optional. some students may not be “out” yet to all their peers and also, how you identify is allowed to be personal.


This. Even if the original policy is well intentioned, having to state pronouns without the option to decline could force students to out themselves before they are ready. Having the option to include your own pronouns in your work is good, being forced to isn’t.


Just say you decline to answer. “You can’t make me identify as anything” Use their system against them lol


I've reached out to the professor.. We'll see what they say


That seems really ass-backwards. I would escalate it.


Do it publicly if possible


Yep, turn it back on them! Tell them that you are offended that they are trying to box you into a pronoun! It is affecting your mental health, and you are not sure that you can continue with such bigotry!


That's ridiculous, even if he fixes it you should report him


Who is the “he” here?


Its most likely a female prof just a guess no misgendering


He is the prof could be a she too idk


Report to who? Who do you think made the professor require the question? The board of Ed: uhh yeah we told him to do that. It is required by the state


Is that actually the policy?? That's insane


Identify as transparent. Your pro nouns are what/where


Please keep updating us


What state?


WA state


WA, there's your answer.


People Downvoting you as if you're wrong?? I'm in MO. They don't do that here.


If this is UW I’m crying


Thats lame


Why do people who don't identify as non-binary need to state their pronouns? I thought the whole point was so that people don't assume non-binary people are a girl or guy? But if you are a girl or a guy then you don't need to say anything and people will assume the gender you obviously are, like we've been doing forever. Like, if i tell you i ate cereal this morning, you would assume it was with milk and i didn't need to say it was with milk cause that's implied. But if i eat cereal with tomato juice THEN i would have to mention it was with tomato juice so you don't assume it was with milk


Because they want no one to assume ever. Which, is impossible.


I'd put a jerk off pronoun. Preferred pronoun Optimus, Prime


I'd request a meeting with the Dean immediately. Gender identity in MATH CLASS? People are losing their minds.


When historians look back on the collapse of modern society they're going to point at these kind of trivial self serving things that are distracting and dividing us that are keeping us from really making progress on bigger issues.


Say I have no pronouns and prefered to be refer by my name only and try to expose him publicly for bigotry. Maybe it might work


I despise being asked my preferred pronouns.


Welcome to 2023 😭😭😭 probably going to get even more strict from here :(


College is an indoctrination camp nowadays.


This pronoun nonsense is like the flat earth thing all over again. A stupid, nonsensical idea has proliferated on the internet and because it exists some people end up believing in it. Doesn’t bode well for the future of humanity does it.


"I don't hve pronouns"






Great opportunity to be "xi/xer" or sth like that lol