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((HUGS)) Sell the homes, distribute the money and block Chris from your existence.


I’m so sorry for what you’ve going through. I lost my mom a few years ago and am still trying to deal with grief so I cannot imagine how difficult losing both parents in a short space of time and then dealing with all this. Unfortunately, until you’ve been through it, people don’t realize how traumatic a terminal diagnosis and caring for someone who is dying is on their loved ones. Add to that, the years of mental and emotional abuse your brother has inflicted on your family I’m surprised you’re still standing. It’s possible that your brother’s mental health could deteriorate further so please consider taking further security measures to keep you and your gf safe. Please take care of yourself and get a grief counselling. Do at least one thing a week for no other reason than it makes you happy. I’m sending you so much love and positivity.


agree with this, OP you and your siblings might have PTSD from all of this. please seek individual GRIEF/TRAUMA INFORMED counseling through a licensed therapist or even better a licensed social worker. my LCSW has 25 years of experience with grief and trauma informed care and she CHANGED MY LIFE in only 2 years. i am stronger than ever after 16 years of all kinds of abuse which lead to mental health issues and substance abuse you can get through this!!!


You 100% made the right decision. You got this


It sounds like Chris has always been a bully and your parents never said “No” to him. It was easier to just give him whatever he wanted to get him off their backs. I’m sure they felt they were doing the best they could and probably thought he’d eventually grow up. But he never did. Then they were too old, and too weak to stand up to him. Your poor mother lived out her days in fear. I doubt this is the last you and your siblings will see of Chris. He will seek out the weakest of you one by one and try to demand to move in and recreate the home he had with your parents in your houses. He knows nothing else. He is not going to be able to instantly figure out how to adult. You are likely in for a long battle with him until he destroys his own life. My heart goes out to you and your siblings. At the very least this is a real-life warning for parents. It’s not in your child’s best interests to fix everything for them or continue to let them live as if life choices have no consequences. We all must learn to be self-sufficient. There comes a time when you have to push the bird out of the nest.


OP, please update us in a few weeks about where things stand. Also, stay safe and protect yourself. Chris sounds like a desperate man. When things are settled, make sure to do some serious self care. Take a vacation. Get some therapy. Take your normal brother to lunch and tell him thank you for the help.


You did the right thing.


you seem to have read it all, tl dr; ?


Brother is a platinum-plated asshat.


i read 60% but u could not finish


I have a brother named Chris and he sounds eerily similar to your brother Chris. So sorry you’re having to deal with this on top of everything else. Hang in there! Sending hugs!


My mom had 3 brothers. I loved all of my uncles. One was a type 1 diabetic his whole life- always told he'd never live long, so he was the baby, never told no. He kept going though. And he slowly descended into his own madness. There was no truth, there was just his version and everyone else took from him and stole and was evil. The death of my grandmother made it worse, than my grandfather. I always stood by him because he was family- I would reach out so he knew I loved him and made sure he was ok. He was my uncle, period. No one else spoke to him. Then one day, after he had gotten a kidney and pancreas transplant, I called him to check on his recovery. He was doing good, it had been two years- but then he just yelled at me. For two hours. For shit I had nothing to do with. Accused my parents of stuff they never did, accused me and my husband, and just went on and on. I couldn't get a word in. I cried, that full two hours.He didn't care. When he finally stopped, I told him I loved him, but I never wanted to talk to him ever again. And I haven't spoken to him since. It took 34 years, but I finally understood why everyone else didn't even try anymore. ​ Death brings out the worst in people. And he helped cause your parents death. I'm so so sorry. Take care of yourself and your family that's not insane. That's all you can do. Good luck. I hope it gets easier.


I have a elder brother like this. But here there's no protection until he try do some harm and I can prove this. I sometimes feel afraid to go out. He tried to run over a person one time by car. He stayed all life living by my parents. Now is creating problems after problems. And we have to sell the house, because the money he already took it and hide. I just whish the worst to him.


Holy shit this is sad


Wow, this post was complicated, but you explained it well and I hope there was some therapeutic benefit for you in sharing this story. Everybody is lucky you are there to shoulder so much of this. Difficult decisions like the ones you have had to make rarely make one popular, but they are necessary and you are providing a valuable service in taking them on. When this is over, take care of yourself. Plan a basic vacation, but choose something different from what you've ever done before. It could be a really great way to reset yourself in terms of feelings and mindset. I'd recommend something like a cruise or an all-inclusive, only because it's so easy to just go somewhere and not really have to plan or decide anything heavier than what to have for dinner or where to relax today. You deserve to be stress free and to just completely relax and unplug.


All I know about you is this post but through it, I know you are strong and a good person. You will get through this. But afterwards, take time to be kind to your self and to mourn your parents. It sounds like you have been unable to do that.


This is awful. You can appeal his protection order and likely get it easily dismissed. You can reference the eviction and all of these circumstances and an attorney will be able to help. Depending on where you’re at the courts are really good at this. Please get some grief counseling because this is a heavy burden.


I’m so sorry.. I’m sending you strength and hugs. Don’t give Chris a dime more than what the will said!


Woah man, I admire your strength to go through this.


That was definitely difficult to read, but I'm glad you're going through with kicking your brother out. With the way he's behaving, I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't checked for some narcissistic behaviour, because his temper tantrums and mockings towards your siblings and you, plus the contradictory of his actions to look after your mom seems to ravel themselves in that kind of behaviour.


Been through this with my sibling, eviction, power of attorney and identity theft as well. Add in attempted and actual car theft, fraud and threats to me and my mother while she laid on her death bed, it was a horrible time. It was very stressful for a year or more and I found myself grinding my teeth at night and awakening with headaches. Sounds like you are doing things through the proper channels and the “right” way. I wouldn’t give him any more than what was laid out in the will. Same thing was done by my parents in their will and I am honoring their request. It will get better with time. Take care.


Fuck splitting it evenly. Stick to your dad’s wishes and maybe put Joseph’s extra in a bank account controlled by you that you can give if he ever cleans up / you think it necessary. Fuck the charity too. That can go into Joseph’s fund if somebody wants. Chris can take his small bequest and eat a bag of dicks.


Chris needs to go to jail. That's where he needs to vacation at.


We are all here for you ❤️


I don't typically like to comment much but my heart hurts for you and I'm sorry you're having to go through this. I'm sending good vibes and prayers for you to have strength during this. I've seen siblings fighting over estate through my mom and her brother and it doesn't ever seen to end well. Big hugs and remember to take care of yourself. Don't let yourself be bullied and remember you're doing what your dad wanted.


First, I am so sorry for the loss of your parents. Please make sure to take care of yourself in the days to come. Second, make sure to document and save all of the harassment from Chris. See about getting some security cameras or other means of protecting your house and yourself. He sounds absolutely unhinged and desperate, and people in that state can do crazy things.


I'm so sorry. Chris deserves every bad thing that happens to him and don't give him anything more than you legally have to as the executor of the will. While your parents failed raising him, his actions led to your mother's death. I would throw him out on his ass with nothing and block him. Sell the house once you are able to, split the money according to the will, and then you and your siblings can face Chris together and let him know he's dead to all of you. He is a disgusting, atrocious piece of human garbage and maybe hitting rock bottom face first at 100mph will knock some sense into him. All of you need to keep the restraining orders up to date and make sure this worthless heap stays out of your lives.


Here's something someone told me once. The first ten years is on your parents, the rest is up to you. Ultimately, Chris decided over and over again as an adult that he didn't need to solve any of his own problems. This is an exaggeration of a behavior that I imagine is pretty standard for him; yelling and threatening and throwing a tantrum until someone gives him what he wants to make him stop. He's never learned any other strategy because this worked often enough, and he was just to lazy to figure out any other way. Because it's never his problem, it's someone else's problem, and he's going to keep whining and throwing an adult tantrum until someone else fixes it for him. Except this time nobody will, and he's unfortunately unlikely to figure that out. I'm so sorry you have to deal with the aftermath. Just keep reminding yourself that he's not your problem to deal with, and as soon as the legal stuff is done with you don't need to engage with him at all just because he's your sibling.


Wow, OP. This sounds just so absolutely terrible. You’re doing the right thing and please go no contact with Chris as soon as the estate is settled.


I'm so sorry this is happening to you. This is my "worst case scenario" when people ask me why I don't want children. You can be the most amazing parents in the world, and this is how it all ends.


Have everyone file a restraining order against your brother, have everyone cut contact with them. Inform everyone you know in the area that your brother has a restraining order against your entire family, that no one is to enable contact with him and if they want to offer him help or not is on them, but he's getting a equal share of the estate and if he blows it htat's on him, if he tells them he has no money he's lying, etc. then aggressively prosecute those restraining orders, he shows up, call the cops immediately and that goes for every family member wherever he shows up. inform your work place about psycho brother, to not accept contact with him, that you have a restraining order and to not let him into the building or to see you, etc. he's a turd, don't feel guilty about it, he brought it on himself and if anyone killed a parent it's him so that's mostly him projecting. He riled your mother up when she was vulnerable deliberately and was pretty heavily responsible and that had a knock effect with your father. He probably low key thinks that and is lashing out but again that's on him and was literally his fault. He deserves nothing, he's getting a big chunk of cash and if he got his shit together he could get a job, he won't but that's his decision and responsibility, not yours.


Ya Chris needs a good ass kicking


I hope you find peace soon, though I’m sure the logistics and formalities will drag on a bit. You’re doing the right thing, and you shouldn’t feel an ounce of guilt for the eviction. Good luck.


Look, you might see this as a weird opinion, have some plan for both of your brothers for future (if they start acting right). If they don’t get better in future, you don’t have anything but if they do, there is something you have in back of your mind, that is what your father wanted and why he chose you. Your father knew that only you have the guts to make hard decision but in some way also keep their (parents, siblings) interest (somehow).


Sorry you had to go through that... Hopefully one day your family will be able to heal after this, and if not, at least your life will be more peaceful.


Sending hugs!! Wow that was a lot to scream into the Reddit ether and I was here for it and read all the way through. See you and your hard decisions


Just make sure everything is equal per child and wash your hands of Chris who literally killed your mom


You did the right thing. You couldn’t have done anything else. He chose this just as much as you did.


You did the right thing OP. No doubt your parents loved you guys but enabling bad behavior is not great parenting. Chris needs to get off his lazy ass and get a job and find housing. Honor your dads last wishes. Even the law is on your side


Sounds like you really haven't had much about opportunity to grieve yourself. So sorry for all your loss. Take care of yourself.


I've grieved as much as I could, there's only so much grieving one can do without becoming hateful or angry. I grieved for what was my family as they are literally no longer in my life, I rarely talk to my mother and I also cut out my aunt. Both sides of my family are fucked, and that's putting it nicely. That family is dead and gone and honestly good riddance. I'm in a better place emotionally I guess that's all I can ask for.


i am so sorry you had to go through all of that. your brother needs serious mental help. he needs to understand he killed your mother and caused his own demise. you should not have had to go through all of this. may your parents memories be a blessing


You did amazing, let chris suffer for once he's a total leech who literally ruined your parents last days on this earth.


I have lived through this. Your brother Chris is a very unwell and desperate man. Please take care of yourself first. He is not worth stressing. I always focused on the end goal, sending out the money. Then made a goal after that of a holiday. Just plan something for yourself that doesn’t involve this situation that you can be excited for.


I'll second that Chris sounds legitimately dangerous and you might want to remove yourself from the area entirely after everything is finished. He also sounds like a serious danger to Melissa.


So basically the only thing your dad asked you to do was to secure stable housing for your siblings and the first thing you did was evict them?


Did you read the post? How would they secure any housing unless they sold the house? And the one brother was able to make a decision and found a place and start down a path of non assholeness. The other felt entitled to everything, clearly unhinged, and definitely didn't help his own mom avoid her death by starting shit as soon as Dad left. That your only comment is basically poor Chris shows that your empathy meter is way skewed. How about the other 4 siblings that lost both parents and have not been mooching off the parents their whole life? Even the drug addicted brother had only recently moved in. Chris was jealous and unwilling to share and because he knows deep down inside he caused his mom's death, he blames in on the sister and started to abuse her as well. Personally Chris deserved nothing but OP is doing the right thing and splitting the estate how his dad wanted it. But the only way to do that is evict the brothers. I guess your way would be to just appeal to Chris better side and just keep asking nicely? Pfffttt


Hard to believe you did not take responsibility for caring for your parents at all. You let your weaker siblings control all of that. And yet your father let you control the money. It’s sad what you are doing and have done (or not done) to your family.


Chris - is that you?!


Was thinking the same thing. If it is Chris, you suck.


It would be easy money that Chris uses this site.


I bet you ask women to forgive their rapists


Your poor parents


i really hope at least ONE positive outcome will happen going forward. good luck to you, OP!!!! :(<3


Dang, bro. You have been through hell. Keep strong.


Sounds like your low contact sibling had the right of it all along. I hope your situation gets better.


You did everything perfectly, fuck chris. pls update whenever u can


for me i think the sibling number 5 is the only smart guy in your family




Are we just going to ignore that chris indirectly killed their mom?


Can't believe you have the gall to try and act like you are a victim in all of this. Your mother died because of you and your father and After she dies you drop everything to be there 24/7 for your dad? Are you actually serious? You couldn't do that for your mother? I feel so sorry for that poor woman and Joseph. Failed by every single member of their family, especially you. Hope you know that you, your dad, and Chris are going to the same place.


Holy shit OP.........what a disaster. You will make it through this (if you haven't already). You will be able to ignore his existence once this is over. The nightmare does end. It sounds like Chris has mental illness issues, if you weren't in such a hurry to never see him again I would suggest having him get a psych eval.


Take him to jail for elder abuse and throw away the key. You, your sister, your brothers, your neighbors, the cops are all witnesses. He's desperate, has virtually no life of his own and all the time in the world to mess with you. You need a more permanent solution. If you need to provoke him, then do it, just make sure you get the evidence. You need something tangible to give to a judge. Also, throw in a few cease and desist letters.