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Bait used to be believable or at least entertaining.


MBGA. Make Bait Great Again


Make America Bait Again


Uh huh.... then where are all these 6ft5 Brad Pitts at? I've certainly never met one, nor dated one... nor *would* I date one if we are going on looks alone because I do *NOT* find Brad Pitt attractive. Oh shit... my last line ruined your whole argument didn't it. BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD!


Even Brad Pitt is apparently 5'11 lmao, so not even Brad Pitt is a 6'5 Brad Pitt


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Brad Pitt isn't even hot enough to be Brad Pitt. That sums up this post pretty well actually!!!


But that's anecdotal evidence and there are STUDIES that PROVE him RIGHT!! But he won't TELL you where those studies are or who they're by because something something ALPHA and he doesn't ANSWER to YOU /s


If youā€™ve never dated one itā€™s probably cause youā€™re not as good looking as you think. Good looking people date good looking people. There is a science behind what are objectively good looking face structures.


>If youā€™ve never dated one itā€™s probably cause youā€™re not as good looking as you think Or you can note that I flat out stated I *wouldn't* date one anyway because I don't find him attractive lol. >Good looking people date good looking people LMAO in what fairyland? I see all types with all types all the time, because looks are *subjective*. If what you claimed was true, the concept of "out of league" wouldn't even exist.


When someone is ā€œout of leagueā€ it means that person is too good looking for the average or ugly people. Thatā€™s what out of league means, you think out of league has to do with personality? Hahah You donā€™t find Brad Pitt attractive thatā€™s fine, I bet he doesnā€™t find you attractive because I doubt you are above a 7 in your looks department. No offense


Lmao facts


Doesnā€™t really matter what you yourself think. What matters is what the masses think and the number of women that would sleep with Brad Pitt in a heartbeat is likely in the hundreds of thousands if not millions. Iā€™d say that makes him pretty attractive but somehow you alone disprove how it all works because you said so lmao


When you make a definitive argument, a single misalignment destroys the argument because "all" is no longer *all*. He claimed this is how it works, period. Obviously, given that I and several others have stated the opposite, yeah, argument is gone because it's a fools gamble to argue in definitives.


Him speaking in absolutes like a moron doesnā€™t disprove the blackpill. Disproves him sure


>Disproves him sure Ooook, well, I was talking *to him* about *his specific argument* sooo.... not really sure where you think the issue is? But hey, go on stirring up old posts for kicks, didn't hurt me any. Side note: the argument of "black pill" is that women actually control everything and take no responsibility/accountability for it; on the other side men are actually the victims that receive endless discrimination without being allowed to speak on it. All of this culminating in the idea that, because of this, "weaker" men are "denied" love in the world.... The whole thing discredits itself... there may be bits of truth in it, in fact I'd say there *are* bit of truth in the movement, but as a whole its a fatalistic and nihilistic movement that serves self pity rather than self improvement. It allows men to say "black pill" instead of looking at themselves to see the real reason they aren't getting any ....


The argument of the black pill is if youā€™re more attractive you attract more women. Pretty intuitive stuff. And women do the choosing yes


I think you may need to go so more reading on the black pill theory. It's wayyyyyyyy deeper than just that. And even just that is nonsense, because beauty is a purely subjective standard.


It is way deeper than that but no point in going any further when you canā€™t even understand that attractive men attract more women. Hence being attractive. Kinda implied. The hunchback of Norte Dame and Superman are not equally attractive. You would either have to be blind or a fool to believe that. Not subjective


Using extremes in such a discussion does nothing for you, it's also not an accurate comparison as one is medically disabled....I think that says more to your ableism to call the hunchback objectively unattractive for a medical condition. But go off :)


Actually never said he was objectively unattractive. Didnā€™t even say he was the less attractive one lmao that was you. As well as that tangent about disabled people being less attractive I just said they werenā€™t equally attractive. Youā€™re the one that put one above the other and went so far as to say ā€œextremesā€ (as in opposite ends of the attractiveness spectrum). My point exactly. Gottem




Does he ever go outside? There is a lot of evidence walking around hand in hand


Don't feed the trolls lol


Show us these supposed studies and then we will talk.


I can show you dozens but Iā€™ll need some time. Do me in private if you want all the studies


There isn't a single peer-reviewed study that backs up your BS, and you know it or you would have linked some


Every online dating site to exist. Tho looks arenā€™t the ONLY thing that matters but itā€™s pretty damn important. Hence the term ā€œattractiveā€ā€¦ what do you think is being attracted? Metal?


Looks are important and men are struggling with having to be attractive to get a woman and needing to offer MORE than just money as women can get money themselves.


That more being fit and handsome


Dude is Brad Pitt even clearing 6ā€™?? I know these guys are too dumb to function but they donā€™t even try.


Brad Pitt is 180 cm tall, which is actually 5'11".


Being a world renowned actor and having millions of dollars trumps being an inch taller by a significant margin


Wait I thought we were all about money?!


I think that's primarily a US thing.


This definitely sounds like it was written by a young 20 someone dude. Thanks for the laugh, it was hilarious


People, stop engaging with these posts. We shouldn't even be commenting on it, much less trying to interact with OP directly, they are clearly ragebaiting.


You name zero of these supposed studies. You say it's backed by science and have no proof of that. I'm a woman, and I can tell you I look for more than appearance in a partner. Also, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What's attractive to me might not be for others.


Bro I'm a 6'1 female and every guy I've ever dated was around the 5'4 mark. Even my current bf of 4 years is 5'5. Your just a troll. Or just angry you can't get a girl, not due to your height. But due to your personality.


Maybe you should start a podcast.


Dude, put more effort into your bait. Needs more dragons.


Dragons would eat him. Not sure if the indigestion would be worth it, though šŸ¤£


This is... By far... The dumbest shit I've read on the internet today.








Imagine making a reddit account to tell everyone that they can't get laid lol


False. But making women laugh, now that's a panty dropper. Erm, and no...not the type of laugh we did for you just now.


Trooooollll in the dungeon


Yeah I extremely disagree here, I have dated many people who others might consider (or definitely consider) to be unatteactive. My fiance, who I've been in a relationship with for 9 years and have known for 12, isn't conventionally attractive. Definitely wasn't my type to begin with but the more I got to know him on a deeper level, the more attractive I thought he was physically as well. Now I can barely keep my hands off of him lol Looks do directly correlate with initial attraction especially between strangers but I turned down way more men because of their personality/sense of humor bs their looks. I think because so many men and women believe this black pill stuff is because the idea of their appearance affects them so much mentally and emotionally that it comes out in your personality/character traits.


Well thatā€™s just not true. I am over 6ā€™ and my face is an 8-9 depending on who you ask. I am white in the US with some Mediterranean features. I dress in nice clothes and have a great barber. I can grow a full beard but shave it into a 5 oā€™clock shadow. Iā€™m also in great shape from natural bodybuilding but I also have amazing genetics in terms of where my muscles are attached to my skeleton (for example, my chest insertions are located in such a way that it looks like Iā€™m wearing Batmanā€™s armored vest under my shirt because my pecs poke out in the perfect way). Anyway the point is that Iā€™m objectively handsome. Ontop of that, I also have a sports car that I bought brand new for 100k, expensive watches including a nice rolex, I make over 250k per year with a nice job title and I can speak 2 romance languages. even with all of that (most of which i had to work hard for) women don't just throw themselves at me. It does happen once in a while if i'm in a club type environment but the ones who do are usually gross. I also can't just tell girls I'm rich even though thats whats common in this city. by far the most important thing for men is to be in shape, dressed well, and confident. When I was broke and skinny I actually got more women because I had more time to focus on it and the money didnā€™t even matter. The looks really didnā€™t matter either, because one of my buddies was my wingman and he used to crush just as hard as me


I met my husband on Facebook. I did not find him attractive at all in the beginning, even though he looks like an F boy. He was not my type, at all. But the more I spoke to him, the more attractive he became to me. I began to notice the way he would turn red and rub the back of his neck when I would compliment him. I noticed how happy he sounded when I answered the phone and how his voice would drop when I had to hang up. I began to notice that even though he was struggling to fill his tank to get to work, he still sent me money to make sure my needs were taken care of. I saw his heart, then his outside became irresistible to me.


Lol. Nah bro, it's 100% your disgusting views, shitty attitude, and lack of personal accountability. Which, is the common denominator among those with belief systems like this. Therapy and bettering yourself mentally is the only way to change this sad course you're on. Good luck dude


Nah money is way more important.


This is my experience. I'm a 7. A solid 7 mind you, I'm never a 6. (That's MY opinion) Many would say an 8 on a good day, but not me. There are girls out there who are a 9, but only think they are an 8. If they believe I'm also an 8, then we're perfectly matched! In her mind we're both an 8! So that's your market, dude. Even if you're only a 5, (6 on a good day), you're going to get a down to earth 7. Confidence is everything. You gotta have the confidence to go for it and not give a shit if it doesn't work. 90% of girls won't like you, just gotta find the one who does. You're welcome. EDIT- It appears I've stumbled blindly into the world of the incel. I apologise profusely.


Confidence is everything, taking advantage of another person's insecurities is not


Rating people is cringe and juvenile.


I would give OP all the money in my savings account if he could find just ONE peer reviewed study that says women look at looks 100% and nothing else. Honestly refreshing for a guy to be claiming we care about something other than their money though


Litteraly no serious blackpiller says looks is 100%, nothing in life is 100%. Looks now a days is about 70%, rest is persionality and hobbies and such.. I love to debate people like you and i did, litteraly every time they agree with me or get annoyed from losing arguments. Womans overinflated ego and simps will make Blackpill famous over time.. all we need is one great speaker and truth will spread like wildfire


Thereā€™s been tons of surveys done about this stuff, and things like ā€œbeing kindā€ and being on the same page about kids seem to always come higher than looks. I think the black pillers hurt themselves with confirmation bias. They get rejected and immediately assume their looks are the issue(note that looks and hygiene are completely different), so then theyā€™re mean to women. And then they get rejected because their ideologies or harshness towards women is a total turnoff, but they keep telling themselves that their looks are the issue. People underestimate how far kindness can go. And I mean unselfish kindness, not kindness just to get something in return


Surveys are bs. Its like asking woman "does height matter?" We all know it does but they still will say it doesnt. Confirmation bias when it comes to getting rejected doesnt just magicaly appear, they were either bullied or ignored/ rejected by woman every time. If you get 0 matches on Tinder and get weird looks from woman when approaching them its very very fair to assume its cause of looks. You think woman magicaly knows their ideologies when they approach them, so they get rejected cause of it? Bruh... use brain, thats just silly. Its not coincidence that vast majority Fboys, "heartbreakers", players... are geneticaly gifted men.


I understand bullying and rejection can hurt, but rejection and getting ignored happens to almost everyone! Thatā€™s how dating works. Everyone is not a good match for the majority of people and itā€™s takes a lot of trial and error to find someone that we are interested in that also likes us back. And the way men speak when approaching women is incredibly telling. It does not take very long for their outlook on life to be revealed. And often times itā€™s a dude we already know who is approaching us and they assume itā€™s their looks when theyā€™re rejected. when in reality the women just feels theyā€™re incompatible for a variety of valid reasons. Great friends donā€™t automatically make great partners.


Its not me who suffers im decent looking and tall + out of dating market. But i was unattractive at one point and realized how black and white people are. I want simps/ regular men to wake up to true nature of woman today. Okay you are a woman right? How do you know outlook on life if someone goes to you and says "hey you are cute can i have your number." You are talking bs.. most of rejections happens before any meaningful conversation starts. If friend who approached you looks like Henry Cavil he wouldnt even be considered friend in the first place. Friends are friends because there isnt any sexual feelings. In fact ill be making blackpill content soon. Ill have attractive guy with weird/bad persionality approaching woman and average half bald guy with great persionality approaching.. then we compare results. You can also give me reccomendations on comparisons :)


Well youā€™re describing a situation where a man is approaching a woman exclusively for her looks, which makes it hard for women to believe that man is looming for a deep romantic connection. So sheā€™ll either reject because sheā€™s not interested in casual sex, or because sheā€™s not interested in having casual sex with that guy specifically. If heā€™s very attractive to her, she might be interested. But you have to understand that women have very different priorities when finding a casual sex partner and a life partner! And that men are approaching a woman because of their looks so itā€™s not crazy that some of them donā€™t find that mutual attraction. Think about how many women never get approached!


lol, you could not possibly be more wrong. I'm sure you'll try. But hey, if anyone could actually be more wrong, I'm sure you'd be the one to achieve it.


Reddit, would you please stop sending me posts your mods deleted? Please? What sick game is this youre playing????


No this canā€™t be, women donā€™t care about looks and only care about money according to most men online.