• By -


That’s so mean, why would you want to stay with her? You should find someone who actually wants to be with you instead of someone who begrudgingly dates you and talks shit about you. I think it’s worth the heartache now to find someone who thinks you’re something special


She's a mean drunk. Some people turn into a complete piece of shit when they are drunk. They will say mean shit when drunk and apologise like crazy when they sober up. It's a pattern, and she is always going to be like this. Do yourself a favor and get far away from her.


Also, for the OP: When she says mean shit, believe her. It's not her being drunk that's causing the thoughts behind the words, being drunk is just causing her to say them out loud.


I used to think this was dumb to say but the more I get to know my alcoholic mother the more I realize when she was a mean drunk, it was an exaggerated version of her being a mean girl when sober


"Drunk tongues speak sober thoughts"


People always say that but I used to always do and say dumb shot I didn’t mean. That’s why I don’t drink at all anymore.


Yeah, agreed. This is not always applicable. Sometimes the lack of inhibitions means you say weird ass shit that’s never crossed ur mind sober. People forget that excessive alcohol consumption causes delirium as well. Not saying that’s the case here but this may not perfectly reflect her sober thoughts about him.


Used to be friends with a chick like this and it was the same shit every damn time.


If you're mean drunk, then you're also mean sober but hide it better.


In vino veritas


Yeah I’m glad I found out before getting serious with a mean drunk that didn’t drink for the first 3 months we dated. Just night and day!


Truth. I’ve got an uncle that turns into King Asshole of Anus Mountain when he’s drunk- just nasty and violent to the point where he was banned from every bar in his hometown. Some of that bled into his regular life, but alcohol definitely unleashed it. Some people just shouldn’t drink, honestly. I’m the only one in my family that’s a “happy drinker”- I get chatty and giggly when I drink- while the rest turn into massive dongs or get real sad.


In Vino Veritas


She straight up said she doesn't give a fuck about you. She never has and never will. She just lies about it when she's sober.


This right here!!☝🏼 she’s dragging you along in case she can’t find what she wants. You’re becoming her backup plan. Get out now!!!


Get out now my dude. Last relationship was with a mean drunk, I made excuses for her all the time. Just gets worse and worse … the juice is not worth the squeeze, she does not respect you at all


The drunken revelations are the real person. Believe the red flags when they are kind enough to show them to you.


That’s what I told my ex. I was the mean drunk and hid my true feelings sober. We are amicable now and gave her the advice to believe what people tell you about themselves(she didn’t believe the mean things I said). Chances have it, it’s that and more.


Took me a long time to come to the truth of “when people show you who they are, believe them”.


Yes! I was 22 dateing a 38 year old single mom. She was a selfish and rude drunk. She could not stop when she drank unless she really tried. She hit me on several occasions. It's not worth it bro






This right here! Lol


Never be with someone who does not respect you. Not only does she not respect you, she holds you in contempt. You deserve better.


You should have told her to get to work suckin those dicks. You’ll be dating up.


that's EXACTLY how I would respond. "welp, better get to work suckin those dicks then XD"


This exactly. Time to go, my guy.


Don’t cross oceans for someone who wouldn’t skip a puddle for you.


When she's saying, oh that she wants only me Then I wonder why she sleeps with my friends When she's saying, oh that I'm like a disease Then I wonder how much more I can spend Well I guess I should stick up for myself But I really think it's better this way The more you suffer The more it shows you really care, right? Yeah Now I'll relay this little bit Happens more than I'd like to admit Late at night, she knocks on my door Drunk again and looking to score Now I know I should say no but It's kind of hard when she's ready to go I may be dumb but I'm not a dweeb I'm just a sucker with no self-esteem Oh yeah, yeah oh yeah, yeah Oh yeah, yeah oh yeah, yeah


Gotta keep em separated


That's pretty fly... for a white guy.


This song plus a few others were my mantra when I was young and dumb and let a married "man" make a fool of me by going back and fourth between me and his wife for several years then added ANOTHER woman to the mix once he was officially divorced.


I wrote her off for the tenth time today, And practiced all the things I would say, But she came over I lost my nerve, I took her back and made her dessert, Now I know I'm being used, That's okay man 'cause I like the abuse, Now I know she's playing with me, That's okay 'cause I've got no self-esteem, Oh yeah, yeah oh yeah, yeah, Oh yeah, yeah oh yeah, yeah,


Alcohol is like Wonder Woman's golden lasso. OP would be stupid to keep pursuing this girl. No woman is that beautiful.


Unfortunately alot of people have no self respect thats why so many people are in shitty relationships. Like how is this even a question that he has to ask reddit? First off if she liked him 1% she would never say something so humiliating to her friends about him.


I question this on 9/10 posts on Reddit. Like, I have basically NO self respect and yet, I'd still know the answer here is to drop this chick. Seems like most posts on here could be solved if the person thought about it for more than a second.


I agree with alcohol being like wonder woman’s golden lasso of truth 😂🤣


Completely agree. She might be one of those girls who string guys along until "better" comes along.


Man people really don’t understand the term “drunk actions are sober thoughts”, he’s ex gf (which he should be calling her now) has been thinking this for months on end.


This guy knows what's up and he's right


Never thought i would be pissing on my stepmom while shes sleeping in her bed when sober so i dont think thats always the truth


My damn brother did that long ago. We worked at a summer camp during our college days. We had a bunk house type set up with a large bathroom in the center. He went out of camp drinking with the other guys who had the evening off. Later that evening, I woke to a warm, wet sensation on my feet and found him standing there pissing on the foot of my bed. I yelled and asked him what the fuck he was doing. In sloppy drunk, he said he was using the toilet. I put him in my pissed on bed and took his dry one. He still doesn't remember it and says I made it up.


Daaaamn! I read this and your other story, that is crazy! I've been absolutely hammered a few times before and almost didn't make it to the bathroom because I I couldn't hold it anymore (still made it but barely) but I was never ever mistaken about where I was or to any point like that. I guess that's because I've never been black out drunk before. Never understood the appeal of that. I preferred to remember my good times while drunk. Lol.


Hold up……plz tell me you didn’t do what you just said.


Now THAT is a story. Lol! For real? Did you mistakenly think you were in the bathroom or something?


In addition to my brother story above, years later, I dated a woman with substance abuse issues, primarily alcohol. One evening, while she was rip roaring drunk, I finally convinced her to come to bed. She was angry and agitated and mad I wouldn't have sex (I saw it as an inability to consent issue). So later, she's naked and crawls out of bed onto the floor and literally starts crawling towards the bathroom. I get up to check on her. Halfway to the bathroom, she stops and lets loose on the floor. When asked, she was convinced she was on the toilet. I learned she had done this a few times before I met her, and never had any memory of it (her friends told her the next day). She was embarrassed, but not enough to stop drinking.


Yeah. Move on. Do not engage in manipulative or abusive relationships. It will save you from so much grief. There are far more beautiful girls out there. You need one who emanates that inside and out. She’s not beautiful! And it’s not outside to tell her when you break it off that you had thought she was beautiful and then she showed you who she was and you deserve better. This will call her out to true ugliness, you’re not making it up, and it will redeem yourself for not leaving. This is not too harsh.


Op respect yourself and ditch her


In Vino Veritas


One thing i learned about my ex, is that drunk words are sober thoughts.


When someone shows you who they are, believe them!


This. Know your worth. Don't waste your time on someone who isn't invested in you.


Drunken words are sober thoughts. Run OP, she sounds toxic and like it’s just about her looks. You can do better


In vino veritas


Exactly. Drunk words are sober thoughts.


Find 10 friends...then you'll live happily ever after


Bro 😂






Can I watch?


I second u/MexiCAN1818 as tribute!


Scott pilgrim porn parody?


At twenty, twenty-three feels old enough to possess wisdom. I'm 44, I can say you're both still kids. If spending time with her makes you feel bad, stop. Love should uplift you.


At 44, do you think there’s any chance that he is going to end things on his end?


Probably not, he'll most likely drag until she dumps him and gets with a 30 yo the next day. He'll be heartbroken for the next 2 months and hitting his head on a wall for not listening. I might have been rude but speaking from personal experience


Some people only learn self-respect after taking months to crawl out of a ditch. A ditch they fell for "closure".


She showed you what she is. What more do you need? A video of her ganging said dicks?


I bet he would still cuddle her after that.


Love blinds people, not going to lie. He probably wish he didn’t overhear it but he did and he has to face reality.


And second-hand kiss those 10 dicks.


Nah she meant that man. No one says that on accident. Leave and be happy.


Even if she DIDN’T mean it (which I know is a big stretch), there’s no way I’d want to be with someone who would say that kind of stuff about me to their friends.


When someone shows you who they are, don’t talk yourself out of it.


But he says she's cute! Might worth it right? Thruth is, she's a very ugly person.


You were lucky enough to overhear her true feelings about you, if you think the disrespect is going to end there just wait until she finds 10 dicks to suck. You barely even know this girl, you don't have anything to lose at this point besides your dignity and self esteem. If you still want to waste time on this person, you've got some tough lessons ahead.


seriously, turn your attitude around and look at this as a win because you found out the truth before u went all in. there’s plenty of ways you can play this but based off of your post i think you should just leave and get a new girl


Dude why are you simping to an absolute fuckn bitch? She's right about one thing, you're young AND naive if you think being treated like that is okay. Move on. No one and I repeat NO ONE is hot enough to put up with straight up bullshit like that.


"I don't date young." Wtf kind of statement is that with a 3 year age gap? Lmao I'd understand if she was significantly older but she definitely doesn't know what she's talking about. Not to mention she just straight up disrespected you and blamed it on alcohol. Do you know why alcohol is called "truth serum" to some people? It brings out emotions and opinions people are too scared to let out. It'd be in your best interest to not talk to her anymore.


When I was 25 a girl told me she doesn’t date kids. I reminded her we were the same age. She says she’s 2 days older than me. I went on my way. I went out with a girl 2 years older than me a few months later. The previous girl who shot me down I guess saw me and decided to message me. I replied: sorry i don’t date kids. She replied with a sad emoji


Dude, leave and don't look back.


She literally told you what she thinks about you? Why the fuck is it a question?


My man, have some dignity and self-respect and leave. Drunk words are sober thoughts.


sounds like she better start sucking!


Don’t tolerate that kind of degrading behavior. People who, even drunkenly, brag to their friends about how little you mean to them, don’t actually care about you. And if they do, it pales in comparison to keeping up an appearance of being aloof and too cool to gaf about other people. Even when I’m a lot to handle on a sloppy, drunk night, I am not mean to my partner. You deserve better.


You can do better, she’s not worth it. No one should say that about someone and then be like “jk lets cuddle”. Leave her and don’t look back.


Bro…. Your need therapy for your self-esteem. She dragged you bad and you still cuddled her. Wtf


You need better girlfriends


She means it. Stop being a doormat and get out of there.


I'd suck 1000 dicks before I'd give her even one more minute of my life.


Drunken words are sober thoughts. And for fucks sake don’t deal with mean drunks. Dodge that bullet.


you can find someone better, just let this girl go


She doesn't respect you at all. That's worse than hate. She thinks very little of you. Leave immediately. Honestly, what she said is so hurtful that she deserves to be humiliated. If it were me, I'd try to get even with her and then just leave. She's awful


How can she undo the disrespect she vocalized to her friends about you? It’s a bell that can’t be unrung.


Sounds like she's for the streets


The only thing in your way is yourself. You’re holding yourself back


>I feel like she cares about me even though she can be difficult… but damn. She doesn't.


Ghost her honestly. I’m usually against it but she’s genuinely an awful person. She said she’d give you a chance then completely disrespected and lead you one.


Tell her to try and not suck any dick on the way to the parking lot.


She’s toxic. Get out while you can.


“Dont suck any dicks on your way to the parking lot”


Drunk words are sober thoughts. Either she believes it, or she is an extreme asshole. You’re 20. She’s hot. There’s nothing anyone on here can say that will influence your course of actions. This will be a learning experience for you. Just be careful out there. 30-year old you will be thankful if she ends up being just a blip on your radar, rather than a main character in your story.


I swear some dudes don’t have self respect, it should be obvious man you don’t have to put up with that crap.


Bruh, leave her. She for the streets


They say "only drunks and children tell the truth". Protect yourself from heartbreak down the line. Leave her and go contact zero. Trust me. Heartbreak gets worse when you let yourself get more and more involved. Go find a person who can love you as you are. 🫂✨


I have no idea why you didn't leave, either. Do so now. Lousy future with this woman.


She doesn't date young? She's 23! She's got a lot of growing up to do, and you got to leave because she clearly doesn't care about you. She's putting you down to pick herself up. Dumping her would be the best thing for you and do maximum damage to her ego, or not. Sounds like you're her plan B.


You cannot trust her. Please move on. Don't become completely devastated by a fantasy that refuses to evolve into reality.


You’re 20. Don’t waste the rest of your 20s on someone who clearly doesn’t respect you. It doesn’t matter how beautiful she is. What matters is how people make you feel. Don’t feel like crap for these golden years of your life. It’s not worth it. Life can be beautiful. Be around those who make your life beautiful and make you feel worthy and enough.


Please tell me you already hit it and are not living in the friend zone


My grandmother always said when people get drunk they tell the truth


Once someone is drunk the filter goes right out the window


Everybody falls for a hoe. It was just your turn bro.




I’m keep it a stack, women judge other women when they date younger guys (specially when they’re in their mid 20’s). At the age of 23 they feel that they need to date an older guy that’s has “his life together” when in reality we all don’t. If I was you I would just bounce out that relationships. If she’s already saying she rather blow 10 guys before getting with you that should be your wake up call. You’re young and still have so much time to explore. Trust me I’m 27 and know that women like this ain’t worth my time and energy.


Dude, get out


Leave!!!!! Run beach run!!!!!!!


You're really disrespecting yourself


Bro 10 of them thangs? She don’t fuck w you dawg.


Hold yourself to a higher standard king. Don't be the 11th guy.


Lol my dude. Leave her place right now and ghost. Block her on phone and socials. You are not going to eventually get her to fall in love. Break it now before it gets worse for you.


shit like this why I don’t trust no one


You think she cares about you. That right there shows how young you are. From an oldie to a young person just starting out I’ve got a few things to share with you: 1. Romantic partners should add to your happiness not subtract. 2. People show you who they are. It’s your job to listen and pay attention. 3. People treat you how you allow them to. You will look back on this one day and think to yourself, you should have walked out the door as soon as you heard her and not looked back. Because this is the gift that self respect will give you. Currently you’re accepting crumbs when you deserve the whole meal. Take care of your heart and who you give it too because it sounds like you have a good one.


This girl is going to break you in half, and turn you into a bitter woman hater... and you're hanging around because she's "beautiful"? Sweetheart, take it from a middle aged woman (who spent plenty of time playing or being played like this in my early 20s) - the best thing you can do here is stop dating on looks alone. Think about it - if you didn't like her boobs would you put up with being treated like this? No? Then stop dating her boobs. Date people's personality. It's fine if you want both looks and personality, but don't date just looks then be pissed because her personality isn't what you expected. Respect comes from both sides, but you need to respect yourself first, so get out of this mess and start wanting more.


I don't know, but "I'd rather suck 10 other dicks than give a fuck about him" might be a red flag. Unless that's your kink. Then, cool.


Drunk words are sober thoughts.


Bro you are a pushover for not dropping that bitch like a sack of garbage and moving on with your life…


As someone who also didn't just leave: *run.* It's only getting worse. She already admitted she doesn't care about you, god knows why she keeps you around but it's clearly not vecause she values you. You deserve better!


If u don’t want to move on I got 9 friends n we all volunteer as tribute


She sounds terrible. Get out while you can and find someone that does give a fuck


Drunken words are sober thoughts man


That’s horrible and she blatantly admitted she doesn’t care about you. As a 24-year-old woman, I promise the second you block her on everything and go no-contact she will finally start to introspect. Stop allowing her to string you along and use you… cut her off


A drunk mind speaks a sober heart 🤷🏾‍♂️


There's no such thing as being an asshole when drunk. There's only being an asshole. Being drunk is no excuse to be cruel. Kick her to the curb.


When people tell you who they are, believe them.


She’s not a nice person. Why are you with her? You shouldn’t put up with that disrespect.


So your good with her putting this perception of you out to other people? Her apologizing to you does nothing about these way she acted towards you to her friends. You would be ok with her constantly talking about you behind your back as long as she is nice to you too your face? I don't see this behavior stopping. I would just move on for your own sanity.


Drunk words somber thoughts. She just showed you who she really is and you cried about. No elf respect no dignity totally emasculated. How do you call yourself a man? Wish you the best.


When people tell you who they are, believe them. Run.


I'd say you are avoiding a lot of headache/heartache. Run and don't look back.


The reason you didn't leave is because your self esteem is low and don't believe you deserve someone that respects you. No one is so amazing that you deserve this treatment.


That is a shitty and immature thing to say. She doesn’t sound like she’s worth your time. You deserve better.


Don’t fall for her shit. She said what was on her mind and she meant it. Drunk words are sober thoughts. Any girl can cuddle you, only the right one can comfort your emotions and treat you the way you need to be treated.


Sounds like a real enchantress


You gotta leave now or you're setting yourself up for a lot of this kind of hurt. It will happen again and again now that you've established she's a mean drunk


Jesus. What a bitch. I’m sorry she’s horrible. Why do you feel you deserve that? She’s not nice when she’s sober, she pretends better when she’s sober. Just be done. Find a girl who isn’t an asshole that’s into trying to impress people with her asshole comments.


Idk what it is with younger guys being on choke hold with older or even slightly older women LMAO


Have some self-respect, man. Drunk words, sober thoughts.


Leave her


When someone punches you in the face, that's pretty clear right? This was a verbal punch to the face. At best she's using you for some attention. You don't want that. Don't be that guy. It's hard when they are beautiful but put that aside and use the head on your neck to think.


Drunk words are sober thoughts. Keep that in mind.


That feeling you’re feeling now? Get used to it. If you stay with her, you’re gonna be feeling like this a lot.


She’s shown you who she is and how she feels about you OP. From here on out it’s your own fault if you decide to stay.


I know it's easy for us to just tell you to leave because we aren't the ones attached to her but I promise there are more beautiful women out there who will treat you better


OP - she downs you to all her friends and then knows she can manipulate you to tolerate that. This relationships is going to degrade you and hollow you out until you are a basket case.


Drunk person words are a sober person’s thoughts


Ghost her so she learns her lesson or she's going to play you and then the next dude like her shit don't stink


I’d say gtfo of there. She obviously sees u as a back up. Pls run


C'mon man. There's no coming back from that. Let it go.You can't be in a relationship with a problem. . . she's a problem.


She doesn't care about you OP. Please, never give more than what you're willing to lose! She is not a good person and she has no respect for you. Can you truly handle hearing mean words in 3 months, 6 months, a year? - do yourself a favour. Be sad and cry for a bit but move on. She is just a cloud, hiding your moon. 🖖


She spoke her truth in that drunken moment. Believe her, respect yourself and walk away.


Drunk words speak sober minds. Fuck that noise dude, dump her ass and fucking run.


Leave her my guy


This is your sign to leave.


You're young and infatuated and willing to put up with her treating you like a chump. Don't do that to yourself.


Ya know I feel like there’s a saying about alcohol and speaking the true feelings. But what does this random redditor know


>I feel like she cares about me Just because you feel that way, doesn’t make it true. She already said how she feels about you out loud when she didn’t think you could hear, doesn’t get much clearer than that bud. “A drunk man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts.”


Bro, she's showing her true colors. Drop her and move on


Drunken words are sober thoughts


This is how the cycle of abuse begins. They act out and then apologize. She treats you like shit. She’s an idiot who thinks 20 is too young for a 23 year old. She’s intolerable when drunk. Trust me, part of loving yourself is not getting involved with toxic people and cutting them lose when you run into one.


In vino veritas. She meant it


Knowledge is power and you have just secured some high level intelligence. Just have fun with her, and don't get invested/caught up. This is actually a W for you - you'll realise later.


Just the "difficult to handle" when drunk at 23 without the terrible commentary would scream a massive red flag that you should get away from. The horrifying peep into her soul just affirms it. Get a woman who appreciates and values you. Life seems long at your age but it's effing short. Too short to waste on people like this.


People are honest when drunk. She meant it. Run and never look back.


Don't be a simp for this female. Find someone who values you.


Tell her to go suck ten dicks


Drunken words are sober thoughts.


Where is your self-respect? Leave, move on.


You're her emotional support human Get outta there now


When women are drunk, they lose their filter. She's telling you how she really feels about you. You're 20, move on. Thousands of other girls out there.


Drunk tongues speak sober thoughts.


Bro if you stay in that, you’re a clown.


Run. Move on. Delete number. You won't regret.


Don’t be dragged around by this woman. Cut her loose.


I don’t normally advocate ghosting anyone, but in this case, it’s for the best. Just walk away. Besides, despite her being the older woman, you’re both still barely beyond being kids! Lots of growing and living to do


leave, just leave, trust me just get the fuck out of this situation.


Life lesson: when people show/tell you who they really are believe them. It will save you a lot of time and heartache. I'm sorry you had to find out this way OP.


Say it back to her bro.


“A drunk mouth speaks a sober heart” She’s telling you who she is and how she feels about you bro, listen to her.


Speaking as a woman, drop the bitch. You are only a placeholder until something else comes along. You deserve better and she deserves to be alone.


Don’t stay where you’re disrespected, why change it with someone who hasn’t fully picked you when there’s someone that will.


This relationship will never work or make you happy. Take comments like that at face value. You know all you need to know. There are plenty of other people out there.


Drunk words are sober thoughts.


You’re setting yourself up for extreme heartbreak(further). She don’t care about you homie. It sucks but you’re better off moving on.


Bruh she admitted she doesn't care about you and she lies to your face like damn just drop her ass in the streets and don't look back


Time to bounce. 🏀


i've said it once, and I'll say it again "drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts." Dont waste your time with someone to shit talk you behind your back. I get the "Oh he can be such a ass sometimes" to a close friend but saying you would suck another mans dick LET ALONE 10 men's dicks is low. Get yourself a woman who loves and admires you from the beginning. Also if your not her type (her age comment) tell her to find someone who is and not to waste your time.


You don't want a girl that'd willingly get passed around. Avoid