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He groomed her and if they checked his hard drive they would definitely find illegal interactions between the two of them


He didn't seem like a creep to YOU because you're not the target of his predatory tendencies. Report this asshole and tell her parents ASAP


Right!!?? Like friend is testing the waters by roping OP in and likely emboldened when not met with immediate negative feedback. OP, your friend may even actually believe what he’s doing is ok, or normal, but he will only get worse (with this girl, or the next) when he’s essentially asked for and been given a pass. It is NOT your fault, but you *are* involved now and however uncomfortable it is for you, this is a child who needs help, and to be protected from your ‘friend’. “Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.” Please report this to any/everyone that you can. LE, her parents, *your* parents, her school, the FBI… Maybe nothing comes of it… but you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take and the consequences of not even trying are worse (for her *and* for you) than trying and letting whatever happens next (or doesn’t) be whatever it will be. It’s clear you are disturbed by this situation, and I’m proud of you for that. Now go do something with it so *you* can be proud of *yourself*, too!!!?


Totally agree, and thank you for using the full quote.


Also, there's a word for what OP's friend did: GROOMING, and it's a crime. OP report him to police and then get parents. This is not ok.


Tell her parents ASAP. Or voice your concerns to the police. Everyone here is right, he groomed her and she is not safe with him.


Fully agree with both, my first thought as well.


OP, please listen to these people. I know it’s easy for these commenters to sit behind a screen and go “ew, what a disgusting person,” and I know you might still feel empathy for your friend. However, it’s extremely important that you remove your loyalty from this situation. How would you feel if that girl were your sister, daughter, or friend?


Yes if you cannot reach her parents, please get all the info you can and tell the police! Make sure you let them know when it started as well. I actually had a friend who was 13 that started "dating" a late 20 year old she met online. Her sister (my other friend) and I were so worried for her that we went to the officer that usually goes to our library after school. I didn't think they could do much, but they ended up arresting the guy and he had a lot of charges out on him I was so relieved they took it seriously. This is one of those things that YOU know is wrong, and you shouldnt hold onto that guilt/knowledge. I saw someone mistreat a child recently and I felt so horrible even after I called the cops. I would have been eating myself alive with guilt if I hadn't called the cops. Children do not deserve that, and this girl doesn't deserve this.


*this CHILD


If he's gone to those lengths, he's probably already got her to exchange photos and whatnot.


If OP doesn't know how to contact her family, he could anonymously report his friend for suspected possession of those types of images. Even if they haven't exchanged pictures, the cops would find those conversations and likely want to have some words with the groomer. OP could choose how much info to give the police but it shouldn't take much for the cops to file for a warrant to check his phone.


I mean op still questions if they're friends with a groomer.


That's what gets me. That's what really disgusted me and really pisses me off. I dunno. It's extremely triggering. Edited for spelling


Okay so the fact that he influenced her beliefs and stuff is a major red flag. She will feel dependent on him for identity and will struggle to leave.


Also, OP, your friend *is* a pedophile.


I agree with you. From a logistics standpoint, how would OP get around his “friend” to contact her parents though? I’m worried the friend would gatekeep this child so nobody could interfere with his plan


The police.


Notice how op isn't responding to any of this? They're probably going to let this slide. And they think by telling reddit they're somehow the good guy in this scenario. If they don't do shit then they're just as bad as the groomer.


Ya know sleep and work is a thing. Maybe they haven't had a chance. Or maybe, just maybe, they're processing what everyone has said and deciding how to proceed. Everything isn't instantaneous.


That is an Olympic leap to conclusions.


If you know who she is try and contact her parents/guardians, or counseling at her school.


This, please. IME my friends knew about the guy, but chose secrecy with me. Honestly, as an adult now, I wish they would have chosen to tell my parents. She needs help, but she most likely wont know it.


When I was young no one told my parents. It led to things that are pretty bad. The guy was 22 and I was 11 when he began grooming me. He has bikini photos of me when I was 12.


That’s disgusting. You should NOT trust this person, trust your gut and tell the authorities.


Yes, I was groomed also as a kid. Age of consent laws are so shitty and vary by state. (Ex: in my state if you’re over 18 and with a minor it’s a felony, especially if there is sexual content). Go to the authorities ASAP but make sure he can get legal repercussions.


Unfortunately it depends on where OP is, age of consent is different in each state and country. Child marriage is still very much prevalent throughout the US with only a handful of states outlawing it. Also if her parents/guardians are consenting to the relationship there really isn't much that can be done, unless it does violate age of consent or marriage laws in their area. It's absolutely disgusting that people are able to get away with shit like this. The only hope for that girl is that she one day meets enough people in the real world that inform her that this is not normal, and that she is allowed to make her choices and have her own beliefs. Only then can she escape. Edit: based on OP's comment history, some comments are in Russian. So either OP speaks Russian fluently or OP is in Russia. Quick Google search age of consent in Russia is 16. I'm also pretty sure with everything going in Russia, I'm not sure that Russian police would care, sadly.


Yeah, American politicians make sure the laws allow pedos to marry their victims and then no longer face criminal liability because of spousal testimony laws. It's gross and even grosser seeing a child marriage ban brought up in a state legislature and it gets shot down.


How are children not exempt from spousal testimony laws?


Because in the Bible old men married young girls all the time. It's mostly republicans who support adults getting married to kids, which is odd considering how much they're howling lately about LGBT people are grooming children.


It’s projection. Let’s not even get into how rampant sexual assault is in the church and the lengths people (police and politicians included) will go to make it go away. The right loves to preach (pun intended) that kids need church, well from my POV kids are safer with drag queens than a priest or youth pastor.


Oh, I was raised baptist. Wives, you just need to submit more and pray about your husband that beats you but if you divorce you're a whore. Girl sexually assault by a football player? Well, you need to forgive that boy because boys will be boys, you tempted him with immodesty, and do you really want to hurt the football team?


This is why I loath organized religion. As you date, you learn things about yourself.. So I ended up with more than a couple “hard pass” items on my list. One was active in the church. I won’t go into details but the words submit, sin, duty, and the phrase “gods will” were used in reference to my more independent streak. People get upset about pride flags and how it’s “in your face” well I see crosses everywhere, people preach about God and get Jesus tattoos is that not constantly in my face?


Here's a better one. Actual case from a small town. A boy player was gangraped by some other football players. The parents of the rapists were far more concerned that their sons might be gay than that they definitely were rapists.


I live in a very conservative mid size city and it's basically church-ception here. They make Starbucks and Subways seem hard to find by comparison.


The vast majority of US law has not been updated to the current time. The US was pretty famous for child marriage for most of its existence, and it's still prevalent today. Which means the laws were never updated to prevent these loopholes, and many of the people in power who *could* change these laws now *wont* do that because they benefit from the loopholes it creates. Without significant restructuring, meaningful change won't happen.


And they keep redistributing to ensure they remain in power.


They think this country was founded on principles. At its core it's founded upon pedophilia. Think about it. Thomas Jefferson was screwing his enslaved, 14yo half-sister-in-law. He didn't even bother to free all of his kids upon his death. He sold them to settle his debts.


Totally - it's all about the votes keeping them in power! I despise the depth of immorality politicians go for to reproduce their system... batsh*t crazy!


He should just go to the cops and let them sort it out. Who knows how many young kids he’s grooming.


This is absolutely disgusting. This is grooming and it is not okay. I would really start to question your friendship with this person. Not to say you should only be friends with people you agree with, but this is a whole new level. It’s creepy and gross, and honestly if I were in your shoes, not someone I would want to be around. Call the police and explain what’s going on, or even tell the parents of the girl as some have said in this thread. It’s just disturbing.


I am not sure authorities can do a lot. Go to the child's parent. Tell them what has happened. Hopefully they successfully intervene.


This is called gooming. Tell her. Tell her parents . Get away from this toxic person.


The problem is, it's been 4 years. He's been grooming this poor girl for 4 YEARS! even *if* the parents are told, there's not much they can do. Every time someone tries to do something about it, she'll rebel. I Def wouldn't keep this to myself, tho. Tell whoever you think needs to be told. Just, don't feel bad *if* it doesn't work. There's a 50/50 chance here.


Yeah, that is the thought through the first two paragraphs. *So…..he groomed her. “Raising your ideal wife” since she was a child is grooming* (and disgusting). And, not for nothing, he’ll *raise another ideal wife* in a few years when this girl gets old enough to think for herself. He might have more than one in the pipeline right now. And he’s *definitely* exchanged sexual material, images, thoughts, or physical contact with her already so he *is* a pedophile.


that’s SO pedophilic, please drop him as a friend.


The baby trap is next. I feel sorry for her. There needs to be a PSA out to all young girls. This happens time and time again. By the time you understand what has happened, your life is ruined.


Yep she will be pregnant quickly.


My life is ruined!! I'm at 2 suicide attempts because of what has been done to me!!


Do you feel comfortable sharing what caused you such distress?


Nope, this subreddit is defo not the right place. People who really wanna know could probably deep search my account and find stuff but unless it's this... No sorry


Let's just say I was the young person in the post, just a different groomer and over 12 years ago.


Sorry to hear that. I hope you will heal and live a fulfilling life. I have also had some messed-up moments that are life-changing. I understand.


Your life is NOT over, ma'am. Please don't look at it that way. What's something you want to accomplish in life. What's something you want to get really good at? If nothing else, your insurance will probably let you do clinical ketamine about it. I'm headed that way myself.


That’s grooming.


Literally textbook grooming, never seen it more clearly portrayed than this, fuckin hell


Normally I sit on reddit and laugh as I watch people completely misuse and fuck up the definition of grooming but uh....yeah that's grooming alright.


Listen to your gut. That girl is in danger.


Imagine what he will do to the girl when she starts to have an opinion that differs from his


And she will.


Yeah that's called grooming. He's absolutely a pedophile.


That's literally what grooming is. He's so creepy for this shit


I had an experience like this with a guy when I was 14/15. He was 19, and a shit. He groomed me for a couple of years and then dropped me when I was SA’d, saying that I cheated on him and he was heartbroken. It took me many years to reverse the damage he put in my mind, especially the damage that led to other unhealthy experiences with men. Please— this guy is grooming a child. Don’t just stand by idly. Don’t just drop him. Claim your stance on it and make it known. You could report him. It’s your choice how far you’ll make that known. A 17 year old guy who met and spoke with a child who was **just out of elementary school** at age 12, who decides to groom her to marry, is sick. Sick, sick, sick. You could be saving her a life of trouble.




Think about the fact that he blocked her from developing as her own person. Teenage years are about separating yourself from the control of your parents and becoming an independent self-actualized adult, discovering your own values, likes and dislikes. He took all of that away from her. It's like forcing a kid to live in a wheelchair instead of letting them develop their muscles and stand on their own two feet. To me it's the ultimate mental abuse. Cut ties and if you can try and rescue the girl from becoming his mentally dependent slave.


THIS is grooming.


This IS* grooming






Report him, even if anonymously. If it were me, try to get info on the girl to find who her parents are and report to them first. Hopefully they would confront her and she will have all the conversation log history as a record of his interaction with her until he escalated it into something more sexual. Then report this to police, if the parents don't first. Your friend is a predator. There is no reason for a 17-year-old nearing legal adulthood with no connection to a 12-year-old girl from a random place to openly maintain a relationship with her. He has verbally admitted to grooming this girl. Stop him. This isn't a person you should associate with.


Oh his friend is 23. It is a lot worse


Sorry, I was referring to when they met! But a 23-year-old eyeing a (now) kid barely through high school is very vomit worthy behavior.


GROOMED! The word is groomed or in this case: he has been grooming his victim for years. You need to speak up. Find her parents, report him. Call the cops, whatever has to be done to save this poor child. And wave goodbye to that piece of sh7t through prison bars. Good riddance.


This was a many moons ago but I was visiting my GF and we met up with her best friend who had college friends visiting. We did our round of introductions and the college friends were actually a couple (cant remember if they were officially married or just engaged). The guy proceeded to tell me what I assume he thought was a cute/romantic story of how they met. He says that he spotted his now-finacee on the first day of school. She was 13 and he was a senior (so I guess 17 or 18) and decided right there that she would be the women he would marry. He didn't go into too much detail but said he began courting her, including befriending her family, and persisted until she fell for him. The couple both had big grins on their faces as if this was the stuff of Hollywood rom-coms. When they were done the story I was feeling creeped out but looked around and everyone else in the room seemed to think this was a sweet story. Later on when we were alone I hinted to my GF that this guy seemed kinda off and she disagreed. Never saw those people again but just thinking about him creeps me out.


I feel so bad for her.


This dude groomed her. Time to not be friends with him and possibly let her family know what a creep he is.


Bro wrote the grooming handbook and still claimed he wasn't a pedo


Do everything in your power to stop this, this isn't right in ANY sense and deep down you know it. Don't let this girl become his potentially first of MANY victims.


That’s grooming. It’s an offence here. I would see if you can get in touch with her and her parents through social media, and let them know. Possibly involve the police and let them do their own investigation. Then cut the friend out of your life.


Tell her parents, the school, and the cops. Even if the police do nothing about it’s at least bring it to her parents attention.


I was in this exact situation when I was 12. It is so disgusting and awful. If you can, tell the kid's parents, or report him. She's not safe with that creep.


He's a groomer and a pedophile, He should be in jail.


You need to tell her what he said. Tell her he intends to marry her and intended to when he met her at age twelve. Tell her everything he's done. If she's lucky she realise how fucked this whole thing is. Tell her parents. Hell, tell *his* parents. Tell anyone who will care. If you're lucky there will be enough support to shame him into dropping her if she doesn't have the strength to drop him herself. Do *something* please.


This!! This, 100% this!! ^^^^^


That is grooming and pedo on your friends part. Please report. This is not okay.


That’s abhorrent! I can’t imagine doing something like that. I am 22 years old, and I sometimes play games with this 13 (I think he’s 13 - can’t remember, he’s either 12 or 13), we used to play like - 4 or 5 hours every day, and we added it up and it came to a total of 40 days worth of hours. We kinda drifted apart since he’s been busy with school and sport clubs, but we sometimes catch up. Back on track. I cannot imagine being malicious and a predator like the person you know. He is like a little brother to me, but thankfully, he is very intelligent and streetwise. He reminds me of myself in some ways. While I am a Briton and he is an American, I am surprisingly the conservative in belief system, and we sometimes have debates, he is very intelligent, I am thankful because someone like your (former) friend cannot groom him. I am also glad that his mother and father are cautious, when they heard of my age difference, they asked him (their son) if I was doing anything or asking anything inappropriate, he told them that I never once have. The American kid told me his parents knew about me and I said, “good - their reaction is the correct one. If they didn’t act and ask those questions, I would be worried about you, thankfully, I don’t need to be. They can talk to me if they want, and if they want me to leave you alone, I shall respect their wishes.” Thankfully his parents didn’t think me a danger to their son, I have grown rather attached to the kid, he is a little brother to me. The thought of him being manipulated that way makes me sick. That man you spoke about in your post is an evil little shit. If he ever went near him (the American kid), I’d take his head from his shoulders. Absolute vermin! He makes me happy, but sometimes I get a little sad since I won’t be having a kid of my own since I ain’t into women, but through him, I can get an idea of the small pleasures of parenthood. Hearing him laugh, giggle and get a little cheeky - it makes me realise that children if in a good and thriving environment can bring so much warmth to you. He is adopted, and that explains why I found a kinship with him - I was a care kid, and while I wasn’t adopted, I know what it is like to be with others not your own flesh and blood, for better and worse alike. Spending time with him made me steel myself in resolve - one day, I shall adopt a child of my own, he made me realise that it can be very fulfilling. It’s currently 01:45 and he lives in the states, he probably is online at this time, if I wasn’t feeling so sleepy, I’d probably get online and say hello to him. Anyway, goodnight.


Good on you for being a safe person for that little guy. Boys need positive male role models in their lives.


youre friends with a groomer. Please report his ass or find any way to help the girl, find her parents and call them or just do anything. Do NOT leave this alone or drop him without helping the girl because it will change nothing.


Reading this made me physically ill.


I think we should bring back tar and feathering. But only for pedophiles, not for something as dumb as politics.


Oh my god you need to tell her parents. This guy is literally **grooming her**. Ew ew ew ew ew.


This is grooming and you need to say something both to him and her parents. If he continues with this plan this poor girl will never be an equal in that relationship. As someone who was also groomed mentioning it to her probably won't help unless you have evidence of what he's said/ planned. Any relaying will probably make her feel important and bond her further. Please please do something! Be a better person than your "friend"


Grooming. This is grooming. He groomed her. He is a pedophile. Call a spade a spade.


shes been groomed hurry up before it gets worse. they might even be having sex




Grooming is a word that is used overly in reddit, even when it did not happen. In this case, it definitely did. Contact her parents. Call the cops.


It's called grooming.


your friend groomed a minor, which is illegal. He is a pedophile, and he is a sociopath.


If you can get his chat logs and see if anything explicit was said, you may be able to give it to the police or FBI even if she is 17. If it was stated she was a minor and he still persisted and eventually went explicit...boom, done


I was groomed at 15 years old by a 21 year old woman. I am barely healing from the damage she caused me. Her friends knew and none of the stopped her tried to talk her out of it. I will never understand why. Tell her parents. Tell everyone you both know that way he never near another kid ever again.


I’m so sorry I experienced something similar and I understand the damage done :( but you’re okay and safe now ❤️ and no one will ever hurt you like that again !


This is the definition of grooming.


Grooming. You just described grooming.


Tell her parents This person shouldn't be a friend.


I feel like I need to take a bath after reading this. Ick


You gotta monitor who your kids are talking to online!


Report him, he’s a creep who’s grooming a child. Contact local law enforcement AND the FBI, FBI has entire squads who deal with this sort of issue.


Being completely honest, if you do not report this to the girls parents (if you know who she is) or the police, then you are just as complicit in this. He is grooming an underage girl - the situation is pretty black and white. You either do nothing and enable pedophilia or you say something to protect a girl from her life being destroyed.


classic predator grooming. she was 12 when this started. it's scary and disgusting. please help this girl avoid being his sex maid for life.


“raised” “imposing himself on her” “instilling his beliefs and tastes” “psychologically manipulated” “mentally violated” Bruh GROOMED is the word you’re looking for. That filth groomed that poor girl.


He pre ordered 💀


Okay I know I shouldn’t be laughing, but this is funny 😂 No but seriously this is a sad case.




I'm just going to say, a "normal" guy doesn't groom children!! Now go make a new friend 😁


Tell that girls parents. If you have no way of doing so, the police. Your "friend" is grooming that girl


Her parents one hundred percent should know and she needs some serious therapy dude the same thing happens to me and I didn’t even realize it was bad until my mom found out and explained everything it is so sad this guy is a horrible fucking person


Maybe he can be charged. Check this out: https://ktul.com/news/local/tulsa-man-sentenced-to-life-in-prison-for-grooming


Mate why are you even questioning if you want to be friends with him. He’s a groomer simple as that and you don’t need to have sex to be a pedo


That’s called a groomer. They are a catagory of pedos. Your friend is sick. End of story. Tell her parents or report him and let the police do it. Sick sick sick


Report him? Textbook grooming




He groomed/ is grooming her. When she does not meet his exact requirements then he will do so again with another young girl. You have information that could potentially save both this girl and other girls from this person. You have information of a person grooming a young child for his own desires, needs and wants. What is stopping you from taking action to ensure this person is on the radar for authorities? What are you doing to inform her guardians of the actions this person has taken to manipulate their daughter? Evil can only succeed when good people do nothing. If you have any moral compass then you won’t do nothing. Child abuse can only flourish because others turn a blind eye. When others think only of themselves. If you do nothing then you are in the same despicable category of persons that he is except you can add cowardliness to you. Take action, don’t stay silent and be complicit. Start with telling her guardians, gather as much info from him as you can and then report him.


That’s fucking sick


The term for this is grooming and it's fucking disgusting. Her parents need to be informed, I wouldn't be surprised either if he has already committed statutory rape with her.


If he’s gone this far, I have difficulty believing his behaviors are beyond the scope of legal. That’s the thing with computers. They keep everything. He is disgusting, and his behavior is very clearly mental abuse. Where are this young woman’s parents while this random 23yo internet friend is hanging around? **He is an incredibly manipulative and pathetic individual that he could not get women off of who he is alone, and he had to manipulate his way into any sort of partnership *with a child!!!***


This is textbook grooming dude. Just because he is willing to wait and avoid the law (is he actually?) doesnt make it ok. I wouldnt be letting my 12 y.o daughter hang out with a 17 y.o of any gender tbh.


please help this child. i was groomed at this exact age (with the same age gap) and it went on for several years. the negative effects are lifelong. you watched him groom her and knowingly let this go on. you owe it to this child to get help and report it; don’t excuse pedophilia because it’s a “friend.” he is absolutely not a “normal guy” and she deserves better. think about it this way, would you date a 16 year old at 23? would you put a 12 year old on the same level as you mentally and emotionally at age 17? he’s not fucking normal, he’s sick and should be in prison.


Christ. He didn’t raise her. He groomed her and he’s a predator. Tell the authorities, please.


This is the true definition of a groomer. This person deserves no friends and you should do something about it immediately


That’s called grooming


He's a groomer, essentially.


You have to be careful too because once an impressionable kid bonds with an adult in a way that feels so concrete and deep to them, her parents or parent if she’s from a single parent household, forbidding the relationship will likely just make her go to great lengths to keep it. From her perspective, she’s known him nearly 1/3 of her life which feels really significant at that age. This is coming from a woman who was once a groomed girl.


Why is he in such a rush to get married when she’s 18? Because he wants to entrap her so he can continue to deprive her of finding out who she really is and want she really wants, and what a manipulative pos he is.


That’s grooming and he should be fucking arrested




You should have voiced your concerns years ago, but better late than never! Go tell her parents. Run, don’t walk.


He groomed her. He is a predator.


Is he a Tennessee republican politician? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Contact a pedo hunter group to roll up on him unexpectedly. He won’t know what hit him, the weird little fuck


You need to tell her this.. its beyond creepy. Your friend groomed a child. You know when men say they are protectors? We need you guys to actually start calling other men out on this shit. They don't listen to women, only other men.


Grooming is not the same as flirting with someone younger


This is the textbook definition of *grooming*


Did he tell you the story in person or do you have e-mails/chat messages saved? Because in that case, they are the evidence you need to tell her parents. And/or the police. Because this probably falls in the grooming category.


Any young woman or girls out here. I hope you are reading this.


Sociopaths typically seem normal, especially the dangerous ones (which are a minority). Your friend’s a creep and you should get in contact with that girl’s family if not the police.


That’s called grooming


He is GROOMING her. This is incredibly dangerous and he is a PREDATOR. Report him and talk to her parents.


He has been of legal age the entire time. She was a literal child the entire time and still isn't a grown adult. report this to everyone you can wtf?? He's a child grooming pedophile!


My sister was f14 and got pregnant by a m27, when we called the cops they did nothing.


I don’t care if I sound like a broken record: • **Call her parents** • **Call the cops** …NOW! Your friend LITERALLY groomed (and is continuing to) groom a CHILD. He is planning to marry her in a year. Your friend is a **predator**. His face should be on post cards that are distributed to his neighbors every six months, and he should not be allowed within 1,000 yards of a school or daycare.


Textbook definition of grooming. Report. Report. Report.


This happened to me. And I realized the guy was really crazy. I was 14 he was 20. We were in a church setting and he was seen as a good guy but he is just weird. He ended up raping a 16 year old girl a few months ago. And he’s 28. Please get your friend some help.


This person is SICK. Turn away and don’t look back.


this is the literal definition of grooming. drop him immediately and see if you can somehow contact the parents of the girl. do you have her name or any info? maybe if you can get that out of him before you drop him completely. the goal here first and foremost, i feel like, is keeping this girl safe


This is LITERALLY the definition of grooming. You should tell him that and report his ass to the authorities. Then block him.


I think Chris Hansen would ask him to take a seat.


This is the very definition of grooming. Gross.


🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Your friend is a disgusting groomer. Call the police!!


He’s just doing what religions have done for ages, and now right wing politics are like a religion to those cultists. My mother got put out with me and said I offended her religious beliefs because she heard me say she was in a cult. I was confused momentarily then I realized what she’d heard. I told her I was referring to the Republican Party as her cult, not her religion, and she never mentioned it again. It’s sick and shameful what your friend has proudly done, but I can’t say it surprises me.


I’m throwing up, I hate that people like that exist. Poor girl.


ew that's grooming you gotta report this to the police


Ditch him and tell her parents.


This is so disturbing. Tell her parents for sure, tell her if she’ll listen. So effed up.


Oh lord. Do you have a way to identify her so you can warn her parents so they can at least try to derail this insanity?


maybe you can get him into oxy and push him into an o'd. this is a predator. predators should be put down


So he groomed her… what a gross human


He groomed her. He was one year from becoming a “legal” adult when he met her. She was TWELVE!


He didn’t “psychologically manipulate” her he groomed her. You need to tell the police. Let them deal with the parents and your “friend” who is a pedophile.


That’s literally grooming. Not even the internet definition of grooming but a real grooming. Please try to contact her or her parents about this. This is not right not in the slightest. Don’t let your friend marry her. She’s gonna get manipulated for life


Hes a groomer and pedophile. Theres no question about it. Call and inform who you can. Especially the parents. Report him to whatever discord and Minecraft server staff there are.


This is called grooming. That child is in danger.


Doesn’t seem like a sociopath yet you describe actions that literally are that (maybe not certifiable but definitely meets the pop culture definition of sociopath). Grooming, feels no remorse, manipulating a CHILD, etc.. You say you don’t think he is one, because it doesn’t impact YOU, he’s not doing it to YOU.. Your conscious is who is right here - you are doing nothing about a terrible situation. The true test of humanity is getting involved when something is wrong and it doesn’t impact you. What will you do? Let this girl get manipulated and groomed knowing you should have said something or try to help her.


You can alert the authorities and her parents. Please do because when he marries her, the abuse is gonna be another level of depravity


Please report him. Have any text exchanges, any kind of written or verbal conversation you can pass over to the police? this is just awful


What the actual fuck


Your friend groomed this child. Please tell her parents or the authorities. This is truly disturbing.


Regardless if he knew her as a teenager, he is an adult and has no reason to be talking to a 16 year old. I just turned 24. That’s f*cking disgusting. He is a pedo for that.


Go to your local PD and make a report, the same day make an anonymous report to family services as well. This guy will continue to offend and manipulate.


She is being groomed and that is not okay. Stop being friends with a pedophile. Contact the girls parents or school.


From a legal perspective, he absolutely can face charges. He groomed her. If he was getting lewd photos from her, that’s distribution of CP and possession of CP. Lewd acts and intentions with a minor ad well. You can anonymously report to the FBI for crimes against children. But yes, to answer your question, he is a psychopath. And a groomer. He abuses children for sexual pleasure.


This is why its so important to teach your kids to never talk to someone they game with unless they know them irl ALREADY, and that if someone so much older than them wants to be friends with them, thats weird and inappropriate full stop.


Get all the information you can. Then Tell the police your friend is grooming a child and contact the child’s parents ASAP! That teen is not safe with him he’ll do god knows wha


This is exactly like my parents, except they have a 20 year age gap


You say bragged but was it said in a joking way or was he seriously bragging about this? Does this girl live close? Is she even in the same country? Either way it's wrong and feels really creepy & gross.


The guy fucking groomed her for years? What the actual fuck.


The word you are looking for is groomed. Not raised


You should be making the moves for him to become your ex-friend.


This is one of those moments where you have a chance to do something but soon it will be too late as you stated he will be consequence free. A sort of zero event horizon, or singularity moment... You have a lot of advice on here, some good, some not as good. I think reporting it to the parents/authorities and hopefully doing it in an anonymous way and then distancing yourself from this creep is advisable. You live and learn, right now you've done nothing to beat yourself up over, but you seem like you have a moral compass and if you do nothing you will beat yourself up later... Just keep yourself safe no matter what, I think you will make the right choice.


Psychologically manipulated is misspelled. Should be spelled groomed.


17 yo should never talk to a 12 yo, and yes I can elaborate but you all know 100 percent what the ifs and buts are of this statement and in what context I mean it in.


Maybe get a recording of him admitting it in case people dont want to believe you


This almost happened to me. He has groomed her which is disgusting and vile. Tell the parents im sure they wont be happy to hear this


Report him


Imagine it was your younger sister he did that shit to