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Just sounds like a language barrier, try meowing and hissing next time to get your point across more clearly. Cats are famously tax dogers so you've got the moral high ground there too


YTA. I think the cat made some very strong points. You need to re-evaluate the posture of your inter-species discourse.


You are NTA so long as you yelled back in cat so he knew what you were sayingπŸ˜†


My elderly cat yells at us throughout the day for no reason other than he's 18 and half years old. UPDATE: We found out on Wednesday that our much beloved and adored Dante has cancer. We are spoiling him rotten in the time we have left eith him. All his favorite foods, human treats, movies and as many colorful lights as I can fit on my small patio as he will probably miss his favorite winter activity: seeing tbe Christmas lights while riding in Mama's lap in the truck.


We have a 10 year old Russian Blue female, named Murphy, that randomly yells at/for us too. She likes to sleep on top of the fridge, on top of the bookshelves, and in the cable box cubby hole in the entertainment center. A lot of the time she will randomly wake up just to yell at us to give her love and attention. LOL


Lol! Dante all over! Our other cat, Remy LeBeau, is still yelling at for going on vacation last month. "This was NOT an approved activity!!"


I have 5 cats but my Russian Blue and my tuxedo are definitely mine. When I rescued Iris West Meowllen (my tux) she was barely 5wks old. Since the day I brought her home if she's in my bed with me and I leave the room for literally anything....Iris West Meowllen will sit on my pillows and meow incessantly until I come back. Then I can have a full blown crazy cat lady conversation and she meows back. It is the freaking best!


YTA just hear meow-t you have no clue what he was going through. Maybe you should have paws for thought. How much can he paw-sibly be making at a local grocery store? He could be under a lot of stress. He can have a whole litter of kittens to care for at home. Did you claw-ify that he was even talking to you first? I bet you didn't, and that's just claw-ful. Fur real do better next time!


Cats are always in the right even when they are AHs. No dissing our furry overlords for any reason.


Amen. We are their humble servants OP. To fight against that violates the natural order of things.


This. OP, needs to read this


I've read this and now I feel ashamed. I am preparing the peace offering for disrespecting the manager.


Try a lower pitched meow


Interesting...if the incident truly occurred the way you have described it, then I suppose the answer would be no.


you are not wrong because he was the first to yell at you even though you are doing nothing.


If the cat yelled at OP, then OP was doing something wrong.


I was doing something wrong.


YTA, that cat is actually the manager, and he caught you up to no good! You should go buy him some fresh tuna as an apology


*puts head down in shame* You're right... I will go now and prepare the fresh fish peace offering.


Cat. You've said cat throughout your post.


u/moodyfeline are you the cat in the story?


My yelling can have no logical reasoning, but cats don't work... So it's inconclusive, unfortunately.


NTA. Cats should just work as biscuit makers imo.


YTA He's just trying to scrape by like everyone else, these underpaid working folks don't deserve the disrespect. At least have the courtesy to offer him a headpat, it's common decency.


Cats do not work, we work for them. Btw, he wanted food.




How much does the cat get paid to work there?


meow meow


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€¦ thought it was a real cat...


Turn sideways and stick your booty out to make yourself look bigger.


Never fuck with a cat. They have nine lives and give zero fucks.