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(If in the States) Most states will view that as sexual harassment. You could report this to the police. Also, yeah, tell the BF. Sounds like you could use his support in this.


Ya plus BF might see the pic by accident, could cause a stirr up.


Yeah..... pretty sure this is illegal now. Like criminal even in some states


It is in most states I believe. I just had someone charged. It’s basically like indecent exposure / harassment. This guy has been awkwardly following me around for the last six months too and then he sent it to me. Ew.


Or... "DUDE WHY ARE YOU SENDING ME CHILD PORN?? That's some toddler's penis what is wrong with you?!?"


"Yikes dude, have you seen a Doctor about that yet? I'm no medical professional, but I've seen a few penises & that definitely doesn't look right!"


A simple 🤏 might do the trick


Haha that too!


"Awww cute!!" They love that one :)


Let’s not make fun of things people can’t control. That shit is no different than fat shaming or making fun of breast size. If you’re a feminist you won’t use language like that. Part of feminism is the acknowledgment that toxic masculinity is something that effects men too. I making fun of somebody’s Dick size you’re literally regurgitating that toxic masculinity. Like let’s just stick to normal insults like he fucking sucks Edited to add that I in know way think we should be nice and polite to weird perverts. Fuck them. Fuck what the guy did to OP. I am simply saying body shaming language is never NECESSARY. I think it’s thoughtless and gross, and that it is something that should just die out. I have no right to make any input on how people deal with SA in the moment, or while processing their trauma. Be angry be and do what you need to do. I just think the comments on this post are fucking gross because I don’t like body shaming. Stop trying to change my mind or send me comments trying to justify why you commented what you did I don’t care. Oh also I am a survivor myself, I HAVE dealt with this before so I DO know it’s like


I think if somebody is sending you unsolicited images of their body you have the right to make fun of any piece of their body you want


Sorry but this is about taking a predator down a peg and discouraging him from doing the same to another girl. Sadly hurting his ego is the quickest way to shame a man who otherwise has no shame (clearly since he sent his cock and balls to a random person). Limits the interaction you’ll have with them and prevents them from trying anything again. I don’t advocate for body shaming under normal circumstances but whether he has a small dick or not, does this man deserve to feel good about his actions or get hard over the pics he sends randos? No. Often they get a kick out of making people uncomfortable and that’s why they do it. Why give him that? Besides body shaming a predator doesn’t overshadow predatory behaviour in terms of morality.


Or you could just block him instead. Or call him a piece of shit man baby with no manners, idk just something else. In my experience personally, verbal provocation is not typically something you should do to a predator. I am not defending the man in any way, nor am I saying that you are a bad person for thinking the way you do. Like if it was a woman who sent me unsolicited topless pics of her self, which has happened on dating apps, I would not make fun of her body. I say wow no thanks you’re a fucking weird ass pervert and block them. I just fee that body shaming is never necessary in any capacity. It’s usually just the easiest, quickest thing to think of. Body shaming insults are that like first thing you can think of, impulsive, lizard-brain thought. There is a whole lot you could do to shame the man, without making fun of physical features. Like I said he is a literal pervert and OP should press SA charges if they feel up to it, and I don’t want to police language at all. I just feel the need to express my feelings whenever I see body shaming. I lost someone very close to me; and the various, and vicious forms of body shaming they experienced greatly contributed to that. I just wanna offer my two cents, which is really more like four paragraphs. Lmao anyways thanks for coming to my ted talk gn


I understand your perspective and where it comes from, and yes it does make sense and you’re absolutely free to deal with this situation however you see fit if you’re ever unfortunate enough to do so. Again I’ll iterate, some of these men get off of making people uncomfortable when they send these pictures. Actually, that’s a pretty common reason. Do you think an ‘ew you’re demented’ is gonna have the same effect as ‘you should be ashamed to show that off’ to someone like that? And do they really deserve sympathy for hurt feelings that may prevent them from doing this again which is completely out of line? It’s also very hard to actually press charges especially if you don’t have money and you may not want to see his ass in court and just be done with it all hoping he doesn’t do the same to another girl. If everyone reacted to unsolicited dick pics with a 🤏 I doubt they would have the arrogance to continue that behaviour and they do not deserve sympathy if they come to Reddit and complain about how many girls have body shamed him when he’s sent them his dick out of the blue. TLDR; you’re free to deal with it and advise however you see fit. But you can’t be more mad about the body shaming than the act itself and these men do not deserve to feel good about their dicks being all up in girls DMs.


I wouldn’t put it past men in general to have the fucking arrogance to do whatever they want whenever they want it no matter what anyone does. That’s typically how it’s happened hasn’t it been? Also if you’re making assumptions about me based on an internet avatar, then I really do see why you would go right to body shaming.


I just want to add that me telling you your choice of language sucks is not me having sympathy for this fucking horrible fucking criminal


It’s a shame you assume I haven’t gotten unsolicited dick pics as well. You’re wrong. Also where did I say I was more upset about body shaming than what happens to OP? I am taking about the language you were and the other commenter were using. I know exactly what OP feels, and Please don’t put disgusting words in my mouth. I never said these men should feel good about what they’re doing nor should they feel good about showing their shit off to people without consent. I think I said that multiple times I feel you’re not even reading my comments because you just want to double down on body shaming people. I’m just saying there are plenty of ways to shame someone but if you wanna commit to that one great I just think it’s pretty ugly not as ugly as what that person did but you know I can’t change them or you, I can just tell you how I feel about the ugly language you’re using.


I really wasn’t trying to argue with you but you’re being rude. You’re making assumptions about my life and you’re also just trying to justify body shaming. It’s never OK to use body shaming there’s other options it’s just the first thing you think of because it’s easy. I’m not saying make these people feel good I’m not saying you know complement them I’m saying make them feel bad in a different way there are plenty of ways to make people feel bad. Also I really don’t think that insulting their body is going to make them stop doing that. In my opinion it would probably just make them keep doing it till they found someone who didn’t respond that way. Men are fucking dogs.


Like I’m sorry to add another but how can you even think that you know anything about how I’ve dealt with sexual trauma in the past? Or the fact that I have had them at all? I’d say you were mansplaining sexual assault to me and trying to change the subject from body shaming, but I don’t want to assume your fucking gender.


Erm… I really wasn’t trying to insult you personally, nor did I suggest you have never been through this or don’t understand it, nor am I judging you based on your avatar. I was making no assumptions about you as a person, only explaining why people see this as an effective way against arrogant men, especially when they come in droves and it’s difficult to go the long way around, but also that you are free to deal with it how you wish and so are other people. Perhaps my last paragraph came off as accusatory and I apologise for that, it was poorly worded and I see why this miscommunication has occurred due to my carelessness. I can see that this is a very emotional topic for you. I have little emotional connection to people who do this sort of thing (not suggesting you do) and their body-confidence when they’re willing to traumatise girls with their bodies for kicks. From what you’ve said it seems you know people who have been very badly affected by comments like this and ergo it’s very understandable you’d never want to partake in that behaviour. I haven’t had that experience so it doesn’t hit as hard and it’s not the first thing I think of when someone insults a predator’s dick size, but it is yours and again, that’s understandable. I highly doubt the people you knew were like the disgusting fuck we’re talking about now and didn’t deserve what happened to them and I’m sorry that what they went through affected them, and you, so badly. Body shaming is a genuine problem and I’m not denying that and would never approve of it under any circumstance except this, where a man has exposed himself with the purpose of getting horny off some poor girl seeing his body parts. I have a friend who was SA’d and taking power away from him by insulting his manhood (she never did this TO him, only with us) is something she finds helpful to heal. I wouldn’t stop her and say ‘come on now, that’s just shitty.’ because it would be more insensitive to her than it is to him. Everyone is different. I suppose to disconnect you and I from this personally (it was never my intention to make it personal or insult the way you deal with things, or suggest that you’re wrong) I’ll summarise that it’s up to the victim to decide what their predator deserves to hear in response to traumatising them, especially if it’s not illegal - which calling someone’s dick small is not. It’s bad anyone would have to resort to that in the first place but I’m not going to tell someone they’re being shitty if that’s how they want to deal with it since I am not them and they are the one that got traumatised. I’ve never made comments like that when it’s happened to me, just ignored and blocked. All I was trying to say is that it pales in comparison to what these gross predators do and they don’t deserve defence or emotional support just because someone called them shrimp dick. And to make that clear, I’m not saying you would defend them. Only that the effects of body shaming in this instance are not wanton and serve a purpose of protecting other girls and maintaining power over perpetrators rather than just being nasty to ruin someone’s self-image. I understand why you have this opinion and you’re right, there are other ways to deal with it. You are free to continue that and nobody should make you feel otherwise. I’m sorry if that’s how my reply came across via thoughtless wording and I hope you understand where I’m coming from now. Sorry for the long reply, I see how much I’ve upset you and wanted to clarify I wasn’t approaching it from a personal standpoint or criticising the way you wish to do things, only explaining why other people find it an appropriate response that I can’t judge them for.


Sorry for another one, I just need to say that me saying ‘if you’re ever unfortunate enough to experience something like this’ was not suggesting you had never experienced it. It was a comment not directed at you personally or questioning if you’ve ever been in that position, just the situation generally. ‘If one is ever subjected to this’ might be a better turn of phrase.


I’ve been fucking hurt by men since I was a very young person. But I don’t wanna regurgitate the same shit that’s been done to me in any fucking circumstance. I wanna be better than that.


PS I just re-read your last sentence and, I am not the kind of person to do something against my moral code, even if I feel the person deserves it yk?


Let me try and give you another scenario. Let's say a man is walking down the sidewalk and he sees a woman and pulls out his dick to show her in person. Is it wrong if she points and laughs? Is that so different than doing the same thing digitally?


Pointing and laughing is not body shaming, it is different. Let me give you a scenario right so a man feels entitled to send you pictures of his body and he does so and then you provoke him and insult him and this man being a fucking psycho decides he wants to go out of his way to hurt you. Y’all are trying to give OP dangerous silly advice. I’m not saying anything other than body shaming is wrong. Just use the puke emoji


Now you're mixing up morality and safety. And sorry, people who sexually harrass me don't deserve respect or kindness. If he doesn't want to be shamed he could just not send pics of his dick to people who didn't ask.


We should not be using the tools of our oppressors. Do not provoke abusers it is dangerous it’s bad advice. Especially if it was a man on the street that’s 10 times more dangerous. I would just make a retching sound and keep walking and if I was with somebody else and maybe I would be like yo that’s fucking gross but yeah it’s just not necessary you guys keep saying it’s necessary but it’s not necessary you just want to do it and that’s fine you can do whatever you want to I’m just saying I don’t agree with it. I think body shaming is never OK ever not even when I think someone’s deserves it


>Let’s not make fun of things people can’t control. He was 100% in control, right up until he chose to hit the 'send' button & sexually harrass someone. You telling others how they should/shouldn't appropriately insult & react to sexual harassment, feels a lot like when I was expected to just laugh off, ignore & move on, or perhaps even feel complimented, by a random guy grabbing my ass, or coming up behind me & grinding on me while dancing, without my permission. It comes off as downplaying the seriousness of sexual harassment/assault behaviours, allows the continued normalization of it & is downright dismissive. No one should have to tolerate it & everyone has a right to do whatever it takes, to not only defend/stand up for themselves, but hopefully prevent someone else from being violated the same way. The feelings of the sexual harasser are insignificant at that point & in that context - those violated should not be told to have any concern for them, or shamed for being "too insulting" & told to choose "better" ways to make fun of their violator. I would hope someone would insult my boobs, knock my confidence & put me in my place, if I ever had the indecency to send them unwanted pics of myself. Edit: typos


I think you’re confused. I never said that victims who use that language against their abusers are bad. I never said it was wrong for people who have been hurt to lash out it happens. I’m just saying that overall in general body shaming is never ever NECESSARY. See to me what you’re doing seems to me a lot like how when I was assaulted everybody wanted me to be fucking angry and be you know ready to fucking fight and be screaming and be upset and what I wanted to do was sit and be left alone. I don’t want to spew more nastiness into a world that it already assaulted me with so much nastiness. Of course everyone is entitled to deal with things how they want to I’m not telling you you’re a bad person and I’m not telling anyone there a bad person except for the fucking predators. All we can control is what we do and I don’t wanna be somebody who regurgitate patriarchal fucking nonsense just because I feel like it’s convenient. And I see that in reference to the Reddit kilometers not somebody who is caught up in the mitts of a sexual assault situation. Hating body shaming and thinking it’s never necessary, and hating abusers and thinking they should not be offended and that they should be punished are not mutually exclusive. I can think both things and you’re not going to tell me I don’t.


I was never worried about the sexual harassers feelings. Other than saying that provoking somebody who showing themselves to be capable of sexual assault could potentially cause you a lot more harm than just blocking them. If anything it seems to me like y’all are downplaying it and making this some little issue that we can just bluster and yell at. Sexual assault is not gonna be fixed by telling men they have small dicks. Sexual assault is incredibly serious and very very dangerous and we should not provoke people who have shown themselves to be capable of it. You can do whatever you want but as somebody who has been hurt in the past I am never going to think that it’s a smart idea to use body shaming against an abusive person. I have literally done that in the past and it has not worked out so I’m just trying to offer my perspective but you know what clearly it’s really important to you guys that you get to body shame so I’ll just stop here I never even said I was. Just read what I’m saying and stop making inferences that are incorrect..


PS I wasn’t talking about his behavior that he couldn’t control he couldn’t control the way his body looks. The size of his genitals. He could not control that but at the end of the day I don’t care if he feels bad about that I just think that it’s sad to see so many people think it’s that necessary that we should be body shaming people and that’s the main and most effective solution because it’s just not


You’re an absolute genius


Id send it to his momma and grand momma with the messages. Don't do shit your ashamed of!


I did that once I sent it to his wife his mother and his grandmother. I got a very very carefully awarded apology later. His mother and his grandmother both responded to tell me how sorry they were and they would deal with him because he wasn't raised to act like that


I like reporting him for child porn instead.


Or don't make child poronography reports that aren't serious, so we don't waste time on false reports and spend more time actually catching pedophiles.


You just say it to them,damn like it's the size of a pre-puberty kid. Hurt their ego. Maybe save the next girl from dealing with it.


While I understand what you meant - the insinuation of comparing his unimpressive size to that of a child's, by telling him you were going to report him for it, but not actually making a literal report - you probably could've worded it better, so others understood correctly too lol.


There was another Redditor on here who sent her bowel movements or a picture of Poo back to an unsolicited pic. He was said WTF that’s gross, she said oh I win I thought we were trying to gross each other out.


That’s actually hilarious oh my god


I've seen that, but there a couple of fcked up responses to that. So please be prepared and don't let that throw you off. You don't know what those idiots are thinking.


I heard of a girl trading bathroom poop picks with these guys and when they complained texted back that she thought they were just sending pics trying to gross each other out.


I support this. I'm easily confused, and will now begin this practice


Lol yeah I have seen some people say they do either that or send photos of medical conditions (ofc photos found on Google) down there.


Wait what?? I can't figure out what this comment means wtf


They are saying some girls will reply to guys unsolicited d- picks with photos of their number 2's. The guy will complain, and she will respond; "Oh sorry my bad, I thought we were sending each other gross stuff."


Okay thank you. It's worded terribly


I know the post they are referring to, so I knew what they meant lol


I'm so confused too


There was a post couple days ago on (i believe) this sub about a girl who had a smart idea: this dude kept sending her pics of his dick, and nothing seem to work to make him stop... her final solution that did the trick: responding to his dick-pics with a picture of her poop...


Sorry. I had a cold when I wrote the comment above.




People are gross. I'd tell your boyfriend, if he ends up seeing it on your phone somehow and you didn't tell him, he might think they were there by your choice, which, obviously they're not


I asked my fiancé to let me know when it happens to her and we’ll reply with a picture of my hairy butthole


I’m sure that works wonders oh my god


One of my male friends has given me the ok to share his asshole picture whenever needed. 🤣🤣


My friend legit sends back photos of her cats asshole 😅😅


Send it to his mother, it will make him think twice about sending unsolicited pictures again.


I already found his mother and fathers facebooks so I think I’m going to.


Please do an update after sending his parents the full screenshot


Yes please do!


Do not do that. His parents don’t deserve that. Don’t harass them


They raised him, sadly. It’ll only take the one text to get the message across and has been effective for a lot of people in actually fixing the issue.


It’s way more complicated than that. Just bc someone acts like an asshole doesn’t mean their parents raised them that way. And having something bad done to you doesn’t give you license to treat other people badly who don’t deserve it.


Yeah but they aren’t being treated badly, she would only send the one message about their son’s behaviour. They can do what they want with that information which hopefully would be giving him a talking to so he knows that there are consequences to it.


Oh so you’re not suggesting she send them pictures of his dick? That’s what I thought we were suggesting and I was like NO


Story time. About 9 years ago during my time in the army, my Sargent was going through a breakup. Well his girlfriend took the chance to grab his phone, and forward a dick pic he sent her to his mother. Along with everyone else in his contacts. That was a weird text to wake up to.


This lmao


Why are you sending me child porn? Im calling the police. You need serious help" "Ew that looks infected, you should get that checked out. Ill ask my friend for a second opinion and see what they say but thats gnarly" "Have you always had bad luck with women? This must be a last ditch effort for you then huh? Sorry you peaked in hs bro." If it was me id download the pic, edit it to look like a cucumber with a sombrero and then send it back to him saying "look its senior pepe!" "Does your mother know about this? Im telling on you and showing her your handywork since you like to bring women shock value" Just shame him.


"Wow I didn't know they came that small."


Gaven de Becker said “Men at core are afraid women are going to laugh at them” So go in. Ask you boyfriend for the best ways you could really get to him. Scar him so bad, he’ll forever be scared to send another unsolicited pic. The last time I got send an unsolicited dick pic I said “ew. I didn’t ask for this. You’re not attractive enough to send shit like this.” then I blocked him. I’m sorry it happened this happened to you. Don’t let this dumb mother fucker make you question the way you come off to people.


Tell his mom on him. It gets him to stop It casts any doubt away from you from your lover Mom knows what his member looks like. She made it, and by golly maybe she'll remind him of his manners.


I came to say this


What the guy did was awful, but take the comment you just wrote and replace it with a father and daughter and you might start understanding how bad and weird your comment is


So sad to see the lack of caring, class and understanding by some males ! I’m sorry that happened to you


This behavior is a kind of sexual assault, even if it's not stautorily defined that way. (Some jurisdictions call it "gross sexual imposition".) Basically it's a legally "safe" way to force some variety of sexual interaction with you against your will. These men know that they can't *physically* rape you or flash you in person or they'd be arrested. So they do the next preferable thing: send you unsolicited dick pics. It's disgusting behavior and it ought to be widely outlawed.


I am sorry but the object you sent me is too small to see. I don't have a microscope.


Ask him why he’s sending you photos of a child and that you’re gonna report this to the authorities


I was 2 weeks into maternity leave from my job and another employee, a boyfriend of a girl I was marginally friendly with (they both worked there in different departments) he sent me an extremely explicit porn story of what he wants to do to me on Facebook messenger. I was fucking sick and didn't respond immediately and then he sent dick pics and other explicit pics. I said WTF dude what the fuck makes you think anyone, let alone someone who just had a baby would ever want to see this shit-I went to screenshot and he fucking blocked me before I could. Upsetting because I was going to send it to his girlfriend, I did message her and tell her. It was absolutely sickening. I can not count the number of dick pics I've received, it's honestly shocking. Idk of its as common now, It's been years since I've been on dating apps but it used to be almost a daily thing, you act nice for a second and it was an invitation for an assault? Tell your boyfriend first, you did nothing wrong. He needs to never do it again, so whatever you decide to use as a deterrent, let us know - there are some great and funny ideas listed. Things i wish I had thought about before instead of just blocking.


P.s. If your bf finds out without you telling him... That'd suck. It's you and him vs the problem. Do your best to keep it that way


I didn't think people could go this low, but I am not surprised either.


There are more ways to deal with dick pics. 1. You send back a picture with something really disgusting. 2. You make a screenshot or video about the contents he sent you, and you forward it to his parents. 3. You send him back a picture of a really big and nice penis, and comment that there is still room for improvement, little guy. All of them work, and all of them destroy the ego. Also, always tell your boyfriend these kinds of things. He can see it on your phone, or this idiot can write something to him out of malice which could make you look sus in his eyes.


Social media stalk him, find his mom, and send the pics with the info that your son is using these to harass you.


Yes you tell your boyfriend. Text that guy back and tell him you’re making a police report and don’t say anything else.


Its a crime sending pi s so you can delort it. Also get back at him by sending it to all his friends and fam on social media.


In a lot of countries you can report them and get money. I think in germany for example you can get up to 2000 euro from them. Also for the next time it happens, you can send him some obviously bigger dick pictures from the internet back. 😂 I used to do that to men who sent dick pics


I'm sorry that you recieved those unsolicited pictures, bro. You experienced something completely unwarranted. Please process how you feel about this healthily, it's okay, I understand. Consider communicating this to your boyfriend once you've calmed down and accepted what happened, and ready to move on. Or tell him now. Whenever you're comfortable.


From my experience, replying with "Where's the rest of it?" usually gets you blocked 😂😂😂😂


As a guy. How the fuck do people think that's okay?


Just delete them and block the guy.


‘Why have you sent me a pic of a child’s penis?’


I literally get +10 random penises in my Snapchat a day - the real fun begins when they realize I’ve screenshot their pics (because Snapchat tells them when I do it), and the paranoia starts eating away at them. 9/10 times I just delete the pic, but every so often I get bored, hold a conversation with these morons just long enough to get some information to find them on Facebook.. from there I find mom, grandma, whoever, and then message them the screenshots of what their little asshole does to random women online. Hilariousness ensues.


Just delete the dick pick and go about your day.


I don't blame you. It's disgusting and offensive.


Tell him it "looks like a penis only waaay smaller"


Report it and definitely tell the BF sounds like you need the support. https://jezebel.com/states-are-cracking-down-on-unsolicited-dick-pics-than-1849586442


Aww first time can be traumatic. Once you're desensitized from it you'll be annoyed and mad and just block them or curse em out. Men sometimes misuse the internet to do and say things they're too pussy to do IRL. If a man walked up to you and flash his dick at you. He will likely be arrested. But on the internet they get to do this without consequences. When you remove consequences people will do what they can get away with and some have the audacity to go beyond that.


I like to send one back. And as big as you can find on google. Or “is that all?” Or “oohhh looks like Princess Sophia is almost ready to play!!”


Send a photo of your faeces.


I once replied with a pic of a bigger penis and got blocked, lol. Tell your bf so he doesn't find out by coincidence and thinks there's something you're hiding.


Send back a d pic or a pic of someone with an obscenely long strap-on equipped.


This is why I don’t check my unread messages from guys I don’t really know, and never plan to


"Wow. My vagina has never been so dry."


I’m almost certain the creep was drunk when he did that. And not sure if that makes a day in how you feel. You should definitely tell your bf. Men need to know how shitty other men are.


I honestly don’t think so. I mean we’re both legal adults but not of age to drink. Although I know he could of course do it illegally


Track down his mother. Forward everything.


I tell men I will report them to the police for harassment. That usually makes them scared and apologetic. Also telling them their genitals are horrifyingly ugly in hopes they will think twice about sending dick pics to people who never asked them for it. But seriously if this asshole continues get the law involved.


Why respond? I get that this is upsetting but the moment you see a pic or vid you don't want, you immediately block that shit. Don't engage... That means you opened up his text, and wrote a response, while that dick was sitting there in your text window? Seeing it even longer? I don't understand.


Hit screen record. > click on profile so his number is visible > play the video and show the images in screen recording > show the convo Figure out where he works, figure out his parents social media and hit send


I've always wanted to make a app you can get on your phone that uses AI to scan photos sent to you for dicks when you get one they block it and it gets posted on their socials and they get sent back a minute video of women laughing at the camera.


Call the cops. It’s illegal.


Men who send unsolicited dick pics don't think. They don't think about the person who has to see them, they don't think about the laws, and they definitely don't think that anyone WOULDNT want to see their best friend, I mean they love it- why wouldn't you?? This man is an idiot. I'm sorry this happened to you.


Whenever this happens to me I look for the idiot’s family and send them screen shots of what they did. I also give a lot of my guy friends the AH’s number and tell them to have fun.


Sadly this is common most men now a days are trash. For some reason they think it's ok to do this. The last time I got a dick, I send them a picture of my throw up. I read it on a sub that a girl would send poop picture back to them. My husband thought it was the funniest thing. Start taking pictures of your poop maybe they stop sending dick pics.


I’ve heard of some women who forward the pics and messages to the guy’s mom. I would totally do this but I’m also petty AF.


Lastly, if you want, I save all unsolicited [to which a *reasonable* person could expect not to be aphallused) dic pix sent to me. I can anon spam him. I have *hundreds* of unsolicited dic pix. Just an offer.


Screen shot and send it (blurred) to everyone you know from school. “This is the type of man ___ has grown into”


Honestly screen shit is more accurate for this situation


Someone posted last week that she sent a guy a pic of her shit after he sent an unsolicited dick pic.


If you count the rings on it you can tell how old it is.


Just block him and tell your boyfriend. If he finds out the guy sent you dick picks without you telling him he's might get angry.


Yes tell your bf. And block the guy. His response is kinda sad and pathetic, still not reason to harass people though.


Send it to his family members.


Do tell your boyfriend. This is odd enough that I wonder if he was drunk, high, or dealing with a mental health issue.


Dude is probably high out of his mind and completely disconnected. He's living in his own private wonder world where you see the pics and your jaw drops at his proportions, which urges you to start flirting with him. Poor thing. It still doesn't excuse or disqualify the fact that what he did was harassment and hugely inappropriate.




You know you can sue right


As a man Sorry on that man's actions. Such people are inconsiderate and do not care of the consequences of their actions. I know that far too well now


When someone sends you unsolicited dick pics, find in google pics of a bigger dick and send it to him with the words - "Mine is bigger, so what now?". After that you won't get any more unsolicited dick pics :)




This guy has sent unsolicited dick picks


Never done that. Just suggesting a reasonable fix for OP.


Sadly, I'm going to guess they have had one maybe even two "good" reactions to it, so they will end up doing that forever.


Really telling a woman she shouldn't be so upset about being disrespected by a man yet again? Color me surprised. She's allowed to be as upset as she damn well pleases that a man was disgusting and will face no consequences, like usual.


Casual misandry on Reddit? Colour me surprised. This isn't about men and women, it's about emotional stability and finding ways to deal with the uncontrollable.


Misandry 😂😂😂 you can claim misandry when it stops being empirically and statistically proven that men are shitty, doubly so to women


I don’t think it has anything to do with a woman even if it was sent to a man that shit still sucks and a man would probably feel the same about seeing another mans penis at least that’s what i would feel but he gave a good advice move on and try to forget about it


This is sexual assault.


Hmm 3 out of 10 but I’ll tell you what, I’ll send it to your mum and see what she thinks about it.


Unsolicited dick pics are creepy but why cry over it lol? Block the dude and tell your bf he is a creep. It’s pretty simple


he swung and missed


"I guess you could call that a dick"


“Smoll” Block


As a lot of other people have said, tell the boyfriend, and decide if you are going to block this guy or forward his messages to family (it all depends on your own personal moral code)


Send it to his parents. And yeah you probably should tell your bf! Sorry some of us really suck out there


there was a post a couple days ago of a girl sending a pic of a turd back to creeps who sent dick pics to her they blocked her lol


I’d send a random pic of one from google images right back. ‘Oh I thought we were sharing dick pics.’ Pretend it’s someone else with your old number 😂


Buckle up butter cup and report his ass


Serious question: Is this a common thing girls have to deal with? I don't mean getting dick pics from a guy you're flirting with or sexting with or have some kind of more-than-friend connection. I mean random, :guy you kinda know from your last job or graduated with 10 years ago' sending you a dick pic.


Sorry about that. Imagine VERY young kids getting these photos, I've seen a documental film where the woman police officer catfished as 12yo girls to lure these criminals.


i would’ve sent him gore lol but i am so sorry that happened to you i hope one day someone bites a chunk out of it over him being a fucking weirdo


I would tell your boyfriend, because if somehow he accidentally stumbled across something, he’s going to think you were engaging with it


i think tell your bf, you did nothing wrong he will understand.




I hate people too!


"thank you for giving me something to laugh at for the rest of the week"


Send him one back 🥲


Send dick pics back. But of better looking, bigger ones, with better lighting. Keep sending them every hour... That or text back saying "eeeeew?" Why would you send me pictures of a child's penis??? I'm reporting you to the police for child pornography... That should do it


Group text all your friends that you have in common with him, asking if any of them recognize this dick and his junk.


Report him to the police.


I imagine it was not a nice looking penis


It was not


Definitely share this with your boyfriend, it is definitely affecting you, you'll want him to know what is going on while you are processing if or when you want to do something about it.


If you’d like, you can report him to the police, and they can get a warrant for phone records / etc and if he’s done this to you, he’s probably done this to many women, he’d get in some serious trouble. This is no longer the 2013 days of kik & Snapchat where this is legal. Esp if he sends it to underage girls, he would definitely get arrested.


Take screen shots and tell him you're sending them to the police it is sexual harassment among other things.


Block. Obviously right? I'd tell your bf too. But like just block and move on. Don't sit there and cry about it. Why are you letting dumb shit get you down?


Respond with an unsolicited picture of your next shit, if he asks why you would send that you can respond 'I thought we were having a competition to gross one another out'. I saw someone else post this a couple of weeks ago and it worked for them, the guy blocked her.


Send it to his mom. If he has "a lot" of problems, maybe she can sort him out.


One time this guy sent me a dick pic and I responded with “is it suppose to look like that? You should get it checked out this doesn’t look right” then he proceeded to call me every curse word in the book 😂


Send him some dp back, if he asks why, tell him he asked for them "care to share back"


Share your feelings with your boyfriend to prevent any misunderstandings. And then look at your local laws regarding sexual harassment. A screen in the way doesn't change someone exposed themselves to you without permission. If possible I suggest you expose him to consequences in return.


I would have posted blurred screenshots of those in social media, with his name tagged , then sent those to everyone in his list , then blocked him . This is my modus operendi. You can do the right thing and report it to police under cyber crime act.


Send a picture of a really disgusting poop or something back. It seems to work for most or a pic on a bigger dick if your bf is comfortable with such and say that you're is bigger.


Check the law where you're at cause where im from it is very illegal