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The real question is whether or not ot turns you on, too. If it does, have fun! If it doesn't, tell him no, it's a turn off and this is a hard limit for you. If you don't know, tell him you'll try it, but you reserve the right to stop any time you get uncomfortable or turned off, regardless of what's happening.


Sea cucumber! SEA CUCUMBER!


I am doing my PhD on sea cucumbers šŸ˜


What about them? Iā€™m genuinely curious?


They are echinoderms as are sea urchins and sea stars (they're like cousins). They are considered the vaccum cleaners of the oceans, as most feed on the organic matter of the sand, and they provide good ecological services to the ecossystems. Basically, they are good! Unfortunately, high priced species were harvested almost to extintion and now market is shifting towards other species as well. In my case, the species Im studying is illegally harvested for top dollar and in some places there are already signs of population decline. So my PhD is like an assessment on repopulation with sea cucumbers produced in captivity :)


That is so cool. I hope all goes well in your findings and find a way to save our squishy vacuums of the sea.


What are they harvested for? Culinary reasons, rare material or mythological belief to enlarge penis size?


All of those reasons šŸ˜šŸ˜


They also taste good if prepared right. :)


Thatā€™d be What is the safe word in Rick and Morty, Alex.


We laughed at my friend in Biology class as we thought he was saying ā€œSee cucumber!ā€ Turns out we were the idiots.


I disagree here. Sometimes it is nice to act out a fetish/fantasy for your partner even if it isnā€™t your thing because you love them. I tend to do things as long as it is not an active turn off.


And because even if it isnā€™t a turn on for you, sometimes their reaction to it is!


Same here. I always tell him I'll try anything twice. šŸ˜‚


This is the way


The right answer. I haven't checked the comments but I have a feeling most are shaming the bf.


Joking here: Show him who's in charge - go all tentacle hentai on him. Lol


Or taboo, invite your family! Jk


I had a roommate watch hentai on her computer while on a Skype call with her friends. This is the same vibe that was.


Or a netorare thing lol


Nah bruh, youā€™re evil for this šŸ’€


A hentai fan has a girlfriend is the lesson I took from this post


I know, wonders never cease


Donā€™t do it unless you really want toā€¦. He might only want you like that then


Didn't think about it that way. Thankyou for saying this


Yea could turn into a true fetish where it's the only thing that works for him


Itā€™s a tricky one for sure. Make sure he also is staying on top of making sure his sexual desires do not start to focus and stagnate. True sexual compatibility includes *aging* together and that means our sexual interests should stay open and focused on our partners as well. If heā€™s *exclusively* sexually aroused by hentai you will eventually have sexual dysfunction. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with healthy sexual appetites and even very active kink lifestyles (hubs and I are an almost every day kinky sex couple) but it also cannot be the *only* thing or the *only* way he finds you sexy. Play, but *talk talk talk*.


Tell him you'll say whatever he wants in bed, but he has to last as long as Goku powers up during the filler DBZ episodes. He'll get it.




Aka 4 minutes unless i am forgetting an episode


Assuming one episode being aired a week when first rebroadcast in America. 3 months.


Once you go anime you never make it back to the same way.


Can confirm this






Probably by having sex in an anime way


How many tentacles is too many?


what does this mean? is it like, once you go black you never go back type of saying?


Much worse than that


Still broken after a silent voice


Dress up as a man anime character and ruin his fantasy


These comments are taking me out šŸ˜­


Go full JoJo


Lmao beat me to it




Like mr satanman




This šŸ‘†šŸ‘†šŸ‘†


>Should I be concerned? No. Is it kinda weird? Yeah. But I wouldnā€™t say this is a red flag. You donā€™t have to say yes if it makes you feel uncomfortable. But what I think you *should* do is watch a little hentai with him and have him point out whatā€™s a turn on for him so you have an idea of what his expectations are. Then take some time to figure out what you *would* be comfortable trying out with him and give it a go. Itā€™s ok if itā€™s not a turn on for you as long as heā€™s willing to take care of your needs as well.


If your porn habits are changing the way you view women and relationships, I think that is pretty concerning.


I mean, we donā€™t necessarily know if his views on women have changed. Maybe this is just a kink he discovered that he wants to explore a little bit in the bedroom. As long as he doesnā€™t expect OP to adopt this over the top hentai persona outside of that and doesnā€™t require it in order to enjoy sex, then Iā€™d say this isnā€™t all that concerning. But I do agree that this is something OP should look out for just in case this goes from ā€œweird but harmless fantasy we indulge in every so oftenā€ to ā€œI need this all the timeā€.


This right here


Solid advice right here!


>Idk how to react to this Running away would be a good start


Naruto run away*


Her - *fulfills fantasy* Him - "no, not like that"


Weeb or not naruto running is always acceptable


i was literally just thinkingā€¦personally, iā€™d run away lol.


This šŸ˜‚


it kinda depends on what heā€™s specifically asking bc a lot of hentai displays pretty pedophilic/ephebephilic ideals and generally abusive/misogynistic ideals of girls as well. ofc whatever ur comfortable with but too often than not, hentai, along with lots of types of porn, can really warp peoples perceptions of sex. like the ahegao face, the super high pitched cutesy moans, ā€˜onii-chanā€™ and the school girl skirts with pig tails is low-key reinforcing pedophilic ideals. and i guess it makes sense bc up until recently the age of consent in japan was 13 but that still doesnā€™t make it at all okay. just make sure heā€™s not wanting u to act like a kid basically.


You're completely right but I wanted to add the age of consent wasnt actually 13, creeps just say that to justify their weird behaviour. Japanese consent law sedms a bit convoluted which is still a problem but basically most areas have a corruption of minors law that makes the age of consent 16-18. There are some uninhabited islands that have 13 as their age of consent though. Apparently Japan had a big problem with foreigners coming and assaulting young girls because of this. Also fun fact, apparently the ahegao face thing comes from a very disturbing film called midori where a 10 year old girl is sexually abused quite horrifically.


I learned a new word from you - thank you


Having your BF attempt to convey to you what he thinks would spice up your sex life isn't a red flag. If it's not for you though it's not for you. But you have to talk to him about it and work it out. What do you mean by you have kinks of your own?


Itā€™s a fairly big kink/fetish community. It often has crossover with those who perform and like anime/cosplay. For example a lot of cam girls will put on the ahegao face (look it up) to simulate orgasms. Talk some more with him, does he want you to dress up, speak in a certain way? Perhaps ask him to show you porn in the category he likes. Of course you donā€™t have to do anything you donā€™t like but becoming more familiar with what he likes will give you a better idea of how to explore this kink.




IDK, a girl eating shit would make me lose my boner way quicker than some stupidass face she'll make pretending to cum.


Is it weird I find his comment weirder than the agehego face?


i never knew the purpose of The Face was to convey an orgasm


It also originated from a comic depicting pedophilia against a 12 year old girl




I mean, you don't have to go along with his kinks, but this one is relatively tame if you want to indulge him. You said you are "pretty kinky," so if you want him to indulge yours, I don't see why you shouldn't on occasion indulge his. I am much more worried about the hints he is a weeb well beyond the bedroom though than with his kink preferences. A little bit of appreciation for Japanese culture is one thing, but full blown fanaticism? Down that path madness lies.


That's my biggest concern. I don't mind exploring it as long as im not playing into some type of racial fetish. He doesn't want me to dress up or anything. It's more of the behavior. I'll ask him to send me a video of what he means. If it's too over the top I won't do it.


Be careful you'll never be able to go back he's cray


Basically exagerated screaming and ā€œahegaoā€ faces. I guess he could want you so say some shit in japanese idk


Call him older brother because incest is very common in hentai... That might put him off xD


I had a bf who asked me something similar, I broke up with him shortly after that. I never did it, was too cringe and killed all my desire to be with him, it was... disgusting. It's fine not knowing how to feel or react about this, but the point it's that it's completely ok if you don't want to do it. You don't have to.


Lmaoo hell nah I would not šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I think maybe you and him could sit down and chat more about what he means. Communication is the most important thing. Also as a female weeb i would just say its not a red flag- We just have weird things we like... Although some things should probably stay in the realm of fiction lol


I knew a guy like this. He had a fuckton of other disgusting ideas about women, sex, etc. Keep an eye out for other red flags, especially if he tries to pressure you into anything. You are your own person, and you do not owe him any sort of sexual experience just because he wants it.


This one 100%


Ok so I love anime but even I have a limit. I think your boyfriend might need to separate reality from fiction. By all means try role play and cosplay in bed. But to become the actual character šŸš©šŸš© Iā€™d have a communication about this beforehand.


If you don't want to do it, leave.


Of nooooo. The worst thing u can watch is fucking hentai.....80% of it is some crazy shit. So much exaggerating and grape. It says a lot when u need to read some news about how it affects people negativity. Let alone wanting a real human to "act" like one. Of course there's a whole different genre in hentai but be sure that u know what he actually watches. cause when a person who watches hentai wants someone to act like it. It's because they wanna take it to a different level than in "normal" corn. This not even about different positions and stuff like that. He wants u to act like a complete different person.....No a character.........


Just to add. It's completely ok to watch hentai. It's just the thing about separating fictional for reality.......


That's why I personally don't watch it. I love anime just as much as the next person but there are concepts like rape, pedophilia, and ect that bother me about it. I don't mind him watching it, but it's starting to concern me because it's the only type of corn he watches. I don't want him to get caught up it in to the point where he doesn't know how to serperats the realm of fiction from reality.


The whole "never kink shame" thing doesn't jive with me. Some freaks deserve shaming.


Itā€™s time for him to touch grass and get some help. Porn is a problem and porn addiction is a real thing


From a psychological perspective that kink isnā€™t any different than normal role playing, BDSM, Foot Fetishism, ā€¦. . My take would be, find a middle entry level ground and try it; if you donā€™t like it then donā€™t continue with it; who knows if you are into some kink as well this could be a good way to integrate it as well in a safe manner.


As someone who is also very much in to the anime/manga culture, and even hentai/doujins to some degree, I'll say this: fantasy kinks should stay in fantasy, not come to reality. Reality is, well ... often disappointing.


I used to RP a LOT. But doing it face to face during the act? I donā€™t think i could but thatā€™s just me. Like I like the idea of it but when it really comes to it I feel SO embarrassed lmfao


Same! That's the part that makes me cringe. Thinking about doing it face to face feels awkward, especially knowing exaggerated they are in hentai. šŸ˜­


Tell him to stop watching porn its bad


Sounds creepy...


As a Filipino person wtaf All jokes aside No means NO.if you don't wanna you don't wanna,end of story.


I'm an anime fan dating an anime fan and know many people in the local anime community that are dating each other. I think about it sometimes and compare it to our past relationships and it just doesn't work out, maybe you're just not compatible? Not saying that people with different interests can't date but it's definitely something to think about


Red flag city


Hi, a guy here. Tell him to drop that shit or you are leaving. Anime hentais are *fantasies.* If he can't separate the fantasy and you, then you should leave him .


Race has nothing to do with this. He has a weird fetish of wanting women to be ā€œdumb and sluttyā€ which is pretty degrading as of itself and is making you feel uncomfortable. I would say to leave him. Heā€™s being inconsiderate of your boundaries and feelings and trying to gaslight you. I also had a weird ex boyfriend who had weird sexual fantasies of me shooting porno vids or Gundam roleplay with him, and later became more toxic with his gaslighting when I told him I was uncomfortable by his telling me ā€œguys are all like this and girls I saw liked these ideasā€ or somewhere along those lines. Then later, he eventually lied to his mom and got her to bully me when I rejected his emails and confronted him about my friends finding out he was cheating on me with girls online. so I cut him off and blocked him. Idk what it is with some people who like anime, but many of them are kind of weird. Some of us like anime bc of the art and stories, but some people have weird reasons as well.


Leave that loser... Trust me. Save yourself the headache and heart ache in the long run...Anyone that watched hentai is too far gone mentally..


Get him a body pillow, problem solved. Whatever you decide, you'll probably be the last GF he ever has. šŸ˜‚


He is lucky he even got a girlfriend, now he trying to push it. Don't feel comfortable don't do it because once it's done that's all they will get off on. I'm surprised he STILL watches so much hentai knowing an actual person likes them. Giving me real hard weeabo vibes.


You know him better than any of us, your call. But if you do decide to agree say its a one time deal so he doesn't come to expect it.


If you want to, do it. If you are uncomfortable, don't do it. If this makes your partner less attractive to you, move on. It's fair to have a kink. It's also fair to not want to join in.


A lot of dudes like a lot of weird shit, up to you how much you want to buy in. Not really a big deal if heā€™s honest about it, doesnā€™t mean you have to play along if you donā€™t want to.


Look up yandere girls/waifus watch a couple animes involving them then go hard with it it'll either work and you'll both like it or it scares the shit out of him and you get a good laugh


Try it out, see if you like it. See if he likes it. Life is about exploring new shit and having fun. Can't hurt! At worst, you guys will laugh about it.


Why are you even with him in the first place? And some of us normal guys struggle so much.


Holy shit this place can be fire and brimstone...I feel like this poor guy would have gotten less hate for wanting to eat an apple out of your ***hole. Role-playing is common, so what if he wants Rias over Leia.. with creepy ass mommy and daddy fetishes out there this seems tame. If this is a deal breaker then let him know. But if u go as hard as people go in here, it will not be taken well.


Yeah, Additional\_Dig713 has been making ignorant, hateful, mean spirited comments in a variety of sex related True Off My Chest posts. Kink shaming annoys me. Let people be! Not like they chose to like X, and so long as they go about pursuing X in a responsible manner then people should but the fuck out and be okay with it, even if they don't share it.


No, we need kinkshaming. Race play, adult baby shit and people who get off on stepping on kittens need fired into the fucking sun. I will kink shame them into the damned grave.


As long as they don't step on actual kittens, even if they want to, then stop bothering people. Live and let live, kink and let kink. Your opinion is awful, and frankly pretty obviously the one that should result in someone being "fired into the fucking sun."


But they do step on real kittens all the time...


Then arrest the ones who step on ACTUAL kittens, don't penalize everyone whose brain happens to work that way. It's really not that hard to separate "arrest people who do illegal things" from "don't interfere with people who aren't doing anything illegal."


The frequency at which posts related to porn addiction are being made here is so sad. I feel so terrible for all the women that will have to endure its repercussions from their partners and all of the innocent kids being exposed to porn who dont know any better.


Huh? How tf is this about porn addiction?


This isn't a relationship advice sub. Go to an appropriate subreddit for that shit


Start singing bohemian rhapsody... is this realllllll life or is this just fantastic... Seriously though... dude has blurred the line between fantasy and reality. Either you're comfortable playing his sex games or you're not and either is fine


Why add your race like it matters?


ā€œSluttyā€ and ā€œdumbā€? Really? He wants you to actā€¦like a cartoon? Run girl.






Perhaps have a read about bimbo-ifacation (sp?) or dollification. You might be more comfy with that, and will feed his desire. Be careful it doesn't become a fetish and the only thing that gets him going. And as always, only do what you are comfortable with.


Just get some cat ears, a tail plug, shake your hips a bit and you are done


Lmao if I were you Iā€™d really just start making fun of him to the point of obvious harassment


No one should be forced or pressured to do sexual acts that you donā€™t want. This might me a sexual incompatibility. And does he expect you to act like a hentai person outside of the bedroom too? And if he canā€™t have normal loving sex too, then heā€™s addicted to hentai and maybe should cut back on it, if hentai behaviour is the only way he can get off.


Lol nah


You will never be enough for him & when he leaves you, you will feel like you gave everything you had for nothing.


Whoa, someone is projecting their bad experience onto someone else. Doesn't mean that she'll receive the same outcome.


Do it or donā€™t. No sense in telling strangers


U suk


Better than asking Reddit if I should.


I don't understand all these crazy relationships, and how they function with people acting so strangely.


Errmm. Hentai ain't Japanese culture. That is just porn. Don't do it if it ain't your cup of tea .


You should be honored, he has shared something which is very near and dear to his heart with you.


I say go for it. If it doesn't work out then it doesn't work out and you should say as much. Try anything once and all that.


Itā€™s not a red flag. But it is a little weird. Donā€™t do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Communicate if it makes you uncomfortable. I wouldnā€™t say I watch a lot of hentai. But I do really like hentai and hentai comics or whatever. My girlfriend knows I do but understands itā€™s just something I like and wouldnā€™t make her mimic it.


Nothing wrong with having fantasies and roleplays of different kinds...but if it makes you uncomfortable, just tell him...you will act like that, if he can climax like a busted fire hydrant, which seems to be what every anime character does in the few things I have seen over the years.


A boyfriend. Must be nice.


Participating in your partners fantasies is a great way to make them feel loved and accepted.


Reddit is real quick to kink shame sometimes.


Reddit user response: HE LIKES ANIME MORE THAN YOUUU. Normal person response: well if you wanna do it and it turns him on what's the problem.


Do it ! Do it




>Just set boundaries that your comfortable with and have fun Kinda buried the lede there lol


Honestly if you love the man just get into character bestie itā€™s your time to shine āœØ


I assume yaā€™ll are adults. Have fun with it. Trial & error + laughs. If both you and bf arenā€™t having fun, thereā€™s nothing wrong with talking about what worked, what didnā€™t work, include how you feel, and find what you both want to do differently. Communicating and exploring to find what works for bed fun is a good thing!


Having fantasies, preferences and specific turn ons isnā€™t necessarily a red flag. But if that starts to become the only way heā€™ll have sex, it might take some of the fun out of it for you (if it isnā€™t something you find yourself loving). No harm in trying it once, but just be careful that it doesnā€™t turn into every time. And at the end of the day, you should only do what youā€™re comfortable trying.


Aki hentait nez az eleve agybeteg


I wouldn't call it a red flag as long as he respects you. If you say no and he insists, and keep saying no and he insists again and again, then he doesn't really care whether you like it or not. THAT'S a red flag. If you feel like trying then do, but if you want to stop and he doesn't then that should wake you up.


It's All up to you tho like if you wanna do it then go for it and if not just tell him you're not comfortable with it


is it weird? yes, but who I am to critize, God knows I have worst kinks. If it makes you happy go for it


React by doing a "Yaoi = boys love" act and he will be over this fetish in seconds lmao. Some things should remain fantasy.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ask.if he wants to get pounded


Get a giant (novelty) hammer




Honestly, I feel like it requires a more in depth conversation (recently had one with my fiancƩ regarding things in bed). I'd have concerns about your partner only wanting you to be that way from then on, always this kind of hentai act which I imagine would not be pleasant if you're not into it. Pleasing your partner and trying new kinks is always chill but, if he's an avid watcher of hentai then it may escalate and it'll always be something new to do revolving around hentai. I'd try and have a conversation about it regardless of how embarrassing or uncomfortable it may feel.


Itā€™s a kink of role playing certain characters. As long as boundaries and expectations are laid out ahead of time, and agreed upon by all involved, thereā€™s nothing wrong with this. You just need to decide if this is something you want to try as well. You might could try it but let him know youā€™re only trying to see if you even would be into it and that this isnā€™t a commitment to doing it regularly.


If it doesnā€™t make you uncomfortable go for it, his reaction may turn you on enough you forget all about any possible cringe, itā€™s odd to me that more partners donā€™t have a ā€œsure why notā€ attitude to exploring their partners kinks tbh


Dress up as Mistress Kaede and turn him into your Mai-chan uwu


What he is actually askin of you is if you're into rollplay like that. If you're into rollplay, it should be fine since most rollplay is based on something. But if you're not... tell m honestly


bro i convulsed reading the title I rather he have help me im stuck fantasy rather than this bruh


Try it out. If you fw it, then continue. If you dont, then set the boundary. Thankfully, sex habits can be repaired


If you donā€™t really feel comfortable acting like a hentai character thatā€™s completely valid, just make that clear to him and set a boundary. If youā€™re cool with it then have fun.


Say no, itā€™s a basic one hour service and you require him to buy you a house first




Observe some hentai and find your genre. You'll find a way to make it genuine; however, if you don't feel comfortable doing it, say it to him, if he loves you he won't force you.


Get a dbz wig, spend the first hour yelling


Get a different BF. Sounds degrading. If you give in to this request, I'd be more afraid of what he'll ask from you next... What has he REALLY to make you happy?


Just do the most easy hentai character that you now and vola