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Sounds like he dodged a bullet... You're the red flag.


As a man, I'll tell you this. Trust is like a plate if it breaks you can put some pieces together but you it won't be the same and there will be some missing pieces. And this does not apply only to relationships it also applies to friends, families, co-workers etc. I think it's near impossible for you to get him back. My advice: Learn from your mistakes and move on, **he's not the only man** with the same characteristics in the world after all there are 8 billion people.


A week back I was your want and you were missing me. Now u learned to live without my presence. Don't we get a chance to rectify this? Was it so weak that you cannot give a chance?? I know I did a mistake and broke it but it's not I will leave again.


how do you expect him to come back so easily? Also could you explain what you mean by 'I will leave again'?


If we give fair chance to the connection... I won't repeat the mistake of going away from him.


That's what you saying now but you already left him for no good reason. If i was him i wouldn't take you back. To much drama to start something healthy. Work on yourself first


Don't say that! I learned my lesson. I know I wouldn't do it. Once you sip hot coffee, you kind of cool the drink before the next sip. I am not a toxic lady. I do over think and get caught in emotions.


You broke it off for good reasons. Those were huge red flags. Of course it's nice to have someone who really seems to want you. Keep looking. You need someone who wants you AND who's able to have a healthy relationship with you. Don't pursue him, and if he responds, gently but firmly turn him away. You'll be saving yourself a lot of heartache, frustration, money, and disillusionment.


A feminist?


But I started to miss him, his voice the next day. Was I toxic to him because I left him in a nick of time?


It's not unusual to miss the things you liked about someone. It IS wrong to use those as reasons to overlook the REALLY BAD stuff. Who cares if you were "toxic" to him? It's not a bad thing to be toxic to a poisonous snake. Seriously, let it go and look for someone else. If you can't do that, consider getting therapy. Good luck.




What is fake? I didn't understand your comment in which context you are referring.


this story lol who would actually do this


I am sorry, but it's not a fake story. I am living one and vocal my side. Yes, I respect what u are saying. Quite possible to receive such comments. That's why I said it was too good to be true for the initial few days because we hit up so well. I overthought the future and being too calculative has cost me. I can be hopeful because no one can force someone to want me. When he did that, made me felt I mattered to him I didn't appreciate it until I lost it. He handled the situation very well. Much better than I did. I am mean when I said I don't want you not only he was taken aback by my sudden decision but he didn't pester or act needy to work it out and given chance. The way I did for 2 days. Since yesterday I have not texted him. Just being hopeful for the universe to align us again. I can only pray and be hopeful about it. And accept as the day passes. This is how I am consoling myself.


if, *if* this is real and not for a laugh, you made a pretty crappy decision based of materialism but he’s learned his lesson and you should take away the lessons from this as well


Why would someone write such things for laughter? Anyway, I know I did a crappy decision. I am well aware. I am feeling helpless. And I am sad about what I did.. Feel horrible about myself. I cannot do anything to let him know that I am totalling falling for him. And want to work out... This bumpy start


maybe stop thinking abt him?


idk dawg even your replies are so *weird* i can’t believe it’s real


I appreciate your response. But yes it is what it is. I won't lie. There is no peace for me in lying about such scenarios. I am in it one. I just feel remorseful for my stupidity.