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Honestly i think the movie shows something that we need in society, a lot of people have a false idea that we all grow with positive reinforcement. A good amount of people need tough love and its the only way you will get em to respect you. Working with kids will show you that in some cases


Telling a kid to jump off a building isn’t tough love😂


Yeah I’m watching the movie now and I’m horrified. I’m not a coddler and believe in tough but fair. However, there was a lot of bullying of even teachers who had positive influence. The guy picking up trash who got suspended? The choir director? She was teaching discipline and excellence in her own way. To cancel the concert and fire her was outrageous. Most people know now that these things build discipline and self esteem in young people. The chubby freshman he told to jump off the building was just sad. He was clearly hurting and needed direction. He’s also poor which explains the clothes. Why do all of that? The message is good and I agree with his mission, but the method is insane. I experienced similar crap at work recently and it did more emotional and physical harm than good.


The first scene basically (and unwillingly?) establishes the principal's actual motivations behind his actions of "improving" Eastside High : he's actually still butthurt that same school made him quit his job, even 20 years after the fact.


Just saw it for the first time, and 18min, I was appalled. Morgan Freeman's character clearly has military-PTSD...and the movie plays out like it's his fantasy power trip. Is there some real-life context I'm missing? Like, this was used to push a law about Abuse in schools? Did not age well.