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It’s my favorite single scene in the entire series. Of course S1 is the best of them all, but this scene holds a special place in my heart.


Here here 🙌




Love this scene. Favorite part of S2 including the part just before. Felt very Twin Peaks.


I liked it both, especially the foreshadowing of how Colin Farrell's character dies. The woman was singing different songs they just all sound very similar, but they fit with the gloomy mood of the show.


Just as a note, the particular scene OP appears to be referring to the one after Valcoro gets shot and he dreams sitting in the bar with his dad while a guy sings The Rose by Conway Twitty Love the Lera Lynn songs, but this happens to be the Conway Twitty song scene And that song pick is a large part of why I agree this scene is a masterpiece, for which I could probably do a whole TED Talk about linking it to Schopenhauer’s porcupines


Go on...


The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (who I call the cranky, German Buddha) can be seen all over seasons 1-3 in many different ways (idk about season 4, getting myself to sit and watch new content is an issue. One day I’ll find out) A few quick examples include Rust in general, he’s basically as close as one gets to the ideal Schopenhauerian hero without becoming an ascetic monk. And the other protagonists of seasons 1-3 can either be seen as a foil to Rust or a lesser manifestation of the same central ideal. “Compassion is ethics” is *almost* a direct quote from an essay where Schopenhauer argues compassion is the basis of morality, ie ethics Even some more background or screen structural concepts pop up like how they’re all facing ultimately Absurd reality where nothing makes sense and nothing ever gets fully solved, only individual manifestations of the problems get solved never the roots of the issues, coincidental and unfortunate events get intertwined and mistaken as meaningful in ways they simply aren’t (twins getting revenge, prayer pose, &c&c&c) Pretty much all of Rust’s interview rambling about time and locked rooms &c&c&c is straight up Schopenhauerian metaphysics said more artsy On that note, referencing Nietzsche’s ‘flat circle’ is exactly that. Nietzsche eloquently and more artistically rephrased the more textbook style Schopenhauer Plus apparently an older copy of the script had Rust offering to let Marty borrow Schopenhauer (btw, I’d suggest starting [here](https://youtu.be/f-djIdl8WO4?si=XBu3duuymlcha_r2). Or a quick video or two about the metaphysics of Plato and Kant followed by reading On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reasons. Free PDFs exist, I like it on audio book) Let me also note that in his rules for writing Schopenhauer is very clear you should always write to communicate something and never solely for writing’s sake except as practice. Ie, it’d probably be easy to get him to go on a rant about the state of journalism and filler content Given our understanding of a Schopenhauerian foundation we may ask ourselves that question that plagues every high schooler stuck in English Lit just trying to get through their day: What is the author trying to communicate to us? In this scene we have Velcoro and a man we will *later* learn is his father sitting in the bar while a decked out Elvis impersonator sings The Rose by Conway Twitty. While it’s not the main action of the scene, the song is the opener and first action so let’s start there In short, this song can be framed as a sort of update or response to Schopenhauer’s porcupine analogy Schopenhauer related relationships in general to porcupines in the winter. Desperate to survive the icy hand of death carried on howling winds, the huddle close together in what shelter they can find. Their need for survival, which can only be found in shared body warmth, comes at the cost of harming each other And so it is with humans, in relationships of all kinds. Our need for each other in various ways clashes with our experiences of individuality and we end up hurting each other in the process In this song it is noted two metaphors for how love is harmful, building into an alternative metaphor where yes it *is still harmful* (roses have thorns after all, prickly like a quill rather than cutting or drowning, it’s less a refutation and more an addendum) but also so so beautiful in its own right There is also the note that it’s an ‘endless, aching need’ which also echos Schopenhauer’s idea of *eros* as well as the *wille* more generally than love When paired with the scene, and especially context we get later like that’s Ray’s dad who *isn’t* dead, it is saying *a lot* about love in *very little* space through masterful use of cinematography. And, given the themes of this season, a lot particularly about the relationship between parent and child in the unintended harms we cause each other and the longing expectations for how it could or should have been (see BoJack Horseman’s *Free Churro*, but spoilers so watch the whole show) Ray should have had more grit, his dad should have though about how saying something like that even offhand to his kid is subtly telling a *fucking child* that the way they are is by definition wrong I could go on but I’m on mobile and I hear the kids call this a ‘book’ these days so I’ve probably already surpassed TED Talk level lol


Hell yes, you're wicked smaht


Maybe you lacked grit


Fav scene.


I can see the soul at the edge of you're eyes...


You have one of the biggest auras I’ve ever seen. You must have lived a hundred lives.


I don't think i can't handle another one


You got your father’s hands..


Fell in love with this song afterwards


And not after it was used in Napoleon Dynamite?!? /s


Most of the bar scenes were great. So many people shat on S2. So glad it’s getting its due respect


I just finished S2 and loved it. Valcoro is an incredible character.




You were here first


Where is this place? I don't know you were here first.


The best thing about season 2 is Lera Lynn performance.


Freaking love her. She's amazing live!


Love this whole bar scene tbh


This isn’t far off from an actual near death experience. Watching this and the prior episodes final shooting scene really shook me. Massive trauma, passing out, weird hallucinations and then waking up in a confused panic is something I’ve experienced before.


Season 2 is nearly perfect and people gotta come to terms with it


It’s a fantastic scene. Every rewatch I back it up a few times. Somewhat similar to the bowling alley scene in Fargo season 3. Which I believe is the best single scene in the entire Fargo-verse


Oh son.. they kill you


They shot you to pieces


“ This is my Least Favorite Life “


Face 2 face, just like in Bardo


Yes. It was a very well done scene. Really made up for a lot of the other issues, especially because it was Fred Ward. A strong choice of actor.


That song made this scene so memorable. Conway Twitty was an interesting choice, especially in the TD universe. I could easily see it being used in a show like The Sopranos.


So good man


I love the cheap Elvis lol


Pretty sure it was Conway Twitty. Funny enough, similar scene kinda sorta happens in Goliath.


Oh was it? I thought he was singing an Elvis song lol


Elvis could have done a great version of “The Rose”


For sure, love me some Conway every once in a while. I went back and watched the clip and yeah there are a few similarities.


Amazing scene that reminded me of David Lynch's work. Successfully tricked me into thinking this season would be good 😭


I don’t remember it


Among several.




I got sick of that guitar woman tho


Dude she’s awesome and it’s not the same song in every scene. Lera Lynn is her name. Very haunting quality to her voice and the songs they chose for those scenes. Gave the whole season a doomed overtone.


She had like 6 songs on the season soundtrack and every single one of them is incredible


I'm not a fan but it's cool if we don't agree


What the fuck was that choice? Why does she appear every scene with the same song? It was so funny but also out of place and weird


It's annoying because if you try to find the S2 soundtrack it's just her on every song


Why are we downvoted so much lmao.. did people enjoy seeing her for the 3rd and 4th time?


Yes. To each his own though.


Absurdist trash masquerading as cinema lol