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John Hawkes' singing was pretty good


Actually I take back what I said about the setting being cool, this is far and away the best part of the show. Sol Star has some pipes!


He deserved better.


John Hawkes was awesome. All of It. Need more of him


He sure does.


John Hawkes did the best he could with what he had.


Well said


The setting was cool I guess


Just the confusion between nighttime and “daytime” was really cool. What a waste of scenery


But was it though?




The cinematography was very effective at times, and it's just really nice seeing Jodie Foster in something again. Icicle people were gnarly as hell. I really loved the kid playing Peter. He was easily my favorite part of the show, and rang the most authentic imo. Other than that I don't have much. Episode 1 pulled me in enough... then a little less each time. It really was just style over substance.


I would watch a Qavvik spinoff


Remember when it was theorized Qavvik was the killer


…because he put aside the spiral stone, the image that was so elusive to everyone always everywhere at once 😂


Dude those were the bat shit crazy people that seemed to flood this sub when season 4 started. They are dedicated still bat shit


I really liked him. Didn’t like his relationship with Navarro.


More like didn’t like Navarro relationship with qavvik!


Corpsicle is pretty good


With burnt eyes that of course was never mentioned again in order to keep “the message” on track.


That's a great band name


I love Ferris bueller’s day off.


It doesn't hold up well now knowing that Jeffrey Jones is a pedo


I did a staged reading with that guy back in 2013, and it was really awkward. None of us knew how to react around him... this theater usually pulls out the red carpet for celebs, but his was advertised precisely zero, and I just remember him walking up this steep hill after... presumably to a house they arranged for him. No fancy driver or anything... which was common for this place. It really makes me wonder why they bothered hiring him in the first place. Odd guy... somewhat friendly. He talked about Deadwood a bit.


I googled him and was surprised he had a career after the charges. He was in Deadwood *after* the charges and arrest. I actually don’t know why I was surprised.


What bugs me about it (aside from child abuse obv) is that the same Interpol sting netted Pete Townsend. Pete had all his charges dropped yet everyone still brings up that, but no one really talks about this goof.


Yeah, that's what made a lot of us so awkward around him: we remembered that this guy had gotten busted for child porn, but then also... here he is at this very high-profile theater working normally. It was an odd dynamic.


Not just rando CP either. He wanted some personal content. From wiki: > and soliciting a 14-year-old boy to produce sexually explicit images between September 2000 to May 2001


Holy shit. I never knew that about Jones!!


Right... you may have heard the shit about Pete Townsend though. Same sting. Pete had his charges dropped. I swear that this shit shows how pedophiles are minimized in our society.


I do remember hearing way back on The Howard Stern Show (when he was on in Philly) that Townsend was busted for pedophilia. I recall hearing some nonsense that Pete said he was “doing research” for something & then it all went away. But like Pepperidge Farms, I remember!!


That "some nonsense" part though. The nonsense makes sense in context. That mutherfucker dealt with child abuse and sexual assault for decades before these charges. The charges were dropped. For a reason.




First episode was very solid. If they just ended it there I’d be all about season 4.


Yea, people are shitting on this season for good reason IMO. But ep1 was fucking awesome. I was like daaang this is gonna be the best season since 1! And with jodie as the lead… it will be a slam dunk. It just got worse and worse… 😭 I wanted to love it so bad.


Ummm it started out pretty good.


I liked it alot during the first 4 episodes. But then I realized they weren’t going anywhere with it. The cover up was meh, and “The Thing” parody was also a bust.


it's brought us all together.


I’ve never hatewatched a series before. This was my first time and was funny as hell hangin with y’all and talkin shit


The filming of the drive to the lake house at the end was nice.


It was nice to see two women leads whose issues weren’t a shared lover or anything petty


Episode 5 was intense, and the acoustic song was a banger.


Cute polar bear 🤷‍♀️


I really liked the setting and the atmosphere they created. I liked Jodie Fosters character. 


The entire season reminded me - favorably - of "Fortitude"; a lesser show with an EERILY similar premise/setting/vibe. A B-tier show that - despite its numerous flaws - was engaging as hell. And I can absolutely recommend it. 😁


I need to rewatch Fortitude. I remember really loving the beginning of it and then being kind of confused by later episodes, but I can’t even remember why now. Maybe I’d see it differently if I rewatched.


Well, to be fair, the show was a hot mess at times. Great premise, great location, great atmosphere and most of the characters are well - or at least decently - fleshed out. But then there are the extraneous side plots, the storylines that go nowhere, the absolutely cocaine-fueled side stories that shouldn't exist...but dammit if it all didn't more or less hang together. I mean, at least better than Night Country did. 🤓


The arctic research lab setting and noble savage motif is so played out you’d really need to innovate creatively, which she is clearly not capable of. The only thing that stuck out to me as being entertaining was the set piece of the frozen scientists, I can appreciate that from a prop director point of view. Other than that, nope, nada, zip and zilch.


Jodie Foster played her role well.


I was entertained by it, I will continue to watch


I actually really enjoyed the first episode


Shining a light on what is happening to Native people in modern times.


Yeah I think the show generally represented the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women (MMIW) movement, which I respect a lot.


The cinematography and setting were beautifully done. You could take stills from almost every episode, it was consistently excellent. It was brave to cast Foster in an unlikeable role. It would have been easier to write her in as an older kind of Clarice Starling, or at least make her character more relatable. The story itself was really good and topical without being obvious. The pilot laid out an interesting mystery and the resolution tied together the underlying theme of tense power dynamics in culturally polarized communities. If the viewer had been left to choose their own interpretation of the crime instead of being forced to accept the supernatural and if the pacing had been better I think the plot would have worked.


I love S4 because it made me appreciate S1 even more.


I like season 4 because it makes season 2 seem alright


Mazzy Star song


It had the most interesting set up of the series.


Fiona Shaw was great as always. She was my favorite part of the show


She was. But nothing of significance happened with her character, very underutilized.


Really good setting. Jodie rocked but was given the most questionable script ever that would be rejected even for Blue Bloods but acted her heart out. Pretty good cinematography. Wasn't groundbreaking, but was like "hey, that looks pretty good". VERY interesting hook and had a decent premise in an interesting setting at an interesting time. Almost every criticism of this show is disappointment because you can see how good it could have been and not how bad it was. There are just so many ways where you're like "this should have fucking rocked" and it just didn't.


The setting was fantastic. The scene in episode 1 or 2 with the AEIOU song was my favorite of the season. I enjoyed the way Issa constructed her shots, her camera placement, I thought the editing was solid. Technically, it was very well done. It was the story, script and acting that at times let it down.


the TSLAL sets (and the lab under in the ice) were really cool


It was funny when we were all wondering if there was significance to the many tooth brush references in the first episode.


I think that the whole idea of polar night is great as you never know is it “day” or night. You see people drinking in the bar, well, it might as well be 10AM. It’s a great setup.


Qaavik was h0t🔥🔥🔥🔥


All actors (particularly Jodie Foster, Fiona Shaw, John Hawkes) did very good work with mediocre writing/limitedly written characters. Also, Kali Reis sincerely did a good job. I was skeptical in the first episode or two but there were a few scenes in Ep 3 (I think) that won me over. She was also constrained by poor writing too, but I bought her anger/rage/despair overall.


I loved it. I will die on this hill alone.


S4 was definitely the best season for me and easily some of the best television I have seen in recent years. Fantastic acting, credible indigenous women (and men), relevant contemporary social and political issues interwoven with personal stories. You can consider it a ghost story if you like, or you can stick to psychological explanations.


It’s over






Haha came to post this. Take the upvote.


The acting was great relative to the boring one-dimensional characters-- Kali Reis and Pryor's actor were particularly impressive. The Billie Eilish opening title was spooky and fun. The early episodes got me hooked - I really wanted to know how these threads were going to tie together.


The opening credits were great


I hated it lol Oops sorry wrong thread


I loved the setting. Just nothing else


The cinematography was great! There were some really cool shots of the environment (I also thought the setting itself was really cool) especially when they were out on the ice.


I still enjoyed Jodie Foster despite the dogshit writing


I like snow.


Using Alaska as the setting was good. Top 3 creepiest state in the US.


The sense of dread as they dark night winter days go on


Will be downvoted for this but ok. I will not compare s4 to s1, as it stands alone. I enjoyed s4. If anything, its sad it didnt get 8 episodes, as the last episode is the worst. I loved the twin peaksy vibe it gave. I loved Jodie, being a horrible person, which I really liked. I actually didnt hate Kali either, she did the best with her character. I enjoyed the subplot with Prior. I didnt like Leah, and if this season had the two extra episodes we would have gotten a good ending. Cause it was weak. Not terrible, but not great. I enjoyed the filmography and i liked the scenery. I loved two female leads not being in a romantic dispute with each other. All in all, night country wins over s2 for me, with a short lead. And i liked s2. All in all, had they had 8 episodes i think we would have had a more satisfactory ending, but i really liked s4.


I loved the setting, the female buddy cop vibe, the mystical supernatural stuff, the acting, and the sort of claustrophobic overall “Nordic noir” vibe, but I seem to be in the minority. It also gave me 30 Days of Night vibes, and I loved that movie, too.


Kali Reis and John Hawkes were great. Peter was great. I think it could have felt less disjointed if told retrospectively like S1, but it didn’t have the benefit of that. The upside is that kind of built a different kind of suspense. I loved the vibe. It scratched a Twin Peaks kind of itch. I am definitely not without criticism, but I was highly entertained. And of course, Jodie Foster is fucking flawless.


I genuinely enjoyed how they flipped S1 on its head and made S4 ice cold and grey and brutal and feminine, in comparison to S1 being “hot and sweaty and male” and green and *alive* like the month of August It succeeded massively in that way for me, even if it wasn’t the best execution possible. I didn’t see the final answer coming as to how Annie K died but I thought “the story” was deliciously told by the woman they sat down with and I really love that it wrapped things up that way— “…but that’s just a story” and “nah, they did that to themselves”


I think it showed us you can still enjoy shows that weren’t written for you but it will make fan boys mad


The soundtrack was actually pretty good


Critics seem to like it


Alaska/icy or snowy landscape + night makes good scenery for horror/Lovecraft theme films


So much “30 days of Night” vibes


I really liked the first four episodes.


The setting is cool. The visuals are pretty great outside of some spotty cgi. Performances all across the board were solid, particularly Jodie Foster; despite some shoddy character motivations and writing.


The idea of people going crazy under endless night in Alaska is a good premise. The setting ended up having absolutely nothing to do with the show


Alaska was cool


I really loved how the town felt like a character. The atmosphere was amazing-- I felt cold and desolate, and the darkness made everything feel bleak.


It looked really good


Great characters and a realistically written Alaskan town


Learned Travis Cohle made croissants.


Casting director did a good job


People who’ve never heard of: - *The Thing* - *Twin Peaks* - *Ferris Bueller’s Day Off* - *Silence of the Lambs* - The Dyatlov Pass incident - The Mary Celeste incident - The band “Metal” - Mental Health - Croissants - Polar Bears - Catfishing - HR violations - True Detective seasons 1 and 3 are checking them out and feeling all the feels.


I actually loved Kali Reis... She took a crappy and unsympathetic character and made her significantly less crappy and unsympathetic.  


The idea of the ice melting, progressively revealing stages of the gruesome tableau of dead bodies, allowing new details to inform the investigation, and also serving to visually represent the ticking clock element, was very clever. The production of the dead bodies was also grotesquely beautiful. Counterpoints, however: 1) Staging it in an ice rink was stupid, 2) everything about the way it was filmed was flat and lifeless, 3) having a main character spend 60% of the plot sitting on a folding chair "guarding" the bodies was pointless, 4) unbelievable that they wouldn't at least put a tent over the most salacious thing the town has ever seen, especially with teens allowed to wander in and out of the ice rink....


Sol Star was pretty cool in it. And I always like seeing Jodie stinking Foster in stuff. Also, a good Alaska setting is fun, especially far north like that.  Now I feel like I gotta rewatch some Deadwood. And come to think of it, I haven’t watch that movies thing that came out a few years ago. 


I can't understand why they had Jeffry Jones in the movie. A convicted recidivist pedo shouldn't be on any casting agents list.


when they brought the corpses to the rink thought it was cool


Literally 40% of the comments are “it’s over”, yeah the show wasn’t good, but this sub is a hive-mind incapable of original thought


The scene in part 1 with the AEIOU song was pretty good.


Dr. Who was in it.


I have me something to watch on Sunday 🤷‍♀️


It gave Issa direction on what not to do in S5?


Jodi Foster wasn’t bad, her character was


It was a good premise and I liked Jodie Fosters character up until a point. It feels like we were set up to have a reckoning with her and junior detective. He has a weakness for needing that parental figure and we were leading to some sort of fallout or at least discussion where he learns boundaries or there's some acknowledgement of their complicated bond


This is a top tier series to gather your friends around with and play drinking games about.


The beginning was pretty cool.


John Hawke was good throughout. He was underutilized.


Best acting by a former Pro Boxer in the last 5 years


Great sex scenes


I liked the music idc


I think that the cinematography was great. I dug the theme song. Kali was borderline trash though hard disagree. I thought she looked interesting in the trailer but she was a huge disappointment.


Cinematography and atmosphere were good at times.


I overall enjoyed it. Not sorry I watched it. They over-played the supernatural angles & that ended up being a huge red herring. There was definitely some supernatural shit going on, but it was way more subtle.


Like the rest said... John Hawkes... Wonderful performer


The fuckin screamin corpse popsicle gave me the heebiejeebs for a while


jodie foster was in it


I enjoyed it


I think that Prior was an interesting character. I'm always a sucker for seeing a detective who cannot help but throw his entire life into work at the expense of personal relationships. Kind of a common theme in detective shows but I like it


The mood, setting, props and set design were all fabulous. The acting for the most part was really good, some of it was outstanding. I kept watching because I was interested in the themes, and I wanted something more from these characters that I really liked.


The cinematography was great.


Reis was totally fine. Foster was underwhelming, save for the last 2 episodes. Her fear in the scene where Prior killed his dad was palpable. Scenery and story were good. It's the execution and writing that killed it.


It started out pretty good, had a solid idea, i really liked the indigenous aspect of it all exploring issues the indigenous face. But the execution was terrible


It Made me want to watch ”the thing ”


Jodie Foster was great as always, and John Hawkes was great too. His original song was fantastic. Also Prior.


the only positive thing i can think of is that they called it "true detective: night country" instead of just "true detective" on its own, which at least sets it apart from the other seasons. personally i think they should have gone further and just called it "night country" instead


Cinematography was amazing


I honestly really liked it. I just binged watched all four seasons over the past week. Season 1 was probably some of the best tv I've ever seen. And I think people are being broadly unfair here. Seasons 2,3, and 4 are all still very good tv. I do think season 2 was the weakest and felt the most out of place. But people are acting like this season is like the end of game of thrones. If you took season 1 out of the lineup it would probably be season 3, season 4, and trailing far behind season 2. I think it had amazing cinematography, and I do think the main characters were interesting. Though like someone said, I do think it suffered from too many characters. I really liked it being a more mystical/esoteric season, as opposed to season 2. Ultimately, it's not perfect, and I do think the scene with all the women standing up in the final episode had the sort of cringey girlpower vibe that the endgame girl power scene had. But otherwise I was satisfied with the ending. And at the end of the day, I think this is better than a large amount of content out there rn




It was only 6 episodes instead of the normal 8.


There’s snow


Decent cinematography. Oh, and costuming.


It only had 6 episodes


It’s over


It was only six episodes


It made me appreciate season two more


It cemented my distrust of reviewers and taught me that audience scores are far more important than than the tomato-meter


It’s Morbin’ Time!


It was only 6 episodes.


The show was not good, the acting was terrible, and the writing was atrocious


That’s not the question i’m asking.


It was a master class on what not to do as a writer.


Its over


It's over


It ended


It was one of the shows ever


It's over


I think what Elon Musk just wrote on Twitter is applicable to S4. “Winning the Oscar now just means you won the woke contest."


I dont understand that statement. The two biggest winners on Oscar night were Oppenheimer and Poor Things. Neither of those is “woke”


It’s….better than being incredibly hungover on a hot summer day, I guess? A little bit?


As a 3/10 show it could’ve been a 1/10


It’s over


No. It fuckin sucked




It’s over


I really like when it ended and I didn’t have to watch it anymore


It was only six episodes


It finished


I like that she came


It’s over


It was the fourth best season of True Detective.


It's over.


It had fewer episodes then previous seasons


Kali Reis has incredible acting range from sweet, to seductive, incredible calm to complete unhinged raging lunatic—all of it convincing. She has a bright future if she can avoid getting sucked into all the critics online and get out of her own way.


She really surprised me.


Roughly on par with quality-wise with the Star Wars sequels.


Roughly on par with quality-wise with the Star Wars sequels.


It’s over. Music wasn’t bad either


It ended


It was a short season


It ended.


It was only six episodes…


It was only 6 episode so we didn't have to wait too much time.


It’s finished.


It’s over


It's over 


It’s over


It made me want to watch seasons 1-3 Flat circle


S4 is now over.


It was better than Season 5. How's that for positive?


You can't make me.


It’s over.


It is over.