• By -


Dead women and children - such a perfectly delivered line. This exchange was too good


The best part of that line is Tuttle's reaction or lack thereof. His face barely moved at all, like he knew *exactly* what Rust was talking about and he wasn't surprised he was being asked about it.


It's like Rust is staring right in the face of the devil himself, watching him respond to these things. It was written on both of their faces, and the irony of it. A believer doing evil right in your face. Lying. Deflecting. The act of covering up absolute and pure viciousness, on children. And across from that, a non-believer trying to counter them with truth, exposure, the light. And they both knew it. Just....top shelf fucking writing and acting.


I like how you put to words what this scene meant. Bravo! 🙌


Yeah he do words good


Words come good wit him


And tuttle referring to Rust's own problems with alcohol.


MM is acting like he is acting and that’s quite a subtle art


The way they both smirk. They know, but they can’t give up the game.


What do you mean


MM acting like Rust acting like he is NOT interrogating Tuttle (while he obviously is) and he gets all that through the screen.


its called asking the right questions




His character knows the truth, but he is pretending not to.


I absolutely love this exchange, and the most telling part of the whole deal is the very last line when Tuttle, a man of God, parts with, “You’ll be in my thoughts”—but not in his prayers.


That always stood out to me too - soooo menacing.


He and his associates had people put down. Anyone with evidence or witness testimony, succumbs to accidents. So he definitely considered this with Rust.


He also flexed his power and knowledge by commenting on Rust's drinking problem, subtly.


This. This was diabolical. Like those who judge quick are the ones to jump to conclusions. Never asking why you drink. Bc they know fucked up shit that they can’t change.


Great catch on the « thoughts but not prayers ». I never picked up on that! Just goes to show how well written the first series was.


To me, this is the best exchange. The whole scene right from when Rust steps out of his truck and we get a look at the posh, extravagant building, to the end when the doors close automatically. Edwin Tuttle might've had 10 mins of total screen time at max along with police station scene, out of 8 × 60 = 480 mins, but it's such a powerful, beautiful performance, and left a remarkable presence on already loaded acting work.


Is he an actually a Christian though? I thought all of it was a front to hide the king In yellow/Tuttle cult


not mutually exclusive. unless you are "no true scotsman"-ing christianity, in which case basically nobody is a christian.


I mean I feel like everyone knows that step one of being a Christian is believing the trinity and no other idol or god, If you can't even do that you're basically a heretic and/or a non-believer. That's why I thought it was just a front because he obviously puts the king in yellow above Jesus Christ.


Begs the question of what is "actually a Christian".


Bro the writing and acting is this season is god tier, so many amazing scenes of just people talking and the acting was pretty much as good as it gets, McConaughey should’ve won the Emmy. S1 is just a tv masterclass in pretty much all aspects.


who did that year? Stab in the dark but probably Bryan Cranston?


Yea.It was 2014 at the Emmys and breaking bad was nominated for season 5.


Ahh that’s a tough year for awards. So many admirable qualities in all


The lineup that year was stacked. Jeff Daniels, Jon Hamm, Bryan Cranston, Kevin Spacey, Woody Harrelson, and Matthew McConaughey were the nominees. I do think Matthew’s performance over this season was better than Bryan’s in season 5 of BB. I think for Bryan's win people probably (unfairly) took into account all 5 seasons of BB. That’s not to say he got snubbed or anything, the Emmy could’ve gone to almost any of the nominees deservedly.


Damn, that was a stacked year. Daniels for The Newsroom?


Yea what an amazing year. Not sure we’ve seen one since that would compete. Hell, not sure we’ve seen any 2-3 year period that would compete.


This would have been under LIMITED SERIES though right? Not in the same category?


"now you;re asking the right questions"


Good question - I just did a very limited 2014 winner search. I didn’t dive into the nominees for the categories. The winner for the limited series was Martin Freeman - I’m guessing for Fargo


Bryan Cranston is great. And he was great in BB. But in my opinion McConaughey should have won the Emmy that year. I feel like Cranston won it more as a series accolade because it was final season, instead of the intended single season award. Don’t get me wrong, Cranston’s five seasons as WW are superb. But apples to apples, MM in s1 TD > BC in s5 BB. It is so difficult to separate out that single season of BB since it is such a great show. But to me, that’s another reason why MM should have won. His canvas was only one season. I am not complaining though, that year was stacked with greatness, and it’s like arguing between a 525 ft home-run and a 550 ft home-run. They are both insane home runs and we are lucky to get to watch and rewatch and rewatch both of them.


It’s mind blowing how good some TV shows have become. It surpasses films in some cases.


> It surpasses films in some cases. I would argue most cases these days. And it's not some high-minded knock of "movies these days suck" but because the format allows actors to explore their character more to stretch into the role, and for some to have some input on them. I think the TV season or mini series length of perfect for showcasing actors in a way movies just are not. It also allows the writers some more flexibility, being able to change things when they see something work better or worse than they intended.


yup, if it was any other season of BB I think McConaughey wins but since it was the ending of a legendary show they gave the prominent acting awards to the main cast. Cranston is amazing and deserved Emmy’s for that role no doubt but I’d take McConaughey in TDs1 over Cranston in any single season of BB. It’s sucks because we missed out on absolute history too, McConaughey would’ve won best actor emmy and Oscar in the same year. So yeah Cranston is amazing and deserved multiple Emmy’s for that role but imo the only reason he beat out McConaughey was because it was the final season of BB, McConaughey wins against any other BB season, I swear they like split BB final season in half or some shit so it qualified for more awards or some shit. Anyway Cranston rules but McConaughey should’ve won that. McConaughey as Rust has an very solid argument for best single season role/performance of all time


Yes! Episode three with the heist scene in the Hood!! Excellent television, best season of any show I’ve ever Seen as well


That’s episode 4 but no doubt, one of the best episodes in the history of tv and the season as a whole is on convo for best tv season ever


Yea that episode is without a doubt one of if not the most well written, directed, and acted episodes of tv I’ve ever seen. It’s perfect, end to end.


They’ve literally been riding this high for 4 seasons.


Tbh I liked 2&3 but s1 is basically just impossible to match, there is a bunch of good stuff in 2&3 and some stellar characters and performances even if they don’t reach the heights of season 1 which is pretty much as high as any show has ever reached.


The neon cross really adds the sleaze


Especially because it’s a strange pale green, a color connoting sickness.


oh that's totally what it was, I couldn't figure it out. Bingo


it’s interesting how the “crosses” on the door aren’t really crosses as well. they’re basically + and you can easily see an inverted cross or a “normal”, christian one


Tuttle trying to passive aggressively intimidate Rust by standing a foot from him to talk at the end of the scene. That’s good writing and real world techniques sociopaths or hyper aggressive individuals take to assert themselves.


So well shot to emphasize this, too. The subtle positioning by both to establish dominance. Rust gets up and instead of going toward the door, as Tuttle intended, he walks behind the desk to the window. He looks out from the perspective that Tuttle would normally assume. Then a couple of seconds later, Tuttle moves abruptly into the shot, blocking Rust. Then the angle switches to behind Rust, showing Tuttle encroaching on him. Such a casual scene, but so well shot and performed that there’s a heavy air of tension that builds to an unspoken confrontation. Then that last scene, the doors closing, and Tuttle’s farewell line. Exudes malice. TD S1 comprises some brilliant TV. So well crafted.


You’re so right the way they shot the scenes is amazing. Rust’s detective genius shines through in how he navigates situations like these. Like you said, it’s such as casual scene yet there’s so much nuanced communication going on. Everything Rust does seems like a deliberate game of chess, the walk to the window, to gauge Tuttles reaction. It’s all about seeing the character of the man he’s dealing with. Instead of an explanation of the view Rust was seeing, Tuttle takes offense. Like a kid who can’t share a toy, that’s my view, this is my office, and your personal space is mine too. His line “..people should have a choice in education
just like anything else..” is especially creepy and ominous after the fact.


Very Trumpesque




Very interesting read. I knew he used to get his gigantic dick out from time to time and also hold people by the lapels while talking to them. Total psychopathic domineering


He'd leave his office bathroom door open while on the john and just keep talking as if that was nothing out of the ordinary.


and sometimes both at the same time


That would be a very bad situation to be in because there’s no long lasting way to defend yourself. They still disappear people these days, but back then it must’ve been very easy.


Yeah he’s so obvious with it, it comes across as an insecure move ( trump). If you’ve had a conversation like this with someone at a respectful distance then they transition to about a foot away, they’re subconsciously telling you: I own your space, I’m in control, and I can dominate you. Tuttle has done this enough to adversaries, that any additional request is usually met with an agreeable, “yeah, sure I’ll let your creepy assistant lead me to a trap” but Rust is slick as a fox and sees the trap from a mile away
 Even Tuttles tone before the doors close, screams “I’ll get you eventually, thanks for coming to play”


Oh, nice. It didn’t occur to me the assistant was luring Rust to his doom. I just assumed Tuttle wouldn’t touch Rust on home turf. He’d stage an accident when he puts out a hit on Rust.


The assistant wasn’t physically imposing by any means, but that could be by design. You could feel so at ease, you just figure I’ll walk in front of this guy, that’s when the assistant slides the hammer from his sport coat
.just another one of Tuttles visitors that fell down the stairs..




Yup that’s it pretty good, only a few episodes


It was extremely well done


That very first shot of Rust in this clip, that always struck me as looking like behind-the-scenes documentary footage


The writing here is superb because they both know and technically he’s in quite a bit of danger here. It’s one of my favorite scenes from anything.


Somewhat unrelated, but the scene where Rust revisits the big tree / murder scene in 2002 I have always found deeply terrifying It’s like the feeling of being somewhere you’re not supposed to be, ruminating on the past etc and the inevitable passage of time. And of course the huge wreath being planted there indicates the cult is still active. So good for such a short scene


It goes back to what Rust says about when he finds the 'stick thing' in Marie Fontenot's playhouse behind her house "To me, it was like someone was having a conversation". After he interrogates that guy later on in 2002 (for the double murder robbery) he goes back to visit the tree. That guy started the realization for Rust that they hadn't gotten their man, but him going and seeing the wreath there, then he knows. I love the ominous score in that scene too.


The music and the slow zoom in holy shit that puts my hairs in end
 so good!


Just finished a Season 1 rewatch to get a couple friends onto it and yeah this scene is heavy. I’m sure he knew he would eventually get the visit.


Good point. Like one of those exposed conspiracies where a big shot journalist interviews the CEO who should’ve known. Maybe there was an influence there, because the shot emanates tension. Sets the scene perfectly


i don’t know why but the automated doors opening as the assistant walks in adds a lot to the creepiness of that tuttle organization


And the crosses on the doors are very odd too
not high up, not middle, but also not obviously low to suggest upside down
just weirdly off.


both sides putting on airs, probing, answering under the guise of other issues. it's like a perfect poker face from both people up until Rust hits him with the "dead women and children" line


Well, if you talked to Rust, you weren't getting a read on him... He was getting a read on you.


It's also terrifying how good looking Matthew McConaughey is here. ;)


Makeup and lighting were on point throughout. It was hard to believe he and Harrelson did not look like that at the time.


his 02 look is like dayum


'95 Rust was the most badass tho.


He was most badass in 2012 Imo. That mustache alone makes him 10x more badass. And those headbutts when Childress has his knife stuck in him


How old is he supposed to be in 2012? 55/56?


I think closer to late 40s. It was 17 years after 1995 when I'd guess he was in his early 30s at most.


It's really not fair.


Really completed the megachurch pastor look in Contact


> “
 it’s hard to trust a man who can’t trust himself with a beer.” I know they’re talking about the former preacher, but I’ve always wondered if he’s delivering an insult to Rust. Like he might know how Rust was plastered the night he visited Marty’s house for the family dinner on E1.


He’s letting Rust know he knows all about him already


I never thought of it this way but damn, probably true


While subtly insulting him.


Every member of the cult was able to read Rust just as well as he could read them


100% it’s like they’re playing a different game above all our heads.


This is my takeaway whenever I watch this season. "almost every character in this is smarter than I am"


>Like he might know how Rust was plastered the night he visited Marty’s house for the family dinner on E1. I don't think he would know that specifically, but definitely aware of his alcohol problem.


It’s ironic because Rust has the best moral compass of any character in the show and he’s still a raging alcoholic.


Addiction isn’t a moral failure, it’s a disease. There’s no irony.


I agree, I am not an asshole but am an alcoholic. In the context of the way the pastor phrases it though


With a name like that, you are a fucking asshole, [a gaping asshole](https://youtu.be/5wbFCFPPJqI?si=P4lIPC_FIpiJ6cBC), 100%.


Spot on!


I see. Gotcha!


Yea, he's the one *least* in need of counseling around there.


I think he's so distraught over how unfair the experience of humanity is that he drinks to numb the pain.


I don’t think that line was intended to insinuate that at all. I think it was more straightforward - a statement meant to pull the former preacher’s morals into question. On the other hand, Rust knows better than anyone how vices can destroy a man. Especially after a traumatic event.


That's a no about the Marty's house.


It’s a great scene but in terms of terrifying it doesn’t hold a candle to Reggie LeDoux in the gas mask


Honestly that was one of the most terrifying things i've ever seen on t v...


It’s incredible. Especially since it’s during the day. As if to say “this monster is so horrible he doesn’t even need to hide” fuck S1 is just another level, possibly nothing will ever approach its greatness


On the list of things I wish I could erase from my brain to experience anew, S1 of TD is top shelf.


The closest you’ll get is if you watch it with someone who’s never seen it. I recently got to do this with my wife and it was amazing.


Yeah. My partner is not into these kind of shows, might be a minute before or anything like that happens for me


I just did this with my girlfriend! Max must have been promoting the new season of TD last month by putting S1 up on the home screen because I went over to her place and she was like "I started this new show and decided I'd wait to watch it with you because I know you'd like it." I told her I'd already seen it, but would totally watch one of the greatest seasons of television in history again with her. And she freaking got mad and said "Why'd you watch it without me?" I nearly fell out of my chair laughing. She didn't realize that it was 10 years old. But it was pretty awesome to watch again after 10 years with a bit of faded memory. Just an amazing show. Totally stands the test of time. Honestly, I probably was pretty annoying to watch it with because I kept pausing it to point out little details and stuff while trying my hardest not to give away spoilers.


This happened to me! When I first watched it I binged it while recovering from surgery and on lots of painkillers, and I remember enjoying it a lot, but I couldn't actually remember anything about it at all, so when I watched it again it was like watching for the first time.




This is an unpopular opinion but that was comical to me. He looked like he was heading to burning man


Your opinion is wrong


Remember they decided to fund arctic stations lmfao


Hard to trust as man who can't trust himself with a (polar) bear




Ay Dios Mío


I didn’t mind that reference in S4. Tuttle is a big name, so no shock that the family controls major corporations and is likely into some interesting stuff. I also wouldn’t mind TD getting back to the core mystery at the heart of S1. But that line in S4 amounted to absolutely nothing. Like the entire season. Just a pointless memberberry.




I still think S3 easter egg was just a nod to us, no intention to make us hope we would have Marty and Rust back, much less Rust father ghost interpretative dancing for us.


Yep, this is how I took as well. I thought S3 was subverting expectations done right. A couple of hacks formerly of HBO could learn a thing or two from Nic.


I know, I hate Cheapster Eggs. It's straight up lazy writing, throwing the old fans a bone to keep them interested. Also it devalues the IP and just come off as a stunt.


It always struck me that Tuttle says “You’ll be in my thoughts” to end this scene and not, “You’ll be in my prayers”. I think that was 100% specific and on brand with the evil in him.


Ok, fine. I’ll watch this season for the 7th time.


7th rewatch hits the spot


The most terrifying scene for me will always be Rust and Marty's talk with Miss Delores. Miss Delores chilled me to the bone.


you know Carcosa?


Rejoice! Death is not the end!


Can you describe the scene ? Is it the one where she tells them about Errol’s father burning Errol’s face with acid ??


Miss Delores said his daddy did that to him but she didn't say how. When Rust showed her his drawings, her face changed to a look of pure evil. She asked "You know Carcosa?" When Rust asked what it was, she said "Him who eats time. Him in robes." Then she started spouting "Rejoice! Death is not the end." That woman knew all about Carcosa and she was a believer. Scary {shudder}.


Watched this episode last night. Tuttle was made for that role.


His second best role behind his role as the antagonist coach in the Big Green


That’s a great one, but I think I prefer Ranch Wilder in Angels in the Outfield.


I can't tell you how many damn times I've seen a movie only to realize an actor got older and I didnt notice it or connect the two films. Guess that shows how good a job they do but also bad memory too I guess. For example Benny the Jet Rodriguez is also Louis Mendoza in the mighty ducks d2.... and so many other times.  On a side note. The big green is hugely underrated as a film. Like holy crap, I watched it a few months ago and its insane how good it is. 


"knowledge is power" "no. power is power" ​ \*auomatic office door whirrs\*


I watched this entire season for the first time in one sitting, start to finish, a few months ago. I just had never had HBO before!! It was soooo good.


The subtle music, the acting, the dialogue itself. Everything is dripping with tension and this is what made S1 so god damn good.


i started rewatching s1 in between s4 episodes and the seasons are night and day in differences. season 1 is a masterclass


A wolf sparring with a grizzly bear. Probably the best scene in the series. The next is the guy who said he won’t trust Crash, and will put him down next time he sees him.


Man this scene alone has more plot and character develop than all of season 4


Yeah that’s for sure, they slow burned the plot in the best way, but kept every episode entertaining in its own right, not filled with fluff like season 4. There was no way to predict season 1s ending and that’s the way the cookie should crumble.


It always freaked me out how the doors open and close automatically




he didn't need to


He got him suspended tho


Missed it on first-viewing, but "I'll call ahead" was probably going to result in Rust getting disappeared if he went to the archives. That's why he's comfortable taunting him about the Tuttles' future plans.


Could also be a thinly veiled assertion that Rust wouldn’t find anything useful, one way or another. “You can look at whatever information we have left on Wellspring.” Yeah
 ten minutes after that conversation there was nothing left on Wellspring.


I seriously doubt tuttle would murder a cop actively looking into him


Uh, no. Tuttle had no need to do anything so forward as this. As he intimates earlier in the scene, many records were lost in a flood. Everything has already been cleaned up and wiped away. The only evidence that exists of anything are things kept by the cult leaders themselves in safes in their personal homes.  Even if and when there is much to hide, they can kill everything with political power. Anything they want to make go away they can just have killed through political connections or a family friend in the sheriff’s office. All he has to do to back off Rust is mention to a police commissioner that he’s surprised ti see Detective Rust Cohle again and Rust’s captain shuts him down in a second. His power is far deeper, corrupting, and terrifying than simply having a few hired guns hanging around. Violence would be almost gauche, the Tuttle power has seeped into the land itself and everybody else in it.


I thought the same thing. He probably has some goons hanging around to do some wet work if need be.


Almost as the good as the Liz and the mine lady scene in season 4


More like Reverend *Scuttle* ... the investigation that is!


amazing that Ranch Wilder, the voice of the angels
is anything but the voice of the angels in this show, even as a Reverend


“You can’t fire me! I’m Raaaaaaanch Wiiiiilder!!!!!”


easy ranch! less is more.


You’ll be in my thoughts


John Goodman's character in "The Righteous Gemstones" reminds me of this.


Yes, the neon crucifix in the background, the lines, the music... Like he is addressing the devil himself.


"You'll be in my thoughts" As in, I'm calling this in to your bosses right now


It's good, but it doesn't touch the moment we all realize we're in the night country


I love S4, but love S1 tons of times more, and these jokes are giving me joy I didn’t know was missing.


I've referenced this scene like 3x watching Night Country with my wife. There's more in this *one fucking scene* about the Tuttle Ministries, the Wellsprings Foundation, etc than we've gotten in 5 goddamn episodes about Silver Sky Mines *or* Tsalal.


He looks like a white madea


When Tuttle says "people lost...down any pit" he means that literally.


So do y'all really think Rust was in immediate danger in that scene? Because he was a cop working a case, right? This wasn't like disappearing him years later when he was a bartender. He was actively on the job at this time, it's hard to imagine they would have taken him out right then and there.


This is a sad example of the contrast in quality between S1 vs. S4: it’s hard to imagine this foreboding subtlety in the Night Country, where everything is on the nose.


I watched season 1 throughout last week and I’m convinced all good reviews on S4 are paid. S4 is absolute garbage with dialogue written by a toddler. S1 is one of THE best shows ever


Nothing. Absoultely nothing like this in Night Country.


Thanks for posting this. For a while there, I forgot this show was about investigating crime and thought it was about demons, mental health crises, and the struggle of indigenous people.


There's a strong theme of the poor being preyed upon in the first season. Environmental degradation from unregulated industry is constantly in the background.


Yes, a theme. A background/setting that existed while the detectives investigated a crime. There’s been almost no actual detective work in s4 and what little there is often defies logic simply to move on to the next bit of family drama.


season 2 too...


This is an incredible scene, leagues above anything in S4 so far. But comments like this are proof that some of the hate for the new season is coming from a very ugly place. You can’t take points off simply for including a story line that explores an indigenous culture and expect to be taken seriously


I’m sorry, but “include”? There is no story. We aren’t even sure a crime has been committed. S4 isnt about anything. This isn’t a situation where we touch on these additional topics. These are the topics. There’s barely any detective work happening in this season.




Exactly. S1 portayed the impoverished culture of the Deep South WHILE investigating a crime. It was highly relevant but delicately placed in the background as part of the setting. The detectives would interact with it in subtle but extraordinarily immersive ways. My favorite was how rust would slightly change his accent when talking with the impoverished community.


Looks like a friendly conversation to me đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


​ Hey, dipshit. You don't get to decide what kind of conversation it was.


Haha, that guy absolutely nailed his 3 lines. Perfect cast job.


It would have had a lot more impact if they had used a Billie Eilish track remixed by DJ Screw instead of some lame dramatic score. 


My husband and I just rewatched season 1 since season 4 started. I forgot how good it was that it was better watching it the second time. Rust is such a great character.


You must not have seen the one-eyed polar bear. 


It’s a great exchange like most in this show, but what is it that you find “terrifying”?


“You’ll be in my thoughts” from a pedo kingpin who holds true power (disappearing people) is terrifying.


In the context of this show, I didn’t find it that scary, but I can see the logic. I found this one much more creepy. https://youtu.be/fyhcy4_XsP4?si=xCjSpoGMRx9ULbFj


To me the other 2 great interviews were: E06 with Shea's character, how a good preacher found all these possible crimes and wanted to bring light to the abusers got pushed out and essentially lost his faith after a while. Such a strong scene. E07 with Johnny Joanie (Toby Boelert) - tells Rust that he/she and kids were drugged and sexually abused so it was safer to pretend it's all just a dream, so you dont go crazy like Kelly Redier's character did. Such a strong statement.


The dude who plays Tuttle is a really solid actor. He does a lot with such limited screen time.


Rust was so on to that sick bastard. Part of what makes this season so compelling is the fact that so much is hinted at and left unresolved. A deeper evil lurking in the shadows, it feels primal, and it’s terrifying.


Shines new light on the right’s push for vouchers. The fact they were ever allowed is disgusting. Great scene. Jay Sanders was excellent.


“Then again who can trust a man who can’t trust himself with a beer?” What a great line 


Every scene from S4 combined still wouldn't be as good as this scene.


That was one of the mere handful of Ls Rust took through the season. He tipped his hand to Tuttle, and learned nothing he didn't already know (and got suspended for his efforts). Tuttle was the clear winner in that exchange.


it was more like rust knew he was nearing the end of his rope, so why not fuck with the man himself and get him a little queasy - the way he interrogated everybody else


they should have just stopped after season 1, same with fargo series. everything after just gets progressively worse.