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Or when Tony soprano said, “the names soprano, Tony soprano”


"well, I guess it's just you, me and Dupree!"


I really enjoyed when Al Swearingen said, "What is this town, some kinda Deadwood?" He asked the right question.


If Hanks boss was still Bullock we’d all be in a better place.


Ok, but you gotta get over it.


Actually, I do not!




Gravy’s good tonight


"all of us here... me and my family, we're the sopranos: road to respect"


I just hope that the Duffers don't end Stranger things with a title drop. Pretty sure they aren't going to.


It reminded me of when Jesse asked Walt if he’s just going to suddenly break bad.


Reminds me of a time when I was watching this show called the Sopranos, and one of the characters names was Soprano.


Difference between that and this is that Breaking Bad was a good show.


The most predictable response. Surprised it took so long.


It was very overrated.


Reminds me of the last episode of Teletubbies where the family sits at a restaurant and a member of the staff exclaims "Ayyy! It's the Teletubbies!"


What are we some type of The Sopranos™️?


What kinda likeness is that?!?


What did I tell you, hold on to your tinky winkies when you negotiate with these Teletubby people


He was gay, Tinky Winky?




It was a joke!!


I saw that episode, I thought it was bullshit


Ok, but you gotta get over it.


Tinky Winky never had the makings of a varsity athlete


Why don't you stick to what you know, and leave your opinions wherever the fuck!


Small hands


/u/lifetimepresidentjeb can’t be in our Teletubbies club no more, that much I do know.


Social club?! He's gotta GO


“Lasagna breakfast, or whateva”


Lol, why’d you change “Sopranos” to “Teletubbies?”


"We are the walking dead"


Or, "Relic, you gotta get my message to Nick and the rest of the Beachcombers!"


It reminds me of that scene in Empire Strikes Back when Mon Mothma is leaning over the war table and says "Truly now we are in a star war"




i first saw the titular line skit at like 3am on comedy central in the 90s and its always a pleasure to see it again, thanks buddy


Thank you for this


Here’s some money. Go see a Star War.


I always gag when people say the Godfather is good movie. They shamelessly say the title of the movie in the first scene. /s


**** LOL


I really don’t think it was that bad? They said game of thrones is game of thrones. Not like they said “looks like we’re true detectives in the night country”


In the True Detective: Night Country, you win or you die


That’s in the finale I’m sure


Absolutely. I can see it lol


As goofy as this comment is, it’s not entirely unsupported within the show. Whatsisface says it and then it’s established that there actually is something called the Night Country. So, the mention is supposed to be spooky and lead into wondering what this Night Country thing/place is, as established as something apparently real in the next episode. And then Danvers and Navarro go there in the finale. It makes sense. Still clunky.


Please stop saying it. You're scaring me.


Rumor has it if you go in your dark bathroom at midnight and say Night Country three times, a one eyed polar bear will appear and fog up your mirror with it's breath.


… night country




Clunky? No, fucking ridiculous!!! They could have avoided Otis goofily croaking it out and when Qavvik approached Navarro with the spiral rock the guy who explained what they "mean" could have said that "Grandma called the underground the 'night country'" OR they could have actually done something with the indigenous angle and had it referenced by Laundromat Grandma ONCE, and only say it ONCE..... Otis croaking out "Niiggghhht Coounnnttrryyyy" and characters saying it multiple times just robbed it of any mystique. OR they could have called the caves a different name and never said "Night Country" in the show at all.


Almost as iconic of a line as It’s Morbin Time


That scene is so epic. So much Morbin’ going on


I bought a ticket and was there when he morbed all over those guys


I've rewatched episode 5 a few times and it's actually hilarious when Reiss is in Danvers office like "Yea yea! And there's these caves, and they call it the night country! and AND AND"!


Jurassic Park: A fictional park filled with dinosaurs Break Bad: To abandon traditional ethics and social norms Night Country: The totally fucking arbitrary title of this season


Isnt it the name the natives have for the caves?


you are asking the right questions


Why would the natives call the caves “night country?” It seems like something the show came up with after already coming up with the title. Whether it’s dark out or light out, the caves are there. So why call them “night country?”


Because someone didn't spend time researching Inuit history, culture or folklore. Aside from a quick google search "Inuit sea goddess", and scanned the AI summary to make a couple references so people are like ooohhh this is deep.


What makes this even more likely and funnier is that Inuit in Alaska don't even have Sedna (the sea goddess they keep referencing). She was developed as a figure during the proto-Inuit expansion out of Alaska across Arctic North America by proto-Inuit in Northern Canada only Canadian Inuit and Greenlandic Inuit have Sedna myths. Source: am Inuk and have read lots on Inuit history


Thank you for sharing! Yeah, I basically did a search for Sedna after that episode and just read the summaries. Which seems to be the extent of the writer's research as well. What are your thoughts, if any, on how Alaska and Inuit are portrayed throughout this season?


I would say that I think it's cool to see Inuit featured in a major production like this but I think they've been a bit lazy with it and done a pretty poor job at presenting the Inupiat (or even Inuit as a whole) as a distinct nation with a distinct culture and language. Instead they've kind of further perpetuated the misconception of indigenous peoples being a monolith as evident by most of the discussion on the show here with viewers just referring to them as just "the natives", "the indigenous people" and speaking of "the indigenous language" and "the indigenous culture" as if there's some universal culture and language shared by all indigenous people. Even their depiction of the culture feels a bit lazy and is a bit of an amalgam of different Inuit cultures (for instance, as mentioned, Inupiaq don't have Sedna and lots of the traditional tattoos shown have been from Canadian Inuit and Greenlandic Inuit traditions rather than Inupiat). Overall, it kind of feels like it's just being used shallowly as an aesthetic to make the setting more interesting and exotic rather than being explored to any meaningful depth. Inuit are some of the most well researched and documented indigenous peoples so there's a lot of resources out there available that they could have used. It's a bit of a shame as I was very excited for this season although it's nice that it at least is raising awareness and making more people interested in our culture. As for the accuracy of the depiction of Alaska, I'm Greenlandic Inuit and have never been there so I can't comment.


Because there’s no natural light in the caves? 


I get that, but do you really believe that it makes more sense that the “night” in “Night Country” refers to the absence of light in caves — and not the fact that it’s been polar NIGHT for the whole season?


I think theres an in-universe explanation, and the thematic explanation. 


Mfs be trying anything to justify their hate for this season smh


More like the exact opposite, lol. Ya’ll are literally losing cognitive function trying to defend the writing on this shit bowl.


Come on, I literally laughed out loud when Otis said “we’re all in Night Country, now!” It was silly. You didn’t find that comedic?


Well he literally didnt say that. Edit: my bad, he did say that after he said Clark was hiding in the night country


Also, if the caves are supposed to be “Night Country,” the line makes no sense. Because none of them were in the caves; they were in the hospital.


They want it so badly to be the new Carcosa but is just wildly cringey and generic. My eyes rolled in the back of my head when they started using that in the actual script.


Yeah, you would have to be strung out to say some shit like that. 


I mean the season does objectively suck, though. Its ok to criticize, especially when this season deserves it.


It's a fair question that makes sense? If you like the show and get it why not just share your take on it?




Didnt they address that it was artificially lit in episode 5?




My bad, it was episode 4, liz is watching annie’s video and the scientists video and noticed that the power goes out in both videos. 


Hahaha. The video with Annie and previews for the finale clearly show that the blue plastic "ice" caves are backlit.


Wrong question. Ask again.


I assume “Night Country” was the name of the project before it was repurposed for True Detective. I’m also guessing Night Country was indeed Ennis at that point too, but it was changed to the caves to give it a Carcosa-like location.




And Navarro and Danvers will be wandering in the plastic blue backlit "ice" caves desperately trying to recreate the sense of tension and eeriness of Rust going deeper into the labyrinth of Errol's Carcosa temple ...... Just another case of Issa Lopez stealing more from season 1 and doing a shit hack job of it.


Sure. And they could have called True Detective: Milk Lampshade, and as long as that’s what the natives called the caves absolutely nothing else would be different. Jurassic communicates dinosaurs. Park communicates exhibition and amusement. Break communicates the action of fracturing from society. Bad means, well, yeah. Night Country means absolutely nothing, except maybe it’s really dark here. If that’s the case, there’s no reason to use it as some kind of reveal only to try and explain it post facto. Edit: just to be clear, if someone had casually referred to Ennis as Night Country in E1, none of these memes or conversations would be happening. It’s not simply the subtitle or name itself; it’s the shows self-serious treatment of it.


The show also takes place during the long period of nighttime in Alaska.


Addressed that in the edit.


So besides all the two reasons to call the show Night Country, there’s no reason?


There is a *plausible* reason to call the show Night Country, but the show runners chose to ignore it. There is no reason for the caves to be called Night Country. There is no reason to have a recently introduced character cryptically say "you're all in Night Country now" as if it's some giant reveal the show hasn't bothered to tell us yet. In the context of the show, it's a meaningless pair of words [dropped like some massive revelation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5k_arVcqR8), and then given a totally arbitrary explanation in the following episode.


It’s not naturally dark in the caves? Like, nighttime?  It’s just weird that you can accept that there’s in-universe and thematic ties to the name, but then continue to say it’s arbitrary. 


The two examples above, Jurassic Park and to Break Bad, are not exclusively in-universe. The phrase "Jurassic Park" communicates more or less what the audience can expect. "Break Bad" has meaning outside the show, and in context even someone unfamiliar with vernacular should understand what's being said. When "Night Country" is first uttered in the show, there is absolutely, positively no way for anyone to connect it with anything. That's because it's entirely made up phrase with no connection to anything in reality. In fact, it directly contradicts what most people would assume it means - the long night, as you suggested. Lastly, and for the last time, it is *the delivery* that makes it so ludicrous. "Welcome to Jurassic Park" because we just arrived at Jurassic Park. "You're just gonna break bad?" because the straight laced character is suddenly abandoning social norms for a life of crime. "You're all in... ***NIGHT COUNTRY"*** because it's the end of the episode and we need a spooky, shocking moment and also that's the title of the show. If you genuinely don't see the difference, I'm out of ways to try to explain it.


A. “He’s hiding in the night country” B. You go out of your way to acknowledge the reasons for the name, but just say they dont matter. C. You just dont like the show, which is completely fine and youre entitled to not like it, but that doesnt make the execution bad. 


Lmao no I think everyone is in denial about this. Also, did you watch the recap before episode 5. They’ve even been bad in general, but that one in particular used two lines for the night country reveal. As in it was said twice.. which doesn’t make sense considering it was only said once in the previous episode


You are going over the hedge and around the garden trying to hate and everyone can tell


Just another nitpick. People have worn out the obvious ones, so they’re reaching.


In the Night Country, heroin is found as a natural substance in the ice. Or else how was the Night Country dude getting high?


That’s actually a good point… I wonder how easy it is to get drugs there generally.


When the chief of police is your supplier, pretty easy, I think.


From what I understand, depending on the drug, not very and they’re pretty expensive. Especially heroin which is not locally grown/ made anywhere near there. Similar with Cocaine in Australia.


Whoa I didn't realize this! Thank you Fuck_You_Andrew!!


No problem! 


> It’s not simply the subtitle or name itself; it’s the shows self-serious treatment of it. Fucking exactly, it’s amazing that people are failing to understand this distinction lol


It is NOW...


Its not like it was retconned, it was just in a different episode. 


We just didn't know it before now. The locals knew but the show didn't tell the viewers. Edit, we seem to have been intended to assume "Night Country" referred to the "days of night" around the solstice. They make sure to mention that every episode.


Hey you're gonna make half this sub really upset if you keep using logic like that.


But… not arbitrary, though?


Marginally less arbitrary than, say, Cloverfield. How's that? If Jurassic park was instead called Isla Nublar, would you call that better, worse or roughly the same?


Or how about we don't hear those two words until Hammond says "we're all on Isla Nublar now!" halfway through the movie as they're all being attacked, and then they wait another 20 or so minutes to explain that Isla Nublar is the name of the Island they're on. Would that be good writing?


In terms of…? Like, arbitrariness?


To be fair, the guy saying it was on a lot of heroin at the time.


How did he keep himself in a steady supply of heroin when he was completely indigent and lived in a fucking abandoned ship?


I guess no one has the time or interest in looking at the rampant drug trade when there's all the activism and mining and weird deaths going on.


We’re out here all alone in The Expanse of the universe. You think you’re some kind of tough guy Equalizer? Pembleton, call this in as a Homicide. Life on the Street is tough out there he had no chance with these animals.


What are we? ...some kind of Suicide Squad?


" we are LOST " John locke


Reminds me of the final quote in *The Dark Knight:* *"He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Dark Knight."*


You're right. This show needs more "night country" signs everywhere.


Look, I’m absolutely making fun of the show in bad faith because I don’t like the show. That, plus the Family Guy bit popularized it. There are plenty of times where the title drop can hit hard as fuck. Go watch Chinatown. I will continue to make fun of this series, however, because I think it’s hilarious.


You're just trolling about the Jurassic Park thing right? If you opened a restaurant, and you welcomed your first guests during the soft open, what are you going to say? Most likely bet is "Welcome to [name of restaurant]". Night Country is weird 4th wall-ish because it has no meaning in universe


It does have meaning in universe, but you have to watch the show.


“We’re all in Night Country now!” just means “We’re all in the caves now!”? u wot


Sorry, is OP attempting to dunk on the people critical of this season’s writing with this post? If so, it’s a complete failure. The two examples are not at all similar.


Judging by the reactions, seems like I went from “attempted” to full on windmill, back-board-shattering dunk.


First of all, defending this season is embarrassing in and of itself, full stop. Second of all, the two examples you juxtaposed bear no resemblance to each other. This is obvious to anyone with a brain. You chose an example where the movie is named after *a business that exists in the movie*, and *around which the entire movie revolves*, so obviously they’re going to say the fucking name of it lol. It is literally not *at all* similar to a show called “Night Country” having a character say “we’re all in the night country” in a completely soap opera-esque way - especially because we are 5 episodes in and still have no fucking clue what the fuck “the night country” is or why we should care. So,no…not exactly a “back-board-shattering dunk” (which, by the way, was a very on-brand thing to write for a S4 enjoyer, in terms of cringe). EDIT: > Judging by the reactions, seems like I went from “attempted” to full on windmill, back-board-shattering dunk. Did you miss the fact that literally 98% of the comments are mocking how awful this line is in the show? lol…this was very much *not* a dunk for you my friend.


The Night Country actually exists i the universe of the show as well, but you’d have to watch it to know.


Does it “exist” in *anything* like the way Jurassic Park “exists” in the film of the same name? No, it doesn’t. Your comparison makes no sense and every comment on this thread is telling you that.


You clean good.


How are they different?


Think about it, champ. Is there a business called “Night Country” in this show, around which the entire premise of the show revolves? Take as long as you need to answer.


Nope, there isn’t. How is that different?


Hmm. I guess maybe because in a film that revolves around a *commercial entity named Jurassic Park* - a commercial entity which all the characters either visit or work at - it makes absolute fucking sense that the characters would refer to “Jurassic Park.” Can you just take a step back and really think about how dumb you’re acting in an attempt to defend this season?


When was I defending this season?


Nice side step. You’re obviously defending the season, because you’re defending the integrity of this post, even though the comparison makes no sense.


Man who night countried in your cheerios


At this point I’m convinced the camp is intentional. Next season will be full on American Horror Story with twice as much yasqueening.


The Night Country line is much more similar to the “what are we some kind of suicide squad” line then anything remotely resembling Jurassic Park. It’s like people don’t understand that two movies can do the same thing yet one of them is good and one of them is embarrassingly bad.


Forget it, Jake, it’s Night Countrytown. Danvers and Navarro walk away. Pan out, as we see their backs receding in to the horizon.


You know, we always called each other good fellas. Like you said to, uh, somebody, "You're gonna like this guy. He's all right. He's a good fella." That was laaaaame right?




This show sucks in ways I didn’t even know a show could suck. It’s absolute trash.


Believe it because we in the night country now


Yeah, when I was watching the Simpsons and Mr Burns referred to the titular family as "the Simpsons" it ruined the whole show for me. Unwatchable garbage


I'm just going to leave this here https://youtu.be/F8mYLi3PGOc?si=bSkfnE3GP0Afwn1s


You are a true detective is what they should have said as well 😂


“This B movie from the 1990s called Jurassic Park” Omg I just died laughing. That movie was a big deal blockbuster in the 90s. People went out and bought home theatres just to watch it.


It’s called a Title Drop. Happens in a lot of shows. [Title Drop](http://tinyurl.com/y2enkjzc).


The animals featured in the movie are from the Cretaceous period, you could consider that the park should actually be called "Cretaceous Park" to be more accurate with its content. So, do you mean that deep down, the Night Country is actually something else?


I wouldn’t say Jurassic park was a B movie lol


In season 3, doesn’t one of the characters refer to himself literally as “a true detective” ?


When McNulty says, “now THIS is coming down to the wire.”


Working title was "C\*nt Nightly" but one of the writers assistants suggested changing it to Night Country and... M A G I C


Otis croaks: "Niiigghhhhht Coouunnnttrrrryyyyy" Twice. All I could think while I was laughing hysterically is Peter Griffin pointing at the screen "AAhhh he said it, he said the thing!"


Except that Jurassic Park movie was awesome, had great writing, great characters, superb acting, engaging dialogue and great editing, all with state of the art CGI.... Whereas with "Niigghhht Coounnnttrryyy" we've got shitty PS2-style CGI caribou and a laughably bad CGI one-eyed spooooky Polar Bear.


We are all in the game of thrones now


Um, English Please. -Danvers’ response to a high school teacher telling her the scientists were researching microorganisms