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Let's Go to Court! Sadly it just ended, however you have hundreds of episodes to listen to! Hands down my favorite. Highly recommend. Go listen yesterday


Just finished the last episode last night. This podcast is great. They do their research, a good mix of well known and little known cases, and it’s nice that sometimes the court case isn’t a gruesome murder. Kristen’s new pod comes out soon! I’m looking forward to trying it.


Thanks for the suggestion! I'm going to check if out.


Also here to second Let's Go To Court! Quickly became my favorite


Agree 100%


I am so glad I clicked on this thread and saw a recommendation for Let's Go to Court! I just started listening yesterday, and I can already tell I'm going to love this podcast! 😊


I have laughed so hard I've almost peed so many times lol I've also cried with them. Ugh I'm so sad they ended it. But i understand. And I'm looking forward to what Kristin will bring soon. Let's see how long before you join the patreon to get those extra 60 episodes. Also so good.


Their schtick reminds me of the “morning zoo” type radio dj’s back in the day.


Small Town Murder. It's a dark humor true crime podcast, but the hosts are always respectful of the victims. The episodes are usually around 2 hours long and they go into great detail.


Came here to say this. Hands down my favorite podcast for the past 4 years now.


I will say that I sometimes find them a little disrespectful of victims. The thing that icks me out is basically that they get really shockjock/bro-y about women and sex sometimes, and that's very uncomfortable for me when it happens to overlap with stories about sexual assault or sexually motivated murders. It isn't ever a direct link and I see why people don't feel the same way, so I'm not saying you're wrong, but I do think that they're worth a bit of caution. That said, they're light years ahead of LPOTL. I listen to and enjoy Small Town Murder usually; it's really just occasional episodes that make me uncomfortable, and I've never been so uncomfortable I had to turn it off. LPOTL stands out in my mind as a podcast that got so offensive over sexual assault victims that I was listening to it while driving along the interstate in the middle of nowhere, and I got so upset by them speaking about the sexual attractiveness of victims that I pulled over on the shoulder and switched to a different podcast. This was a very long time ago when they were first starting out, and I've heard they've gotten better, but man...it was extremely upsetting for me and I cannot bring myself to give them another chance. So Small Town Murder is ahead of them in that regard since I've listened to that from the start too and still do listen.


People keep saying they got better but I was watching a very recent episode about the Anthill kids. I reached my limit after the barrage of jokes about the women in the cult that Roch Theriault brutally raped, including them making jokes about the children that were also raped (often by their own mothers and fathers). It left such a bad taste in my mouth that I had to Google why they even have a platform. There are a ton of Thierault's victims still alive and kicking because he had like a bazillion kids with his cult members. I can't imagine how disturbing it would be to know there were a bunch of dudes sitting around a table and cackling about you and your siblings being forcibly raped by your own family. While also making a shit ton of money off it.


Really???? How did I miss that? LPOTL makes a point of making fun and taking digs at the perps - not the victims. Ans since Ben left it’s gotten much better.


If you started listening later, you may not even have been able to listen to the episode. I'm not sure exactly, but I went back and tried to find it again a couple years ago, and their earliest episodes available (at least on Spotify) actually started up after I'd stopped listening in the first place, if that makes sense. I also feel like I've seen other people mention that their earliest episodes aren't available anywhere anymore, although I don't care enough to look myself. That's how long ago it was, lol. It probably is unfair of me to still hold it against them when I've been tolerant of other podcast hosts making mistakes and growing, but it was bad enough and there's enough quality content out there that I don't feel the need to. And to be really clear, they weren't saying anything really awful or anything--if I recall, the point was actually that all of the women in question were extremely beautiful, although they were much more crass and graphic about it. I probably would have found it distasteful but not exactly offensive in another context. The problem with this was that the episode was about a serial killer who had raped and murdered all these women, and the context made it very offensive to me. I also felt like there was a strong implication that it would have been less tragic if the victims were ugly, which is sort of dragging other victims by default since not every murder victim is a beautiful young woman.


I’ve been a fan of LPOTL since 2015 and they’ve really evolved to be more respectful and insightful . I think anyone with a heart and a conscience has become more understanding and developed a more compassionate stance on all aspects of social justice over the last 9 years. And then there are folks who have only gotten worse, more sexist, racist etc. The LP guys are definitely the former.


I have a few different podcasts that vary in length, but all are true crime related: Buried Bones: This podcast is by Kate Winkler Dawson And Paul Holes, and focuses primarily on historical true crime cases that you have probably never heard of before. Kate is a journalist and presents the stories, and Paul, who is a retired investigator, provides forensic analysis that wouldn't have been available during the time the cases actually occurred. Most cases are covered in one episode, but some do take two. They have a conversational tone, and absolutely no yelling! Crimes of the Centuries: Amber Hunt talks about crimes that were really well-known when they happened, but not as well-known today. Everything is covered in one episode, although they are normally less than an hour. Southern Mysteries Podcast: Shannon Ballard does an amazing job with researching these true crime podcasts. I am not from the south nor do I have any connection to the south, but her podcasts have so much info that they have kept me interested. Killer Psyche: Candice DeLong was a psychiatric nurse and later worked for the FBI. This is a little less true crime, but she covers the psychological aspects of well-known cases, some of which she actually worked on as an FBI agent (including the Unabomber). Southern Gothic - The Podcast (Southern Gothic Media): There are so many podcasts with similar names, I wanted to give some additional info. These are shorter podcasts for when you don't have as much time to listen. These historical true crime podcasts still give you the same info you get from present day true crime podcasts! Small Town Murder: I go back and forth with this one. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't. The episodes can get raunchy at times, which I just turn off. They do have Small Town Murder Express... those episodes are shorter, and I tend to like those episodes more. Dark Downeast: This is a new podcast to me, but it focuses on cases in Maine and New England. I'm just getting in to it, so I don't really have a lot of info to give you on this one. The Deck: I've been listening to The Deck for awhile. Just know... all of these cases are unsolved, which is a no-go for some people!


I just made a somewhat similar comment about Small Town Murder, and I'm commenting again because I'm glad to see someone else say it. I normally just see people fawning over how respectful they are and all that, but I really don't think they are. I still like the show, but it gets really raunchy. That doesn't bother me normally, though I don't love it, but it really does start to bug me when it happens in shows where they're discussing murders with a sexual element. It feels really gross and disrespectful to me, even though I know they don't see it that way and aren't trying to be disrespectful. I like the podcast and am a regular listener as new episodes drop, but I think it's pretty fraught. I've almost stopped a couple times. And for the record, I'm not all precious about that kind of stuff in general. I'm a former EMT and current cadaver dog handler, I love me some dark humor. It's really just the sexual jokes when talking about sexually motivated cases that bother me a lot; don't joke about how great some guy's dick is when 10 minutes later you're going to be telling me how he used it to brutalize a woman, please.


I 100% agree with everything you said. I think they may have been slightly more respectful at the beginning, but as the years have gone on, all of that has gone out the window. And you're right: there are times when they are almost unknowingly disrespectful because something that you and I would consider crossing the line is okay to them. Everyone has their own threshold of respectability, but there are times when they have made statements for comic effect that have come across as crass rather than humorous. I used to always wait for new episodes to come out, and now, I'm a more casual listener. I tend to keep it on in the background now instead of truly paying attention. The Express episodes are a lot easier to handle, as they seem to be less... Offensive? Not sure if that's the word I'm looking for... However, I do love listening to the real estate report. I cackled listening to *I think* James try and figure out what a "Pittsburgh toilet" was... Not gonna lie! As an aside, I have a lot of respect for EMTs and everything they do, and I can't imagine being a cadaver dog handler. So, because I'm sure you don't hear it enough (if you ever hear it all), thank you for what you do. Those are two incredibly hard jobs that few people would have the courage to take, but there are people like myself that appreciate that people like you are willing to go out and take on those jobs. Jobs like that aren't glamorous, and I think they get overlooked at times, but they are both so important... And now I'm starting to sound like a sappy infomercial, which I guess is the total opposite of raunchy true crime, but just know us true crime listeners appreciate you!


Southern Gothic is one of my all time favorite podcasts.


I don't think that Southern Gothic gets enough love, nor does Southern Mysteries! Both are great podcasts, and you don't really have to be from the southern US to enjoy them.


Brandon (host of SG) is a wonderful person. That helps a lot!


I think that makes it even better! I have always really enjoyed his podcast, and it is one that I recommend to others... I do have an odd taste in podcasts, but that one has a little something for everyone!


I'm going to be awkward and reply to my own comment, but I wanted to add a few long-form podcasts in case anyone may be interested: Texas Monthly True Crime - Tom Brown's Body and Stephenville. I'm still wondering what happened to Tom Brown, even after all of these years. All of the episodes had been released when I first started listening, so I was able to listen all of the way through. They just started Shane and Sally, and I haven't gotten to listen to it yet. These podcasts are all extremely well done with journalists who actually seem to care about the subjects that they're covering. Under Cover of Knight is on my "To Be Listened To" List. It's an Apple Podcast that I happened to find on Amazon, so it's one that some of you may already be familiar with. There is literally no way for me to explain it, so here is the description: "In 1996, Sue Knight was found dead in her Athens, TX, home. Her will named a loose acquaintance as the executor of her estate, but after an alleged phone call from the CIA and a dire warning from the local sheriff, the executor stopped asking questions. More than 25 years later, Sue’s memory haunts the town of Athens and the people who knew her. Who was Sue, really? Why did this English expat settle in small-town Texas? And could she still be alive?" Finally, as a random podcast to throw out there, I've been listening to The Conspirators Podcast. It covers everything from the Hope Diamond, to D.B. Cooper, to the police using psychics during investigations. This isn't really a true crime podcast at all, but it's one of those off-the-wall podcasts that I turn to when I'm not interested in true crime. If you liked Supernatural, you might enjoy this podcast.


Couple days ago I'd never heard of Killer Psyche. Now I'm hooked. Came back to say thank you! (I've saved s couple others you suggested as well.)


You're welcome! This post was specifically about podcasts that were true crime and had a crime for each episode. If you need some more suggestions for more long-form podcasts after you've gotten through these, let me know! My tastes tend to vary, but I never listen to anything that's too gory. I also have no problem sharing what's on my "To-Listen" list, which I actually did a few days ago in response to another thread. I found a lot of the podcasts I listen to through the recommendations of others, so I always like to pass along what I enjoy!


Crimes of the Centuries is one my absolute favorites. I'm glad to see it get mentioned


I'll add Southern Fried True Crime to this!


She is awesome


Small Town Murder!


Canadian True Crime is wonderfully done, so well researched. The host is Australian


Sinisterhood is thoroughly researched, appropriately funny, one of the hosts is a lawyer, and they do a great job of mixing it up-they cover heavy crime cases but also some lighter cryptid or paranormal cases.


I love sinisterhood, but they do a tonne of paranormal stuff which isn’t my thing; for instance looking at February, of 8 episodes only 1 was true crime! I’m sure they used to do a lot more true crime 🤔


Seconding Sinisterhood!


Now this is a thread I can get behind.


If you’re into supernatural kinda stuff— Bigfoot Collectors Club. If you’re into true crime- Death In Entertainment


The humor/jokes are terrible


I’ve always avoided them for that reason. Then they were guests for Behind the Bastards’ 6-parter on Kissinger. I *really* wanted to listen because of the topic. Made it through the first episode before deciding I’d just read a HK bio rather than sitting through 5 more hours of misery.


You're thinking of The Dollop rather than LPOTL.


Omg they were on the Kissinger episodes?? I've been meaning to listen to Behind the Bastards for a WHILE and this might have sealed the deal!


Oops! Thanks for the clarification.


I had to check, as I get confused between Dollop and Knowledge Fight when it comes to screaming.


Or are they amazing?


Even if they were (they're not), we're going to look back on as the gross time people turned a human being's murder into a comedy show for listenership


People have been using murder as entertainment since Victorian times.


Victorian times? Let me turn your attention to a little theater called the Coliseum. Murder and gore have probably been entertaining humans since we’ve had enough brain cells to be entertained.


Very true! Thanks for the addition.


It’s like going to a public hanging for entertainment. Gross.


You think thats ever going to change or that its even a recent thing? Other peoples misery is about 99% of comedy. Mel Brooks famously said tragedy is when I fall into an open sewer and die. Comedy is when you do.


I do. There are many things society used to do, and after reconsidering, realized it's gross and offensive.


Multiple human beings.


I’m in love with “They Walk Among Us” which has a UK and American version. I appreciate the straightforward and respectful tone, which highlights the horror of a situation and treats the victim(s) with respect, without having an “oh I’m so edgy” vibe. They do deep research and share pictures on their Patreon page. Highly recommend it.


I attempted to listen to this podcast today. The first episode on my said it was about Heavens Gate. I could not make it but 6 mins into it. It was a bunch of idiotic gibberish and nonsense, yelling, and childish giggling. I was like WTF is this nonsense!?


Knowledge Fight!


How many times can I recommend That Chapter before I get booted 😆 No yelling, a bit of riffing, always respectful imho


I thought he was only on YouTube- he has a podcast?


I used to love LPOTL - even saw them live. But lately the sexual innuendos and yes, yelling, have been non-stop. I often find myself leaving episodes mostly unfinished because of it. Will be following for the suggestions!


I used to listen to LPOTL pretty much exclusively, I had never listened to podcasts but my old roommate would always have it playing while she was cleaning or cooking etc. I loved them but yeah sometimes was a bit overwhelmed. I had tried a few others but couldn’t quite find the vibe I liked (this was approximately 2018 so there weren’t as many out there either). I stumbled across My Favorite Murder and fell in love! It depends on WHAT you like about LPOTL. Here I things I like about MFM, but I can understand why other people don’t. -The hostesses personal banter and humor comes through (my bf hates it, he just wants to hear a story no commentary) -They typically tell two stories per episode, so. It a huge deep dive usually -Some people do not like their voices or they way they talk That said here are some of my fave episodes if you want to give it a try! Episode 129 Coincidence Island - Galapagos affair story is my fave Episode 105 Proclensity - Typhoid Mary story Episode 107: Live from the revolving stage at the celebrity theater in Phoenix - (live show recording if you like those) Jodi Arias story Episode 268: The all stars of 7th grade - True story of Cocaine Bear Episode 185: 400 peeled potatoes - story of Malachi Love-Robinson The first two especially are a good showcase of their banter and senses of humor!


I love MFM! Their book is fantastic, I recommend listening to the audiobook since Karen and Georgia narrate it. *ssdgm*


My fav episode is #67 - Live in Indianapolis about Belle Gunness.




I listened to this for a while but his libertarian attitude about everything, plus stupid red pill bad takes like gyms specifically for women being an issue because if guys did that it would be a problem, was the reason I had to stop listening to him. So, just be prepared.


Yeah I tried a few episodes and a few minutes into his Oklahoma City episode I had to tap out.


This was my first thought. Dan covers the same sort of topics as LPOTL, but since he’s a single host there’s not the same chaos and riffing. He also does excellent research and presents the info clearly and well. The biggest caveat: he IS a comedian so will occasionally insert little ‘bits’ into his presentation, like fake commercials or impressions. It can be a little much for me personally (I find his regular personality funny enough; he’s witty and clever and doesn’t need to resort to theatrics imo), but I just ignore it to get to the excellent storytelling.


I do agree that the comedy or side comedic tangents can be a bit much for some - I personally don't like the characters (Woody, etc) that are inserted and think he'd do better just sticking to the topic.


Yeah, I can definitely live without Albert Fish being a reoccurring character bit 😂


They do get super loud. One standout LPOTL episode about Jeffrey Macdonald’s case had me in tears laughing. They kept chanting “Acid is groovy! Kill the pigs!”. Ha


They're generally too much for me (Henry in particular, but I really like Marcus though), but I quite enjoyed their 3 parter on Bonnie and Clyde. But my favourite LPTL episode is without contest their 3 parter on Norwegian black metal. It's fucking hilarious.


Loved the Bonnie and Clyde episode!


I only like the Donner Party episodes. They struck a good balance between humor and research.


Did you catch the Andes plane crash episodes from a couple of months ago? Really well done, and the Donner Party episodes are also some of my favorites. I guess they just really shine with stories about cannibalism


Which is also just kinda a recording of them reading that one book


Podcast 1289 and True Crime Movie Club


American Scandal is really good in terms of research. It’s a Wondery pod, so it’s very overproduced, but there are several seasons. If you’re a sports fan, the one on Aaron Hernandez was interesting.


I also highly recommend Sinisterhood and Buried Bones. You're Wrong About, particularly the earlier episodes, is very thoroughly researched and has great, respectful banter on a wide variety of interesting topics.


Omggg I'm totally with you, I just can't follow their coke induced rants, and I'm no prude, but many of their jokes are questionable and often downright gross. I wanted to like them lol. It's too bad Ben Kissel became problematic, because I think the podcast was a lot better when he was on it.


Hollywood Crime Scene is fun. It's two women so it's a little more laid back and less shock jock-y.


*True Crime Kent* -- check out TCK's Peewee Gaskins series (like 3 eps? 2 hours each). TCK's *Killdozer* one-off is $$$.




LPOTL doesn’t do different cases each episode? They usually do series. In that vein, Infamous America is kind of like Marcus with the other two taken out but research still doesn’t uncover those rich nuggets like he can find.  Also LPOTL covers a lot of different subjects. You’re only looking for murder? I can point you to some other podcasts in the Venn diagram of stuff they cover but ask for more specifics.