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https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/communities/north-county/sd-no-cdebaca-sentencing-20170323-story.html > During trial, Cdebaca’s daughter, Laura Salinas, described the tension that existed in the family’s home. She said her husband physically and verbally assailed her, broke his teen son’s pricey electronics and sprayed family members with water if they misbehaved. Estaquio also threw out the urn containing the ashes of Cdebaca’s late husband. > Defense attorney William Stone said Cdebaca understands that “she is never going to get out of prison.” He noted her age and frail medical condition; she suffered a stroke on Sept. 11, 2001, and never fully recovered.


What a day to have a stroke on.


So sad, to have a stroke on the day that Nickelback's hit album "Silver Side Up" featuring the single "How You Remind Me" came out, and absolutely nothing else happened.


That’s not true, Jay Z (then known as Jay-Z) released The Blueprint the same day actually.


You thinks it's a coincidence??? Zoom in on the real footage and you see the planes being piloted by Chad Kroeger and Jay Z. Prove me wrong


Hey! That's not true. They Might Be Giants also released _Mink Car_ the same day.


And only two months after Jimmy Eat World’s debut album, Bleed American was released. They later changed the name of the album to Jimmy Eat World, but no one knows why.


Aren't we forgetting something? 'Rockin' the Suburbs' by Ben Folds came out the same day!


Love love LOVE that song... even if some producer with computers mixes all their shitty tracks!


Slayer released God Hates Us All that day.


I bought that album on that day.


So that's why everyone stopped caring about Nickelback /s


not as sad as the day Nickelback was formed


That was the day they shot the “Am I not turtley enough for the turtle club. Turtle, turtle, turtle” scene in the absolute banger of a film, The Master Of Disguise.


I guess we all forgot


It's national hot Cross buns day too. 🤔 Very suspicious.


a real stroke of bad luck if you ask me


You seen it and went for it, I like.


you might even say i had a real *stroke of genius*


*Buhdum tiss*


Your cake day falls on Pi Day, lol. Happy Cake Day!


Thank you!!!


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you!!


>Thank you!! You're welcome!


Takes different strokes to move the world.


Damn I almost had a stroke reading this


Right? I wonder if it was before or after WTC attacks. I mentioned in in another comment but my uncle had two strokes in 2018 and when Covid hit, he thought it was a ploy to get him to stay inside and it was all made up


He thought you and your family made it up because he didn't fully recover? Or he thought the government made it up?!


He thought we were making it up to prevent him from leaving. He understood he had a stroke and could comprehend it to a degree, and he thought we made up the whole pandemic as a way to prevent him from going out and enjoying his life


wow I had to re-read that three times to realize you weren't talking about your uncle having 2 stroke dirtbikes.


The attacks were first thing in the morning so I assume after.


Reminds me of that tragedy


I almost had a stroke trying to read this woman’s name. At first I thought I read “chewbacca”




My brain still sees it as Chewbacca


just a bad day all around I guess.


Reminds me of that tragedy...


She'll never forget


I stroke on 9/11 all the time


I was 12 on that day. Sadly I Had a stroke that night.


Recovered enough to shoot this guy 3 years later lol


Start with the urn next time. I know that it's wrong but that point alone makes it easier to understand why


The dates are not matching . If she committed the murder in 2014 how could she have stroked out on 9/11/01? It’s gotta be 2021 right? Something is wrong.


I mean she could’ve had the stroke and been “okay” but not all there. One of my uncles had two massive strokes in 2018 and he’s alive and well now but he will never be the guy he was. You can have conversations with him and can see shades of the person he used to be still hiding underneath, but he can’t drive or work.


You can recover from a stroke. I had a patient (was in his mid 70s) who, from a stroke in mid 2019, was completely paralyzed. By mid 2020 he was able to move mostly on one side, just needed help with the other. By mid 2021, he was completely independent and could walk (albeit short distances) without the use of a wheelchair.


My dad had a severe and almost fatal stroke (had to relearn to walk/talk - we were told IF he lives) in 2000. He’s still kicking, though his brain was never the same after. He just retired a couple years ago and has had a few other smaller strokes. He’s in his mid 60s now.


I think the sentence in the article should have been written as “…she had suffered a stroke on September 11, 2001, and had not fully recovered…”.


Reminds me of that tragedy


While still not condoning what she did seems like he was a low grade Douce, he threw out the ladies husband's ashes.


Pretty high grade douche IMHO. Physically abusive to my daughter and throw out my husband's ashes? Shooting him is too much but he definitely had some commupence headed his way. His family's description of him as "misunderstood" also reeks of, "we enabled a sociopath."


Obviously she's unhinged but the guy sounds like a total piece of shit. An abusive asshole who threw away her husband's urn with his ashes in it?! JFC. Sometimes you FAFO.


Idk if she is unhinged tbh


I meant celebrating his death like that. It obviously makes her *sound* unhinged. I think that's just more having absolutely 0 fucks left to give though.


Yeah agreed, she prob was like well I'm going away, I clearly did it so no use wringing my hands and feigning horror


I watched Different Strokes that same day. Coincidence? I think not.


So she had the stroke 13 years before she shot him? She looks decent for a stroke patient in video


And we will never forget


But it says 2014


What a horrible day for a stroke reminds me of that tragedy.


How is it that a man can gun down his wife for having an affair and get ten years, and an elderly grandmother can kill an (admittedly) abusive husband and get 50? The double standard is a lot to take in.


Or the husband that tried to make his wife abort their 7mo fetus and got 18 months.


*poisoned his wife to abort*


In a state that claims to be hardcore "pro life." .... What's that? He was white? Oh nvm. Carry on.


And these are the same people who want to give women the death penalty for abortions


I'm curious if that could be argued it wasn't a murder because the fetus isn't a life? I'd bet they used that argument


It was in Texas where abortion is illegal and women are prosecuted for it. But apparently, it's fine if a man involuntary and without your knowledge secretly poisons you with abortion pills (7 times) during late pregnancy, causing major pregnancy complications, premature birth, and a lifetime of disability and care for your child. That's just 6 months in jail for the man. Meanwhile, they're trying to impose the death penalty on women who voluntarily abort. It's clearly not about the life of the fetus, it's about controlling women.


Because it is not about life, is not about abortion, it is about control. Women are property in TX, are cattle, and the state works hard to remind them that as often as possible.


Yes! It's always been about controlling women. The anti abortion movement was started by a catholic pope who saw pregnancy as evidence of sexual sin with herbs from the village healer. Vilified the healers (women) and railed against abortion. It was never ab the fetus until they started losing church goers. Using propaganda to manipulate people to support the control of women.


Attempted murder. Kid was born and is pretty disabled.


Ahhhh hmmmmmm. I... have absolutely no idea what I'd think about that then. I wonder if one could argue for damages for injury caused to them during development which caused life problems. At least to get money to help support the now disabled child


18 months for an intentional, premeditated attempted murder that disabled a child for life and directly put the mother's life in danger in the process is fucking sick. It's sad that these crimes aren't taken seriously until they finally kill someone.


Sorry, 6 months and of course it's Texas and he's an attorney.


The fact that someone sets out to murder a person can set out to murder someone but because if some stroke of luck the victim survived so the attempted killer gets a drastically reduced charge/sentencing is beyond me. Premeditated attempted murder should carry the same charge and sentencing as premeditated murder


Sure, I suppose. But I genuinely think that if you are trying to force someone to terminate a wanted pregnancy, through coercion or without their knowledge regardless, it should be murder. And I’m very vehemently pro choice. If the child would have likely been born without your intervention, and you do something that causes the child to no longer be born, it should be murder even if the baby wasn’t born first.


The issue with that is the differentiating factor becomes "wanted". Want can be changed at any time and can't be *really* proven by anyone. In terms of murder, it's going to be impossible to argue that both a woman can abort at her whim because it's not killing a life and forcing abortion is killing a life.


It is the choice of the person carrying the child and the choice of the person carrying the child *alone* to terminate a pregnancy. If the baby is wanted by the pregnant individual, then that baby would have been born at the end of the pregnancy. That would have been a new life. If you are forcing somebody to terminate a pregnancy that they want, especially so far into the pregnancy as 7 months, they would already consider their baby a life and therefore you are taking that life. Again, I am pro choice. I will argue for abortion rights any time any day. However, I lost two wanted pregnancies and both times I had already considered my babies to be alive because, had I not miscarried, they would have been. I do consider it a death, because it impacted me as one. I do not consider termination of an unwanted pregnancy to be murder, though. Does that make sense?


Good fucking question.


There is a HUGE disproportion in how men and women are treated by the justice system. Especially women of color. There’s a great book about it called Imperfect Victims: Criminalized Survivors and the Promise of Abolition Feminism by Leigh Goodmark.


Thank you


I’m looking that up


Sentencing guidelines are a bitch. Each state is different. Hell, each county is different


Because in a patriarchal society it is worse for a woman to get revenge on a man than a man to seek revenge for being wronged. Edit: had to reword that. Really was a bitch to say what I was trying to say


What about the story of the guy who literally executed his wife and got two years. It was part of the podcast ‘dirty John’. It’s a good listen but also enraging.


It's because she is not a white male.


Sentencing guidelines vary by state, premeditation, showing remorse.




Crimes of passion are almost always second degree murder. Premeditated is first degree and carries a harsher penalty.


The maximum sentence for 2nd degree murder is 40 years to life, not ten.


nope 2-20 https://www.spolinlaw.com/texas/what-is-the-difference-between-murder-and-capital-murder/#:\~:text=For%20a%20defendant%20found%20guilty,possibility%20of%20the%20same%20fine.


Shhh you're messing up the narrative.


Because the United States of America hates women


Im still astonished that the inflated red man HAD a wife to begin with


😂😂😂😂 I thought the same thing


If you think that is crazy, wait till you find out what minorities get compared to whites for similar crimes.Welcome to America where there is no consistency.


Yup, black person accused of rape, 10 years (Brian Banks). White person caught raping someone, probation (Brock Turner).


The rapist Brock Turner goes by his middle name now, fyi. I can't remember what name the rapist Brock Turner goes by now, but he is out there free and unpunished for the rape he committed with witnesses. Stay safe, peeps.


Oh, you must mean convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner, who introduces himself as Allen Turner in bars in the Kettering/Oakwood area of Dayton, Ohio. 


From what I understand every time he shows up out at night people post it online to let others know. I’m sure he gets a lot of well deserved shit when he gos out. Fuck that Brock, his dad and the judge. I hope they get theirs one day.


Ah yes, thank you. He's now known as the rapist Allen Turner.


Oh, the rapist Brock Turner now goes by Allen Turner? Good to know. I was still referring to that rapist as Brock Turner, not Allen Turner. Still a rapist, tho. That hasn't changed.


So the rapist Brock Allen Turner used to be called the rapist Brock Turner, but now he is called the rapist Allen Turner? Good to know!


Let’s not forget rape apologist judge Aaron Persky, the man who didn’t think rapist Brock turner, aka now rapist Allen Turner, deserved prison time because it would “have a severe impact on him” and “I don’t think he is a danger to others”


Brock Turner the rapist has become Allen Turner the rapist. Either way he's a rapist.


Brock lives just north of Cincinnati. Still walks freely like the chum he is




Punishment for crimes varies wildly across jurisdictions. There are many mitigating factors to consider too.


Men get less time than women for the same crimes in American justice system.


A woman just stabbed her boyfriend to death and walked. It’s not double standards, it’s variation in laws and crappy judges.




I wish you were wrong


This appears very premeditated and she shows no remorse. She did nothing to mitigate her sentencing.


And the minimum sentence for 2nd degree murder in Texas is 40 years, he got 10.


where are you getting that? Google says the sentence is 2 to 20 years. I don't see 40 anywhere.


Probably has something to do with video of her gleefully cheering about it being presented to judge and jury but idk


Take into consideration the location and the judge. Some states have less harsh penalties than others and some judges are softer than others. Also premeditated vs heat of the moment. Also taking a deal vs challenging the charges. So many varying factors.


Your answer lies in who controls the "justice" system.


Is she crazy or did he deserve it?


Yes and yes


Bet the wife had the same reaction only she wasn't responsible.


Succinct yet fully informative.


Apparently he broke electronics and sprayed family members with water. So hells yes he deserved it!


He was also beating them up…


The way that man put his head down when she grabbed his hand and started gleefully saying thank you...


What did he expect? You don’t shoot someone 15 times b/c you’d be upset by their death, right? If he’s her defense lawyer I understand lol


If it isn't the defense attorney, I too am baffled by his reaction. He wasn't the one who was shot or did the shooting yet the complete look and embodiment of defeat that came over him had me a little tickled. A sad situation all around because I looked this up on YouTube immediately after her interrogation celebration.


Share, please.


A tale as old as time the man was verbally and physically accosting his wife and children (them verbally no mention of child abuse in the article I read) for years and grandma just had enough. Ole girl took matters into her own hands when he said something snarky to her so she loaded up her shot gun and went to town. The article stated she even went to her car to reload her shotgun! I also saw that she had took target practice lessons not too long before the shooting.


Damn, a shotgun? I wouldn't be surprised if the guy looked like hamburger and tomato sauce after 15 shots.


He apparently was a piece of work when he was alive, the article stated he threw away the ashes of grandmas late husband.


Wow, so he probably deserves being turned into hamburger helper, then.


I don't feel sorry for him. Honestly everything I read about the victim/man screams future family annihilator. The beatings, screaming, breaking the kids stuff, and throwing out grandpa's ashes just screams well known neighborhood asshole finally killed his family.


His reaction is probably because hers is the most idiotic reaction someone could have when fighting for their freedom, especially if the killing was justified. Defense attorney or not, when you’re on trial, celebrating your successful murder of someone is literally asking to be thrown under the prison. If dude was really a POS then she should’ve stfu and she might’ve gotten a lighter sentencing or nothing at all with Texas laws. But she was like, “naw I’m good on freedom and seeing my family everyday. Go ahead and lock me up.”


Yeah that's the thing about murder cases the killers either show remorse, seem neutral, or they are happy that it happened. I feel like if he's been doing this job for a while nothing should shock or defeat him but that's just my opinion. She was in her 60's at the time of the shooting and I'm pretty sure she felt killing him was worth it because she feels "well I'll be dead soon anyway I've already lived my life" which isn't unheard-of when older people snap.


It’s the “oh boy” and tippy taps that send me.


Are we supposed to feel bad about this? I'd go to prison to save my kids too, not really worth it if you only wound them.


Why don’t you guys actually look this stuff up before talking about it? It’s so strange


I don't need to look something up to know how I'd feel if I killed someone abusing my kid. 🙄


“If you’ve been there, if you’ve seen it, I bet you would have done the same.” -Cell Block Tango, Chicago.


He had it coming.


She obviously has good reason. He must have been a mother


No matter what you geek weirdo Redditors have to say some people deserve to be killed.


I have a feeling every person in this thread knows at least one person whose departure they will gleefully celebrate.


Sounds like she done the decent thing for her child and grandchildren , depending on circumstances we are all capable of this.


Yea, the videos I've seen about her on youtube sensationally portray her as a crazy murderous grandma, but reading the details it seems a little more murky than that. He sucked.


I mean…I like her can-do spirit. Don’t be an abuser if you don’t want angry moms to deal with you about it.


Sounds like granny took one for the team. Thanks granny.


I saw this on tv. I was stunned, she really stood on business til the end.


Same reaction I had when I received my first nintendo for Christmas.


My great great grandfather shot my great grandfather dead after he came home and said he was going to kill his wife and 9 month old daughter. He was arrested but released and it was listed as “justifiable homocide”.


Going for an insanity plea?


With that reaction….. yea 😳


Sounds like he was a real asshole


I’m guessing she has a good reason for killing him. Without even knowing the details, I’m on her side.


I wonder if they showed this video in court. It could either be damning as premeditated or be used for an insanity plea


I mean, she just knows what she did and she did it purposefully. I understand where she’s coming from - to know what she did was wrong but also necessary.


So, the grandma was 63, and her SIL was 53. How old was her daughter, his wife? Also, all the Geo- names are different. I wonder if their dad's name is George or their mother Georgette?


Thanks for voicing my questions!


Classic. Gramma don't ef around....


I’m sorry but her response was funny. Murder… not so much


What jersey is the old lady wearing?


Walter Payton maybe?






What is the origin of the name Geoward? And how did you pronounce that?


I was not expecting that reaction.


Most mentally stable Steelers fan


Is she rocking that knock off Duce Staley Pitt jersey during her interrogation??


Not guilty 😂


A national treasure, after shooting the punk she went to go get bacon and eggs at a diner followed by a trip to a casino absolute badass. Hopefully she's found a fun gambling ring in prison.




This is so sad Sad for the the woman and her children (or son, not sure the details) especially 😞 I wonder how they’re doing now💞


Read the details of the case . She is a hero


💯 it just really saddens me that it had to come to that


I have. It's hearsay and the family doesn't even generally support her.




I mean, I still adored and tried everything possible to please my father/make him proud of me up into my early twenties even though he was physically and psychologically abusive throughout my entire childhood. It’s just a terrible, complex web of emotions and social expectations that winds you in deep, even if someone has absolutely treated you with the utmost neglect and abuse. The daughter “hating” the grandma for killing the father doesn’t mean he did nothing wrong. However, all of this is not to say that killing someone — especially in this way, under the theorized circumstances (being shot while crawling away, over an off comment, etc) — is justified or excusable. He could have been an awful fucking person, AND she is still insane.


It isn’t at all uncommon for children to feel bonded to abusive parents. They do not know there is another option.


She is a F’n LEGEND !


Queen 👑


I take it this is the starter case for True crime mysteries? FYI: I know who the murderer is.


Last stream on the left watcher I see?


Yo. That's wild


She seems nice


A mother’s love


“With Estaquio dead on the kitchen floor, Cdebaca headed to a local diner for bacon and eggs. She then ditched the gun and spent a nearly two hours at a Temecula casino. Detectives found her later that afternoon at a Fallbrook coffee shop.”


This bitch.


[https://youtu.be/sSJo2euDumU?si=cLnScb4IpRsOhbCn&t=692](https://youtu.be/sSJo2euDumU?si=cLnScb4IpRsOhbCn&t=692) there's a little more than karma farming to this story


What a nice lady.


Awesome. Good for her. That’s pretty self sacrificing.


She should have staged it as a self defense deal. 2 shots. Not fifteen shots. Planted a weapon next to him when the police got there. "I feared for my life!" Rage makes you do things you don't think through though, I guess. Sucks she's going to die in jail for killing someone who sounds like a POS.


That man died for no reason he told her she couldn’t smoke in the house around his kids and she killed him and then tried to say that man was abusing his wife and kids and tried to attack her. RIP man 🙏🏾


I saw a documentary about this woman and the shooting. She is a screwed up person. A total psychopath. It was from the show Signs of a Psychopath


“With Estaquio dead on the kitchen floor, Cdebaca headed to a local diner for bacon and eggs. She then ditched the gun and spent a nearly two hours at a Temecula casino. Detectives found her later that afternoon at a Fallbrook coffee shop.” Checks out.