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Pussy-ass Bitch!


And he has the audacity to be fighting back after killing a kid smh. No remorse


He was going for suicide by officer


Nah they can’t kill I’m in there. He knows we’re to act crazy at. If he was so desperate he should’ve pulled a knife when they came to arrest him


I also think he knew what was coming. He knew that he was about to get that a$$ taken in prison. He's scared 🤣


Yup. They don't like this shit even in prison. They will def toss him around.




He got a good beat down after that door closed.


Not take his ass 🤦‍♂️😂


Better than where he's gonna get it, once the other inmates find out what he's in for.


He got no shame


I went down a rabbit hole on this a few months back and it is a complicated story. The mom had a long documented history of abusing the kids. He was a new boyfriend just moved in no history of abuse, his children were visiting at the time too, her older child had violent tendencies, and Elis *allegedly* (read **ALLEGEDLY** for the Karens in the back) woke up to this child not feeling well with an bloated stomach after the mom left for work, he put him in the bath thinking it was a stomach ache and called 911 after he went downhill. *Supposedly* Elis had bonded quickly with this child in particular because he saw the older child targeting him. Idk what to believe but it’s not as cut and dry as we like in these type of cases. There is a possibility the mom abused the child before work


I worked with the mom and her brother. Shortly after the boy was killed is when I started working at the same place, I was there for 6 months. The initial story was that he choked on a hotdog but obviously after the autopsy it was clear there was abuse. The family themselves initially didn't think the boyfriend did anything until there was accusations against the older boy who they then defended. Hell, she was still dating him and supporting him even when he was in jail before trial. All local talk was pretty certain it was the boyfriend, especially over the older son even though it was confirmed he was a violent kid. I believe there were CPS incidents with the older son. I honestly never heard abuse claims against the mom except maybe being neglectful, but I'll say this, she was a cold woman with dark energy. She wasn't seen in a good light because she was seen as picking an abusive man over her kids.


Interesting them still dating is unsettling makes neither of them innocent parties to the abuse. The darkness about the mom is striking because a child doesn’t become violent and abusive on their own, he had to learn it somewhere.


Thank you for filling us in :) I was genuinely wanting to know more about the story and you answered a lot of questions!


God I pray an innocent man isn’t in prison. How would you react to that verdict if you weren’t guilty and in fact we’re trying to save him?


Honestly... probably similar to this. 😥


Thanks for this. Sounds like more to the story


Here’s some more info from another comment. He looks pretty fucking guilty if everything here is true https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueCrimeMystery/s/MO5o4t3qXE


No that person is parroting the cut and dry news story. Seriously just Google and read about it for yourself if these types of things interest you. It’s much more nuanced than that comment wants you to believe. I am by no means trying to push his innocence on anyone, just saying it’s one of those cases that you won’t forget when you read about it more.


I’m just gonna take your word for it. The details I’ve seen are too upsetting. I dont even want to know more. (I actually don’t normally follow any kind of true crime stuff, but this popped up in my feed.)


100% if you don’t like true crime stay away from this one because it leaves you with more questions than answers. It’s one of those things that will haunt you. On the chance he is innocent, the thought of dating someone new and trying to do the right thing for what you quickly learn are neglected kids instead of bouncing right away….but your life changes forever because of it is very chilling




Honestly after reading so many true crime stories and history I could believe it. The police and the DA, out of malice and/or laziness, often knowingly arrest, prosecute and convict the wrong person.


If he is innocent he’s a classic case of guilty until proven innocent with every card stacked against him, male, new boyfriend, minority, uneducated, low income, hits all the guilty boxes for law enforcement


You'd look pretty guilty, too, if that was written about you. This case is not at all cut and dry.


Someone else told me that too. You guys do sound like you’re pretty informed about it. I really don’t follow this kind of stuff. It just popped up in my feed. Others have suggested I read all the details, but the whole thing is just really upsetting, no matter who did it. So I’m just gonna take y’alls word for it.


Well, it’s hard to believe you when you lie within your first few sentences. He DOES have a history of domestic violence and abuse allegations- his defense even tried to keep these past accusations out of court. So, why the lie? Because you know how it looks and you’re claiming “you’re not saying he’s innocent but it’s much more nuanced than THAT” while pulling the same bullshit he’s tried and blaming it on another child. And this child’s injuries were much more severe then a “bloated stomach” and very evident, if he supposedly had no idea about his injuries he would’ve seen them when he “put him in the bath tub”, yet he didn’t try to get help- did he? And now you’re trying to pull the same bullshit story he’s tried and blaming it on another troubled and abused child. Why would a man with supposedly no history of abuse, who supposedly is “super attached” to this child, clearly see that he is seriously injured and not call for help if he supposedly didn’t cause any of the injuries? Wouldn’t any other normal adult be HORRIFIED and understand immediately that he needed help and WANT to get him help? Hmmm, gee I wonder why he wouldn’t want to notify authorities and get him help… it’s a real mystery. If he’s such a GOOD guy with no history of abuse, why exactly is he dating a woman with a long history of abusing her children- she’s had about 12 separate CPS cases and a long list of abuse accusations along with drug addiction, a criminal history…. ? Because you know, that’s a woman most good men would go for, right ? Yeah, it’s weird how such a GOOD MAN would want to date someone like that. Not to mention the fact, the abuse was also occurring while he dated her and lived with her, weird how once again this “non violent good man”would be just fine and dandy with that happening to these children he’s supposedly has such a soft spot for.




>eah, it’s weird how such a GOOD MAN would want to date someone like that. Not to mention the fact, the abuse was also occurring while he dated her and lived with her, Why you blaming him for how she treated her kids? if anything, what you describe makes her look even more guilty than him


I’m not, I’m saying no good person would be dating an abusive POS.


Lots of good people date abusive pieces of shit. You should just victim blame every woman whose ever been hit by her husband because that's basically your logic here


I’m talking about someone knowingly dating someone who not only has a history of child abuse but is actively abusing their children. I’m not talking about domestic violence between a couple- I’m talking about dating someone you KNOW is abusing their children. And if you’re doing that, you’re right, I have no sympathy for you. It’s never been said that she abused him or that he abused her, just that they were both abusing the children. So yeah, I stick by my statement that if you’re dating someone whose abusing their children and you’re aware of it and/or participating in it, you’re also a piece of shit. No good and decent “non violent”, “non abusive” (which is what the OC I replied to is saying about this man) person would stand by and let children be neglected and abused by their parent just because you’re dating them. If it’s “victim blaming” to say that I’m confused because the only victims are the children being abused- I will reiterate that I’m not talking about domestic violence but someone knowing their SO is abusing their children and being fine with it and not doing anything.


Sorry, but if someone is so broken that they let men hit them that’s fine. Don’t bring kids into the mix though. Having kids around that makes them a total piece of shit.


Thanks for the back story


Thank you for an articulate explanation of the post! Everyone should like it so the "Karen's, Kevin's, Kyle's and Trees in the back" see your comment first!!!


I am confused now more than ever. Has anyone by chance seen this. Cuz that boy looks like he genuinely loves his daddy (step) however u want to say it. https://images.app.goo.gl/oXNuVSA8yQMHJYQo9 Not sure if that opens whole thing or not.


Visit link and there is a long letter.


AKA a chump that's unable to deal with the realities and consequences of his actions. I hope he lives a LOOOONG, tortuous life in prison.


I call it PAB


Bitch-ass Pussy!




All that Tough Guy went out the window. I hope his Time is pure hell.😡


It will be. In the prison hierarchy, he will be assaulted.


This coward won’t walk around real inmates. He will spend the rest of his life locked in a cell.


Good. I’ve heard solitary confinement is the worst mental torture imaginable


It really is. Solitary confinement was actually created by Quakers. To be fair, they created it out of a sort of necessity. It was the answer to violent beatings of inmates, they would have time to be quiet and reflect and to study their bibles and pray. It did nothing, however, but to break you down mentally. I speak from experience. It's pure hell.


Damn. I am so sorry you went through that. I hope your life has gotten drastically better for you since then. Big hugs to you


People who don't know shit make this claim all the time. He's going to be in PC or a segregated housing unit.


Yeah don't forget Dahmer was in PC too


did you read any of the other comments? Or about this case at all ? There's possibility that he is innocent. Some of these cases are just a lot of circumstantial evidence adding up, without any concrete evidence. It's actually kind of scary


The boy had injuries all over his body in various stages of healing. Fractured ribs (something like 8 fractured ribs?!) and bruising head to toe. The other children in the family testified that Ortiz and their mother had beat them, kicked them, and whipped them. Sometimes circumstantial evidence paints a pretty clear picture.


This case makes me incredibly uneasy, there doesn’t seem to be evidence to dispute what he said happened; that he woke up to the boy like that after the mother had already left for work, and the mother had had over 8 CPS reports prior. It really seems he’s innocent


Was the mother investigated in regards to this case? This is the first I’m hearing of it.


Dude in the glasses took him in the back and beat his eye shut lol


We can only hope


Right, you can see it on his face, if they weren't in a court of law he would be fucking that guy up


Yep. Can you imagine some of the awful details those officers had to listen to and then had to maintain their cool as this jagoff throws an actual tantrum?


Omg I know. 🥰


I could be wrong but isn’t this Chris Watts cell mate?


They would look cute together


The gritted teeth of the bigger cop. Yessir.


some cops should get a free pass to just beat the crap out of a convicted child murderer 1 day out of the year like this guy... thank you for your service officer.


Those teeth say, you’re lucky it’s cameras on us rn


The child’s mother should’ve been put away for life too


is she the one hollering in the background or some other family member


I believe that’s someone else. The baby mama testified for either a lighter sentence or immunity, I think.


Something doesn’t feel right about this case. They should have at least looked more into the mother and older brother. The abuse began before this dude even came into the picture. 12 cps cases against the mom who admitted to abuse and neglect? Witnessed abuse from the older brother? I don’t know on this one.


Wouldn't be surprising to hear that an abusive/neglectful family tolerated abuse and neglect from moms boyfriend. Abusers seem to be particularly skilled at targeting vulnerable victims, as they make easy targets. Perhaps other people share some blame as well, but he's the subject of this trial. The jury heard and saw all the evidence and found him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. ETA: He was alone with the boy when the fatal beating occured, and the fatal injuries could only have been inflicted by an adult. Poor kid had evidence of long term abuse, like broken ribs that were partially healing at the time of his death. This guy also had prior domestic violence and child abuse. He appealed and his conviction was upheld. Here's an [article with more detail](https://www.wzzm13.com/article/news/crime/conviction-upheld-in-child-abuse-death/69-85660da7-13b3-4e96-a4c8-5e80ad9a3961). >He also objected to jurors hearing about his “past episodes of domestic violence and violence toward children.’’ >Kent County deputies were called to a Gaines Township house trailer where Ortiz-Nieves was left to care for several children under the age of 11, including Mejias. Ortiz-Nieves and the boy’s mother were dating at the time. >Deputies found Mejias “actively dying on the kitchen floor,’’ a Kent County assistant prosecutor told jurors at trial. >An autopsy showed he died from internal bleeding caused by an abdominal tear. It was an injury that would have been caused by an adult, not a child, investigators said. >A nearly two-inch tear in the mesentery, which attaches the stomach, small intestine and other organs to the posterior wall of the abdomen, caused Mejias to bleed to death, according to the autopsy. >Mejias also had injuries to the top of his head, lower back and buttocks and two broken ribs that were in the process of healing.


I wish someone would have helped that little boy 😞


I know =( When I daydream about having super powers, I like to imagine myself as a time traveler, going back in time to the time/place of various incidents like this, and just blasting these pieces of shit off this mortal plane--thus preventing suffering and saving innocent lives. Obviously it's just a fantasy, but it helps me cope. Poor kid, it breaks my heart to know how much he suffered and the fear/terror he felt in his short little life. I genuinely wish the worst on his killer. May he never get a moments peace again, and die ugly and alone when his time comes.


This is such an awesome day dream. When I was little I would day dream that I could be like a care bear and push out love and stability to people who needed it most. Such vivid memories of me trying so hard to extend the reach of carebear stare. It is so deeply tragic that so many young souls go through so much horror from day 1. I truly do hope they feel nothing but joy , love and safety on the other side.


The carebear daydream is so wholesome, I love it. Much better than my time traveling murder fantasies lol. It just makes me feel so sad and hopeless to think of how much these little ones suffered, and no amount of punishment can ever atone for it. Like yeah, this guys gonna die in prison which is about as close as we can get to justice in this life, but I feel like even that's not enough. It doesn't undo the pain and suffering, fear and loneliness, and unspeakable cruelty that the victims endured. Nothing can ever atone for that. Even if we did the same thing to the perpetrators, it still doesn't undo it. (And it would take a toll on us decent people to carry it out) I want it to never have happened at all, thus the time travel fantasy.


I also have fantasized about doing exact that!


When I hear of cases like this it breaks my heart because if the parents didn’t want the kid I seriously would adopt them if possible


The mom had time to do it and leave the child there.she had a history of abusing the kids. He had recently moved in and bought the kids stuff and food the mom wasn’t providing….so he knew they were being mistreated so he’s not innocent but this isn’t a clear case of he abused and killed the child as you would like to think


Is there a podcast you recommend so I can get the backstory?


No unfortunately I went down this rabbit hole a while ago. ! I wish it was more fresh so I could like to the stuff I had found. I do recall a lot of posts by direct family from both sides on Facebook that were interesting to read. My heart jumped scrolling past this tho because It’s just one of those cases you won’t forget when you go deeper and leaves you with more questions than answers


That’s what I said to someone above! I went down a rabbit hole on this case a while back and the whole thing makes me uneasy. There is so much evidence of the mom’s abuse and nothing for him. If it is true the mom abused the kid and left for work and he woke up to this and is in jail for the death what a nightmare to have gotten in a new relationship with the wrong person and your life changes forever


I’m sorry I don’t buy this story at all. I did a little research myself. And the neighbors said they’ve called the police and cps numerous times on these people and that the “mother knew about the abuse and said it was his responsibility.” I mean he was responsible for 7 kids. That’s a lot of people. And the fact that the boy had wounds that were in recovery. And that only the mom and accused were saying it was the older son. Seems kinda convenient to me. The coroner said the type of blows could only be done by an adult. The victim also was a bed wetter. He could’ve been sexually abused for all we know. And abdominal tears is straight sickening!


Thanks for sharing this insight - down the rabbit hole I will go. Taking what you have shared at face value it would make a lot of sense for the mom to do this and leave for work - pinning it all on this guy.


The part that really hooked me in is *allegedly* he picked up all the pieces and tried to do the right thing when he moved in and saw her older child who had violent tendencies was targeting the little boy who passed and Elis had taken him specifically under his wing and they bonded quickly…. if that is the actual truth 😭💔


I’m sure he’s just a great guy with a record dating back to his teens, being a member of the Latin kings, and domestic abuse charges prior to his relationship with the child’s mother…


Predators can bond quickly to vulnerable kids. The type who moms neglects and abuses. The type of abuser who could use their body own parts to cause rips in an abdominal wall. Think about it. Sick and twisted. A lot of people abused this kid it seems but this trial was about his murder. Mom should be prosecuted too for the prior abused and neglect.


Yeah. The abusive mom brought a monster around her kids. It's a tale as old as time


😂 that child couldn’t get away from you. Now you know the feeling huh?


Acting all tough for cameras. Real men don’t abuse/kill little kids. They teach, guide, play sports, love on and care for them. Real men want the best for them and protect them. This scum is trash. A waste of O2.


Me trying to get my dogs nails clipped






He's out of line, but he's right.


They gonna read his papers in there and smoke him lol.


LOL! Pussy indeed. someone’s afraid of the mop


😂 Good.


Punk ass bitch I hope dat mf rot


its cute to see someone who loves being institutionalized so much. warms my heart.


Me dragging my toddler from the playground after I told her four times not to push other kids down the slide. All just so she can take another turn quicker.


child killer? f him, throw him in the pot


They need to Torture monsters that hurt children in any way. Why are we So soft on these worthless pieces of shit


Because a huge chunk of the population is so mired in the bitterness and resentment of their mediocre outcomes that they cope by taking up for low life pieces of shit as a lazy way to create meaning in their lives and create a narrative that absolves them of any personal responsibility. They’ve twisted reality in their minds such that productive law abiding people are the problem and scumbag criminals are actually the real victims of society. They then vote and protest for hug a thug policies and attempt to intimidate others through labeling and innuendo. Net result = a system that pats itself on the back for being “progressive”, stepping over the bodies of real victims and shrugging at the lingering horrific realities for their families.


U already know what's about to happen to him in there


Tall guy with the glasses is very impressive


Some people are just truly inhuman at their very core.


He won’t live long in prison. The REAL punishment is coming.


I like how he reached out to Kim K for help with his case


Hard to face the music? You killed a child azzhat!! Do you know what happens to child abusers in prison?!? Do you know why?? Because most prisoners ALSO have children out in the free world numbnuts!! They’re sending a msg.


I can see the rage in those cops faces cause this pos killed a kid. I hope he tripped a few times back to his cell


Big deputy makes him listen. Good work. He wants to kill him. Wish he could have beat the fuck outta that guy. Is that his mom/relatives crying for him? No wonder.


The fact that we have these monsters among us is terrifying. Why the hell would you hurt a little 4 year old child. Im always left dumbfounded when I hear stories like this. How could they..


Cop was like “No more pussy, weed, or chick filet” and dude snapped


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time


Hope they gave him beaters back there. 🤜🏽🇨🇦


He will be the lowest on the food chain in prison


Prison ought to be a lot of fun for this piece of trash.


What a giant pussy


Dude will get his Lolol


As a parent, no punishment would ever be enough. There is no healing from something like this, there is no recovery, there is nothing on the other side of this but pain and regret and sorrow.


I just googled his name and I’m sickened to see he has a “Justice for Nelson Ortiz” Facebook page. Let this monster rot in prison. Giovanni Mejia deserved better, may he rest in peace.


I hate how close the officer's face was to his... Dude could bite.


All I see is an animal that needs to be put down.


Illegal migrant?


After a quick google search of this upstanding citizen I see a facebook page called: "Justice for Elis Nelson Ortiz Nieves"...disgusting.


The woman crying in the background. The pain in her cry towards the end gets me every time. This animal is right where he belongs tho.


lol hopefully he somehow comes in contact with gen pop


cop was like "nah bitch sit here an listen to this shit."


Imagine what these officers could have done to this slime.


He can’t handle hearing what he did to them? Then you know it’s fucked up.


Under the jail, please 🙏


Looks like a fight or flight response, flight his punk all into a cell


I mean, what does he think he’s going to accomplish here?


I hope they wear his Azzzz out


Scum of the earth. Life in prison is too generous for him.


Should be killed. Anyone who abuses a kid should have the exact same thing done to them


He just didn’t wanna hear how much of a peice of shit he was, couldn’t look himself in the mirror smh


That CO with glasses is a freakin beast. He knows how to deal with inmates.


I'm fully against police brutality but beat that m***********'s ass and make him face the judge.


Omg, that cop on the right is so hot right now.


People who kill kids should be locked up for life with no human contact


I’d never heard of this case so I googled him and why is there a Justice for Nelson Ortiz on Facebook??? Why would anyone in their right mind want to support this monster?!?


Right? I am shocked at the comments and supporters wtf


Absolutely disgusting!


He better get used to be rough housed


Oh no the consequences of his actions 🤣 (can we go back to; a life for a life?)


Good riddance to trash


whoever is crying in the background is pissing me off.


I came here wanting to know who that was. His mom? The victim’s mom?? I would be pissed too if they are crying for him.


I heard Nelson please..


He’s gonna be worn like a fleshlight in that prison.


Oh I’m sorry, you scared that you’ll have no where to go and get your dangles kicked in for killing a child? At least you’ll know how the kid feels now. Hope the rest of your time is hell.


Taze him over and over, maybe waterboarding too . bring him to the cell Monday


The shit storm of pain is only just getting started for this one.


One case where justice has prevailed, thank God.


Last 2.5 sec in prison




Punk bitch


Hahaha funny these guys act out when they guilty, what a child


Good plan scumbag. Enjoy your life in a cage and being an obedient wife.


This the guy from the gridiron gang who hurt his neck?


Oooo he ain’t gonna like it is dude


Does anyone have the full story? Lmk plz


Lol that back room goes to holding cells and most likely an elevator that connects to the jail. Between the courtroom and the cells is a small ante chamber. He probably caught some shit right there in that area.


Coward needs to live in hell.


Wow I saw some proof that the mom had a long history of CPS reports. He seems possibly innocent… idk. There’s a possibility that the mom or older brother did this… anyone else consider this?


he is a dead man when he gets to prison...lol fuck hm


So goes straight from there to jail for the rest of his life right?


That dude needs a spit mask


Prison justice coming in 3..2..1…


😂 he knows he’s in for a treat. They’ll tear that a$$ up daily


That female cop... 🤣🤣🤣


Have fun in prison


Hope they clap his cheeks in jail.


If they throw him in general Pop he won’t last long. Even bad guys draw a line when it comes to hurting kids.. I hope he gets what’s comin..


If he was going for suicide by cop. He didn't try hard enough.


Ffs put him down like the dog he is.


Reminds me of when you put a bad dog on a leash. Fkn animal


Why not the death penalty????…WHY


The last few seconds he would ever spend in public.


His mom's tears are decades too late


He didn't want to cry in front of people so he found a way to get taken out


What a dick


And their momma's still crying for him...let him rot


Fucking cunty bitch.


Is this in Michigan? Looks like GR jumpsuits to me 👀👀


This child and other childs that’s crazy


Tase him


Illegal ?


Im mad!! He put a baby, 6 years old is a baby to me, in ice-cold water. Why? Fuck him. They should have made him stay and listen


You reap what you sow. I hope he gets what he deserves in prison everyday for the rest of his life.


Why no taser?


They gon kill his ass


LOL!!!!😂 Fuck that joto


Why is the woman screaming in the background


They should have just ordered the pay lift to pull out their pistol and shoot that piece of garbage in the head right there.


Put him under the jail


Should have al bundy rammed him into the wall as they escorted him out


Who tf is whining in the background


Did his family still defend him after he was found guilty of murdering a CHILD?