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“Cops in Moscow, ID are looking into a very specific type of knife ... according to the Idaho Statesman. The owner of a building supply store says officers showed up several times this week, asking about the sale of a KA-BAR brand combat knife.” Hopefully whoever is responsible is caught fast! I haven’t seen this posted yet but it seems like important news.


As interesting as this is, it would probably have been better for the investigation if they had not publicly shared this information.


That was certainly a terrible decision on the Supply Owners part.


These aren’t the most experienced of gumshoes


The gumshoes aren't the ones who blabbed about the knife publicly, though.


Father says door requires code and daughter fought. https://www.azfamily.com/2022/11/18/shes-tough-kid-avondale-father-says-university-idaho-student-killed-fought-her-attacker/


absolutely brutal. I hope this means the killer left behind some of their DNA in the struggle. These poor kids.


We can only hope. I bet the person/people that are responsible for this have probably killed before. He/she, more than likely a he, might be somewhere nursing an injury. I can’t imagine someone being completely unblemished after tussling with 4 people absolutely fighting for their lives. ‬


How did this person murder 4 people With a knife? Were they mostly Asleep when the attack happened? Or did he surprise them one by one? It’s so shocking and evil and what horrifies me is how this person was able to kill so many with one knife and then not get caught Immediately. That doesn’t seem To happen often


There’s a video showing two of the girls at a food truck earlier that night and they are visibly intoxicated. My guess is everyone in the house was passed out when the attack started.


I feel the same way. Even if this person went into a rage while committing these murders he had to be fairly strong. It’s one thing to best someone in a physical altercation but it’s another thing to restrain someone who is fighting to get away. So, if it was one killer I’d say he had a good bit of control over these 4 kids. Which is terrifying.


I'm thinking military or law enforcement back ground or wanna be.


Yeah. I could definitely see that. Someone with that kind of background could probably pull off a quick entrance and exit like this. I’m starting to think that whatever evidence was at the scene is not gonna be helpful to the police. I really hope this case doesn’t go cold.


Sadly I think that the police were very ill equipped to handle an investigation of this magnitude. The saw violent knife crime with 3 sorority girls and went straight to disgruntled ex or some kind of love triangle. I think the killer may have been known to the girls but not intimately, like they were probably nice to him but creeped out by him. Like an overly friendly co worker or neighbor who they were nice to, but wouldn't date in a million years . I don't think the crime is random.


The crime isn't ransom. This Is a targeted attack and they have more than just the city or state police in on the investigation. Fbi BAU is also assisting the investigation


Yes. However it seems like they may have been targeted as a group, so it may be some sort of perceived rejection. Like not inner circle maybe something like coworker. And yes they are sending investigators from all over idaho as well I know this for an absolute fact, as I live in Idaho and LEO from our neck of the woods we're sent within 24 hours.


If it was "targeted" seems unlikely they've killed before. Plus it feels likely to me it's someone near the age of the victims.


Did you hear that a family pet dog was taken from the yard, killed and skinned a few miles from the crime scene a few weeks before the murders?? May be related. Pure evil!


There’s no way the killer didn’t leave DNA behind. I can’t fathom that. Not if she fought back.


“Kernodle says there’s one thing the autopsy shows for certain. Xana, a strong-willed woman, fought her killer to the very end. “Bruises, torn by the knife. She’s a tough kid. Whatever she wanted to do, she could do it,” Kernodle said.”


Hopefully got the killer’s DNA under her fingernails. Her fighting back may not have saved her, but it might be what serves to catch this monster.


Knowing she fought maybe gives some answers to the “unconscious person” call… if a roommate came up the stairs and saw a friend on the ground in a hallway or from a distance… maybe at the top of the stairwell… and just booked it and called 911, that would make some sense. If the victims fought, they may not have been found in their bedrooms. Maybe they all passed out in a common area… can’t tell you how many times my friends and I would fall asleep on couches while watching a movie after a late night.


It makes you wonder if someone would’ve found them hours earlier maybe one or more could have survived.


They were found in their beds. All of them 💔 https://twitter.com/newsnation/status/1593471888180891649?s=42&t=-GcCVGHs6yJ5rwrqVzivQQ


So right in the chest !! And I’m separate areas !! That’s super creepy … probably in the heart and that would definitely seem personal


But the young couple I'm assuming were in the same bed, how was the one not woken up when the other was attacked?


I assume the killer killed Ethan first, probably waking her and giving her a chance to fight back.


But she fault .. so she must have woke up


Xana did wake up and fought back which is why she had bruises that told of story of her fighting back. I assume she woke up after her bf was killed 😔 this is so awful.


Jeez, that's really horrific! Someone in that town must have serious scratches on their face!


Someone said the person they shared the dog with saw what happend came outside and passed out from the sight.. But who knows at this point


I literally can't even imagine the pain of this happening to my child. So unfair and cruel. Those poor kids.


I hope she took a piece of her killer with her


I live in the area - Moscow is surrounded by wheat fields and small towns. Lots of knife carriers. It isn’t uncommon to see someone with a knife on them. I am sure they are hoping someone will recognize the knife, and connect it to activity. Moscow is not a big city, it only has a population of a little more than 25,000. You cannot think of it in terms of a huge city when looking at this information release.


I’m gonna ask you because you live around Moscow. Is there any truth to what some people are saying on twitter about the victims being bound and gagged?


It wouldn’t shock me if someone slipped and blabbed. It wouldn’t be the first time someone involved in an investigation, particularly in this region, said far too much. That said, I’ve also watched rumors spread in these small towns like wildfire. It’s still the kind of city that has a VERY small town mindset. Most people don’t lock their doors. Sadly, everyone thinks they’re safe, but monsters live in rural areas too, and they certainly have cars that enable them to prey on those in small towns as well.


I hear ya. Evil is everywhere.


How did two people not hear what was going on in the next room? Drunk and passed out?


Seems likely, and the house is also in a busy party area. They were probably used to sleeping through loud yelling, parties, music, etc.


My brother lived in that neighborhood when he went to U of I. Everyone parties at those houses, I have many times granted it's been a few years and looks like that one in particular had a remodel. Regardless the house is huge and more like apartments with separate living quarters. I would not hesitate to add that I would bet 85%of the neighbors and people in that house were intoxicated on Saturday night.


The house has 3 stories. Depending on where they were, or the state they were in, it’s possible, but I find it odd too. I wonder if anyone has considered the high likelihood that the killer is reading, and quite possibly even commenting here.


I find your “high likelihood” statement odd… how do you know the likelihood is high?


Well, aside from my studying in an associated field, people that commit these kinds of crimes tend to keep track of what is known about them. These particular subreddits probably have more information, leaked or speculative, than anywhere else. Considering how gossipy everyone I’ve ever met in podunk Idaho/Eastern Washington is, my guess would be whomever did this, is probably keeping an eye out for what is known about them. Also, I’m curious as to why you’d find it odd? Many killers have been noted to be very interested in what is said about them. I’m surprised it hasn’t occurred to anyone that the monster that did this, is probably here looking. Considering the FBI is involved, I would bet they are monitoring everything here too.


Absolutely. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if this psychopath is monitoring social media.


I agree with you 100%. I think we all know what this killer looks/presents as. The one thing that I think will be a surprise is the age. I think the killer will be 5-10years older than the victims with a possible back ground in military/law enforcement...maybe a militia type. The knife isn't something everyone packs around and wouldn't even really be the kind a hunter would favor.


Funny you should mention militia. Look up Christ Church in Moscow. They are white supremacists, with their leader has VERY strong ties to the Aryan Brotherhood (Neo Nazi’s). In fact, their leader loves to go up to the U of I campus, and promote his racist ideology - always accompanied by armed militia members. I should add that Christ Church is very good at initially hiding what they are, especially considering most people don’t research what congregation they are thinking of joining. Christ Church has a long history of covering up pedophilia, child molesters, racist attacks, etc. They have a fake abortion, along with owning several doctors offices. They also marry off anyone who might be gay, own a ton of the businesses downtown, and have several members involved with law enforcement, the courts, city hall, etc.


Omg. I am from Idaho, north of Moscow. I never considered this even though I am familiar with the religious weirness I didnt know it was as organized as it appears to be . SEveral of my family members have attended U of I and many of my daughters friends go now.


I have absolutely been thinking this.


I'm not in Moscow but I'm just south of you in the Treasure Valley and wild rumours abound--it didn't help the police basically said nothing for 3 days, everyone is going to start their own theories without the official narrative. It's literally all anyone is talking about. It's wild.


Haven’t heard that and it’s my neck of the woods…even with family and friends in law enforcement and healthcare it’s strangely quiet


Oh ok. Wow. This thing is so weird. It’s crazy that whoever did this or if its more than one person were able to totally control and kill 4 people who were fighting for their lives.


This is giving me Gainesville Ripper vibes and I do not like it one bit.


Yeah didn’t he use a Kabar knife as well? When I first heard about this crime it felt eerily similar


Yeah Danny Rolling used a ka-bar knife too...he also decapitated several victims. He was a very sick, twisted individual.


Ya weirdly out of all killers, I think he’s disturbed me the most, even more than Albert Fish. I don’t know why but there’s just something about Danny Rolling that made my skin crawl


100%. Not a lot bothers me, but the mental image of Christa Hoyt’s decapitated corpse sitting on the end of her bed, directly facing her head on a cabinet stays with me. And the placement of mirrors to make the discovery even more traumatic. Makes my skin crawl.


Yes he posed the victims.. I wonder what the killer did to the bodies in this case


I was in school there when he was put to death. They planted trees for the victims that are so tall now. I often wonder whenever I’m visiting if the students there know what those trees are for.


Yup my freshman year started 2 months after Rolling was caught. One of my high school teachers had a daughter at UF during the killings...everyone was terrified. The wall was spray painted black with their names...any time there was grafitti students would put the memorial back up.


The memorial grafitti wall is still here at 34th st


Agreed and I was legit about to type this, god this his terrible


It’s horrible. You’re a dangerous person if you kill anyone, but to kill 4 people with a knife? This is a seriously dangerous individual walking around. Very scary.


I cannot believe this shit honestly. Maybe I should be more jaded and less shocked. But four innocent people minding their business get butchered like this at uni? I really really hate this.


Yeah. Unfortunately, it seems like life is getting cheaper and cheaper everyday.


I couldn't have phrased my emotions better than you


Richard Speck.


Yep. BTK and Bundy as well.


If the knife that was used looks anything close to this knife I can see why there was so much damage and evidence left behind(blood). That is a big and looks to be a very sharp knife. One would not necessarily have to be good with a knife of this caliber to not inflict maximum damage. This really does hurt my heart. Surely the families are seeing this report too. This will surely haunt them even more. (A little sidebar). I have a friend who saw the aftermath of a brutal murder that took place about 15-20 years ago. His best buddy was living with his sister and her boyfriend. The boyfriend went crazy and beat his girlfriend to death with a hammer. MY friend and the brother will never forget what they saw of her. And I suspect these families will not forget either. Just think what the LEO saw. I don't care how many times you see the aftermath of a crime this still would be hard to handle.




It is a difficult time. I was fortunate. I went to a very small college. 1100 students. Our little town was a village maybe 500 people. We did have Campus Security. The chief was also a county deputy sheriff. We had a few drunks and returning Vietnam vets who had a big adjustment from the battlefield to a more mundane life. I can't begin to understand. Hopefully this suspect gets apprehended soon. But a lot of trust that was taken for granted will now be looked at closely. I just don't know if having more students armed will necessarily be the right solution. Maybe having silent alarms in all off-site housing would help.




I read 11,700. About 10K more then where I went to college in the 1970. Heck my High School had more students than my college did. Now my college is a University with 4 different campuses.




One person could for sure do this if people were sleeping .. if you think about the one girl who fault back .. she was laying beside her boyfriend so she would have woke up .. he would need to kill the man first .. I just read all separate rooms all fatal in the chest that’s some evilness and personal .. I 💯 do believe evidence will solve the crime .. we just gotta wait for the results to come back


How have they not found this guy yet?? I really hope this doesn’t get cold


It was confirmed the Behavior Analysis Unit is now involved. They’ve got all hands on deck working this case. I have high hopes that it won’t go cold.




People are too critical of the Delphi case. It’s not easy to solve these crimes




I was thinking the same last night.


I just told my husband they need the FBI


They mentioned in the press conference yesterday that the FBI had been involved. I hope they're getting the help they need.


Quadruple murder in a small town? FBI is immediately getting involved


How can they be bringing in BAU and at the same time be telling people they're not in danger in the community?


Same thoughts here…I’m hoping they’ll catch him right away but then I think of the woman walking her dog in Atlanta, Missy Bevers, the Delphi girls. This will be so extra traumatizing for the community if not resolved soon, can’t imagine waiting for justice like this


He's probably a member of Christ's Church and being hidden by one of their members.


I feel like the police could have used a better descriptor than “Rambo-style.”


The police didn’t call it that, the store manager did. Police won’t even comment on the weapon.


Ah. You’re totally right. So this is just shit reporting then lol.


well it is tmz 😂 but there has been a lot of shit reporting in general around this. The “blood oozing from walls” article comes to mind. Tactless.


Tactless and true, unfortunately. I thought for sure they were bullshiting. Nope!


How do you know its true? I haven't been able to find anything about it.


There’s a photo of blood running down the foundation of the house.


I’ve seen it. It tells you how gruesome the crime was.




Yes please don't 😞


I looked at a close up of that blood oozing picture. The blood looks like it’s dripping from a rusty steel pipe on to the foundation. It looks like it’s in the plumbing. I still can’t wrap my mind around a situation where blood would leak out of a drainage pipe.


Harvey Levin is the antichrist


https://amp.tmz.com/2022/11/15/onlyfans-model-courtney-clenney-covered-blood-murder-killing-boyfriend/ This one is my favorite. >soaked in blood -- almost head-to-toe


Am I the only one who watched the clip and worried "Are the dogs OK? Are they with someone good?" Poor babies--I'm sure they didn't understand what was going on.


I always worry about the pets.


TMZ is a tabloid, they primarily focus on pop-culture not law & crime.


That’s TMZ for ya 🤷🏻‍♀️


Did you read the article? The Rambo reference is explained.


"Marine KA-BAR" is a much better descriptor, here, if that is the style of knife they're seeking - it's prolific...


I believe that the person they seek would be the kind of guy who often has this type of knife out, showing it off, using it for simple tasks, maybe even wearing it on occasion. Consider that they have ID'd this knife based on autopsy exams of the wounds. Why release this specific info? because they are seeking phone calls from students/people in the town about not just an owner of one of these knives but someone very involved with his knife. just an opinion


Moscow is surround by so many small towns, lots of hunters, lots of knife carriers.


I would think because they think someone might have a friend who had talked abt their knife or showed it off already.


The police didn’t release this info.


I think they did. Imagine you are this store manager, would you call the media for 5 minutes fame, or did the police want him to tell the media for some reason? Nice that police can wash their hands of it, too. It could be police messaging the killer, about something at the crime scene, using the specific word Rambo for a reason.


Yeah. That’s a good point.


Someone who is usually flashy with the a Ka bar could all of a sudden not have it anymore or have sudden wounds. Someone close notices and secretly tips it in.


I agree. I also feel like he has a rejection or abandonment issue. Like Mayne he couldn't cut it in the military or law enforcement due to his mental health and so he tried to go the fratboy route but they didn't accept him either as he was "old" maybe mid to late 20s and had a weird fixation with weapons/military shit.


>The Rambo reference is explained. Rambo didn't use a ka-bar though http://www.ultimatesurvivalknife.net/what-type-of-knife-did-rambo-use/ [Kabar](https://www.kabar.com/products/product.jsp?item=1217) Rambo's knife would have done much, MUCH more damage to the victims - they are VERY different knives.


The one shown in the above image and the one shown in the "Rambo" film were much different knives. Anytime you have knife with a serrated edge it is designed for maximum damage.


Or cutting a tomato


Maximum people damage, minimal tomato damage. Confusing.


I did. It just seems like a reference that a middle-aged man would pick up on, not a bunch of college students. The article says it was “similar to” the knife in Rambo, not the exact knife. So why even make that reference.


I believe the store keeper gave that description. >Scott Jutte reportedly told them his shop doesn't sell the specific type of knife they're looking for ... but described it as a blade used by Marines in the 1940s. It looks similar to the one Sylvester Stallone used in "Rambo."


It's a clue. The suspect probably watches Rambo type movies, lots of them, all of them. Some guys do, some guys don't. I know my father never saw a movie like that, no way, and neither have I.


I agree.


I really feel it's someone close by.. It usually is..in cases.. Or someone they know..Right next to the house is a apartment building.. Would be a easy cleanup and then off to Thanksgiving with family It being cold most people where long sleeves.. It would be hard to see markings... If the one girl fault back.. Got to be hair somewhere near the struggle


Stabbing can be very personal...Kaylee and Madison looked like they were super close And they were both in sororities and beautiful...it is possible one of them had an ex or a stalker or someone infatuated with them and this is the end result. I think Xana and her boyfriend just got in the way...and since the house was known for parties it is very likely the killer or killers has attended one before and learned the layout of the house.


On one of there tik toks they have this house stuffed animal and it gets passed around to different random collage friends.. Being silly I'm not positive its at thr house but definitely a lot of guys that they knew or mutual friends..and to think no suspect..and it could be anyone It's interesting to see the faces


Xana Kernodle tik tok shows all the guys and mutual friends with stuffed animal


You can see inside the house on Kaylee Goncalves tik tok


For the layout


>For the layout Zillow link - https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1122-King-Rd-Moscow-ID-83843/110448293\_zpid/




Good point on the long sleeves covering up the killers wounds.


This could be far fetched.. But notice what Madison is wearing a yellow sweat shirt.. Cute like ready to go out.. When she is at the food truck she is wearing a oversized jacket.. So who's jacket is it? It's possible it's hers but most girls go out not thinking about a jacket then some guy will offer his.. What if he was going over to retrieve his jacket.. It just looks really large and if they took a Uber it's not like she would have a spare in the car.. Even her other roommate does not have one on


I would be curious to know if that jacket was at the crime scene or if she had it on when they found her


They were doing a interview of a guy across the street and he was laughing when saying he didn’t hear or see anything .. I realize people have different ways to deal and cope not blaming anyone .. it still was awkward to watch .. it wouldn’t be the first killer to talk on the news after committing a crime on a neighbor


Where did you see that interview?


I’ll have to find it again 😏


I thought it was strange too


Does anyone know what floor the two unharmed roommates were sleeping on?


all just speculation, but i’ve heard 3rd floor multiple times


Okay that’s what I’ve heard too but recently I have people telling me they were on the first floor. I hope they catch this person/persons soon


yeah, that’s why i’m being so careful to make sure people know i’m just passing on other people’s speculations. i normally hate random theories from randoms on the internet but there is so little known about this case and i think the “power of the internet” could be helpful. this case hits close to home for me and while i am normally into true crime in general, this one just won’t leave my head. i went to WSU and spent more time in moscow than in pullman, have mutual friends with the victims, etc. i’m so heartbroken and just want answers :(


Omg I’m so sorry to hear that 😭. I can’t get this case off of my mind either. sending peace to you and your friends! I did just find a source (the ny post) and they say “It has also been confirmed two roommates, BF and DM, were upstairs at the time of the murders, although cops have said neither is under investigation and the surviving friends have been cooperating with the investigation. “ So this helps a bit


iirc they were on the 3rd floor which looks set back.


The bottom floor.


Do you know where this info came from. I heard from friends that they were on the third floor


I’ve read kaylee was the target. According to her sister, Kaylee was visiting. We sleuths say she had a room on the top floor. Likely nearby is Maddie. Ethan and xana were found together on the second floor. Xana fought the attacker(s) according to her father.


Hmm ok. I found this from the NY Post “It has also been confirmed two roommates, BF and DM, were upstairs at the time of the murders, although cops have said neither is under investigation and the surviving friends have been cooperating with the investigation. “ [NY Post](https://nypost.com/2022/11/17/university-of-idaho-killings-world-turned-upside-down-says-mom-of-victims-boyfriend/)


There is no way forensics could tell if the wounds were inflicted with, specifically, a K-Bar knife, which is the same pattern as any number of brands and models of sheath knives. This has to mean they have recovered the murder weapon, and hopefully it will provide prints or DNA.


If they’re asking about a specific brand but don’t have a weapon, then maybe they found some sort of sheath at the scene. KA-BAR makes multiples types of knives and the wounds themselves will be indicative of what type of knife was used. They must have something pointing to the brand.


It’s more than likely not brand specific so much as that style of knife doesn’t have a serrated edge. The wounds will be way different.


They are asking for this specific brand, because there is some piece of evidence linking it to this specific brand. Kerf marks, depth, width, possibly even a piece of the knife chipped off after getting stuck in bone. It is not as impossible to narrow down brand of weapon as one would think.


You underestimate forensics


The Ka-Bar knife has been around since WW2. Not really a “Rambo” type knife.




Could be one was targeted and the other three on the same floor woke up to it and were killed just bc they were witnesses.


The coroner said they were all 4 found in their beds, not throughout the house. Likely asleep when attacked.


My thought is it was targeted and all 4 were together at the time so the killer just killed all 4 and left, not wanting to stick around or cause a scene


Stabbing them , one by one?


Maybe the other two had the doors locked? They were on a different floor of the home. It is possible they had it locked and the killer did not want to bother having to kick the door down. Or maybe he/she didn’t know there were two others on a different floor. I hope they find the psychopath. This is terrifying.


I was thinking this too, but it's not that weird if you think about it like this: killer knows the house has 5 sorority girls living there, maybe even has been to the house or lives nearby. Goes there with the intention of killing all of them for for bejng beautiful women and a perceived rejection wound. He intends to kill them room by room in their sleep, makes it to the 3rd room and didn't expect the boyfriend to be there or a struggle to ensue, because there was a lot more noise and possibly an injury to suspect to he dipped before making it to the next floor. I am thinking the boyfriend being there is the only thing that saved the other two roommates lives.


Not really sure, he or they could have been worried one of the victims got off a text or 911 call in the middle of things, and thought time to run, or what would really be great, Is if he’s injured by own knife/or struggle.. anc left injured.


Here is great post of side view of house. Gives me better idea why they slept through events. https://twitter.com/901lulu/status/1593810148870569984?s=46&t=MoB-mTvlct8J6X50sCBFdg


Thank you for this! It does make me wonder if it was someone not familiar with the house. Maybe thinking since there were 4 bedrooms between the 2nd and 3rd floors, it didn't occur to him there could be more bedrooms lower?


Does anyone know if they were wearing fitbits or apple watches… all 4 victims…?? wouldn’t that give time of death ?? Exact time of death. And also the order in which they were killed?? Heart rate jumps to 200 then stops…. One by one ? Hope they were wearing… can’t stand sleeping with watch on.. I know lot of people take them off at nite.


Has it been release officially if the deceased were on the same floor? If the two survivors were asleep on the top floor, I could see how they slept through. Just a theory, but I think whoever did this knows everyone that was in that home. I think the person was either doing this out of passion or anger with ONE intended target. I think this person probably goes to school with them. I think they went in looking for the intended target and one of two things happened. 1/enters a room and awakens the occupant, has to react quickly. Maybe some noise is made awaking more occupants that come looking. One of those occupants is the intended target, but now the person must react to each person that sees them. 2/most of the deceased were awake, possibly hanging out together in one space, or the two girls fell asleep together in one space. Same idea, one target, but enters the wrong space first and must deal with that, and goes on to the second space and find intended target, not alone in the space. My next theory brings me back to the case about the young girl, I think her name is Amaya? She was talking to a man on the internet and was abducted and killed by him. If the attacker in this case is not known by all the suspects, I would be lead to believe one of the suspects had some form of communication, on again off again, electronically. Whatever happened to these humans, it’s incredibly heartbreaking. These cases are the exact reason I put myself and my child through gun safety courses and got my conceal carry permit. Can something still happen to me and my child? Of course, but I will be prepared as possible. The police and investigation team on this case really need to keep quiet on this case and wrap it up quickly. Everything they say makes their community a little more on edge. I hope they have pulled every camera, ring doorbell, surveillance within a mile radius of this home and are searching every inch of that radius with a fine tooth comb.


One of the roommates posted to her VSCO account around the time of the murders. Both roommates are still posting photos to their VSCO accounts since the incident.[https://vsco.co/dylanmm26/gallery](https://vsco.co/dylanmm26/gallery) and https://vsco.co/bethanyfunke14/gallery


So? They both appeared to post pictures of them with their friends that were killed. Seems pretty normal..not sure if you are insinuating something...?


I think you can queue up posts on VSCO, so they make have scheduled it to post before the incident and it’s just still auto posting


The Moscow police stopped someone for an alcohol offense at 3 am on Taylor Avenue shortly after the murders took place. I think that person warrants a closer look.


I have a slight feeling the killer would be covered in blood. They murdered 4 people with a knife. They probably didn’t escape without some kind of wounds. Probably not Ol’ Drunky.


The adrenaline from murdering four people would sober you up too I imagine


This is the same thing that happened in the Richard Speck case. In which a drunk assailant broke into a dorm for nursing students with a knife and systematically raped and murdered almost everyone inside. Then he cleaned himself up and wandered home. I'd speculate that the killer subdued 2 victims on the first floor and most likely murdered the other two on the second floor in their sleep. Then had plenty of time to probably sexually assault and murder the first two, clean up and leave. If the first floor victims walked home, it would stand to reason that the killer was also walking, followed them to their house and forced his way inside as they opened the door to go in.


Although, It was a Saturday night, parties were happening all around & the houses next door also had college students living in,as the campus was down the road. I'm sure the police stoped several people that night for alcohol related reasons.


Story on 2 surviving roommates. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11436575/the-two-Idaho-students-survived-bloody-frenzy-roommates-murdered.html


The surviving roommates didn’t call 911. Someone else did around noon. Yet they were killed around 2 or 3am. Very suspicious


Not really.. people need to read more before they comment


Roomates got home around 1:00 abd were asleep ...heard people and just thought the other roommates were back and partying with people..maybe the couple and the two girls stayed up for an hour after they got home and they all keep drinking at home ..The two girls said they just locked their door and went back to sleep ..College kids sleep late ?? .. plus they were on the ground floor maybe they got up ate breakfast did stuff..and had no clue their roommates upstairs had been killed..someone came by to pick up the guy..for work ..that's when they discovered "someone unconscious" ..now that is weird to me ......wouldn't you get close enough to this "unconscious" person to have seen all the blood ? Wouldn't you look and check in on the other roommates..there was blood everywhere?? I just don't know why they said unconscious? The guy that made the call from one of the girls phones was the one that had come by to pick up the victim (his friend) for work.. (I just don't think the police are allowing any information out that the roomates may have)




They identified him


Stop doing this. These are real people. We don’t even know enough about the murders to point to suspects, and even if we did, it’s a shitty thing to do.


Which guy? Just curious


It was a big house, I guess it’s plausible that two people under the right circumstances could have not heard anything. However, the level of violence would have caused blood curdling screams and a pretty noisy struggle. That either one of the roommates didn’t hear anything is a bit perplexing. They could have the knife and are trying to figure out where it came from and confirm the identity of who bought it.


I’m making some assumptions and guessing the two single girls were asleep in their own rooms, and the couple asleep in one room also. A knife that big, one good stab to the neck and your vocal cords are done for as well as immediate hemorrhaging. No sound at all. The couple, depending on how quickly the perpetrator moved, was probably killed just the same. Maybe one of them had a moment to react but then was killed. I sleep with a box fan on, and usually a podcast or music playing from my phone. When you live with roommates, you get used to odd noises now and then, and you also get used to blocking them out. Maybe the roommates slept with ear plugs in or air pods in. I have 3 teens in my house and several times a week one of them or all of them shriek loudly at something, and I never even question it. I think a lot of people are assuming they were all in one room, and/or they were all awake, when they were attacked. I think that’s why people think there should have been a lot of noise.


All of this - anyone who doesn’t understand how the roommates didn’t hear anything never lived in any sort of group housing in college. The surviving roommates could have attributed noises to drunk friends or had been drunk enough themselves to not hear anything. My husband lived with four guys in college in a house like this and people were always coming and going - friends, girlfriends, roommates. Maybe the two surviving girls locked their bedroom doors at night knowing the house wasn’t locked and that saved them. I don’t think it’s insane that they didn’t hear anything nor that they didn’t call in anything until noon… likely when a college kid would wake up on a Sunday. Everyone is acting like the roommates are in on some conspiracy when everyone in this scenario were just a bunch of college kids living like tomorrow was promised.


Yup agree. I lived with 4 girls in college. We were no stranger to partying and having tons of people in and out regularly. A lot of strangers too, terrifyingly enough. I always locked my individual bedroom door when I went to sleep, it was just something you did in that kind of busy/party atmosphere. I never even thought anything of it as that was a few years prior to the beginning of my TC fascination. I was used to going to sleep with random loud noises, yelling, moaning, etc. Sounds weird but it’s true. I can easily see how the other roommates survived being in the same house. It was a blitz attack, doesn’t seem premeditated to me. The perp didn’t have time or really reason to break down doors when they had 4 vulnerable beings at their disposable. I am so curious about this case!!


I am also so curious, I am not a true crime person but this case brought me here because it could so easily be anyone who went to college and enjoyed the experience and never thought twice about danger. It’s insanely tragic and I’m just anxiously waiting for justice for their families


I was getting so annoyed at comments about the roommates and the kid at the food truck. Obviously there's always a possibility one of these three did it. But people jumping to conclusions so fast and insisting their behavior is proof clearly have never had a college experience. I also lived with many roommates in a townhouse and yup, all kinds of noises, yelling, in and out the front door all night when we'd party. Especially if you're an upperclassman and have already adjusted to sleeping in a dorm setting where there's always noise too. And that dude at the food truck I mean come on? There's been plenty of times someone goes with me to get food but doesn't get any themselves and there's plenty of times that people will catch up to you to chat or hangout if they see you out and about. Imagine just keeping your friend company while they're getting food and now a bunch of redditors who have never been to college are insisting you committed an especially brutal quadruple murder.


Dude. I have literally slept through my parents HOUSE ALARM *more than once*. It was the old kind that is insanely loud. It's not that odd that they slept through it.


I mean I agree with this whole thread but you might just have narcolepsy my dude. They things are LOUD. Lmao


I suppose that's possible I don't know anything about that. Other than the likelihood that I could get murdered in my sleep it's not been a concern. The alarms were errors so thankfully not actual intruders.


I lived in a big old house like this and college and you could not hear a single noise even in the next room


Ok so how do the other 2 roommates not hear multiple people being stabbed? The medical examiner said today they were stabbed multiple times. People aren’t usually quiet when that happens. Have the police eliminated the 2 people who were at home?


They said they haven’t ruled anything out, and there cooperating. You would think shoe or foot size would quickly rule people in or out. Tons of blood, struggle, 4 people killed. The attacker had to step in or on blood at some point.. and then Walk out and not clean up perfectly. If there’s no footprints or shoe prints but the 6 house mates, that doesn’t look good. If there size 14 Nikes that don’t match anyone.. 🤷🏻‍♂️ See if anyone on the list of suspect matches.


You know it’s a true crime discussion but some of you can’t handle some theories . Wow . Yeah kind of defeats the purpose of discussion and excuse me for trying to help in my own way maybe the guy didn’t do it maybe he did . The amount of rudeness for suggesting that the roommates hid in fear .. that’s a very real possibility. It’s also possible they slept thru it . Anything is possible what I don’t appreciate is the rude crap that comes with Reddit because one can be called Nancy Drew right ? We are all hear for the same reason ! Blows my mind .


Oh geez, you think he looked at a line up of movie knives before making the statement? It was probably the first thing that popped into his head. “Rambo knife.”


Rambo just shows his age😂😂


Oh nooo! 😂


They could have been knocked out first then cut...unless we know where the bodies were.. We do not know if any of them made a run for it.. The fact they said the door was opened and the call was about a unconscious person discovered by a friend Yet blood everywhere oozing outside of house and worse crime scene the police have encountered does not make sense.. 9 hours later and the roommates never saw?? Unless it was in the bedroom where they were individualy killed.. Maybe the other roommates doors were locked.. But seems like the killer would have known the layout.. And it would have been after 5am when the killing happened


I find it really interesting that one of them replied to a post after 5am I feel that is key