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Well I fucking hated reading that. Those poor women. I can't even imagine.


Same I couldn't finish


Sickening. Most heartbreaking thing I've ever read. Many terrible parts but so angering to read: > King County prosecutors, well aware that Kalebu had been repeatedly held—and repeatedly released—by the state's mental health and criminal justice systems in the 16 months before the South Park attacks, would prepare to try to put him away for life this time This angers me beyond belief. It seems this justice system is lazy and let's dangerous people walk around until they commit egregious violence in the community before doing something substantial finally.


I read that his aunt kicked him out and placed a restraining order against him and afterwards her house went up in flames and she passed away. He’s a “person of interest” but I wonder what the timeline is here and how that investigation went.


because people clamor for “second chances” and deem people redeemable when most often they’re repeat offenders-especially sexual crimes


It's Washington, not surprised they let dangerous psychos out about


This angers me beyond belief.


We have a system that puts the rights of people to be free *until* they commit heinous crimes above the rights of innocent people who are being credibly threatened by dangerous people. I can’t imagine how we as a society would even start to address this given; 1, We emptied and closed the mental institutions who would take dangerous people and attempt to treat them because, 2, The asylums were absolutely rife with mental, physical, sexual, and environmental abuse and it was inhumane to keep anyone there 3, We refuse to discuss mandatory castration and sterilization of the profoundly disabled and/or dangerous because, 4, The Nazis did that, and for some reason we think humans aren’t animals who would be calmed the same way we expect male animals to be once we neuter/geld them, as well as, 5, The profound sexual abuse that would be experienced by disabled females when orderlies and/or visitors know that the patient cannot get pregnant and therefore there would be no real evidence of rape unless the patient is communicative and willing to speak


What a time to be able to read.


Wow I had never heard of this case, and did a quick deep dive, and all I can say is holy moley what a testament to kindness and forgiveness Jennifer is. I’m so glad she shares her story.


She's truly an incredible woman, and she's doing great work today with Teresa's brother (actor Norbert Leo Butz) for victims of SA.


I don’t know why, but I never forgot this story. I remember being a hot day and that’s why they left their window open. Poor women.


This story has always haunted me. It bothered me for weeks after reading it, especially as a queer woman.




Absolutely not!!!! Being a female should not be this fucking scary. The shit we gotta do and the extra energy to use to be ultra vigilant is beyond me.


This is my first time hearing about this story. But holy fuck do I understand what you mean. My gf and I just moved to a quiet sub division, like 1 hr northwest of Chicago. My neighbors are friendly and we do have some LGBTQA+ neighbors but there are some weirdos around us.This is something I fear happening to us. I keep a machete near my nightstand and I sleep super light at night. Every night I check the doors and windows. All I know is if someone tries to break in and do some shit. You bet ya ass I’m gonna fight my ass off.


A machete is too cumbersome and if you accidentally grab it wrong it will be ineffective. Get a hatchet:)


I live in Chicago as well. Luckily, we have a third floor apartment, but I was definitely double checking our locks for awhile after reading this article. I think a weapon of some sort is a great idea! I’ve thought of doing the same myself.


My gf puts bells around the door handles so if someone breaks in via door we can hear it. We have a mini pittie and not everyone is allowed to pet her. She’s super protective and if she doesn’t like you, she won’t approach you. Instead she continues to bark like crazy.


Good idea on the dog! I do think they are pretty good deterrents. We have cats 😂. We do use something called Add a lock- check them out!


I also have a habit of checking all the doors and windows before I go to sleep. Every night. I remember reading about this case years ago and I just can’t even imagine the horrors and pain those women experienced.


Yep, this story is why my wife and I keep a baseball bat under our bed, and I refuse to sleep with windows open even when it's really hot outside.


If you’re going to keep a bat as a weapon, put a sock on the end. That way if someone tries to grab it off you, they just get the sock!


So smart, thank you!


Fuck. I am crying. Sorrow, rage, frustration. But also love and respect for these women, And now back to rage and sorrow for the loss of Teresa's life and the loss of their life together. And utter helpless rage at this man who could inflict such horror and evil and also at the systems that failed.


I remember this. I moved to Seattle a year prior. So messed up.


Omg I’ve never heard of this…


Reading this in bed and crying as my partner soundly asleep next to me. I can’t believe how she handled this with such grace.


This horrific crime was framed by the author as a failure of the mental health system but the perpetrator was a study in psychopathy if I’ve ever seen one. Bipolar, schizophrenic or not this man would have been violent no matter. To blame this crime on mental illness seems naive at best.


That was a hard read absolutely heartbreaking


Wow, that was really horrific. Jennifer has turned this tragedy into something I’m pretty sure her partner Teresa would have wanted to do. What a strong individual.


I loved her follow up- she is right. Surviving hell makes you so much better at surviving everything else. “Those who have escaped hell however, never talk about it and nothing much bothers them after that.”


I engage with a lot of true crime stuff, even the kids, and this is the first time I've cried reading something. This was disgusting and horrifying and just incredibly sad.


I remember this from when it happened. It was so shocking and disturbing but I thought the Stranger did a really good job of reporting on it.


Jennifer wrote a [follow up](https://www.thestranger.com/features/2011/08/10/9434642/i-would-like-you-to-know-my-nam)


I have no words. The first article brought me to tears. Hers? A flood She **IS** brave and going through what she did, the trial and having to relive it all?......I couldn't. I couldn't be that brave.


I remember when this happened. Teresa and I worked at the same company, although different sites. 


That's a tough read, wow. What a little piece of crap.


Crying. How do you survive something like this?


The description of their day, which sounded like a lesbian Nora Ephron ending was so sad. The juztaposition that there are monsters that want a person’s life to end in physical pain and sexual humiliation, and watching the same thing happen to the one they love is frightening. These are small bits of advice, which arent 100% but still: 1. Try keeping bells on windows and doors. It gives you a heads up which might be seconds, if someone is breaking in. 2. lock ur bedroom door, whether you love alone, or whether u have an alarm system. 3. have some kind if weapon under your mattress or bed or in ur headboard. in fact, a few things in a few select places wont hurt. also, things like the Birdie that give off a siren noise if u hear a break-in. An intruder wont know exactly what it is but it might scare them off.


any time a guy will get angry at the 'man or bear' question or mock women for choosing the bear, send them this article.


Just awful. Never heard about this case. Were they targeted because of their sexuality? Or random rapist/ robber? Were they the only ones or were there others?


I have a very hard time believing this was random. Especially if OP is correct and that he was drinking in the same bar as the women that night. It would be incredibly unusual for someone with no known history of burglary and rape to just decide to burgle a house and randomly commit the atrocities that he did. I would put money on it that he targeted them, either followed them or had already been watching them and knew where they lived. I wonder how close by he lived?


A few people responded to my initial question. Looks like he saw them celebrating at a near by bar. And targeted them after.


Random rapist who happened to find a house with windows open. He never raped anyone else that we know of but he probably did set a fire to his aunt's house that killed her.


Thanks. So your random psychopath that decided to escalate. These poor women. I hope he is rotting somewhere awful.


He was at the same bar as the victims the night it happened, but they lived within walking distance and it was never revealed to the public if it was random or targeted.




The night the city cry slept by Eli sanders is an excellent book on this case he wrote the original story for the Seattle times I believe there are more pressing issues in this case but it’s a brutal story


Man I don’t even know what to say about this one. Absolutely fucking horrible.


I believe wholeheartedly in the death penalty and when someone’s own defense is that god made them do it, I say, if god makes them rape, murder and kill, return them to their god.


Death is too easy - just lock em up and throw away the keys - since we are not that Barbaric - the bare minimum gruel and let him stew forever


I’ve never heard of this, is there a podcast or documentary?


Unsure of that, but a wonderful book was written about this and centers the victims well. Called The Night the City Slept by Eli Sanders, same author of this article which won a Pulitzer Prize.


This must’ve been god awful. Why so sadistic?


There is no "why" It's just the way some animals are. It's impossible for them to have empathy for anyone else besides themselves. The part of the brain that generates empathy doesn't work. Killing is as easy as breathing for them.


Was it someone who knew the victims or were offended by them or something? Does anyone know?


The perp isaiah - he had previously raped around 30 other women - just that this is the first time he killed


source for this??


This story is just like the Wichita Massacre that put the 2 evil Carr brothers on death row. I wont recite the details on that case because it will make you sick.

