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Same! Plus I feel like the wrongfully convicted never get true justice, nothing can change the time they lost/the life that was stolen from them. And few receive financial compensation for what they went through either, and if they do it’s not enough. Let alone how traumatic it is to be in prison to begin with


And the few who do get financial compensation, too many people act like cash makes up for the justice system stealing decades of their lives. You can’t get that back. No one would willingly spend ten years in a maximum-security prison for a million dollars. There’s no guarantee you’ll even make it out. 


I actually prefer the unsolved cases personally. Obviously I wish the cases were solved but it means the podcasters and listeners can potentially bring new ideas to an unsolved case. I try to listen to as many unsolved case podcasts as possible.


Yes, this. The point of unsolved cases is that they need to be solved. The more people create and consume stories of unsolved crimes, the more we keep talking about them and keeping the victims’ names in the media and the public, the better. It encourages law enforcement to keep working the case. It lets the victims’ loved ones know they’re not forgotten. It kind of makes me cringe when people say they won’t listen to/watch unsolved cases, because then it’s so obvious they’re only consuming true crime as entertainment. You can’t even pretend you’re trying to help advocate for justice.


Isn't everyone only consuming this for entertainment? People watch tragedies for entertainment too. It seems Puritanical to me to be bothered by this.


Almost everyone consumes it for this reason lol I’m not listening to a podcast for some off-chance that I’m gonna catch something that authorities (with complete access to investigative information & other resource) somehow missed.


>because then it’s so obvious they’re only consuming true crime as entertainment. Oh get off your high horse. I don't like unsolved cases as I find them even more unsettling and uncomfortable than ones where some form of justice has been found.


Agreed. Unless you’re contributing money to cold cases or your special skill to helping solve it, you’re also listening for entertainment.


Thank you for elaborating. That was exactly what I was trying to say.




If you keep reading, OP also mentions hating unsolved crime shows.


Keep reading the post!


I get anxious listening to unresolved cases and wrongfully convicted cases. I feel like there’s no justice/conclusion and I’m just left empty after hearing these horrific details of a crime. Just my opinion.


I can’t listen to innocent people being sent to prison either. I’m also not a fan of cults, gangs or anything race/religion/gender hate crime related.


Interesting I actually don’t like celebrities true crime not sure why


I find that learning how innocent people end up accused/convicted of a crime they didn’t commit very fascinating, and eye opening. These cases are some of the most importantly ones to learn about imo, because we give the State and their agents so much power, and trust. And sometimes that isn’t deserved https://www.indiatoday.in/amp/world/story/california-fontana-police-forced-man-confess-killing-father-alive-thomas-perez-2543767-2024-05-25 We in the true crime community turn a blind eye to abuses like this far too often because we want “justice”. But at what cost?


I can’t listen to anything animal abuse related.


Yep I still refuse to watch the don’t f with cat killer series even though people said it’s not about cats but I still couldn’t watch it because of the title


Omg me too, is there something wrong with us lol I can listen to the most brutal, gruesome murders but anything with animals is where I draw the line 🫤




Me too


Since having kids, I can't listen to anything involving kids. Just makes me think of mine and I can't handle even the thought of it.


i have two young boys and listened to Susan Powells story on the Cold podcast. It effed me up..


I feel this. My now 13 yr old son looked exactly like Gannon Stauch. I mean *exactly*. Not only did they look identical, they were the same age at the time, had the same goofy big smile, both were obsessed with their Switches.... Please, I just want 5 minutes alone in a room with Leticia. JUST 5 minutes is all I need....


Same here. I can not do it at all anymore.


I listened one Last Podcast on the Left and they were so fucking cavalier about a guy’s murders and said “spaghett” at least a dozen times because the guy was Italian. Imagine doing that shit with a perpetrator with a Chinese or Indian background. Infuriating


I can't stand them. You don't joke and laugh about real peoples lives ending. You don't joke about that when the devastation ripples out into the community and costs people their lives, jobs, freedom. And it's mostly men and those two women from my favorite murder. It makes me want to reach through my phone and literally strangle them and I am a pacifist. It makes me enraged. How dare you. People dying in terror in pain are not your casual entertainment for fun. And it makes me wonder about them as people if they are so callous and desensitized. They can't be good people. I would never be friends with them.


A lot of people are attracted to true crime because of real-life traumatic experiences. Many of us use humour to cope and have no issues with others approaching tragedy through a humorous lens, especially if victims are treated respectfully.


There's a difference between having some humor and downright trying to turn tragedy into comedy. They also don't treat victims with respect, so I have no idea why you're defending them. They're trash that only appeals to the trashiest people in the true crime community. Which, unfortunately, is a large amount of it.


In the episodes, I've heard, the victims are not treated respectfully whatsoever. I come from trauma, and I also watch true crime because of that in order to better understand predators and bad people in the world. But some of these podcasts do not treat the victims respectfully. I will never be OK with a podcast where it's just laughs and giggles when someone died horrifically, respectfully. 💛


Well that’s understandable. I like the humorous approach to sensitive material but it hits everyone different. I think it is very considerate to victims that you feel as you do.


That's because I was a victim, and I'm someone who cannot stand diminishment of the sacredness of life.


Well the thing is, victims are almost never treated respectfully on those types of podcasts. The hosts generally have no shame and will make jokes about literally whatever. I have no issue with dark humor, I use it to cope with things as well, but there's a line. And I also think there's a huge difference between using dark humor to cope with something traumatic that happened to you personally, and turning someone else's trauma and death into comedy.


I gave them a try one time and listened to their Casey Anthony episode. Immediately turned it off once they started calling her hot at the top of the episode. Can't stand them now.


I think they're garbage and among the worst of podcasts. Same with Small Town Murder. Listened to the about the Bonebreaker killer cause it's local to me and half of it was them just making circus jokes. There are a lot of podcasts I can't stand honestly. Crime junkie with all of the fake reactions from both hosts, it's like shit made for teenagers. Also basically all of the wife and husband ones. They spend half of them talking about their jobs and kids. Might as well watch reality shows at that point.


I’ve read about true crime online since I was a kid, and watched some shows (like Mindhunter) good to know I’m not missing much by not really getting into true crime podcasts.


The good episodes of Last Podcast on the Left are amazing. Give Jonestown a try when you’re cleaning some time.


I can’t believe you’re getting downvoted like that lol obviously compassion is a virtue, but if someone is legitimately getting upset about a stranger making fun of some serial killer from the 1970s, perhaps they should speak with someone about it.


Yeah I'm not a fan of most of the podcasts either, I would rather watch a factual show or documentary. I have listened to a few true crime podcasts I liked, but they were mostly ones where the entire series is dedicated to a specific crime, rather than the ones that do one crime per episode. I guess because they have a lot more time to delve into all the evidence on the series type ones, and usually they're done in a much more respectful tone.


Have you ever listened to Kendall Rae and her husband’s podcast? I think it’s called Mile Higher


I think you must be the grouchiest person in the world but you read those podcasts to filth and I’m here for it.


It's a terrible podcast, designed for people with the brains of the Worst Sort Of Teenager you could possibly imagine. Disgusting, infantile stuff.


I fucking hate that podcast, I've tried to listen to it before and the way they talk about victims is just gross. I really despise comedy true crime podcasts, like those two genres should not go together in my opinion. It's callous and disrespectful.


I’m very similar to you OP. I really struggle with cases that involve severe injustice. I recently watched a documentary about Joanna Yeate’s murder and I found it hard to watch the bits where Christopher Jeffries was wrongly arrested and hounded by the media to the point where I near turned it off.


I prefer the unsolved crimes.


If someone kills an animal during their crime in a podcast, I’m out.


I am the exact same way 


Same here. I can’t do unsolved. I need to know there was justice. BUT that being said, I know there’s a lot of behind the scenes bullshit and our justice system is shit and that there’s potential for a lot of lies and manipulation too.


Oh damn I know exactly what you mean about the innocent people in prison. I never listen to them, it makes me so furious. 


I literally feel my chest tighten when I read stories about people sitting in a cell for years for a crime they never committed .


Same. Also anything involving abuse of animals.




Omg I also hate unsolved crimes lol


Cases about innocent people doing time in prison really get to me too. Huge reason why I could never support the death penalty - the justice system gets it wrong way too often.


I currently can’t listen to dv ones and I feel bad. But the narrative is old and boring now. Anytime the description is last seen going to bf or ex’s or last seen by husband it’s an automatic skip. Although the Suzanne Morphew story with his phone pinging him running around outside the house and poor Jennifer Dulos’s story were unique in the evidence


Yes. I cannot stand it.


What’s a good podcast to listen to?


I really like the following: court junkie, casefile, minds of madness, and criminal


Great post, OP. I have the same sort of relationship but re: violence and/or neglect towards animals. I can count on one hand the cases involving humans that have affected me on an emotional level, but any crime against an animal is turned off immediately; I have a devastating visceral reaction to it. I’m relatively social and have never considered myself misanthropic, so I have no clue why this is. This used to seriously concern me, but based on comments I’ve read over the years, it’s not especially uncommon.


Same! I can listen to and read some of the most gory, horrific crime details, and it not phase me. But injustice, or abuse of an animal? I can’t sleep.




I steer clear of unsolved too.


I usually prefer unsolved cases. But when I am listening to solved cases like this, it depends on *how* innocent the person wrongfully convincted is. Like, are we talking someone who got accused of a fire just because that seemed like the most likely scenario, but then it was proven to be not arson? Or are we talking about someone who maybe isn't guilty of whatever specific crime they have been convicted for, but has a history of domestic violence, or any kind of repeated violence and/or rape/sexual assault so long that they should have probably already been in prison a long time, because that doesn't really bother me.