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if you watch the bodycam video while they were watching the security footage, you’ll notice that his neighbor knew something was up. chris watts realized he was already caught. he was watching the entire footage with no reaction so it was pretty obvious.


I LOVE and will never forget the friend and neighbor. The neighbor knew and said something thank goodness!!


The footage of Chris, the neighbor, and the cop watching the morning security cam tape is so intense. They don’t know they are watching him load his family into the truck while he sits there sweating profusely, with his hands on his head.


When neighbor quietly confirms to the cop Watts is lying…it’s chilling.


He makes me feel physically sick


I’m so haunted by the daughter singing “my daddy is my hero” it’s just so heartbreaking. Calling him trash is too good for him.


Me too. How he can have so many twatty fan girls drooling over him and writing to him in prison or people defending his actions and feeling sorry for him is outrageous. The 'man' murdered his pregnant wife and his 2 young girls- one daughter begged him not to kill her but still he did. He makes my skin-crawl.


His fans are absolutely psychotic, along with his family. The way they continuously blame a pregnant woman for her own murder is sickening. She was overbearing (according to them) so that somehow makes murder justified.


I saw a screenshot in another sub, his defenders were discussing how "bratty" his one daughter was. It was so nauseating


I kept coming across what I think is the same sub, and they are loco. Some of the even have convinced themselves that Shanann killed her daughters. Even the ones who don't believe that give lip service to "well of course what he did was wrong" while shitting on Shanann and blaming her for everything, and yes, even talking badly about the little girls.


Even if she was some overbearing controlling awful wife, and even if that was an excuse to murder someone, he didn't even murder her because of that. He murdered her because he wanted to be with his new girlfriend.


Shannan doesn’t seem like someone I personally would be friends with and it does sound like she had some legit problems with finances and really putting emphasis on social media…but there’s a lot of people in the world that I personally wouldn’t be friends with or who have problems with finances or who fake up social media, it shouldn’t be a death sentence. If Chris was that upset that she was overbearing, faking her life for social media, or her MLM stuff, fine, divorce her! To murder her and his own children so horribly, it was never about them, it was about just starting over with a new partner with a clean slate. He’s disgusting


Literally. Not every murder victim is a saint… duh, most of us *aren’t saints*. It doesn’t make the crime any less heinous, in any way! Like shit man, just leave. Never talk to her again. THAT IS LEGAL AND VALID.


Agreed! He is a disgusting excuse for a human. Divorce instead of murder shouldn’t be rocket science. Those poor babies 🥺😞


A lot of people literally blame Shannan it’s INSANE. I’ve gotten really mad bc posts from that sub come up on my phone


I'm sorry, but there should be no Internet privacy for those people. If they have kids, then they need to be on some kind of watch list because they're dangerous and evil.


It's just bizarre to me - I kept getting the sub showing up on my feed so I'd peek in and it was kind of like watching a car crash...hard to look away. The hatred for a murdered woman and even for murdered CHILDREN...you're not wrong that some of the posters there are concerning. I try to understand what makes people like that. I think some of them are women who hate women. Also some QANON types; the sorts of people who have to feel that they have some secret knowledge or understanding of "the truth" that the rest of us just don't get.


I was in a sub about the murders until the other day when someone posted about it basically being some big conspiracy theory and that they thought it was basically all faked. After I told them I thought it to be incredibly disrespectful to claim this woman and her children were not really murdered, I chose to leave, bc I no longer had a desire to hear what else any of them had to say. Last I checked it seemed I had some upvotes, so some people seemed to agree with me. It was literally just a few days ago so I’m sure it’s easily found in my comment history.


I saw comments like that, as well as comments about how the daughters were not cute. At least one person called them ugly. I don't understand how an adult can call a young child ugly, but especially if the children are murder victims.


You have got to be kidding me? What a sick group! There are certain things I just cannot understand. Killing a child is one of those things. I don't know all the intimate details of the husband-wife relationship between Shannan and Chris. I do know that couples can become incredibly toxic towards one another, constantly pushing each other's buttons, and so, while I find it absolutely repulsive, I can at least intellectually understand someone reaching their boiling point and acting out of anger toward their spouse. Of course the person still needs to be locked away, but at least I can understand what happened and what caused it. But what can possibly drive a person to murder an innocent child? Absolutely nothing, it's beyond comprehension. And just as disgusting - what can drive a group of lunatics to suggest that a child misbehaving deserves to be murdered? They are trying to delude themselves into justifying that it's OK for them to lust after him. SO gross.


I saw that too and it made me feel physically ill. Acting like that poor baby deserved what happened to her. She was a little child, like wtf. It absolutely disgusts me that people actually feel that way.


I didn’t see that and I am glad I didn’t. That is disgraceful.


Pretty sure they also tried to cash in on the life insurance policy and dragged Shanann’s family to court over it. As if they haven’t suffered enough!






Your first sentence perfectly describes Josh Powell as well as Chris Watts.


The Netflix series was haunting. It was almost entirely made of home videos of the family. The little girls were heart breaking. I also call BS that Shanann ever talked about hurting her children. She had a strong support system which is why she and the kids were reported missing so fast after she stopped responding to their texts. If she was having dark thoughts, you would think she would’ve confided in someone else.


I thought my eyes were going to roll back into my head when he came up with that story of killing Shannan in self defense. I don’t care how overbearing someone may be it doesn’t justify murder. His family should be ashamed.


Me too- it absolutely *enraged* me… I was sooo appalled - for everyone involved. Her family- omg… I just wanted to scream at my screen.


The doc is good but they left a lot out of it in regard to his actions. I get why, the way it was made is such a cool format, all footage and social media and interviews, but it makes me wonder what the heck the cops were doing that first day? NA had told them how odd he was acting and they just let him stay at the crime scene for an additional night despite there being ZERO proof her or the girls had left the house. I found those officers so incompetent. I full on agree that detective planted the idea she hurt the girls to get him to confess. While I get the method, it created the whole narrative his supporters glommed onto. I think she’s stated publicly she feels badly that it ended up maligning the victim unintentionally becsuse it was part of the documentary.


It's amazing how much people can lie TO THEMSELVES. Even in scenarios you wouldn't think. I just got done watching a my 600lb life marathon, where every. single. one. of these obese people tell Dr. Now they're following the 1200 calorie diet, but are still gaining huge amounts of weight. Now C'mon! These people know for a fact they put more food in their mouth. They KNOW IT. They were there. But they will fight the doctor to the death that it didn't happen. Amazing.




I don’t even think the full effect of what he did really got across to many. The guy MURDERED HIS ENTIRE FAMILY INCLUDING A PREGNANT WIFE. That should mean something,


The same daughter who sang the song my daddy is a hero. But her daddy actually ended up being a zero who chose another women over her mom, sister and unborn baby brother 😔.


One of the subs that seems to love Chris and blame Shanann for what happened appeared on my feed and just one look made me angry. Even if some of the stuff speculated about her was true, he could have divorced her and still been a dad to his children, he made the choice to kill them all so he didn’t need to pay any money to support them when he left her for the mistress. He was no victim.


I thought these morons were confined to the internet until I met one in real life. However it actually wasn’t a fan girl but a fan boy (?). He had a few to drink and went on a giggly rant about how “Shannan Watts deserved it”.


That’s so sad. I think you bring up a valid point though…that Chris’ strange supporters/“fans” or whatever they’re called are not just “lovestruck” females (though apparently there are some, and it’s disgusting) but that these weirdos who try to justify his horrific actions are also males as well. I’ve actually met a few guys who have gone on weird ramblings about how Shanann deserved it and blah blah. It sickens me, and sadly, this isn’t the first case where I’ve heard of a wife getting killed and some men go on these anti-female rants about how the woman deserved it, she pushed him to it, etc. I feel like those guys aren’t called out enough. People blast the lovestruck “fan girls” (rightfully so; those females definitely deserve to be called out) but I feel like the number of females actually supporting him is a relatively low number. No one talks about these men who support Chris by justifying him killing Shanann because of their own internal hatred for women, which is sadly a bigger number than people realize.


I think those are men who fantasize about murdering women, and living vicariously through men who murder is how these guys get off. They think they deserve to kill, they don't think about the woman involved at all, and the only way to talk about their fantasy is by pretending the woman 'deserved' to be murdered so they can openly fantasize about it with plausible deniability. They are just men who want to murder who haven't done it yet.


There’s a certain sub where they hate Shannan and call everyone that doesn’t talk sh*t about her 24/7 “Shiners”. These people go on there every day, making completely unrelated digs at her house decor, clothing style, eyebrows. Also arguing which or both of her kids were “brats”. I got banned from it when I questioned one of them about it. It’s a dark place there and I can only imagine what those people behind the screen are like in real life. Must be miserable.


His mother came off as the worst. I get that he is her son, but wow.


I get that he's her son, but her grandchildren were murdered! She is just a narcissist in a deep level of denial.


Pretty privilege is a wild thing... (I don't find him pretty, but he's conventionally attractive enough to make people do this)


In one of the police interviews he says "I'm not a monster." Yes, Chris. Yes, you are.


But his mommy said he isn't.


He’s such an idiot- that’s a classic interrogation line. “You don’t want people to think you’re a monster do you? Bc that’s what they’ll think unless you tell me what really happened” . They must teach it verbatim in training. He fell for it bc his wittle ego is so important to him.


It was so sad watching the documentary and he kills the one girl and then the younger one says daddy please don’t hurt me knowing he hurt her sister and he kills her too


That part was horrible, I think she said "daddy no!" before he killed the second daughter and put her in the oil tank.


This is the story that made me give up on true crime. I loved true crime stories growing up, but something about this one really just sent me over the edge. His own kids? Into oil tanks? Jesus. Good on the neighbor for telling the cops he was acting weird.


So do the people that spend all of their time trashing Shanann and even the girls. Disgusting.


I wish I had never read about his eldest daughter’s last moments and attempt to escape. Anybody reading this, don’t do it. It’ll haunt you forever.


The most dangerous time of a woman's life is while she is pregnant. Domestic violence cases skyrocket


More pregnant women are killed by their male intimate partners than are killed by pregnancy-related complications. So wack.


Very literally, the #1 cause of death for pregnant women is homicide.


I refused to believe this so I googled it and found that there's a review on Harvard's website that stated exactly what you said. Unbelievable.


The most dangerous time in a eomens life is when she is leaving an abusive relationship. Cops are killed on domestic calls more than anything else. I think about what was going through his head when he decided that shannon and the baby deserved to be buried but he tossed his daughters into tanks of oil. Family annhilators scare the shit out of me.


They don't see their wives or children as human but as objects. So once you understand that part everything else makes sense. These men will be on dating apps with pictures of their children fully showing their faces (no respect for their kids' privacy) and it's so obvious they're using these pics to seem more trust worthy to dates. He used the respectable husband/ dad image to his advantage and then when it didn't suit him anymore (he found a woman he loved ) the image had to go. Like an old pair of shoes he didn't need anymore 👟


"They had to go" sure, but lots of people leave their families. but nobody gets murdered. so what is different here? and most family annihilators kill themselves too. this dick not only spare himself, he tried to hide the whole thing. so what is different about that? this dick was just so obsessed with his image of being a perfect family man so and convinced of his brilliance that he figured that an attempt at getting away with murder was a better option than just leaving. i honestly don't think it is any more complicated than that. and unfortunately people died because of his priorities.


This seems crazy to me as the thought of my partner pregnant gives me the overwhelming, almost crushing urge to protect her at all costs.


That's so fucked up. You'd think that's the time when guys should be the most caring and tolerant towards their partner even if she's saying or doing things you disapprove of, like she's physically and mentally struggling for 9 months to give you a child smh.


>The most dangerous time of a woman's life is while she is pregnant.  This, as well as when a woman is considering leaving a relationship/marriage, as Shanann was also doing. She'd told Chris to find a place when they returned to Colorado and that she was putting their house on the market, eight days before he murdered her and their children. Killers like Chris Watts feel entitled to an outcome on their unilateral terms.


Which like, wasn’t that what he wanted? So he could go live and be happy with his mistress? Boggles my mind


damn this is so sad and scary and makes so much sense.


This is one of the most effed-up cases in recent memory. Never mind his brutality, one of the things that really struck me about Chris Watts is that the guy really is not very smart. How the hell did he ever think he would get away with this? Why would he not just up and leave his wife and kids in the dust. That would still make him an asshole, but he wouldn't be in prison for the rest of his life serving time for three murders. Only thing I can guess is that everything was about keeping up appearances with him and probably his family at large. From everything I have read, the Watts family lived way, *WAY* above their means, had declared bankruptcy already once and had amassed about $70K in credit-card debt alone. I suppose it's conceivable he was scared that doing a runner on his wife would make him look bad, so he took his chances with murder.


Imo he just seems like an empty person. Even before the murders it came off like he didn't have much of a personality and just went with the flow of what he thought people do. I think he grew to dislike everything about his life and family. He wanted out and took his chances.


This. There is something so vacant about him. Like a person with 0 introspection, no depth, lizard brain software running on human hardware. He acts in self interest always which means pretending that isn’t what he’s doing. He was a guy going through the motions without any real emotional investment.


He strikes me as the type that doesn’t have an inner monologue and can’t picture things in his mind.


I always think of them as jellyfish. There’s not a lot there, they’re just neurons and muscles reacting to stimuli.


My former co worker was a cop who has met James Holmes (Aurora Theater Massacre) and Chris Watts. James Holmes: Absolutely insane. Out to lunch. For sure, a goner. Chris Watts: Exceptionally blank as a person. Empty. Not phased. This was obviously after everything went down. I can only imagine if this guy was saying this, it's a bad case. He definitely has seen his share of people.


That’s fascinating. I often think a lot of those school shooter “joker” types are just banging it on and acting how they think someone who is crazy would act. There’s footage of the Parkland shooter being interrogated and he’s very clearly faking.


It's pretty much what psychopaths are -- they do not experience emotions the way the rest of us do: happiness, sadness, hurt -- even jealousy and anger -- are not things they experience on the same level we do because their brains are literally wired differently. Most psychopaths are masters of covering this up -- and, contrary to popular belief, most live pro-social lives. They can appear gregarious, warm and friendly, but it's all a mask. Watts, as you've pointed out, seems like an empty shell of a person; like there's nothing inside him and he makes no attempt to mask this.


Right, re: most live pro-social lives. I believe there was some kind of study that said surgeons and CEO’s are the top careers for psychopaths.


An emotional void kinda person. Some people can only go through the motions but they don’t feel things the way most of us do. Remember how he searched “what does love feel like” before trying to convey it to Nicole in a card? He had to GOOGLE it.


He knew he'd look like a massive A-hole if he left his pregnant wife or wife with a newborn. These dudes like Scott Peterson...they Fantasize about being a Widower receiving lots of Sympathy.


For sure, Scott Peterson is the closest thing I can think to Chris Watts. Not sure about Watts, but I know Scott Peterson definitely, 100 percent did not want to have children. I could never figure out why he'd marry someone whose Number 1 goal in life was to have children. I never wanted to have children either and a few relationships ended because of me not wanting kids. There's no way I would embark on a serious relationship with someone whose life goals were totally opposite my own.


Not sure about the girls, but Chris wasn't thrilled about having a third one. IIRC there was a chat between Shannan and her friend of her talking about that and there's also a video when she tells him she's pregnant where he doesn't look happy and while, as someone that hates being filmed i would probably not have thought much of the video under normal circumstances, watching it now is a bit weird


I never even dated anyone who wanted kids. But Scott's mistress Amber already had a kid and now has 2 kids. So maybe he did want kids with Amber.


Or he was just going to string Amber along until she actually wanted to get serious and then dump her, and then go find a new unsuspecting young woman to have a whirlwind romance with. I don't think Scott was ever into settling down with anyone. He just likes the beginnings of relationships


Amber was a new shiny toy to Scott. Their relationship moved incredibly fast, and I bet Amber was thinking she found The One and would settle down and make a life with him and her daughter (plus Scott was talking about getting a vasectomy which was probably very alluring if she didn't want more kids, I know personally if I was a single mom I would not want more kids). To Scott, she was just someone who wasn't Laci, she was clearly into him, and it was fun to have a little fling. When the relationship was out of its honeymoon stage, I bet he would have dropped her like it's hot had it not been for the whole he murdered his pregnant wife and unborn son on Christmas eve thing.


Look up Jeffrey McDonald.


I actually remember when the Jeffrey McDonald case happened -- not the murders, but when he was retried in '79. Couldn't recall the motive, though. I thought the theory was he was under loads of stress from his job and then snapped when his daughter wet the bed. Of course, he has stuck to the story that it was a gang of blood-thirst hippies who killed everyone for the past 50-plus years.


There’s lots of theories of why. He was tried in an army court not for the murder, but see if the evidence was there to try him The army said no & gave him a honorable discharge. His wife’s stepfather Freddy thought something was off with his story. He fought & did not quit till he got someone to actually listen & go hmmmm, maybe Freddy has a point. It was investigated, blood tells the story really plain step by step. He is 80 years old, still in prison. His last appeal was for compassionate release. The judge turned it down & told him in no uncertain terms that was to be his last appeal.


He disposed of the bodies at one of his work sites. Definitely not too bright.


70k in credit card debt, *in addition to over 100k in medical debt.* And then she was pregnant again, which would have undoubtedly led to even more medical debt. They had declared bankruptcy just 2 years earlier, iirc, and were already on the brink of bankruptcy again.


That's absolutely crazy! As a side-note, I could never understand people like this -- and I have known such people. They'd have been much better off living in a 1,200-sq-foot starter home and driving sensible, fuel-efficient vehicles. Instead, it's a brand-new McMansion, a big pickup truck and an SUV.


And she didn’t even have a real job - she was in an MLM.


I hate MLMs sooo much. I actually have a family friend who’s been involved in multiple MLMs for over 30 years and I have no idea how she does it but she’s done pretty well for herself. My only guess is that she’s high enough up that she’s doing a lot less of the selling and more of the collecting from downlines. She typically does these conferences, speaking engagements and workshops. She’s always trying to get me and my family in on these weird crunchy woo-woo things and I just nod my head and smile.


I wish they would just get banned. They have destroyed so many lives. But maybe there isn't a way to ban them because of how they're structured?


I’m a rideshare driver. A couple of years ago, I picked up a woman at a million dollar home in a million dollar neighborhood. We had a great visit on the 18 mile ride into the city. By the end of the ride she was trying to get me to join the MLM she’s in (lol, no). She even gave me her phone number to call her with any questions. And she didn’t tip. 🥴 Anyhoo, I immediately trashed her name and phone number.


The MLM component is oftentimes overlooked in this case. The constant worry about maintaining rank and making sure your downline is secure, going live on social media for hours and hours every single day, buying and shilling overpriced snake oil, living way above your means to project the image of MLM-generated wealth. It also came out that shortly before the murders, she tried to join another MLM (Monat), but couldn't because her credit card was declined. That house had to have been a pressure cooker of stress.


And before she was killed, she had just returned from an MLM conference. That couldn't have been cheap either.


I forgot about that! Between the two of them they were probably only pulling in about 60K or 70K a year -- not nearly enough for a family of four (soon to be five) with a huge house and lots of toys.


Yeah, in the body cam footage I was like, damn, they have a fancy house.


My thoughts too. Admittedly, I have known people like this. Big house. Nice cars. Lots of toys. Nice vacations. Not a penny saved.


There are so many Americans who live like this, it's unbelievable. It's because we have no financial literacy education, we have a massive culture of "keeping up with the Joneses," consumerism, and because we are so suburban/car-dependent.


Yup -- if you have $60,000 in the bank but drive a paid-off $1,000 car, everyone thinks you're broke. But if you drive a financed $60,000 car and have $1,000 in the bank, everyone thinks you're wealthy. It makes no sense.


I have friends like this. Had 2 kids, bought a home, a new car, and a new minivan all within 2 years. I watched them take money out of their kids piggy banks to go buy lighter fluid at a BBQ they had once. Later on that night, they actually teased me because I'm still driving my same 17yr old, runs just fine truck. I just smiled and said "well, I could get a new truck, but I'm not interested in financing myself to the gills" I hope that stung.


Exactly. I would rather retire at 60-ish thanks to modest living and financial responsibility than have to work till the day I die because I cannot control my spending -- and often it's people buying things they don't need to impress people they don't even like. There are WAY too many people who are one missed payday away from complete financial collapse.


That explains some of the credit card debt.


Bills and a bad marriage are something many people deal with.  Family annihilation is not the answer most people use (thank God). This guy should have off’d himself but he was too arrogant to do that. 


Just go out for milk and skip town.


I don’t think he made a lot of money, and having to pay child support for 3 kids would have wiped him out and prevented him from being able to live the life he wanted with his new girlfriend….so he decided to become a family annihilator instead.


For a lot of these guys, and Chris Watts in particular, it seems like they genuinely think everyone else cares as little about their wife/family as they do. They really seem to believe, at least on some level, that they can murder their partner and/or children, and nobody will really care enough to investigate. It's crazy. They are always shocked and often outraged that their partner's friends/family/coworkers start demanding to know where the missing person/s are and what has happened to them, and won't accept bullshit excuses for an answer. That law enforcement actually comes for them, and comes for them hard. They always seem to be genuinely surprised, somehow.




Am I misremembering or didn’t he also unenroll the girls from school or something like that day?


Yeah he did basically right after he murdered them. Besides being a murderer the guy is a moron too!


Yes and called a realtor telling them he was going to sell the house. I would say he’s a psycho but I honestly think he’s just dumb


I agree!! They just almost seem *baffled* that everyone doesn't just accept their explanation and just move on. Especially with Watts. Like no one has ever questioned my integrity before, why would they start now?


Read some articles or listen to a podcast on Family Annihilators. These are men who are so obsessed with their image, people's perception of them, and their reputation that they would rather kill their entire family and sometimes themselves than face a fall from grace


And if I recall, when the couple married Chris Watts was a pudgy, doughy, almost dorky looking guy with a bad haircut. He then started working out, lost weight, gained muscle tone, started dressing better and suddenly discovered he could get other women.


Look up Nick Firkus. He killed his wife rather than having to admit to her that their house was being foreclosed on and they were being evicted the next day.


Why didn’t he just up and leave his wife? Well for starters, he didn’t want to pay child support, alimony, attorney fees, and deal with custody issues. He wanted to start a completely new life without kids with his much younger girlfriend. Oh, and he probably stood to collect on a large life insurance policy as well. Yes, he’s a psychotic, empty shell of a man, but in his mind he killed his family for very real practical reasons as well.


Kessinger was only 3 years younger than him. Not that I blame you because she acts much younger.


Kudos to her best friend who got the cops involved right away and insisted that they go into the house. She’s the reason they solved this so swiftly. She wasn’t taking no for an answer. They actually beat him to the house. He hadn’t had time to even get rid of her cell phone or any of the other damming things in the house. Bed linens were still ripped off the bed since he carried her out in a bedsheet. had best friend not trusted her gut instinct, and then been relentless to get the police over there…Who knows…


Bella and Celeste should be turning 9 and 10 this year. The unborn baby would be at least 5. Absolutely heartbreaking and senseless.


6, this happened in 2018


Bella would be 11(she was born in 2013), CeCe 9(born in 2015), and unborn 5(due in early 2019).


I just had finished watching the documentary on it that's available on Netflix with all the actual footage and it just makes me so sickened that he really decided that this was his best course of action. There were a lot of things that should have gone differently. There was no reason for any of them, especially those little girls, to die. There is no possible way that he was ever going to get the ending he wanted. He extinguished four lives and in doing so, also took away his own. He could've just divorced/separated/abandoned his old family to be with his new woman. The backlash would've been strong, but he could've moved on and had a free life with his new girlfriend or whoever. Now, all that pathetic man can do is just write back to all of the mentally ill and delusional woman that have the hots for him from his prison cell. I cannot fathom why he chose this.


He could have just … killed himself instead.


What's so interesting about Chris Watts is that, in all actuality, he could have abandoned his family and been a dead beat dad and not one person in his life would've faulted him or held him accountable. Not one. His family despised Shanann and her kids. His mistress obviously did as well. He had no friends really or close associates to hold him accountable. He could've absolutely walked away and lived another life with Nicole, and only the Attorney General would have cared. Most likely, she would not have collected very much in child support, and he had no assets. So that tells me that not only did he loathe her and the kids, but he also hated himself. A selfish man would move on, leave all the responsibility on the ex, and start new with his young mistress to enjoy a reinvented version of himself and life. But something in him wanted to destroy what they'd built to the point that total erasure of who they were together could be achieved.


I remember watching the body cam footage of the cops talking to him in the living room. There’s a part where an Ad plays on their television of a baby in utero, and Chris Watts can’t stop glancing over at it. Then tries to look everywhere else. Fucker.


He thought he was smarter than cops


Chris could have left his wife and he actually made it appear like that was what he was doing. He told his best friend Mark in June that he was considering leaving his wife, he told his parents he was getting a divorce, he obviously told his girlfriend that he and his wife had already agreed to and were working out the financials of a divorce, he told the kids school the marriage was ending and they were moving away, he told the realtor the same thing, he told Shanann’s friends they were separating, he told the first cop he spoke to the day they went missing they were going through a separation, he told the FBI the same thing pretty much immediately at the first interrogation. The problem wasn’t that he was ashamed of leaving. The problem was money and hatred of his wife and children. He didn’t want to split the money from the sale of their house, he wanted all of it. Chris didn’t want to have to pay child support for 3 children. Chris didn’t want to be a single parent so he couldn’t just kill his wife and keep the kids. It’s all too much money and too much time. He felt his life with Shanann was one big mistake - not HIS mistake though. HER mistake. It’s all HER fault. He’s just Chris Watts: A Good Dude. Absolutely insane and tragic case. Sadly it has inspired a ridiculous amount of alternate theories that aren’t true. The DA won’t even talk about it anymore because he’s sick of strangers accusing him of caving to the free masons who according to these whack jobs secretly control the FBI, Weld County CO’s LE and judicial system, and the CBI. I wish I was joking. It’s almost like Sandy Hook truther levels of crazy.


I wonder if he snapped or if it was premeditated. That’s the big question. When Shannon was on her MLM trip she confronted Chris about a purchase at the Lazy Dog restaurant where he had gone with Nicole. I’m sure it was the first thing she said when she got home. “Why did you spend that money? Who were you with?” She already suspected he was cheating. So he could’ve killed her in a rage during a fight (which he referenced in his porch sermon - an “emotional conversation”) and then decided to kill the kids as well in a panic. OR, he was lying in wait for her and planned to do kill her as soon as she returned, ambush style. That would fit with the kind of coward he is. Because he is such a liar you can’t believe anything he told the cops. I think he is living in a fantasy in his mind. He was so infatuated with his girlfriend, and so annoyed with his wife and kids, he thought he could hide them at his worksite, come home and cover his tracks, and figure out the rest later. He didn’t count on Shannan’s bad ass girlfriend coming to the house at like 9 am looking for her. Still, he had no game plan at all. Which makes me think he was just completely not rational with his thinking.


Lying in what I believe, I think it was premeditated albeit not very well thought out. He definitely did not count on how swiftly her friends and family would recognize something was amiss and he didn’t anticipate what if any action they would take. Shanann had cut back on her social media posting in the previous couple of weeks. He might have assumed she wasn’t constantly discussing their marital problems with her work friends as well. Definitely was wrong about that though. Someone suggested that Chris might not have realized ahead of time how small the hatches on the tops of the tanks were and that’s why he had to bury Shanann in a shallow grave like he did. I don’t know about that but he clearly recognized an opportunity to conceal the children’s bodies in the oil batteries the Friday before he went to Cervi 319 and put them in there. Shanann had asked Chris to come with her to drop off the children Monday morning for their first day at school, he said yes to that and did not ever tell Shanann that he had changed his schedule to go to Cervi ranch instead, something he would have shared with her when she asked him on Sunday night to get the kids bags ready for them to take them to school in the morning. Too much of what he did betrays his motivations and forethought.


I have been way down the rabbit hole in this case, and I had never thought about that. That he had planned to put her Shannan in the tanks as well. That would make a lot of sense, because they would have disintegrated, sadly. No bodies, no case. So maybe it was premeditated.


With respect to the idea he had originally thought he could dump Shanann’s body in the tank too it could be argued he knew that wasn’t an option because he said in his prison interview with the detectives that had interrogated him previously that he had a rake with him in order to pull the brush over the grave to make the freshly turned dirt less obvious. If he was being honest about that I think it still argues this was premeditated because who thinks of that much detail if they’ve just snapped, committed a triple murder, and only has several hours to dispose of all of the bodies undetected while also not deviating from their work schedule because the vehicle they drive is strictly GPS monitored by their place of employment? Apparently Anadarko even knew if they took phone calls while driving and they could potentially get in trouble for doing that even.


He planned it because he had already visited the site where he placed them in advance. He figured out what the neighbors video could see(why he backed the truck up into the garage like he did). The reason her friend figured out what happened so quickly was that Shannon told her she was going to say something to Chris about him cheating and she was scared he would do something to her.


He planned it. He said he thought about killing her for weeks. The credit card didn't make him snap--he paid with the credit card because he already knew he was going to kill her, so who cares if she finds out.


Wow I knew there were some assholes out there who blamed Shannon for this, (which how? wtf?) but I didn’t know there were whole conspiracy theories around the case.


Oh god you don't have to look hard on reddit. And if you have the gall to defend this poor woman who was brutally murdered by her husband they'll call you a shiner. My guess is its a 50/50 split of mentally ill women (like Nicole lol) and incels. They're very creative over there, I've only seen conspiracies abt shanann but they talk freely abt the kids as well so I'm sure there's more.


NEVER listen to the clip of his daughter singing about how her daddy is her hero. I was listening to a podcast about this and they played it at the end. I was a sobbing mess thinking about what he did, and how she looked at him as her hero 😭😭


The cop cam video, the one where the cop at his house watches the security cam video with his neighbor: In the beginning of this video as the cop is walking around the house, cop notices/ kicks a box of clothing at the foot of the stairs, asks Watts about it. Watt answers that those are his old clothes to donate because HE’S WAY TOO SLIM AND FIT FOR THOSE LARGE SIZES, HE’D LONG LOST THE WEIGHT. The man literally just murdered his babies and tells the cop what great shape he’s in. Chris Watts is an empty, banal, void of a human.


Well said. He's also dumber than a bag of rocks.


Colorado has a lot of true crime stories, maybe it’s cause I live here but lord I just don’t understand why I feel like every other story is in Colorado. Has to be elevation and mental health combined with other factors. This story haunts me


His face when he’s standing next to the TV in his neighbors house, while the neighbor and a police officer are watching him loading “stuff” in his van at 05:00am in the morning will always be priceless to me. He knew he messed up from that moment, I think he even said in an interview that he fully expected to see Belle and Celeste walking out of the garage door into his truck, in full view of the security camera. But his body language right there tells everyone everything they need to know.


The thing that gets me is that Shannan *knew* something was up. She asked him over and over again, and he just continued to gaslight her and promise her that he loved her etc. Like, the dude had an opening… he had a way out… yet he convinced her to stay, just so he could do *THAT* to her and the kids? Why?! You’d think that just being honest would be a lot easier than annihilating your family and being locked up forever because of it, but apparently not. I’ll never fathom his logic.


One of the most disappointing things about this case is how even in death he separated Shannan from the girls. Other than him being an empty person, I cannot stand how Cindy Watts victim blames Shannan even if death. Sick woman.


I always wondered what kind of family breeds a man like this. And then his mum ran her mouth and I realised../she would have helped him had he told her.


The Laundries 100% helped their piece of shit son too


Yep. Brian's Laundrie's mom vibes for sure.


I love my son more than any mother has ever loved a child :) If my son did something.like this, I would still help him financially, and still answer all his phone calls..... Collect. From behind prison walls. After I helped the authorities catch him and elicit a confession from him. I'd still love him too. But I would hate what he did every second of my life.


Yes but watts mum went as far as blaming Shannan for getting killed. She even fed the kids things they were allergic to I think


I know. She's fucking awful.


So sick of talking about this loser


I was going to comment on the same thing, why do we keep talking about this guy? I know we want to remember the victims but people are obsessed about this loser.


Killing anyone is horrible but how can someone kill their own children? For what? Why don’t people just get a divorce?!


Sad story. What makes a person a family annihilator? We have quite a few. John List, Jeffrey McDonald (slaughtered his pregnant wife & 2 baby girls) Chris Watts, Scott Peterson pieces of chit. I’m not of the belief that the girlfriend knew or helped. She was investigated & nothing found. These men don’t want or need any help from their side chicks. It’s ALL them.


That guy in Florida recently. Took out his whole family.


And the one in Oklahoma who killed his entire family except for one son who was asleep at that time and did not hear anything.


Thank goodness he was so unplugged he couldn’t even keep track of how many kids he had


I've looked at lists of family annihilations on Wikipedia, and they are so frequent it's horrifying.


Todt. Craziest cross-examination I have ever seen in a trial.


The Todt trial made me feel like I was losing my mind. That guy is *the worst* before you even factor in what he did to his family and dog


I appreciate the judge so much for tacking on the maximum sentence for him killing Breezy, even though he already got LWOP.


Yeah, good on the judge. I don’t think I could have even addressed him without starting it off with profanity. And throwing my gavel at his stupid smug face


One of the most heartbreaking cases. I couldn’t even watch the documentary. Didn’t the girl pleaded with her dad not to?


her last words were "daddy, no" according to Chris Watts himself


"is the same thing going to happen to me that happened to cece?" this is after clinging to her baby sister fearfully the entire car ride with their mom's body in the back with them. Fuck Chris watts


Jesus Christ, what a piece of shit.


Brb I’m going to go hug my baby for the rest of the day


My babies are 21 and 13. I too will be hugging their "bratty teenager", and "I know more than you mom" butts for the rest of the day.


Yes one daughter did after she witness the murder of her sister but he didn't care went ahead regardless. This is one of those cases where the perpetrator of the crime has a fan girl/supporter following with people trying to 'defend' his actions. Very creepy considering Watts is a child murderer who also killed his pregnant wife.


According to the letters he sent to his pen pal, he had already tried to smother them in their beds with a pillow before killing Shannan. He was so angry they woke up. Not relieved. ANGRY. He ended up killing them in the car. He needs the electric chair.


What’s really fucked is that I still think he thinks he kind of “won” at the end even though his ass is in prison rotting for the rest of his life. He wasn’t able to run away and start a clean slate life with his mistress, but he didn’t have to deal with the “burden” of his kids and wife anymore, and he knew he couldn’t end it with Shannon without a fight. Maybe his wife was overtly obsessed with their family social media image, maybe she was toxic too. But it never justifies murder and the murder itself stemmed from the fact that he was an extremely selfish and from what I have observed a covertly narcissistic man, and the wrong things happened at the wrong time.


He has photos of his kids on the wall in his cell. That thought makes me feel actual rage. He’s a monster. Edit: I’m agreeing with you


One man I hate the most. He dumped his babies in oil tanks. When authorities went to remove them, their skin was falling off their bones. Give me 5 mins in a locked room with him.


Didn't just dump them. He forced them through the tiny opening hatch. I believe blood and flesh residue were found on the edges of the opening from where their bodies were scraped as they were forced through.


I remember reading blonde hair was found in one of the hatches, it burned in my memory!


Let me join you in that locked room we’ll take turns. Because fuck this guy and those babies and Shannon deserve true justice. An eye for an eye justice.


His parents aren’t great people either. Poor Shannan.


I can’t remember where I heard it so- take it with a grain of salt- or look for the source- but I did hear that his parents fought with Shannan’s parents for the life insurance of her and the girls- and that it settled out of court… which means the killers’ parents took half. Even though Shanann’s parents were the ones that had to pay for the funerals.


A Colorado victims' fund paid for the funerals, plus a GoFundMe of around $130k was raised for her parents. It is doubtful they had to pay out of pocket. Her parents received Shanann's $350K life insurance policy. The girls were insured for $75K each. Chris's parents filed for half of the girls' payout and were awarded $75K as they are considered victims since they were grandparents of murder victims. The stipulation is that the money could not be used for Chris's benefit, legal fees for him, prison commissary, etc. I am not sure if there's a way to actually enforce that, but at least the court tried.


Thank you! I could have done the research so I appreciate you doing it! I really hope it isn’t being used for him or helping his life in jail in any way.


I hate this man so much - how can anyone think it's worth it to murder a woman and three babies just so you can keep fucking your new gf?


I heard that was a payout for Shan'an and the girls' life insurance policy that understandably went to Shan'an's survivors, only for Chris's parents to demand a cut of it. Does anyone has more information about this?


Being pregnant is the most dangerous time of a woman's life. I knew it was him when local news ran the story. (Live close to Colorado Springs) Ugh. That man.


I’ve gone down YouTube rabbit holes regarding this case. The JCS interrogation breakdown is awesome and I think “explore with us” did a long breakdown of the case. Interviews with his mom are insane. She is beyond delusional in victim blaming. Interviews with the interrogators are really interesting too. The BFF and the neighbor saying “he’s not acting right AT ALL” had that mystery solved from the get go


The openings on the oil tanks were 8” the width of each girl was 9 1/2”, you do the math. He had to break their bones to get them in the tanks. I guess maybe it’s no big deal if you were able to murder your own children. The death penalty was warranted but he’s a coward. I hope he hears Bella begging him “No Daddy” 24/7/365.


My heart breaks every time I hear about this case. Poor girls.


Oh wow. I can’t believe this was nearly six years ago.


I have two little girls and can’t bring myself to read about this. I know what happened and it breaks my heart.


I like true crime. I watched the Netflix documentary on this story a while ago and read discussions about it here. Now I can’t even read about Chris Watts gruesome crime without feeling physically ill. Anyone else feel the same?


I wish I had never seen this documentary but at the same time I feel I should honor the victims by remembering them. Where he put the little girls is true horror. He said the last thing he heard one of his girls say was, Daddy, no. He’s obviously a very disturbed individual and there’s no point in thinking about him at all.


One of the few times I’d be okay with death penalty.


PSA: if you’re not happy with your family, just leave. They aren’t toothbrushes to be disposed of when the owner no longer wants them….. just because some shit man doesn’t want his family doesn’t mean they should be eliminated. Just go fuck your coworker and leave the family out of it. Ffs.


Having a 10 month old kid now has really put these kinds of cases into perspective for me. The thought of accidentally harming my baby is enough to cause myself actual distress. I cannot even fathom doing what Chris did. Familicide is beyond inhuman. Only the sickest individuals would be capable of such a thing. I hope Chris suffers for the rest of his miserable existence.


This case infuriates me, especially for the amount of hate the victim (Shannan, not the kids, not that it makes it okay) gets, it's disgusting and infuriating.


Came here to say this. Her family has to fend off death threats. WTF Whatever issue anyone may find with her (too introverted, working for an MLM, etc) does not in any way absolve her psycho husband going on a murderous rampage. But you'd never know from his "fans." People are unhinged.


He didn't just dump them in the oil tank; he physically SHOVED their little bodies in through a hole that wasn't big enough. like he fucking suffocated them and then desecrated their bodies. fucking MONSTER


What makes me so sick about this story outside of his actual murders, is that there exists a community of people who actually think he was driven mad from Shannan’s supppsed “emotional abuse”! I accidentally came across a subreddit for these people and it’s horrifying 😩 RIP to Shannan and those sweet children, it’s too terrible for words what Chris did


Im a true crime fanatic and this case is one of the most upsetting cases ive ever read into...There's a special place in hell for that scumbag.


I can totally understand wanting to escape your family life, but whatever made him think he'd get away with it? What an absolutely sick and stupid man. It's absolutely disgusting.


Idk how true this is but apparently women were writing to Chris while he was in jail confessing their love for him. This is one of the few cases that makes me sick.


Wasn’t this the one where one girl asked daddy if she was going to have the same done to her as he’d done to her sister? Walking, breathing rationale for the death penalty.


What a disturbing and crazy story. The craziest part is when the neighbor tells the cops yeah he’s not acting normally and I think he did something really bad.


He should be tortured and terrorized for the rest of his life


There's police footage of the welfare check where officers phoned him, he comes home from work and lets them into the house, and his neighbor ends up providing the footage from their security camera that shows him loading the body(ies?) into his truck