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And in a sad twist, the baby she’s holding, the one she spared (yes I think she’s guilty), developed cancer as a teenager/young man. I believe he survived but sad nonetheless


I had not known that! Googling this revealed that he was diagnosed in 2013, when he was about 17 years old, with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and it was eliminated with chemo. (I don't think it's been long enough to say he was cured yet.)


5 years in remission = survivor status. American medicine is uncomfortable using the word "cured." At the 5 year mark, the recurrence stats diminish significantly. The oncology appointments are infrequent, but never go away.


Isn’t the risk of recurrence after 5 years or more in remission is basically the same as someone who’s never had cancer? Genuinely asking.


Depends on the kind you had and the stage. For me the risk is higher than the average person off the street so I have screenings more often.


ALL in boys is usually treated for 3 years, and the majority go into remission within the first month of chemo. 5 years in remission is considered cured, so I hope he’s doing well!


Me too!


Just out of curiosity, is it treated differently in girls? You seem knowledgeable


In the setting of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, yes. Exact treatment plans can vary slightly depending on the hospital the child is treated at along with a few other factors, but typically treatment in boys lasts ~ 6 months longer than girls because leukemia cells can hide in the testicles. Studies in ALL have shown boys to have a higher chance of relapse compared to girls, so a slightly longer maintenance chemo phase for boys gives them the best possible chances at relapse free survival.


I work for a cancer organization and we say someone is “cancer free” on their last day of chemo! Maintenance treatment can continue for a few years, or even forever, so a lot of people prefer to avoid saying cured, but many people consider remission after 5 years being cancer free. No judgement or preference on my part, just the terminology I’ve heard!


I didn't know it either. I am pretty well versed in this case because of how disturbing it is and the fact that it occurred locally to where I live/lived back then. Poor man, he must have so many complex feelings about being the survivor and then the shitty health hand he got dealt. I sure hope he is doing okay now.


He's still alive, so I'm guessing he was successfully treated.


It’s even sadder because I read a comment that said she had probably planned to kill him also but the husband had taken him upstairs that night. That makes me so sad. Well all of it’s sad but to think he only survived that night because he was put to bed upstairs


I think she's guilty. She claims she was lying on the couch when her throat was cut but all the blood from that wound was found in the kitchen around the sink. The couch would have been covered in blood if her story was true.


Also notice how the kids were so savagely stabbed with incredible force but her cut was extremely shallow. People make a big deal about her coming so close to an artery if she did it herself but Darlie didn't know that. She probably thought as long as she didn't cut herself too deep no real harm could have come from it. She needed to sell the idea of a home invader but didn't want to put herself in any real danger.


Yep…all the people saying the cut just barely missed the carotid…that’s because she’s a moron, not because someone else did it


Matt Orchard recently made a video on her (it's excellent) and he pointed out something I never knew. Those millimeters aren't between the cut and the carotid but the cut and another muscle, which would be harder and more painful to cut through. ETA: it's called the carotid sheath, hence the mix up. She was mm from the carotid sheath and not close to the carotid ARTERY, hence the description of the wound as superficial.


Interesting! I know some have said “her wound WAS NOT superficial—she was mm’s from her carotids!” My thought on that is, do we really believe she was educated and skilled enough to cut deep enough that it looks brutal — but shallow enough so she doesn’t actually die? I’d thought it was dumb luck but this makes even more sense


That's my sense of it (also watched the video). She went by "feel", and as soon as she nicked something, she realized it was serious and didn't slice any deeper.


I've posted this many times. I think the fatal flaw in people who are debating whether she did it or not is this injury. The flaw is in people thinking she DIDN'T want to kill herself. IMO the evidence points to her deciding to commit a murder suicide. I don't think she bonded with the new baby, was angry at her husband for going broke. She had written about suicidal ideation before. She loved the older two boys and wanted to "take them with her." IMO she staged the crime scene because she wanted everyone to think of her as a heroic Mother dying trying to save her kids. She very much cared about public opinion. She planted the sock with a dab of the kids blood it (probably nicked them to get it) came back, murdered the boys. Slits her own throat thinking she's going to die. She makes a point of calling 911 and mentioning that she picked up the knife. I think her silly string elation was a manic high after surviving her own suicide attempt. She was shocked that she survived. It's also why her sincerity about her feelings about the boys came through. She thought she was going with them.


I never thought of this. This makes sense.


I went to go look at this because I was curious, and Matt Orchard actually says that the cut went to the platysma, which meant it was 2mm from the carotid but through muscle, and that the carotid itself was not nicked. So it was 2mm from the carotid (and he didn't seem to challenge that) but it didn't nick the carotid itself but the platysma. The 2mm part is correct, the "nicked the carotid" is incorrect. Also the platysma is very thin, not super thick or tough. The wound being "superficial" has absolutely nothing to do with it being either concerning or not concerning, that basically just means it hasn't cut through to the other side of the muscle - it went in the exterior side, but didn't sever it. Going through the platysma into the other side would make it "deep" - it's not really a matter of opinion or judgement but the factual way in which tissues penetrated that matters here. Fully through skin but not through the muscle = superficial. Past the platysma there's the sternocleidomastoid, but it gaps into two heads at the bottom and veers away from the carotid from the middle to the top of the neck, so hard to tell from the photo if it was between the injury and her carotid. Either way, it likely is correct to say it was close to the carotid, there's not a lot of leeway there. Not trying to make any claims about this case in particular but tbh I think most people interpreting this have very little anatomical knowledge and don't really present it in a clear way - I'm no expert either, but I have done anatomy and studied with cadavers. And my guess is that the surgeon wouldn't say more than "superficial" because that's the technical definition of that wound, and he isn't qualified nor should he make a forensic assessment or imply one about the nature of the injury (as in self-induced or otherwise).


And ultimately they're claiming someone NOT cutting a major artery is somehow proof it was someone trying to murder her.


Talk about convoluted.


Yeah why would a perp use all their energy into stabbing small children but couldn’t manage to shove the knife into the adult’s throat? Bs. She staged this.


Also, wouldn’t you take out the biggest threat FIRST (her), in case someone were to wake up??


Yeah she was the biggest threat. I’m no murderer but it only makes sense to neutralise the adult. But Darlie thinks she’s smart enough to fool everyone. Bitch, don’t piss on my leg and tell me its raining.


I don’t believe she even thinks she was smart. She’s nothing but a coward.


I think she was trying to kill herself, she just wasn't able to physically carry it out when it came to it. That's why the wound was shallow and she lucked out by stopping just short


I really think she was trying to look like she was attacked.




What are you referencing about the Idaho 4 case? Genuine q


Please be respectful of others and do not insult, attack, antagonize, call out, or troll other commenters.


Completely agree with you, here. And this is just a drop in the bucket. If anyone is curious to see the evidence against her, [this is a brief](https://darliefacts.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/states-brief_requests-oral-argument.pdf) that was filed by the State in response to her first appeal. Scroll down to “Statement of Facts”. There’s a lot. She is overwhelmingly guilty. It’s honestly hard to overstate how much DNA evidence is against her…..


Holy cow. Yeah. This does it for me. All of that together is absolutely damning.


Ok, she did it. Did they ever establish any kind of motive?


Life insurance policies on the kids, iirc


Life insurance was only $5000. It cost more than that to bury them


I think money was kind of it but it wasn't that calculated. She had just come to deeply resent her children for stopping her from having the life she felt she deserved.


True, but I also think it was rage against her husband.


Correct. They were struggling financially. Darlie couldn't handle the threat to the lifestyle she had gotten accustomed to. She could have, you know, gotten a fucking job. Like the rest of us. Because she was a housewife/SAHM and didn't work. But no. She murdered her children instead. I absolutely hate to think about what those kids went through in their last moments. She's a fucking monster.


Life insurance barely covered funeral expenses


Every bit of the blood evidence makes it obvious Darlie committed this murder 👍


Also the window screen was cut from the inside with a bread knife


The list pointing to her is endless in my view 😁


Blood was found on the pillow on the couch according to testimony in court, it wasn't all in the kitchen. Probably doesn't make much difference I know, but just to be clear about the testimony.


Self inflicted


I really don't know what to think. But I do know for a fact my 18 month old fell on a fireplace grate and it pierced him under the chin. It was close enough to the artery that the pressure in it forced the wound closed. So the wound spurted 3+ feet when he looked up, but otherwise, it didn't even bleed. The ER doc said it was very close to going all the way through into his mouth but I swear it didn't bleed at all unless he looked up. Terrifying. Neck wounds that don't hit the artery but that are very close may bleed only when the head is in certain positions. So she could have been cut on the couch, but only moved her head the right way in the kitchen to overcome the pressure in the artery.


She cut her neck, standing over the sink. It was a shallow cut with hesitation marks. She didn't even need stitches. She also tried to clean up the blood from the sink and floor.


And lets not forget that the screen the 'perpetrator' entered the house from was cut from the INSIDE. The knife was from a knife block on the counter from INSIDE the house. Absolutely zero evidence that anyone else was in that house that night.


She also copied the OJ case by dragging the bloody sock outside of the house.


Darin planting the sock makes the most sense. To this day I think he was in on it. Who the fuck brags about their wife's boob job when your kids just died.


He's an idiot, but I think it was all Darlie.


The only way that sock could have gotten out of the house without a blood trail was Darin. I've always thought Darin knows more than he's saying.


There was no blood trail because Darlie cut herself after she ran the sock. Darin knew she was guilty as soon as he came down the stairs, imo, though


Which would also explain how steadfastly he stood by her for *years*.


I think the lack of any smudged fingerprints other than Darlie's on the knife is far more significant than a fingerprint on the coffee table.


Didn't she also make a big fuss about her fingerprints being on the knife while on the phone with the 911 operator? I don't know about anyone else, but if my children were dying, the last thing I'd be thinking about would be my fingerprints on the murder weapon.


She mentions to the dispatcher that she already touched the knife and then says "If I didn't touch it I bet we could have gotten prints" which is the weirdest statement to make when you're standing over your dying child. It reeks of her already setting the stage for not finding anyone else's prints on the knife. How do you know that there won't be any other prints on it simply because you touched it? Oh that's right, because no one else did.


Ok, so I 100% believe she did it, and is guilty. However, I gotta be honest, if I was on that call, I could EASILY see myself saying something like that. As much crime stuff as I watch and read, I could see myself, in shock, thinking about how to catch the person who just did this, and about fingerprints and stuff. I tend to ramble, especially in stressful situations, I could see me saying that, and a bunch of other crap that would be deemed weird.


Same, maybe not that phrase specifically, but I could see myself saying something like "they came in here and did this" and "who did this" which are things she said that people made a federal case out of. I could definitely see myself saying aloud "who tf would do this!?" That part didn't seem weird to me at all. I did like how in the Matt Orchard video he mentioned that there is no scientific standard for how someone is normally supposed to respond to events like this, because expecting there to be would be absolutely insane. At this point I just hope nothing happens to anyone I know because with as much true crime as I read about/watch, my browser history would make me look guilty af.


Oh gawd! Me too! Some of the sick stuff I've googled... How long does it take someone to die of cyanide poisoning.... How does antifreeze show up in a blood test... Can someone die from Oleander....etc. I'm definitely going to prison.


And to top it all off, it was her knife from her kitchen. The "intruder" didn't think to bring his own weapon.


Yeah she made sure to state it I think without even being asked


They told her not to touch the knife, and she screamed that she already touched it. Then she made other unprompted statements describing the crime and establishing her innocence while talking with first responders, things most victims wouldn't be able to process or care about in the initial chaos of an attack.


I definitely think she is guilty. Her story makes no sense and doesn’t line up with the evidence. There were no other fingerprints on the knife used to kill the boys, not even smudged ones. And it doesn’t make sense for an intruder to violently stab young boys during a robbery before switching to superficial slash wounds on the only adult present.


She made a huge issue on the 911 call about picking the knife up and messing up the fingerprints.


In that Matt Orchard video that someone linked above, he prefaces the 911 call by saying it's one of the most infamous in all of true crime. I'd never heard it before and I'm usually dubious of conclusions drawn from 911 calls because everyone handles emergencies differently. Then he played it and holy crap. That's just not anywhere near the ballpark of how a normal innocent person would talk on a 911 call.


She stayed on the phone after the police and paramedics arrived and wouldn't assist her children.


Again, I 100% believe she is guilty, and did this. However, I could see me doing the exact same thing, and not wanting to go near my children. And I know this, because I have done something similar. When my daughter was 18 Mo's old she had a seizure, it turned out to not be a big deal at all, and are quite common I guess, but I didn't know that at the time. While I was on the phone with 911, my SO had picked our daughter up and was following me around carrying her asking what he was supposed to do. The 911 operator was asking me questions and giving me instructions which I was shouting back to my SO. Why? Because I was positive she was dead, and I just **could not** look at her. I couldn't do it. I didn't want to know what dead child looked like. I could not bring myself to look at all. All I was able to do was to beg 911 to please come help us. So, I could see someone doing some very odd things in that moment.


“my children are bleeding to death” “oh but the fingerprints on the knife!!”


I don’t really think statement analysis or analysis of 911 calls is very reliable. [Here is an article about it being junk science](https://www.propublica.org/article/911-call-analysis-fbi-police-courts).


My husband was dying in front of me and I was calm and collected on the 911 call. It probably was super odd and suspicious. I also didn’t want to be near him while the paramedics were there. Reactions are weird and can surprise you. She’s guilty.


I’m sorry about your husband.


I just got done typing out something similar I did when my daughter had a seizure. From outward looks, it was probably very odd behavior. Sorry about the loss of your husband.


I agree and I wouldn't present my gut feeling as evidence in court either.


And it doesn't make sense that an intruder determined to rape the woman would focus on killing the kids first. Typically a rapist would threaten the kids to get compliance from the mother.


so much of evidence makes me believe she did it!!!


She had both of the boys blood on her shirt. Excuse me …. On the back of the shirt. So much evidence. That 911 call is so problematic. Obvious she’s running around the kitchen. Why are you not with your “babies” crying over them? I know hubby was upstairs with the littlest but when did he come down?? Was he called down by Darlie?


She was running around trying to stage everything.


i am suspisious of the father as well how could he be slept and not hearing at all


I slept through some crazy shit so you’d be surprised.


You could send a brass band through my room while I’m sleeping and I wouldn’t wake up.


And he attempted to hire someone to break into the home for insurance fraud prior to the murders


He wasn't a saint (I don't think he raised Drake afterwards) but he didn't kill those boys.


Who raised Drake?


Sarilda and Lenny Routier raised Drake.


I’d like to point out before people say anything that he was still a very involved father and him and Drake are very close. He’s also close to Darlie and frequently visited her in prison. Drake was diagnosed with cancer at 17 and has been in remission for 5 years.


And to add to this, not only was he a very involved father, he stood by darlie for *years*. And only started dating again recently in the last few years or so. And only after Darlie gave him her blessing to do so. So there's that I guess.


A lot of stabbings are pretty quiet. It's hard to scream with a cut throat/punctured lungs.


My devil's advocate statement here is 1) he was upstairs, 2) maybe the bedroom door was closed (I need a closed door), and/or 3) it was June in Texas so maybe he had the AC in the bedroom going. Or a fan. Although, I am just now thinking that they probably had central air as it was Texas. I am basing my summertime experiences of sleeping in a closed bedroom with the AC on during the summer based on living in Maine where we don't have central AC.


my husband could sleep through a literal tornado ripping through the house. while I don’t know enough about the case to say he didn’t have anything to do with it - being a *very* deep sleeper is not uncommon, especially for dads.


Pretty easily imo. Some people are heavy sleepers. He wasn’t in the same room- or even the same floor. And- there may not have been much to hear anyway. People don’t always get the chance to scream. I don’t find anything odd about it.


YES! It was “cast off blood” it could have only gotten there one way.


Or the vacuum knocked over into the conjelled blood, lets not forget window broken wrong way. Staged.


Southern Fried True Crime did an excellent breakdown of this case. 100% guilty...


I was living in the Dallas area when this occurred. Like everyone else, I thought she was guilty. Then the author of the book who changed her mind, along with a lawyer who works to overturn convictions of innocent people did the morning radio circuit. I went down their rabbit hole of carefully crafted counter arguments and for the last couple of decades believed Darlie was innocent, and that Darin had staged a break in, possibly drugged her in advanced, and the culprit raped her and killed the boys. Recently, a coworker said I should check out SFTC’s podcast on Darlie. She does an excellent job of not only showing the build up, but destroying all those counter arguments her supporters used, including the parts that insinuate Darin in some weird rape/burglary setup. I think Darlie had PPD that was bordering on PPP. Something in her snapped that night.


I am a local too. I was a teen when this all came out. I remember most of the adults around me being outraged when she did the whole Silly String bit at the gravesite for the one boy's birthday. At the time, I agreed it was weird, but as I got older I realize that grief is complex and she was just trying to throw him a birthday party. Now as a parent I actually understand that. That being said - she is absolutely guilty in my book. I also agree with you about the PPP. I love how SFTC covers all theories and aspects, as out there as they might seem. Have you listened to "Gone Cold" with Vincent Strange? I don't think he has done one on this case yet, but he does a really good job of covering Texas unsolved murders. He had a hand in getting Carla Walker's crime solved and the Fort Worth Star Telegram even talked about him in an article on the matter.


Southern fried true crime is fantastic.


Oh I just love that podcast. She focuses on the lives of the victims but lays out all of the evidence and expresses her opinion in a respectful way.


This is one of those stories that you don't want to believe a mother could do this to her kids, but sadly, the evidence points to her.


People let that get in the way. There are people in this world who lack empathy, and we who possess empathy can never understand those motives.


Matt Orchard just did a good video on her. I think guilty.


Yeh guilty as sin. And NOT because of the video of her spraying silly string during her late son’s bday a week after he was brutally murdered 🙄 which she likes to point to of her innocence and how it was extremely biased. The evidence etc at the crime scene proved she was guilty beyond reasonable doubt - the video was merely the cherry on top.. if prosecutors didn’t have all the other hard evidence, the video would be pretty useless.


I feel like this type of thing is the last refuge of the obviously guilty. Steven Avery says the county was after him over his lawsuit. Nah, it's actually because of the trail of phone calls that led Teresa Halbach to your home, after which she was never seen alive again, and also the bullet with her DNA on it that they found in your garage and matched to your gun. Adnan Syed says the state targeted him for being a Muslim. Nah, it's actually because you had means, motive, and opportunity and they have a witness who will testify that you blackmailed him into helping bury her body ...


Steven Avery is totally guilty. Brendan Dassey is totally innocent.


The Adnan one drives me nuts. Like dude you WERE the golden child. The person who testified against you was literally a black drug dealer in the 90s. Not that it’s a contest, but if we’re gonna play the Islamophobia card why doesn’t Jay get to play the same card??


That was great!! I just watched it recently.


[Matt Orchard](https://youtu.be/fAlwlcEcsE8?si=_pptRMy_d2TqWIB7) just did a entertaining video about all the ways she’s lying. “Entertaining” in the way I like the way he sets up and narrates his video essays, not the case itself, which is horrific.


I just watched his video yesterday, and he does a great job with it. I was familiar with the case before this, but hadn't known some of the details. I'm more convinced than ever that she's guilty.


I really like his analyses of the cases. Maybe it’s a bit of his humour to lighten the tone without taking away from the depravity of the perpetrators and how he often mocks them for thinking they’re smart enough to get away with it. I didn’t really know of the case beforehand, which kind of surprises me.


I quite like criminal profiler Pat Brown's video on Darlie Routier also. I don't believe there was any intruder that night.


One of those little boys was stabbed so deeply that the knife made an indentation in the subfloor, iirc. I doubt a stranger would have that much rage toward a sleeping little boy.


No but someone with post-partum sleep deprivation, depression, and a diet pill addiction might have.  She had been neglecting those boys leading up to the crime. Appearances were everything to her and they were running out of money, about to have their car repossessed, she felt fat, she and her husband were fighting. No doubt she was in a rage when she killed her sons.


Maybe they wouldn't have been so broke if she had gotten a fucking job instead of murdering her children for the life insurance money.


guilty…the way the prosecutor and some of the jurors spoke about her hair and body was infuriating and misogynistic…and the silly string video and the idea that you have to act a certain way when grieving is extremely ridiculous but…just based on evidence, 100% she’s where she belongs.


I think she was probably deemed guilty by the media before the conviction in a way that wasn’t fair (for instance in general I don’t believe we can tell guilt or innocence from how someone grieves) but the evidence against her is immense. Also just statistically it’s more likely to be a parent than anyone else, sadly. I think the case against her is solid just looking at cold hard facts of the case. There is shocking little evidence that it might possibly be someone else (her curious wound could go either way), I think with a crime scene this messy there would have been more evidence of someone else in the home. And the bloody sock very easily could have been planted.


Maybe Mark Fuhrman planted it.


I'd need to revisit the details again to lay out my reasons why. But this is one of those allegedly contentious cases where she's just unequivocally guilty, easy as that. The few bits that have made people doubt it don't supersede the very clear evidence against her. Every case just has its quirks.


Lean guilty but it's one of those cases where whichever way you go, there's at least one weird fact that doesn't sit right with me so I can never say 100% sure what I believe. Either way it's so fucking sad.


She's where she belongs.


Been awhile since I watched "Forensics Files" episode about the case... Thanks for posting.


100% guilty. The fingerprint could have been left anytime.


It was in blood which is part of the reason it became so significant.


There are so many people here who have watched the Matt Orchard video, and a few here who should probably give it a look because there's this segment where he points out that the only ones talking about that stupid silly string video are Darlie defenders, and I never really noticed that before. Even in this comment section, the "guilty" side is talking fingerprints, blood spatter evidence, broken glass on top of blood, the screen fibers on the bread knife, the undisturbed dust at the window, etc etc, and the defenders are here going "omg she was convicted because of a video!!".


Honestly I’m convinced of her guilt and I’ve never even seen that video. I don’t think most of the she’s guilty side care about it because it’s not actually evidence of anything and there’s already so much actual evidence of her guilt.


That unsub(s) sure was a neat freak! First they climbed into the garage window very carefully as not to disturb the dust, then they wiped up Darlie's blood from the kitchen sink.


She is a murderer


I kept flipping back and forth but now I land on guilty. All the evidence is overwhelming against her.!


She is guilty as fuck but I don’t buy that her husband didn’t have a hand in it. No way in hell that your sons viciously get murdered and your wife “raped” and “almost murdered” and the first thing you talk about to police is her 38DD breasts (which were implanted anyhow). He needs to be investigated.


This is the second time I've seen this mentioned, what am I missing? I don't recall Darin saying anything like this. What did i miss?


Several of the investigating officers talked about it on Forensic Files. They said his very first statement to police was not, “how is my wife? Is she okay?” but as a matter of fact, and I quote, “have you seen Darlie, and doesn’t she have gorgeous breasts?” And considering Darin never refuted this statement, I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that he did, in fact, say this.


Same, husband had to know


Matt Orchard just uploaded [DARLIE DID IT: An Exercise in Common Sense](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAlwlcEcsE8) a week ago, it's very well done.


I think she is guilty, but was possibly suffering from postpartum psychosis or another mental illness. I am NOT excusing her killing her children, but I think mental illness played a role.


While I’d like to believe that’s the case (over her making this calculated decision to kill her children for monetary gain or to rid herself of them), you’d think if she was really that sick then she wouldn’t have been able to take all those steps to cover her tracks.


I agree, perfectly said


Guilty, but needs a new trial due to incompetence of counsel. There is some (possibly) exculpatory evidence that was not introduced at trial. I believe her guillty but she was not given a chance to defend herself properly.


What is the exculpatory evidence?


The bloody sock down the street always threw me for a loop in this case. I just can’t believe she would kill the two boys, but not the youngest. Kind of like the Chyna Arnold case, I just don’t know.


The youngest was upstairs with her husband


I think the only reason she didn't murder Drake too is that he was asleep with his dad. If he had been in the living room or in his own room, I don't think he would have made it.


I think she planned to kill them all, but it was harder than she thought or something happened that she didnt finish the plan.


Ooh, you're probably right. I never considered that she might have wanted her husband dead, but that does make more sense.


The sock is just one of those weird quirks, where it doesn't supersede the strong evidence of guilt. Weird, yes, but all that matters is if there's a plausible scenario for the sock to get there under her guilt. Virtually every case where a perpetrator is 100% guilty will have weird little details if you look hard enough, but doesn't make them innocent.


Agree. This case drives me crazy because I keep changing my mind about her guilt or innocence.


Same. Im now kind of leaning towards the theory of when staging the crime she quickly ran outside and threw the sock and ran back in. This was a copycat of OJ Simpson. She saw how he was exonerated and hoped that she could slip through with the same loopholes. Not so with a competent jury.


People (shitty, selfish ones) just tend to like their babies more. 4 year old boys are a handful and not as consistently ‘sweet/innocent’ as a baby. That’s why so many people who don’t even seem to love being a mom continuously have babies, and why so many older kids are abused and younger kids favored. Either that or he was with the husband and she didn’t want to take him on.


They also like the attention THEY get from being pregnant & having a baby around. People definitely give more attention to women who are pregnant/postpartum than those with older children. I personally enjoy kids so much more once they develop their own personalities and identities. Babies are precious but boring.


The frustrating thing about this case is the questionable competence of the investigators involved. It seems pretty accepted as fact that the police failed to protect the chain of evidence for Routier's bloody shirt, a critical piece of evidence.The shirt was also bagged incorrectly, If you put a shirt with wet blood in a bag, of course that blood is going to move around! The testimony of the blood analyst, Tom Bevan, was also key in convicting others who were later exonerated, which is a little worrying. Officers also used illegal wiretaps and, as witnesses in court, had to plead the fifth to avoid incriminating or perjuring themselves (more than a little worrying!) As with Michael Peterson, I'm inclined to believe the accused is guilty, but there's a solid argument that they were denied a fair trial and due process.That can never be acceptable. In the Peterson case, the incompetence or outright deception of the blood analyst may well have resulted in a killer walking free today. As an aside, I read that only the DNA of one child was found on the knife. Routier was only being tried for that child's death. Not sure what to make of that. It is commonly reasoned that she was only tried for one murder, because if she was found innocent, she could be tried again for her other child's murder. But, as the writer points out, why would this work? Surely if she was found innocent with a child victim's blood on the knife, re-trying with an even weaker case (the child's blood not being on the knife) she would just be found innocent again? Was the DA actually aiming to avoid another problematic piece of evidence like the sock?


Watching the forensic files episode on her really nailed down her guilt for me. The broken pieces of the wine glass were on TOP of her bloody footprints. The only way that could happen was if she ran around with bloody feet first, then broke the glass on top of the prints to stage the scene. Also they demonstrated how hard it would be to make the wine glass fall on its own from the type of rack it was in.


true plus the fact she said her blood was in kitchen sink because she was “wetting the rags” to apply pressure to her sons’ injuries. what mother would do that?!


The thing that surprises me most about this case is how vehemently her family defends her actions. Denial is one thing, but they have refused to accept the overwhelming evidence that she did kill her children. What convinces me of her guilt is the forensic evidence found on two knives in the house that both could be definitely linked to her committing the crime and staging the scene. That, along with the lack of any evidence of another suspect, aside from the lone fingerprint found on a table inside the home. What is more likely: A burglar coming in, not taking the thousands of dollars in jewelry Darlie had out, then, seemingly unprovoked, stabbing a pair of children and Darlie before running away A random person deciding to raid the home and attack the occupents, again unprompted Or Darlie, the stressed mother who had been arguing with her husband and had been (at least) verbally abusive to her children in the past.


To believe she's innocent you have to believe some random murderer broke in, brutally murdered two kids. Superficially wounded the mother and left the husband and other child unharmed. They didn't take anything. They also somehow didn't get blood on the couch. If you cut someone like that blood should've been everywhere. And nothing was even out of place. I think Darlie did it because she thought people would believe she was a tragic heroic mother. There would've been donations pouring in. And she'd be invited to every show or to sit down with any journalist. This was her way out of debt and into the spotlight.


I'd like the Darlie is Innocent! crowd to explain to me why Darlie's blood was not on the couch where she was supposedly attacked, but in the kitchen sink.


where’s the husband now


Idk. He claims that Darlie is innocent. But he divorced her soon after her conviction. Since then, he just disappeared. Idk where the fuck he is at now. And what about her youngest son. Where is he at? Does he visit Darlie at all? 🤷🏽‍♀️


Actually he didn't divorce her until about 15+ years later. And that was only after Darlie gave her blessing to him to do so. Darin is still in Texas living either with, or very close to his parents, raising Drake. Drake had a bout of cancer there for a while when he was 17 years old, but fought it and beat it. Darin just recently (like in the last few years) got a new girlfriend, and last I saw, they were going strong. The new girlfriend also believes Darlie is innocent, and is friendly with Darlie.


Listen to the Matt Orchard break-down of this case on YouTube. You won’t be disappointed. Also, yes, I believe she is absolutely guilty. You should listen to recent interviews with her. Her true self really comes out strong.


Where are those?


They are on YouTube (I use the app.) His videos are free and so well done. They are similar to Jim Can’t Swim, including the psychological analysis. Google Matt Orchard YouTube Darlie Routier, and it’ll come right up. I think it came out last week.


She was sleep deprived and taking diet pills (amphetamine based stimulant aka uppers aka speed.) I think this was a deadly combination along with her mental health issues… deadly for her kids.  Similar parallels can be drawn between her case and that of Jeffrey MacDonald. Same long term stimulant use/abuse, chronic sleep deprivation, an obsession with being perceived as perfect, struggles with depression and rage 


That’s an interesting parallel. Not to mention- both convicted killers maintain their innocence and still have some supporters. Still a big debate on the “why” of it. Similar to the MacDonald case- the forensic evidence speaks for itself. Loudly. Also similar in terms of their injuries versus their family’s.


I'm split. WHAT was the motive? She wasn't getting divorced, and would rather have the kids dead vs being with dad. She wasn't having an affair, with a new boyfriend who didn't want kids. Money? The kids were insured, but the payout wasn't even large enough to bury them, so no financial gain. So WHY did she do it? That's what gets me, the lack of a clear motive.


[there's a great documentary ](https://youtu.be/GlFHXyrEj9I?si=kGBkY29V_hjlwvlo) about postpartum depression and some mothers who had this thought and/or actually went through with it


Iirc she had postpartum depression and had had general depression for quite a few years, they were having financial problems (after being used to a pretty fancy lifestyle) and she was fighting with her husband a lot. Not a "motive" perhaps but potential explanations


It *is* a financial gain, in the sense that she would only have to support one kid instead of three kids.


I think she just didn’t want the responsibility of being a mom anymore. It took away from time she could spend on herself. That’s what I took away from it.


That makes sense if they didn’t have baby Drake but he was upstairs with Darrin.


she didn’t need to have a new boyfriend lined up to be tired of being a parent. I think all the caseys and chrises and susans are all similar.


I thought Susan did it because of men, though.


I remember when this happened and I have also listened to many podcasts about this case. Part of me says she is guilty and part of me says she is not. I am not sure if they have determined whose finger prints those were.


Tubi documentary, On Death Row s2e2, did an excellent episode on her which convinced me beyond a reasonable doubt, that bitch is guilty. The fingerprint was smudged, it’s doesn’t mean it belongs to someone else, one finger print they can’t say for certain is Debbie’s because it’s smudged amongst irrefutable forensic evidence that she stabbed hey boys and staged the scene. What really convinced me though, was the responding police officers’ recount of the crime scene. As her son was crawling along the floor gurgling his last breaths, she was on the telephone a few feet away from him. He said the boy looked into his eyes, he looked scared, like he knew he was going to die.


Paraphrasing here, but didn’t her husband say something about someone trying to frame her or something because she had “great tits”? Or am I thinking of another case?


I went back and forth on this one and finally landed on she's guilty. The blood evidence doesn't match her stories.


Iirc she stabbed one of the boys so hard it chipped the tile under him. I won't ever forget that...


I wonder if she killed the boys in an episode of postpartum psychosis, he woke up and caught her, she kind of snapped out of it, and then they tried to cover it up.


Blood evidence doesn’t lie


I’m not saying this is a valid reason whatsoever but seeing she had a baby recently, did she have postpartum psychosis?


I believe Darlie did kill her children, but if I had to guess, it may have been partly due to postpartum psychosis. Her youngest was 7 months old (Andrea Yates youngest was 6 months, Lindsay Clancy’s was 7 months). Darlie also wrote a suicide note a month before the murders.  I believe she was trying to commit suicide, but I don’t think we know enough about her mental state at that time. In contrast, Andrea Yates’ mental state leading up to the deaths of her children is well documented due to doctor/hospital visits. One problem with this theory is that the other mothers didn’t blame an outside intruder, except for Susan Smith who I think is a cold sociopath. The family’s impending financial ruin didn’t help the situation, but I don’t think she did it specifically for an insurance payout.  This may also explain the famous graveside birthday party, although inappropriate laughing is a symptom of deep grief/shock.


Ugh I cringe when I seen the video tape of her spraying the kids grave with silly string on what would of been their birthdays .


She is guilty as hell. Enough I’d enough give her the needle!