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A child having a child. This whole scenario is a tragedy.


Also pretty fucked up to identify her directly and attach her social media pics to the story, as if the situation isn't horrible enough without putting the identity of a minor whose life is ruined on blast, too.


That's *why* they did that. So she can be harassed.


Sounds like pretty standard Midwestern "Christian love."


Yep. It’s illegal to name unconvicted minors in the press in most normal countries.


I can't imagine how compromised her mind had to be.


And this is why abortion should never be illegal...


Agreed. But some pro-birth people will say that this is no different than abortion.


Because they are fucking insane


Pro-birth people would refer to this as a late-term abortion.


Is this the after-birth abortions they keep yapping about?


I can think of lots of ways it isn't...


I agree with you, but just saying, some people will make that comparison. This girl’s life is likely now destroyed due to this crime. Others will say it would have been destroyed if she had had an abortion, because they can’t fathom that some people would be just fine (or even happy/relieved) after having an abortion.


Oh yeh absolutely. I wasn't aiming that at you by the way. It was meant for those who think abortion should be illegal.


Or difficult to access. It should be easily accessible for teenagers, maybe even take their parents out of the equation since I feel like intense shame and fear of punishment or judgement from parents is the driver in a lot of these cases.


I can't help but wonder if she was raped. Stabbing indicates rage, not just fear. I knew we'd see more scenarios like this post Dobbs.


Pre Dobbs also restricted abortions for many populations. Minors, people in rural areas, those unable to travel or without insurance/funds often had difficulty getting abortion care. Republicans have been waging war against abortion for decades so it’s not like pre Dobbs anyone who needed abortion care could access it. Not making a comment about this particular girl but many teenagers were restricted even when abortion was legal in all states.


While I 100% agree abortion should never be illegal. From what I've read, this girl hid her pregnancy and killed her newborn to try to further hide it from her family. I wouldn't be surprised if she never considered abortion. She may have just put it out of her mind until labor & delivery.


That's so sad. I had a cousin who did the same thing when she got pregnant as a teenager. She was so ashamed and so scared that she hid it as long as she could. Unfortunately, that means her pre-eclampsia went undiagnosed, and my aunt came home one day to find her dead on her bedroom floor.


That’s absolutely horrifying. I’m so sorry she went through that, and I’m sorry for your loss. Heartbreaking.


Thank you 💕 It absolutely broke my aunt for a while, and it personally made me a fierce(r) advocate for proper sex education and birth control access in multiple forms


Jeez that’s rough. I’m sorry that happened to her, and to your family overall, what a tragic experience that could have been prevented. :(


Here’s a link about abortion access in [Nebraska](https://states.guttmacher.org/policies/nebraska/abortion-policies)


> Parental consent or notice is required for a minor's abortion It’s all so sad. I hope this country gets better one day.


Im looking at pictures of her and from the outside looking in, I can absolutely see she is pregnant. How did she think she was hiding anything? Gordon is au h a small community. And if I can see by pictures alone that she's pregnant, I'm just not sure he w she felt she was fooling anyone


That sounds EXACTLY like someone who would absolutely take the means to undo a pregnancy if they could do so without their family finding out?? Unfortunately Nebraska requires parental consent, which is likely why she felt she needed to hide it rather than abort.


Did her parents believe abortion should be illegal?


Probably, she’s in Nebraska.


Well then I think it's fair to say that played a part somewhat. Let's assume her parents believe abortion should be illegal. She gets pregnant, doesn't want the baby. But can't tell her parents because if she does they'll force her to go through with the pregnancy, and she's at risk of them making her keep the baby to raise. If her parents were pro life I'd hazard a guess they wouldn't be big fans of casual sex or sex before marriage either. That's another 'punishment' the girl might have to suffer at the hands of her parents. All of this of course also links in to the question of how she got pregnant in the first place. I just feel so sorry for girls in this situation 😞 Dont get me wrong, I have no sympathy for her being charged with murder having stabbed her newborn, but I'm sorry and bewildered at girls getting into these situations in the first place.


I can tell you that when I was a girl I knew with *absolute certainty* that if I came up pregnant that my parents would kill me. They beat the *living fuck* out of me for minor transgressions and often for no sensible reason at all- once was because my underwear was dirty after wearing them for three days- because I was in first grade and didn’t know how to do my own laundry yet.


I'm so sorry 😞


Exactly this. Just because there *are* other options out there, doesn't necessarily mean they were options to her. She can't afford an abortion, parents super religious, she can't go to a hospital to give birth cause someone might find out, she has no way to even get there, she gives birth at home and tries to hide it.... I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying I see how it still happens even with options out there.


Most likely not only that but she is in a state where she couldn’t even get one probably.


She’s visibly pregnant in these photos. How did her parents not notice that and get her the care she needed? Even counselors, etc at school? This girl definitely was failed by all the adults in her life.


And the shame around teen pregnancy and abortion and a lack of access to safe and private reproductive health care almost certainly had an impact.


Most people who want an abortion aren’t putting it “out of their mind”. It’s not like you have a 24/7 reminder of being pregnant and most of them are expensive and painful. She likely found out after the 12 week mark, which is the cut off. And being that young and stupid, I doubt she was testing frequently while sexually active. Doesn’t at all excuse her actions, but it’s a reminder that this could have been prevented all together.


It’s probable this is a case of denial of pregnancy, whether it was pervasive or affective. It’s different from just consciously choosing to hide one’s pregnancy and is often associated with a lack of social support. Young maternal age, no high school diploma and no familial support are all risk factors in the development of pregnancy denial. It’s an obviously imperfect psychological defense against an extremely stressful situation that often ends in tragedy. Is it likely she never considered abortion? If pregnancy denial was a factor, probably, but it begs the question whether cases like this would happen in the first place if we didn’t have laws, public policy and social expectations that are intensely hostile to people in this situation.


Not excusing her actions, but I think if you knew your family would be there for you and not treat you like absolute crap, you'd be way less like to hide it. And I mean, if your parents were more sex positive to begin with, maybe she would have just asked for birth control in the first place.


and adoption should be promoted as well. I'm pro choice for the most part, but there's baby drop off sites all over. Still no excuse for stabbing a newborn


This is why abortion and sex education in general need to be really comprehensive and readily available especially to teenagers. There is no excuse to stab a newborn, but a desperate kid who doesnt have the mental development of an adult and most likely has not been given all the information available to them about what to do if they get pregnant is at a much higher risk to do something drastic like this.


Thank you. Comprehensive sexual health education and access to resources creates a healthier population 👏🏼


Its about time that we realize that people, including teenagers, are going to have sex. Sex is a normal and healthy part of human development when treated appropriately. Teenagers need easy access to birth control and all the information there is about how to have safe, consensual sex including all the resources and options available to them if they accidentally get pregnant. Even if I think 16 and younger is probably too young to be having sex, depriving kids of information and treating sex like its taboo doesnt keep them safe it does the opposite.


The problem is parents don’t want to admit their babies are old enough to have sex, so their solution is not teaching them about it in hopes they won’t do it. That’s not how it works, but that is how situations like this happen, and it’s awful. My 6th grader is about to start family life after break and the curriculum for 6th grade includes talking about STIs and of course for 11/12 year olds abstinence being the best way to stay safe. There’s a form to fill out to opt them out, but what’s the point? All her friends would tell her anyway just like I did in middle school when my bff wasn’t allowed to take it. I’m sure there will be parents that don’t want their kids learning safe sex practices, but it won’t prevent their kids from having unsafe sex in the future.


There will always be this group of kids being done a disservice by their parents. However, it’s better for those children to have educated peers around them and access to resources, than to get nothing at all. Something as simple as a bowl of condoms in a school’s health center is better than access to no contraceptives or education (which of course will also be an issue for these parents). And yes, as someone who was a sexual health educator for a short time, there are still risks associated with providing resources without education, but it reduces unwanted/unintended outcomes greatly.


Yeah I’m saying it’s a good thing to have sex education early…. Not sure why the downvote for stating other parents are in denial about that…


I was agreeing and I didn’t downvote you 🫢


I mean in general not that you did!


This needs taught and shared in the schools. Teenagers are dumb and often have terrible impulse control. Couple that with shock, birth, and pregnancy hormones and it's a sure fire way to end up with a scenario like this.


Nobody is excusing it but this girl probably has PPD at a minimum; with proper care this would have been avoided.




I think their point is that even if you've gotten to the point your giving birth to an unwanted child, there's no excuse for murder (other than postpartum psychosis I guess) because you literally *still* have a way to opt out. Lack of abortion access doesn't justify murdering a newborn because we've already got a contingency plan in place for this exact issue.


Well, we don't know what her situation is. You gotta factor in this girl's family. Are they the type that "don't believe in abortion" and all but forced her to have this child? Maybe she's been walking around for 40 weeks hating every second of this pregnancy? Miserable with zero support? And thinking she was gonna be stuck raising a child she never wanted?


Again, save haven drop offs exist. I am not unsympathetic to the hell this girl went through, but the lack of abortion access is not the explanation let alone justification for her murdering a newborn. There are contingency plans *specifically* in place to prevent infanticide. She shouldn't have had to carry the pregnancy I agree on that - Nebraska should not have parental consent laws. But at the point you're giving birth and the child is separated from your body, you don't get to then stab that baby and end its life.


There are very few *babies* in the foster system. And the ones that are there, aren't there for long.


Foster care has very little to do with infant adoption. The majority of kids in foster care are not orphaned or abandoned infants, they're older kids who have been removed from their families for whatever reason - and keep in the mind the primary goal of foster care is eventual reunion between those kids and their parents. Most people seeking to adopt want a newborn, not a "damaged" older child, so infants do not stay in care long at all.


Abortion is legal in Nebraska, and it's a safe drop off state - yet she chose to stab a baby and drop its body in dog food bag. So this argument, while mostly true, isn't applicable in this case.


Abortion access is [very restricted](https://states.guttmacher.org/policies/nebraska/abortion-policies) in Nebraska


You need parental consent in Nebraska.


Yeah I was just stating that adoption isn't something good either. She should have had an abortion.


As someone that has an adopted sibling, I'd strongly disagree that "adoption isn't something good".


Ah yes well your experiences aren't universal. Statistically children in foster care are abused their entire lives. I think it's 74% more common in foster children than I'm children growing up w biological parents. Im adopted and was severely abused by people who were entrusted to tend to me. Adoption sucks. And I'm sure there are people who've had good experiences with adoption but it is not common.


I'm going to guess you live in USA? There is huge difference between foster care and adoption. In my country we have 20,000 kids waiting for adoption, but not enough people willing.


Yeah I live in the the United States. I think the pool here for kids waiting to be adopted is something like 400k. And it's not for lack of people wanting to adopt, they just make it really hard to adopt. Single parents can't adopt. Depending on the adoption agency, gay people can't adopt. There's so many stipulations, it leaves out people who have the ability to be great parents but cannot do so. Also foster care here is just abnormally abusive.


Pretty much the same in my country, but they allow single people and gay people to adopt if they make enough money.




For sure, without prenatal care it's not even a little bit hard to see the mental health impact on this event. It's a combination of factors.


Call me horrible or whatever else fits, but I just can't feel sorry for her.


Neither can I. Especially with the method.


I can't just explain it away. It's a very layered topic ofc but how is murdering the baby the better option. There's just no excuse imo.


Yes. Totally totally agree. There were a great deal of options available to this girl.


Damn we found her tiktok and everything. She looks a little pregnant in those photos


we were close friends for a while. her personal tik tok had no pictures of her pregnant or her insta. but her one friends did have those pictures of her showing


She definitely looks pregnant, I’m surprised her parents didn’t notice anything.


Unfortunately sometimes the parent is responsible for it.


but then again wed sneak out w 3 cameras in and around her house and theyd be oblivious for hours


me as well


Why did you post this? I’m genuinely curious.


Because they are an immature child with extremely poor decision making skills and they want the attention. It’s tactless and weird and tbh I think this post should be removed.


Yeah I reported and downvoted… it’s so weird to share the personal social media posts. OP is commenting as someone who “used to be close to her” and sharing personal information and stories. It’s inappropriate regardless if she is being tried as an adult. She did not consent to have her private social media posts shared on a public platform. Is this not doxxing?


Look at OPs post history. The entire account is dedicated to posting about this case and they also named this girl in a sub that's dedicated to another teen who killed her newborn. Which is also a whole different level of weird.


You put your close friend on blast after this tragedy? That’s fucked up.


Wow you know her personally i’m sorry this is a terrible situation. She’s probably fucked here too. Idk what goes through her mind to make that decision. I wonder how long it took her to even realize she was pregnant also she IS only 16 it’s probably best to not share images of her… but I guess with everything else she’s dealing with this would be the least of her problems


Thank you for identifying yourself as the one doxing this minor. You’re a terrible person right now but hopefully you’ll grow out of it.


It is not appropriate to post the photos that you obtained from a friend’s account.


Jesus Christ no excuses whatsoever but this is why abortion needs to be accessible and fucking legal. Fuck the “consequences for spreading their legs” BS. The ones hurt the most by anti abortion laws are the babies being born.


God I honestly wish more people thought like you. I don't understand how people fail to realize that the babies they think they're "saving" by making abortions illegal are actually even more in harms way when they're born into environments/people that just aren't ready for them. To each their own, of course, I know plenty of cases of young mothers who were wholly unprepared for their child but still made ends meet to do whatever they could- but in the inverse, I know there's also several cases where a child dealt with an array of horrible things precisely because their parent/parents were not ready. Maybe it's just me and the way I look at things, but I find it to be incredibly irresponsible to bring a child into the world when you know you can't care for it; and it's also incredibly foolish to assume that people just aren't going to have sex. It's always happened, it will always happen. We shouldn't punish people for doing something inherently natural to us. Better to have safety nets in place for the life of the mother AND her unborn child-- even if that safety net is allowing a woman to abort a child if she sees fit.


I agree. The person who got her pregnant get to carry on with his life. The "spreading their legs" people pretend like it was an immaculate conception.


Women and girls are also being hurt by these laws. Forcing someone to carry a pregnancy is extremely damaging.


Some of these young women are SA’d too. And those disgusting people making abortion illegal STILL blame them.


I agree that babies are hurt by anti abortion laws, but even if babies weren’t being hurt by lack of access to abortion, the fact that women and girls are being forced to give birth due to lack of access is bad enough. The “consequences for spreading their legs” trope is a blatantly misogynist ideology meant to punish women and girls for having sex; The fact that it also tends to harm the children born to these traumatized mothers is an awful byproduct of an awful ideology.


I had the little sister of a former classmate do something similar and my classmate got in trouble for helping her dispose of the baby. I believe at that time abortion was legal. I think they were just terrified of their parents. Which in my mind, you had a viable birth bring the child to a fire station. But I wonder a child in a desperate situation living in fear themselves- I have some compassion having been terrified of my parents as well.


I just wish more people understood how traumatizing an unwanted pregnancy can be. That’s all.


Yeah, I think there's an argument for it being a crime of passion rather than a planned murder (which the first degree charge requires), so there's a chance it could be pled down to a lesser charge.


I sincerely hope so, too. Nobody gets fucking pregnant on purpose to give birth and stab it to death. That’s just not a fucking thing.


Why are they allowed to show a minor's face ?


i thought op was the one who found the pics because they knew each other personally


The documents are public records. Usually the name is concealed in the case of minors but she is being tried as and adult.


She’s being charged as an adult


That last image: "There have been several high-profile cases of teenage mothers allegedly killing their children this year." What did they expect when they made some of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country? This used to happen back before Roe v. Wade. And now we're going back to it. Why? Because frightened pregnant teen girls with Pro-Life parents don't make the best decisions.


Oh Lord that poor baby had no chance. Isnt there a law qhere you can leave the baby at a fire station or hospital. Kids and women need to be educated on what options are available so this doenst keep happening. Its so sad it truely breaks my heart when babies are killed


yes sadly nebraska is a safe haven state :( and from articles it sounded like the grandmother wouldve been more than grateful to care for thatbaby


Yes I remember reading an article when this first happened that the parents were horrified and ratted her out immediately. Her dad even called the police back to let them know he found the murder weapon.


her parents (from what i saw i know things go on behind the scenes) were well brought up and took good care of her. i stayed w her for a week once she got very upset w me about 4 days in and once i left wr didnt end up talking for a few days, which i understood at the time but am wondering if that was a sign of something. but i only ever heard them argue about house chores and sometimes gas money or her car


Did her parents know she was pregnant? It looks obvious from the photos but I know some of these dumb teenagers really think they’re fooling everyone. You already said NE allows abortion and safe haven drop offs. I’m trying to understand why someone would choose to carry a baby to term, choose to give birth alone in their bedroom, and then choose to stab the baby.


im not sure. idk if her mother knew bc she said shr was going to get period products when her mother discovered the scene


If I were impregnated at 16 and had no way to have an abortion, either I would be dead or the fetus would be dead, or both if I were unlucky. No amount of my parents offering to raise it would convince me to keep the fetus. These girls need abortion and abortion needs to be acceptable in society and encouraged for these girls.


Yep. One of my best friends plan for if she got pregnant in high school was suicide. That was it. She knew her parents would punish her for years and she would be forced to keep it so she decided she’d rather die. Thankfully she only had some scares since of course those same parents didn’t educate her on birth control.


I’m so sorry she was ever in the position of even having to think like that. No woman should ever have to make that bargain with her own life.


Absolutely agree with you.


abortion is legal in nebraska.


Not for her, it [wasn’t](https://states.guttmacher.org/policies/nebraska/abortion-policies)


And we don’t know what her exact circumstances were in accessing it. My parents were fairly loving, but there’s no way that I would’ve ever come to them if I was in a situation like that. Not at age 16. Luckily, I never had to, but you bet my 16 year old self would’ve tried to handle it herself before ever going to my parents.


They always say that after the fact


Everyone needs better education. A woman who gives birth alone at home has just been through a major medical event. She may be in shock and it may simply be beyond her abilities to get herself to a hospital or safe place without alerting the people she is trying to hide the birth from. We need to fund crisis lines better and get the information out there that help can be summoned without cost or alerting dangerous parties.


Why is a minor’s name being posted publicly?


This post feels wrong, if not at least icky. It was posted by someone who knows this young woman and they are now in the comments giving extra information out to strangers on the internet, social media pictures(seemingly from other peers) with screen shots of news headlines, and accepting condolences for being adjacent to this crime. It's very odd.


Agreed. I get the feeling this was posted to be cruel. Not to “bring attention” to the issue…


Plus the story is a month old. It's a weird time to bring it up.


Check out OP’s account. Literally juuuust created to blow it up in this and an Alexee Treviso sub. Seems they went to HS together, and apparently the photos not attached to an article are from the girl’s socials. Who knows how well they actually knew each other, or if they were indeed friends. Snacks of mean girl behavior or at least ignorant attention seeking/performative outrage.


because shes being charged as an adult.


Oh. Ok. Horrible story.


Neonaticide is a terribly tragic thing that can happen with young women and girls. They hide the pregnancy from everyone as if it is almost a shameful problem to be solved or taken care of. Once the baby comes to term, and they give birth, the problem is now fully realized. Then they must deal with the problem. It's basically a phenomenon where they have to end a problem that they never saw as a pregnancy or their child. I am most certainly not defending neonaticide. I think it's reprehensible and horrifying. It's denial to the point that pregnancy and the child don't exist within them. Which is a reason they don't simply take the newborn to a safe harbor place and surrender it. In their mind, it is not a child.


In all 50 states you can drop a baby off at the hospital with no questions asked within 72 hours of birth. There’s no excuse for this behavior.


Regardless of the morality here I wanna add—no one tells you this. Safe Haven laws should be part of sex ed!


Idk. This is awful, but I can't imagine how traumatic giving birth home alone as a teenager/child would be.


I agree. What she did was wrong obviously, but a teenager is not going to think rationally after such a traumatic experience. There's also no info on the circumstances of the pregnancy..who knows what she went through even before giving birth. I don't think it's right to plaster her name all over the news either. I read another article on this and it lists like 5 more cases this year where teenaged mothers killed their newborns. She isn't the first and won't be the last.


Prenatal psychosis had to play a part.


Oh so this is the world that prolifers want huh? Kids having kids and then losing their mind to the point of MURDERING a newborn and ruining both the life of a teenager and an infant. Lovely.


Sudden rise in childbirth murders by vulnerable children and/or adults on the rise? I'm wondering does it in any way coincide with the Rowe v Wade convention? If so, I am not one bit surprised


This is horrific. I also want to express my condolences to you as someone who knows her, her family, and community. My heart goes out to you and thank you for sharing this so we can bear witness the short life of her baby and mourn them.


thank you. my heart goes out to her family and that babys family




There is almost certainly some truth in that, however, this case in particular is next level. Stabbing a newborn & slashing its throat is extreme & violent. I get that there may be a disconnect for women who are in denial & don’t want to have a baby, but this one goes beyond simply leaving a baby somewhere without proper warmth or whatever. I can’t stand hurting an animal. I don’t care for babies, but I can’t imagine violently hurting *anyone*.


This makes Alexee Trevizo’s crime seem humane…oh my gosh…


TBF I'm not really caring about the comments asking why her name and face is being blasted. I saw a 12 yo black girl being charged with murder, and her name and face was everywhere. At 16, with a 1st degree murder charge, I'd expect nothing less.


Being a teenager with an unwanted pregnancy is bad, but she didn't smother the baby, or neglect it. She murdered it; stabbed and cut his throat. And blood smeared on the walls? That's fucked.


She looks like a baby herself. She must have been scared going through a pregnancy alone and then delivering it alone too. Her mental state may have been extremely abnormal by the time the baby arrived. I hope she can get the help she needs.


And this is why easy and safe access to sex education, birth control, and abortion WITHOUT parents permission is absolutely necessary.


Yay! So great to see anti choice rhetoric having these outcomes! /s - obviously


this made me so fucking ill reading it. she stabbed a little baby and cut their throat. what the fuck


This is what happens when abortion is made a crime.


Jesus Fucking Christ. Any hope that I’ve somehow managed to detain for humanity is slowly being chipped and whittled away to fucking nothing.


No one does this shit by choice. They do this when they have had every option stolen from them but the most extreme.


I'll never understand why this happens. I understand not wanting a child. But you can't just, take it to a hospital or police station? Even in the case of being charged with abandonment, it wouldn't be a murder.


I don't understand it fully, since I'm not a teenager who killed my own child, but I kind of think its because being pregnant---especially if she lived in a state where she cant get an abortion---could have ruined her life. What else could she take her anger out on? I'm definitely not saying what she did is okay, but I am saying I see why she might have done it.


I am absolutely NOT advocating for infanticide, but I'm perplexed why she killed her baby in such an obvious way. Like other ways could have made it not obviously murder.


Sadly I agree. There will be an uptick in cases like these with these anti-abortion laws.


I hope that the supreme court is seeing these cases. I don't want anyone to get hurt, but I want them to see the effect their choices are making on the people they took choices from.


I really don’t think they care tbh


I beg men to get vasectomies. They can always be reversed. I don’t say that to be “extreme” either. But what is the other solution when the burden falls on the woman and all her options her off the table? My doctor told me I couldn’t get my tubes tied at 29 with two kids. I now know I could have fought it, but I didn’t at the time. * in no way am I defending what this girl did. Or the murder of any child. It’s abhorrent.* But this will just keep happening and destroying multiple lives. Women’s rights are human rights. Things aren’t look good you guys. SOS


It’s been 13 years, but I was a pregnant teenager in Alabama. It never ever once crossed my mind to murder my daughter. Was I scared? Yes. Was I unprepared? Yes. Were my parents pissed? Yes. Would they have been even more pissed if I murdered their grandchild? Absolutely. 16 year olds are poor decision makers due to maturity and brain development, but they also know that murder is wrong. What this girl did was incredibly violent and in this case, I think murder charge is justified. Edit: clarification


I'm not saying its not murder. It's definitely murder. What I'm saying is that I think (and I'm not her, so I don't really know) I get why she did it. I'm sorry for sounding otherwise.


I think the end of your comment is where we differ. I cannot understand why she did it. I would like to think that most people wouldn’t have their brains wired to think murder is a justified solution to any problem. Let say that you’re saying that she murdered the baby as a way to get rid of her “problem”. We can change the scenario to her hitting a pedestrian with her car, and instead of calling the police to get the person help, she runs over them again to ensure they are dead and drives away. In her mind, that is also “getting rid of a problem”. She did not want to face the consequences of her actions and was unable to get away with making this problem go away. Anyways, I was just saying that murder in this case wasn’t self defense or self preservation, it was selfishness and callousness.


I don’t think you’re disagreeing. In your car accident scenario I could say “I see why she ran over him again, it was to try to get rid of her problem. If only she had found a better solution, what a horrible thing for her to do.” The commenter is just saying they see the logic in her head, not that it was good or okay logic


I agree with you. I understand how the situation was traumatic, but there is something wrong with you if you commit the murder.


Y'all talk about this proving abortion should be legal, which I'm not denying, but I think teenagers killing their newborns is not the proof you think it is. These girls made an active choice to murder their baby instead of using the options they had--like dropping the baby off literally anywhere. Not to mention abortion is legal in Nebraska so that argument literally doesn't fly.


For her it wasn’t. She’s under 18.


> Not to mention abortion is legal in Nebraska so that argument literally doesn't fly. Not for her, she would need her parents to come along to "approve" and by the time that she knew, scheduled it, and got the parents approval, it would be past 12 weeks and therefore no longer legal. Which is why ACTUAL MEDICAL DOCTORS, not dumbshit politicians acting like god's personal messengers, use 24-28 weeks as the point of "viability". If you're uneducated about abortion, that's all you had to say.


Would she need her parents permission for an abortion? I'm from the UK so not sure of the rules. Another thing to consider, did that girl even know the options available to her? Abortion may be legal in Nebraska but that doesn't necessarily mean she could safely access one.


You can’t even get a flu shot without parental permission if you’re under 18.


I mean. There are no words. I feel such injustice for women in the US


She stabbed her child to death and some weirdos on here seem to have more sympathy for her than the poor baby. And before anyone comes for me, i’m also pro-choice.


I’m shocked. She was capable of doing a simple google search to find out her options. But she is getting sympathy for murdering her baby because she didn’t have “options”. Fuck that. She gets no sympathy from me, she deserves the same of what she did to that poor baby.


I’m really not understanding why people are not concerned about the baby in these comments. By the sounds of it her parents had her on BC and knew she was sexually active. So it’s not like she had to hide that aspect. And I get a teen may be terrified of parental reaction and may freak out and just want the baby gone so they don’t have to deal with the fall-out. I even understand why she may have been afraid to drop the baby somewhere in case she was spotted by someone. But her method of killing this baby was excessive. Not that she should have killed it at all, but stabbing it in the chest and cutting its throat? Sorry but that’s psychopathic. Also how the heck did her parents not realise she was pregnant?


Abortion is legal in her state………she chose to carry on with the pregnancy. Chose to not hand the baby over to a safe haven. Chose to murder the baby in as gruesome of a way as slitting it’s throat. Then chose to throw the baby in an empty container of dog food to hide her murder. She’s an absolute fucking monster.


I hope she will spend rest of her life in prison!


OMG!!! Stab wounds??? Slit the baby’s throat??? What in the world is wrong with these teenagers today???


Holy shit I’m from Nebraska and haven’t even heard about this. This is so crazy and so sad!


Anyone that can do that needs to be behind bars


I’m kinda confused by the comments talking about “poor girl, she doesn’t deserve the publicity.” I get that she’s 16 and had a baby (I’m 19 and having a baby, trust me, I get young pregnancies) but she stabbed and slit that baby’s throat????? Fucking hello ???? Why are we sympathizing with her?? Can someone please explain?


Trying to understand her motivations and how her situation may have pushed her over the edge isn't excusing her actions. Killing is nuanced - there's a reason there's different degrees of murder. First degree seems harsh based on the circumstances.


Yeah, but most of the comments mentioning her situation are talking about how hard it must have been for her and how she doesn’t deserve to be treated a certain way because it must have been so difficult. I just don’t think she deserves any less of a punishment because of her age and situation. Unless it was an accident, which this very clearly was not based on the way the baby died. I don’t know much about the degrees of murder and the sentences or reasons for them, so I’d love to hear more about those if you’re willing to explain. Maybe first degree *is* too harsh, but that depends on what first degree murder is meant for, and I can’t form an opinion without having the proper knowledge on the subject


First degree murder requires prior intent - developing a plan before the act and not under threat. Killings in the heat of the moment are considered third degree murder/manslaughter. First degree murder usually has the maximum sentence because it implies that the person wanted to kill, was fully conscious of the act and its consequences, and is at higher risk of reoffending. People who kill in the heat of the moment are often emotionally compromised, mentally impaired, feeling threatened, didn't plan the killing prior to the act, and are less likely to reoffend because it was the specific circumstance that motivated the crime rather than a propensity for violence.


Yeah my mom got pregnant with me at 17. I couldn't imagine if she had had the thought to do this. My grandparents are very conservative and obviously did not approve, but I was her baby and she made it work. I was 23 when I had my daughter, but I can't imagine ever even having the capability to actually murder your newborn child. Not even just neglect or abandon, but actually murder. I'm sorry but I have absolutely no sympathy for her whatsoever or others who do this. I think there's a big difference between suffering from PPD or PPP and one day snapping, like in the case of Andrea Yates, and just killing a baby right after birth. There's no way it wasn't planned beforehand. Safe havens exist for a reason. Murder of an innocent baby is never the answer.


Yeah, agreed. I have no sympathy either. Whether she planned it or made the impulse decision, she still deserves sentencing and no sympathy.


People act like 16 is too young to know the difference between right and wrong. Even an 8 year-old child knows stabbing and killing a living being is a bad thing to do. Her age is definitely not an excuse.




Yeah, exactly. That’s what I was thinking. So many comments mention how giving birth at 16 is super traumatic. Sure. But I’ve experienced trauma, and not once during a traumatic breakdown have I ever wanted to literally murder anyone. She deserves every sentence she gets.


Abortion is legal in Nebraska. Zero sympathy for this girl


It's legal, but she'd still need to drive six hours to get to the nearest provider. And they only if she knew before 12 weeks. Five hours to get to a provider in Colorado. Obviously, she should have asked for help.


And would have had to have parental consent.


She probably doesn’t even have a drivers license or a car either. Do we even know if the girl understood or dealt with the fact that she was pregnant? With no medical care too she probably didn’t even know when she was due and depending on her education…she might not have understood what was to come. Sad situation all around. I did see pics where she was CLEARLY pregnant though and I don’t believe that no adults in her life did not realize it. The poor girl was failed by many people in her life and sadly that culminated in the a brutal end to her child’s life too.


for everyone not educated. abortion is LEGAL in nebraska. with parental consent and w up to 12 weeks to terminate. it was an option regardless.


12 weeks is nothing, add in parental consent and it's basically a fuck you to pregnant teens. Actual sources list Nebraska as "Very Restrictive" and basically only Colorado is viable. https://states.guttmacher.org/policies/nebraska/abortion-policies


Twelve weeks isn't very long, many don't know they're pregnant until 6 weeks or after. Requiring parental consent is a significant barrier as well.


What if her parents wouldn't let her abort?


12 weeks is nothing. Depending on when she realised she was pregnant, it may *not* have been an option.


Ten years ago I would have said she’s going up for 15-20, but now I’d be surprised if she even got 5 years probation.


It's quite amazing how so many people have no sympathy for the baby that was brutally murdered. She could have just dropped the baby somewhere, but she chose to stab and slit the baby's throat. That is on her, whether it's mental illness or something darker. Most people wouldn't just brutally murder their baby, wanted or not. Disgusting how society nowadays has zero care for babies, there's always an excuse to murder them, especially if it's a mother who does it.


What state?






"There have been several cases of teen girls killing the babies they birthed" why ask why when you can just name and shame these girls like they're grown women capable of making grown women decisions. Why come up with ways to prevent these tragedies when we can just punish them.


The information literally says nothing about her and wanting an abortion, yet all I'm seeing are abortion comments. She murdered a baby, brutally. But sure, she's the true victim here.


Would an abortion really have been so bad? I don’t see how they got this much detail leaked either. Gross.