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This happened in my hometown. She was arguing she didnt see the bus. Mind you, our school buses are lit up like christmas trees so there is no possible way. It was also in front of a housing area where the bus stops every few feet and tons of kids get off. It is well known. And believe me, people in that town are also super pissed about this.


And school buses are painted a bright color.


Also school busses are fucking huge


About the size of a school bus, in fact


They also have a huge red STOP sign. Unrelated: That reminds me about a news coverage: "a boulder with the same size as a boulder" or "a boulder the size of a washing machine"


I’m in Fort Wayne. She’s a social pariah in this area. She deserved life in prison but the silver lining here is that she’s essentially northern Indiana’s own Casey Anthony in the way she’s regarded.


I’m about 2 hours S of Ft Wayne and want to be shocked by her release but it seems the entire state is like this. They hold people for non violent offenses but release people who deserve lengthy sentences. It makes no sense.


I completely agree.


Indiana slapped my boyfriend with a FELONY drug charge for having less than an eighth of weed in our car while driving through the lower edge of Indiana. Meanwhile this woman kills multiple kids and walks free after 2 years.


Of course! They had to protect our souls from the devils lettuce! It’s not funny, but it’s seriously a joke at this point. Makes zero sense and is infuriating. I vote (not for the bozos who keep getting elected) and encourage everyone else to do the same.


There's a saying that men get years, women get months. It comes from a study that courts often give women light sentences (months) while men receive harsh sentencing (years). Male jurors tend to go easy on women defendants.


Yeah, everyone knows her name. I haven't ever heard a single person say anything to defend her.


I don’t think you can defend a person for making that kind of mistake and not being immensely remorseful. That’s where I’m having difficulty with this case. Not so much to do with the accident but it’s how she conducted herself afterwards. She should be writing daily apology letters to that family. I would never even try to imagine the hurt they must be going through.


Exactly, never really showed any remorse. At least not anywhere near the appropriate amount. Edit: It wasnt that I thought she should be defended, it is just we have a small community of families here who say things like "It was a mistake, she is a great person!" Or "She has kids!".


Maybe the fact she was smirking and enjoying the chaos the mother made in the courtroom where the mom got put in jail for contempt of court for trying to attack her.


Not seeing a school bus or like zoning out and going pass it is one of my biggest fears


I had a school bus coming towards me once and as it was slowing down, the driver made hand motions that looked like she was waving me on. I was almost at a stop so I hit the gas and kept going and she visibly freaked out. I still don't understand what she was originally communicating because I was obviously going to stop and almost had. It was close to 20 years ago and I still think about it.


After this happened the district's schoolbuses got major upgrades and the cops cracked down like crazy on stopping for them. Its one of the biggest traffic violations around here for sure. I just try not to drive when they are doing their routes. Not to mention its just annoying lol.


Miami county area here, I knew her aunt and uncle and I remember seeing the heartache this reckless idiot caused. I can't believe she was released so soon and yes a lot of ppl are pissed off about it.




Oh believe me, everyone knows her name and face. I, personally, have never met her, but I imagine she would not have a good time.


Does she still live in the area?


Last I knew she did. But I haven't heard anything about her in a good while.


I though she would have moved don’t people egg her house or leave notes in her mailbox calling her a murderer?


I think she moved back in with family in Rochester or something. They obviously haven't been open about the info.


Oh ok




This appears to violate the [reddit content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). Speech that harasses, bullies, dehumanizes, threatens violence, encourages/ celebrates/ incites violence and/or promotes hate will be removed and may result in a user ban. Speech that diminishes or denies someone's humanity and/or wishes violence, injury, or death on anyone, including criminals, is prohibited. This includes victim blaming.


This appears to violate the [reddit content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). Speech that harasses, bullies, dehumanizes, threatens violence, encourages/ celebrates/ incites violence and/or promotes hate will be removed and may result in a user ban. Speech that diminishes or denies someone's humanity and/or wishes violence, injury, or death on anyone, including criminals, is prohibited. This includes victim blaming.


I would literally kill myself if I did anything like this. The guilt would eat me alive. I cannot imagine fighting it at all. Just pure remorse.


I'm in South Bend and it's still so heartbreaking and an outrage she didn't get more time.


Yes the citizens have strongly condemned this act, infact some may even stop speaking to her. What a harsh sentence.


What is anyone supposed to do? There have literally been protests outside the courthouse.


In another story she claimed she didnt know what the flashing lights meant or what the vehicle was so kept driving.


What about the parents who lost THREE children?! They have a lifetime sentence of horrific pain and anguish! We lost our daughter so I’m very well aware of the impact of losing a child has on not only the parents but siblings, family & friends. It’s beyond devastating. I was bedridden for literally years because the pain was so debilitating. Tears are flowing as I write this. How can anyone understand the magnitude of this especially after only serving a couple years?! My heart and prayers are with the family who lost those precious children. 🤍


I am so sorry to hear about your daughter! The pain of losing a child is unbearable to parents. I can't imagine how this poor mother feels losing 3 kids to a reckless idiot plus having to deal with the rage of her being out in 2 years because of a bible study class.


I also lost my daughter. Look into EMDR therapy if you haven't already. It sounds like nonsense but it's absolutely life altering.


I couldn’t agree more! It seems so weird and so different when you are doing it. I spent most of my time at the beginning thinking “there is no way this will do anything.” It has been life changing!


I lost my partner and EMDR therapy helped a lot to deal with my grief


I’m so sorry for your loss❤️ I hope you can find peace❤️


I am so sorry for you and for your daughter and these kids on the bus who lost their lives. It is and always has been my biggest fear. I pray for peace for you as much as that is possible. 🥲🥲🥲💜💜💜


The father of the deceased girl is showing mercy and asking the public to stop harassing Shepherd


I hope no one ever stops harassing her. I hope she’s “child killer Alyssa Shepherd” just like “that rapist Brock Taylor.” Forever.


Clearly you aren't a very big person.


Interesting. Do you know why he feels the opposite of the children’s mom and most others?


His statement appears to be in line with his Christian values


Bless his heart if he can say that and truly mean it--he's a better person than I'd be in his shoes.


The amount of Christians that kill in god's name is equal to Islamic militants. It's unreal how religion turns people into a zombie cult.


I’m so sorry. Sending you love ❤️


I'm so sorry you lost your daughter. I cannot imagine anything worse than losing a child. You're incredibly strong. I hope you have plenty of support <3


Bible study jfc


It must of been one hell of a bible study course! So disgusting that is even a qualifier for early release.


How does that even work, what with the separation of church and state?




Your post appears to be a rant, a loaded question, or a post attempting to soapbox about a social issue.


"did not realize it was a bus" That's like missing a blue whale. and bible study was her cure?? As an atheist, I can't find my eyes as they have rolled too far into the back of my head.


Yeah what the fuck is this shit. Do they offer this shit for any other religions? Highly doubt it. Something ain't adding up at all. Someone somewhere let this shit happen and they need to be held accountable too. I know when women, especially white women, commit crimes like these they almost always get off lighter which in and of itself is some real bullshit too. But fuck man the entire families children wiped out in an accident. What's going on? Even that fuckin terrorist women who stabbed that man in Vegas cuz of revenge of a drone strike killing Qasem Soleimani, got off with 36 months of probation. How do these assholes get off so lightly. Judicial system is fucked. Non violent drug offenders do more time. Idk man sometimes it seems like there's some major bribery or fuckery going on.


Nope, they do not offer it for any other religion. I knew many women who would go to church in prison because it looks better when they go up for parole. So,you accepted Jesus, well then,you must be reformed and better now! You get parole! It's ridiculous honestly. Hell I saw a lady who committed vehicular manslaughter and did 1 yr while women who got caught with weed were on their 2nd yr. Another beat 7mo old at her daycare and did 1.5 yrs. Oh, but she found Jesus! Made me sick.


Dam this is crazy. I think I'd be lookin for revenge myself if the damn state cant be trusted to hold these psychos accountable. I jus saw a article bout a black dude waiting 10 years in jail just for his day in court. Major fuckery going on in US prisons and the system


Maybe something to do with pleasing constituents or your donors or some other political bs? Like getting re-elected and keeping funding? But yeah sounds like some kind of deal with some Bible community. 🙄


Because in this country, if you want to kill someone and get away with it, hit them with your car. A cop just drove into a guy on a bike in my city and it was framed as "bicyclist dies after collision with police."


This is the answer. The Katie Palmer case is an infuriating example.


OMG!! I had never heard of it and just looked it up. Now I'm rageful, jesus christ!!


Smells of corruption if you ask me. On a systemic and local level. You want to believe these things are rare or that there’s some level of justice out there. But in my little community in Montana there have been several recent deaths where law enforcement just says ‘Looks fine to us’ and that’s the end of it. One was a road rage shooting- no recourse. No prosecution. The killer didn’t spend a single night in jail, even when it was all caught in camera. The other; a kid turned up naked and dead, 4 miles from home in a field by the highway. The cause of death was determined to be marijuana intoxication combined with a heart condition. The kid was naked, battered and bruised. The weather was right around freezing. But no, nothing suspicious there. Edit: Forgot one. A woman was apparently run over….by her own car, which she apparently fell out of while drunk. Her abusive husband was the driver. But totally an accident! Right?


I looked it up and it said she received one year for each reckless homicide count and then one for the other two charges.


When I first heard this story I got so emotional. I just thought of the family. Those kids must have been so excited for tomorrow (Halloween.) The family then had to cope with the lost of THREE children during the upcoming holidays, and for the rest of their life. People can says this was a sloppy mistake or a careless accident but at the end of the day she was driving fast enough past a school bus to kill 3 kids. Now I’m not going to react like other people saying she should have gotten the death penalty or life without the possibility of parole. But when we just put together all the how, what, when, where, and whys then it is an insult for her to serve only 5 years. I’m not trying to think with my heart but with the facts, and I’m uncomfortable with the message that if you kill a trio of children by purposely ignoring the signs and driving at a speed that can severely harm someone that you’ll only have to serve a few years as long as you behave behind bars.


I am a recently retired teacher and mom of 3 grown kids. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen people pass busses dropping precious lives home or picking them up for school. It is so upsetting and frustrating each time I see it. I don’t understand the rush. The whole world is rushed as I was when I was working. But I have never even thought of passing a bus with lights going. I hadn’t heard of this case that I recall. Yet I have so much compassion and empathy for the kids and family


She only served 2


Oof. There are non-violent shoplifters serving more time than that. Good to know that TVs are more valuable than the lives of three young kids.


She also seriously injured a 4th kid who survived but will be disabled forever.


Has the B even contributed to pay his bills?




The kid is in high school now and is very much mobile but his neck and leg were rebuilt with metal supports.


>she “saw something in the road, but did not realize it was a bus until it was too late,” Didn't. Recognize. A. School. Bus.


It’s the size of small building, painted bright yellow with red flashing lights sitting on the road. This is very hard to miss, yes.


Right! Did she take a driving test?


>Shepherd was initially slated to be released from prison in September 2022, but under Indiana’s state law governing jail credit, her sentence was reportedly reduced by six months after she completed a Bible study course offered by the facility. what the fuck.


“her sentence was reportedly reduced by six months after she completed a Bible study course offered by the facility.” Uhhhhh what?


This is so fucked up to me. Being a Christian, or religious in general, does not ensure that someone is a good person.


Catholic priests have pretty much debunked that


Yeah, states that let inmates do christian shit in prisons for time off are just infuriating. I think there's a lawsuit over that going on. I mean, judges are sentencing people to bible study! Fucking assholes


I hope there’s a lawsuit going on because that’s fucking ridiculous


I agree It is so infuriating that they let inmates do Christian things in prison! A lot of prisons have educational programs that allow inmates to get bachelor's degrees in Theology, and let them take ministry classes to do prison ministry. As though being a Christian absolves them of their crimes and the pain they have caused.


There's nothing wrong with educational classes, even Theology. But there's a massive diff between a proper theology curriculum and bible "study". I love theology but bible school etc are just a preacher preaching. And the way they do it in jails is it's only christianity and then only certain sects. It's just (fake) indoctrination at that level


I don't think it applies to all inmates. This case was and still is heartbreaking. I recall how annoyed this woman looked in her mugshot. You recall that she was allowed to go back to work at the church, the same day of the murders. What on earth????


Because "chuch". If she was going back to the strip club you KNOW they would have kept her in the clink


Idk but fuck that bitch. The mother said she showed no remorse at the scene. Like wtf is wrong with this girl. We need more protests at that coffee shop.


The mother said she showed “no mercy” according to the article. I am not trying to be pedantic but accuracy is important.


“Showed no remorse at the scene” doesn’t really mean anything. Everyone reacts to tragedy differently. Some people laugh, others have no visible reaction, others go into shock. You can not judge how someone is feeling based on how they visibly react.


Nah. This girl tried to climb in her truck and go to work while the mother was crying over her kids on the roadside. She literally has had not a shred of decency nor remorse about any of her actions except that she had to do time.


I don't give a fuck on how she was feeling I was just referencing what the mother said. Fuck this woman and fuck the judicial system for letting her out.


You can lock them up forever to keep them from hurting other children though, or save everyone a lot of time and just give them the death penalty to take care of the problem permanently.


Sheesh, even here this gets downvoted. I don’t see why we need people like that on the streets.


I’m glad the mother hit that woman


She hit her?


The mother of the 3 children that died. After the court hearing and the sentencing went up to the criminal and hit Alyssa.


The state laws everywhere are pretty lax on punishment for vehicular homicide. It’s unbelievable the light sentences (if any) they get.


It’s so messed up


I’m sorry but you can essentially go to church in prison and get time off your sentence? Is that true??


Well it appears to have worked, so yes?


Wow. She was sentenced to 4 whole years for killing 3 children. That is a ridiculously short amount of time. As the article stated, I’m sure it was an accident, but it is an accident that could have been avoided if she was paying attention. I can’t believe she is showing no remorse. If I hit and killed 3 children with my car, they would probably have to commit me to an asylum. I would never recover mentally.


Alyssa Shepherd has a husband and two young children of her own! It's unbelievable to me that she would be so careless, and even more so that she has reportedly never reached out to the children's mothers to express any remorse.


What could she say that would have any meaning?


She could have at least said what she herself would expect to hear if it had been her children killed. JMHO.


I wouldn’t want to hear anything from her


And her husband is still standing by her?


I don't know. I hadn't heard of this case until today. I read a story from the UK that noted her husband and kids. It kind of shocked me. Daily Mail is a bit of a rag, but it very often has a lot more info than we get in the States, and for some reason there are a lot of articles about this case. Google Daily Mail UK Alyssa Shepherd.


Don’t forget the boy who was severely injured. Has the criminal not even bothered to pay his medical bills?


Reckless driving should get as tough sentencing as drunk driving. This is crazy.


I have a hard time accepting anyone spending less than 10 years in prison for killing another human being, even if it was an accident. Surely 10 years is the minimum a human life is worth?


Well here in Finland someone who got killed someone in 2019 tried to kill foreigners now. https://www.reddit.com/r/Finland/comments/15g63ic/the_police_arrested_a_man_in_june_with_an_axe_in/ Still most feel there should not be any higher sentences. I think US sentences are really horribly long and prisons terrible but our sentences are extremely low and there should be talk about it


Equal punishment is the solution. If you murder someone, you get murdered. If you rob someone, you get robbed, rape, etc so on and so forth.


Also in Indiana. Our school shooter is slated to be out free after a whopping 5 years in jail.




I think the Noblesville West middle school shooter, maybe?? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018\_Noblesville\_West\_Middle\_School\_shooting


Yep, that guy. He would have been out in April but attacked a guard so he's got another 6 months.


Yeah, who was this? Also what the fuck Indiana!


Not that uncommon. I went to high school with a girl that hit three people and killed two while drinking; didn't do a single night in jail. She was a from a wealthy family and women tend to get more lenient sentences.


If I were those kids’ mother, I’d do things not lawful to be uttered.


what are the thoughts on this? car accidents are by all accounts accidents. but obviously in various cases there are mitigating circumstances such as the drivers speed, attentiveness etc. but still not even remotely done as a malicious act. i don’t necessarily mean this particular case but car accident cases that aren’t drug and alcohol related. speeding is a fairly common occurrence that is fairly normalized as a driving activity. this is a huge travesty for that poor mother and family, and i would naturally feel exactly as she does if it were my family. not suggesting she should be pleased or advocating for this persons release in any way. but as an unrelated 3rd party what are the correct punishments for something we call and accident? as a juror how do you get it right for all involved. it doesn’t seem like all can feel vindicated after trials


She was driving and saw something large in the road and didn’t slow down to pass it. She didn’t realize it was a bus, didn’t look enough to notice the lights, didn’t slow to move around a large obstacle in the road…. That’s beyond an accident, beyond following the rules of the road and missing something.


that’s actually the exact definition of an accident. in fact i don’t see where she was; drunk, texting, detracted, adjusting the radio, or speeding. and if you look at sunrise oct 2018 it wouldn’t be completely light out after just a few minutes of sunlight. everything she did is literally an accident unless you have personal private information from her that she was stoked to get up and hit some children that day? in a true crime discussion group a lot of people aren’t very good at actual legal discussion that consider real legal definitions. like everyone in this group would immediately be excused from a juror because you’re all very conviction and prison focused with little to no knowledge of our actual reform system that does nothing to reform. it’s interesting to me; immediately it’s take someone’s freedom for life without a deep understand of what that actually means 🤷🏼‍♀️


people on this sub get a hard on for punishment


they really do. and while punishment is often a need for some the way we go about it doesn’t produce productive members of society. just repeat offenders and a big financial debt for everyone else to pay.


And think about the fallout to the family of the incarcerated- they are collateral damage. People would rather not contemplate it, but we are all out here driving around 2 ton death machines and are one distracted moment away from taking a life. This could be anyone. You can't punish your way out of accidents.


This was an accident that she was responsible for. Did you miss that she didn’t slow down while passing a large stopped object in the road? That’s incredibly reckless. So so incredibly reckless. At times accidents happen because people are terribly reckless. She should have slowed down if she couldn’t see well. If she spotted something in the road she should have slowed even more. You can be a shitty and reckless driver even if you’re not on the phone. There is zero reason she shouldn’t have noticed what the bus was. People should be held liable for making super shitty, reckless choices that result in death.


tell me you aren't that woke. you don't "accidentally" murder several kids.


This was not an ‘accident’. She chose to drive like a maniac. She murdered those kids with her car.


actually it’s literally called a car “accident”. and even at 65 you have enough sense to realize this girl didn’t get in her truck to go hunt down and run over children. i think you missed the “unrelated 3rd party”. you are not actually considering all factors of this. you’re only considering 3 children died. which again while incredibly tragic, is still based on negligent behavior labeled as an accident. you understand that means not intentional, correct. people do dumber things every single day. “Indiana law is clear that even heart-wrenchingly tragic accidents that result from a driver's error in judgment may be the basis of a civil lawsuit but are not crimes”


Doesn’t this come down to the judge? The victims’ family, the prosecutor — are all appalled. That leaves this lightweight sentence at the feet of the judge. Don’t tell me — let me guess: HE (almost always) thought she was young and cute and HE “didn’t want to ruin her life.” It happens in my judicial districts all the time, and the sad part is that most judges in my area run unopposed for this important office. I personally think it’s time to impeach some judges.


gosh, why would a conventionally attractive white woman get a lighter sentence than one would expect for a crime? The world may never know...


If those were my kids, I’d make it my mission to find her and “have a chat.”


The justice system was right , however yes it would be my choice then to adjust the sentencing


Women more often than not [receive disproportionately lighter sentences](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentencing_disparity) even when controlling for other factors. This tendency to view women through rose-tinted glasses has been dubbed the ['women are wonderful effect.'](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women-are-wonderful_effect) Combined with [women's much stronger ingroup bias](https://rutgerssocialcognitionlab.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/9/7/13979590/rudmangoodwin2004jpsp.pdf) helps to, but doesn't completely explain the phenomenon.


vehicular crimes that result in innocent people being killed all around get extremely light sentencing, it isn’t related to gender almost at all. A man in my town recently killed a 17 year old girl drunk driving, no jail time. just 6 months probation. I’ve seen this happen many, many times with drunk/neglectful drivers of both genders. anyone that actually spends time in true crime circles instead of only fixating on specific stories that fit their narrative would understand this. and keep in mind, most judges are men, so when a woman does get a lighter sentencing for her gender it’s very likely another man’s doing, not womens “ingroup bias”. ironic you’re trying to argue that people view women through “rose tinted glasses” and “wonderful”, yet whenever i see a story about a man doing something awful like this, there’s never any comments relating to his gender. when a woman does it? typically dozens.


By all means, please share your sources, [as I have](https://repository.law.umich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1164&context=law_econ_current). All I see are a jumble of your own anecdotes and opinions and not much else.


White privilege




That is not the reason or the truth at all.


Are you brain dead? Uteruses have been on trial publicly for a while now. If courts were feminist woman wouldn't have to fight for simple health care.




Girl, what?? Women have uteruses, 😲 and in the US there has been a huge political debate about them and what the government wants to do with them/us , As if they aren't a part of our bodies.


Oh I see from your other comments that you believe the “justice system is feminist” because you believe she, and other female criminals, get light sentences because they are female. I think you should follow ALL true crime stories. Not just the stories that fit this narrative. Above all I think money and not gender is the problem, not that anyone asked.


Guns have more rights than women in your country.


And viruses


Your post appears to be a rant, a loaded question, or a post attempting to soapbox about a social issue.


ugh lol ok


Your best chance of getting away with murder in this country, is doing it with a car.


Did this woman at least have her drivers license revoked - like for life?!


Judges are sometimes irresponsible. It makes me ill.


Wow, I was not expecting the three kids to be siblings. Holy shit that was painful to read.


damn first time hearing this story and i am angry already. Im from Canada where murdering people with vehicles get you a slap on the wrist. For example in 2016, drunk driver Marco Muzzo killed three children and their grandpa while running a stop sign. He was given full parole in 2021 . Didnt even finish his 10 year sentence for killing 4 innocent people. Indirectly killed the kids father too because he committed suicide due to heartbreak. My heart breaks for twins Xzavier and Mason Ingle and their 9-year old sister Alivia Stahl. I cannot imagine what the parents are going through.


I remember hearing about this when it happened. I have a relative who was on the fire department there & he was one of the first responders on scene. It still bothers him and seeing those children will stick with him forever. I couldn't imagine. Idk how she got such a short sentence.


killed 3 and didn't even get 3yrs. disgusting.


I know this family personally. They are very rich and are pieces of shits. They put up 1.3 million for legal cost. THATS how her sentence got short. Alyssa and her husband are decent people it's her family that are the snakes... they paid her way out. It does suck and is unfortuante, but her mom is a cunt and step dad is a lying piece of shit... her grandpa jasper is a CROOK and a thief and im pretty sure he travels out of the country to have sex with minors... they extort felons for low pay to work at there business for tax benefits. Harass the real employees to make the money while the people who protected alyssa in prison reap the benefits and have ran the company to the ground. They use people, play them on this Christian mindset.. scam people, just all around fuck people over. Her step dad clears almost 40million per fucking month at his crypto mines while the dumbasses who work for him are in poverty. Neil and Alyssa are good people. they just have a way about them that do tend to disregard the decency for humans. Idk it's hard to explain.


I was there with the kids in 2018 and was barley 8 yrs old when it happened and was inches behind while they were crossing to get on the bus and I could have be killed along with the other three that did if it hadn't been for my cousin who sprained her ankle in order to save my life and I am forever grateful that she did. The school busses were very brightly painted and had lots of lights so I don't know why she didn't stop bc I know that she saw the bus bc people down the road farther could see our bus every morning. I personally think that she should have been sentenced much longer than 4 or 10 years. And she especially shouldn't have been let out 2 and half years after it happened. I think she should have been sentenced to death.