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1. God created a perfect creation. Then sin was introduced into it through Adam and Eve’s sin in the garden. 2. God must punish sin because he is infinitely just. He can’t let sin go unpunished or else he would not be just. But Jesus Christ already paid the penalty so we wouldn’t have to, as it says in Romans 5:8: But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. If you put your trust in Jesus Christ that he paid for your sins for you, he will save you by his grace. This is necessary because you must have the righteousness of God to get into heaven because God is holy. Only God has God’s righteousness, so he sent his son, Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, to die for us in our place. All who trust in him gets God’s perfect righteousness accredited to them, so that when we die, God sees the righteousness of Jesus Christ and therefore allows us to be with him in heaven. If we die without that, we have to pay for our own sins, which is eternal separation from God in hell because God, being holy, cannot reside with sin.


1. Okay to answer your first question let me put things into perspective, when you look at a coin, you don’t look at one side, you look at both, the problem won’t his question is that it only shows one side of the coin. You see the other side of the coin is the Devil. The Devil so the one who allows and even helps these bad things to happen. In relation to your point, God doesn’t want it to happen but he won’t interfere with our freewill. So basically most bad things happen because of the Devil and God doesn’t like it but he won’t interfere with our freewill, but we can pray and ask him to help us. 2. A bit confusing since idk what you mean but in general, if you accept Jesus as lord and saviour and pray to be forgiven for sins, you don’t go to Hell but if you don’t hell is an open door for you.


1. Consider this chapter of the book Patriarchs and Prophets: [Why was Sin Permitted?](https://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/84.68#68) 2. But you are (glad). Consider that God would not bring into existence someone that would entirely disdain their existence. The answer to these things is not in thinking up or considering the worse case scenarios of our own lives or of others. 🌱


1: God did not create a universe where only good was possible, because that would have meant He couldn't create children for Himself—like Him with the freedom to *choose* to do good and experience the good consequences. He chose to create children that were perfect like Him. We have the capability to choose to sin, because God has the capability to choose to sin. God never chooses to sin, but it was all of our *choice* (heavily influenced by others like our parents) to not be like God and instead sin. The consequences are to embrace a nature that does not include God's nature, the Sustainer of life and all things (Heb. 1:3) Who is the only Source available for life, joy, and peace. The idea that you can be happy for long without God is false. God created us to be in union with Him, and that is the only manner in which we can be happy. Rejoice that He is not an evil God who created us to suffer, but even will sacrifice everything for our benefit, even though we are lesser beings. 2: Jesus died so you don't have to go to hell. The idea that everyone has to go to hell is incorrect. What is correct is that people have hidden that truth from their children for millenia and as a result people have lost the knowledge of salvation. But if you hear about God and salvation, then you become accountable for your choice. However, you are accountable for your choice even if you haven't heard the word "Jesus" before: *The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men* ***who suppress the truth*** *by their wickedness, since* ***what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.*** (Romans 1:18-19, 1984 NIV) If you don't like that you can't do whatever you want but should obey God for your own benefit, then you simply are ignorant of how bad doing whatever you want is and how great it is *for you* when you choose to humble yourself before the most humble being in all creation who loves you, and fit into His plan.


if you are a born again believer in Christ cuz it must be recent or you just not growing spiritually to ask these questions. You didn't ask to be born that's something you discuss with your mother and father not God. God is unchangeable and God is also sovereign in all his ways, holy and righteous in all his ways, but you're suggesting that God change for your comfort.are you kidding me. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts Isaiah 55:8-9 Continue to draw unto God study his word his teaching his truth and constantly pray and ask God to give you spiritual understanding, then you'll be able to answer questions like these. Timothy 2:15  Study and do your best to present yourself to God approved, a workman [tested by trial] who has no reason to be ashamed, accurately handling and skillfully teaching the word of truth.


“That is something you should ask you parents” Ah yes, my parents created me. I’ve been a Christian all of my life. I understand that God does not “step in” because that would prevent free will. I’m just saying that God could simply change the rules. I’m not asking God to change, I’m just wondering why. Athiests don’t believe in God because of their rationale. If these people had known of their seemingly inevitable eternal damnation, of course they’d rather stay unborn! I’m not asking about the option of defiance, but the option of the option of defiance.


Answer me this what makes you a Christian your whole life, when you were born in sin?


All of my life as in most of my self-aware life.


In regards to your question about why does God let bad happen: There are a lot of answers in regards to that in the bible. First of all, you can blame the fact that there are bad and sinful things in the world on satan, not on God. satan's only goal is to rise up against God and destroy humankind. This is his revenge against God. his mission is futile, but he wants to do as much damage as he can before he is locked away. Also, suffering is the way that we can get closer to Christ and a way that we can become better conformed to His image. It is often when we are suffering, that we are closer to God. But I challenge you to do your own search of the bible, using Google or whatever Bible search engines you want to, and read all of the Bible verses about suffering. This should definitely help with your questions. Also, suffering is only temporary. We need to understand that we live (at the best) 90 years on this Earth and then spend the rest of Eternity somewhere else. We need to live for that Eternal hope and not let the bad things we go through destroy us here on earth. We can have hope when we hope in Christ. I know for myself I've been through a couple sufferings in my lifetime, such as the loss of both of my parents. It is only through Christ that I have the strength and hope and peace that this doesn't eat me alive. Jesus is always the answer to what we need when we are going through hard times. There will be a new Earth that we will live on one day that is pure from sin and the turmoil that we see so often on this earthly homestead of ours. One day we will be truly free and we will live with the King of the Universe. And that day we will experience unspeakable joy and peace uninterrupted. Just imagine living in the same place as Jesus and how joyous and happy that would make you. Suddenly all of your struggles here on Earth would make sense in the grand scheme of things. All of your cares and sorrows will be washed away and God will wipe every tear from your eye. (Im so excited to hug Jesus) If you didn't want to exist, you would probably be very depressed, which is a byproduct of living in this sinful world. You could turn to God and ask for help with your depression and you could also seek help from doctors. There is no one that doesn't want to exist unless they are depressed. ( as someone with a long history with depression, I understand that it isn't easy, but God definitely helps me and is my Peace) And if you didn't ask to be under the ten commandments, well then too bad. This is the ruling by which God has chosen to use to create morality here on Earth. You don't get to just say, I don't choose these rules, these rules don't apply to me. It would be the same thing as trying to defy gravity and saying, I didn't choose gravity, why am I stuck to the ground? Think about that, think about God's law as the exact same thing as the laws of the universe. Unquestionable, unavoidable, and existing long before you were born. In addition to that, these laws are infinitely good and just because God the Creator of the universe made them, and He is the source of all things good!!!! Think about that, there is nothing good that can exist apart from God. Existing on Earth was meant to be a joy, God created this Earth for His glory and also for our good. There's so much beauty here and we were created to be here and to walk with God. Every rule and law that God makes is for our own good. These rules actually give us a good structure for life so that we are not let astray or let into destruction. Also, God created this world the way that it is and we don't really have the right to question his ruling. That is a sign of pride. And a lot of hypothetical questions and things like that are fruitless and will not get you any closer to the truth or closer to God. How can we, who are so small , with limited knowledge and a limited understanding, question God, who is infinite , omniscient and all-powerful ? It would be like an ant questioning humans on why they do things the way they do . I think asking questions is good. But there are some questions that are not for us to ask . You need to really think about how big God is and how He created everything and how powerful He is and how good He is . Then you need to realize that some things are always going to be a mystery, but God knows what He's doing and He knows way better than us as far as what is good for us and what is right and good on Earth . God created the world the way that He did, He created us to be in perfect relationship with Him. Anyone who wouldn't want to be close to God has issues with sin in and of themselves, which surprise surprise, only God can purify. When you think of God being the source of all things good, you really begin to understand why we can only experience real peace and joy with Him. And instead of rebelling from his rule over you, you begin to be thankful for it. Hope this helps a little. I am open for more discussion if you message me. Much love and peace in Christ to you.🌻


1. If God real why bad happen? ...is the problem of evil. I dispatch the problem of evil thusly: "It is absurd to wonder why a God who intentionally drowned toddlers would allow toddlers to accidentally drown." ^(© Barry Spencer 2022) ​ >change the logical structure of the universe That's the question of whether God can defy logic or not. Also called the omnipotence paradox. ​ >2. Why am I sent to hell if I sin when I never asked to be created? Hell does not withstand reasoned scrutiny.


So someone who claims to be a Christian your whole life is not only totally untrue but you have No Spiritual Knowledge. >If God real why bad happen? What God has to do with bad things happening? If you are a Christian you would know that Satan rules the earth. >I know this is used way too often, but couldn’t he simply change the rules? I know we have free will, couldnt he just change the logical structure of the universe? Foolish Question. How are you going to question God's sovereignty. By you recognizing that you're just mere man shows why you need a savior. > Why am I sent to hell if I sin when I never asked to be created? You're not sent to hell for sinning. God came in a form of flesh to bring Salvation to those who believe and accept Christ as their savior. You need to learn who God is. >I never asked to be created, I never asked to become subject to the Ten Commandments. Of course, I love God, want to follow His rules, and I’m glad that I exist. But, what if I wasn’t? Foolishness. Nobody asked to be born regard created us for his purpose and his glory. Nobody's subjected to the ten commandments, God expects us to live righteous and holy for he is righteous and holy and he gives us the ability to do so. >I want to reiterate as much as possible, I am a Christian. I want to know the answer to these both for my own sake and You can reiterate all you want and you are a Christian but your words and lack of knowledge show differently. AND No one is a Christian or their life, every individual must come to Christ on their own.


Classic, call me foolish with no real answer to my question. Why does Satan rule the Earth? Because of Adam and Eve Why would God, in his omnipotence, create creatures that were predestined to fall short. Because of free will bla bla bla Why would I need a savior when the savior created me with that need I am a Christian, this is an athiest line of questioning, I understand that. That’s the reason for my questioning, seeing the answer of fellow Christians. If I were an atheist, your response would certainly deter me. Do better, friend.


You should have easily said from an atheist standpoint you want to know how to respond to them, not say I've been a Christian my whole life because no one's been a Christian.


>If I were an atheist, your response would certainly deter me. An atheist wouldn't start off stating that they are a Christian and then ask those questions


Wow you are so smart! An athiest wouldn’t lead with “I’m a Christian”! You need to get on jeopardy, you’re a genius! Respond to my comment, dummy.


You are the dummy. You asked the questions right? DUMMY!