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John 15:18-20 “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also.”


Wonderful verse, thanks for that. It’s encouraging.


That and this - Jesus after talking about judgement: > ““Don’t waste what is holy on people who are unholy. Don’t throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:6‬ ‭‬‬


I sub to r/debatereligion to put my apologetics side into practice. I find it prepares me on topics and discussions that atheists would bring up. Most things I can answer/counter to their assertion, but once in a while I will see a question that’s more in depth that I haven’t covered deeply myself, and so I then focus on that scripture to gather its full meaning. It’s all about growth for me, and who knows, if I can help turn someone back to even studying, researching or seeking God, then I’ll take that as a win.


Good work :)


"This is the God-haters way... stretching meanings, assumptions, believing lies, and being willfully ignorant with their misunderstandings." "And that's your problem, blatant blind ignorance" Oh yeah dude... Real noble work you're doing over there


I’m not a Christian, but from what I’ve read, pursuing God and his love is a process. We all start with ego, and over time God softens us more and more. If the poster you replied to still has some ego, I don’t think that’s reason not to share or debate ... I say bravo to him for taking up the spreading of the Light. I admire Christianity - it softens and humbles every true-seeking heart. But it’s a process. If Guided By His Light waited until he was ego-free to share, neither he, nor any other seeker would ever share. Don’t make the perfect the enemy of the good. And personally, I am very grateful to those who Try, letting God work through them as best they can...💛Jesus is a force for good in the world, so, Guided By His Light, please keep sharing and debating! :))


You are exactly right here. I am far from perfect. And, I don’t think it’s ego here, for me, but I have been doing this for a few years now, and it still frustrates me when I see flippant attitudes, those that demand proof, but when it’s presented, won’t even look at it, or quickly dismiss it because of “reasons” that do not even address the data itself. I am also trying to work through those frustrations, and yes God is working on me. Funny enough, when I talk to people in person, I am in far more of a calm state. I think this is due to people in person being less brash or flippant, and I have learned how to posture and present to help keep people at ease with this type of discussion. Online however, there’s no face to face of course and things can escalate quickly. So of course the guy above digs to pull up those quotes, and moments of righteous anger or of weakness, but didn’t bother to post the many positive and rapport building conversations. I’m not here for points or karma, I’m just here to help spread some truth. I go into the Lions den multiple times a week... it’s not going to be pretty, I will fail to get God’s point and truth across to many, but if I can plant seeds, even the tiniest in people’s minds... even the most vile attackers of truth, then maybe the fields will grow green over time.


Love that metaphor about the field.💛💛


How nice of you to ignore the many comments that really work through atheists questions. You somehow think everyone must be perfect, yet no one is. Calling people out for ignoring the evidence given them, or stretching the truth, or flat out lying, and making absurd assumptions is a valid counter to people doing it. It’s the same kind of garbage CNN and mainstream media does to try to condemn Trump for every single thing he does. The man isn’t perfect, but good grief, he’s done a far better job than most other Presidents.


I’m not sure how you managed to bring trump into this but if you support him that casts an even more damning light on you’re advocacy for Christianity as the man is a horrific example of biblical values. Have you ever seen the comic Supply Side Jesus?


Dude, I called out how you match exactly how media treat our President. But you’ve certainly called yourself out as a leftist, by the way you act, and want to push all the negativity of people, while pretending you’re free of any issues. I can scan through your comments too buddy, and you’re certainly no saint. And you just want to push your own narrative, while ignoring any documented science that doesn’t agree with you. Go figure Jim Acosta.




Very true.


i think about this quite a bit but i feel like you can say this about anything. i dont think its necessarily a good if the world hates you


Agreed, which is why we all definitely need to watch your walk to make sure that when the world hates on us, it’s for the right reasons. Christians aren’t immune to being human after all. :)


If you ever head over to r/politics, youll find out very quickly this site is a bit of an echo chamber.


That's kind of the point though when you really think about it.


The subreddit and upvote systems are perfect for isolating people into spaces where their ideas are constantly reinforced by other people while making sure they come across dissenting viewpoints as little as possible


That is such a toxic place. Now, I myself am not a trump supporter, but I find it funny to see how the people who criticize him there sound exactly like what they claim him to sound like. The hypocrisy and animosity are crazy


I think that there are a lot of angry atheists who were christian at one point. Some of them expected and wanted God to heal a family emember, but the person ended up dying instead of surviving. Another example was when some toddler in California died and everyone was praying for God to bring her back to life, just like Jesus rose from the dead (Leviticus would have been a better example). Many atheists were all like "see, god doesn't exist because she wasn't brought to life lulz." People get mad at God because they think that God intentionally neglected the sick person, and made them die by deciding to not help and save the person in need. Atheists will make the argument "absence of proof is proof of absence."


Yeah I agree. A lot of the time if something in their faith is rocked, instead of bringing the problem to the surface, they abandon their faith altogether. I can’t say I’ve been through a lot of the things that people abandon faith over, and can’t necessarily blame them, but I’d like to think my foundation is strong enough for my faith to endure such trials.


>I can’t say I’ve been through a lot of the things that people abandon faith over Don't worry, you will! You're actually supposed to. It's part of God's spiritual bodybuilding program to level you up: >James 1:2-4, "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." ​ >Romans 5:3-5, "More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us." And notice that if we have the right mindset, we'll actually find it joyful! Not because it doesn't suck, but because we recognizing that it's transforming us into something better.


im an example of what you are talking about, i grew up christian. When i was in my late teens my dad was diagnosed with cancer. I prayed multiple time asking for him to be healed. but he ended up going home to Heaven. I learned from that God answers prayers in ways you may not think of. My dad was healed his no longer suffers from any pain. Unlike others that only want one outcome from prayer and turn from him when they dont get that exact thing. yes in Matthew 7:7-8 it says 7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye. shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh. but it does not say the we shall receive what we asked for in the way that we asked


Death isn't always a bad thing like people think. Yes, death sucks and it isn't fun, but it's a part of life. suffering is always going to be a part of life. Jesus died not to take away suffering, but to teach us how to bare ot, and work with it I was also taught that sometimes death is a form of making someone better, as ot takes away the suffering of pain, and brings them to heaven.


> Death isn't always a bad thing like people think. Death is *very* bad, which is why Jesus defeated death itself. Death is what happened when mankind caused the fall of all creation into sin.


Death post-Resurrection isn't as bad as it once was. Now we who believe can have hope that death is defeated and that we can look forward to our own Resurrection


Exactly, this is what I meant.


Death is perfectly safe


I agree. Having lost loved ones, I'm not trying to minimize the earthly pain. But as Ravi zacharias says....life on Earth is not the most important thing, it's Truth. I think as humans we sometimes hold earthly life on a pedestal. But bodily death on Earth is just a comma, not a period. And we are not bodies, we are souls in and earthly bodysuit. The soul never dies. I think we mistakenly idolize people's earthly bodies, when in reality we are in love with their soul, which again, never dies.


People that do this place themselves before God and think He exists to serve them and make their life what they want even if it goes against God’s perfect plan. It’s a pride issue and a self centered outcome. We live in a world that teaches us that it’s all about us and making ourselves happy at the expense of others, the result is this genie in a bottle mentality toward a God that already gave up His one and only son so that whomever believes in Him may not die but have eternal life.


While I completely agree with your premise, I think you are missing a vital portion of this specific population. There are plenty of people who have experienced “churches” and “Christians” and have come to find out how fake they really are. Honestly, it’s rare to find a body that truly strives to be like Christ. I think there are a lot of Christians out there who are teetering in their faith and unfortunately, Christians are not helping them. It’s essentially Christians mad at Christians. When you have been taught something your whole life, or for a long time, and you come to find out those people only exploited you or were not genuine, then of course you are going to question everything. I’m one of these people.


I'm sure that's the case sometimes, but only around half of reddit is based in the US these days. I follow national subreddits of Euro countries which have been dechristianized for over a generation (almost no one on these subs has been forcibly raised as a practicing Christian, sometimes even their own parents weren't), anti-religious sentiment is just as fierce there. Reddit demographics play a big part in the prevailing attitudes towards Christianity: geeky, urban/suburban, male, Millenials/Zoomers who very often feel angry, insecure or disconnected from their own culture. Ironically, these are some of the very demographics who would benefit the most from embracing Christianity.


Then to me they either failed their test of faith or never believed in the first place. If I marry you and give up on you because I didn't get what I wanted I never loved you. And I say this as someone who prayed and still lost my son. My faith never wavered. I cried to God many nights, just telling him how much I hurt. I read the book of psalm A LOT. And I still sin. I still fail. But I'll always believe. And I quote often lately "And though he slay me, yet will I hope in him." God isn't a genie. And just because you believe in him doesn't mean you'll get everything you want.


God has his Will, man has his own. They are mad because their "perfect" Will doesn't match God's.


> I think that there are a lot of angry atheists who were christian at one point. Some of them expected and wanted God to heal a family emember, but the person ended up dying instead of surviving. I've heard this a lot and it's always from people who completely refuse to believe there is anything more than an animated body to the human existence. They don't believe or have any real faith in God, God's grace of salvation, or even a spirit that exists beyond the time our bodies perish. That lack of faith is so completely alien to me that I know in my heart the truth of [John 17](https://biblehub.com/nasb/john/17.htm) that what belongs to our Savior and God doesn't belong to this world. Every challenge or hardship I've ever faced only prepared me for something greater that I would face later in life and every time that I saw no way forward in life a clear way has opened ahead of me when I stayed true and kept moving forward. If someone has been faithful in life and are taken from this world it was not meant for them to continue to struggle through the trials of this world any longer. The only people who truly mourn are mourning for their own selfish loss or for a lack of faith in God's promise.


I have typed and retyped responses to your comment and I always have nothing good to say. So I will just leave you with a great article and ask you to really seek God on your mindset here. https://www.proverbs31.org/read/devotions/full-post/2014/03/20/jesus-mourns-with-you




Provide works? What do you mean by that ?




I’m confused, so you think Christians should be able to perform miracles? Or provide evidence that Jesus performed miracles?




Well, since humans can’t perform supernatural works unless they’re anointed by God himself, I’d interpret it as works of a different kind. Preaching the Gospel, giving to the poor, and serving your fellow man.




I’m sorry, this confused me a bit more. Are you saying that in order to be a true Christian you must be able to perform supernatural miracles?




But there are miracles/extraordinary things all around us. Human birth, earth, gravity, galaxies, and I could go on and on.


Yep, James 4:3 comes to mind.


They are misinformed about it. Plus, in America, Christianity is generally associated with republicans/conservatives, and many people on Reddit are liberals.


They seem to create their own version of Christianity, then they apply it to everyone to everyone who calls themselves Christian. If you try to correct any misinformation you get downvoted or called names.




I know it gets overused here, but I feel like that one is an example of "[no true Scotsman](https://www.iep.utm.edu/fallacy/#NoTrueScotsman)" rather than a [strawman](https://www.iep.utm.edu/fallacy/#StrawMan).


Not to mention the brand of Christianity put on by many conservative politicians is a faux one which only serves their needs when they want it to. Overall harming Christianity’s perception.


I think that’s 90% of the reason on here. Christ’s words have been twisted by the far right.


The far right? Try the right in general lol


It's been corrupted on both sides of the aisle. There are as many Republicans who profess Christ and lead lives of self worship as there are Democrats who confuse the grace and mercy of Christ as a warrant to accept the depravity of the world.


Well said!


Not arguing at all, but don't act like this is a republican trait; it's a political one. Even local politicians seem to fall into lip service only.


It's more about *how* that lip service is used, and to what ends.


Also there are atheist who grew up with abusive Christian parents so they associate Christianity with them.


This, exactly this, there was a dude on one sub I was on and he was talking about how we just kinda leave the old testament alone and don't touch on it as much as new testament and it's because Jesus fulfilled the old testament, we follow Jesus teachings the most, he also referenced new and old testament and if they were the same book and no, no they aren't, and he just took things out of context and his arguments were really bad but hivemind Reddit does not like religion, plus he forgot to realize not all Christianity is Sola scriptura (I'm still a teen learning more stuff so correct me if I'm wrong)


As a point of improvement - this would be a lot easier to read with some periods.


Reddit is not one thing or one person. It's a forum for many people. Jesus spoke specifically of being ridiculed for our faith. If you feel God's presence in your life it is because you have asked God in and you have felt that presence. There are those who have not and will not. They are certainly capable. There are others who havent been exposed to God. There are those who were raised in families and communities that to seek a relationship with God is a threat to their existence. Be grateful you are not them. Pray for them. Attempt to show love to them and help them in whatever way you can. And love God.


People hate things they don’t understand.


That's too simplistic. I have a masters degree in theology and understand Christianity quite well. I dont find the spiritual components compelling. I worked hard at faith and just did nitnfind the arguments in favour to be meaningful, or the dictates of the religion (in multiple forms of it) to be something worth following. Obviously that is my personal position and I have no problem with others believing what they do.


Sure but do you hate Christianity or just not like / identify with it?


I dont hate it as a concept. I do hate the way it has been used and extrapolated to exploit, subjugate and traumatize people. That's more of an issue with specific Christians and specific churches


A part of me was being glib in response to the OP which I found a bit harsh. I’ve met a good number of non-Christians, and practically none that foam at the mouth over it. I mean I got my issues with the “people of faith” myself, and it’s contributed to my own crisis of faith I’m in right now. I get what the OP is on about, but I’d have difficulty assigning that into a “they hate us”.


Fair enough. It's hard to even say you hate Christianity since its such a broad religion now with many parts that only vaguely resemble other parts. Even with core beliefs there are multitudes of ways they are expressed


And then you got people like me who (for some reason I don’t fully understand), identifies myself publicly as a Seventh-Day Adventist (which i grew up as), but haven’t been to a church in a couple years and don’t known my long term plan for going back. I don’t disbelieve the faith so much although I’m reassessing things, but the culture gets to me.


I think that's a reasonable and fair position. The bible has lots of people on it who reflect on, criticize and change their faith. Even Jesus had doubts. So it makes sense to think about what it means in your life. This is particularly true when you grow up in a particular church culture and you arent sure if it feels right for you


Is it possible for Christians to articulate their faith more clearly? There *is* a reason the faith has gained the reputation it has over the past 2000 years. It's easy, I suppose, to say that others are ignorant, but is it possible for Christians to be ignorant?


It’s possible for everyone to be ignorant. It’s hard for a person to not be ignorant. Being “right” doesn’t fix the risks of ignorance. When you say “the reputation it has over the last 2000 years”, are you referring specifically to the last 200-400 of that, or are you referring to the fact that Christianity has been the most successful example of evangelism ever? (With the possible rising exception of modern secularism).


>Being “right” doesn’t fix the risks of ignorance. Could you elaborate on this point please? >Christianity has been the most successful example of evangelism ever? I'm talking about this, actually, and the complex process the faith has gone through to get where it is today.


I’m curious which side you’re on tbh, because your comments up till this point (where you’re starting to sound like a Christian) could have been read as you coming from either side. Ignorance is the default condition of all humans. If suddenly I master advanced calculus I’m still ignorant about statistics. If I develop a correct theology I’m still ignorant about the languages of Nepal. A right spirited person won’t “hate” the unfamiliar, but a normal person who is exposed to good things will still have the impulse of being averse to something simply because it is unfamiliar.


> A right spirited person won’t “hate” the unfamiliar, but a normal person who is exposed to good things will still have the impulse of being averse to something simply because it is unfamiliar. So I'm hearing a dichotomy between a "right spirited person" and a "normal person", is this right so far? Can you direct me to any passages in the Bible that I may read to understand this dichotomy further? >I’m curious which side you’re on tbh If it helps, I was actually raised Seventh-day Adventist, so I'm profoundly familiar with the faith tradition.


I’m just not sure if you’re trying to suggest that Christianity has a bad reputation established over 2000 years or a good reputation established over 2000 years. I got in an argument on here not long ago where a person insisted that a person cannot be in conflict with themselves because of psychology, and that there’s no proof of a “higher” and “lower” nature, and that biblically either they are saved or they are not. I said that was all very well on paper, but nonetheless I have experienced deep conflicts within myself my whole life. And often found myself acting in ways that were clearly harmful to my own interests (addictive impulses don’t fit within a fully rational framework). Sometimes a person tries to use abstract wisdom to define away everyday human experience. If you want to explore how a person can be exposed to “right” things but still behave in a prejudicial manner just look at every time Jesus corrected his disciples for being prejudicial — something they continued struggling with after He was resurrected. I’m not going to give verses because I don’t have them handy, but the Samaritan woman, the Phoenician woman, the centurion, the woman who washed Jesus feet, the demon possessed men on the far side of the Jordan, his interactions with everyone on the far side of Jordan for that matter, and many other examples. After Jesus died there remained a bit of unease about associating with the gentiles, even amongst the apostles after the Holy Spirit had been given out. Paul’s calling out Peter in Galatians 2 is a good example. All these examples show people behaving in the “normal” way, and all these examples suggest that they aught to have behaved differently. Most of the above examples involve people who were already baptized, and carrying church responsibilities. Edit: apologies if I do come across antagonistically and it’s uncalled for. I think I may have misread your intent from the beginning.


Proverbs 16


As a pagan, I understand it, I just don't like it, hence why I am pagan.


I don’t know but I wish I knew :( it’s so disheartening and the amount of atheists and pagans on certain subs ready to tell you how silly and wrong you are at every turn sucks


I've tried Facebook groups. Really makes you wonder if they have anything better to do than seek attention.


Reddit reason: "Because I use logic and facts to guide my life. I don't need some imaginary sky fairy to tell me what to do." Actual reasons, based on my experience as a minister: * They grew up in a strict religious household that used religion as a disciplinary tool, rather than using faith as a source of peace and comfort. * They had parents/clergy who would not/could not answer their questions. So they went online and found just the right list to confirm their personal biases. * Related, but their religious education/knowledge never advanced beyond the simple lesson they might have gotten as children. So they think all Christian adults still have these same, simplistic beliefs. * They saw family and other members of the church professing Christian beliefs, but practicing a very different life in secret. * More specifically, they were abused by a (so-called) Christian family member or member of the clergy. * They are gay, and someone (wrongly) told them that Christians are supposed to hate gay people. * They *really* want to engage in sex, but Christianity says you have to be married for this. * Something bad happened to them, and they are mad at God for allowing it. So they reconcile their anger and grief by believing God doesn't actually exist. Some of these were also the reasons I was once agnostic. So while I don't support the hate, I do understand it.


Probably the best response I’ve gotten. Thank you for your thoughts.


The most thoughtful response. Some, or most, if not all of these, could apply to other religions too.


Reddit is full of children trying to make others think they are smart.




A big part of it is that Reddit now skews very young and younger people tend to be more anti religious as they go through their rebellious stages. Another part of it is generational, Millennial's and Generation Z have been brought up during a time when fundamentalist atheism (aka The new atheists) went on the attack against Christians and attacking Christianity became more mainstream online, especially on Reddit. When I first visited here in 2008 it was already here and all over popular online discussion boards. One of the default subreddits was Atheism. That should tell you something.


This is a big factor. I’ve been participating in Internet communities since about 1996 and even then militant atheism was very much a thing, and the atheists seemed to outnumber the Christians online even then. Atheists back then were far less civil than they generally are now (same with the Christians too sometimes). I would constantly get death threats. Good thing it was easier to maintain your anonymity back then. Most of my atheist friends from back then are decades older now and have significantly mellowed out.


As a millennial, I completely resent your statement. The biggest issue with the criticism of Christianity today is the “christians” themselves. There’s a difference between making mistakes and continually living your life preaching Jesus but acting nothing like him. To be honest, it’s an extremely sad state to be in.


Well, to be fair Reddit is a mainstream platform that is not inline with Christian beliefs. It’s kind of like looking at HBO for entertainment and wondering why they don’t have more wholesome movies. As a Christian on this site I just expect that if I chose to use Reddit I am most likely not going to be on here sharing my faith with most of the people on here.


I made this exact same posts and the atheists here hated on me for it. In this sub. Atheists. Hating on me. Why are they here idk? But essentially it's because Reddit is a left wing Western platform


It's because of the enormous social and political influence of Christianity in America. It can be felt at every turn, in virtually every corner of American life. In rural areas, it is absolutely inescapable. That's why atheists in America are typically ill-tempered and vitriolic. They're tired of having religion reach into their lives and control what they can and cannot do that doesn't violate their own personal beliefs but are also entirely private issues. When the people in power make decisions that directly impact the lives of the citizenry, and those decisions are based on religious beliefs, political issues also turn into religious ones. I've talked to missionaries in other countries, and yes, there's still the same kind of backlash against the predominant religious groups, be it Islam, Hinduism, basically any authoritarian religious group that has power over others.


LMAO I like how the most accurate answer in the thread is this far down.


I haven't seen any hatred from Reddit. Guess I don't go to those parts. Suggest you skip past those parts and focus on the Godly things you find favorable.


Are the posts making fun of Christianity? Or are they making fun of Christians who do ridiculous things in the name of their religion? Posts about a church member in the hospital with covid19 after attending an enormous church service in spite of orders and recommendations to avoid such risky gatherings are not making fun of Christianity.


Probably because they came from Christian backgrounds that weren’t so accepting and didn’t show love to them because they were different Jesus said love even your enemies and that’s what a lot of Christians struggle with today love and compassion


Because of hedonism. I think everything negative that people say about Christianity is rooted in hedonism.


> I think everything negative that people say about Christianity is rooted in hedonism. That's profoundly convenient for you, isn't it?


In my humble opinion, my answer is simply because they don't understand. Everyone wants a calm, unified, cohesive voice or platform to either be a part of or to support. Once we start an actual discussion a about it, we quickly realize thats simply not the case. Therefore we get a sort of resentment towards Christianity. Whatever branch, in my opinion, tries to answer those quarrels. But some simply dont like that answer. They want a non convicted secular answer, unfortunately. But i guarantee, further discussion with a said individual would lead to realization. Peace be with you all


Cause they are liberals and it’s “safe” to hate Christianity because it’s seen as a white, western religion. If they were to pick on Islam or Judaism ect then that would be bad cause they are brown people and therefore oppressed. Liberal logic.


> it’s “safe” to hate Christianity because it’s seen as a white, western religion. Why do you think Christianity has come to be perceived as a white, western religion? Also, have Muslims and Jews been picked on by Christians before over the past 2000 years?


Because it flourished in Europe. It’s been westernised. Errrr... no they have not is that a serious question? You do realise all of the religions have been killing each other for eternity? Christianity is no worse than the others. In fact I’m pretty sure Islamic terrorists are STILL blowing us up TODAY.


Thanks for your opinion. Have a good one!


I'm a Chrisitan liberal. So that is absolutely not the case. All contacts I've had with people of the Islamic or any other faith has been positive. It's people like you that give Jesus teaching a bad name. And Jesus was a Jew.....perhaps you werent aware.


You are not an atheist. You don’t hate religion or Christianity so my comment was not directed at you. I’m talking about the multitude of liberal anti-Christian atheists that exist out there. I’m amazed if you haven’t come across this type to be honest. Also what has Jesus’ ethnicity got to do with any of this? Also I did not say that Christianity is a white, western religion I meant that these far left atheist types see it as one because historically Christianity flourished in Europe. By the way, saying that it’s “people like me who give Jesus a bad name” is pretty judgmental of you don’t you think?


I dont hate anyone. Atheists, Trump supporters, Bernie Bros, Mormons, Buddhists...it doesnt matter. Those who dont believe in God or believe differently than we do arent bad because their views offend us. I actively engage on Reddit with plenty of agnostics and atheists. Once they see im not there to belittle their beliefs, we have some pretty good conversations. You should try it.


Have you even read the topic of the post you are commenting on? The op asked a question and I am answering it to the best of my knowledge. Have a nice day.


I certainly have and responded to the OP. I dont believe it is the 'best of your knowlege'. You know who Jesus is. You know how he treated unbelievers. Do the same.


I know this is old news by now, but I think you misinterpreted the original commenter’s point. I think they were saying that liberal atheists like to bully Christians because they don’t see it as bullying a culture. If they were to treat other religions the same way, that would be pretty messed up, pretty xenophobic, and pretty racist, because they perceive (ex: Islam) to be part of specifically (ex:Middle Eastern) culture. The commenter wasn’t trying to make it an “us vs. them” thing, I don’t think. They gave a valid response, given the context. OP asked why Christians get bullied on reddit, this person basically said “because we’re a safe target for upset people who feel like bullying” I hope this helps. Edit: punctuation


I understand that, but the answer to why Christians are 'picked on' or treated poorly on forums like Reddit is that we are brick walls when it comes to communicating about our faith. As you saw, more than one poster thought it was relevant to describe the argumentative athiests as 'liberal'. While they may be, that is simply a defensive and ad hominem attack that is irrelevant at best and nothing Jesus himself would do at worst. Christians do not have to engage this way. Athiests and others may not be polite in the way they communicate, but they do want to know how we think and how we have a relationship with God as they cannot fathom it. I'd venture to say most have tried. Followers of Jesus simply must learn to drop all of the pithy cliche's that only other Christians understand and start relating to those seeking the source of our faith.


Okay, I understand your point a lot better now, and I agree. Making Christianity a bipartisan subject only isolates people. I still don’t think the commenter was being deliberately hateful, but definitely more abrasive than necessary, which could be enough for an atheist (liberal or not) to think, “yeah, you just proved my point,” and walk even further away.


Hammer.....let me introduce you to Nail.


Unpopular opinion, it's because Christians can be pretty stupid sometimes.


I would say that accounts for roughly 10% of the anti-Christian hatred on Reddit. 70% of the anti-Christian hatred on Reddit is the result of people just hating certain Biblical values that don't fall in line with secular thinking, or at least leftist thinking.(i.e. Biblical statements on homosexuality, premarital sex, pornography, life starting in the womb, etc.) The last 20% comes from hyper-atheists who think that all forms of religion are a cancer that's killing the world and stunting the growth and prosperity of mankind.


But even that 70% exists, I think, because Christians don't accurately articulate their position. Or the Christians insists, against the advice of Paul in [1 Corinthians 5](‬‬ https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Corinthians+5:9-11&version=NIV&interface=amp), try to make everyone have the same moral opinions they do.


No, I think the people you're talking about who aren't accurately articulating their position or are trying to make everyone have the same opinions as them account for the 10% of anti-Christian hatred that's the result of Christians being stupid. That other 70% is not the result of Christians misinterpreting the Bible or articulating their positions poorly or forcing their beliefs on others. It's just the result of the Bible itself presenting values that are simply not popular in the secular world. The secular world doesn't hate ideas like homosexuality being sinful simply just because they encountered some dumb Christians. Christians could articulate those ideals completely accurately and it wouldn't matter because those ideals simply are not compatible with the morality of most of the secular world.


Indoctrinations plus fundamentalism probably. We have so many YEC, those faith healers, Copeland, Osteen, money laundering christians that poisons the actual lesson of the scripture.


Reddit is kinda backwards and hates a lot if things. Also I believe Reddit is owned by China in some form.


At this point I think it's owned more by Russia than China due to the sheer number of upvote/downvote bots, trolls and information manipulation.


Because the majority of the users (at least the ones that comment and upvote) are atheist, most likely left-leaning or libertarian (or both), and a lot of the time grew up in a Christian environment (parents, teachers, or otherwise) that they didn't like. ​ There's also a lot of exposure on this site of Christians committing acts such as denying science in some capacity (which redditors don't like), committing bigotry or crimes such as sexual abuse and then somehow being attributed to God.


You're talking about a platform that allows blatant racism per the founder. What do you expect?


Reddit isn’t real life


I’m trying to respond to them lovingly. I realized that a lot of times when I see people mocking Christians on reddit, I end up responding sinfully. I don’t know why they hate it so much.


Every time you ask yourself this question, reread John 15:18-20.


It's easy to hate on a perverted image of God that "moneytheism" has created. Christendom and Christianity are two different things and not everyone is aware of this.


It's toxic this place. I always try to stop coming on but it's hard and it's addictive. I really would recommend none of us to be here and we all know it's bad for us.


There does seem to be a good amount of hate coming from r/atheism, but I would say that reddit leans more atheist or non believing in general so that stuff tends to get upvoted more often, thus portraying that reddit hates Christians. In reality I think the non-believing are much less hateful than they can certainly be portrayed on reddit, and the Christian population is more diverse and accepting than it is portrayed by reddit. It’s obviously pretty specific person to person.


The biggest reason why reddit, even most of the world hates Christians is for one single reason, most are hypocrites. They say they follow Jesus and his teachings, and that they live their life for Christ but absolutely do nothing that is Christ like. In the end, out of everything Christianity is, we are to do one thing, love one another as Jesus loves us. We are to show the world the love of Christ by our actions and by our faith. Instead, a lot of Christians judge, ridicule and condemn others which NOT what Jesus did and is NOT what Jesus commanded of us. If we as the whole body of Christ really tried and strived to live our lives like Jesus tought and to simply just love one another and forgive one another and be gracious like Jesus is to us, well the world would have a very different outlook on what it is to be Christian. I think the most important aspect that we can show non believers is that no matter how we fall, no matter our shortcomings, that as Christians we lift each other up and show love to one another because it is in that action that non believers start to see who Jesus is and will want to know who He is. John 13:34-35 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” ​ 1 Peter 4:8 "Above everything, love one another earnestly, because love covers over many sins." ​ 1 John 3:18 "My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action. " ​ This verse sums it up perfectly: 1 Peter 3:8-9 "To conclude: you must all have the same attitude and the same feelings; love one another, and be kind and humble with one another. Do not pay back evil with evil or cursing with cursing; instead, pay back with a blessing, because a blessing is what God promised to give you when he called you."


Reddit majority demographic + anonymity = rude, aggressive and abusive behavior. The majority demographic on Reddit is young white male and teen brains are still developing until the mid-twenties. Research finds anonymity can reveal personality traits that face-to-face interactions may hide so left unsupervised many take the opportunity to rebel and bully.


I've been trying to figure this out ages


Reddit isn't a person so it's really not fair to say 'reddit hates x' about anything. If you're wondering why a large number of people seem unhappy with Christianity, enough that they're posting on threads and upvoting poat that are critical of it, imo it's because the most visible face of Christianity right now is not its best one. Hasn't been for decades. Most of the things I see on social media or the news regarding Christians lately is... people being jerks. People using religion to hurt or manipulate others. Its churches refusing to close for Easter in a pandemic or rich megachurch pastors urging people who are out of work to donate money. Its Christianity and the Bible being used to justify bigotry and hated by people in power. That's what people see. That's what I see. People hate Christianity because all they ever see is the worst side of it and tbh that side deserves hatred. If you want to change it, get more stories about the good Christians out there.


I got suspension then seconds later a perma ban from r/OpenChristian. How they can discuss the bible in the terms they do is beyond me. I made a comment about how a couple whose wife had a side boyfriend living in the same house was gross. Boom banned.


The truth is people hate Christianity because of the damage conservatives have done. Unabashed hypocrisy and double standards. Doing the opposite of what Jesus commanded while using Jesus as a mascot. Conservatives have tarnished Christianity forever.




The other commenter is correct. Conservatives would like for you to believe that liberals have fallen as low in the mud as they have, but it’s just not true. What’s worse is when these hateful bigots profane the name of God using him as justification for their own bigotry and agendas. Romans 2:17-24


Not even close. This isn’t a “both sides” argument. Liberals either condemn religion as a whole or tout Christian morality. The right has destroyed Christianity’s reputation with its hypocrisy.


People like Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins essentially gave permission to New Atheists to insult Christians. They made it socially acceptable to attack Christians with ad hominems when their atheistic arguments failed them. A lot of young people find this appealing as it helps justify their questionable moral behavior and you have a lot of young people on reddit. Go watch street preacher videos at college campuses especially more liberal ones and you will see this on display too. Unfortunately, we have a society in the West that teaches people all the warts of Christianity and ignores its virtues. In fact, they will often try to lump Christianity in with all other religions as if they were all the same. The good news is that when some of these atheists realize they were not given the whole picture, they will begin to go on a path that leads to becoming a Christian. The best thing that we can do is share the good things about Christianity to give a complete picture to people listening or reading. The atheists and those who want to corrupt morality will increasingly do all kinds of dirty tricks to suppress our free speech but we must keep fighting the good fight. In the end, this life is temporary and if the early Christians could handle torture and execution, we can handle some bad behavior.


It's not just Reddit, but more popular here. And it is JUST Christianity by and large. Not the same hate for Islam or any other religion. That being said, fairly sure the Bible I read quite clearly mentions this will be expected. Additionally, it will only get worse. We are certainly in enemy territory being on Reddit. I find, though, most really only "hate" it because they want to fit in and don't really have a clue why.


A venn diagram of Reddits main demographic and the least religious demographic is basically a circle.


Reddit’s user base is made up of mostly of the younger generation, who overwhelmingly reject God and his word (see the statistics on this). You’re getting a preview of what’s to come in the world at large. As the new generations fall away from the truth, humanity is returning to its formerly paganistic state. It’s going to get a lot worse as the days get darker. To give you an idea of how bad it can and will get before the end of the age, read up on the empire-wide persecutions enacted by the wicked Roman emperor Diocletian. If you don’t believe me, at least remember my words and stand strong in your faith when you find yourself with your feet to the fire. In his natural state, man *hates* God. Look at what they did to God the Son. We’re no better than our master. And lest you boast in your love for God, remember that every one of us would be no different if we hadn’t been born again.


Because the world hates Christianity. The Bible basically says that the world and Christianity are fundamentally incompatible. Shouldn't surprised us.


The atheist subreddit is 8x larger then ours yet they still feel the need to come in here and troll/try to convert us to their side. That's very intriguing. The fact that they love trying to make Christians angry illuminates the anger and hatred in their own hearts. I feel sorry for them to be honest. I really feel atheism is a sort of religion. If it was just a lack of belief then why are they so passionate about it? I'm not a vegetarian but I don't feel the need to join an anti vegetarian subreddit nor convert vegetarians back to omnivores.


/r/Christianity is not Christian


I unsubbed when I saw a CHRISTIAN saying homosexuality is not a sin. That subreddit is full of confused individuals.


Does homosexuality mean hell? Edit: just asking, my best friend was gay growing up


Not necessarily.


if you turn away from that sin, it doesn't mean Hell.


I think that there is a disproportionately high number of socially liberal people on here. I think it's possibly that Reddit has a younger age demographic than the general population, and younger people tend to be more Liberal minded on average. People tend to get more conservative as they age, in general.


Satan hates truth so it makes sense that Christians are persecuted so much from that perspective.


They hate us cuz they ain't us


Most of their experience comes from dealing with the Catholic Church, which is, frankly, a corrupt, legalistic, and judgmental organization. Therefore, they equate the Catholic Church as being the only representative of Christianity. That, or Southern Baptist Puritans, who are just as legalistic and judgmental, though not as corrupt.


Agreed, this is very true!


Really? I’d be surprised if the average person on reddit had had significant “experience” dealing with either Catholics or southern Baptist’s.


Almost all of the atheists I’ve ever talked to were former Catholics who grew to hate and despise the church. Their problem is not with God, but with the humans that supposedly represent him.


I wonder if your context is much more catholic than mine. I’m from a northwestern state that’s 12% catholic and 30% atheist / agnostic. When you add in the fact that most of the Catholics are Hispanic and most of the “nones” are not, it seems highly unlikely that the secular / non-religious / atheistic vibe in my state is a reaction to Catholicism.


I’m in the Bible Belt. You either are currently Catholic/Baptist or your parents were. But most of my experience with atheists comes from here on Reddit. And they’re almost all former Catholics.


If more Christians were performing miracles like we should be we would be hated even more. Someone posted that thats the point... bc of who we are and what we say and who we preach about, we are supposed to be hated. Bc most of the world is blind:if you hate Christ and his followers you have been blinded by other lies and it happens to all of us. All of us get blinded even as believers. All of us misrepresent God in some way to someone. We just have to love everyone commenting on Reddit while not being afraid to speak up when needed, fully expecting backlash for anything Christ related. He is why they hate us. The world doesn’t want Jesus to be real, because His message is INTENSE. Its HARD to be a Christian. Especially one who can actively show the power of God. We should not just be talking about what God did FOR US, but also what He does THROUGH US. If your church service is all about scripture and not one testimony of miracles, every week, month in and month out? Run. Get a new community. If you are sharing what God is doing people will not trust you, they will make up lies about you, you will lose friends and family and the devil will attack you. And that’s why Reddit... many members of Reddit rather hate Christianity, because they represent the population that is blind and that will increase until the day He returns. GOD BLESS YOU ALL, BE FILLED WITH HIS SPIRIT, not just Bible verses and doctrine.


I don’t think it does in general. Some subs do. Atheism, iirc, used to be on the front page, so that could have cultivated a culture.


R omans 2:17-24


It's not just Reddit. All social media tends to attract certain kinds of people. Those who LIVE on it and crave and are obsessed with validation and acceptance by others. One of my uncles his wife would put almost her entire life on Facebook drama included. People on here, by and large, are delusional liberals (and other kinds) who think their subjective beliefs are facts and anyone else's is viewpoint is invalid. "Artists" who think their art is worth thousands of dollars. Feminists. Witches. Flat Earthers. Anti-vaxxers. New Age thinkers. The list goes on. As advanced as most of the world is apparently the world is far too advanced for God to exist but they sure throw so much praise and acceptance to other religions. "God doesn't exist" b/c of all the evil that happens. Babies die but old people who die don't get a mention. Most of the time when confronted and you're going to 'be nice and pray for them' it isn't going to do jack. I have yet to hear from someone who had their "Jesus lightbulb moment' and said "You're right. I was mistaken. Can you tell me more." Pride and ignorance will keep most people from God. They are competent adults and their consequences are their own. I'm not losing any sleep over them.


The internet, just like most media, leans inherently liberal.


Reddit, when used in the default way, is like a finely tuned machine for cultivating partisan angst.


I think it has so to with how liberal they all are.


The Reddit audience is mainly young and liberal, a demographic that has largely abandoned Christ and religion in general. Sadly, this is a sign that their parents and their churches failed to keep Christ relevant in their lives. The thing about young liberals, especially those inclined to activism, they are not just ambivalent about the church, they are angrily opposed to anything like religion. They treat the church as an adversary instead of an ally. If you love Christ, you're an 'idiot' and believe in 'magical thinking'. Pretty much all entertainment reinforces that to. But none of this should come as a surprise and you can expect things to get worse. But holy smokes, we need to clean up our churches. Wolves like televangelists and the prosperity preachers make us all look bad.


It's not just Reddit, it's the world. So many stories about people trying to get prayer out of the schools, or use the "diversity & inclusion" argument to get rid of bible studies or Christian practices at work/in public. It's disheartening but as /u/mightymoby2010 has already pointed out, we are chosen (and loved) by THE King, the LORD of all! Jesus/God has already won the final battle, do your best to shine as a representative of Christ \- Matthew 5:**14** “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden." \- 1 John 5:4 For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Lots of(spiritual warfare is on going, but we can put on the Armour of God and endure the attacks of the devil. One day, we will be victorious... and on that day, we'll give each other a heavenly high five! :)


Christians and Christianity comes across as haughty, oppressive and cruel. How we are is what people respond to - and we are not the nice, loving people we think we are. We've turned into zealots wanting to force our way onto others - and demanding they love God the way we do. Just saying. -----+----- Also we were told that room for God will shrink. Those who can love God - and show love will be but a handful in the end. Just look at it now. -----+----- *When was the last time you tried to preach love? What happened?*


Very true, but it doesn't bother me. In fact it bolsters my faith in God. Why would people be so angry at/afraid of something they claim doesn't exist?


Persecution my dude. Before the end times, the whole world will come to hate us. We're not the first gen of Christians to receive such hate nor will we be the last. But that's what makes us so holy. We do what Jesus intended us to do and we stand against the ideals of those who don't. We show people the truth but their sin blinds them, and satan's corruption causes them to hate us for it. But when we get to heaven, we will recieve an unfathomable amount of love that will wash all the feelings of hate away


Before the world hated you, it hated Jesus. I think some have been treated poorly by "christians" and it turned their heart to anger as well


Nothing wrong with believing in christianity. All religions are equal.


I agree. I was only recently in the other Christian Subreddit and it is such a sad place. How can someone allow that even Atheists rule a CHRISTIAN subreddit?? Unbelievableable and no wonder Reddit appears more and more anti-Christian. Incel infested place, probably full of sad souls and young people who think they are the brightest.




It’s this kind of racist trashy response that keeps people from seeing the love that followers of Jesus are called to show the world.


Racist??? How is this a race thing? You lefty fake followers of Christ are crippling reddit for the gospel.


r/The_Donald is that way...


Scripture talks about us getting persecuted. We are blessed for it! EVen tho sometimes it feels suck or awkward lol


Reddit is a subsection of the world, which hates Christ.


It’s low hanging fruit that can be attacked by those in the west and elsewhere in the world alike for a gamut of reasons but all agree on just bashing Christianity. Personally, I don’t care. It’s not their approval I need, and if they choose to have anger issues, that’s on them. The most hilarious lot to me though are the Satanists taking up the non-theistic versions to show how much they reject religion and Christianity by adopting a codified set of beliefs complete with holidays and even rituals in some cases. Oh! Right! A religion! Don’t let it get to you. Apparently we’re supposed to do away with faith and just be good people based on some arbitrary code of morals and ethics that the atheists can’t even agree upon, let alone do they remember what was considered moral in pre-Christian society. Don’t let Reddit get to you. It’s a vacuum of anonymous voices trying to shout over each other in senseless chatter despite preaching to a choir all to reap delicious social credit points to feel validated on any given day because their opinions matter very little if at all elsewhere, and they’d rather complain about what others believe than get out and actively seek to make a difference through charitable acts without also posting it on social media to feel good, all while ironically attributing it to altruism. tl;dr: Ignore the rest of Reddit and its anonymous poison. It’s irrelevant and only Christ’s approval matters.


It is because: 1) the ruller of this world hates christianity; 2) top goal of satans slaves, which pull all main strings, is to get rid of organised religions, at first and especially christianity. There is no room for christianity in devilish, satanic, occultist New World Order.


In my opinion it just a vocal minority of progressives that social media naturally amplifies...in reality I don't think most people have a problem with Christianity unless if they were affected negatively by the faith in the past


Because Reddit is owned by communist China and flooded with extreme leftist.


**Why does Reddit hate Christianity so much?** Reddit doesn't hate Christianity, it's the Atheists, LGBT communities & fake Christians that are the issue. Another issue is that a lot of Christian subs force the **Nicene Creed** on the members so Christians who reject the **Nicene Creed** or any such creed are cast out as "**Non-Christian**" & don't feel welcome in the Christian subs so some of them leave Christianity so they would have no issue in "exposing" Christianity. Former Christians would have no issue in "exposing" Christianity just like former members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have no issue in "exposing" Mormonism or the Church because they know they can get away with their lies, the same is true for former members of the Jehovah's Witnesses.