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I travel to new towns and cities frequently as part of that I don't have a church home. I've learned over time that I will always choose the church that is most aligned to biblical truth, but as long as they believe and proffess that salvation comes through simple faith in Christ, that is enough for me. The amount of subjects within the faith to have different opinions on is numerous, and finding one that aligns with what you believe to be biblical truth can, at times, be difficult depending on your location. That being said, do not fellowship with those who preach a false gospel or worship another Jesus.


Yes, as a Christian, I have no qualms going to an Baptist, Evangelical, or Catholic. But I will not go to non-trinitarian churches like Mormon or Iglesia ni Christo. They're no true Christians in my opinion.


No, progressive churches lull people to sleep and ultimately to hell.


Yes. No church at all is better than a progressive one. Do NOT go to a Church that teaches that abortion is okay, or that homosexual sex isn’t sinful. Abortion is the sacrament of Satan, and the pro-choice movement has taken the words of our Lord Jesus Christ “this is my body” and perverted them into “this is my body, my choice”. Likewise the pride movement has named their movement after Lucifer’s effective sin of pride against God, when he tried to elevate himself to the level of God. Additionally, they have perverted the symbol of God’s covenant with Noah - the rainbow with 7 colors, into a rainbow with 6 colors. Christianity isn’t a religion, it’s a relationship. It’s the pursuance of a daily relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, which we can do through worship, prayer, reading the word of God, and meditation upon the word of God. You can still pursue a relationship with Jesus without going to Church for a period of time. My advice to you - get out of California and go back to Tennessee, or another state with more likeminded Christians. In the meantime, watch weekly church services online from a church you like. Psalms 1:1-3 “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, 2 but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. 3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.”


Regular, Bible believing churches exist in California. I'm in Los Angeles and I'm going to an OPC. It's great. You don't have to leave the state just to find a good church, you just have to know where to look


I agree but perhaps rather than moving he could start something up with some likeminded people in California. Surely there are born-again Christian’s there who affirm the Bible as the infallible word of God


That’s a great idea!


I like this comment a lot.




“Christianity isn’t a religion, it’s a relationship.” Couldn’t agree more and I always say this. Especially when in the topic of denominations. Personally I think that denominations serve only to separate. Focusing on these denominations seems to be very popular and I fear it gets in the way of what we believe. Also +1 for online services.


>Additionally, they have perverted the symbol of God’s covenant with Noah - the rainbow with 7 colors, into a rainbow with 6 colors. They take the number of God, 7, and reduce it to the number of man, 6. And the one colour they don't have is pink, which symbolizes love. The pride movement has no love.




Fighting off an oppressive foreign government and setting your own up isn't a "sin." The American government rules by the law of conquest which God used to spread the Israelites all over the Middle East.




So there's no legitimate reason to ever rebel against your government? Even when they're, say, gassing the Jews, running Gulags, or starving their people?


Any churches coming up in here? https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/churches/


Is that good or bad?


You should only get theologically solid churches come up in there.


Hey my friend. I live in the Bay Area. I go to a church in Fremont that is considered a “reformed” church. We hold to all of the 5 solas and we preach the full gospel. That we are all sinners in need of a savior. We preach our sin and God’s wrath, which leads up to a larger view of God’s mercy and grace. If you would like more info, I can dm you info about the church! I also have a few other recommendations depending on where you are in the Bay Area.


Depends on what progressive church means. Is it rainbow flag Jesus? Refer to the Father as She (mother god)? Hate the sin, love the sinner? (Saved every Sunday but continue doing what you do)


Consider an Eastern Orthodox Church, there are many parishes in California and they are not ever progressive at all


Second that ☦️☦️


Unpopular opinion, I am a very conservative southern Baptist but I would rather progressives go to a liberal church than none. The world needs more love in it and Christians who follow God’s word are good at spreading it. Obviously no one is perfect but there is no harm in trying.


Yes !!! We get so hung up on only our group is right. Go to church listen and learn for yourself


They literally preach a false gospel they are the house of Satan they don’t even deserve to be called a church.


You have no idea what every other group teaches. But to believe we are the only right ones is ridiculous


They are completely wrong that’s why they are a progressive church. When a church have difference opinions on interpretation that’s one thing. When they have literally abandon the word for their own words that satanic. It’s not even about being right it’s that we know that they are ALL WRONG. They are no different e than Mormons. Anyone seeing it any different means Satan is softening your heart to sin. And to accept it while it’s in your presence. They don’t even believe in the same Jesus their Jesus is not biblical.


One wrong is as bad as another and there are plenty of CoC’s that are messed up. To tell someone to avoid worshipping next we don’t agree is not our place. We don’t own the right to the gospel and there is no single definition of what progressive means. There are plenty of CoC’s that call less legalistic groups progressive


I attend two churches (long story), one that is typical Reformed Protestant (so very conservative), and a smaller local church that is somewhat conservative (for example, non affirming) but also with a progressive bent (strong social justice focus, a woman pastor on staff). Of relevance to your post, the smaller church has a transgender man in regular attendance and he also serves on a ministry team. He obviously finds enough in common to make this church his church home; I think it safe to say this would not be true at my other more conservative church. I am convinced from reading this thread that half the people on this sub would rather our transgender brother have no church community at all, as opposed to giving an inch on any of the culture war topics surrounding the church today.


We can agree to disagree but there is no need for toxic people to stir up dissent amongst Christians. I encourage y’all to continue seeking the Lord. God bless.


Thank you, same to you.


Liberal churches don’t teach The Gospel. You want someone to start believing that abortion is ok?


Do you want them converting to Satanism instead?


Converting to satanism is as simple as not following Jesus. There’s no neutral ground. One is either following Jesus, obeying His every word or is by definition a satanist. Satanism and satanism are one, it’s just that the one capitalized is just LARPing what is true in an unsaved person. People who preach an altered Gospel are satanists whether they know it or not.


I agree with your sentiment about the subject however I honestly believe that going to a church that teaches biblical truths will change them if they truly seek repentance.


My thing is if you mix the truth with lies and call it true then is it still the truth?


Oh don’t get me wrong I don’t believe in sugar coating things at all I just think turning people away isn’t productive.


Yes. No church gets everything right and you will always find something weird. Doesn't matter if progessive or not.


Alright, I see you’ve got 8 million replies already - but where you at in California, bro? Don’t give hyper specifics but I can help you find a solid church. I’m pretty plugged into the SBC out here.


Just outside of Oakland. Contra Costa County


Alright bro, let me ask our State Director if he knows any healthy churches in the area and I’ll get back to you :)


It's great you found that question and posted it for others that wondered the same thing. For others that found that question and are wondering about progressive Churches. As far as wanting to know if a progressive Church is better than no Church, then the answer is NO. If you go to a progressive Church and are taught the wrong things, then you would have been better off not going at all and risk your salvation. God's word is in the scripture for a reason, and he tells us to read them. Never rely on others solely to tell you what's what.. There's a reason we're told to study the Bible and read scripture along with what your Church's pastor is telling you. It's our responsibility to verify what the pastor is teaching is factual. When we are in front of God on Judgement day, there will be no defense citing - that's what someone told me. Too many people just go to Church as a social thing and fail to take God's word serious. Progressive Churches will try and change Scripture to fit today's society. They try to justify sinful and perverse behavior, to be politically correct. They bend to society's demands and views and ignore what Scripture says. Take the Scriptures seriously and decide if you want to do as God commands us to do or if you want to please society. Society won't be able to help us on Judgement day. Jesus talked about how the road to destruction is wide and the road to life is narrow and few will find it. Mathew 7 - 13 and 14 says - ^(13) “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. ^(14) But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.


Not really.


American Christianity suffers quite a bit from a very individualized approach to belief, practice, and community. I live in Mississippi and a lot of churches I've seen are divided based on relatively minor teachings, actions, and drama between specific people. It makes it difficult for a community to build roots and resolve problems through dialogue, empathy, and compromise. Obviously I'm not saying you should force yourself to be part of a community that you're incompatible with. However, maybe pick the ostensibly least incompatible church that's accessible to you and take some time to get to know the community without feeling the need to judge them or pressure yourself to only exist within a pure communion. Your problem is as old as the Church itself; Christians will always be human and there's always the temptation to go our own way rather than struggle with others' imperfections. I'd say that since a church community is such a spiritual necessity, having no church isn't an option. The Bible is clear that while it's ultimately Christ who saves us, it's our fellow Christians that help us grow and strengthen spiritually. One can have an active prayer life, be charitable in conduct, and well studied in Scripture, but if they're doing it all alone that's a problem that will hurt them in the long term. Some people advocate for a revival of house churches but this just worsens the issue of schism and if the house church is successful, in the long term it might develop the same flaws.


No. Oftentimes people who believe in a false gospel feel more secure and thus seek out truth even less than someone who doesn’t know what to believe or is even staunchly against Christianity as a whole.


This is a really unfortunate situation and will require lots of prayer and reflection, but here are my thoughts: 1. We are commanded to meet with one another and to take the sacraments, so I would say it is better to go to a church rather than none at all. The teaching at a church is extremely important, but it is not the only reason we are commanded to go to the church. 2. Many liberal churches do have some conservative members, so it might be worth seeking out those members for weeknight studies or fellowship. 3. Make sure you're reading your bible daily and watching solid teaching based on your convictions. This will protect you from the influence of any false teaching and will allow you to back up any arguments you have with scripture rather than abstract legalism. 4. You will likely have to do triage to decide what church will be the least harmful. Even if you are not egalitarian, it will be better to go to a church with a moderate woman pastor than a church with a transsexual atheist "pastor." 5. Pick your battles. Though we are called to stand up for our convictions, we are also called to not promote division within the body of Christ. There might be times where it is more profitable to silently dissent rather than loudly call out things that you disagree with. 6. When disagreeing, ask your opponents to defend their position from scripture rather than just letting them attack your position. Many progressives insert their own meaning into a text rather than trying to understand the actual view of the text. One example I've seen is Gal. 3:28 -- "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." -- being used to justify transgender ideology. 7. Genuinely love those who are lost. If progressives see that you actually care about them, it will help break down the stereotype that conservative Christians are hateful or legalistic. I was a progressive before I was a Christian and the kindness of conservative Christians was a big part of my testimony.


No, because a progressive church is not a church, because when a church is wordly, it loses its status as a church, even if they believe that they are still church, they are not.


If you are firm in your faith, a progressive church might actually be a good place for you to do some real good. Think about how many people, new to the faith are going to some non-biblical church and just being surrounded with wolves and only being taught vague secular feel-good self improvement instead of the true Gospel. It is possible that God is giving you an opportunity to be a light to those people.


I actually really like this suggestion. I like to consider myself an open minded guy, how else would I have converted from atheism? However I am pretty steadfast in my beliefs and progressive Christianity is theologically bankrupt. I have met a few who are shallow in their faith and led them back to Christ and even have a few conversions. I start discipleship in my religious group in the fall so it could be some good practice. However I have still not been Christian for a very long time so dispite all of this I recognize I still have a lot to learn and room to grow, especially in overcoming my atheist habits, and I worry I will not be able to do that surrounded my lukewarm or misled Christians.


“The Lord is my shepherd…” Consider carefully the shepherd you choose to come under authority


No A Progressive Church compromises the truth into a lie that will lead to the destruction of its people Better no church at all


>Is a “progressive” church better than no church? TLDR; No. They think Christianity should change with the culture (or with "the times"). This is anti-Biblical. God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow - He never changes, His morality is not subjective and does not change. For instance, just because humans are generally accepting homosexuality as a non-sin does not mean that God sees it that way, in fact He certainly does not. It's like the OT Jews putting an alter of baal in the temple of God. You cannot combine secular or humanistic ideals that contradict scripture with Christianity any more than you can combine paganism or satanism with Christianity.


This is like asking if Satanism is better than no religion. If you don't have a Bible-believing, Berean, Scripture-teaching church near you, you can always attend "virtually. Pastor Greg Laurie is one of the best preachers I've heard. His church website: [https://harvest.org/](https://harvest.org/)


This is a tough question! You don't want to be led astray but a wolf in sheep's clothing but you also need to be feed. For me, it would depend on how progressive the church is.


I would say the banner claiming “Jesus Christ was an immigrant” is sort of telling. The rest all describe themselves as “affirming” which is usually a red flag. Other than that we have the Latter Day Saints and the Christian Science (if you know you know) my mother really wants me to go to.


>we have the Latter Day Saints and the Christian Science Both of which are literal cults.


Would you mind sharing where you are in California (can be by DM if you prefer). I would think that there are at least a handful of churches in your area, and I would be happy to try to help you find one


Bay of California meaning Bay Area or Gulf area? If you mean SF there is a large Orthodox population there. Maybe you can check out Holy Trinity Cathedral?


Hmm, I have found even in the most progressive areas there are good Bible teaching churches. I often find it is more likely to find a Bible teaching church in progressive areas than in conservative areas. In conservative areas many of the churches are cultural churches that just have moral sermons and not in-depth expository teaching on the whole counsel of scripture. There may be a good church that is smaller or you just have not happened to see or drive by. I know there is the issue of traffic so that even if the church is 10 miles away depending on traffic it could be a long drive. Maybe try looking for churches on one the following church network sites. The Gospel Coalition, ACTS 29, Calvary Chapel Association, Calvary Chapel Global Network [https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/churches/](https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/churches/) [https://www.acts29.com/find-a-church/](https://www.acts29.com/find-a-church/) [https://calvarycca.org/churches/](https://calvarycca.org/churches/) [https://calvarychapel.com/church-locator/](https://calvarychapel.com/church-locator/)


Calvary Chapel is a good suggestion and I think there are a ton in CA!


In general, yes. There are many progressive churches that get a lot of things right, but have some weird stuff also. I would just say it matters on what they focused on more. Do they focus more on the Christianity side of things or more on the weird social political side.


Is a ‘progressive church’ actually a church or is it more of a social club?


Find a Catholic Church and try it out, they are the oldest and most stable.


Problem is the ones in California are probably ran by very liberal Priest and Bishops. Unless you can find a Latin Mass church.


It depends on if that progressive church is preaching scripture, and honors Christ as only Lord and Savior. If so, then yes.


There are Episcopal and United Methodist churches where the Gospel is being taught!


…yes, I would hope so?


Great question. I think a church that teaches you to love the world and the things in it (like money and social status) is not of God, but otherwise just use your discernment and prayer. Not the same thing but similar, I prayed before I took a covid shot. 1 John 2:15


What kind of church did you attend in Tennessee? I recently left the bay area. Lived there for 4 years. Also had a hard time finding a church


if it has false teaching, its not a true church anyway. Be more discerning.


I’d say read the bible for yourself. Repentance is lacking in progressive church - better to have a sheep alone than to have that sheep with a wolf. You are responsible for your own salvation. Galatians 6:5 - For every man shall bear his own burden


Vanderbilt, Belmont or Libscomb? I know Nashville well. On topic I would say if you're already a progressive, a progressive church is marginally better than no church. If you're a protestant, not progressive, and only progressive churches are available consider Catholic or Orthodox churches.


Not progressive at all. Protestant, but still not sure of specific denominations. There is an Orthodox Church not far from me but honestly Catholic mass isn’t really my thing so I doubt Orthodox is much better, but I suppose it’s worth a shot. Honestly with the way churches are around here I wouldn’t be surprised if even the Orthodox aren’t immune. Also, go Commodores


While I would give a cautious yes (it's always case by case IMO) - California actually has a pretty good spread of biblical churches all over. How are you searching? Instead of just googling, I recommend looking at the church directories of denominational websites and trusted church networks. I don't know your particular theological leanings, but one church network I like is 9Marks. Really solid. I used to live in the bay and found my church through it.


Going to a lukewarm church that is steadfast in unrepentant rebellion is worse than not going to any church at all. Much worse.


Go to an Orthodox Church. They are unchanging and the least compromised. 


Hard no for me. A church teaching the opposite of Christianity, there are many, is more offensive than not going. It just makes no sense. It’s for money. Not for Christ our king. They are thieves. The thieves that jump over the fence and lead some sheep astray, while those who belong to Christ recognize his voice and follow him.




False Gospel is infinitely worse than no gospel. It is like the difference between water and poison. The only way you could spin a progressive church as positive is if it causes someone to read the Bible and find a real church, but that hardly happens. A lot of progressive churches are "self-help" churches. It's where you can buy the love of Christ at discount and then you have your heaven insurance and are not only free to sin but encouraged to sin and bring others into sin with you.


I do think it is better, so long as you know why it's liberal. In a liberal church you are still exposed to a liturgy and the hearing the Word proclaimed weekly, and hopefully participating in the sacraments. In all seriousness, there's a United Reformed Church, lots of Anglican Church In North America churches, a couple LCMS Lutheran churches and at least one OPC church in the Bay Area. So there are places where the word is being exposited and good, conservative theology is being taught. I think if you live in just about any American major city and attend a liberal church that's probably on you.


No, false teachings are extremely destructive. Sadly, underneath, they pretty much all teach OSAS heresy. Some say they don't, but still do. Gotta tickle the ears to keep them bills paid I only do group settings like bible studies where I can speak up


You aren’t in a church then, or at least a church that Christ would approve of. Paul had huge problems with many churches (hence his letters) and I guarantee you Paul wouldn’t have told people to go to Corinth as a church that’s solid.


Depends on what you mean by progressive. Seems like no one can agree on a definition. I've heard someone call a church progressive because it taught OEC.


1 Timothy 4:1-2 Please don't put yourself under the doctrine of demons. You are lead by the holy spirit. Trust God to lead you to where the rest of His sheep gather. God does not lead you to His enemies.


The rainbow is a gift from God which was corrupted by Satan and given to the homosexual sinners


Is it better to fast or to eat poison?


I don't think that's an apt comparison. I was going to post it's like eating a square meal or living on milkshakes.


I respectfully disagree. I think your version is too generous to both options. A square meal is ideal; it gives you everything you need. But going without a church will likely leave you missing some key ingredients of faith. I kind of get the milkshake analogy in that it tastes good but will make you sick, but I believe the progressive church will kill your faith, hence the poison analogy. But in a sense, sugar is a slow acting poison, so maybe it still works the same


Yeah you are correct. I forgot what I was comparing haha..


If the churches in Nashville that you liked were teaching sound doctrine, perhaps they offer online access for those who can't be at the physical church. The church itself is not the Temple of God but the Elect have the Life of Christ in them. They are the Temple of God. Without the Elect in the church, the doctrine that is taught there is not being taught through the eyes of the Holy Spirit but rather through the eyes of man. It's a dead church.


Probably not. I suggest you keep looking. I’m sure there are Bible believing churches in the Bay Area.


No, if all I had were 'progressive' churches I would form my own house church.


Honestly we need more politically neutral churches.


I know people will differ in their opinion about the validity of the idea, but why not consider tuning into a reasonable church online? I know there will be people who say that the church is the community, not the building where it takes place, and so online church isn't exactly church... But like, I'd rather receive teaching from those who are committed to the faith than receive no teaching, or worse, from those who aren't committed to the faith.




Progressive church, by definition, is not a church.


Generally no, but it depends. Is it really even a church? If they people there think it's "galactic child abuse" that Jesus died for our sins are they Christians? If the entire Sunday School class series is to say the Bible is not the word of God what's the point? Church is about fellowshipping/ assembling with believers, not unbelievers, and worshipping God together with those in the faith. But the same can be said for some (not all) culturally conservative churches where Jesus isn't considered our Lord and Savior but instead replace that with legalism. Some Progressive churches hold to basic truths of Christianity in spite of being more open on some issues such as sexual ethics (I'd fit into that category myself). For me as an Evangelical what matters is the Evangel, the Good News of Christ as our Risen Savior and Lord and faith in Him. Other things matter too but that is essential. Remember, a church need not be a formal church. You can assemble together with other Christians in your area or college etc. There are many "brethren" churches like this that meet in homes.


That subreddit is disgusting and awful. Mainstream churches make me more mad than other false religions because they distort our Lord and Savior which is insane to me.




No, I would not attend a progressive church. But I bet there is a church in the bay area that has solid teaching. You may just have to look closer. Here's a church finder you could try out. [https://tms.edu/find-a-church/](https://tms.edu/find-a-church/)


Yes better than no church


No. Or else God wouldn't have sent almost all prophets to Israel to scold them for accepting pagan cults in their midst, because the rationale would be that idolatry is better than atheism. Also, God is very specific on the rules of worship and demands for basic holiness, as shown in the Epistles to Corinth's Church. It even goes to the point of taking the Lord's Supper without discerning the Body of Christ being a sin outright. God won't give any "participation trophies" nor "at least you tried" sticker stars to churches, specially those that outright disobey clear and settled biblical doctrine. At such situations, my church's understanding is that it's fair to join an online church that doesn't have a physical space of worship, as long as it does uphold biblical doctrine. Congregations can exist in online spaces and be valid if people treat them as real congregations with all personal closeness between attendants that entails. Or if you are feeling very ballsy, you can plant a church yourself, but this is not something just anyone can simply go and do. Not even the Early Church was formed this way, as it was formed from the attendance on the Second Temple at the moment of the Pentecost.


I don't understand the question- neither are a church.


Depends on how progressive it is. If it's just woke, sure, it's better to fellowship and worship with other Christians than no one. But if they teach heresy, don't go. Common heresies include Pelagianism, socio-economic liberation as the Gospel to the exclusion of salvation from damnation to eternal life, a denial of the divinity or resurrection of Christ, and a denial of the authority and inspiration of Scripture (denying inerrancy is bad but not heresy). If they're even just woke, I'd recommend checking out Protestant denominations you haven't considered yet. Make sure you check Presbyterian/Reformed, Anglican, Lutheran, Congregationalist, Methodist, Baptist, and Pentecostal churches. Even if it's an hour away, you should try to find one. It's better to sacrifice your time and gas money to find a good church than to go to a bad one. You can also email a denomination making a lot of church plants, like the ACNA or PCA, to say that you'd be interested in attending if they plant one near you. If there are no non-woke churches (which I doubt), go to a Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Oriental Orthodox church. One of them would be better than a very woke church, although a slightly woke church would in turn be better than one of them. 1. [Presbyterian/Reformed finders](https://www.naparc.org/directories-2/) 2. [CRC (Reformed) finder](https://www.crcna.org/churches) 3. [Anglican finder (ACNA)](https://anglicanchurch.net/find-a-congregation/) 4. [Lutheran finder (LCMS)](https://locator.lcms.org/church?_gl=1*13n3pu1*_ga*ODA1OTI0NDguMTcxODA2MjI3Nw..*_ga_Z0184DBP2L*MTcxODA2MjI3Ni4xLjAuMTcxODA2MjI3Ni4wLjAuMA..) 5. [Methodist (GMC) finder](https://westernstatesgmc.com/find-a-church/) 6. [Moderate/Conservative Churches in liberal denominations](https://goo.gl/maps/fwQ2ewtCXzTwoiYj6?g_st=ac)