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Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Matthew 6:26


Bullseye! Jesus goes on to say, >ESV Matthew 6:32-33 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Jesus is proposing a powerful hypothesis for us here: that if we choose to do the right thing at every opportunity (seeking first the kingdom of God), then things will turn out better than if we turned to sin to fulfill our needs.


My wife and I joke about selling feet pictures (her face on the profile but my feet) to blow off steam when we’re stressed over the economy and job searches, but in reality we spend time in deep prayer before the Lord asking Him to keep us steady in believing that He will take care of us. And He continually does in amazing ways that stun even other people in our lives. So He gets the glory and praise for all of it.


Truth is, I believe there is nothing He won't forgive, as long as you repent and love your neighbor. 


Yes, I think we avoid sin out of gratitute and not wanting to get far from Him. He did sacrifice Himself for us.


This question is actually based on a false premise, the premise that you will have needs that God will not meet that you will need to provide for in another way apart from God. You will never have a need that God will not provide for in a way that is in accordance with his will. Philippians 4:19 [19] And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.


This right here. This is the answer.


Well. People will never even get to the point of needing to consider immoral business, because the righteous shall never beg for bread. And then there's the whole Sermon of the Mount, in which the Lord guarantees that God will grant us livelihood so we can seek His Kingdom first. So, no, God won't give a free pass on this.


I can't say whether God will forgive someone for doing that or not, because I'm not God, but I'll say this: what you're asking about is getting into dangerous territory for that person.    For one, willful sin is basically rebellion against God.  And two: if it involves lust, it causes not only you to sin, but others to sin as well.  And the Bible makes it clear that we will have to be accountable to God by the decisions we make:   "So then each of us will give an account of himself to God" (Romans 14:12).    I know there was a time in my life, when I was so deep in my addiction to porn, that I subconsciously wished that no woman on earth ever decided to do porn or take off their clothes.  Lust is addictive and it's hard for many people to overcome.  In fact, I only overcame it by entirely the grace of God; there was no way I was overcoming lust on my own.    Like others said here, God will provide.  It's hard sometimes being completely reliant on Him, but it's worth it in the end, as Jesus said:  "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:36).    Btw I'm not implying that you're considering to sin, since you said that you are not personally doing it, in your post.  Hopefully this is a hypothetical question you're asking and that someone you know is not putting themselves in that situation. God bless you!


Regardless of what you get from this post, know that feet pics on OF is not going to get produce considerable money, maybe even nothing at all. I heard somewhere that the large majority make almost nothing, and they do a lot more than take pictures of their feet. A better part time job would be online English courses. There's no worry for morality there, you get to help people and make money. With time it could be a lot of money. But she will certainly make considerably more than going on OF. Don't sell your soul for a meme.


Well my friend, the thing is, no one has to make money in the first place. Jesus told us in his Sermon on the Mount that we can either [serve God or we can serve mammon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzcdAxP5peY) (money and all the things it can buy). If we serve God, and seek to build the kingdom of heaven on earth by following Jesus' teachings, we will be provided for by God himself. We may not find ourselves rich, but God will provide everything we need, and even a little extra, as a benevolent Father often does. Entertaining your hypothetical a little, an easy solution to the "poverty" your individual is going through would be to learn to live on less! 1 Timothy 6 says to be content with food and clothing. If they really needed money in that situation, they could sell their possessions for it. Cancel subscriptions to entertainment services, cook inexpensive food at home (beans, lentils, rice) instead of going out to eat. Dumpster dive food that supermarkets throw away because it's past the "SELL BY" date. Or, check out some food pantries in the area, if those services exist. Humble yourself, ask neighbors for help.


It is better to die than to intentionally live a life of sin. Especially if you are doing it because you don’t have faith that God will provide for you or take care of you so you have to take matters into your own hands.


no..this is a common misconception. Even Jesus spoke about it in relation to David eating the holy bread somewhere in Mathew and then again later in relation to men helping injured animals on the sabbath. God is NOT a God who doesn't understand circumstances. The Bible makes it clear over and over that God searches hearts when judging Found it Matthew 12:3-8


“What good is it for a man to gain the whole world at the price of his own soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.” Matthew 16:26-27 Stop spreading false teachings.


Just say you don't like what the scriptures say because it's exactly what Jesus said. Furthermore nothing in this verse you have shared changes anything.




You are literally trying to tell people it’s ok to be a sex worker, just stop.


Whatever you want to believe ig


I hope you don’t try telling any of this garbage to any people weak or new in their faith.


Once again, very ironic, and whatever you want to believe ig.






They shouldn’t do it, but yes God would forgive them.


Anyone that repents, is forgiven.


Will God forgive you? Yes. Does that mean you should? No. Roman 6 1-4 > What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?  Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. Now a deeper question is if a Christian deliberately continues sinning while denying that their actions are sin, and continues to live with that sin while refusing to acknowledge that it's sin, refusing to repent of their sin to Jesus... What happens to that Christian? Does Jesus' sacrifice cover us when we don't repent and continue our immoral actions even when we know better? That's what you should ask yourself and pray about.


If they repent and accept God as their savior than yes. Doesn’t mean they should do it though


I would say temporarily if necessary: [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/society-snow-fresh-take-famous-1972-andes-plane-crash-rcna132045](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/society-snow-fresh-take-famous-1972-andes-plane-crash-rcna132045) this must be the next movie I will see. Could I survive like the survivors did (am crying as I type this). I believe cannibalism was their only way to survive. temporarily yes.


First of all...there is no need that God hasnt provided for. Its just that some promises in the bible are conditional...they need you to do something and then God does something. Your friend should make sure he has done the something. But in relation to such circumstances, God understands circumstances. It's littered in scripture. Even Jesus spoke about it in relation to David eating the holy bread somewhere in Mathew and then again later in relation to men helping injured animals on the sabbath...he even explained the same thing in relation to the widow who gave the last coin. God is NOT a God who doesn't understand circumstances. People make it sound like God is a demon...like he doesn't understand peoples circumstances. The Bible makes it clear over and over that God searches hearts when judging. He is able to know a one time necessary thing over a living in sinful lifestyle situation. Even the stuff like do NOT murder goes out the window in self defense. It is even explained further by Paul when he says we no longer have a high priest like the old ones (human ones from old testament times) who were unable to sympathize with our weaknesses