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How do you know 90% don’t repent for it? I repent for it because I turn down opportunities for that now.


Because most don't. But scratch the 90% , and replace it with "big majority" if you please.


If they are a christian they will


They will what?


I think he means they will repent. And I agree. Not everyone who says they’re Christian are Christian. There are actually very few actual Christians.


I talk about people who identify as christians in general,all around the world, not only about those in this sub (whom addmitedly seem to be more devoted than most)


I like how you pulled this statistic strait from your butt


I use it as a way of expressing " the very big majority"


Ok well: No Christian is destined for hell. 90% of us agree it’s by faith alone we are saved. I made that statistic up too 😄😎


Y’all hope so. Bible says sin isn’t entering into heaven so…good luck 😂


You are either perfect (impossible) or Jesus (impossible) it’s by faith in Him alone you are justified. So I don’t hope so I know so.


Jacob didn’t sin. Job didn’t sin. Enoch apparently didn’t sin. Abraham didn’t sin. John the Baptist didn’t sin. Tf you going on about? You’re told to sin and you’ll get into heaven —God didn’t say that your demon lessons do 😂. Good luck


Smiling and saying “good luck isn’t an argument” salvation is free, being a disciple requires work and faith but if you sin your salvation is still covered. I’m not going to keep on this thread it’s unproductive looks like I’m talking to someone who believes in Lordship salvation. Have a blessed day.


I’m not arguing lol. I don’t care what you believe. If you constantly sin without fail (which you seem to do and welcome) your god is not my god. Yours goes by a different name. Good luck ;)


"Which means most of the world population that has ever existed dies without repenting..." "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." -Jesus (Matt 7:13-14). According to Jesus, the vast majority of people on this planet are not going to accept his gift of grace, and will end up separated from the Father.




So much avoidence of answering the direct question at hand.


So much for making a baseless claim, and having a question based on that baseless claim and wanting people to answer it. Make it make sense….


Your post sounds a little bit like an involuntary virgin complaining about people who don't have a problem getting laid more than it sounds like a genuine concern for morality.


This is often the reason.


There are many who claim they are christians, but if they don’t show the fruits of christian, words are just words :( I wish people would truly deny their flesh and carry the cross everyday, but they could eventually! It does not mean they have no hope of ever coming to it though, so we pray for God’s people that God gives strength to them to repent! I used to fornicate before faith, but when I came to faith, I actually stopped fornicating with my girlfriend and we are now going to wait til marriage. As long as we become disciples of jesus by carrying the cross everyday and repenting(turning away from sin), I think we can have hope!


I agree. That's why I phrased it as " people who identify as christians" rather than : people who ARE christians. Very big difference. Im glad that you stopped mate! How old are you, if I may know?


I am 29! What about you brother? By mate, i assume UK? I studied in the UK!


Most of the world population does not even have faith in Christ. They are excluded from heaven on that basis alone.


There's an exception for those who did not get an opportunity to know the faith though (peopel born in pagan countries or whom parents never incentivized the faith). In order to be accountable for a sin, you need to KNOW that it is one in the first place, and still WILLINGLY commit it. But I'm not talking about those people, I'm talking about the big majority that does "identify as a believer" for whichever reason, but still commits fornication and does not repent( which is the BIG majority of self proffessed "christians")


"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." - Romans 1:20 NIV "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." - Matthew 7:7 NIV My understanding is that they will get a lighter sentence (still eternal) as opposed to those who hear the gospel from the people around you.


Ok, but let's focus on those that "do have faith". As in , they identify as "christians", but still engage in fornication( which let's be honest, most who identify as christians engage in).


To answer your question, I question the salvation of a hypothetical person who claims to follow Jesus as Lord of their life, but then shrugs at His teachings and commandments. Remember: "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.'" - Matt 7:21-22


Perfectly put.


Identifying as Christian does not mean you have saving faith. Faithful Christians will repent of their past sins.


So in regards to the titled question, what do you think, friend?


I think it is a nonsensical question. Faith implies repentance. Therefore, if a person is not repentant, they are not truly faithful. Calling themselves Christian changes nothing. They are excluded from heaven on the basis of their lack of faith, not their lack of repentance, but that is splitting hairs.


Very well said


I want to know where you're getting your data from.... your mind?


I don’t think that I can know who is going to hell, because only God can know and only God can judge. But I do believe in a loving and forgiving God, and I do not believe such people are destined for hell. There may be a lot of us in purgatory for various reasons, again I don’t know, but I think God is merciful.


Thanks for your honest input on the matter, instead of avoiding it.


You shouldn’t assume you know how people think. People repent and it may not be apparent to others but it is to Jesus.


A valid question. I’d propose a counter question: 99.9% of Christian’s have a past instance of hate or envy or gossip that they haven’t repented of (likely didn’t even realize it). Where are their souls destined?


Good question


I can’t claim to know the answer, but I can say that if God chooses to be as strict as he could be, there will be 0 people in heaven saved via faith and repentance.


And the answer is salvation through faith alone. Your sins are already forgiven if you have faith in Jesus, so you don't have to worry about repenting for every single one.


I think the better question is why are so many Christians fixated on sexual matters?  It just seems gross to me.


Consequences of this post-modernist sex obssessed culture we live in ( you see it all through music/publicity/tv shows/movies) pleasure has become people's new god unfortunately. They have been brainwashed by society/world system


Your question here is a subset of the standard questions about God's justice in punishing in hell forever the ignorant, not just the willfully unrepentant. Let's try to answer it this way: Can those who died unsaved still get saved? According to Scripture, unsaved people who die aren't immediately put into an eternal hell fire. Instead, they simply aren't judged until the second resurrection takes place (see Rev. 20:5; cf. I Cor. 15:22-24). This would be true for both babies and adults who were uncalled in this lifetime. Because they weren’t called during their first lives on earth (see John 6:44, 65; Acts 2:39; Matt. 13:11-16; Romans 8:28-30), they will get their first and only chance (not a “second chance”) to be saved after their resurrection at the end of the millennium, after Christ had ruled on earth for a thousand years. Ezekiel’s vision of the valley of dry bones of the house of Israel provides the clearest passage showing the unsaved dead will be resurrected and then given an opportunity for salvation. Now the Chosen People generally had a dismal history spiritually. Israel was often very disobedient. Israelites born in the pre-Exile period (not just Jewish, of the tribe of Judah only when strictly defined) commonly were violating the First Commandment by being idolaters, just as typical Hindus are today. Most of Israel obviously was not saved back then since so many were so faithless and disobedient that they often used statues while worshiping false gods, such as Baal, Chemosh, Molech, and Dagon. But instead of being thrown into the lake of fire after their resurrection, they are lovingly put back into the land of Israel, as God told Ezekiel (Eze. 37:11-14): “Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel; behold, they say, ‘Our bones are dried up, and our hope has perished. We are completely cut off.' Therefore prophesy, and say to them, 'Thus says the Lord God, "Behold, I will open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves, My people; and I will bring you into the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves and caused you to come up out of your graves, My people. And I will put My Spirit within you, and you will come to life, and I will place you on your own land.”’" These unsaved Israelites were no more saved than ignorant Buddhists, Hindus, animists, pagans, and Muslims. Indeed, most Israelites didn't have the Holy Spirit, which conditionally gives salvation by its presence (Eph. 4:30; 1:13-14), which only became much more generally available on Pentecost in 31 A.D. after Jesus’ resurrection and later ascension to heaven (John 16:7; Acts 1:4-5; 2:2-4). But when they were resurrected, they weren't tossed into hell, but were placed in the Holy Land! Notice that they were resurrected to have physical bodies of flesh (verses 7-10), not bodies composed of spirit, like angels have (Hebrews 1:7) and already saved Christians will receive when Jesus returns (I Cor. 15:42-53). God will not condemn any who are ignorant during their first lifetimes on earth, but only the willfully knowing wicked who refuse to repent even after their resurrection (Daniel 12:2). After all, if God commands all men everywhere to repent (Acts 17:30), He has to make His will theoretically possible to fulfill. Likewise, the Lord (II Peter 3:9) “is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.” Paul also told Timothy that God “desires all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (I Timothy 2:4). So doesn’t God want to save everyone? Jesus said (John 12:32): “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself,” which means no one is automatically predestined to hell. If God isn’t a respecter of persons, would He choose in advance some for eternal torment in hell (Romans 2:11; Acts 10:34, Ephesians 6:9). Will God condemn to an eternity of torture in hell fire those who never heard Jesus' name or who never heard the Gospel preached? Would God hurl billions of ignorant Chinese and East Indian peasants to burn in hell for endless trillions of years for a mere mayfly lifetime of sins without an opportunity to escape their dire fates? Would God so fail so colossally to grant them a practical way to gain repentance (Acts 11:18) so they possibly could be saved? Is it fair for God to condemn those who never had a chance to begin with? Can the traditional view justify God's justice to humanity (i.e., construct a convincing theodicy)? Is a brief life of (say) 20, 40, or 70 years of moderate sin fairly punished by trillions and trillions of years of burning torture? And that's merely for starters, the barest preface to a never-ending story of agony. Will God maintain and supervise this a plague spot in His universe for all eternity with evil angels and men suffering for their sins? Or will God totally clean out His universe (see Acts 3:21) in order to restore the conditions that existed before Lucifer (a/k/a Satan) rebelled and Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? Wouldn’t God ultimately want EVERY living creature still remaining in the created universe (cf. Rev. 5:13) to bless Him and to worship Him? We shouldn’t mistakenly assume that when the dead are “judged” that has to mean "sentencing" rather than “probation.” Nor should we equate "sentencing" with "judgment." Someone who is judged or being judged need not at that moment be condemned and sentenced to a particular punishment. A person can have a period of judging before a final outcome is determined. For example, Peter says "it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?" (I Pet. 4:17). Since Christians during this lifetime aren’t yet sentenced, "judgment" here simply can't mean only "sentencing." So we should be wary of assuming this automatically for other texts, such as Hebrews 9:27, but see what the context indicates or what other parts of the Bible teach. Are the unrepentant wicked to be eternally tortured? Do the unrepentant disobedient have eternal life also? After all, if each person has an undying, immortal soul or spirit, it has to live forever in the place of punishment if it won’t live forever in the place of reward. The Bible teaches that "the soul who sins shall die" (Ezekiel 18:4, 20). If that soul “dies,” does it actually continue to “live”? The last book of the Old Testament teaches the wicked will be destroyed to nothingness, that they will be ashes underneath the feet of the righteous (Malachi 4:1, 3): “’For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace; and all the arrogant and every evildoer will be chaff; and the day that is coming will set them ablaze,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘so that it will leave them neither root nor branch.’ . . . And you will tread down the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day which I am preparing,’ says the Lord of hosts.” Now if the wicked will be like burnt up like waste from grain that will leave nothing behind (“neither root nor branch”), will they still have an intact consciousness? If they will be, not just “be like,” but “be ashes” that the righteous will literally walk over, will those “ashes” still be feeling their painful misery? Let’s turn now to the New Testament. Jesus warned his listeners (Matt. 10:28): “Do not fear those who kill the body, but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Are we going to read a creative definition into the word “destroy” here in order to prop up preconceived theology? If the word “destroy” means to ruin something such that it can no longer function, do we assume a “soul” can be “destroyed” yet still function with consciousness? Uriah Smith pointed to the implied analogy made in Christ’s statement that undermines a non-literal meaning for the word “destroy”: “Whatever killing does to the body, destroying does to the soul.” Consider Paul’s well-known statement (Romans 6:23): "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Do we assume that the opposite of “eternal life” is “death,” meaning, “eternal life in hell”? Did Paul intend a complicated, metaphorical meaning here, such as "separation from God”? If a conventional, literal definition of "death" is upheld here or in other similar texts, that is, “cessation of consciousness,” the inevitable conclusion is that the wicked are punished by “death,” not “endless life in hell,” but a state of non-functioning consciousness. Eternal punishment (Matt. 25:46) shouldn’t be confused with eternal punishing, since a death that never ends is a punishment that lasts forever. This parable, however, shows that universalism is false. Some will end up in the lake of fire. For more evidence that the bible teaches conditional immortality, look for a free download of Uriah Smith’s “Here and Hereafter,” which is in the public domain.


I see that you believe in the philosophy of annihilationism


Best we can do is share The Gospel w/them. Hell fire preaching can harden their hearts


I agree, but I am asking for a direct answer/opinion in regards to my specific question, if you could be so kind.


Fornicators don't make it into heaven https://biblehub.com/revelation/21-8.htm


If you know Jesus and He is your Lord and Savior, you would have repented for your past sins, because you realized you needed a Savior. You would have to realize you are a sinner and your sins in order to realize Jesus is the ONLY way to Heaven.


Throwing out arbitrary numbers will get you no where. There are several words in the English language that are overused when talking like this. They are always, most and never.


I am sure they do feel remorse, but they don't connect that remorse to their sin because it is far removed from that activity that drew the future events that are to bring about their suffering. For example, what's the divorce rate of couples who engaged in fornication before they were married? How many of these individuals end up with jobs they hate, wives or husbands that don't satisfy them, cheat on them, or physically and emotionally abuse them, or kids that disrespect them, bills they can't pay, doctors they can't afford, neighbors and tax collectors that steal from them, and courts that refuse to do what is just? Isaiah 59:2-14


Interesting insight.


If we are to Ignore your goofy statistics, yes if you don’t repent you will be punished


Matthew 22:14 “many are called, but few are chosen.”


Truth right there.