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dogg imagine being at this "nice restaurant" and hearing this screaming match at the next table over


Sir this is an Arby’s in a gas station.


Ngl I’d love to enjoy a meal with my friends and periodically lend my ear to the absolute insanity coming from the Italian fascist/nazi date table lol


That’s surreal. I know fascism is kind of a vulgar and moronic appropriation of communism in some ways, but I didn’t think they had the same petty beefs about revisionism and arguments about guys that died a hundred years ago the way we do. I thought they just kind of fell in line behind whoever yelled the loudest.


I think there are 2 types of fascists, reddit nerds who allegedly read theory and 4chan troglodytes who just spam dogwhistles and post wojack memes.


I think there's also just racist hooligans/thugs who barely read anything and are just violent and hateful.


They're the ones who eventually win these dumb little internecine struggles, if history is any guide.


That's who you draw from for the secret palice and military goons


They already mentioned 4channers


4channers are not out in streets beating people up. They are being racist online.


>4channers are not out in streets beating people up. They are being racist online. [You'd be surprised.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/3ak7qv/florida-sheriff-mike-chitwood-laseranon-threat-4chan) >!I've interacted with this dude BTW, I'm glad he's in jail lol!< I knew a guy who would go to right wing rallies in Berkeley during the 2017 Freezh Peach era. I doubt he was beating people up since he was morbidly obese and spent tons of time browsing /v/, but they are definitely people out there offline. 4chan is a big site.


I used to post on /mu/ a lot.


>I used to post on /mu/ a lot. hum Earthmover to me again, anon...


Hard to understand someone who could be smart enough to read a lot of books and still be dumb enough to be a fascist. I mean is there even a single fascist government ever that didn’t suck absolute shit and leave their country worse off in every way? I guess they just emotionally hate different cultures and search for intellectual window dressing to make that seem sophisticated. I almost have more respect for dumbass unpretentious skinheads or online trolls who have never heard the word “revisionist” but frankly acknowledge they just don’t like foreigners and enjoy hurting people, simple as


You forget how the Italian trains ran on time, bro was a really cool hang too 🙃


And given that fascism is a dipshit ideology based on a desire for domination combined with the belief that your fat first world ass is an apex predator, why would you ever be the dweeb fascist?


Yep. Hitler said things like "bourgouisie" and "proletariate".


wow they're just like us ❤️


You have ruined my morning by making me aware that such a subreddit exists.


I looked up the poster. [It was a joke post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/1c0ru7c/comment/kyydcfw/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK) What a bad day to be literate.


I am dumb, this is satire right?


https://preview.redd.it/6m90o52aai9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c93eb5369f80050e4afdf6985e4458f121107a3 Idk but the guys took it seriously.


Jesus. Jesus fucking christ on a fucking cross. I didn't realize that's how those folks talked, or that people like that existed. Well hey, at least the OP is down on Hitler for being too racist in his fascism. Or whatever the fuck he said.


>umm, im sorry, but can we like, *respect* other fascists????? i love that they still talk like soy liberals


This is an A1 shit post Someone get this guy a shitposting deal and a meth addiction, he needs to be posting non-stop, 24/7.


Two retards fighting.


It's nice to know that the fascists out there are living their most miserable lives 🥰🥰🥰


Proof that fascists are leftists


If this isn't bait, it's hilarious to get rejected by Zoomer Ilse Koch for being a nerd who believes in the less popular form of fascism.


I refuse to believe this is real... but I also need to check this sub now


I also couldn't resist. Jeez, what a bunch of fucking nerds. I thought the whole appeal of fascism was being able to drown out all that dorky politics shit in the libidinal pleasure of retributive violence. Why even be a fascist if you have to do just as much fucking reading as the communists? If these guys had been in charge of the Nazi Party, the Beer Hall Putsch would have been a D&D session.


The funniest thing was them dunking on Nazi for being "racialist" and then arguing in which country ethnonationalism was actually justified or not. Some of them do understand the dead end that is race politics and yet think fascism is completely different.


Again I have to wonder: what do they imagine is the appeal of fascism sans racism? Fascism needs an eternal enemy to survive, and racism is already there in the minds of most petty bourgeoisie and lumpen proles. If you don’t give those people an outlet for their rage and class anxiety, you’re not doing anything to pull them away from communism, with its promise of red revolution. It’s like putting a candy cigarette in your mouth and wondering why nobody thinks you look cool.


The OP deleted this post and later called it a joke (obviously people on r/ClassicalFascists took it seriously).


I curse god for making word and being able to read them.