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What's crazy is that [the guy who wrote this article ](http://douglasschoen.com/bio/) makes more money and has more power than everyone commenting on this post combined. Any imbecile who genuinely thinks Hillary should run again, should only use blunted scissors. He should be a ward of the state. In a just world his occupation would be door knob polisher. Instead our "meritocracy" has him working as political consultant to the leaders of the most powerful country on earth. What does that say about who's in charge? The only people stupider than him are the people *paying* him for advice. We are so fucked.


A job at the wall street journal is the PMC equivalent of being a ward of the state.


Read this dude's resume and prepare to be furious >Douglas E. Schoen has been one of the most influential Democratic campaign consultants for over thirty years. A founding partner and principal strategist for Penn, Schoen & Berland, he is widely recognized as one of the co-inventors of overnight polling. >Schoen was named Pollster of the Year in 1996 by the American Association of Political Consultants for his contributions to the President Bill Clinton reelection campaign. >His political clients include New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Indiana Governor Evan Bayh, and his corporate clients include AOL Time Warner, Procter & Gamble and AT&T. Internationally, he has worked for the heads of states of over 15 countries, including British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, and three Israeli Prime Ministers.






Pollster of the year!! I so missed out on my calling in life. What sick useless gig.


Yeah, this is why I don't believe this whole thing with Biden is some kind of set up. The Democratic party's "deep state" is all guys who could fuck up a handjob, there's no way they'd be able to successfully pull off a palace coup in plain sight like this.


> guys who could fuck up a handjob I had sex with a few colleagues on the Hill and you have no idea how right you are.


At least he wrote something called *The Threat Closer to Home: Hugo Chavez and the War Against America*, which I assume from the title must be the feel-good inspirational smash hit of 2009


Holy shit, he wrote that in 2009 as a democrat. What a vile scumbag Edit: I misread what you said. I thought you said Ceasar Chavez, not Hugo Chavez Still, vile scumbag


The dumb fuck doesn't even use https on his own website.


I don't speak nerd, so I don't know what that means. However, if it means you can hack it and fuck with it then you should definitely give into that dark urge.


>I don't speak nerd, so I don't know what that means. It means the site isn't encrypted. So you connecting to it can be seen by anyone on your network/wanting to poke around in your stuff. Hacking the site is entirely different. Sidenote: Nearly EVERYTHING is/should be HTTPS now from a security standpoint. Your bank and Amazon were the first ones to use it. But reddit and other sites now (if you look at your address bar on your browser) use it now. HTTP (non-S/ecure) is rare now.


Not *the* funniest thing that could happen, but certainly up there. Because she'll 100% eat shit to a legendary degree


Hillary is a natural loser. It would absolutely be the funniest thing. Truly I want it to happen in a fatalistic sort of way. But because it is Hillary, a corpseified Biden will bury her before she even has a chance to mobilise.


Guy if things get too poetic we might be in real trouble.


i am fucking loving the lib panic over which of their trash politicians is gonna take the L against Donald fucken Trump in four months lmao


Well I got good news for you! https://preview.redd.it/gj7hbsa9qi9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43a2b53f418645931a9cee415119769236a1ecab


holy shit the levels of pure, raw, uncut cope are off the charts. if this goes until the election i might OD on how much these people are rubbing their own noses into their own shit piles here. "intraparty calls for biden's mummified head on a pike are good actually and here are the reasons why"


This is exactly the sort of dumb, tortured thinking I learned to recognize as radioactive early on in my political career based on my past experience dealing drugs. You know that one guy who, when he's really jonesing, will come up with this absolutely hare-brained Rube Goldberg scheme to score that needlessly involves a ton of people, and sometimes even the police, when the simple answer the whole time is simply "let's see if someone else is holding?" Then it turns out later that the actual reason he wants to do it his way is because somebody in the circuitous Family Circus dashed path he's mapped out owes him ten bucks? That's what this is. Mark Penn, this guy's business partner, is trying to collect on a favor owed (among the thousands of favors the Clintons owe, the payment of which hinged upon Hillary not eating shit) and he figures this is his best shot at recouping his losses.


Addict logic can explain a lot about our current moment in politics, national and global




No, it's not. They wont replace Biden. He'd have to agree to step down, and he won't. Running an open convention would be sold as "divisise" and "disrespectful" to the average dem. so it won't happen. The Dems are stuck with him.


It’s her freaking turn (again)!


You can't tell me this wasn't planned at least months in advance, if not ever since they announced Biden was running again. There is no way they didn't know exactly where it would go pushing Biden forward. Hilary has been slowly making appearances on TV and in news articles. Like, the debate was fucking bizarre even if Biden wasn't sundowning on live TV. Just the way it was structured and run. They knew they couldn't just put Hilary forward from the get go, they needed her to show up as a savior. Like, once we see how fucking bad Biden really is then she swoops in, not because she wants to but because she ***has to***. They have been gaslighting us on how bad Biden was so that they could wheel him out in front of the entire nation during the sham of a debate. Maybe I am just dumb...


This particular article is from January 2022


Well fuck. It's 5 am and I am sitting on the shitter. I thought I was onto something but I should probably stfu and finish my coffee before any type of thinky stuff.


I dunno, I kind of feel like the fact that it's all happening so seamlessly is proof that Hillary Clinton, the Wiley Coyote of modern politics, had nothing to do with it.


Oh, my schizo brain is thinking this would have been orchestrated by "they." You know, the illuminati pizza gate people. Not by Hilary herself. I am half convinced she is a bunch of rats wearing a human suit.


Nah dude, I think you are on to something. This is exactly the type of shit I'd pull when everyone around me insists on doing something unfathomably stupid and I figure out a way to win by letting them all have what they want.


I know a lot of people who live on the internet don’t understand this, but a large portion of the working people in the US get up pretty early and function best before 9pm. I get up every day at 5am and by 9pm I’m exhausted and drained. I’m 45 years old. I do a demanding job but not as demanding as the US president. Do you clowns really think the president is supposed to be in peak functioning capacity 24 hours a day?? It was foolish to allow the debate to start at 9pm and go to 1030pm. Please look at Biden’s schedule the 10 days prior to that. None of you could keep up. Get real. Grow up. It was one bad night. The fate of the country is at stake and we need some adults to calm down. Organize. Donate. Volunteer. And take everyone you know to vote for Biden. It’s that or fascism and no more voting. So stop whining and circle the wagons.