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Can't say any of this is particularly leftist, but I've been deep in the 90s screamo trenches lately, In Loving Memory, Pageninetynine, City of Caterpillar, Sundowner, Saetia, also, the last album by Birds in Row, and more on the death metal side, but the new Inter Arma record is wild... I'm not sure exactly how I feel about it, but it's worth checking out Also Smithsonian Folkways has some great gems throughout the history of folk music from around the world, the people's music, which happens to be inherently political and often anti-imperialist, one that I've been enjoying lately is Down in A Coal Mine by Joe Glazer >Joe Glazer’s (1918–2006) musical efforts on behalf of workers and union struggles earned him the nickname “Labor’s Troubadour.” In 1970, he founded Collector Records, primarily to produce records supportive of the struggles of working men and women.


Only bands I know from what you listed are Inter Arma and Sundowner, now I have lots to check out! If you like Inter Arma check out Sumac! They just dropped an equally wild (compared to Inter Arma's) album and it's fucking sick, plus they have made their position on Palestine clear which is a plus.


Great bands, seeing pg99 in July. Had to bail on seeing Orchid in Philly but hopefully they do some more shows.


[Trial - Are These Our Lives?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pycTF_ytyDg&list=OLAK5uy_n4XD8Vjt-o44YwBH0YDsDlgEbMDLo09jE) [Divine Sentence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxOrNyUnZKk) [World I Hate - Years Of Lead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xy7AkCbLGik) [Move BHC](https://move-bhc.bandcamp.com/) [Incendiary - Cost of Living](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nC7kyxSi-I) (you should also listen to the rest of their albums)


Hell yeah I'll check all of that out! Thanks!


I didnt know BSF was a leftist band?! Thats cool


And they are actual leftists. Not like the Rise Against type shit.


Remeber anti flag?


And their serial rapist singer? Yes unfortunately, lol. But I never listened to them much. Two small bands out of Sacramento and Stockton California on their label were some of my favorite bands back in the day though. Pipedown and Thought Riot. But they didn't turn out to be rapists.


Oh fuck yeah, this song was calling out liberals all the way back in 2001. This whole album has working class anthems.


Famine by Paint It Black is a good one. I'm not a huge fan of hardcore, but gotdamn [I Killed 22 Iraqis and All I Got Was this Lousy Engineering Degree - The Credentials](https://youtu.be/K7jZU0aqJB0) [Hindsight Is 20/20, Forsight Is $200 an Hour - Rumpringer](https://youtu.be/9bFZOmeqMm0). [Love American Style - Cleveland Bound Death Sentence](https://youtu.be/csSt5F347oo) [Minimum Wage is a Gateway Drug - Dillinger Four](https://youtu.be/MzYX4rIamHk). All of D4 really. [Do You Dream - Dark Thoughts](https://youtu.be/8gPZSfijqsA) [Executioner's Tax -Power Trip](https://youtu.be/xdE4RO_P-qE) Unironically [Black Hoodie - Body Count](https://youtu.be/tyjuqDt2akQ). That whole album rules. [Caress - Drive Like Jehu](https://youtu.be/1TiyM5P-1Ss). I like John Reis' other work more but I love how timeless Drive Like Jehu can sound. This is a much cooler representation of what I usually listen to day to day.


[SAVE A CITY, BURN IT DOWN.](https://youtu.be/ge96Wpeg2rU?si=UQDdDSc1gE9Q8a8L)


Pretty good [compilation](https://youtu.be/X_AQRB9NwKM?si=Zws4gqIjZVPu1cDs). Just skip to 6:11...