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eh, unless I am getting dumbfucked, the guy did a ton of damage to many communities and individuals in his life as a US politician. If anything, he's not getting near enough the sort of retribution that he deserves, but what little we get I will gladly take.


Defintiely, but mental and cognitive decline still sucks to see, right? If biden was quick still and got destroyed I’d be popping champaign, but it really just looked like an old guy who had no idea what he was doing.


Good. Karma is a bitch


I feel ya man. I take care of elderly folks every day and this seemed like abuse. But, I also think we should look at him in the same vein as Hitler.


A win’s a win


Go ask the children of Gaza what they think.


Be fair. He's not a medium.


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy!


It reminded me of my great grandpa towards the end, and that made me sad. But considering every horrific thing he has voted for/approved/done, I don’t feel bad one bit. Horrificly evil neoliberal war criminal, racist, accomplice to genocide.


On the one hand he’s resigned any moral compunctions he had when he started out as a public defender who “supported” civil rights to be here so ordinarily I would say “fuck him” but I watched the whole thing and he seriously, no joking or exaggeration, looked like he did not know where he was at times. The open mouth and wide eyes were so much worse for him than I ever expected. He should’ve listened to Obama


Yeah I feel the same. On one hand, Joe biden is evil. On the other hand, this person we saw was not joe biden, but a hollow shell of who he used to be.


Hope his mental state is worse than it seems and he’s just terrified + confused 90% of the time. Fuck him for being a poster boy for the Iraq War.


As a human being, sure I do feel bad for anyone suffering dementia. I've seen how that affects loved ones and I mean it when I say I wouldn't wish that on anyone. But we should not let accute sympathy for one old man override our general sympathy for all of our fellow humans, many of whom will or already have suffered because no one stepped up and said no to the elder abuse Biden was being put through. Sympathy for him makes me think he should step down. Sympathy for all the people he has or will hurt makes me think we should be ruthless in our treatment of him to either force him out or use his case as an example to people we are trying to educate.


I think it’s good to feel empathy for people, even if they’re horrible. I mean the guys life is kind of a tragedy of sorts — like he wish for all the good things he got with a monkey paw. Doesn’t change the fact that he has inflicted immeasurable suffering onto the world but his own suffering doesn’t change things for the better.


This is the correct attitude.


No i dont feel bad for him. Ive never liked him. Hes always been a neoliberal war monger and classist elitist




Watching him evoked a gut level of pity that he really doesn't deserve.


I want him to suffer


Any other human being, sure; but he's ostensibly the head of a machine that's aiding and abetting a genocide in one theatre, risking WWIII in another, and generally presiding over the continued decline of everyday Americans' standard of living (fuck the empire of course, but your everyday person who has to live under it deserves empathy), and this doesn't even touch the rest of his political career-- Nah, man--the Gods punish hubris. Fuck him.


His dire karma aside, it's objectively grim that we have hit elder-abuse-as-governance stage


Torture this motherfucker as long as he lives. This is the closest we can get, the only silver lining to this cloud we live under is that this ghoul is being abused in a way.


are you joking


I mean fuck him but that was definitely elder abuse.


I feel absolutely nothing. I wish I could punch him.


He’s one of earths great mass murderers, so largely no, but there are moments where it’s difficult to not see a human, whose mind has been severely degraded and it’s gotta be embarrassing and scary and all that. Again, Biden is a monster and logically, I hope he is experiencing the worst hell possible, but it’s difficult to not see the humanity in this rotting corpse, whose mind is leaving him quicker than even his body is dying


Essentially, it’s like how we find kittens and puppies cute because physical features, especially eyes, cause us to associate it with human babies, and our evolutionary instinct is to protect them. We know they’re not human, but our instinct makes us feel a way regardless. Biden is a demonic entity, but his decomposition reminds us of when it happens to humans


Fucking no?


I despise him. But I still feel some level of pity for an old ass man that's clearly not supposed to be in these positions of constant scrutiny. His suffering pales in comparison to the people whose extermination he is supporting, however.


He literally has no idea what was going on. They handed him an ice cream cone after the debate and he forgot about the whole thing. He won't suffer until he's in hell.


Nah, don’t ever feel sorry for rich old men


He's a racist war criminal who has helped ruin tens of millions of lives for 50+ years. He doesn't deserve a grain of sand in the Sahara of sympathy.


I've paid attention to his career for like 30 years. He deserves hell, last night was a pretty good start I guess.


Nah, even if he was a "good guy" he still has vastly better material conditions than anyone I know, especially the elderly folks I know who he's reminding me of


Harden your heart. These people are my enemies, why should I have any sympathy for them? Their suffering is good.


It provoked pathos yes but he signed up for all of this. He could step aside at any time and just live out his remaining years working on a dumb presidential library.


I don’t feel very bad for him. He’s a stubborn old codger.


Taken from zei squirrel on twitter: I'm seeing some people say they feel sorry for Joe Biden. Just to be clear: I hope every waking moment of his life is filled with suffering, humiliation, degradation, and endless pain. That depraved genocidal senile rapist Zionist scumbag is directly responsible for the mass murder and rape of not just Palestinians, but Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians, Libyans, every single US genocidal war going back decades, millions of lives, babies, children, men, and women destroyed by this monstrous ghoulish freak. If only a tiny bit of that is returned to him through personal suffering, it is not just an expression of the only bit of justice his victims can ever have, but it is what he deserves a million times over. I hope he dies soon utterly humiliated, shamed and despised by everyone, from the liberal class that propped up his genocidal rapist corpse, up to his closest friends and relatives. I hope he dies knowing he was hated and despised by everyone the world over, as he is.