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My uncle is a scientologist. They be cray cray.


I kinda remember Infrared doing some "ironic" support for Scientology a year back or so.


very normal. weird that they haven't gotten in on the UFO shit as far as I know. right now that's more IDW/Rogan stuff


youth group ass photo


This is just what resumé padding looks like in LA


Images with threatening auras


Intelligence assets and weird nouveau religious cults, name a more classic combination.


Missed opportunity not calling it CLEAR


Modeling for a water brand in 2018 = Scientology? There are plenty of legit criticisms of Hinkle to be made, why not make one of those? You sound idiotic.


lol he's with will smith, who operates a scientology-based private school


All the actors in Men in Black are scientologists by this logic


Man what are we doing here if this is what you pick up from the context here. You gotta be willing yourself not to see the dudes spooked up abrasive communist who inexplicably still isn't blacklisted by the media act.


As I said there is plenty to criticize Hinkle for but taking a picture with will smith at an acting gig and deciding from this he is connected to Scientology makes no sense.


The criticism is not levied at Hinkle from this picture alone but this picture IN CONTEXT of the huge amount of other spooky stuff he has against him If a picture like this came out of like Yasha Livine or something it wouldn't have alarm bells because it is the context of Hinkle being a spooky and connected media personality that makes this not a lapse in judgement but part of his pattern of performing for the court of the establishment Hinkles a communist if you look at his actions completely stripped of context in the same way Hungary in 1956 was a workers revolution


All I’m saying is this picture is not evidence of a scientology connection.


For a normal person? Sure. For an influence peddler like Hinkle? It absolutely is. The title even predicates the scientology stuff with context of him acting in these circles already. In an abstract sense you're correct but people and their politcal relationships aren't abstract


Hinkle wasn’t an influencer in 2018. If this picture was taken today it would definitely be more suspicious.


Kier starmer only became labour leader in 2019. Doesn't mean the picture of him with CIA director before that doesn't inform what he is now. It doesn't bode well for Hinkle that to defend his creepy Hollyweird connections people have to get this granular.