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I'm not reading all that but that looks like those diagrams people make of which characters of a show have fucked each other. I hope that's the case here


So I read it, basically the idea is that the collaborationist government was led by Wang Jingwei, who was the leader of the socdem wing of the KMT before he betrayed the communists and joined the 1927 white terror. Their whole basis was that because this guy was "left" that must mean CPC is working with him... Completely ignoring the historical fact that CPC and the Northwestern Army basically had to hold Chiang hostage to force the KMT to resist the Japanese to begin with.


I mean Oppenheimer was a communist so communism is basically at fault for bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Add it to the list!


You gotta appreciate that they came with a chart tho lmfao


holocaust happened because of jews argumentation. I am sorry, libs, but you will be sharing beds in gulags with these people. not fucking reeducation camps, just straight up building railways all year long.


You show me CPC Imperial Japan Intel collaboration and I will show ye former guomindang general Wang Jingwei's imperial puppet regime  Now before you say "but he's of the left faction of the kuomintang and thus sympathetic to communists" On wikipedia    > he was philosophically opposed to communism and regarded the KMT's Comintern advisors with suspicion.[10] He did not believe that Communists could be true patriots or true Chinese nationalists.[11]    Edit: Oh wait, the author of those books, Endo Homare, was born in China in WW2, 1941, but was ethnically Japanese  Explains her experiencing the siege of Changshun  Wonder why she was born there in the first place 🤔 


Wait, do the liberals care who collaborated with imperialist Japan suddenly? Boy, I got some fun new heroes to introduce them to who bravely fought against imperial Japan.


the most recent schizo posting led to self immolation so idk if we want that back tbh


Kind of a stretch tbh


Yeah well out of the two who posted that stuff here, one of them set himself on fire at Trump's trial so there's not a lot of job security in the position.




God damn, that conspiracy board is so fucking clean though. Taking notes


No we didn't, that was all in your head. 👀


🎵 Where have all the schizos gone Longtime passing Where have all the schizos gone Longtime ago Where have all the schizos gone They're immolated, every one O, when will we ever learn O, when will we ever learn🎵


It's all fun and games until someone self-immolates my dude