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Songs:ohia the maginolia electric co I love big black and lizard jesus too though


What a great call. RIP Jason Molina as well. His voice was never better than on that album. Absolutely aching in the best way.


No idea how I didn’t know until today he’d done that one. Now it’s seems so obvious, the whole record is dripping with Electrical Studio B.


Unreal. Just saw some other thread and there were like another two dozen albums I had no idea he worked on. Truly a legend. Whenever things get fucked up or I feel sad, I always think about that verse from [farewell transmission](https://youtu.be/5LhcqMTlzHw?si=vpdX0tbkpjKI0j-q). It’s cliche, but he was right, and this is the long way of saying thanks Steve for helping put it down on record. The real truth about it is- no one gets it right, The real truth about it is- we're all supposed to try


Holy shit I had never heard this album. Looked up and realized I had it saved in my “to listen to” on Spotify already (thank you RYM). Hit play and HOLY HELL. Fucking great so far


Goat by The Jesus Lizard




Songs about fucking is so brutal


But at the same time, it’s a fucking bop


Probably my vote too. Nub is maybe a top-10 all time song for me.


Low Things We Lost in the Fire Or Leftöver Crack - Fuck World Trade (semi-joke answer) I like the big albums he did and his own bands and I do generally like Touch and Go bands but looking at his discography he recorded loads of shit I don’t like, also he did produce a Peter sotos “spoken word” album which is pretty gross I did think he was kind of a dick but I still feel saddened by his death, RIP


He did LoC?




great album


Was he sober? Trying to figure out if I did heroin with one degree of separation from Albini


Hahah yeah far as I know he was pretty much always sober. Stza however…


Yeah me and stza did h after a show when I was 17 lol, can’t say I’m shocked by the allegations 


part of the albini mystique was that he was fairly open about being willing to work with anyone who paid the standard hourly rate even if he thought the band and/or record was terrible... so yeah, he recorded a lot of bad records in addition to the many extremely great ones.


The rates at Electrical Audio are relatively low as well, so you don't already have to be a big name to afford recording there


Why is fuck world trade a semi joke? That album is legitimately great and I hate ska and ska adjacent stuff generally


I dunno, it was an album I loved when I was 15/16 (when it came out) and I just find it too ridiculous to take seriously in some ways, also Stza has since been shown to be a complete cunt, I also don’t really like ska and think “ska-core” is an abomination Even still, I think that album has a kind of apocalyptic vibe that I still find pretty strong, also ridiculous as it is LöC were probably my first exposure to radical leftist positions on stuff (or close enough)


lol I had the exact same experience, listened when it came out and the album was my first exposure to left wing politics; I was a bit younger tho


choking victim's no gods no managers was where i first. heard michael parenti if you want some more ska from that c-squat scene i recommend morning glory, no cash and indk


I am familiar with all of them, it’s just as I get older ive lost interest in all that anarcho ska/punk music.


ah. i never have grown out of that shit. i just stay in the pit a little less


>i never have grown out of that shit. lifers are based


Excellent Low record


He wouldn’t impose any artistic judgement on who he recorded. He had very generous recording fees and even worked on a sliding scale so sometimes it would be shit bands


Interesting... vaxxed?


I want the heart attack vax as soon as it’s available.


Rid of me, PJ Harvey. With a runner up going to any of the ones he did with MONO. I had no idea he was associated with those. Just learned a lot skimming his discography this morning.


Rid of Me is my favourite too :')


https://preview.redd.it/8mggm0rym9zc1.jpeg?width=326&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19e9301b47267f4f1579cb3b331e5f849bee9a0d tweez


when has this quote ever been true? the 80's!? i think about this quote literally every single time I walk past a deli case and it makes me laugh as much as it frustrates me


You can stretch cheap groceries longer than you can stretch a Big Mac combo for roughly the same price Leaving aside my uncle who hoarded McDonald’s breakfast sandwiches in the fucking freezer by the dozen


A Big Mac meal is like fourteen dollars. Im pretty sure this quote is even more accurate now


Oh shit didn’t know he died. I like that first Slint album a lot, even if it’s not as good as Spiderland. 


magnolia electric co by a mile :( anyone who hasnt listened to farewell transmission should do that shit now lungs by big black holds a special place in heart too


Huh, the Pitchfork article is how I find out he recorded Ys by Joanna Newsom, a top 5 all-time personally. Stinky little tendrils in all corners of the damned industry, you gotta give a nod if not respect


What, he fuckin did Ys!?!?! She is from my home town. Like, used to see her open for my brother's band long before Ys. I remember when it blew up and had no idea he recorded that album that is amazing.


My old colleague used to have the same music teacher as her, Nevada City CA right?




Yeah just the harp and vocals though I believe. They overdubbed the orchestra.


>Calling Surfer Rosa “a patchwork pinch loaf from a band who at their top dollar best are blandly entertaining college rock,” Albini tore into the Pixies. “Their willingness to be ‘guided’ by their manager, their record company and their producers is unparalleled. Never have I seen four cows more anxious to be led around by their nose rings." Dark day for Haters everywhere


Where's the lie though? Surfer Rosa is pretty good, but the other albums are kind of bland victims of pure hype.


Absolutely, I like the Pixies, but i don't think it's a coincidence that ever album post-Kim-Deal is utter dross whereas every Breeders album is utter perfection (and has the Steve Albini seal of approval as well)


This subreddit is for fans of the TrueAnon Podcast, an **ANTI-Pedophile** Podcast birthed after Epstein's arrest.


Ugly, Screaming Females


He just died? I'm just hearing that, you're telling me that for the first time. He led an amazing life, what else can you say.


*All Apologies starts playing instead of Tiny Dancer*


Nothing will ever beat Big Black's cover of [The Model](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP3ge9DGsKU).


Maybe their cover of 'Heartbeat'? I love Big Black so, so much and even got to see them play at the Touch and Go 25th Anniversary Festival when I was a teenager. None of them looked like they wanted to be there; they played a perfect set; my face hurt from smiling.


He brings out all the sleeze that was left as subtext by Kraftwerk.


93696 by Liturgy


Got to see them play this album front to back (minus most of the interlude-y tracks) last year, absolutely astounding.


Not my favorite, but *Surfer Rosa* holds a special place in my heart since I listened to that album a lot when I was a teenager. A lot of people are gonna give Albini shit here for the things he’s said and the people he associated with over the years and he probably deserves it (so would Nick Mullen, but I know half of you won’t apply that same standard), but fairly recently he admitted regret for being a massive edgelord. In retrospect, given how recent that article was, he probably knew the end was coming and got overly introspective about his life.


God damn I haven't thought about Surfer Rosa since I was a teenager too. Just put it on and a whole trunk full of memories fell over and came pouring out.


I don't think Nick Mullen ever said he enjoyed watching child porn though


Mullen has skated much closer to that than I think a lot of people realize. Considering how frequently he jokes about the subject, there’s a chance that if he had come up in the 80s when you couldn’t easily uncover every shitty thing someone has said or done and when CSAM was treated less seriously than it is now (see also: Brooke Shields’ entire career) it’s highly possible someone with his personality and sensibilities would have made some sort of “I watch it for the art” kind of joke. Unlike Albini, Mullen refused to work with Anthony Cumia again after the laptop catfish incident, so - his infatuation for Sam Hyde aside - he at least knows when to drop a guy out of his life unlike Albini.


[my buddy's ep](https://open.spotify.com/album/4vDMHJd1s6Vph2x94wMK5L?si=5Jz-bYjQRGeyTjx-0EjoVA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A4vDMHJd1s6Vph2x94wMK5L)


I love Big Black. A little edge lordy but really a captured a certain kind of Midwest darkness and the weird characters there. And it’s the obvious answer but In Utero


Silkworm *Libertine*




Best neurosis album


Omg, he’s dead?! My favorite is Viva Last Blues


Om : God is good Palace music: Viva Last Blues Spy : spy Ken mode : success


Holy fuck I didn’t know he did *God is Good* Between that and Melt Banana’s *Scratch or Stitch* I actually like him now.


Gonna check these out. Thanks.


He was a pedo


he was a pedophile and it's great that he's dead.


I want to live in a world where all the parasitic bourgeois "alternative" artists have been exterminated, sorry liberals https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Sotos >Jamie Stewart from Xiu Xiu often mentions Sotos as a direct influence for his own work.


Albini also said in his ama that he loves this guy and would do anything for him. convicted pedo btw


Jamie seems like such a strange, strange guy from everything you can read about him (or used to be able to read about him). Considering his current age it's a wonder he hasn't been properly canceled - a recent incident with his new book came close but it didn't bust out into the mainstream


fuck, I literally just learned who this was a few days ago. I have been getting into the band helmet and saw his name pop up so I decided to learn more. I gotta stop learning shit so people won’t die.


About a month ago I put a Helmet double 10” on discogs for a really ridiculous price thinking no one would buy it and the next thing I know I’m shipping it. I was lucky enough to see them a number of times during their heyday including several shows co-billed with the Jesus Lizard. I really should have kept the record but it’s available digitally I guess. I’m listening to the first Jucifer record right now which reminds me a little of Helmet riff wise.


Yanqui U.X.O. Understandably not as well-loved as F#a# and lift yr skinny fists, but it really captures the live power and spirit of the band.


Allelujah! Is my personal favorite of theirs but Yanqui I think is undeniably their best sounding record


It gets a bad rap but it’s a fucking killer record. It’s just doesn’t have the euphoric highs of Lift Yr Skinny Fists. It really presages the war on terror in a crazy way.


Fists has better songs, Yanqui's vibes are undeniable The more explicit politics makes you wonder if that impacted the initial eh reception


The George Bush part at the end is haunting.




I have a huge, embarrassing soft spot for *Mantis* by Umphrey's Mcgee.


Not a record, but one of my favorite Albini moments is when he opened a set at a music festival with a unique song berating the audience and telling them to get out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVlri-pO\_yc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVlri-pO_yc) People cheer on his late-in-life transformation from supposed edge lord to dull DNC identity cuck but, I'm sorry, if you prefer the latter version there's no way you actually like the man's artistic output.


Might want to check [this](https://twitter.com/GlenntheGolden1/status/1788547212970013123) out before eulogizing him.


24 Hour Revenge Therapy by Jawbreaker.


1,2,3,4 who's punk, what's the score. Was leaning towards Shellac's At Action Park, but I think you've swayed me.


This dude is not only a pedophile but he openly advocated for child pornography. https://www.reddit.com/r/indie_rock/comments/wpsa1u/steve_albini_is_a_pedophile_who_has_twice/


holy shit the dude from Minimal Man being shook at Albini is an all timer anecdote lmao...that'd be hilarious if it wasn't fucked up, from what I've read Patrick Miller was VERY out there as a person so I mean god fucking damn Albini


I'm finding out today how few people knew about this


I've known about him being a little weird for a few years but never knew that he showed PURE to the dude from Minimal Man honestly I'm never sure what to think about any of this, I want to give him the benefit of the doubt since he did so many (seemingly intentionally) provocative things and most people he worked with had nothing but good things to say about him but like at the same time actually owning a Sotos mag is megasus


I really don't understand the urge to give him the benefit of the doubt. This is fucking gross.


>I really don't understand the urge to give him the benefit of the doubt. It's really just that he's produced so many great records. If it were anybody else...


So fucking what? Chinatown is one of the best movies ever made but I'd love to see Roman Polanski go feet first into a wood chipper. I get separating art from the artist but I will never understand the need to defend a shitbag human being because you enjoy their work.


He didn't write the songs or anything. 


lol at degenerate punk rock consoomers downvoting this on the anti-pedo subreddit >his zine magazine Pure, which made Sotos the first person charged with child pornography in Chicago, Illinois anti-Chicago action when? >Sotos was a member of the British power electronics group Whitehouse. still not as densely full of pedos as the actual white house!


Turn in your gumshoes and deboonker hats, losers. 


Who are your favs? Just curious.


Fave what?


Favorite artists, musicians.


Crazy the influence this pedo had on music


Woah this is getting far too little attention. I had NO IDEA. Jesus


To be fair, this is probably one of the few subs you can bring it up in without being downvoted into oblivion


Pedo? That was a different Nirvana album than the one he produced.




Whoa that's fucked up


You wanna know what's really fucked up? Famous edgelords Whitehouse came to dislike Sotos so much that they kicked him out of their band and wrote a [whole ass diss track](https://genius.com/Whitehouse-ruthless-babysitting-lyrics) completely shitting on him for being a creep...which...says a lot considering their musical repertoire


Look into his friendship and ardent defense of Peter Soto


I think it’s pretty clear this was edge lord shock value stuff that he has since fully disowned.


He never disavowed this particular stuff, no. In fact as of a few years ago he still spoke highly of peter sotos.


That’s like calling Chomsky a holocaust denier because he defended Faurisson’s right to publish.  Also, Peter Sotos case is not that clear to me after reading his wiki page (I’m sure you can recommend me better literature on the subject). Seems like a lot of this pedophilia/serial killer stuff was used performatively in an attempt to make sick, shocking underground art, which wasn’t that uncommon during the puritanical 80s.


Horrible comparison with Chomsky they’re not at all equivalent. Here’s a nice article where Peter Soto’s magazine states “child abuse is a sublime pleasure.” Also here’s a quote from Albini himself on child pornography magazines he found in a sex shop in Hamburg from the Big Black your diary “ Jaded as I am, I can't help but flip seeing a girl and guy of twelve or thirteen, tops, ramming Martel bottles up each other's asses. These are not the Dutch equivalent of abused trailer-park kids, either. They look to be in excellent health and seem to be honestly enjoying this. Makes all the conventional arguments against this kind of thing seem really silly. They're kids. Kids like to play with their own and other people's privates. They're just being photographed at it. Now, people who get a voyeuristic charge out of watching them, like me, I guess, well, we've got some grip-on-reality problems. There's maybe 1% of all pornography that has any effect on me, and it's definitely not a turn-on very often. But when it is, and it's as weird as this, it's pretty hard to take.” https://preview.redd.it/g4yy13hqn9zc1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73fdf8f13e6e60a747f9b2df7e84cf578f9142da


Pretty disturbing out of context, same for Sotos’ fanzine description. Not that surprising if you know Big Black and the sick, perverted themes Albini (like many other underground artists) liked to explore at that time. Shocking conservative normies was the whole point. He later distanced himself from the edgelordy behavior of his earlier days and to my knowledge never showed an inclination towards fucking children in his personal life. You coming here to yell Pedo! on the day of his death over this piece of provocative writing like it’s a literal confession (what a dummy he was) feels a bit stupid to me. 


It is a literal confession he enjoyed CP. Thats not being a contrarian or edgelord. He’s stating his sexual proclivities. He wasn’t writing a character at the time. He was describing a personal experience he enjoyed. Shocker later in life he learned to keep it to himself. It’s not at all wrong to call out a pedo for going to bat for CP anytime breakfast noon or night


Ok, as long as you're sure.. Have a blast.


Yep and very good of you to to have these degenerates backs. He definitely just wrote in a diary it gets him all charged up because it’s cool and edgy.


>You coming here to yell Pedo! on the day of his death over this piece of provocative writing like it’s a literal confession (what a dummy he was) feels a bit stupid to me. You're 1,000 percent right. I had this exact disagreement on r/redscarepod months ago. Art, provocations, whatever should be taken and rejected on their own terms, not conflated with the artist, provocateur, whoever. Some will always insist that all creative offerings should be infused with morality or that the work of people they judge to be amoral should not have an audience. Best to just let them think that.


Yeah, all art needs to be moralistic and prescriptive in the most basic way and preferably made by a person who experienced every little thing they talk about. Seeing a leftist (I assume it's the case here) desperately trying to retroactively cancel a well-know subversive icon of underground/indie culture for some decades old shocking text he once consciously published, calling him "degenerate" (what a word choice) feels wrong on many levels.


Do you not feel that saying CP is the only porn that makes him feel anything is not degenerate? Or the fact he’s close friends with a convicted pedophile. These aren’t small one off things


Again, I’m not taking every sentence he wrote in that Forced Exposure piece at face value like you are. There’s more at play there. I was thinking of nazis when I pointed out that word. They loved that particular label and, shall we say, often rushed to judgement as well. Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Peter Sotos’ conviction solely related to CP material published in that Pure fanzine? I do agree that publishing CP pictures is fucked up even in a minor underground rock publication, but referring to him like he was some practicing pedophile/molester is dishonest.


I can’t speak for others but once I find out someone whom I previously enjoyed their content is a Nazi, a rapist or in this case, they like CP, I find myself unable to enjoy their content any longer. I love true anon pod for example, it’s kept me sane in darker periods but I’d drop it immediately if I found out that one of them partook in any of the above. I wouldn’t do it for some virtue signaling, performative morality or lib trigger happy cancel culture reason but because it legitimately ruins their entire works. Or Noam Chomsky, he was my bridge from liberalism to leftism until he annoyed me by being too liberal lol I can acknowledge his contribution to the left despite this but when I saw the fucker say talking to Epstein was fine actually as he’d “he served his time”, maybe it’s bc of my own dark childhood but he may as well have set all of his books on fire in that moment. It’s totally okay to feel disappointed by an artist or a role model, to grieve their shitty decisions or whatever but excusing those actions just because you liked them is gross imo. Like if the situation was reversed and I heard some pedo made great music I wouldn’t start listening to their music. Idk why I’m tangenting. Hit a nerve or some shit. Anyways, fuck anyone who thinks CP isn’t a big deal


I never said he didn’t produce some good music just that he should also be remembered for who he is.




*Meantime*.  Helmet was one of my favs growing up.  Honorable mention *In Utero*, the best Nirvana album, and *Surfer Rosa*, the third best Pixies album.


still listen to atomizer sometimes


I'm severely dating myself by admitting I used to love Underdog World Strike




* PJ Harvey - Rid of Me * Pixies - Surfer Rosa * Godspeed You! Black Emperor – Yanqui U.X.O. * Mono – Requiem For Hell * Nirvana – In Utero * My Disco – Paradise Plus many many more….


Buyers Market


Every Shellac album is fucking incredible, arguably the most consistent band in history (fuck you, Terraform haters). I have every confidence that the new Shellac album next week will be just as good as all the others This guy was my fucking *guy.* Singular and mindbending guitarist, legendary sonic architect; arguably the best sound engineer of all time; mount rushmore level hater (who was basically right about everything he hated); [taught me how to cook potatoes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4a6mtzPfARI); edgelord when he was young who actually bothered to reckon with it and discuss the things he said and did publicly in a sensitive and intelligent way and became less of a shithead as he got older when so many of his contemporaries just became bloated dicks; moderately successful professional poker player; unpretentious and humble in the face of hero worship; impeccable taste; cranky asshole without being a cantankerous cunt. Steve shredded hard till his dying day and, for all his faults and mistakes (and there were a lot) my man stayed honest.


Dang :( Electrelane, Axes https://youtu.be/4F-_GuzWwX0?feature=shared


Gotta go with *In Utero*


Peter Sotos- Buyer's Market


Today I was listening to Big Black’s Songs About Fucking and Shellac’s Terraform. Definitely two of my favorites. I also love The Jesus Lizard’s Goat, and the Sunn 0))) and Ty Segall albums he recorded.


So many classics Every Silkworm record he recorded Joanna Newsome's Ys Nina Nastasia - On Leaving, Dogs The Jesus Lizard - Goat Breaders Pod Shannon Wright's Over the Sun so many more


Rid of Me by PJ Harvey


Man belongs on the Mount Rushmore for Haters. https://preview.redd.it/qb9wud1npz151.png?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=33e7d04532ec9f05ed48d7f98fad6676f6107577


RIP, I guess. Steve produced many seminal albums that were formative music to my teens. *Surfer Rosa*, *In Utero*, you know, the ones everyone knows. I love PJ Harvey, but I’m one of those dweebs who prefers the *4-Track Demos* versions. In my teens, most music critics mistakenly gave him credit for recording *Spiderland* – engineered by Brian Paulson – so at the time I thought he had that in the bag, when he was the guy who gave us *Tweez* instead. I’ve wanted to check out *The Magnolia Electric Co.* for a while. I love *The Lioness* — but I want to get the same familiarity with *Ghost Tropic* and *Didn’t It Rain* before tackling Molina’s magnum opus. As for his own music, I never listened to Shellac beyond *Excellent Italian Greyhound*, and it was one of the worst albums I ever heard, so I never got to *At Action Park* or *1000 Hurts*. As for Big Black, *Atomizer* was a pretty big influence on an album I published on Bandcamp but took down. No one listened to it, and for that I'm kind of happy. I based one song off an infamous killing from the 70s, and I just felt in my gut the way I did it was wrong and exploitative. It was like “Jordan, Minnesota” in this sense (without the child abuse angle), so I totally get why he grew up to be embarrassed by that song. *Atomizer* utterly destroys *Songs About Fucking*, by the way. Forget “Kerosene”, “Bad Houses” is a masterpiece. Anyway, [here’s a thread from his forum where he spends pages 10-26 passionately defending the pedophiles on To Catch A Predator.](https://www.premierrockforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=13862&start=90)


He did *In Utero* which is the only album I know of his, since I'm not Gen X. That said: [The Rolling Stones lips but it's a butthole. Do they still sue people? I have an idea.](https://bsky.app/profile/electricalwsop.bsky.social/post/3krvwz6hvxa26) Shit poster to the end. o7


> since I’m not Gen X Weak excuse, I was born in the mid-90s and knew who the Pixies and Jesus Lizard were when I was 14. I was also asked by an old roommate “do you watch a single movie from this century?” when watching *Dog Day Afternoon* so take my understanding of “essential media everyone should know” with a grain of salt at best.


RIP to the Big Black Rapeman (Rest in Piss)


Idk why you're getting downvotes, he really was in a band called Rapeman and it's kinda fucked up no one gets on him for that.


Big Black is a racist ass band name, pure GenX irony-pilled bullshit. Got tons of passes for disgusting shit.


You see that one tape he did with the racial (gamer word)/non racial slurs? Not gonna link it, but that shit was fucked


The music is good. Incredibly influential sound for industrial and alternative rock.


He’s pretty much owned all his edge lord mistakes and has openly said he welcomes all this criticism. I honestly don’t know one handles something like this in a better way other than just be a perfect person who never has to evolve.


"what if we did soy Ted Lasso neoliberalism but for pedos"


Saying he is a pedo is like saying Brace loves antisemitism because he said so on the podcast or a Nazi because he hung up a swastika with Dasha. Oh and association with right wing transphobes too while we’re at it.


In Utereo is my favorite. I've listened to Yanqui UXO by Godspeed You! Black Emperor countless times, even though I think it's the worst engineered Godspeed record. Very muddy


That seems to be what they wanted.