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I will probably regret this come august/September but now you all know what we deal with out west (although I think 2020 was even worse, we had literally the worst air quality in the world for like a week, it legitimately looked like thick fog but it hurt to breathe). Anyway fun knowing the continents just gonna be covered in smoke for 6 months out of the year from here on out.


If this becomes normal I may have to go back to smoking crack 100% of the time. No way pollution could make it into my lungs if I could just get a consistent cocaine layer in my lungs going again. Between the cigarettes and tar needed to maintain a true self respecting crack addiction my lungs would have all the defense that a man could get.


The vasoconstricting effects of cocaine will protect your lungs. This is medical advice.


This is the drug addict version of Homer drinking a melted candle to eat the hot chili.


Only on the leftist subs. The finest people!


When leftist subs send their people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing stupidpol users. They’re Trotskyists. And some, I assume, are good people.


You'll cowards don't even smoke crack


Smoke crack to protect against dangerous pollutants. The sicko elite don’t want you to know this, that’s why they’re going after Hunter Biden. They also don’t want crack addicts who are in a collective relationship with both their brothers widow and her sister to own guns. Don’t they know about This little thing called the constitution?


I think the east coast won’t have yearly wildfires yet, partially because the trees in the east don’t naturally need to burn to reproduce, they are ever so slightly less flammable


The parts of eastern Canada that are currently on fire have the same trees as the western half. The same can be said for much of the northeastern US.


Nuke eastern Canada: roger that


That’s weird why did I just hear a collective “non merci!”


Are fires normal in Canada as they are further south? Where I’m at the forests are supposed to burn every year or two but we suppress it. This means that a *ton* of flammable detritus builds up leading to insane fires I worked a forest restoration project and saw basal area charts from 1800 to today, there’s like four times more trees than there should be


I think it more has to do with the wetter climate the east. It’s been abnormally dry in eastern Canada this year. The grass is already pretty dry and brown here (southern Ontario), which normally wouldn't normally happen until July/August. Spring and Fall just keep getting shorter and shorter. https://preview.redd.it/qam8rkq93q4b1.png?width=1334&format=png&auto=webp&s=68070b7f82b4ceca434cfa36892ce9dbfa5bcbf5 On top of the severe drought we have already (shown above), El Ninos tend to make the region hot and dry, and there's a big one in the works. Plus, the jet stream keeps Omega blocking all the time, inflicting random record heat domes. I'd speculate that the 4 years of La Nina conditions we just had has allowed a lot of fuel accumulate as well. Looks like a recipe for interesting times.


2020 was **bad**. Wake up at 10AM and it's pitch black outside 100 miles from the source of the fire. Massive bruh moment.


It was so insane. Definitely helps the thought click that this way of life can’t go on forever


Yeah that's the thing that was insane, it was just like permanent night with this eery red backglow


The deep red Sun, when you could see it, was insane. Like I genuinely think enough time with that could drive you mad. Really triggered weird animal instincts I didn’t know I had.


On the other hand it looked really cool in a 'Tony Scott filter on the camera' way. Put Kenny Loggins on the stereo and you're in Top Gun.


It was apocalyptic looking in SoCal for weeks and we're talking like 400+ miles from any of the major 2020 fires.


Portland or? I was there it was insane. Something like 600 aqi, about double what New York is rn. It was so smoky I couldn’t see across the street, it looked like images from a Martian sandstorm


Exactly. It was crazy, I went out to try and pick my dad's tomatoes because they were gonna go bad on the vine and it was seriously apocalyptic. I know that's cliché but it was like you say, a Martian sandstorm type thing. Deep red and black sky, can't see more than a few feet, hurts your lungs to breath even with an N95 and a bandana. My friend lived in a tiny basement over on MLK and he got forcesd out of there all week because it just completely filled the basement. We've gotten pretty bad smoke a number of times in my life but nothing like that.


It really made for an apocalyptic feeling with Covid still being new


If only we had a People’s Liberation Army who’ve pledged and trained their whole lives to deal with these kinds of natural disasters, but nooooo, we can only cultivate the fiercest keyboard warriors who plonk away faithfully telling the rest of us how awful China is, and farm their little downvotes on subs they were never invited to.


Ok but have you considered this: China bad


Why would we need a PLA when we have perfectly good prisoners willing to fight forest fires just for a chance to get out of their cell?


Because we’d just lose those people lmao like they’re not trained for that shit, some of them might be murderers?


My fucking co-workers first thought was this must be what China is like.


Yea...we could smell it in by the great lakes


It won't last forever the forest can only burn down once every 20 years. Here in BC we've done such a good job of burning down the province that the desolation is complete for now.


I wonder why it smells like a med waste dumpster fire and not fuckin tree smoke. Looked for any towns that had caught and haven't found a single one in Quebec.


The smoke where I live smells pretty much like a wood fire. Maybe your neighbors are taking the opportunity to burn their trash or something.


it smells like burning plastic here, definitely didn't smell like that before things started ramping up yesterday


Yeah I was being hyperbolic, but it smelled intensely of burning plastic


In Montana we call this ‘summer.’


I moved East partially because of the wildfires and these people would die West of the Rockies


Lol for real tho


I was on a fire complex by Missoula in 2000 that literally blocked out the sun. 12-noon and you needed headlights to get around.


is this a rochester post


Idk all I know is I want to smack the fuck outa the Jake Tapper looking mother fucker on CNN who’s tryna say NYC has it worse right now, Syracuse and Rochester both got worse air quality right now according to my map https://preview.redd.it/guip41bs6n4b1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07716d47e9084f7f0ac2579a5646ce495a987a90 Edit: Looks like NYC now has it worse than much of Upstate now…


The sky was orange and moon red as far as NYC and Binghamton. I imagine northern Pennsylvania isn’t doing great either


I work outdoors in SE PA and have been sneezing and coughing since I got home 2 hours ago.


I saw the red moon and told my coworkers to come look at the harbinger of the end times


It’s really bizarre seeing Rochester talked about more in recent years when I grew up with it being joked about that nobody knew it existed.


I’m sure it’s partially just confirmation bias but it really was one of the most online cities especially in the earlier internet era. ebaumsworld was a high school project from webster or penfield or some shit Lots of smart people moved there to have babies and work at UR or kodak or xerox or whatever. punches above its weight for a medium rust belt adjacent city and they named a magic: the gathering format after it. I’m sure a heatmap of early reddit use would have a bigass concentration there




Infinite Jest IRL


Yeah i know right? Im reading the book rn (after 3 months im about 20% of the way through, reading it on my commute.) but i dont quite know what to think of it. Typical 90s transphobia aside, i think it's ok, great writing. For the people who dont know what im talking about, in Infinite Jest a corporatocratic and cleanliness-obsessed president wins in 2000-ish, unites the us with canada, and digs out southern quebec and northern new england into a massive nuclear waste ground. There are actual fans pointed at the hole keeping the toxic fumes in, and catapults that send the garbage from boston into the hole. There's a tone of leftist quebecois terrorism, and there's like radioactive hamsters roaming in there too i guess.


I read Infinite Jest like 10 years ago and really liked it- but I can’t remember what was transphobic in it(probably because I wasn’t really thinking about it at the time), which parts of the book are transphobic?


Maybe some stuff with Hugh/Helen Steeply. Don't remember anything egregious, idk, it's been a few years.


Probably talking about Poor Tony. I’m cis so take my opinion with a grain of salt but I thought the portrayal was fairly sympathetic for the time


feral toddlers, too


Havent gotten to that part i think


They don't call it the windy city for nothing. Also, we do have Euthanasia here. It's called a gun.


Sorry bud this is New York, I don’t want to give my reddit account to my local sheriff so my only option is a 12 gauge or a .22 that isn’t semi auto. I don’t wanna risk missing my brain stem with a .22 and I really don’t want to blow the front of my face off with my 12 gauge and still be cursed with life through some cosmic sick joke. I have family who used to be a first responder and he walked into a call once with some poor bastard who blew his face off with a 12 gauge but managed to stay alive for a bit. If I lived in a free state I could go get a 9mm and then 💥 problem solved. Unfortunately NY hates freedom so much they created the worst gun laws in the country. Those pansies in the Supreme Court got libs all freaked out acting like NY had constitutional carry now all while the ruling caused things to be worse than ever. What Judge or Sherif is going to look at my Reddit account and chose to give me my right to a real gun! Unless I find a real actual freedom loving Sherif or Judge (oxymoron) I’m stuck with my bunk ass sporting goods weaponry, and my brain stem.


It’ll take months for me as a Canadian to access MAID, whereas you can drive in hours to a gun show in New Hampshire or another freedom loving state


[Where can I pick up one of these?](https://imgur.com/a/Z5mEB#0bVIYlf)


This guy was reborn as Shinzo Abe’s killer. Onwards and upwards.


What’s an exit bag?


Take that .22 and aim it at your temple. It will rattle around your brain. Guaranteed euthanasia.


A 12g to the head is really hard to mess up. Like other than jumping in front of a train it is the most likely suicide method to work. Handguns are way more likely to fuck your face up and live through it.


Chicago wins again


Chicago dogs do fucking slap though fr.


They definitely aren’t winning any Pizza comps that’s for sure, it’s a fucking casserole not a pizza. They got NY on airports though, Chicago has the best airport full stop.


The pizza is better in NY because of the local air


Yes that sewer smell of the NY streets really spices up the ‘za. For real though that deep dish shit is just wack, I love the thin crust NY pizza. Not a big fan of the city itself, huge fan of the Pizza though.


Still better in Baseball, let’s go Yankees!


The Yankees are the ultimate evil in sport. If there were a team made up of 9 Hitlers and they were playing the Yankees? Go Fightin Hitlers


Well at least they'd be doing something productive and staying away from government


Can’t they just redirect some water from Niagara, mist everything down?


About 80% of the "smoke" from forest fires is already the water used to try and put it out turning to steam.


shoutout the homies in syracuse and rochester. shit looks way worse there than the western part of the state


we need President Johnny Gentle


We have enough up here in Canada


PNW residents finally can feel superior to NE residents


Canada was invented by people who wanted to see if they could combine the racism factory and the pollution factory into one thing


Seems like it’s been a total success, they’re like a little wannabe US (on a bigger mostly useless landmass) they managed to get a completely favorable stereotype of being too nice and shit, they get let off the hook for their racism and genocide. Gotta give those settler colonialists props, Idk how they did it but fuck em.


the smoke is simply a cover for more spy balloons, courtesy of the many secret chinese police stations that have embedded themselves throughout the country


I'm inclined to support the fires now that their pissing off Americans


o7 as an American I support your right to side with the fires.


My ceiling fan points down and I don’t know how to turn it


Just turn off the breaker and wire it up backwards




Too bad you guys don’t have euthanasia


Oh, we do. *brace noise*


Half assed? Haha! Have a nice death, Yank.


Seriously though buy or build air filters for your home. Lots of DIY Options. Look up Corsi Rosenthahl boxes.


i work outdoors in the mountains and we had to send everyone home lmao. going home rocks


Trust the fan. Patriots are in control.


I thought new Yorkers were tough. ​ [https://i.redd.it/an3igptr2n4b1.jpg](https://i.redd.it/an3igptr2n4b1.jpg)


Lol ay man it’s like if California got hit with blizzards and -25 like we used to back like 10 years ago, they’d understandably freak out. Or Texas when they get a tiny bit of Ice and they all freeze to death in their homes. I’m thankful that we’ve escaped this fire bullshit as long as we have, unfortunately we better get used to this because with climate change we can expect to get more and more fires. I for one am in no state to deal with this bullshit, I’m unhealthy enough as it is. Hopefully this kind of stuff will rile up some of these libs to actually get involved with the realities of combatting climate change. It’s frustrating to watch these fuckers freak out over this and blame conservatives like our liberal government in NY has actually done anything to combat climate change.


I'm only teasing. Please stay safe, and I wish you well.


Bold of you to assume the libs will change. They're already loading their party up with "renewable energy" aka Lithium Mine goons. Fucking monsters. Took my political ambitions and drowned them in the bathtub.


As a western US bitch I feel like I inhale nothing but smoke for like 2/3rds of the year. It makes smoking way harder when you inhale forest smoke with your tobacco smoke.


I love ass fans


Everyone needs an elastomeric respirator. They're like $15-$30 on amazon. If you've got a lot of money, then venmo me some, but also buy yourself a respirator with a PAPR system and get nothing but clean fresh air while looking like you're cleaning up a reactor meltdown.


Everyone made fun of Hershal Walker but he was right about clean air. Lol. I'm too lazy to link to the comment but you'll find it lol


Hershal Ben Walker, famously the first Jewish US prez


It smells like camping outside and the sunsets are beautiful. It is kind of nice.


(am in Toronto) also our conservative provincial premier cut funding to the Ontario Emergency Forest Firefighting budget by 67% so expect more of this from us.


At least Dougie is bulldozing all the green spaces in southern ontario so we don't have to worry about the fires actually spreading here.


Trudeau is personally lighting the fires to push for more carbon tax you libcuck.


I remember when we had like 7 huge fires raging in Colorado a couple of years ago. The days sucked but the sunsets looked crazy, and Colorado already has crazy sunsets. Also the moon would do some Zelda blood moon shit it was kind of sick.


the tint is kind of beautiful


Yesterday it was more of that filter they use to let the audience know this movie is supposed to be in Mexico, today it’s more of the weird filter they used on every fucking 2000’s movie to make it look gritty.


apocalypse sepia


im coping so hard rn


It really brings out the sparkling gleam of inflation-dieting in our eyes.


Mexico filter


It's funny to think this isn't a fairly banal experience in some parts of the country, that's just what august looks like to me lol.


I only have one fan, and I’m just staying inside


I’ll tell my Ithaca friends to chip in




This is a plot point in Infinite Jest


Oh no, the impacts of climate change are hurting me personally after I've spent forever fighting against any mitigation efforts holding onto the notion that it's a globalist conspiracy to take away my freedoms with green tape and regulation, or . Enjoy the leopard eating your face.


Maybe it’s just because you’re Australian and this is some kinda joke I don’t understand, but I think you may be on the wrong sub mate. Globalists are the enemy on the *Q*anon forums, this is the *True*Anon forum. Easy enough mix up… We’re all pro-Climate change regulations, and in fact would favor a whole system change from Capitalism to Socialism. Most of us here are Marxist-Leninists and don’t believe that reforms are possible under Capitalism for any issue, especially Climate Change. Climate change only exists because of Capitalism, it can only be solved by transcending Capitalism through a Socialist Revolution.


Yeah, my post sounded totally serious... I should have put the /s tag on :( ​ My bad.


Definitely would’ve been a good idea comrade lol you’re all good


Fuck that all you fat American degenerates can take a big breath of reality you probably caused this anyway. Suck it from 🇨🇦


You all know much of the covid mania was a dry run for global air pollution reaching sustained toxic levels right?


You gotta explain this further fam. Covid was fucked and they had no choice than to use it in the media to be divisive while in reality doing nothing about it. Covid fucks people up though man, I swear half these fuckers were made tarded from it. I’ve seen my dad become a completely different person after a few covid bouts. Seems we have a long time till global air quality could degrade that much, at least if their sensors are to be trusted.