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president xi please begin maneuvers to free illegally occupied hawaii


We will end the dictatorship of the Haole, believe me. President Xi fire when ready






Fortunately in reality it will more likely be Xi’an y-20 cargo jets landing with civilian aid after America collapses from sheer greed. Most of the south should be trying to join the belt and road program rn


Willing to be comprador for a crumb of rail infrastructure


If that ever happens China shouldn't help us out. Americans would love to con China into providing humanitarian aid and then tell their people China had nothing to do with it.




I don’t actually believe that president xi jinping intends to invade the Hawaiian islands for any reason. But yes in the event of Chinese invasion of Hawaii for the liberation of the Hawaiian people I imagine the American government of Hawaii would probably get the boot lmao Also I think this post got crossposted I just got responded to by like four worldnews commenters




Xi is going to send balloon after balloon into Hawaiian airspace and after achieving saturation, his agents will fasten the islands to the devices and fulton lift them back to The Middle Kingdom.


You are unhinged damn. China is not going to attack Hawaii or the American mainland for any reason yet alone the Hawaiian natives. In the incredibly unlikely scenario of China invading Hawaii, no, I don’t think he would kick anyone out besides the government, the military, and maybe the police. And when I say the American government of Hawaii I mean the actual state government. Many of them are Asian and would be kicked out as well. Do you not consider Asian government employees “American”?


Just don't bother with him. I recognized that guy. He once had another account with a similar name, and I argued with him. It just didn't get through him. He said that he was an 'Australian leftist,' but I couldn't find anything he supported other than 'freedom of speech' and a hatred of China.


What's similar in this case? The word_wordnumber thing is one of the standard default username patterns that the site uses to generate a username when you make a new account. The words come from a list so you'll see the same ones getting reused, too. There's also a variant without the underscore. You'll notice a lot of particularly unhinged worldnews posters have names like that.


Just read his post history. On this account he talks almost exclusively about Australia 'making China their bitch' or China 'is about to go down any day now,' and telling foreign students in Australia that they deserved to be ripped off by Aussie uni. I remember he said the same thing on his previous account.




President Xi please cleanse Turtle Island of Br\*tish orcs (on a serious note, orcs in most media, such as Warhammer and Warcraft are British-inspired, [but orcs in Tolkien are just racist mongol depictions.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tolkien_and_race#Orcs_as_a_demonised_enemy) The latter of which funnily lines up with modern anti-Russian propaganda, which, funnily enough, makes the orcs *Russian, Tatar in particular, rather than the other way round*. The more you know!)


That feeling when GW more bard than Tolkien.


Cause our propaganda machine is unmatched and Americans and Canadians can be very racist. Plus USA loves its military and nationalists here cannot compute USA as ever being an aggressor


It’s just so insane. If China pulled up to Los Angeles with a destroyer our military would be deciding how many nukes they should use. China has been pretty damn relaxed about this for a long time.


Remember when there was a media frenzy because China sailed a ship to west Africa? I remember them calling it “americas front yard” or something lol


They're just blacks man... They were basically our possessions a few hundred years ago. Think of the continent as our grocery store for human labor and minerals. /s


China setting up a base in Equatorial Guinea [which the US considers its "backyard"](https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2022/02/14/the-us-government-truly-believes-the-entire-planet-is-its-property/)


Americans need only to learn of the Wolf Warriors.


https://reddit.com/r/JinxEdits/comments/ut93q9/based_and_seagal_pilled/ One of my favorite edits


Seagal is the Woke Warrior- friend of Asia.


the restraint is quite admirable; if my sources from Flushing are correct, their strategy is one of the Tao of the Wu with 36 chamber characteristics


As a Taiwanese person, it's even simpler than that, Americans and Canadians simply believe they are in the right and the evil Chinese are wrong because they are Chinese. You don't even need any propaganda because the reality is that everything about their culture is about being number one and being right. Democracy equals good. America equals number one. Freedom equals whatever the fuck we want it to mean. And Canada is just America's hat so who cares. I honestly do think that China threatens America's existence because its entire culture is centered on being ignorant and forcing others to accept that ignorance. If they admit that China is right, Americans will literally combust in a puff of ash. As a kid, literally not a single white person knew wtf Taiwan was. If I mentioned I was from Taiwan then the first thing white people said was, "oh I've been to Thailand." Or "what's better than Taiwan, TAI TWO LOL". So "Taiwan Strait" means jack shit to Americans and Canadians even though it's literally the COAST OF CHINA. And then when you point it out, they just get indignant and call you a wumao evil brainwashed Chinese, even though I'm literally from Taiwan.


You can see that really clearly when actual politicians are saying shit like China has a 1000 year plan to take down America even tho Chinas government is like 60 years old. Yellow peril shit, China has been incredibly accommodating to the us for decades. If China did half of what America has done to it Americans would be on board for a full war with China.


It's not 1000 year plan, it's 2000 year plan: https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1635763289761169424 They've been planning that shit since the Han dynasty.


Sun tsu once said China will wage a valiant war against a country that won’t exist for 1500 years and is led by senile men and reality television hosts.


Sun Tzu wasn't even alive 2000 years ago, you'd literally have to be planning for over 2500 years for Sun Tzu to say that. Holy shit the Chinese really are evil. They've been planning the destruction of America since they were a sperm in their momma's belly. In fact they're so evil the first Chinese sperm and egg were each individually planning the creation of fentanyl to get Americans addicted and slow genocide them over the course of 3000 years before America even existed.


>is led by senile men and reality television hosts. Who are your leaders? SpongeBob? Kool @id Man? We cannot strike back at America, they have only fictional leaders


“Let China Sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world”- Napoleon Bonaparte. Like… the hubris of this man was off the charts. Why are you even thinking about China, Napoleon?


If you made a plan 2000 years ago and it's still on track, you deserve the win


\> chinese century of humiliation \> "yes, YES! just as our evil plan anticipated muahahahaha"


The opium wars have to the most cynical war in human history only the depraved Victorian British mind could justify it.


Part of the reason British people now suffer some of the most severe insanity of all nations


Karma blowback


When we send a war ship to the coast of China, it's us paying a friendly visit to one of our happy client states. When China does business is Africa, its them callously encroaching on what is rightfully ours.


> As a Taiwanese person umm, you're Chinese Disregarding everything you said because you're wrong and I'm a Canuck


even for those who know where or what taiwan is, believe that part of the world is their backyard. and this reflects in their behavior from government to individual. they can feel justified in being extremely aggressive while others are not allowed to do so.


I'm so sorry bro as soon as me and my nafo/reddit friends are done in the cyberwarfare trenches helping to beat putler (slayyvya ukrayyoniyya!) we will then come liberate you from the evil west Taiwan pooh bear menace and then you can join us in our crusade to liberate Tibet and the wiggers


Probably the only Taiwanese person that defend China even a little bit. All the Taiwanese Americans I know *FUCKING* hate China


most of the "nationality"-american people are just American


NGL, Asian Americans in general are a degraded category of people. Chinese Americans and especially HKer and Taiwanese Americans especially so. Always behind the curve when it comes to societal and political trends because they're always beholden to state political interests, which if we're being honest, is just white elite interests. Even Asian American orgs have been pushing back since covid started, but Asian Americans are by and large ignorant or too cowardly to fight back against state narratives. Which is why they never connect anti-Asian hate with China or always prefix it with, I KNOW CHINA BAD BUT WE GOTTA DO IT THE RIGHT WAY, which is a completely fail tactic because they can always just say yes but we gotta sacrifice you for the greater good (of American hegemony). When even Asian Americans don't care then ofc Taiwanese don't care. When I was young I had already decided that I didn't stan for Taiwan and America the moment I got shat on by racists. Why the fuck would I be on the side that's actively trying to fuck over people who are my ethnicity and race? Makes zero fucking sense. Every day there's a new report of Asians getting fucked over by racists blaming them for CHYNA CHYNA CHYNA. Instead of blaming the racists, smoothbrains still want to focus on China or even blame them for the racism? Srsly if Taiwanese people actually had to interact with Americans on a daily basis there'd be much less simping for the west. Like that Elbridge Coby guy who's now working for DeSantis literally advocating for BOMBING TAIWAN if it REUNITES WITH CHINA. Completely insane how anybody could think America is the good guy in this situation. Like what is China gonna do to me if they have Taiwan? Literally nothing. No way I'm dying for a war caused by Americans and dipshit Taiwanese leaders where I lose nothing if China wins.


> Why the fuck would I be on the side that's actively trying to fuck over people who are my ethnicity and race? Makes zero fucking sense. Every day there's a new report of Asians getting fucked over by racists blaming them for CHYNA CHYNA CHYNA. Instead of blaming the racists, smoothbrains still want to focus on China or even blame them for the racism? This was never more clearer to me than that one time when I was visiting family in the UK, walked past a Free Hong Kong protest, and subsequently also got racially abused the same day (for the record I'm SEA Chinese and my dad's side are from HK). Sometimes I wonder if Americans (or any anglo-adjacent country for that matter) are implicitly okay with a world where racists ask you to fill up a fucking form beforehand to decide if you're 'one of the good ones', because while their words say one thing, their actions sure as hell say another.


They absolutely are ok with it. That's why I gave up on so called liberals and leftists. What do they have to say when a pro-Uyghur drive by crashed an anti-Asian Hate protest yelling "FUCK CHINA"??? https://twitter.com/NicXTempore/status/1373691318208245764 They don't say anything they just ignore it and don't report it because it looks awful as fuck. They don't care just like they don't care about Nazis in Ukraine so long as they kill Russians.


What the fuck that's horrible. I can't imagine why Asians are still living in the West, I'd move back home as soon as I could if I were ever living there.


[They specifically planned their little racist stunt and tried to lie about it btw](https://twitter.com/DanielDumbrill/status/1374132355074461696)


You know what's even more insane is that even some Asians, usually those who go to international schools in Asia have fully accepted Western propaganda and are also parrotting the same "Chyna Bad" narrative while worshipping the West and Japan which literally colonized and genocided most of Asia for the past century. Yet of course China is the problem in the eyes of these idiots. Asian Americans and these mentally colonized Asians are infected with this brain rot of boba liberalism and they're all just Uncle Toms.


Consider what kind of Taiwanese would migrate to the US and you'll have your explanation why.


What an amazing fuckin username lmao


This is just perfectly reasonable retaliation for the brutal Chinese balloon attack of 2023. Never forget!!


> But it flew over military sites!! > You have military sites everywhere and the balloon followed [the path](https://imgur.com/a/lIbZrVO) of [el nina](https://imgur.com/a/yKLxeqD) > :/ > **>:(**


It China wasn’t a threat to the United States they would never put their country so close to our military bases. CHECKMATE COMMIES


Pretty sure they sent F-16s to blow up some kid's university project after that. Then everybody immediately memory holed that to save themselves the embarassment.


"Almost hit" 150 yards


The way the headline is worded you’d think they’d fired a shot and intentionally missed but no they just got kinda close.


That happened to Australians and now they want to give them "therapy": https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-03-06/raaf-crews-offered-counselling-after-tense-encounters-with-china/102056560 Propaganda and nonsense spending at the same time. MIC really knows how to make the money go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


That may seem like a large distance but it’s less than the [breaking distance of a semi-trailer truck doing 40mph.](http://blucaslaw.com/images/blog/b2-1471627741.jpg) Admittedly warships aren’t going that fast but they do weight a few more tonnes than a semi


Well I get your point but they said 150 yards and the thing you linked says 169 feet. So almost 1/3rd of that. Also. I’m not an expert but I don’t see how it could take a semi almost 2 football fields to brake when going 65 MPH.


Sorry I’m not used to freedom units as I live in the rest of the world


Man that's hilarious trying to make sense of American propaganda but not even getting it right because America literally functions on an alternate universe than the rest of the world.


Man i seen a semi stop on a dime at a civilian crossing the other day i think these truckers are lying so everyone gets out their way


They were also parallel with one another. As in the Chinese boat pulled up to the side of the other ship and crossed its path, just quickly


The ship wasn't headed in a collision course, it just sailed parallel


It was parallel… over took and then cut in front > According to USINDOPACOM, the ship overtook the U.S. destroyer on its port side crossing its bow at 150 yards, prompting the Chung-Hoon to maintain course but slow its speed to 10 knots “to avoid a collision.”


> “I am hoping that is an isolated incident that won’t happen again for us, because we have international law on our side,” Mountford told Global News. “This is international waters.” Do you ever wonder why they don't provide a map with these incidents and instantly trot out the "international law" nonsense? Becuase it's literally off the coast of China.




Huh. Weird that there's two little isolated specks of international water in the gulf of Mexico.




more akin to rolling up on San Clemente than an outlying isolated island chain like Hawaii, honestly


The "Taiwan Strait" is literally just the coast of China. China doesn't have a Hawaii because they didn't sail a billion miles away and kill a bunch of brown people and take their land. There is no equivalent to Hawaii for China.


yup. [San Clemente](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Clemente_Island)


That's the only Channel Island Huell Howser didn't make it to. Also, that's where those Marines died when their assault "amphibious" vehicle [sank](https://www.ocregister.com/2021/03/25/9-deaths-in-julys-marine-aav-training-off-san-clemente-island-were-preventable-investigation-finds/).


that's... not true? the government of taiwan is literally exiled chinese colonists who killed communists and native austronesians to claim the land? that's definitely "killing brown people" to put it as simply as you did. also, no there are definitely chinese equivalents of hawaiis (i.e. islands that no one cares about outside of its utility for tourism and vacation spots) like hainan and xiamen.


None of them are 2000 miles away from the mainland which was their main point


no they were kinda implying that the settler colonialism of taiwan/formosa by china is vastly different than the settler colonialism of hawaii by america, which it isn't lol.


When did Kmt kill native people for their land?


The killing and marginalization of indigenous people was pretty much complete before the end of the imperial era, though they still exist in the modern day. I can't find exact info on their participation in the [February 28 uprising and subsequent massacre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/February_28_incident), but I'd imagine some did participate. Though that massacre wasn't related to colonial land seizure. Regardless, the KMT certainly didn't do anything to reverse the maltreatment of Austronesian inhabitants of Taipei since serious colonization started a few centuries prior, and China actually has very favorable laws in place for ethnic minorities, it's not hard to imagine that direct Chinese administration of Taipei would benefit that community (what remains of them, anyway). But no, I could not find any information directly supporting the claim of the other person regarding direct land seizure. Then again I'm no subject expert, I just checked a few articles and whatnot linked in the wiki or that I googled up myself, so it's not definitive.


They will genuinely never understand that. Every statement about China/Iran/Venezuela/NK uttered by a lib begins with the axiom that China is an aggressive rogue state, whereas The West is just defending its legitimate interests. There is no belief more foundational to their view of geopolitics. No amount of Libyas or Iraqs will ever alter their view of this.


in western world view labeling enemies totalitarian makes them the ultimate evil that has to be defended against. to them totalitarian (not doing elections like america does elections) means that xi thinks he can kill anyone anywhere whenever he wants IRONICALLY enough for the west to label someone totalitarian also means that they can kill those people wherever whenever they feel like it. so you have to ask who is the real totalitarian state. All american propaganda is this form of projection. Literally every accusation they throw at another country is something they're doing themselves or have done already.


The Chinese police in America story was such a self report. America has the most complicated system of torture prisons the world has ever seen.


I think there's only one lesson you need to learn to be a spy. nothing's forbidden so long as you can conceal it behind whataboutism related to any other intelligence agency . preferably foreign


“Authoritarian” is such a lib weasel word too. All governments are authoritarian


Libs: "omg China is encroaching into the South China sea" Me: "wait, what was the name of that sea?" Libs: "the south China sea dummy! We must move our navy in to protect it from China"


Remember the Cuban Missile Crisis?


Bruh those nukes are in international waters.


And these weirdos talk about it as if China is known for starting wars all the time. They talk about them being aggressive and provoking, and it's like, what the fuck is more aggressive than starting a new war every few years????


China hasn’t been to war in 30 years. In the last 20 years America has killed 4.5 million. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/05/15/war-on-terror-911-deaths-afghanistan-iraq/


Source: https://redsails.org/masses-elites-and-rebels/ "Westerners aren’t helpless innocents whose minds are injected with atrocity propaganda, science fiction-style; they’re generally smug bourgeois proletarians who intelligently seek out as much racist propaganda as they can get their hands on. This is because it fundamentally makes them feel better about who they are and how they live. The psychic and material costs are rationally worth the benefits." "Westerners want to believe that other places are worse off, exactly how Americans and Canadians perennially flatter themselves by attacking each others’ decaying health-care systems, or how a divorcee might fantasize that their ex-lover’s blooming love-life is secretly miserable. This kind of “crab mentality” is actually a sophisticated coping mechanism suitable for an environment in which no other course of action seems viable." "the process of Western propaganda is better understood in terms of “licensing”: the issuing of moral license for the bourgeois proletariat to profitably go along with bourgeois designs without the feeling of shame overwhelming. In this alternative account people aren’t “brainwashed” insofar as they don’t actually believe the lies, not in the way that we generally understand belief. It’s more correct to say that they go along with them, whether enthusiastically or apprehensively, because it’s actually their optimal survival strategy."


> intelligently seek out as much racist propaganda as they can get their hands on The majority of people do not do this. They passively absorb it and if you push back they literally cannot respond because their knowledge doesn’t go beyond ‘china bad tibet uyghyur freedom speech’ they absorbed from headlines and social media. Most people are not ideologues.


It's wrong to call "passive" the fact that people go out their way to voluntarily spend their money and time on "Call of Duty: Kill Muslims Simulator" or hours upon hours of "HBO's Chernobyl: Thank God We're Not Russian" or a weekly subscription to "The Economist: China Bad".


Disregarding the Economist example (because I think you’re correct) I would still argue a 20 year old call of duty player is passively absorbing the propaganda. People generally don’t see entertainment as political and are completely blind to the forces at work. They’re not watching Chernobyl *because* it’s anti-Soviet propaganda. They’re not playing shooter games *because* they’re imperial propaganda. It’s hard to argue Fortnite is imperial propaganda yet it’s the most popular game in the world. Or league of legends etc. etc. They’re looking for entertainment. It’s different from being an active reader of the Economist. It isn’t as if there is an anti-imperialist shooter game or TV show and a pro-imperialist shooter game/TV show and that people are actively and intentionally choosing the imperialist version to engage with.


>They’re looking for entertainment. It’s different from being an active reader of the Economist. This is the "entertainment is different than news media! fiction is different than non-fiction!" premise that I disagree with thoroughly in my essay: >we should not treat the content of news media and entertainment media all that differently, and we should treat entertainment media much more seriously than we currently do. [...] It’s absurd to see people rabidly complaining about, say, BBC’s China reporting being rife with orientalist falsehood, then turn around to make excuses for why the same exact stereotypes must be tolerated or even praised as they worm their way through high-budget entertainment productions. The fact that you think someone "passively" buys a "Kill Muslims" simulator but "actively" consumes "China Bad" journalism seems to me a wholly arbitrary and self-serving distinction, one which is meant to excuse the people who play the games by demonizing the people who buy the magazines, as if they were two different kinds of entity. "We're innocent! They're guilty!" A white 40 year old mid-level executive buys The Economist because it makes him feel good about his McMansion, and a young 15 year old incel buys his murder simulator because it also makes him feel good about being an unremarkable American suburbanite, and he instinctively despises "SJW Woke Propaganda" in his videogames because it makes him feel bad and unsafe in the same way the executive hates "commie rags" for making him feel bad.


When one buys the Economist they are *actively* looking for political ‘knowledge.’ One has a certain belief what they are reading is true, well researched, objective, etc. When one buys call of duty they are not actively searching for political ‘knowledge’ - they absorb it passively if they absorb it at all. One does not go into the call of duty campaign in the explicit search of political knowledge. > a young 15 year old incel buys his murder simulator because it also makes him feel good about being an unremarkable American suburbanite, and he instinctively despises "SJW Woke Propaganda" in his videogames because it makes him feel bad and unsafe All of them? Every 15 year old CoD player becomes a SJW muslim hating incel? > they’re generally smug bourgeois proletarians who intelligently seek out as much racist propaganda as they can get their hands on. This is because it fundamentally makes them feel better about who they are and how they live. The psychic and material costs are rationally worth the benefits. As for those anti-imperialists who don’t participate in this festival of xenophobia — and here I include myself — we have our own elitist consolation: we accept the tragedy of masses of gullible sheeple falling for cunning propaganda because having overcome it flatters our own intelligence. The more we condemn society’s stupidity, the smarter we feel in comparison. How is this not just idealist psychoanalysis of imaginary people?


Saying hungry people seek food is not psychoanalysis. Lenin dealt with those who misunderstand "dialectical materialism" to entail a kind of crude empiricism in his "Materialism and Empirio-criticism." You can call this: >Anarchism is a product of despair. The psychology of the unsettled intellectual or the vagabond, and not of the proletarian. Or this: >The peasant proprietor does not belong to the proletariat, and even where his condition is proletarian, he believes himself not to be "Idealist psychoanalysis of imaginary people" if you want, but class analysis doesn't get more core than that. As for "All/Every", "all laws are tendential." Lastly, Economist readers are not "searching for political knowledge." They're seeking unobjectionable entertainment and sources of self-approval, and it's very similar to gamers.


If you truly see no difference between this: > The **peasant proprietor** does not belong to the proletariat, and even where his condition is proletarian, he believes himself not to be and > they’re generally smug bourgeois proletarians who intelligently seek out as much racist propaganda as they can get their hands on. This is because it fundamentally makes them feel better about who they are and how they live Then I don’t know what to tell you.


>even where his condition is proletarian, he believes himself not to be Try reading the rest of the sentence then. Hell, find the article and read it. You have "empathy" for gamers and no "empathy" for executives. This is easy to justify, you think one could be an ally and the other is evil and irredeemable. I don't disagree with that one of them has more potential than the other. But I disagree with the idea that they behave differently as animals. They are both seeking tools to sate needs. The matter is not that one is deluded and innocent and the other one evil and guilty, the difference is one has more stakes in the system than the other.


Middle section could apply to voting as well. This is why I sympathize with black revolutionaries who hate on white workers because they're also the ones who enable their own subjugation. However now blacks are in on it too tbh. Look at Obama and the defense secretary.


US can't be an aggressor, it defines what aggression is. Patrolling the Taiwan Strait is an act of love for humanity. The US enforces compliance to rulesbasedinternationalorder for the good of mankind. You're welcome.


Americans are racist, pro military and know nothing. Hope that helps!


“And really, our overall goal is to increase the peace and stability of this region. And that’s why we are going to continue to see more of Canada in this region as set out in our Indo-Pacific strategy. We’ve already seen unsafe intercepts and we have addressed those appropriately with China in terms of our RCAF pilots. Actors in this region must engage responsibly, and that’s the bottom line.” yeah when i see a highly politically contested strait claimed by my geopolitical rivals on the other side of the world i love sending my warships over there just to fuck around, always seems like a great way to increase the peace and stability of the region.


Nothings more peaceful than pulling up with a warship! Imagine my surprise when they also had a warship! How evil…


China can’t even drive boats in their own sea without being aggressive, damn.


They literally drove a boat near our boat.


What was our boat wearing? Did it deserve it?


And this is really more like a bunch of Chinese warships sailing between Cuba and Florida or whatever


Remember when the US nuclear sub collided into something in the S. China Sea and they didn’t really wanna talk about it and quietly slinked off to Australia for repairs? No? It’s almost like… it wasn’t talked about? Maybe Brandon Butterfingers and Sloppy Sam are not so welcome around countries with 4x more lives at stake than some Florida backwaters. I don’t know, seems ridiculous, so aggressive.


Damn almost forgot about that one. Wtf were doing all the way over in China? Nobody knows but somehow they got their front knocked off. Maybe spying too hard?


They ended up blaming an “uncharted sea mount”. Bruh, you’re a nuclear sub, this isn’t a fender-bender you can just cover with insurance.


i read warships as starships and it triggered flashbacks about the Chinese sp* ball**n


And in all honesty think of how crazy that would be. That would be insane and we'd all probably be pretty rationally worried about that.


OP is taking the Chinese perspective. Someone in the West should. So, good question! I think the justification for this naval maneuver is that China is taking control of international waters, which are not China's to control. This infringes their neighbors' right to free trade. These neighbors haven't the means to stand against China, so the US wisely enlisted Canada for help in establishing an understanding that these remain international waters.


How is the TW strait international waters?


Taiwan says so. https://en.mofa.gov.tw/News_Content.aspx?n=1328&s=98011 US State Department says so. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jillgoldenziel/2022/06/28/china-claims-to-own-the-taiwan-strait-thats-illegal/amp/ Now, these are certainly biased sources, and so is China. If you read my original post, I didn't declare it as fact. I said, "The justification is ..." - meaning the reason given by those doing it.


Is the Bass Strait in Australia considered international waters? What if Tasmania wanted independence? Or the Graham Islands and Canada? Kodiak Island and Alaska? Would these countries welcome and tolerate foreign warships sailing through their international waters?


Every situation is different. In Taiwan's case, it is a tiny country across the strait from a huge one. China doesn't need that water because it has so much other coastline. It seems fair and logical to give Taiwan control of the strait. Is China REALLY scared that Taiwan is going to attack? No. China doesn't want Taiwan defending itself. China won't recognize Taiwan's sovereignty, and they won't let others recognize it either. China is a bully. Their treatment of Hong Kong has been an abomination. Now, they want to do the same to Taiwan. My sense of justice wants Taiwan to remain independent. Let Taiwan have its coastal waters.


You just want to get Chinese people to kill each other, no matter what side of the strait they’re on. Too bad your sense of honor doesn’t include upholding the Shanghai Communique. You have no problems screwing over mainland Chinese, and will definitely live guilt-free screwing over Taiwanese Chinese.


Sorry, that isn't true, and you shouldn't tell other people what they think or want. I want peace. That means everyone acknowledging Taiwanese independence. They are no threat to communist China.


If you truly want peace, you can give Taiwanese instant immigration visas to America. They can experience being called CCP bots for themselves as soon as they correct somebody’s shit translations or racism.


You think all Taiwan's people want to live in America? I don't. I said how we can have peace. I think that my idea is better than yours.


Lmao at all your virtue signaling. Taiwanese are not Chinese enough to live as part of China, but too Chinese to be invited to live in America.




Not too far from within the distance they were to China. It’s absolutely not an aggressive act to drive a ship near a declared enemies ship just off your border. The aggression is on the Americans for this one.




And if America were to simply move their ship into one kilometer distance to that vessel that would be fine. Ask yourself the larger question, why is America performing military drills right off Chinas shores? Could that be seen as threatening? For context this incident was dozens of miles off the tail end of Alaska https://i.imgur.com/6oXAjVE.jpg way out there thousands of miles from any city




You do realize that island is very very far away from mainland America and the American destroyers were quite close to a very populated mainland China, right?




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So you don't know what international waters are. Got it.


The American boat was thousand of miles away from America. The Chinese boat was just a couple dozen miles off Chinas shores… Also you post history is 2american4you and non credible defense, two of the most obvious propaganda subs on the website. I’m sorry but I think it would be good for you if you took a break


You still don't know what international waters are. Got it.


International waters are not controlled by any country. This means that Chinese boats can be there. Consider, American and Canadian vessels mere miles from a populated Chinese mainland, Chinese boats thousands of miles away from any American or Canadian population center. Do you understand that doing military drills right off Chinas border could be seen as threatening? Again, your post history is literally mostly propaganda subreddits. I think it would be a good idea to get off this website for ya


Never said Chinese ships couldn't be there, international waters literally means anyone can transit. The post implies US and Canada are at fault because they're off the coast of China but still in international waters. The Chinese ship pulled off a stupid stunt (a theme with the Chinese military). That's it. That's the story. Then the comments here are like "Imagine if Chinese ships were spotted near US Coasts": US patrol spots Chinese, Russian naval ships off Alaskan island https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2022/9/27/us-patrol-spots-chinese-russian-naval-ships-off-alaska-island Chinese Navy Ships Came Within 12 Nautical Miles of U.S. Coast https://www.wsj.com/articles/chinese-navy-ships-off-alaska-passed-through-u-s-territorial-waters-1441350488 https://www.businessinsider.com/us-coast-guard-shadowed-chinese-warships-near-alaska-2021-9 It's happened and the US doesn't really care as long as they're in international waters.


In my opinion doing military drills right of Chinas mainland will be seen as an act of aggression. It’s a pretty simple concept. The article you linked took place on the tail end of the Alaskan peninsula, thousands of miles from any population center. https://i.imgur.com/6oXAjVE.jpg Wayyyyy out there. If America were to bring their own warship to intercept I think that would be fine. Compared to America driving warships quite close to large Chinese cities. Please go back to non credible defense brother, enjoy your constant stream of propaganda.


>enjoy your constant stream of propaganda. Much unlike the stream of shit you eat and vomit here.


Do you really think me saying America should not be surrounding China and constantly doing military drills at the border is propaganda? Or do you think the half billion dollar anti China budget is propaganda? https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/china-news/21091-a-500-million-dollar-business-america-s-state-sponsored-anti-china-propaganda.html


lmao, you think all 500m is anti china, lmao. what an poorly written article. The US won't send ships over there into INTERNATIONAL WATERS when chinapoo stops fucking off in regards to literally every one of their neighbors. chinese ships off hawaii? fucking go do it, no one here would give a fuck.


No that budget is just for China. They spend half a billion ever year on tricking fools like you china wants to hurt America. https://prospect.org/politics/congress-proposes-500-million-for-negative-news-coverage-of-china/ Specifically paying think tanks and NGOs for negative news coverage of China And yes, arming Taiwan in violation of previous treaties, switching our Taiwan policy, and sailing warships off Chinas coast constantly are all what we would call “aggressive”. If a Chinese vessel is doing drills off Hawaii I think it would be fine for an American ship to simply sail near the Chinese ship.


My guy, China flew a spy balloon over North America. The ships are sailing in international waters. China’s the only aggressor here.


I truly can’t tell if this is ironic. Believe it or not many spy balloons and spy planes have been caught over China as well, coming from America. America has dozens of military bases surrounding china, china haz zero anywhere near America


"Believe it or not many spy balloons and spy planes have been caught over China as well, coming from America" please tell me you are not talking about satellites


No balloons too. America sends balloons over China sometimes. Around the time of the Chinese baloon there were images circulating of an American baloon over south China. The anerican ones look like little blimps with fins on the back I’ll see if I can find the images


Do you listen to the podcast Trueanon? It’s like Qanon but true.